v.-" M^y^i * > ' . -?t Gal va Roo -j, Send us your ordres for the at the right price. Large shipm< WE HAVE LARGE STOCK > j . AND SHOP WORK BOtJ^JHT VANCES AND IT WILL PAY THING YOU MAY NEED TO ROXBOR [ ' . LU Home of Qua * ' I PRINCESS Advance program from Tkursdaj THURSDAY Jessie L. Lasky p upportei by DOROTHY DAL/1 "MORAN OF THE*LADY LET Melford Production. Added: ;SC before your eyes) single reel. FRIDAY-AND SATURDAY. OLIVER .CURWOOD PRODUC AM 7 The Northland's greatest Di *1 Harlan. Gaston 'Glass, Roscmar; - 1 greatest cast of StaC piayerscg^ ; hunt .ever. Filmed,"and a love si (Added'a Two reel Educational ! u LOVE". s MONDAY ANI> TUESDAY. -1 OLD HOMESTEAD" witU T1IE' I T. Roy Barnes and Charlie Ogle of the forty one. A Paramount 1 | of people want to see Theodore oYniint has been able to acquire I aeter actor like a glove. At last j tWe "Grand old man of the Mov ' born- for. MATINEE MONDAY AT 3 l\ ' . WEDNESDAY. JESSIE L. LA! '"DEVILS AWN" A Paramount comedy single reel. Coming Wed. Dec. 13th. J AC] NORTH" A Paramount Picture Coming Dec. 14th. loth. OW MISSING" A Select Picture. Coming Dec. 18th. 10th. W "CLARENCE" with Wallace R< Avoy. A Paramount^ Picture' ITS' | Yes it a it ' ! v sceci ? t j \ us for less money. We believe i: | I liuf I I RED WHI X X 'DAISY ... ME.M. I'ER IIA? IOM I.H... SM.AI. J'i .1! 1.15. r \ , \ \ I' i.XRD !'KR r.l W CHEESE Ml.I. (REAM VIA' I'M! "I.!: tZ"* I.AliO HAIRY EEKll. I'.RA . t h? k* - , ?nor l-a . ; irr : ]ca.?u we save ; i up. an 1 we urarc" yeu?to" TVuv" 1 , : ('cum1 lei* *.alk it-ever. FOX'S CAi 1 ON THE LIFE. FIRE AND AFT i Person R & Ini C. Copeland Garrett and We represent the Penn M Philadelphia. Our policy , is attractive, tl our Company is unquest'one let us taMc with you. We represent a strong I in ies, including Automobile , ?te a share of your businea If you have a farm or tc it with us and see how qufc you. It will not cost you a pi Person Real Esi ~^7" Uarrett ahdKij I \-i-Office over Hambrick t =yr?... / r V~ ' , ; inized 'fing_ best grade of galvanized roofin1? !nt juat received. CEILING, FLOORING, SIDING BEFORE THE RECENT ADYOU TO SEE US FOR ANYBUILD WITH. u MBER GO ility Shingles THEATRE y Nov. 30th to Wednesday Dee. t?. resents HADOLPH VALENTINO T>N in Geo. Melford's production FY" A Paramount Picture A Geo. BEEN; SNAPSHOTS (The Studio C; C. Burr presents A .IA.MKSTION ' HE LAW" ama--witK Alice Lake, Kenneth y- Theby and Wallace "Berry, The "nr^assenfbled* The greatest Man,, troy- long to be remembered. Comedy" entitled "SCHOOL DAY Jessie L. ljiskv presents "THE ODQ.BE ROBERTS supported bv . A James Cruse Production. One Picture..Thousands and Thousands Rtoberts as a Star, at last Paraa. piece that fits this great chhrwe have n truly, great Special for ?es' Uncjc Josh is a part he was M. ADMISSIONS 10c am) ?5c. SKY presents POT.O NEGRI in Picture. Aided SNUG POLLARD K HOLT in "CALL OF THE EN MOORE in "REPORTED II.LIAM DF.MILLE'S production iri, Atrnes Ay era7 and May Mac G * OUT it votl huv the .-ante j^oods from a tiiir TURNOVER ;t?4 SMALT, t $2.3') $ 2.2-7 ? i?s t __ LU K . . .22] > .33 . .4 IC, .VlllJUi.LX.UJi and iiiiiiibtroiLL-. R. YKS.? you on any quanity from H havioiw cs the market U on the** rise: >H STORE : BILL. ---?- ' ^ ?~? OMOBILE INSURANCE eal Estate 3. Co. J. B. Riggsbec, Managers, [utual Life Insurance Co., of le stability and reputation of d, Before taking out a policy e_of Fire Insurance Compan- | insurance, and .will apprecs. iwn lot you want to sell list kly we can dispose of it for enny to try us. late and Ins. Co. gftbee, Managers. " vn4 Amtfa'fi Drug $tore. ~~ ^ ,> . ' s- ' -r~m: v - 1 - .. THE "BOAHOPO pott?* FT? -y< ; THE COURIER j Roxboro, N. C. Novr 29th 1922 Don't you hear them tiay Get it at ROXBORO LUMBER CO. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Chestnut and Mrs. Wiley of Burgaw spent tho week end here with Mr. Chesytit's biothes, J. L. Chestnut. ?^ Mrs. W. C. Watkins has returned \ home after spending tHs summer in AshevOle. ? ' Little Miss Ann Watkins has rei turned home after a^ visit of several ; months to her grandmother, Mrs. Watkins in Henderson. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bullock and children spent the week end m Warrenton visiting Mrs. Bullock's mother, Mrs. Moore. * Miss Louise Bailey spent tWe week er?!i at her home near Mill Creek visiting her father, MfTOr D."Bailey. Mr. W. C. Johnson of Pittsboro spei\t last Sunday here. # N " * **. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. B/Buchanan spent the week end in Oxford visiting Mr? Buchanan's sister,- Mrs. W. T. BensK 1ry. and other relatives, rrr * * * * Misses Blue and Miss Lucy Jones of RtaleigH and Miss Eliza Jones of Durham wore week end guests in the home- of Mr. A. R. Foushee. Miss Eliza -Jones, .with Miss Francis Gcmpton, wjll spentJ some time here with Mr. Foushee. * * Mr. W. L. Foushee of Durhom * spent Sunday B?re visiting hi? fath, er. Mr. .J. R. Foushee. * J ; Mrs. W. F. Wliitt and son. IV. F., j Jr., arrived from Rockingham. >.\ C., ' last week and are spending some * j time with their aunt, Mrs. Xorman ; Street who.is ill at her home at ! Mill Crock. | < -?? ? flow .mid' Mr?. A Ber.m \Vent to FLhniond last week where Mrs. Beam went f:r treatment. Mr. Beam 3 returned. and brings most en ecu raging reports as to Mrs. Bramk f condition. j . '# *v IS . Mr. J. T'.JNJewton of Moriah was a j.irasant caller last week. * * * * j Mr. ^nd Mrs. Z. V. Gwynn of Rich i mond spent several days% here last week. ,i Dr. B. R. Long pf Greensboro spent the week end here with relai tives. Mess. L. M. Carlton,- \V. D. Merritt, C. E. and M. T.Winstead were Raleigh visitors last Monday. * * Mr. H. L. -Boatwright of Danville visittiH his son, Mr. E. V. Boat wright mm li re this week. * * ? * i Mrs. J. E. Wieberg and son Jack are visiting in South Boston this week, guests cf Mr. and Mrs.. A. M Denny. ' ' * * 4r * Miss Lucy Connell spent the week! end at her hSTFie in Pittsboro. ? * * ? Miss Ra^e Ehrenfeld of the Djvis- j jj ion ??t* Pv'oUc Health Nursing. >tat"? '; Roar! -i Health., is spending \hy lay with Miss SmigeLw. Red Cross! i < ouutv Nurse. 111 1 ' m " iij Hides Wanted - ? J i We want Mtfles of all kind*,. |j J' f I . : ^ J dry and prreen. and will pay y { the HIGHEST CASH market price for ttienv. |"1 ' ALSO CHICKENS AND I NUTS, IUAISINS AND EV? ERYTHtNG FOR YOUR |j CHRISTMAS CAKF.S. ||. _ WjTTT^F. THEM. II Blanks & 1 a! t _ ' || ivi orris- J ? ~'/ ' " - ? - t- '' ' "if"..'" \ . > .' v v t' - - ' ^ MBER 20th, 1922. ^ ??? 1 "r ? BUSINESS LOCALS WANTED, 160,000 pounds of scrap tobacco. Save your scrap apd keep the dirt and trash out. I want all the clean bright scrap 1 'can gat after dan. 1, R. A. Passr Roxboro, X. C. ?2ts Nov. 2ts Jan. pd. Slashing reductions made on all Coats and Coat Suits at Wilburn & Sifctterfield. Industrious men and women wanted to retail the genuine Watkin^ Products in city territories. Exceptional opportunity to tie up with oldest and | largest company of its kind. Our hustlers average income is SI. 10 an hour. Are you doing as well If not, write toddy fbr free samples and particulars. The J R. Watkins Co., Dept. 82, New York, N.. Y. lf-lSStpd I Just received a nice assortment, beautiful designs in rugs Wilburn & Satterfield. We do not specializer in- Rugs, Druggets and Furniture^ but we will save you money on these items. Try us. Wilburn & Satterfield. _ Don't ask your frien'Js to sign your bond when you can buy it cheap. See SATTERFIELD. Received this week some beautiful designs in -young Mens SH'.rts Wilburn & Satterfield. MONEY FOUND, a sum of money was found by me. Any one describing the amount, eCc., can get same by "calling* and paying for this" notice. C. H. llunter. Knox or Stetson Hats at Wilburn & Satterfield. Too late to lock the door after tH.; horse.has been, stolen. Just as to fcire policy. Get it before the fire* occurs. Phone or write Satterfield, Do It "Now. If you want a suit made to measure try Wilburn & Satteifield. -? . HUES! FIRES FIRJBS! Examine your fire policies' right' piw. 75 percent of lthe property owners arc: "under incurod.- Phone Nr.. 13-j or clrjop m.c a card. Tomorrow .may be too_ lat\ SatterfieM Iu5 Agency.' 4 Get your Shoes from Wilburn & SatterfieM. _2L_ ^ AT AUCTION, good piano, as gooJ as new, only used a short time Will be sold on court house square on next Saturday, Dec. 2nd. at 2 p. m. J. W. DIXON*. If you want the right thimr for l.tm or her for Xmas, you will find it at Wilburn & SatterfieH. AT AUCTION, good piano, as gool- as new, only used, a short time*. Will be sold on court house square j cn next Saturday, Dec, 2nd, at 2 p. ! m J. W. DIXOV. If your feet calls for good Shoes direct them to Wilburn <fc Satter.field. AT AUCTION.. good piano, 'a?; gco l as new, only used a short time Will be sold on o?urt house square ; ci? next Saturday. Dec. 2r.! 2 j n. ,1. W. DIXON. Wijbiirn .V ' Sat* rfidd sells good J Shce*. this Christmas 9 a Happy one if you give jewelry, something to remember you l>v as the. years pass. on_ ? prepared to serve you with the largest stock yet. get t?:*m from I The || I NewellslI Jewelers 11 -I Hoxboro,-, N. C. I I [ ,cv? Do your Xmas shopping early and] avoid the rush, you will find what you want at Wilburn & Satterfield. FOR SALE, one fourth interest in the Ver Vac Bottling Co., of Rox* boro, N? C^, and 4 lots on the Durham road, just outside the town lfinits." No more desirable lots on the 'uinrket. These are good investments and will be sold at attractive prices for cash. Apply to W. B. HORN, Rexboro, N. C. 11-29, 2ts. i| V 1*7211 iJL UU VV 111 1 fnl and be Thi you will buy your SF tomers say that we ! we say that we sell ; "All Leather" to sta; fit any member of th( to trade with us. Try Our Store will lie Closed 1 I Wilburn & || ROXPv 'PIiS"JE3i l'. r~ ~ - r ire 1 Get Ready For i | Coin Loch Where you will find j. kinds of FIRE WO I'. For those w anting t I- BOA I SWILL HE \ . And you .md your fi the lake and < njoy s Jack i j_^___=?= GET OUR L U M I * SASH DOC 1 , FLOORING 1 SID li 1 LIME CEME I SHINGLES LA MANTELS G PAINTS < "Everything tc 3 wiiims i ~Roxbo PHOl V - ' *?? . v ? - - - -- . - - ^ ".. V -I ?' ' ?. * - - ?- - V - ? _?. A . t - *' page .et--2l' r< FOR SALE, Parlor*?tove, in good condition. Has been used only short time. Apply to R E. WHite, at.Baptist PaStorium. . FOR SALE, shoats and pigs, the ' kind that grow, make 300 to 400 lbs. of meat from 9 to 12 months feeding. This makes my fourth year in the' hog business Mere. Our stock has proved the test. When you get ready to "buy come to see me. I will be in business, urvtjil MJarch 1923.?Will Forbush, Roxboro Cotton Mills, . Roxboro, N. c, 11-29, ltpd. J 5e Thank- | We Will I ankful I [f ? 1 IOES from us. Our cus- |j i' . sell good SHOES ancL jlj. goocT SHOES. It takes ^|| nd weather and we carf j,Jj 2 family. It will pay you p 'HANKSK1 VJNfJ. ' B : Satterfield | rmo. n. c. . I " . 1 Works | Christmas and ic I u Lily a fine line ot various. ^ RKS. o enjoy this sport "* FRF.F.. " ':: |r . riends can <*? out on ! time rare sport. Harnett ! i PRICES ON BER| y )RS FRAMES I '%\ '., CEILING - j ING NT PLASTER ;|j THS ROOFING g IRATES TILE DILS, ETC. I ? Build With!" 1 *' lw ? BiFLLDGK E ro, N. C. pi ME 94 H v " 7 ^ . ; ' . '

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