i.- > ? ^ T.[ J DO N< If you are eoriteMpJatir in'g NOW IS THE TK: of all kinds will be hard much longer and prices ; 1 have a most' complete st< [ varices and \ve are in a pos bill. Our opinion is: Prices sixty driys from now. ' D< !"' ROXBOf 11 *. \LI m i - TT rt. Hp irus ',. . d ' ; : - Sash doors, frames, | ' Flooring, Ceiling Linje, Oemfent f . ! v Shingles, CLa L ' v r .fiz? Mantels, < Paints ; J EVERYTHING TO. BtJj I j Watkin Roxboro, N. C. f PRINCES! I ROXBORO, Advance program from Thnnst ber 1st. i It 1 1 . ' . ADQLPH ZUKQR present* DUCTION "THE LIVE GHO NORMAN KERRY A Param< REALART PICTURES Preaei 9 CHICKEN" " A %omedy dram mount Picture. Added LARRY comedy. 0 : WILLIAM FOX presents D1 IDtfLS".' A romance of th< i hectic life. ? 1 ; MATINEE AT 2:30 P. M. added Mw< I MONDAY ' ADOLPH ZUKOR presents ik TION "THE SIREN CALL"i POWELL, MITCHELL LEW A Paramount Picture ? a A.l.U.t Hi W.1T ' 1 b:y: I- '- - - ' >. WH |: GOLDWN presents CLAH I. BIDES" adapted fram the nc ?. A fioldwyn Picture. Added a I before your eyes). i" ' |" When DhM ? I -r IMiiiui jj 3 Would that .picture be sa ra anything happen to you at ' Photography is not taken I j3L- value is in recording and ho ? 5| tain. Give this serious thoui JL? ; friends. . * l.'- tome tn And let OS ntaki |>:*i 3 _ proud to give your friends. MISS KATIE L. JC 3J'." Mail your kodak films to ?s r . Irt i StlBSf.RIRF, TO . .fdrii;;B*" ' ' ' fe-T. ' . - - rm-p IT DW ig .doing any building or repairSTAKT.. Building material to get if the strikes continue j are stiffening every week. We I sck bought before the late adition to save you money qn your of today -will look like bargains y PF NOW; . i *o JMBBR CO lality Shinglfys BER ? r, Siding, i . , Plaster, iths, Roofing, .??1_*\?t jratea, tile, .. . I * , OHs, etc. . II4> WITH". S & - . -. Bullock -Phone 94 S . ' [ THEATRE| -- s N.C. i Jay Oct. 26th to Wednesday, Novem. ' - i THURSDAY . ' t ! A GEORGE F1TZMACRICE ?RO8T with ANNIE Q. NILSSON and >unt Picture. " ? FRIDAY - 1 rata BE BE DANIELS in "A GAME a fall* of pep and actions.- A Para- ' SEMON in "THE SHOW" two reel ; iATURDAY LtSTIN FARNUM. in '.'STRANGE i primitive forest and of the city's ' . i " EVENING AT 7:15 P. M. a reel comedy. , : & TUESDAY. ^ AN IRVIN WILLAT PRODUCvitH DORDTJFrV nAKI-TOW nivin GTv " r. net one of the now forty one. LOYD COMEDY^-_ :dnesday IE AfiAMS in "WHEN ROMANCE ; ivcl 'WILD FfRE' by ZANE GREY. iCREEN- SNAPSHOTS (The Stud in You Have Your I c Made? | _.v tisfactory to your loved ones, should ?: this time? with sufficient seriousness. Its main r lding that which memory cannot -re;ht. t ou owe ii to your fanllly HTVl ; a picture of you" that you?wiif bo "4 HINSO^, Portrait Photographer, ; >8 E. Main St. Durham, M. G. ' .J . Best results. ? , WE DO JOB WORK ONSflORT NOTICE "?. .... - : TRY-J^?-.. v.. ' * ' .S,*' - %v. *"* -'V" ~ . ' ' - ' ? ?* '? . "HMB-*HB jTHE COLHIER , Roxboro. H- C., November 1?V 1922 X ? :?. !? F Dont you hear them it; Get it ?t ROXBORO LUMBER CO. 1 1?'? : No m,atter how blue or forlorn you C [ may be feeling when our friend Rev. j J. C. Whedbee cells cares go out at the door. We enjoyerw,u.1 ;i. k]n!l:; 11 we" k | 11 end with Miss Ruby Hall. * ? .* * Mr. and Mrs. T. C. BradsHcr and Mrs. ,W. J. Pettigrew spent. 4*?t-Suwday in Burlington, attending the * Tirnwrij^ leVJvsl?? _ , The following rnent last Sunday in 't-.irlinotoii e? ''7c' -tho "evmimd ' TV-wr' ' " oj-1 Mri Q."R.. J MrBT' ' :^ Mrfr. TTII'M.1 If s. ~t hey, r.irJie" Thnhorlnkc"and Mess. W; j? 1 to. Moore ar.J.Tohh'TT Carver. : _Jj SJ*". ? ??? 7- ? iiTTiigggMMM?g!gs?BBea -Met. John Lm+it and .children of; iarun*, Va, spentFtise week at 'thl ome of her parents," Wir. and Mr*. A. Clayton. \s ... *' | Hits Jfell Hunt of .Naruna. Va., pent the week as guest of Miss Lena layton. ?- J . a V TVe tvere glad to have a calj yeateray from our friend Mr. J. G. Hubsrd of the Leasburg section. * "if.- *? * ? ' . Miss Hazel Thompson of Trinity] allege spent several days visiting ! sr parents, Lev. and Mrs. B. C. hompsor.. Mr. John L. Parjter, of Clinton, N. , hap joined The Courier force. .... Mr. Starling of Benson spent the oek end hers visiting friends. .... Mass. James Johnson and Bennie layton of South Hill, Va., spent sev al days in town-last week visiting datives. Mr. Cecil Wilkerson of Durham >ent Tuesday hire visiting its broth , Mr. I. O. Wilkerson. * a a * ?, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Halcro of hap*l Ilill were the week end viai^ ir* of Mr OTsrl \ XT a. -- ?o..m mil). at*. uuiil. ? | NOTICE! SALE OF > PERSONAL PROPERTY. , ?o~? I WILL ON SATURDAY, NOVMBER 18th, at 10 A. M. AT THE [OME PLACE OF MRS. SALLIE 7ILKERSON, DECEASED. SELL T PUBLIC AUCTION, THE FOLOWING PERSONAL PROPERTY, O-WIT: 1 HORSE, PAIR OF MULES, BUGY AND HARNESS, WAGON AND IARNESS. FEED, GRAIN, AND LL FARMING TOOLS. 14 H. W. WILKERSON. th ADMINISTRATOR. REPUBLICAN COUNTY BALLOT ' a* * Solicitor Tenth Judicial District: FULTON 3. McDUFITE ' State Senator jj 17th Senatorial District; fov- . , ?. f tt] A-i i ? -> House of Representatives: >. THOMAS B. DAVIS If v ' , Clerk Superior Court:': C. COPELAND GARRETT iT * Register of Deeds : A. PARHAM CLAYTON Sheriff: * J. GARLAND CHAMBERS * T Treasurer: WILLIAM F. LONG \ Coroner: SAMUEL B. CLAYTON Surveyor: WILLIAM T. BUCHANAN u'~ County Commissioners: COLLIN H. HUNTER H. JONAH WH1TT ROBERT D. BAILEY d.?Pd. by C. H. H. I NEW | Home | Sewing I Machines The Best - ffl Made B I Soldlty | I Tlie I | Newe-feJB, Jewelers B j v - f, , * . f GI 1 the C AO Right now i3 the time ti gj struggle to keep up your aj H Right here is the place to W bine snap, service and style tgj clpthcs, it is a pleasure to w H- . It will pay you to trade 1 Wilburn & jjj^ ~~f ROXET I Hides W anted * ! ; ,g'.' 1 We want Hide* of all kjnds, dry and green, and will pay i the HIGHEST CASH market price for them. JUST RECEIVED CAR! load of aatt which we are offering at attractive price. [ jnat in big shipment of Flour and Ship Stuff?see ' us before you buy. ?I Th 1 > n | manks & j Morris mm HI Ware ROXBC Is now open and wil Saturday and Sunday j Tobacco the Old Cash I] is the best constructe< Carolina or Virginia? a house can b? bnilfr' I for man and beast. . Our sales the past \ erything on the floor b - j?if you want the j HIGHES come to The New Hyc 1 iRememher. The N< ; cry sale day regardles j I say. Try us with a load 2 |?home with, the CASh -I ?yourprices. , IRespec ; W. T. PA ~h' '* -.. 5?' ' .

Id Suit I lance I 3 quit making "the old suit" ijc jpearance. _ ' i get that new suit, that "com- fe It is ecqnomy to buy good ig ear them. ^ j| with us. * P eai RY IT. : Satterfield ? >K0, N. CT ?1 1 I Look J ^ s When in RJoxboro and jig ? want meats, yon can't beat ?3 a our-meats. We eell tHe choice ? of the best brands, in a |? n ij ? few?*? ^ ' ' em ;. , Oj "? Day your Cattle R5t I H Hides also. , ' ?*?'' "", .iTr'*ra S, Our Service is at your .jg g disposal. Use it often. Telephone 175. p MOORE'S MARKET. I K. Moore Manager. |f? jp Jail Street. <:w CO house >RO, N. C. 1 be every day, except * , for the sale of your way. The New Hyco. 1 warehouse in North -as near fire proof as I.very accommodation veek averaged for evetter fKah ' $35.00 ~ and., ~ - I | ; HP nftinr* i rniLL :o, at Roxboro. ;w Hvco will sell ev-^ s of what others may 1 and we will send you J?n*ul satisfied?with?, i, = tfully, " : . . SS &CO.