S V L . ' y?^-- ---* ? ', J. \V. NOELL, Editor and OL. XXXV iV CHAMBER OF. liiMERGE DEPARTMENT Wm. C. Massey, Sec. WE ARE GOING OVER THE TOP NEXT AtOMUV AND'T^BSDAV. Roxboro is going to cle.in house.. The Mayor sayS so. This cleaning is going' to-be one^of those get-togetHjr affairs, . with ^ood-natured rivalry, : with" prices irr^GOLD for swift ac tion. Do you get 'that Then thera will be more viriique"neas: The men will be on one side 3nd the women* on the other, lilce the old-time spelling-matcfclas. Thfct is to mk say, the business district will ber in- " W spectdd and the cleaning uUdcr the J direction of ladies apocintcnl from the Civic-Committee of the Woman's Club, whereas the business men will . 'Inspect the yards and premises of 1 . HC- j _ _ . i .? n --^ne cfsi?enviHi ujjjirict. At 0 o'clock, Monday morning, the ? start will be made. All rubbish of cv- A ery kind will be. gathered up and Vtoted'* or otherwise, transported t:? * the frcrrt~of the "lot"arid piled, or put in cans, whence it will be taken avay. Now b!STF?Xr The merchant or, 5 ~ 7?: occupant -of a .business area finishing first will receive $5.00 in gold. The householder finishing first will receive $5.00-in. geld. Wli?n your premises are as clean, jjs ypu" .can make tlietr*; report to a member of the eommjttec. A record 1 ."of"the time you report will be made "by that person, and in inspection made at .once to verify it. When all records, have been cbmnarei, awards 1 Mi will he made. . ij * Now, if you cannot compete for-thai ?V7? prize, yoTFcan ciean up just the same, | jugt so . you finish by noon on Tues-J _ day and avoid being reported -a.? djs- ' 1 TrbnWmnt inn; f But you'd, better put it over Mon- - ' dry. for TH& MAYOR WILL GBT|j YOU IF YOl* DON'T WATCH j( OUT! Then tbre nriz. : The ; v IpdiT'g nf tbt ..-.omniittue jlfci a . prize for thj , b V--d**?3.baek yard. 1 They don't ?ay woat' tb pri:;.- will/1 V . but it \\?l! .r'.f. v hil.. A I'liOf 1. AM \ I ION V Ti !. \ Oil. . \V|I Ki. r '. citizen* n . ; ' , ' comhujttjl-!-- . bi.K* '' . ' " T r.- . '.it'll WVIKIM A > ir ' - J * *. ... . Xl'.'ll". .1 wit Vr-'-v: ' . t)?i $:.- r ^K. 0411' ~ . ' " * r"~" W ;t .. . 1 Vay..r NiCtflay ,i : ' 2Mb ?ln- , ' /.'' ? time-foi t < .4. ! 1 11 ' : 11-HUrrVa i nis f :) .* city to ti. 1 the fulled >x tent wifh the civiy.en . nn?l to wrmtv?|p . such "garhapi an.I rofusit.^rum jthow fronts of -ori s ant reisYlFnc^fc a - ^ tr:cannot be 1 ji uvl >? lats t> hotter\ ' advantaiu.. And I farther proclaim and decldrc t> all, under and by vir-S ; tuc of the sanitary laws an I orrli-: nnces .of the city, *a:u all i'i'.izor.s r failing to remove such irarbacre by I( r.c#on on Tuts lay, the JSth ins*.. as}' reported to me. sh :li bt required to 1 nr.rw4-iQ,? n n I iinsivpr * i *hi> chafO't' of!' violating said laws. ' On the other i : band, I urge and Truest all in co opera-t**- in. thir very worthy effort. WITNESS MY HAND AND OF-j' ElOIAL SEAL This,* the '11 at day of i November, 1922. ? W. I. Newton, f" - ^"V"" | ' o : I - WILL MOVE" TO CI ASTORI A. . It will be a source ??f much "sorrow | L?the many friends of Dr. .J. F i, ,a.( Swann to kno~w Thai ,he has derided- ( " to /leave Semora, where he Has "practired for many year's. He will locate in Gaatonia, -and will mnke the move . j. just a? soon as he Tan arrange his affaire. Dr. Swann and his good, wife ?* have been of inestimable benefit to ' their a^ctioir and will be sorely inispjr ?4-boUt' in the# cHirch aijd| social ;life, ? ??~ ' ' 1 ' . fa* __r.1 . .V " ' *' ?' i ' V_ . v, ^ - r b* i Publisher ROXBORO ???????? v /1ATD W. KECQGNIZES^ ROXBORO Mr. Peters, Superintendent, Says it is Best Town on His Division..* Mr. Peters, Superintendent of; this division of the N. & W.? Railway Co. ! vas a Roxboro visitor, yesterday. He .nine here to talk over the new'depot proposition, A number, of tho ~ .itizenS" of rhe town m^t with him i djpthe office of the Chamber' of Commence and were grdatly interested t in the nice things he had to say a- t out this town, notably among the $ r.anv compliments he paid was the J lssertion that -Roxbero-. had ifeHe ncre rapid progress and was growing mcfe than any town on his di- > ision. lie stated*, that his Company < recognized the future of the town. : md were anxious to do something < ot the betterment of it. He gave us r , .Ml <:nvk.ui u^ciii^iu an tu a nv r> j 'Assenger and freight station, which , s so badly needed here, and was of < he opinion that same would be built c if r.o very distant day, the location voidd be changed and a depot in* t '.oeping with the town would be eon- \ tructed provided, suitable land could < secured which was necessary to ' lie erA si-prise! !. And Vo another forward step hair ~ rcpn tjiken . in tlje upbuilding of the 1 own and one of these days you arc c roing to see not the . "best small r ?>wn,,-r-as is claimed by one of our t icighbcrs, but the BEST'town re- ' -rdieSo in the State. s iR. LONft .CALLS FOR A SHOWDOWN. ' Roxboro, November 21. lt)22 3 dr. J. W. Noeli: Editor, The Roxboro Courier, a Roxbore, N. C. " - f W?T Sir: . | If you wrrl! v1 called on'the Hrrh-1 : cay Commission to build a section | v : i;>nd direct between Roxboro-an/I hi? -present- AH'*n>vi!jc ron !. Th?. j ' :-?l>1*6. stated tha it \f\< l)x*n es"Jc ..a:? ?'l would c >-t 1 t -Vt'on ?1.000 :,11 "tiv.c.:; f h :hi\ :anct? ' _\y i. ? . . it:j t -isiil'f -. Th j. ' ' *. r : i. i . . n , . : i ' 1 ?v.uf;% . . i v . i. \\\ yv.h'Ou* - hi:!.: in t;:? ' r ;i \ yr, .. , .. > iow tii take a Lint it **fl_ amount _ of . all Il.i- mads ia '.he. ' unty over r.iirht. However, wo will ?ay Uy too ptrtv? ho male the'estimate --f the road I v l-,:vrivf.-rrod tu (wo presume theyj V i ? v. wiia* thoy wore talking about' ii else thoy would ^ot have publicly I ; i lc this '-statementi that if thov will! ,nke the contract to build the road in he luestion for the outside -figure ?.fSi Hi:,000 an I biuld it in their oiUiidtLi. hue rf six weeks \w wjll give' them 1 t he contract to proceed to work im- 1 iiodintcly. . c We welccme constructive criticism i t nit it is pretty easy to make an off-'t land estimate on the other roan's!! ttJii 1) ilii' 1 iit t? jiny. thi- bill^ ind the roan who makes the estimate i as no responsibility. We have, there- t fere, made a perfectly f.iir proposi-' < lion and we presume, if the party J ?ho made the estimate was in-ewrrf i'sfe* and meant" wU.it Tie ' said be . will ' be gl.id to take over the contract atj the outside figures.' ~? Thinking you for your indulgence. Yours very truly, M- R. Long, . ' I , r ? Charrmanr \; _ ?o??rr?-? . } -Don't- forget the Orphanage Singmo ( bum up- i\ilnmlt>v JT'b 'rX-"-'v*. hk L','! % . - ? ? . * 4 Home First, Abi , NORTH CAROLINA. PRICES STiLL soaring] ?0? * ?ales the Past Week. Good. Mr. Evans Averaged S33.36. : , Hales have been decidedly katis-factory for the past week eir theoper i-arket, both to. quality and-quan:ity. It is rare tlJit you hear, a jfarmi; kick on his prices, in fact tljp ex~^ression of satisfaction it*- general, !oa the'farmers arjj getfrng big^jncn y for their tobacco. V j The best sale reported for thefWcekl \ as.the sile.Vf Mr. B. L. -Evaiti who | ...1.1 i.. ... : r citn u.i I !u:u it iuau, une uiiiu^, iji iveragihg $53.36. This load ijepr^ unted one curing, and an avertwe of learly $54.00 is doing mighty; well, it looks more like the 1019 season, vlhn we all'-thought tobacco was razy, or the buyers one, than? we tver expected to see again. , ? Surely the farmers afe coming ino their, own and we all rejoice at heir great prosperity. SCHOOI. NOTES. ' . We had -a great .session of the ranchers. Association on last? Satur!av. I do not think we ever had a; iear perfect attendance of all the eacher > as at this meeting. The spir. i f the meeting, the deep enteTest. .n i the enthusiasm pf the teaoicrs cere .soul-tiring.-The teachers of the [iff.ere.nt. schools are doing eJttllent work. These sessions of. the Association arc bringing fine rcults in the schools and communities fj out county. The Board of Education will meet 'n the first Monday in Dec. irst cf the rural schoolsKtd register wo htzndrod students.^ Thttjc will to .-b>, ?* ",uMvr!> take i ail sh pe.. ;Vhi*r?.Tville 1!itrh sehral hns jus: j iiijipji'trd the installation of :? iavxctf .. *r.i h - atin.j: plitht.* The people ?> '$, , ,1 v-.. .r)y tth y will i r.on hitv ; rv.-i w f:v- ' ? ir : u\lciins In * c? ! . : J v t. the :r.:..T - >f upidly j . '!-V . . > 1 "is ' . . !u -t !: -;;t: i . I ! uildirr'1. ( '. v * i: i'.:"V Svhw >i was th , ; - .... .. . *:, -: t * V.lt v.-viilo?pniki'vr .*" :r -i tn * . .. 1 tv ?? tne's .V t / ili* . :: 1 - ; ;< . i . i- i. j to l-v - - t>l>* .0 I l'?n. fve. . .. \ "J. s'i ami i: .*! t t " " 1 . ay of Dec The teach il # ho a i: I KVirliv. oets in Winston-Salem and lhc? samp j ale applies to the colored teachers. Ivhc attend as to not making up.j Ycdnesd.iy and Friday. Of course all j N ols have Thanksgiving, Day if lev want it. It seems that all the High 'schools; the county have caught a new vis-j .i? of their possibilities and have j tken on new life. In fact, all over ho county tli? people are demanding! Utter school buildings, better school .'tuipment. stronger and more teach-. irs for their schools. It T?, thought; hat if a vote on a spn the eve of doing great things, i May each citizen do his part. < J. A. Ream. I WILL OBSERVE THANKSGIVING DAY. W" are informed that nearly t^ll :fij,he stores wiil be closed.on Thanks giving Day, next Thursday, .NOv\v 3frt>i. Thif?^ people from the cc-unfry, w'lb rcmembet;. this and not arfange to * do tmy_, stopping Jn RoxborO onllML Quit1. i | '. r7 . " " it i q road Next. Wednesday Evening Ni GOOD- NEWSFOR THE CO-OPS. T . 0 ' * Second Payment to Be Made for Deliveries Up to * Dec. 20th. " Mr. II. W. Winstea/1,' inanajrer- of .warehouses for Roxboro, Was reoeiv^ed h letter from headquarters giving' 'he'pcOd news that the : serand-pay-r.trnt for al! tobacco pooled yvit-h t-HP" Association up to and including Dec. 20th will be made a* soon after the 20th of December us the treasurer ;ajl. make calculations and forward tlJa checks. This payment is beinq hsrricd un. so that the farmers of the Association may have some money tc use for- this season. The Co-operative houses will closa tv December 20th for the Christmas Holidays, and all members are urged to make*their deliveries as large as possible before that date in order to receive mere money for their tobacco. IETTER FROM MR. CHAMBERS. Timberlake, X. 0., 11-16 22. Editor Courier:If you would be so kind as to allow me space in your, paper, 1 would be jslftd to .make. Vhe following re marks through v.dn??voy faU-e renqttii whfcnL I-m. understand Hivt been going the\*3unds. M? friends however. 16sireve; frr.m hie only h; ihc .cw%rit t'iit ii thought that the mimic trenivarl" should have the benefit of the '.ruth First, I am - not trying to explain the defeat of the Republican party ij-t the recent county election. I vhcurfi.lly submit to the vote and will ,f the good people cf the county?am truly a I oval Person c:. nr.tr man, nr 1 ready ,t5!* i'-ians'1 ' ;v.i. '' n.v. f . ' : , - lis*, y . ; r v: *. f : nv -nc ' v.'V'> iv.:- truly w\i wd; arcs willing to c-onf'tjiv- themreives to fa?t Ht o r:oi?-p:i. 'i i-um wny.?rrtn?iHtnJly ?*??U' s; it* Lj?Jlil facts in my behalf. 1 thank you far this court ".v anil tvus* that you imiy jrive me. spare in the columns cf yojur paper as refjestei!. ~ Yours truly, J. G. Chambers. I . A DIES 11AZAAK. The ladies- of :J>e F'oxboro Baptist Church will hold their annual bazaar m next Saturday, Nov. 25th, in the Jackson Motor Co. huilding. Dinner find supper wil be. served and every business man m the town, and those v ho may be in from ifh country, are cnrrlinlly kitlLtiii . LLI iiik^'LOAnncl'TlCr supper, or both. You are assured a good meal at ft moderate and fair . price. Of coursg, the ladies know this is one of the best opportunities to buy* many of those Christmas gifts whitih Lalw&ys ciuse so much worry ?n selecting. This is the usual great opi portunity. r |/ Uenromber the date, Saturday, jeNoy. 25th, open at 10:30 o'clock. I v * . O'? | Mrs. T. S." Clr.y^of Timberlake spent the week end %ere visiting her ^dU'cntji Mis. T. W, W ss. ( jr__-_ " ... ~r ?? ~-s . ?.. r > \ i . loun * . " _ .'..$1. ovQinberiiZnd, 1922 SOCIETY NEWS. Mrs.. T. C. Bjrooks.* was hostess to the TGeyie\V Club at its meeting on Tlmtsday afternoon >t her H>me on Xorth Slain street. In response to roll call tlia member* gave items" of cur- " rent interes*. The only business to ccRK' before the .club was the advisability of using the traveling libra1^:, .which if-dona will be of benefit A ) i.hr pre pie. Plans will -lie made for tH.'s at. the next meeting; After "this th program was takm by Mrs. F.' ( Winstead who led the study wjjjgh' ? Spain and Gibraltar. Mt3. K. ft. Thomas closed the h ur wi'h a real-1 i die deseriotion of a "Bull light'". T) '" members were tl/>n invited Into t .*: cining room, snd served delightful refreshments. Victrola music add-; ed .a pleasing accompaniment to the f u.enu. The club members present' were: Mesdames Otis Wilkcrson. B.: ; (i. Clayton, A. R. Warren, T. C. Brad- j , shcr, H. L. Crowell, Lillian Foreman, j TT. E.. Thomas. R. L.' Wjiburn, James I Furrows. R. H. Oakley, T. W, Pass, I S. G. Winstead, an additional guest | was Miss Bess. Finley, house guest \ of Mrs. B". G. Clayton. ??? ''On Thursday afternoon Mrs. I!. S.' .Morton, wis hostess at one of lH.j moat, attractive parties of the fall.. season. After trie usual: progression j vhe hostess serve i two .courses .'of re-.| f:eshnients. guests ..present including 1 ' members -cf th? Bridge Clubr were: j Mrs. J. J. \Vij*:*ari. Mrs. X. :;s \r>hMrs, >h, A. Cong. Mr.;. H; V.. -Winstehi, .M's, A. M. Harris, Mrs. E. V. poatwrjgh. :in 1 Misses, >!a- Willson and Elizabeth N 11. ' ' f ?r? i One' cf the lpvelv-affairs of ti> j ' axon \vts The Friday Afternoon.* Pleasure Club given* Friday after- j rr.cn by Mrs. \V. P. Merriti. Six'ta-j IL's \v:t(? arranged for Boston Rook.. R. fveshme its . eons is. t i n y n? a ^ah: i course with p off eg, Tho V.ostcis was twisted by . Mrs, U. E. -I -vc. Those ] . t J. A. Lnr.fri, M. It. Lour, K. V. BoatwH :ht. .1. \V. \:u :!. 13r.lv f A" w. J. R. \Y. Fteahcr.-.. . J. Wiiiiich'). M; Kuo?. C>ri. , Mx-:". :: !;raJn. P. !5. Sn.iib, , ! '. O. ii*. G.''\V K:?.*? <. H. iv Mor-4 * . 5HunlHn, ... r. ' >. K mi : i. ? v. u. ' ! ' . : 1 ;\ ' -V: kf ' ' ! .... ' ; i ' ' f ; *> . w-i.t i' mIlKK !M I AK! M' !'!">. T.mi' " 1 ; ? , .. lo ofMho i: \val Hot ' Vuild<">: i~ :~* Friday niirht ah ?ut l! 'rlrr-:?'"i- ' ?' ltn.-i.s *h.| *. rr_:m;x? havine been p&*e?l be si !i | .ili.' building, bat fortunately th". Vi: :r,aj?e was ::Ot pi'oai. only u few i ! v im'cw class in the soeond story hojj hrokfti otH. Hut o?v ono who, v u! I : ttrinpt to wreck a buildiijgl ,n wHich occupants wort? sleepinp is; ' cy Hid our conception and if the j cuilty party or parties should he apprehended we hardly know what pun j ishment would fit the case. ORPHANAGE CONCERT. Again we are callinjr your nttonth.n to the Oxffcrd Orphanape concert t > be given in the auditorium on next ! MorHry niekt-r Nov, 27iri. W^can not i uvge you too stronply to attend this I concert by the Orphanape Sinpinp j ('lass for it is worth while, and we are extremely anxious for our people, .to the- best aulienf'f t.H:y have ever had Jjere. Come out, you will enjoy it. Tickets. Hfilt be on sale at Hjjnbrick & Austin Drtip Stores lie v. J. A. Bailey, who was the I Pastor in charge of the Itoxboro Cit: +cuit for four years arid' jso dearly loved by every ohe, honored us with , a call this morriing^He and his good '..imily are now t* - wjshcr we ore .going to stand behind, this rule. Owing to 'our large, sub scription list and the extra time it . takes to nrint thp oHit.inn ind m?tl we simply can not make our mail connections on Wednesday evening' if \vt' deviate this . rule. We tfust our advertisers and cor- -h respondents will bring? their copy in on time and help us. for it wilV only make it harder for us to have reftfse, but we will certainly turn you down if you bring it in after the hour and duto above mentioned. . __? d ? . CONFERENCE APPOINTMENTS.. * It i- /indeed, -gratifying that Rlevs.- . J. P." Hurley find TB. .C. Thhmpson have been returned to their charges here, but it is a source of sorrow ? that our good friend. Rov. J. C. Whedbee v. as sen' elsewhere, Conf Pee having riven hint the church t Sduth Pert.. 'It is ' cry unusual but there will ' e in his DlsCv * three hvinisters bvhrine: '.he. same r.anvr, Rev. J.' B. Hurley come' bnch . t > Roxboro, Rev. Lr T. Hurley : ?. Pro ii:-dale Circuit, v:l IUv. J. Bascotr.b liurley. to Miltori Circuit. * ATTENTION ! I ! ' The Deacon." 'an interesting and . attractive p! y will be given at Olive 1 iill High Snhn 1 . 'Wednesday- even- * - ^ inc. Nov. i2t>?h beginning nt 7:30 o*> k. Thi , be* given by the -luiii-nts >f Pv:'-. : H U High School, tb prove*:-;? :o : > o Olive Hill. Ad- ? ' y ?-n* ?Vr :idolts, 25/,cents ? : .lllivr.. ('0>{ E. ( OI.ORF.D FAIR. . hold , ^ iccess and * ' . yivat crisd : ? v.-v.vi\: n t hoy made. . V> . v-vy?i indeed, tto ret' ' I '; - ^ w: v'.liSi xrE. f Holly , \ \ i !"0 vis!,!,? f'.rst vis ' * : > ?aid he ny here .. fTrrTr7i " } : *. rTFT?T ; ""; ' T jriad :o t'.av them with us. Mr. ar i.-Mrs. - W". K. ^.onz, Mrs. W. T. Lonir ancl Mr. \V. II. I/tfng , (; !'p-- " -'hnro rnrttnnr tirr Thun*dir. Rev. .J. 'II. 'Nichols, who has just irfnpletod his collcsre course, has been assumed to the circuit at Ocravoke. *<*. and will leave in a few days for his work. Mess* CI las. A. Scott and William I'eR. Scott were Roxboro visitors in the home of J. W. Noell last Sunday.