J. W. NOELL, Editor and Pnblis , ' " f VOL. XXXV W DEMOW LANDSLIDE : I'ERSON COUNTY SOLIDLY* DEM- ] '.! ocRAtic.:: - , y> Sweeping Democratic Victory for North Carolina. New York Democratic. ' ?o- ( Yesterday wa^ truly a Democrat- | ic day, not only in this County, but c in the State and Nation. In. New ; York the. Democrats swept til; State, , \ : while in^ Ohio it looks like they may "J ' have won even in that State. How- ,, ever, Ohio is s'till in doubt. While [ M - ' 'Congress will remain Republican it , r? will be with a very mmh reduced . majority. * J -ts to County affairs, and tllat is j u r.ere wo are most interested, sne j * swings "back solidly in the Demo- j cratic column, every office briny fill- , od by Democrats for the next two years. Everything passed otf quietly, ? though there was some of the best , work done we have ever seen, as , evidenced" by {Hi fact that old, rock , ribbed Republican EaBt Rotfboro and Holloways Went Democratic. j The voters given heje are not of ? ficial, but will be very near cprrect when the official count'is taken. We t give only the majorities', but will give ^ a fuller report in our next issue: j For the Legislature: W. A. War- . iert 955. T Clerk of Court: D. W. Bradsher 662. I Register of Deeds: W. T, Kirby j. , t Sheriff: J. Mclvjn Long 560, ^ Treasurer: B. G. .Clayton 594. ( ' The following is the vote Tot Com- ^ tniaaioners: , B. F. Hester 1853.'W. H. Harris . 1669. D. M. Cash 1630. C. H. Hunter I 1274. H. J. WWtt 119# and H.'K { Bailey 1185. Average Demcratic majority 499. ' ! The average majority for the en- j tire Democratic ticket was 560, and it is thought the State ticket, with Maj. Stedman and Mia}. McLendon ' will be around 550. AN APPRECIATION. I want to take this method to thank the good people cf Person County for the vote of confidence they gave me yesterday, and to say it matters not what your politics may be?re- } gardless of whether you voted for i ' me or not, that if I am needed for " any duty at any time, day or night, by Democrat or Republican^all you will have to do is to notify me. I am ^ elected as your Sheriff an? "your ^ Sheriff I intend to be. As far as in ^ my power I expect to do rrty~duty by ^ 'all and it will be my^ pleasure to ^ aerve you* , ^ ' ~ Very truly; a J. MELVIN LONG. J A CARD OF THANKS. I wish to express ray most sincere thanks to the good voters of this ( . -lr County for their lfearty and loyal ^ support given me at th^ polls Tues- , day,, and if there -is ever a time that j I can be cf any service to my friends j regardless of their politics, religion ? or creed, J can assure you it will be ( a pleasure. My motto shall be to . serve all humankind to tho best cf my ( - ability, and when you come to nox- , 1 boro X Want you to feel that you will ( V - always have a li.-arty ami cordial I i welcome awaiting you at the .Regis- ' tor of Deeis office. Again Ranking 11 ('; you, I am i K ' Yours very truly, r? \V. T. Kirby. j AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT, p There was a serious automobile ac- ' | cident on the read leading to Bushy Fbrk, near tfJj residence of Mr. .lohn L Tlennv last Sunday night. Two mafc chtens -ran together in which two of !- ,.~~"*the parties were [.ainfulTTT "Tf~n.1tp seriously hurt. Mr. Saunders" of Fu quay Springs was driving a Rdick.' i . with him the Misses Parker, the otH |, . er machine, a Pord, was occupied by; Mr. Barrett and Miss Chandler, Miss Chandler Xrivihg when the accident: happened. Misses Chandler and Park-' : er were injured. THe ladies were-! ? brought to Boxboro and are still at' if the,Jones-Hotel. ... I .. ? r . " CARD OF THANKS. {? X wisll ?" thank cne aryl all of Pef-I . son Copnty who gave me a subscrip-: [> tion to Thg Courier to help me win f. *-prize, expecinlly those of Jalong. \ r - . . ' oxbo ; Home First, Abroa '. sv - . * . . ? . 3, NORTH CAROLINA IS. OSCAR WINSTEAD WINS CHEVROLET SEDAN Mrs. Cleve Wagstaff Wins Edison. I * rjxi'Ov E_1 ihet ' ROXBOR< MUTE V 4_ i Nq.. we did not hold Sack this issue for late election news?first news received wSs good; enough, bqt the dectric mouth piece to our melting iot went back on us Wednesday evming THAX53 ALL. SOCIETY NEWS. Tib Friday afternoon Pleasure 3lnb met with Mrs. L: M. Carltpn ast Friday afternoon at^ her home . m north main street. The^hoiise was j r^xy attractive with its summer-and mtnmn flowers. Six tables were ? )laced for the same of Boston Rook. Che hostess assisted by Miss Mary \ jce Crowell served ice cream, cake, ; ifter - dinner coffee and salted nuts * o the following: Mesdames W. F~ 'l -ong, J. A. Long, M. RL Longr W. D. * ? kle^-itt, A.M. Burns, E. P. Dunlap, ^ r. W: Noell, T. W. Henderson, H. S. 1 iorton, W. T. Long, G./W. Kane, H. ] Y. Newell, Brace .Newell, Geo.jGabiless, G. W. Thomas, .S. A. Jph?s?. J'. ). K: Richmond, W. C. Rjalloek, J. D. Icrrris, O W. Armstrong, Hugh Vcods? Frank Brim ?f banford and ^iirses Evie Long, Mary Harris, Eli- ( ahoth "Graves of Ya^ceyville and \ tlary Lee Crowell. i ??O -rr * J 7Trs. L.M; Carlton was again hos- , es3 Friday Evening in.honor*-of her touse guest and bride elect, Miss < Elizabeth Graves of Yancey ville. j tahlea?xveae placed for bridge , md concluding severed Interesting | ;ames, an ice course, coffee with /hipped cream and nuts were served | >y the hostess and her daugHters,' "j tiisses Margaret and Mary Shuford. , Che tallies and favors were attracIve bridal effect. Mrs. Geo; "Gunning- j ram-of Cunningham wa* also-a do- , iirhtfnl pupst for the occasion. Those . laying: were Misses May Hardy, Pristine- .Julia Carver of Idtfgemorft, Mesdames! E. V. Boatrright, A. M. Burns, M. E. Newome of Durham, W. S. ""Clary, Jr., rtr* and Mrs. M.*R. Long, Mr. and tlrs. J. A. Long, Mess. R. P. Burns, Vrthur and Willie Carvet of RoOgo nont,. Morris, and Dr. J. H. Hughes. Mrs. T. B. Woody delightfully enertained the Bridge Club on Tueslay night. Chrysanthemums were ittractively arranged in vases and silver baskets. Four tables were )laced for the game and after playng for an? hour Mrs. Woody, assist>d by Mrs. Crcwell; served a salad curse with after dinner coffee. THose .njoying Mrs. Woody-s hospitality vere Mesdames H. W. Winstead, M. I. Long, E. V. Boatwright, W. S-. 'lary, Jr., S. A. Jones, L. M. Carlton, I W. Noell, A. M. Bums, H. S. Mar-, on, I. O. Wilkerson, E. Ebarman,^ P. , C Miles, the house guest of ftfrs. \Tiuaoa Mnrv P.rou*elL MflV r\ llson, ETiESrtJ^thHNoell?smd Miss frown of Norfolk. Mrs. T. C. Brndsher was hostess j ] n Fridav afternoon to the Review Club,. when the. lesson lbur was do- , oted to Switzerland. Current items ( vero given in response to roll call. V'r3. Otis Wilkersicn led the study asscn, with Mrs. T. W. Pass reading, ( h? "Prisoner of Chillion." At the dose the afternoon the hostess , issisted bv Mts. B. G. Clayton served n salad course and coffee with A'Kpped cream. The members present were: Mesdames. I. O. Abbitt, Dti's Wilkerson, F?. E. Thomas, A. Vf. IVajren, H. L. Crowell, T. B. Woody, B. C. Thompson, R. H. Gaklev, B.'G. Clayton, Jtimt;s Burrows, T. C. Brc cks, T. \V. Fass.y Lillian Fore* I iVil'-u: rt^nd S. Qj Win?tead. ^ NE.YT SUNDAY AT THE EDGAR LONG MEMORIAL. j ?o? 11 A. M. Prof. R. L. Flowers ot Trinity Ctollege will speak. EveryI ...T,-. .Kat L- y.uq Prof?FlllW- . ers and likes to Wear him talk. 7:00 P. M. Sermon by the Pastor, , subject: iThe Saving Name.'1 Thcec >111 be the last services of this Conference year and it would be delightful to have all our people at- j tend them. JJ. B. HURLEY, Pastor. ; hand shot off. had the misfortune to lose a tinnd by the accidental discharge ot hi* Jfdll last night. He was returning from a deer hunt near Clarksville when tit: j _ : . . judges canvass votes And certify results: We, the undersigned Judges in The r.'jxboro Courier Contest have, count-. M all the votes of all. the candidates found in itfo ballot box an.1 find the :orrect count to be as follows ij VOTES. Mrs. Oscar Winsteaa 15,232,916 Mrs. CNc Wagstaffl 11,692,500 Miss Mary Sue Snipes ' 177,230 Mrs. Zack Clayton 714,600 Dr. Coleman 364,750 Eugonc Conrally 108,500 Mrs. Coquella Mcnijay ,103,000 Mrs. Luck Levister 57,000 W. L. TAi'LOR.~ . F. O. CARVER * ' D.S.BROOKS W. W. MORRELLr The foregoing record of the vdtes last ip the Courier'e great subs-ripdon campaign tells.'the story. It repeals the splendid quality of 3alest, nanship which has characterised the iv:rk of the leading candidates. We wisb the many readers of Th? ~curier could realize as we do the .mount of actual worlfdorie and the tuqfber of prospects interviewed by :he workers in this campaign^ \The candidates have Remonstrated the "ability that .would qualify them for entering any selling campaign ivith every assurance of success. The management of this newspa[>er and tlJi campaign manager are it a .loss for Words to express their ippraciation of the splendid spirit' shown-by the candidates botfi to them and to their competitors ttfe race for first prize. These candidates have adhered strictly to the rules and Have not in any way sought to take advantage? Other they have each made it easy to carry on the campaign:Jn a fair und impartial manner. And n >\v that it is alh over and the rv.*ord has been scrutinized by the Judges and their repo&t signed, tbire is cause for Congratulations to be extended to each?andidate. The vote shows each canJidate have numerous friends who jladly gave them their subscription ir^order. their fotuurite might ...win the first prize. If it could have been pos ?ible "for tlJe friends of the candidates to know how many subscrip:ions it would have taken to win first place in the final count, no doubt the friends of any of the candidates required to put their fJvorite over. The Courier has increased its subscription list even beyond what we xpwtad' w 1.1 .Mi'thc~ campaign was launched. We now have the entire rounty covered and on every rural route as well as in parts of the adjoining counties and small- hamlets we have secured many new subscribers. That, was oiTr purpose. We ' be? lieve in the Courier. We feel that it i? a newspaper that should go into every heme in tHis section. Our subscription Campaign was launched in trder that by giving these valuable prizes we would be able to have "every section cf this community worked by solicitors trained by the Campain Manager to solicit subscriptions in ? manner that insures success. As we stated, the results have been all that we could desire. We wish to Lake tH'.s means cf thanking each candidate and the Judges and the subscribers -nnd anyone who in any way* has helped *'to make this campaign the grand success it has beer. We weuld not he true to ourse'f if we closed this story without saving hat t)fc success of ttfe campaign and the smooth manner in which, it wag wfys ihii' in'the vary marlrnd ability of oOF Campaign Manager M#* Chag, H. Kerns, who is not only in a class u u: lr .. s ...Ui SJy onuficn as it suuserijiiduu. expert "and~campaign manager, hut s moil courteous and thoroughly re liable gentleman as well. NOTE OF THANKS. We wish) in this way to expres! our gratitude To- these of out friendi who aw?p? so thoughtful and kind U us during the richness and death o our ofUntT. \*l!' -i|i|ji ill inte' - i-vetj Ctiuricsy extended to u? during thej' trying hours' " -< ' Mr- nod M J; W. feetfp-rstop ' '" " to $ id ISIext. ______________ . i., Wednesday Evening Is SALES AVEBAGED TUESDAY $39.15 Nearly Quarter Million Pounds Sold ,fv ~r Last Week. ' n| Tobacco continues to come into the. cpen market freely and the prices era holding firm. The beef'sales last week were made .on Tuesday when the entire sale averaged $89.15, though the entire sales for the Veek were only a few ilollars under this good sale, averaging ttJc week $86.50. Forty dollars is a mighty good price for tobacco, and the farmers are happy over such prices, but many good loads can bo singled out where The farmer has averaged well above three figures. It looks now as if this will be' another banner^ year for the Rcxbcro market, _bottJ ip orice '^md "pounds, for the high prices, received cn '.his market is attracting tobacco hero fr&nj a large scope' of country, both from North" Carolina and Virginia. Po3tibly,the fact that this New Hy,co .is just about the last word in warehouse accommodation. may ac-' count in a measure for some of the tobacco coming to this market, for there is not a better built, more comfortable or more conveniently arranged house anywhere, and the manager, Mr. W. T. Pass, enjoys an enviable reputation as a tobacco man. ???o~. *SCHOOL NOTES'. " _ THi Teachers' Assembly meets in Raleigh, on November 29th and 30th and December 1st. Teachers who attend will be excused from teaching to atand the last two days, and we want Person County to be present 100 per cent strong. There are 86 white teachers in the county and we want every one of them to join tfi? Asesmbly and Tf you nave not already done so send in your dollar to Miss Louise Thompson, Roxboro, N. C. ak once so that you may have a vote in the Assembly. Important matters are to come up that will effect the teachers, During the Assembly there will >be another Spelling Contest in wHich each county is allowed to send two representatives?one from the rural schools and one from the town schools. One pupil from each school '"-the .county will be allowed to* spell in the Preliminary Contest to he held in - Roxbero at tH? -Graded School Building at 10:30 o'clock Saturday morning November 25th. Th~e~ words will be taken from the New World Speller, Book 2, Grade 7, and the words will be written in the contest, each pufril furnishing his own writing materials. Pupils to be chosen from the 7th. and 8tH grades down. Don't forget to be present at Teachers2?Meeting?Novemher. 18th. and be prepared on the lesson in "Successful Teaching in Rural Schools." Meeting begins at 10:30 A. M. in the Graded School Building. Please do net neglect to send in the names cf all cripples in_. th? county. tl. A. DKHni. 0- ?: HUNTING A GOOD INVESTMENT? j In this issuit is an advertisement for the sole of some farm lands in til splendid Uunnningham community". These farms are among the very best?productive, among good l neighbors and altogether desirable, besides there will be sold ouite a number -of good building lots which nre destined tc become very valuable. Look the ad up, read it and be on' hand on the day of sale, Saturday , Novemhpr 11th. TO MY FRIENDS. i I wisH it was possible for me to I meet every one: of vou personally l??e ...... f-r many favors - shown me dpring The Courier coni test. No one ever had more loyal : supporters andl desire to return ray t sincere thanks for your manv kind nesses. fitest assured-1 ehnli not for. get those favofs. , ' Youfs. sincerely, MRS. OSCAR H. WINSTEAD. ' i? , ; FORD STOLEN. 1 On Thursday of the fair some one o stale tHs Ford car belonging to Mr. f .R Slaughter. It was a new car '! and is. quite a loss to hfr. Slaughter. * So far .he liaa not, been able to get . the slightest clue as to whb stele :jth^ car. ^? * ' *! onth ' . .. i - t$1.5 November 8th, ).922 CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW f A (illEAT SUCCESS. ( The chrysanthemum slfjw was a great surprise to us, for we did not think there were very many of these beautiful flowers here this fall. But, j my! You should have seen that exhibit bj> tWi?ladiea at the -Edgar . Long Memorial Church last Satur- j day. It only coat a dinie, but it was uell worth many dimes. We are glad to know the ladies realised a hand- ^ some sum, something more than a ^ hundred dollars, net, for their trou- 0 Me. " " w The following were the prise win- j, nt": ? "r- f. i'or in> largest yei:ow, airs. vv. 1. IW . ' t] For the largest white, Mrs. W. T. _ Pass. ' For the largest of any other color, j" Mrs. R. B. Smith,?> For the host collection, Mrs. E.- G. ? Thompson. . ; j . For the best specimen plant, Mrs. ^ Apnie Day. ' *>'" For the prettiest vase, Mrs'."W. T. Pass, , * 'For the handsomest vase of any ';ind of cat flowers, Mrs. W. T. Pass. Tho oremiunis were presented by Mrs. Margie Jlerritt in a few wel' n chbsan wocd? and in such a mariner t; that each contestant felt Ihey had ir been especially honored in exhibit- * inp. . ? To the judges, Mesdames J. W. si Noell, E. Ebcrman and Miss Hattie tl Iturch, the ladies requested us to say y though tbe task was a hard one c every one felt" that their decisions h were just and impartial and wiah k -to thank them for their painstaking: f efforts. * t* The ladies have arranged to make ^ dexire tH?t every ledy In the town- b .make an,effort ta have an entry for f the next occasion. * r' 0 a MISS HAVEY BECOMES BRIBE OF W. I. BOOTH. J - ' The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. t Harvey was the scene of a pretty but quiet marriage -on Saturday after- ? noon, at quarter past t^o o'clock, when their daughter Melba Wilton became tHe bride of Mr. William Irving Booth of this city. The home was c beautifully decorated in stately. 8 palms, cut flowers and soft lights. 1 As Mrs. H. W. Ayers played the wed- } the younger sisiter of the bride, entered. She wore a blue frame velvet * and picture Hat and carried an im- 0 mense bouquet of butterfly roses. The groom entered with his brother, Mr. Silas Booth and was met at the alter by the bride who was given in mar- f riage by her father. J)r. James M. li I Shelbourne performed-tHa ceremony, t The bride wore a suit of- brown par- p "Tgloine-trimmc-i with henver fur A c shower of brides roses and lilltes of c I the valley. Immediately after the p ceremony the couple left for a norths p em trip. On their return they will I reside ^temporarily at 247 West Main v 1st. r 1 On Friday evening at 8:30 the im- 3 mediate families and a few very elose ? I friends were" invited to tHs home of t the bride" to cut the wedding cake, c The dining rcom was beautifully decorated in ropes of smilax, pink poses j and crystal., candle sticks tiodl. in white tulle. A dainty' salad course f was served followed by an ice course. . The ices were suggestive cf she oc- ( casion.?Danville Register. ?O ' t HROOKSDALE VISITS * s THE CO. HOME. f On Friday afternoon N'ov. 3, a del- c egation from the Brooksdaie Methp- " dist church visited the county home, Ttrtri tock witH them many good things to eat, such as pics, cake, fruit, and ' sutorttr?After this had been passed it .in I .uwawp the mwwMm hi ..null ered in the yard and sung a few of ; the oltf hymnsi Rev. J. C. Whedbec t made a very short appropriate' talk; 1 busing his remarks on .tile fourteepth < B. Brooks made a very ftsling pray fVe i-SMfl. away hoping that we had J been instrumental is carrying little ] sunshine and comfort into tbe lives " of those poor unfortunate people.? J." ' ' Whan your feet call for. good SHOE^ direct them to Wilburn ? S itteffWd, . ^ > . - - It. ??I? ? * iO Per Year in Advance ~tNo. 43 JO-BP MARKET MORE ACTIVE I any Farmers of the Asso. Delivering Now. Last week was a gcod week with ie Co-operative 'Marketing Associaion being probably the best week of jc season. The Association members avc not been rushing their tobacco it the market but .from now on you 'ill probably see ti'e Co-op houses all to overflowing. It is impossible ar tis to tell what prides are beinlg aid at the Assoc into n houses, for lay w'ill not know what they have veraged until* the*-aeascn has closed nd the tobacco sold. However, there . i. one thing.ve;y positive, and tHat i. .the members are highly pleased ith the workings of the-Association. Though forts of the Associaon much tobacco will be handled n this market which otherwise btilS Trcve gone elsewhere. A PROGRESSIVE. SECTION. We thought we were >familiar-with Imost eveTy foot" of this good Coun7, but a few days ago we drove out jto the country, passed by the proressfve; Bushy Fork High School nd on towards tHe Old Hester Store action. If you have not been through Hat immediate section very recently ou will hardly recognize it. On evry hand you will find handsome new omei, and others on the way, well ept* lawns, witK an abundance of -' * lowers, and more cattle we believe > tHe farm than any section of the -ounty-w That section has long been' nown for its fine tobacco, but toacco is n6t the only thing they *!?'. . ? aising. Just drive out that way, the oads arc excellent and the people re among the fn est on earth: richlaSds farms. A few days since we drove oat to he Richland Farms to see a potato touse which ? the proprietor, Mr. W. I. Blalock, had completed. The . House s built after the most modern fash)n and, best"of all, it was pretty well jlled with potatoes which he was uring. This is the proper mode for; aving sweet potatoes and this wine wHin they are bringing fancy iriices Mr. Blalock will' have some of he very best with which to supply he market, rie harvesied 170 bush- ??^ Is, and we.doubt if he had an acre Vf land wWicH will pay him better. AN ENORMOUS YIELD. The office was honored by a visit rom Mrs.. Ethel Oakley of Tifnberake a few days since,'and she was elling us of a very unusual yield of .1 eas. A pea vine came up in the field f tobacco and she cultivated it-very ^refully witW the result tnat she ? ticked from this one vine 460 dry tods of peas. The vir\e was very 4 ^ arge, almost as large as her wrist, nth some of the "pods ten inches ong. Now, this is some - story, but * /A-l.l niftnc U'rtrnon irs. wanii-) is ?i md besides her word she assured us hat theTe were a number of witnesss as to this wonderful yield. \ THE CO-OP'MEETING FRIDAY. In the Co-operative meeting last Friday there seemed to be a inisinerpretation of whut I set out to say and I desisted) of which I shall not ittefnpt here to discuss but will say hat tb3 pttrties that I referred to in'd myself have not failed 'to. pool ivery loaf of tobacco that we have >ut oq the market this season and >ur purpose is to continue to do so. Signed, * ' * | G. E. WOODY. IOUR FOR EVENING r - SERVICE CHANGED. Snn.lnv the hum- for evening rervice was changed to 7 o'clock. itis is a half hour earlier all will tindly take noticp. This, as we unlerstand it, applies to all of tho ~ 1 11 , J * ORPHANAGE SINGING CI.A8H. r The Oxford Orphanage Singing rVan? will pay its annual visit te itoxboro on Monday, Nov. 27th. Remember the date and let's give them ,* tlfe best house ever. FOR SALE, 2 month' old pigs and 75 lb. shoots, going at buyers prices. Will. Fdrbush, Roxborp' Cdtton Mills, i:< > ' N ' Upd. ^s.

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