iOOUE,Tm: PICIKT. pr oh ?a*m Ly7^V jwt i?* IT MM.I ' . I Dr. S. Rapport j H PF DURHAM. N. C. || || WILL BE AT || || ROXBORO, AT THE HOTEL ||! || EVERY ||i II ' FIRST WEDNESDAY , H in each month to examine eyes |1 f || and fit glasses. Glasses fitted j| , II that are easy and restful to )| || the eyes. Heada-hes caused by || || eye Straii. relieved. My next || || Visit will be WEDNESDAY 1' ? |t DECEMBER 6, 1922. || ifvebfes*'onar cards r * DR. H. E. SATTERFIEtD-* * DENTAL SURGEAN .* " Roxboro, N. C. * * ?-*i Office over G. W? Thomas * * Store. * * . m $ t t * ? ' ROXRORO. N. C. ' * ? DR. G. C. VICKERS ? Dentist ? Office In Newel! building " on North Main street, next door to Roxboro - m ? uiucci j v^uiu|iaiiT . ROXRORO, N. C. k o 1 ; '? , |? o. '? t V. N. LUNRFORD ? Attorney-at-law ' Office over Garrett's Store *- ROXRORO, N. C. J -. 1 I t ? F. O. CARVER - Attorney and Counceiior at-v Law Office over Bank of Roxooro * v * l ' DR E. J. TUCKER '"j , - Dentist ' .Office ih Kote! Jonea over * j Dr. it. J." I'eaicue's office * | ? 4 O , ? DR. 1. H. HUGHES Dentist *! Office in Hotel Jones, r.ext * ' door to Dr. Tucker a office. ' * , * ? * * + ~ * c? , ,'lH 9- *" ? * ? ? Robert i?. HLRAS *1 f Attorney at Law * 1 PEOPLES B VMv BUILDING * ! ' Prompt and"caveful attention give- ] _!_e? to all business. - "1 w 4 .. i _ ? j. ~ TT. 1. OlJCnATIAA w SURVAYOR :! MILL CREEK. N C. Route 1. *: 9 * ' * ' " I WfeWWk&WEtoi ' adwdnle Effactiv* Apirl 30 1928 ~~ ' 9m.a.m. ? ? *- 'm. tL in *5 401*7:00 It. Durham ar. 11:00)0:11 *7.691*8:13 Iv. Roxboro ar. 9:23|7:M z748|*8l4S lv. Denniatoo ar. 8:4817:19 *8401*0.OS-jr. 3. Dmlmi ar. 8:18|6:88 ~ g*Ml*119 Tt. Halifax" ar 8:0SIS:?jl *aitl<|*llliO ar. LynUig. It. 5:80|4:1> i " * a. m. jr. m > Dally B*d x Dally Ex. Saa. Owantlnna ' at Lyaehbarg with trahm aast aad waathannd Parlar aad alaapinc _ dara dtnin* aara. Tha baaJ root* tn tfca waat aad umlhwal. JUtaa aad: in. OaroMlaa op?a application to acaat,~| W 10. C. {JA'JNDEftS, ' ~flanerai Paaa 4*<->nt Roanoke. . .. ^ XT tHMA ^ 5=^ jp^O?om < r v ?*V a. r 14* v ??iAm ftar / NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of ,J. Samuel Rlmmer, deceased, of Person County, this is to notify ail persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them t.o the undersigned,; i?n"nv hafniv th, 1 4ft, ,.-P n?iBWB. I. 1923, or this notice will be pleaded i 'in bar of their recovery. All persons i iindebted to said estate will, please ( make immediate payment. | Thjs'the 14th day of Oct. 1922. j H. M. RIMMER, j 10-14, 4ts pd. . BUGGIES AND SURREYS ' , Q On account of the large number of ears in'use are lower, according to cost of production, than ever "before and as' soon- as the stocks on hand j are disposed of will be -considerably j higher?probably in the next 3 tod ? months. \ 2JOI Write for Special ./Prices for the , .next 60 days. Parts such as tops, , wheels, shafts, and rubber tires also , at LOW PRICES. ?Auto Ton." Covered and Trimming ^ Work. Also cars repainted at very . Reasonable Prices. R. A, 1IARRELL BUGGY CO. t South Boston, Va . I down, worn-out condition, RtR nervousnesianAslceplessness, fij? and 1 was v.-eak, too," says jsj| Mrs. Silvie Estes, of JanningS, eh c Okla. "Cardui did rac just lots SB ( of good?50.much that I gave it ijjifj to my daughter. She com- a? plained oi a soreness in her sides 8 ?j and hack. She look three ^ hotllss of H J j| jjjj | ?".< and iier coaakioa was niucit Bt|1 U <*?? mil uW Vtc have lived here, rear ij',' Pfi Jennings, for 23 years, and now V:? \ fJic we have cur own heme in'.own. .' have had to s.ork pretty h^rd, f tijjj ' alt as this ccuntry wasn't Luilt up, r.-;& c fjsi and it made it hard far us. jg -"I WISH 1 could tell weak J iHg women dt caraui?me mecncme wa r tl?t helped give me the Stremdh |$j? p & to go on and do my work." gtL _i i LAND SALE By virtue of two trusts executed ' to mc as trustee by W. S. Hobgood t and wife Ida, registered in" Person ' County in Books 2 and 3 at* page 355 ' and 143, the terms of which itaxa 1 not been complied with, and at the < request of the cestui que trust, the Roxboro Cotton Milts, I will sell for i cash by public auction; at the court house door Tn?Rtixbuiu, M.?C*?on-_ Saturday, the 25th day of November 1922, the propetry described in said < trusts: ? (a) Lying in tllst psrt of the town of RorborO known as Woodland Haighta, and adjoining the lula of John Pulliam, Jim-Fredrick, Andrew Clayton, Luther Hull, Andrew DiXv _j on and' others, on which is situated , a frame dwelling. See book 19 page j 171. . y'v ' j oro, N. C., sell to the Highest bidder for cash, the land mentioned and des:ribed in the petition, in said action o wit: That certain tract or parcel of and lying and being in Mt. Tirzah jwnship, Person County, N. C., >ounded and described as follows to vit: , On the North hy tile lands of W. k. Lunsford, on the East by the lands if M. H. Garrett, on tHa South by lie lands of Mrs. Katie Gentry and n the West by the lands of the esate of Susie Oakley, containing sixty ? ? and one half acres more or less, ind known as the Cameron Duncan ilace. > , This October 24th, 1922. Nathan Lunsford, Commissioner. ' LAND SALE. ' \ ?o? . NORTH CAROLINA, PERSON COUNTY. Under and by virtue of-a judgment! if the Superior Court, made at the JctCbcr term, 1922, in the cause enhic .1 Emma Carver ani others vs ilic G. lllalcok and others," tWc un(.rjlgned as cjmmis3ianers appoint-1 1 iff 'V* ^rtid Court will on * ATT"RDA-\. N'OY.EM&ER 25th. 19*32 .' '- .v-oivct o'clock Xoon a? the -CouVtj/. : : door7 in Roxboro expos.' to- pal;.ho rollcr tract or parcel, of land. o-\vit: "'hat tract,; lyipjf and being sr. ia*'-v T'vrn-iiiln^ja-d Count vr adthe I-:;: St \\\ C. Cat.-. vO of .r.iavtha A: Catca and .othor:?, a \vB:te -oak f record in Book 22, page 41. Terms of sale cash unless othervise announced on the day of sale. This October 26th, 1922, L. M. Carlton, F. O. Carver, *~~ lt? Commissioners. "BATE Of VALUABLE LAND. Under end by virtue of a decree of die Superior Court of PeraonCouoty nado in that certain eppctal proceedng therein pending entitled "Pearl Mnia and othera va Imogen. Harria ind bthera", trey the undersigned comMlssioners, wttt on NOVEMBER 29. 1921. in the premises described belaw jell to the Highest bidder or bidders a certain -tract or paTcel of. land situated in Holloway Township, Person Coun* *' * * I - T" r r . Ik November ftth 1922 . V->?sj I-JJ ", _ 1 . a. on? sam *om). "L SiRMS ?*UY QOMT YD I .. w, j fcy, North Carolina, adjoining: landi p/ S. J. Calloway and Thomas Re gan on the north, land of Henry Whitlow on the east, lands of John Mar tin and perhaps others on the ?outl and the Murphy place and land form erly owned by the late J. J. Bro^ki on the west, containing 300 acres more or less, same being composed ol what is known as the. Jim Brooks and a part of the Green Martii place and having formerly belongec to Mrs. Louisa B. Motley, deceased prior to her deatHThc laigfl will bi subdivided and offered in' tracts q: desirable and convenient sizes/ ;thi I right being reserved to reject anj j^and all bids. Terms of Sale: One-tbird cash, bal ance in equal installments one, tw< and three years from date of sale, de i ferred payments bearing interes' | from date of sale. This Octobrc 28. 1022. H T. A. Webb F. O. Carver. Gomhiissioners., SALE OF VALUABLE LAND! Under and by virtue of. a decree o: the'Superior Court of Person County in that certain special proceeding therein pending entitled "J. D. Win stead and ethers vs C. E. WinsteS< and others", we, thfe undersigned com missioners, will oil NOVEMBER 27, 1922, 19 n'clock M, at the court hous? door in. Roxboro, North Carolfnft/sel to the highest bidder or bidders twi certain .tracts or parcels of land sit uated in Cunningham Township, Per son County, North Carolina, formerly owned by the late J. W. Winstead deceased, prior to hift deatH, and da scribed as follows, to-wits (a) That tract known as the Faulk ner place, adjoining lands of W. G Franklin, E. J. Robertson, Mrs. Car tar and others, containing .12 5>4 a cres more or less, having been con veyed t<> said J. W. Winstead by Eli sha Betts, Commissioner, by deed re gistered in Book 7, page 511. ~-Pj) That tract known as tlJ? Wood-; place, adjoining lands of Mrs. Cnrr4,1. f?horo and others, belrfg'lot Xo. 2 al lotted to M. C. Winstead. in the divisS * - ' .. rSr ' - ? . t* If; ' ' . t -;?= i . I . I v' " II * * - . SMO Vfc tMA ^ |jj& SPEAK m<*? ghji s Ion of the land of tHs -late H. S. Win- j ;n| . stead, deceased, containing 55 acres be . more or leas, having been conveyed . to said J. W. Winstead by M. C. Win- a i stead by-deed registered in Book S S, - page 7. tVJ i Terms of Sale: One-third cash, one- thi i third one year after date of sale and mi f the halance two years after*date sale, tw i deferred payments bearing interest I i from date of sale. mi 1 This October 27, 1022. tr< , S J. D. Winstead un K. C. Wagstaff, ' ab 1 Commissioners. gr s o fdi r THE CO-OPERATIVE MARKET- coi < "*INt CASE AT NASHVILLE, be By <21arence Poe. tiv I am'.iust back from the hearing'lit thi t Nasll.-illc, North Carolina, where the sp first great onslaught on the coopera- tat live marketing movement was made otl by the interests that will move heav- tH en and earth to crush it. This was the tiy first suit in the Carolina? or Virginia al in Which tHj cooperative marketing bo association lias brought an injunction to compel a signer to deliver his crop, f to pay a penalty -of five gents a pound T for each pound fie had sold outside | ' the assicaiton, and to pay the cxpen* ses of the association in prosecuting (fr 1 him, all of wHich. thing are called far Jet r- by the contract. And in spite of all ' of that attorneys, warehousemen and dealers -fighting cooperative mprket- fa, 5 ing could do, farmers backed the con- w! ^ tract. " ??-? -H< ' Speaking under the solemn auspices mi " of a great court trial intended to e(j uica* up ccgpcraiive marfteiinjfj wnai Up 1 did these distinguished attorneys | +0, say? Did they say that cooperative)- . marketing is a futile tBing, a thing | st: that can never amount to much, no Jmi matter hew many farmers go into it? ) up Did they say that cooperative market-: ph Why- take Life Insurance with a best at vour door, and have the^et neighbor to aid vou vear in r 1 SEE ' , . - -SATTEB FOR A SOUND* BANKING INSTITUTION Trv; - THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ROXBORO. GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION GIVES I' POSITION OF SAFETY. U7C \\7 A KIT ff JU Tf nil 1 A THOUSAND NEW ACCOUNTS THIS SEA5 WE SOUCIT YOUITBUSINESS ? FOUR PER CENT PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS YOURS FOR SERVI FIRST NATIONAL R/ THE FRIENDLY BANK ' 7 FAGE SBWf ___ oh^^i^tkl -ftMS vS UN T 1 ww?\ Lf H j I ; promised the farmer no special nefits, no special advantages? Not within a thousand miles of such thing! r These distinguished attorneys in oiT* off>'Hotf!fo n??nnl?J * ? ?? ? ?o t^ipvaicu IU B courts to break up ^.cooperative irketing for two great rerun's and o great reasons only:? First, they said that cooperative irketing will give the farmer such mendous power that if it goes on checked, then farmers will soon be le to dictate the prices of all their eat staple products and that manuiturers and buyers and the whJole mmereial and consuming world will?t the. mercy of the farmer. Second, they said that the cooperae mnvketing law gives the farmer, b producer of agricultural products, ecial privileges and special advan- ges for getting the upperhand "of rer classes, and for this reason ."se attorneys declared the coopexare marketing law is unconstitutionond must be swept off the statute oks. :? 0 STILL CAPTURED o .* Last Thursday Mess. Jc Melyin mg. Bertie CBriant and .Melvin' ayton had a tin as to the locationa still'down in the Virgilina section d spent the day looking for it, but tied to locate it. The boy^ say they liked forty miles, a\l to no avail, umavpr, on flneidav Mr, Melvin Clayn rrrif lat^r rlnnP onA TiTApPPli? -to -go for it, finding it all fired and ready for business. Mr. Clayn captured the entire outfit, copper 11," worm, cat^ etc., but the operator ?de a get a way before he walked . Mr. Clayton says it was as conn ;te'outfit as he has ever captured. stranger when you have the vices of your best friend and tnd year out. iFIELD. "Do It Now". vn. . .mi'.'.i' 7" ' r/itt ?? " r a ' I SON. I CE' fcNK, 1