mm >trJ. \\\ NOBXL, Editor and Publ OL. XXXVI \ L WAREHOUSES CLOSE " FOR THAMKSGiVIMS V Will Close Tonight and Open Monday Morning, Dec. 4th. All of the warehouses here, both cJo-operative and indepeifclent, have had gcod business this week, large | deliveries coming into the Co-op. and i quite heavy sales, at the New H-ycO. ] .The hbuses will close today, Wed nesday-and will-not open again-this week, but- with be ready for business on Monday, Dec. 4th. The Co-op expects heavy deliveries from now until they close for the Christmas Holidays on the 20th, as a.lU,tobaeco delivered up to and including tttAt date will be issued second participation payments just as soon after that ir date as (he thousands of checks can ^ " '"he issued and sertd out. METHODIST BAZAAR DBSC. 9TH. CHURCH BASEMENT. If of the following you are out of stock, at 11 o'clock, land at our dock in the Church Basement: Wool Comfort, Pillow Cases, Tabel Runners, Luncheon Sets, Towels, Camisoles, Handkercbiefs, Ready Dressed Dolls, Baby Caps, ; Etc., Etc.. Etc. If with friends yep wish to make merry, if delicious eats you wish to partake In an atmosphere cherry, select any or 4all of the following: Brunswick Stew, Chicken Salad and accessories, Ice'Cream of various varieties. Cakes of different sorts. ll-29-2ta. BETHEL HILL ITEMS. ?1?The mirk people in the community not improve* very fast. Miss Mary .E. Powell . spent the week end with her parents in South Boston, Va. Miss Irene Woody is ypeniing some ; time with lJ-4r brother. Frank, in Lynchburg, who is sick, hut we are glad to knew he Is' i n proving Mr. and 'Mrs. <?. E.? Wo,'My are in j Richmond. Va . at thv b?.*isido of their J son, G. E. Jr.. %vni? VITV ill. h:?v- i ingr * underwent an operation last [ Tuesday morbiug. Miss I .arena W ly. a staler:; of Meredith < jllt-urt . spent a ft vv *avs w-itM her imretU-. M". til: ! lr G \Vr*Wocxf\". Mr. L. l\ V.' ! f .SVjih II ? .- vi VaM spent the 'we k e-j.l v'ith hi* parents,* Mr. an I Mrs. -i S. V\ ? My. j ^ Mr. and Mrs. \V \*. ilj_.var.t- frj children of CarJe as. S". vi-iG:: 1 friends at R \koro an.) IJithti 11 ill the past week end. Mr. The*. I' W !v -f \ . itsis .seen pn*-sin?' thl'jt ji- lit' U .tow:: going to <c- h' * f.itl'.T. Mr. J. S." Woody, who is very sick. I ' 'Mr."aiM W\ 1* Hunr-hri ?. *: Mrs; H., V*. \V 194v and Mr*. Kit* \ Humphries : ' TuuM'v ~rr P~" ham. j Dr. W ! 1 Wo ii|y . \' : l , oxpecte! honm this week t > *co hi-1 father. Mr J. S. W,ro.lyy who is sick. Mess. * W. IF Wools- and Frank Howard of your ity spent, a fti ?rt while in .oar t-rwn' las:. Sunday.-Red Eyes. We, the undersingned land owners of what is known as "The Meadows"! or Caltclina section, take tWis moth-1 od of informing you that we forbid I any hunting .with trun or dog, clay or night daring the season of 1922" 23. Anybody found hunting on the lartds of the undersigned will be prosecuted' to the full extent of the . law. Sittned: W. A. SH rman, J.. B. Elliott, Grady Elliott, J. C. Evans, Sam /"*- Re (tan. J. G. Huff, Mrs. J. B. Hobtrood. Burley Howard, Nat Denny, ? Charlie IJaniel, AV. J. Jvnott, Ira Denny, Henry E. Denny, Alfred Huff, A. M. Denny, B. D. Huff, L. B. Mc' Ferland, Mrs. Francis MeFarland, T. Lanier, attorney for the Granville f==" ' Ltflttber Co., Waller HuffT N. W. Wilkeraon, Mrs. Lizzie Knott, D. W. Knott and Luther Knott. . LOST, between Mr. Nat Warren's ~ and Koxboro on Saturday, Nov. 18tb, on* aide curtain for Kaah car. Find;? er please returrr to Courier office :% and receive reward.?11-aa.2ipd. t . .... " K ie 38 isher ?ROXBORC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DEPARTMENT. Conducted by >Vm. C. Massey, Secy. I Sunset of the first clay of a two| c'.uy cleaning campaign found RoxI boro just about 90 per cent clean! j The teamwork, civic pbide and "Rax| boro Spirit" were the main factors, .and the groups wHo "put it over big" were: I The Civic Committee "of th?. Woj mans Club, under the leadership of I Mrs. F. O. Carver, Chairman, and i Miss Hattie Burch. ~Th(f5 Chamber of Commerce Cohimittee, represented by Mesxj-s R.- H. j Gates, Frank Creech, Bernni4! Crowell and Joe Kirby. Tile Roxboro Police Department, represented by Chief Sum Oliver, a id the Sanitary and other departments by Chief Hailey. The Boy Scouts,^-uhder copi.ian.i of Assistant Scout. IV^aster Charlie Harris. > io an mese secretary oows profoundly, and also thanks the ShepH erd Furniture Co., Roxboro Grocery Co., Roxboro Bottling Works, Ixansr Bradshcr & Co., and Blanks & Morfor the. tonder of trucks to 'haiil away the garbage. Besides these he thanks tH? citizens generally * for their cooperation. Those who reported -first as hav'ng finished. and who, inspection showed, ..Had 'done their work thoroughly, were: Mrs. Hubert Morton, yards and i.remises. Wclburo & Sattorficld. business section. At the. suggestion of Mrs. S. G.. V.'instfjik President of the- Woman's Club, the prizes will be presented at< the Club meeting on next Mopdav ufternoon, December ItTf, in the"; hnplori" Building. She plans to make', the occasion a civic rally, and will I announce tit; program later. A most important, meeting of th? oard of Directors of the Chamber o*f. 'Commerce was held last aright, and I among fJlliw things or interest to I fH.? community, thi? creation of t'hoj committees given below was the out- j standing step. The effect of it is the creation of' machine of great efficiency that, ill remake and upbuild Roxboro. and | tli^. imient is t't <ome| from the people. On the* commit-1 tmembers of th.'* Chamber of; Commerce iiavr been anpeinte I, se-; . cted because of tlieir fitness. dnd ! !h' of progress attained by*i . Ji ccmrniitree will -h? iti.'pi*opi>rtion] -~"1 *"T~"w v/i-.r th^s-e.eitize :1s put into; iMt'ip < ? nmittee work. The Se.-ieiurv has held :>unr : )U -' rife Km cos ami male a rhor-. . ?>trh >urv.y of i\h needs ,6f ItoxboKo. . : .i*. W.'h ?\*a .* have b.ert el iss> !.< ? : .-idished in .this, ir-sx- bvi;au.v: f .'it- s-;ar. vc vision 1 tit ihvv ; ill he ruNUhed as ih v' ur to h. rail t 1 ii edloss to say that I . .ft r iriri expect oi to respond. Ill *.rrvh*. and i> !h> kind : t ri?,.;KTat'<?r! nv . .< 4.*rv : ? < hnnire. ? _.. v s t t.v. ii-. anil t nv:is '* * ei* . i.'S. Hai4)cra'. inn ha . lio-ft . an I . v the tihii' :.i put those pr'Otinlo effect. L'"t> vdtoh the -stop, [ t respond nil husia-' voity *?) -thTf :;i3 Kv vy -.ember f til ( hnnb.ri t funimi'iv; hr. been aSsiirncd work.! .-Mil will h:;y? an opportunity to show "ae is dointr his part toward ! ;?f:.vir "v hat this t?\vn needs", r.r -s have teamwojf.-: in,'t-'? jtqn?-rrrd?tt'W' a iV p k ' 'bv L w e n t h'CE ' <nimittees. and Rbxbcro cars, <;o v Hit ever it v.-^nts. Here are the names'of the committees: 1. ('barter nnd Cob? Revision. 2. Curb Market. .1, White Way i*nrl Removal of Over hoatL dWixea. 4. Court House._ Clean-up. (y. Hotel. 7. Industrial fcnterptrises. 8. Community House. 9. Governnrt>nt Building' for Post Office. 10. Retail Merchants' Dollar Day. 117 Housing Plan. 12. Fair Association. 13. Building and Loan Association. |? The number bring* luck. _ _ Of the committees appointed, sev| oral have met and already begun the work outlined for them. Othersr will meet this week. The- Secretary appreciates the value of time to busy men,-; And still their desire to -serve .on the committees. To aid them, fulK data 1 will b? secured, and nt far ne now > ' ?*? .. r.- ... - .* , 7?.': .y . ; . . offbai Home First, Abroi >. NORTH CAROL!N^|i ' _ ' ? sible nothing will be left for the committee ; fo'^do hut get the facts j and act. In' this way meetings will requifg bat little time, and members of committees urc requested to attend- promptly arid finish their-work so that they may leave promptly. Whenever a qumum is present the wprk will proceed and tlbre will be no waiting for a full committee. Those who are prompt do not want* to wait on the tafrdy ones, and they shtittd not; On this businesslike basis it is hoped to have full attendance so .j TTT&t all fiiay* have- a Hand in doing the big things. ^ SOCIETY NEWS. The Research Club met WV.lneadi.y afternoon with Mrs. W. T. Pass, 1 hostess. The house was pretty in a decoration of pink and wlJite chry* santhemums. The lesson study was ; Southern California, and this Mrs. R. L. Wilburn lead, with Mrs.' J. J. J Winstead reading several selection*.; In conclusion the hostess served "a J salad course with coffee. The visi tor*h at this meeting were Mrs. Z. y. ( Cwyjin, 'of RrcWmond, Va., and Mid* Bess-Pinley, ' of North WilkesboiB y The members present were Mejfc dames W. C. Bullock, A. M. Burrti^ B. G. Clayton, A. S. deVlaming, E. j\ ' Dunlap, J .A. Long, H. S. Mortoik W.-O. Sample, J. J. Winstead and fe ' L. Wilburn. ?<>=- JI The T. N. Club was delightfull|l 1 entertained Thursday evening b? ... Mr =. B. B. Barnette. The mcmberf; n spent the_first part of the evenhifl| " with various Kinds of fancy work, *?nd at the request of tlf' hosteiB | sodn put awav the work, and engage e<i in a story Helling contest: -EacH: . are was asked to tell the most nmus- * tag incident they knew, and to Mr*. B/ G. Clayton was given the p'rizej, n fancy basket. At the close of this 1 j pleasant evening Mrs.^ BarnetL a*-" ~ sis ted by her sister/ Mrs. C<>nn#rEj Mt rritt servai. a >alad~ course. TflPh" present w?Te: Mesdagjjfll E U. Parker. R. M. Spencer. Is 0. Wilkerscri. Joe Blanks, T. C. Brad sKGr, B G. Clayton, Misses Bertha ' end Annie Clayton. Bess Finley, L>t Ha Bryan, Katie Lee Matthews. .Clara Edwards, Ethel, Kate and ! Ru'th Xewtoiv and Mcllte Strum. ?o? 1 I-1 i lay evening Mr. and Mrs. B. ti. Clayton, cnieitained a few friends in honor of Miss Ues.5 "Finley, who 1 was a house guest. Rook v.71s. ih. tame played an 1 at the close c.f the | ua-ihe the guests were served Man- j .nan Salad, wafers, randwiches.; iv.lfee and mints. The guests pf Mr. j ami Mrs. Clayton yvege ^Misses Ar.-J Vie. J,;rut;e Barnett, Miidre'd Sntter-j1 field, and Bertha Clayton, and AV. R. j 'Voody. R. V.".; Morris and Dr. A F. j it hols. On Sa:u?c..d;?v aft -*t r. < -p. Mi\*. B. G. j ' Ifty.oti was. hc.-te.s's ii) the teachers]1 f the Graded fechacl an ! .1 f w f? i\d ?h? honor g.;f. >v on this oyeas- j ? 'is?.-;uest. i-rctty. chrysanthemums i he use "aest. Fretiy ihry-anthem urns J \v<rt- Used as decorations, and Bos-i ? Ro:.k was played at five tables \ f:'ov s<\yral progressions the hnsa-ss served' a delicious salad course. 7ft-e, whipped cream, and -stuff*.! b-.'.s.. Those enjoying Mrs. Clayton's Gspitalitv were Ales.datnes It. D. N'ewall. HVtW. Newell. Ruth St; oh" " " ' r O AVMl-.n-c.-.i'" . IJ. It. liiU Qtril. 1. ?? irnvW- . , K. I*. Parker. T. BradsherM A. J hit war*.. I*. A- Wilson, and ' Misses lertha :*n?l Annie,% Clayton, Sue Mer- ' Hit. FJthcd Newton. Ma\x Hardj', .i Delia Bryan. Helen l.eary, Sallic\llen. .Mildrdl SattcrfjEclrl. Annie < Harris and Christine Walker. ]., THANKSGIVING DAY. , Thursday Nnv. :wth, 1922. Eniscopal.jiCr\iee-s will?he IGld in?thu Ma- r* sonic Hall. Morning Prayer. Holv \ Communion and a .^hort address with ? appropriate Hymns art! Pslalms at , 10:00 a. m. An offering - will be ; taken for the Thompson Orphanage ] of Charlotte, N. C. at this Thanks- i .giving Service.. At this service also j an offering will be taken for the CHjrch Building Fund, and those < who desire to contribute to this fund, do it on Thanksgiving as* a Thank -Offering. Come. <4p**hip--&nd- give , thanks with us. Faithfully and sincerely, ^ J. L. Martin. . ^ -GET THE BEST. It coat.'no more, j The JEFPERFSON'S ~fcO-payment, ( Double Indemnity, Disability covers]^ tJ\ troubled. -See SATTERFIELD, Do! Il NuW.?. . ? ^^ * .A "* *_ ' ' .. . ' %. .' *~ / ^WW* f. ro g 1,1 . . ' id Next. Wednesday Evening 1N< MASS MEETING. '! The citizens of the town' of Roxboro are requested to meet' ?m a Mass Meeting in the court house on Tuesday night, Dec. ! oth, at 7:30 o'clock. | Tills meeting is called for the jj purpose of getting the aehfciV J[ ment of the tow^n concerning patting in an adequate water system. If you are interested in this question, and every cHi zen should be, meet with us. on Dec. 5th, at 7:30 pTm. \\\ 1. NEWTON, * Mayor. r ?1 CHE WOMANl.EF.Si WEDDING, j AND BAHAMA ITEMS.! * { i The play, The Womanlos* Wedling, will be given at Helena HiglJ School next Saturday night, Pec. gnd, kt 7:30 p. nv. This is for benefit of Elougemont Circuit parsonage, one fotirth of receipts go to Helena trustees of school. This play is of high >vder and will please all. Admission !(i and ft5 centsf." Miss Estelle- Turner, accompanied by Miss Sallie Westhronks of the Conservatory spent the week . em! & itW her parents here. Mr. Ollie Mangum's 2 year oi l girl died Monday of dintheria. an 1 teas buried Tuesday at Mt. Tabor rhurch. They have our sympathy. Mr. W. R. Murray of Durham wa< n Bahama Monday on business. Bahama is a hustling littk* town >n N. &. W., 13 miles nortH of Dur- \ bom, and is noted' for^.its- healthful-; ness, progressive cityzens, beautiful j icihes and nice yards. Our nierchant- I ire Turner & Hill, A. W. Tilley, A. C, \1%tkinx" and Ellis & Veazey 1 parages, 1 wOddshop and Baham.t j ligh school. TM? circuit parsonage is Sere and Mt. Bethel M. E. Church.? i v.'., _ . ' i "\V!f(f~(AN THIS You will remember we-had some-] thing to say some time back about I tbat field of 20 acres of corn benlng- j Ing to Mr. JoHi D. Winstead- "Well, it has been gathered and,; measured J producing 235 barrels. Thfl/ i* 3-4 shtls'* 13 the acre. Person County! niay not- bo rijckonoil as a ?. o.lion, but-that at least proves that I tin*.sail will produev ccni.nt a profit! when griven the proper awvntion. * SCHOC/1 NtOES. *\Vc find tha :'.>?* Ixw: to have th* liar : .n-vtin^ the +*-- ] Mjm'ay ir? Dec-, -instead .of the; iv.>s stated in iii_* Coui u r . f l i"' rwk. The matters'for iht lizard to' ".c .-C'cotvi Monday is the reason for. rhange. I *o .'hope thnt"a lafirt* rtrtrther of I i achers will attend the Tcacrvrsj Assembly *n session this week in I !.:>toinh. "Chose tWi'.o go atirl reallyj :n i n- .mcvtingr* will be irrehtly { et;tfiu-rl. and will brine n.any A'foil; hing^.back r.? our county. J. A. i lea n i. i IRST KEIHIRT OX HOC l\ll.l.l\(?S.I Mr. O f?. Bcrrv. one . of the suh-1 dantiul farmers ; f Hurdle Mill J ute 2, 1,'ivps the first report of' L???u- bit?'hop? which he killed, Thrc-.-j ivMjrhint? as fellows: 585, 390 audi '*9, averaging 455. Here is one good f farmer who will not have to'look ?oj He weSst for his bacon. : OXTORD M. p. ... # > . * CHt'KC'II H V'/. VAR The ladies of the Concord M*. K. "hurch tycld a bazaar hero last Sat"day, aiff -while we have not heard hr?m?t results, we Arc illlTl to know hey were well pleased with the results. It was unfortunate tlfat there 'pre two bazaars going on at mr amp time, for many of us would ike to have patronized both for"diner, huT our capacity, as well as our >ockptbook forbadp. bXPORD ORPHANAGE SINGING CI,ASS. As usual the Oxford Orphanage singing-Qw-au grafted last night iv a large audience, tftTTibuse being axed, to its utmost tt> holS the crowd, t'nd of course, it was thoroughly crtioyed, for these entertainments arc ktWays good. Yyu can not attend one it these high class exercises 'without feeling juat a little better, and more fetermined that yon will do more [or ttJjse fatherless ones. SSI M fliirl -J - . - . -U J $1. " ' >vember 291 h, 1.922 N'EGRO. BOOZE AND A L TD TRUCK. I Yeaterdtoy morn?ng it looked like thefe was going to be a sinashup iii cur shop? - A- colored man driving a truck heavily loaded with tobacco whicH he was bringing to market got tangled up and in trying to get ori the straight and narrow load headed ] directly for ouv office, but a number! c.f pedestrairis stopped him, anil pushed his tfuck back. Again readyj for a getaway he headed for tBci Xewton-VVilkerson Difug Co.. but ^ again tBi crowd stopped the machine. A* w;.. r?un.* AI:. ^ ill UII.-1 JUIIVtUlC VlllCt Utl*Cl 3VC}/* i l?ed up and taking in the situation asked for his liquor, but of course he said he did not have any, when the Chief began u searcli, but his ^ cckets were empty Ejpl^when asked to get up a fruit jar was found lust >ehind him on the seat about half full?the driver seemed to be entirely full. He wa4 carried before the Mayor and was bound over to court* : ; o THANKSGIVING SERVICES. ' Tlkre will be Thanksgiving: services held at tthe Roxboro Baptist. Church tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock, Pastor White conducting the services. At this service the offering for_ the -Thomsaville Baptistr OrpHinage will be taken. AH * are cordially invited o?^ A GREAT Sl-CCESS. The bazaar given bv the ladies oft the PJoxboro Baptist Church on last! Saturday . was a great success, the sum of about three hundred dollars was taken in. Of course. this was not all'clear profit as;t 14 "re was some little expense attached, but the ladies were .highly .pleased" with the days work. * I ItTO ? rr lirmn 1.1 ? r-n .\ 1 nw.ic. We enjoyed a call thin - moraine: from our young: friend Mr. (I. M; Lunsford <f TinOu-H >k>- ?bhi| says he has bread and meat for an' rtber year and a fair crop of cobru-icc. That is the kind of farming tHat pays, and we h<*pe his tribe may in* I crease. .I K \\ K YOl U .lifti)KHK ? FOR ("Ah F VMl HREAll. I h Ths hidie? of th * P' in j ; ("hurcM will < -\\ an 1 5 r a . j th.- < Oai'ajrt' Saturday. h-| i-r.Mntiljr at lu Ado. k. P aw. 'or! I I hnne, \cur order- * _rarajro - !?.! same.will recti v.- ':tiT??:ttion4 Any , ' . come f> the viiMjf , and* r-'tt Sind: y aiv1 i J. MOKE lilti HCn.S. fhn f.'rvad Mr. -JU ? i f Hurdle? Mil' . rent. 'J. f.v< I wish a call thi< mornm* and :;en*?rt i t w jLiiliiiii . >On.? ?ia?* i j'?. i ! ' K nl j ? . '.r.f - *. ?i? f-i.iovvy : On. 112. :'.s? and' Sfiir lbs: Hi? also jvp- ftpd iW* wi-i^kt l f thr- i.'ci d V\ *r. I. I i.or r, - ! follows: t >.> - lid. anil.^Hi) :?. ? j i W IFI. OUSEK\ F-l <1 \ UA*\ HO'RSt 1 .? . . ,i. ". : a s! :?re* j v :li h. . "ii?> . i :i Ti;ar.k.vrivinjr *l>ay j 'h* h rhom : ttri will* oVovrc.' Sun < .1'. h nV. If y.-U fai. t > *ret an an-j - A-r * ) year call remember. pleasv.I v. arV observing Sunday hours. | :;k*t rati rd.vv ikc\ :rd. i The W. M. S i?f Aljli Creek t huivl' ! will .rive a baz'aar kt the church. be- . at o'clock, Dinner also j .? ill be served. Everybody ^cor iiallv invited. ! Mr. C. W. White spent the week) e nd with his parents in Greensboro, i * + * # , Misses Katie Lee M aWuiws rm-T Clara Edwards spent last Saturday in Durrtam. " 4. * * Mr. and Mrs. Joe' Kirby and Miss Annie Lou Thomas spent Sunday in ^Oxford visiting Dr. and Mrs. "Wat kins. , * ? * * Mr. Sam Ryland of South Till! spent thi^ week ?^4- here withT fri end*. ^ .J I m-ik * .* ??i . Mr. and Mrs. John F. Street of Providence, R. I.? are visiting" in tH? home of Mr. J. A. Ix>ng. _ . ??. v. ' * - I FOR SALE?Big Dark fted? to Skin Cockerels, PttHets?end?Hens; 126 pri?JOHN KERR Oakwoo?d Ave., Durham, Nr C. ll-29-2tpd " j J % * m.i, .wncwT^^^ CLEAN UP, PAINT I P AND LOOK CP. Jast now we are in ttte midst of a 'Clean Up Week" and we can say nothing more appropriate or more forceful than' the following from the Manufacturers Record: * If every town in the South would imitate most of tHj towns in Florida, the South would become noted throughout the world for the beajaty and?charm--and--cleanliness of its towns. * : ' Cleanliness, it has been said, is next to Godliness. A dirty individual is neither clean spiritually nor mentally. Dirt makes for ruin physically, mentally, morally-This is as true of a town as an individual. TH? dirty town, the town . full' of rubbish, of untidy houses, of muddy streets, of insanitary conditions, is "non-progressive materially, morally and educationally. Neither moral not material advancement flourish in dirty, onkempt dwellings or in unkempt towns. If any town- or city is ambitious for advancemenCT or if even a few of its men and women are ready to devote their time and energy to the betterment of .the community, the surest~w,3y to achieve success is to clean up?make hack yards and front yards clean, make streets clean and keep , them clean, encourage people, white sttd black alike, to beautify their homes and thflr yards, stimulate a love for and a pride in their "homes and in their towns, repair the tumble-down yarvl fences. paint up, make things as clean oatside as (hey &IJ <uld be inside, and > then that community will look up r.iontaily. mornliy?arid rnuiPrtally. __ No ccmrmfnity which does not . clean up anl niiiht up, which does not do its best t ) have clean streets and clean yards, has Any right to look up and face the world. "A- cH an- coat." s iid President Harrison, "makes a cheap man." In tHe fame, way':? *might v-<- sai l a dirty tow makrs .!: v people: :i dirty pi->j : M*al an;! material lirty an 1 decay! !* is the duty of all titer and {vomen t j make their homes and he; horn- towns just as clean tl's.?-and ben if l ifv?l as possible He 'ho falls shot*; in this re?pc'-: ;:r!? !'). ; .! l is <.suty to (lod .an.;. .u'.&u. not whit else l'\\ AC<Ol NT, The- i 1"tci time .to pay v ; at : *.. mi "when you have the iv. r; v. i: { the only way to have i i nay promptly*. Of ; twr = :":>ot;nu'S. there arc reasons v !:y ' an no: v.:':et his obligations P' ' . f ;a?'aei e. last year. Yob H . .. crop. V.Ot get I1UIC h for y r ai? was in a tight pU.o. . Vv'l (iiil'wu <l?i We carried yen over without fussing with von, i:Tit! now it l->oks like you would be :n1y t . glad to come in and pay us. Some' have acted .like num. paid us . up, and-we are anxious to serve such . ! ,? ' , i U..H- ? the open market and m rh? Association who could I Jive done likewise, hut have not. Ynu know how we feel about such treatment so it is no use to waste words- here, but we want to sav you can pay now 'and we are expecting you to do so promptly. Do not disappoint us. We need the money and, need it badly. . Yours truly. J. L. GARRETT & CO. KIJNERAI. OK MR. T. M. FULLER. Mr. T. M. Fuller, of near Prospect Hill, in Caswell county, who died last * Friday was buried Saturday at Z o'clock at the Cooper burying ground in Caswell county, funeral services being condurted by Rev. R. E. White of the Baptist Church of Rtucboro. M7. Fullor was born Aug. 6. IMS, - an3~ was therefore 57 years of aft*. He had pcen in fsiling health for* some time suffering from a complication of diseases. He was one of the most substantial citizens of Caswell county, a successful farmer '? "* ? kind and genepous neighbor and friend. -He. was never married but Is survWed by four brothers and thru# sisters;?W, ?- - - ' . .. * ' r~ - - e ' "...

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