PUce 6 t CANDCc ~ ^ - to m ;" .. imr A Strong Light Renders Contents ol ?c ,art'<5 by the Unh?d Statos .Dapartnjent i "Z .. . ,wf Agriculture.) Do you liqow hor to tell-the quality of an egg without 'breaking ''he shell? All- j*on need is n pasteboard box with' . a bole rVi lnelics In dlqmeteri a strong llglit such as Is furnished' by a lamp ' J-':'.- - ' 11 -Lp' - JRi' "JjJfSM" ' ' ^ .. Making' Uao of Pasteboafd Box. and the egg. When the egg - is_ held close against the hole the strong iljght renders its contents visible? and its . quality Is intiirjtvd l?y the appearance PROMPTLY CAN FRESH VEGETABLE OR FRUIT If Permitted to Sta'nd, Bacteria j " Have Chance to Multiply. product wr.tch is Unduly Soft, Overrtpc, Partly Mcldy or Decayed, Withered or Bruised,-. Should D'e Carefully Discarded. ' (Prepare.1 by : i : <>i ' Aki ! : Many ;of tja* (>ik\e;\u .which fohtn heat-resistant ; -;v:. ,.iv roi.u.*!-in-.im soil, anil .ihus ? '? likely i?) oc*jir upon .ill*- ?ur<.? : fi bud. vimtables. If ria--' proda.-u t -.n:l i\ r some <'aysv: or ?H . at*.*, ... : picked, ilia Villi Ktat s^.1 >le^ri... pc . of Agriculture ..;.i ~ .? teria id I ivi? .? 10 r.-..: ij .y. which thbyk ?lhl net. -::w- v?T?ftw"rktr; fmltft f?r. rt'i :a; ; s v.e;y ruTv;u- in the. field, jtv.uen, or orchard. W'lipw packed or ;T, "ii i?>c:-il;er, till? vegetable ur fruit Trrrrtv-nnty-.in U -*vr?U4Veveti if st-red in u comparatively cool place. Thus these huvterin wflt .be supplied wirti jiU'- the -condif iirffs that most favor their rapid development? tv&rmtli, topisrure. - darkness* nnul r.ti ; abundant food supply.. The result ij rapid growth and development Or se^J era! new erop^-off bacteria. I2viUe.n'tly, j ' "then, our chances of success in tha_. effort to hill nil the bacteria and their . cue v'?ifu"? pryvv-su ?m IHmuch less than if,the perfectly fresh . vegetables or fruit bad been {irom.ptly 1 -canned. For similar reasons. no fruit or vegetable which Is unduly soft, over-ripe, , partly moldy or decayed, withered, or braised, should he canned. Most of these conditions mean that there Ls j already present an unusually large numher tif those microorganisms which have caused or aggravated the undesirable condition of the fruit ur vege- . table. In rase tif brutsimr or oyersoft- I neas, the injured or dying ph\nt tissues-] have n very low-resistance to 'mererial' I attacks, conneoueutlv thh bacteria I grow niuch more rapidly thfy. would , ">. otherwise be passible. There is ar.ot her reason why speed ia iruperittlve' trKett'handling -tin * v.^ perishable iu-otli;cis! Tlitjre nib prtfiF jf;.'* all plant, as well as- animal tis' nues, certain Stihsttncca called - entyhtd; which h:>ve power to pro !' '. doce very groAt Char yea in the lis. xuea, Independently''"of the chana.es I.," ?MiTnnr.hr by . the - <>vvn> ?rf. i .-i.-p - in The apple. na -'itsripens, b^ouWs Ifrss i starchy Ami more sweet. because l'ts 1 L. ? angat* forming transform ljie ' at arch to ; at the -arne tlnio. j other enxytneS cau^ir the disappear-price of the acid? of^ the-greon ??i?pie. | ( ah ripening progresses stiti; -farther, i L Unofbec 'set erf enzyme** brings about ; ibe Bofteninfiunf the ccdi^yrntTs" whjeh \ rrtuilla In linyga. and still t?rotheH p .. Wit ciiu.es nt^srWinrt disnpiTnrnr.ccr I hr.'l ? , ?~ SHIPPING I THEY ARE FRESH ' ' -1 >%.. m'' ' n ... ||| )|| I:.-., ' ' ' 1' . ? . '' ' * ;g Viaibla and "Its Quality If. Indicated.of tbe yolk* Hie white ntod the air dpace :if fcnd; I'y comparing' the v?s? with diiiihfl famished by the United Stiltes Department of Agriculture lb jpepartiuent Bulletin I?l, It is possible tovleurn the exact conaitiou of an c?rg before It Is broken. Candling Sy Housewiff. Testing eggs by candling, as It is called, may not only be used by the hojjattvife in. obtaining frSsli eggs for hey table but has also proved to be [ commercially practicable in preventing [ loss by separating for?local consumpItlon, eggs, that, because of cracks, ! wetness, incipient spoilage, and other defects, are likely* to spoil In ship* ment.- *SucE": eggs ure suitable for lwj mediate use but x^ill not stand shlpj ping. * I Candling Saves Charges, Candling as "near as possible to source of production will not only save transportation and storage charges for the farmers who wish to buy unci sell on an accurate quality basis but will prevent the loss of a valuable food product. This method of-conservation was tried out duting the World war and the results have been so gratifying that many states have made It a permanent feature of their food-control work. Popartiiem hu] h?t1n .11. which con"tains these Charts, may be obtained from the Superintendent. of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., "fur *0 cents. of the sugar,- >*o that the "dead-ripe*1 apple Is no. longer as sweet as it was. Kqunlly important changes of one sort or another take place'in all fruits and -vegetables during ripening. Ia some actively growing products, such as young: green peas, asparagus, and $wSet corn, these enzymes work with exceeding niptdlty, and sweetness is lost with on vh, succeeding hi}ur that passes after, they are gathered. "One Hour From the Field to the Fan." Is tin excel lout slogan for home s.'Minor*. esr -ciiVlly when canning that difucult ail products, corn. I:- u?!i>! li ??t as a wcjil i: g guide would do wuc'u to i; .prove-1 ho. quality and I: - i;r- the safe-keeping of canned product*. 1 ' GAVE SEWSfiGI TIME j *. . " ? KJ** Jr a wottiftR'a'ttaft. sevlns at ? 5 ! '. : ';0 is. WO:- ! "n ohts .an hour. J: . ? ami !f,'ihroug!jiJ nrnln : t) make z "X ' 'roujidafJaii rr'onu rwnrdtr.r? \ s to the Fiiitod es l* -partmenr 4 ' f__ Agriculture* * site wives' an X X hour ? r more of ttoie each sew- * ?X?tug liu.v. the I'm 1? *pnn-n in two?fc? s rr.itiiii.g chtssfig hr I) ir.kUn. couh- *? * ty. Mo., who saved a total of -ids * * hours after thev had studied 2 i I % * with the home demonstration j % agtaH, must obviously have ? J smedjime worth $734.40. Theses \ women made-74 foundation pat- % \ ems among-ttjsem, 1124 tindergar- $ -5 meuts, 40i>.outer guruients- and * $ 148' garments that would have | J hern bought, or hired made un- j -y?viei uruiiiary circumstances. In I Z addition to the time saved, aad ? ? .its value, these garment* re pre- X. \ seated a 'saving- of $970 -ash * outlay. $ 'jQf/wx/frw/jjjjmjffmjj ~ffouseHoM ? Ques/mf Oysters urC considered host if bought in Shells. ? > 1 Use gelatin immediately after' dL*iOl'V-L'' ,'.'B ,':'r,4il. I - IMr.nerK ehh F.en *s'delicious served with currant* jelly. sfaico- - , It 'takes more time to freeze water iegthan it doe* ice coram. ? * < L Pip Ash Into hoSLfng venter for .n minute and- the villi he rou\J\?r''VOHi ?Jes.ua- Teaching Us Iio>v to 'Live Tc Keiher. ' % I. Charsctcrictlcs of tho Subject cf tfce Kingdom (vv. 2<>2Q). i < those \Vlio arc subjects of th Kingdom know what blessedftjtsV i: Tlife* (spiritual experience of tne > ul jeets of the Kingdom are marked b the following steps: 1. Poverty-of Spirit (v. 20). Tlii means consciousness of one's lost cot dltion unjL worthlessnoss. It is spll ituafbankruptcy. -It means'to com to the end gC self and to show soiro for siiis. f ' r . 2. Hunger for ItI?hteousness (v. 21] The one 'who lius come to know hi poverty desires the true righteousncb of Christ. 3.'W'eepirig Because of His Lack 0 21). This Is the 'godly SOrrdw-esrJblic wmrwui repentance. (II Cor. 7:19, Tliose who thus sorrow ure assure that they shalUluu.^h.4. Treatment Which the Subject of the Kibgdom May Expect (vv. 2: 23). #\Vhun the subjects of the Kin; dotn become like the King .they inclt the hatred, contempt and. persecutig of ihe.wQrld. Those wh'o pass throug tlijs for Christ's sake should 'rejoic for theoe is great re\yard laid up f< tliem. . 1L The Governing Principles of tt Kingdom (vv. 27-3S). 1. Love Your Enemies (v. 27). 1 love friends is easy, but to love el emies is only possible to those tvi "" have been made partakers of the ti v*ne I^Uirie* You (v. 27). * Lotfe acts according ' its own nature. 'Emnlfy only sjlur lutes love to a'ct. in Irurmouy with i own 'laws. 3, Biess. Them That Curse You ( 28). Injury by words is hard to 1 go unchalkMiged.. 4. Bray for Thcr.i Which DespU futly L-se You (v. 28). Christ's o\\ example is the best 'commentary . < j this precept (Luke 23:24; ef. Ac I 7 IW)? ' "' * i Patiently Eudure AYroug aiid 1 ri V-ry (v. 2P). The.Christian.Is not i tiV'Jttlf* ori it?- .if Viia ..I [ rather to suiter Insult, injury and evt | loss. Tl?l.s should not be pressed i ' ini* that evildoers run go* uuchocko , It expresses the law which .-diouM :,c i crh" Individual action. G. t'ivo 10 Every one That Ask?: I (v. I'll). 'This does :.ot t& as Vou Wish .td I>o . (v. IT: - in tj?/ ,C?*;id. I Ji.do.'v If' hioti were' to live by d. , | rv.-e ti e lubw i^oV.lom wouhl, I | Solved; - An oryl vnut to v.'fl r f;::t.?ri ir.tb-hal*re*ufieiia wiwfd ; ?? j ailjusand* nl; pr( i";te?:;;:i. ! . usineLS would ond.# s. tie Meiviful (v. 3,3).. The men j o* jlf lloa\only Kr.thor is the ,-na> example. i ; . t.'o*.. orioiis Judgment Condemn j (v. 37). We: should not seek out 'tj I evil in t ihers fur xmr satisfaction, la iktiigcfof t'ollowiue I'TiJse Teac 'ers (v. 31))., The one who does- n know (ioi ana the way to heaven w lend others to' ruin, Happily.*iVro lin the Scriptures, and the Holy Spirit ready to make their meaning know so life re Is uo exc&se. 11. Those Who Reprove . Othc Should Strive to Live r.laiyeless Ltv (vv. ,'il-IG). It is ??asy to see otliei faults, but hard to see our own. 111.' The Sin of Profession Witho Fruits (V. -iC). The one who profess >i life amlifcllowshlp villi (iod shod practice the principles which reve the nature of <#od. .III.- The Judgment to Be Applito the C?ubject3 of the Kingdom (\ 47 1?. 1. The one v. lio_ hears slid ?':?es ! sayings of rn- Mnc -hall ! c secure the l.ou- Unfit upon ; INM-Uj XilO, ulurr.m; of tto? Jia -niTjif cannot destroy 4iiiai .for the U _ A- a is im:.:'?v:.h!e. "i ~TT M l \*[ ji ji 1 i . ii (he vir.fCfj'of fhrfat shuli ho < vt v 1 : lru'il i% the ji .icr.u'UT ami .?u (h>\ to utter rrith and (lest r net ton. ' The Dangcr.ou3 Li.-. Every He. strut or small. i? f brink i>f. a precipice, the ? depth . wh'ich nothing hut e : rFrighfe A tiuild person is frightened Uefc a danset; n coward dut?0* the tltq and a courageous person ivt'Urward, Itielter. - rn# unrladaiii ~ A Christian Is God Almighty's g? tleman.?J. G. Ilgffc ^ ; November 8th 1922 -v - : .p iOU'^' - ^ iie CO Tlie sales pro Over fbillion -t. i ' Q . . 0'. . V. - ' . c ? ^ . -t , . e V ' . i ' V. . ' i- * V s . . i* O - : .. " , v ?'-r d 18V : * - ; . . j* v. :e u h >r ' \w ' LjOcrrr & Myers Tobacco Co. '? a- '?1 . -10 NORTH CAROLINA TUBERCCL-. U" . 03IS ASSOCIATION SANA^. *=- TORIUM. N. C. 1 a- 27 DEATHS last year from . tuberts I culosis in Person county is just tha* % I number too many, but it represents : 7- saving of 6 lives over the previou. I ct year, -and to'thst-extent we a^e to be ^ congratulated.1 n "Fifteen out erf-every hundred wh. )'u died last year were farmers, in acts iual numbers there were, 388 who tiled of this disease. This is, perRips. n" r.o; startling to a groat many pao-.j' lo pla .who believe that, like the poor,.. ^ we must ""always have tuberculosis; v.'ith iis. The fact is,- however, that . ,L ea?h and every oric'bf thc$e "death's .y. \vi-s preventable and such . an ' :js \':zi among cur farmers should th s- . - >: tj'a'tion. v Anothn* o)T!*i?iea:Vt fact is that' ? J . more 'oathi cccurrca among ta.r jr ir. '.'.tiers thun ?: i amchg .Uvois -who a? , engaged" a indoor wcrk? such a? ?v i act J ': >, - nrgr: ' Ir.. bo*, .lice;: - :i t. , ):; .'!? . i ;.:i { ttoatih iunor.g th-:..e vi:- . i ir; such ocrV.nr.yor.s being "'i' [?* It wou^'dconi that the fanner : ? . ,n ?"?>:" as viyliaT^F .i.i regard ' to 1 health as he si.'ouid be. A. periodic r?y medical examination is not a - sure-a.: id but it would i.a\e been a life > save: in a great many of these c:.Kt. T The North Carolina .Tuberculosis " 114 Association an orgaizstion* which it supported by the sale Gf Tubercul, osis Christmas Seals, continues to >t j|j hold free tuberculosis diagnostic clinV ics and will gladly send a specialist is to any point in Ncrtll. Carolina where n the people are interested in finding the cases -of tuberculosis in their rc community. Finding the cases is, of course, the first step. Then if the i*8 _. people really mean business, ar-" Hi rar.gements should be made to give es proper treatment to. those cases lei which arc curable. a I o Clean up around the' stumps, nlo-c e t Oo fence rows ur.d ditch Banks ta r 1:111 hibernating- boil weevils 'his I I winter. The nicked-ovtr cotton stalss rhau'.d also be ripped up as soon as fee possible. c'.i ( rtOTvtc.cnt shines upon the bi'Otf Of Farmer Brown; says he, "** ' ) Mj "! ? -1 .-f-'-s - - - -i : II .II . I'.ly- pure^ hrrd row's keep PI','.' j_ o.iu.l corn selection in Lite .field 1 l-aya fvchi $30 tC $50 per day hy Inb? neasing acre, yields r.ext year, as oi proven by nine \cels of-experiments 21 jv.'rrth. OafoliTia^ . . , Seipi the.boll wcc-vil to bed hungry, pk stands 'lb'sS ehnwe- ot waking Tip. ' cu .pl-xt vF-'ihg. Flaw", up the 'eottoh ? stalks-; % ' * - . .' - v { fi)s profit from ,-sellirig corn as li 'fork over seiKpg iV.as grain ib.com- I ^, patfil as JJtTTv.'hen worked out on the F ; 'bn*rs"o?.? Vwood sow aad-soven ac?s. J( la ,J . . , j'. _____ ; ' "7-"*^"" -N / - ' ' 1_C- - s . . ri i. _ I B; . \' suggests it. , nfirms it. it. aoMyurb- ? ^f ^ '* ' " ?Ll /..: mm ? %hyf\r:-w4BBB; ' " * ~ * * - >*.? - |!| >^ 5i??z? {if: F The Fordson Tractor is taki II! drudgery oat of farm life; it is I problem; it is reducing the c I land by almost one hail of v I horses; ar.d it iacav'ing ora | of tho former's fime; and more attractive. j | The Fordton will- run your ti ill ?or.d at the most opportune will operate the milking ir.ai | wood, fill your silo, pump th; care of everv kind'*?! belt w: And don't forget?it will p' ^T!!l r.crn m n ten hcur >'/, har I ' i Thai the. ^oVc-on is the ide:.| | i.i tor. xt -v U .toy ior ito fall cd |j !J . many ways. 1 p-.- There's a hi' story to toil yo'J s lUi port?td a irea 01:0?come it " I}11j you ftMU', 'ili'Jiif't hm CROWELJ AUT^Tq Roxboro, N. C.' 1 -i-rr. \.L^ ? .... ~ ".;i fow-TtLK'.' A condersed hand"bo6k -oo-Xj^djgig [ y ftrm .work ajiiwala juay be~h.i4 by ' # H ?kinit Mr. the September 1922 tbul- *1 yn cf the Department of .Afrricu!lire. A : t t! ihs^Mitgjf^HipeTiwtsl j' H~? itimti-Wj Balijigh.-will brinjc the .baek-1 It it-, to you.' ' ; . || ] 1 " 1 * ' ?.? ' % ' ' -' .'"i"1 - / . ?kmi . f.r . _ ConrenieiU packaga -^ giuxiiiic-icrappccL " idd ES &r*a 9 : 9U1V roR 1 Ivesune I 3"tT3 /fO . merer Myself f t ot" ?^ a ' h>i*dsora"_ ng much of the solving the labor :ost of preparing vhat it was with Ultra to cno half \ making farm life ireshing machine time for you. It thir.es, saw your ; water, and take , I low fix TO eight idling two plow's I I vcaf-rcund trac- 1: r ad winter keep in j I : i accut the Ford- J 1 i end got the fact3. I ;j )l .J|i x La .1 ?f.ni |ui i_ 1MPANY % J . ' ^ C YOU HAVE 1 . Z K m appetlto. Indiseatif.!),. Wind 1 on Stomach.* Sick Eeadnoh*. I "run Awn,*.* yon will find- I rutrs pibis i yhatyofl'rJwd. They tofto tbowemk II Aoaacfc, uad lmiid us . -? * - ? . ^ '