" *1 . " > * ' -!* I 4 ' ' J. W. NOELL, Editor and Publi t ' ' -M . , VOL. XXXVIV WILL BANQUET _ OUR VISITORS. Chamber of Commerce Will Give Banquet In Honor of Greens boro Visitors. On next Tuediay Dec. 12th Roxboro is expected" to entertain a delegation from Greensboro. The Roxboro Chamber of Commerce has invited this delegation to visit our town and when tl)_>y arrive they, will bo entertained by the Chamber of - Commflroe. a^ie delegation will be . met somewhere between here and Prospect Hill and will be oscortdd-into town, and after spending some time here will be carrjdd over the road S connecting Roxboro and Virgilina, f Va. We do not know just what the proV - gram will be, but among otHer things a banquet will "be given in honor of the visitors, and, of course, some soeech making will be had. We deem ? it quit? an honbr to have these gentlemen visit this good town, for we are exceedingly anxious to become better acquainted with these Greensboro gentlemen. Tfcby -will represent the best of that good city, and any . set of men who can buiUL. arclty such * " as Greensboro ijire worth, listening to. We hope to catch some of the enthusiasm and sec if $>ur__?itiiens can net take pattern. This meeting sI.GuM result not alone in good to our town, but should be of interest to Greensboro, for it. ? " is hoped they will see some of th?--good which will accrue to their live city by helping to complete the Highway from Richmond by way of Virgilirva, RoxborO, Burlington toGreensboro, saving something like forty miles ia the distance from Greensboro, to Richmond, and on north. Come on, gentlemeh. The town is yours. | : v - - o t ' MR. O'BRIANT THANKS THE PEOPI.E. Roxbcjo, X. C., Dec. 4, 11)2*2. Mr. Editor: Please allow me a little smee in ' your*-valuable paper. a> I ant rotir, ing as sheriff of this good C-un'ty. T deeply appreciate \vh ' the goo i people of Person County hav?j i!oa for me..in ! 'doing ni:1j yr.f:rc?' th laws cf th' Stat*. First <>f nil I want to ihank'nry ieoutio- v, . sp-o : by me an-l dJ.itso-mueJ gro I ivork hi enforcing the 4 piohih: . i.iw-. Th. good people of this Count*" stop ' ??? "bpuldrr ^hni'hu-r u-i + '.i n>* forcing the laws. ! !?.? f. 1 t> ; mv rlntv in serv'.:'"- :ip. 1 a* tending to the < :*!I- f ^.> 2 . pic of this ' <' ?unty. We have dosirove I ">ld 2i-':!U'r;* plants since I ha\'e 1 ?; ? ?.? -hvrdT- !.? fivst Sunday after 1 *??< k the oath of office as sheriff \\v r.r a coop-. r st'll k and th?- hi-* Sum lay 1 was >'n riff p v'f go't ah thkr r ttll a lured 3 men P fe. ! :f y J will give J. >-t in Lv v. - . - :o\v your sheriff. the* sarr.'.- : jiur*r y' i hf\ve ;giveft we *%? * g??':i ' work will* still g? ? n. I wan? : .i tfrrifik the offers f ? town of lloxboro for iheir cooperation With the sheriff's office force i:i enforcing t!),? law?. I will Ue.in the sheriff's .ffke with the tax 1> ok* and will thank you all to come in and settle your taxes. Again thanking the gcol people of Person County for their loyal support, I am. Yours truly. J. Al. O'BRIA NT. THREE MEN AM) -STIIgl. CAPTt'RF.I). Last Sunday Mess. I. Melvin Long, S., A. Oliver and Melvin Clayiton made a raid down near Wcods dale and captured three men and destroyed one rf the largest outfits of the season. They were caught red nanoen rigni on ine jon. ine men were C. F. Wilkins, Ellis Bote's and CWarlie Lawn on. the last; named t>s ing colored. At a hearing they were bound ovct to court, all giving bonds. SIGN& OF CHRISTMAS TIMES. ! If you lJUve ^jrw doubt as tt^ how near Christmas is to us, just ntgj} in the Newton-Wilkerson t>rug Stfere%>, tor-there you will see signs on all sides. The decoration ife indeed a tiling of beauty and you just naturally catch the Christmas spirit when " ywa enter. .. ;v' ' , ~v .1 J Lsher ROXBORC COOPERATIVE _ MEETING. | ?o? Bi'k Crowd, Resolution Adopted . Commending the Manner of Se- | curing Contracts. Yesterday evening- there was one| of the motft enthusiastic meetings of the farmers composing the Tobacco Growers Co-operative Marketing Association ever held here. Mr. L.^\TT" Morrell was tHa speaker for the oc- i casion, and after his speech there. were'a nubmer of short talks by the < farmers. ' - t The meeting was held in the court i house ani it is said tlJare were fully i 150 people wtJ> could not get :in the j 1 court room. The following resolu-IJ tions were adopted without* a dis-1 senting vote: 1 Resolved, That the campaign for,! i signers of the Tobacco Growers Co- ( Operative Association contracts was 1 conducted in high tone manner, and ( Rlesol^ved, further that we higlJlyj ajjproye of the manner in which the 1 campaign was conducted, and'we be- i lieve thnt none has had just cause to break His contract, and we hearti- t ly endorse all of the methods used by the Tobacco- Growers Association ; up to the present time and feci sur* ; we have reaped great benefi* there?< from. *! ."* . ! METHODIST BAZAAR DEC. 9TH. CHl'RCH BASEMENT, ' , _ If of the following you are out of stock, at 1-1 o'clock,'land at our dock . in the Church Basement: ! Wool Comfort, billow Cases, i1 Tabel gunners, Luncheon ' Sets, Towels, Camisoles, 1 ^ Handkercliiefs, J?oady Dressed Dolls-, Baby Caps, * 1 Etc., Etc., Etc.. If-with friends \ou wUh to make. ^ fnerry. if- delicious eats you .wish to partake in. an atjnosphere cherry. ' select anv or ah of the following: Brur.-wi^ Stew, Chicken Salad* and acces-orios; Ice Cream of various varieties. Cakes of .different sorts. NEW OFFICERS SWORN IN. \!*:r. ;*y h. n.wi cicctod J t inly "M> 'i-* were wprs.# in ani : c-hr.'. jtc .f, th- affaii > f tin' . '. flinty. There were only t yo tdii-nir< * ' :h- register-nif ric-FL- an ! -h : . trr*T . 1- I.1. Ilia fill.I.. ? "1 \v?T?: K' ' , k. efcrrge and ia The latter ^ " y. .1. Melvin Loner is in cM'd.mtn "f the real kind. i T!iANh., > ' t. r?Tr* T?-2 1 >? ,/ 4 . ~ ' f ^ Home First, Abre ). NORTH CAROLINA. TWO MILLION DOLUS H L SWEE 500 RESIDENCES DESTROYED; 6000 KEXDERSf) HO .'Jr- t THE NORFOLK & SOUWHER^ Negro Section Practically Wiped Out, And Churches^?Great Roper Lumber stroyed; Cemetery Acts as Barrier'a New Bern,' Dec. I.?An arm^ of BTrimy. chimneys, sanding ^n? ^rim j sentinels amidst an area of^sm^uld-i ering ruins whicli extends for/half 1 a mile from the wetsem bojijgdaryof the city to Neuse river, toiaght, make tfie Cflnrsp of Mom two million dollar fire, ffre woftt -in c the -city's^history. * * I ;.When interviewed at 10:30 ojfelock; toniglJt Mayor Clark stated that so < far as hV*couW" judge, five h^dred i residences and . business houses had j been totally destroyed, approximately! 3,000 persons were Homeless and the | total fire loss for the day, ine^dintr | th Roper Lumber Company's mills, i was th excess of $2,000,000. The fire was completely un^er con-; trol at midnigiJt tdnight. i The war devastated towns of Bel- j ?;um and France hardly presented | \ more pitiable spectacle of complete ] Instruction than that seetionjqBLNev.', E ;uu nau j\entHir.ec p&yrniti^. , Women and children were cry in? und men .;?az4i at till rains with hopeless -and sullen expression* upon their faces, fn several places the t rharrod limbers still burned and JIV" : ;'.miek'S.? people gathered about thcs? k'n? warmth from ihe cold which vn be?inninj? to* make it^eif felt In spite of the fact t'> t both whites :fid Ma ! : ? had been informed that vny* .juiirtors \voj'. \ he provided t ; t he m, many* ivrypuicntly paid no !; -M.v ' : ? stn?;ft? 1 i > "hink of ahythir.tr but ftrrr m.r r uid household ?ood- which had be -a ?lc:'n away f-nm them by the mritcr. true's'inr fire which sprea1 teror thiruarl'vjt the city fir more * pin nine- h urs toray. In one of :h:? empty f * :iliz?r . arehc.'j?es are Middled from two la r hroe hundred nbgr i men. women ; ??! * hijdren.* Several of the womer sit .vi'Iv i-vfarrts buy red t^hily> t > rhvh east*. Here and. *. re a child it ejme but fo. th- most part every J ne is w ie awake an! talk in? in l , v. f the rent 1.11 ex?-tM ? v t.'ie runt iagr.it ion*.. 7.inrv r .n/. ' invc nothing: lc-fc except a ftw art:- ; de* they managed ta save h?/;,.he fire \\:as upon thero. OtlJ:r fire victim- jr*? being ho *- i i tonight in wme of the churches F.nd halls cf, the community. The tvMite, for the most in.rt, have been 1 faker) into the homes of their more ; fortunate neighbors and friends. With the coming of dawn tomoriow, New Bern will begin to take t -.fork of the damage done. Estimates ; ">f t'J* t >td loss vafy but in the opinion of some city official* it will be in excess cf S2.000.000. p WANT COf.l MX. We feed ?ure that if til.? readers of The- Courier would use 6Ut .'Want Column" more * thev would find it worth while. Doubtless many laddies on the farms have something some or.e would be onlv too glad to buy if 1 rhey knew about it. If you have ( mirre jelly, jam, preserves,, or per- < 11 ps some_ fancy work. than you 1 want just insert a little notice in our I want column and you will be sur- ( prised how qaiclcly it will be sold. < Many a farmers wife, or farmer* 1 daughter, would be surprised at how ; much extra money' they oontd' ptefc ' up -by the $i?le of some of these little, things, if* they would only let it ^ ? v* ad Next. Wednesday Evening De RE - : PS CITY OF NEW BERN, s ^7 ? 7 a iHtt-t- te. MELESS; i" FIRE BURNS THROUGHOUT DAY , ) 0 i DEPOT IS THREATENED. VJ > ??' be Together With Warehouses, Stores to] Mill, One of Largest in South, Dend Saves Principal Business Section. n ) ? Fc o : Lb REPORT FOR NOVEMBER. Public Health v Nursing Service Per-(.to urn rn.,-? O-J " " ' ?.. wuuiy m-u v ross tuapier. iei ?o_ * Th ?It| iividual instruction pten&tul "1 are 19. cal \Prenatal visits 19. inj Cases registered yvith State Board cu >f Health 15. t br Visits to babies under" 2nrears "80. va Clinics, (attendance 28. wi Babies registered with State pll Babies examined by physicians" 15. thi Group instruction "Baby care andjTb deeding" 1. | de: Attendance 3. ; Su ho Ind'iv^iu/al instruction caye an j , vl feeding 8. (d* Gabies registered with. State j toj Board of Healtll ?5. _ B Demonstration. in baby care and.K. ftcdnig 8. - j A. Toxin antitoxinne given 20. . j Fc da Preschool visits (2 to 0 ^ic-ar--an Clinics 34. Weighed srtd measured 8. . j Examined 3. t |rPi Individual instructions to mothers . tei " I chi Toxin ..antitoxin given 31. , cci Home visits to school children 12. sic Weighed and measured, office. 2. * i dn 'Number of defects found 5. i V* Tuberculosis: co Instructive home visits 3. o Th Nursing visits 30. _ A. Instructive, cooperative, etc., 63. i C. Conferences, interviews anil office. Nt visits^ 7. " ?T. Midwives visited, home. 2. I.e. Gei~ficats*s issued 2. CI Don-'t forget #to being you** biby :: \i he "Weil Baby- Clinic", h^'' every./: -arur'. v afte:norn between 2 and ^ W 1 o'clock at f! C ~R? 1 Cross Court-: r ] \urse's office Roxborp. "Doctor tet* ;jpi tter.dar.ee. and remember that Toxin ntitcxfHv for the ffrevar*: >r. > f hohi .heria viv n fr*e . f 11 pr ?r 0!iv-. Hill High So'? ol a .pupil \y oust i.vrairc between #0- and J00 *. y. d: studies ?nd make 100 rn attend" re. The'fallowing a. lis* -f those jr0 1 h wrrn -this :j?tincti?*n Jurivg th bird .month rf s/hoal. AcooVdirg > , emulations. ne tardy mirk-.m. (v nbs ?ld Winatoarri and T.reman, B. C. Thompson and W .T. 1 n*, . ' M Mrs. James Burrows was hostess c the Review Club on Thursday af- c rnoon at Iter home on Main Street. * te lesson for the afternoon-- was c he Mediterranean." After the roll, II - ? the {^resident opened the dis- * ssion concerning the traveling H- r ary. It was decided to take ad- * ntage ' of this, and arrangements * 11 be made at a future date for the t icing of it. Mrs. R. H. Oakley led 1 tf. lesson review, and Mrs. B. C. bmpson read a very interesting r sciription of the little carts seen in p :ily. After the study period tlb fc stess served a salad course, coffee,' tipped " cream, and nuts Jto. Mes- -3 Edwin Eberman. A ftp* Clay-.. . i, Otis 'Wilkerson, H. L-. Orb well.' C. Therrtpson S. G. Winstea'i, R. 1 Oakley. Tom Pass. E E. Therm*,. R. Warren. T C. Bra :>her. Lillian reman._T. C. Brocks, with Meames Eldon "Bradley, John Werbc.g, t d Miss Bess FinUv as guests. s . * t,'. ?o? I On Fridav afternoon -Mrs. E. P. i inlap entertained Jtl.1, Fridav Af- e neon Botk Club. Vases\ of lovely c rysonthrmums were p la red for do- v rations and. F.bojc was -played a* r tables. After, several prdgres- fc ins the hostess assisted by her c lighter, Mary. Marshall, and Anna c 'oodiflg Winstead served n salad t arse, cogee, hot roles and candic.V c to ladies .present were-"* Mesdame* j M. Burn?, J. A. Loner. \V. F. Lcntr. y E. Lew. \Y\ D. .Merritt. J. \V. j >ell Ruth StepH n.?, IT; W: and J. \ Winstea i, George Kane. W. T. s ng. B. B. and If. \\\ Newell. \V. S. c arv. dr.. W. V. O'. i'.ti- .. r, n. A Th?x*on. G. W. Ti v a j C. Cabinrr Merritt. lluf'1 rfarr T mberl'ake. ,ri?tine V'alker ar-.l Efi . t' Iv N. ln. ?e? , r Sat M'-r.vA. ntc.r* : . !i*?htful Rook sim-: " r; ;y c \vr'jh Miss E?th:-r Creeyrf ] l.or tru < ? Fi*-- t.ibUi v.vr??'V!c % ! j t th. gam . at * he !;> ** f v.Y; h v i : . ! t '..i v.1.?'t* - . - < Vfie - ?rv !. M i - > Mv;rit v ?t.-- were Misses E1- k? Long. E |_ a ^sher, *^'ty Wild n. GV.v. - :':v. alker. Mart" Lee Orovvell; -Atkins rginia \V'!k,n>, Elizabeth k'. Ur ^ Emley, Annie Laurie fTTrniA lantine Merritt' and Ruth N'?-wt >r.. 1 Bernard and C'lvdi Crowed. R>b- y F!tf?? . la-'.' H.i.i '. k. i JIvrrl-w.T-. W- i. cv.'i, . 1 Walla \\'o? !?. 1 Miss* H'.-.iU ih .Neeil ofiterti:n Sat.a-lav . fv-rr.oon t*.v> table bVidsfe in iCnar of vi/'Lng girl* -e playing Wore V?i*s May Will ar ! gue>t Miss Tolbert f PuN p?. Miss Mary I/p ('rawell and h>r . st 'Miss Ad kin* if BovdlOri, \ a. j. ; s Elizabeth Xelsi?) <-f FbTCHie, S..j. Miss Louise Thompson, Mrs. A rah rr-s and Mrs. W. .S. CI arv, Jr. A y lad course and he* chrcolate was y rved. v ~?? _ r Last night Mr. and Mr*. .L A. ^ n? entertained st bridge in ! >nof their guests, Mr. and Mrs. .lob". Street, of Providence. K. L There. 'r?,;three tnhles with the f.'llowinr ^ \yinp: Mr. an! Mr?. John F. ^ reet, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Burns.', rs. A. S- deVlaminjr, Mrs. M. R.1 ne, Mr. and Mrs. .J. \V. \ >. II, Dr. tS E. Love, Mr. R. XT. Harris arid Mr:!0 d Mrs. J. A. "Loner. ;j GOOD RECORD. * f ~ . If Mr. J. M. .O'Brinnt, wRo retired asjj eriff on last Monday*, has ret a J ely pace for His friend, , Mr. J. f elvin Long. During We-term of of:e he captured and destroyed 316 ills and captured and brought to al 133 men. Mr. O'Brjant made o uld have Had the nomination for a ' Mt e.eellent oflfcer, and, doubtless . cond term hald he so desired, but 1 refused to allow his name to go the pritrursv. ^ . * ' * ... * _ ' | *. . " ' ' . ". 7? * - - - < V- ? K. ~ 50 Per Year in Advance No. 49 SALES GOOD, __ PRICES HIGH. , ?o? [ rices Sagged * Lit-4?.' Last Week But Seems to Have Come Back. ?o? The market closed here for Thanks* firing on last Wednesday and for a 'ew days before tlla close it looked o an outsider that prices were a lit*?^?r le off, byt with the opening on Monlay this week the old prices seemed o be with us again. Of course, we an not tell really wnen prices go ?ff, CUm only judire bv th, Sales have J?een .heavy * and the nerchants a%i&'sy> and look for rood sales frfhWnow until tH? warelouses close for the Holidays. o 1 ASS MEETING. LARGE ATTENDANCE. Town Board Authorized to Isaue Bonds and Go After,. Water.' . For one time the town seems to >o aroused to the necessity of an idequate water supply. At the maas neetir.g .held last night we, believe t was the: largest crowd we have ver seen assemble for ahy similar.!, all.. Col. Ludlow of Winston-Salem vas present sni made'a short statement as. to th? supply whiclf could >e secured, the cost, etc. He estimat- . <4 the corst at about one hundred , >r "one hundred -arid twenty five housand dollars, with n supply large: '* r.cugh to*furnish til.1 town for many rears. . ' . Mr. A. M. Bums offered a resoluion authorizing the Town Board to, *sue bsr. *s and aro after a water , upply, and the motion was sccondsJ by Mr J. A. Long. A rising vote vas called f >? and ahgost every one n the audience arose, .with not a rgl vote :i tr.e negative. LOI NI) DEAD IN BED* On las: Wt-inesdnv morning Mr. ' ! '. F.a -s. : substantia, farmer vin'j ir Ir. rnvmv , nuvch, was i- \>* Ho retired \he:;trh: before in- hi- usual health. Aut '.-v: before his .leath^e n xb r an 1 purchase 1 a suit TTZ7V.t =. b'JV !'. su }\n fait"-?? : : > irst '.his pS kaite when he went . I ^i,.. ar.! was in this suit he was luriid. '' THE DEACON AT HRl.ENA. The- first of .? series of four plays > be' lyiven.in Votan. n at four of tho iiri* schools in the County--will be i?.r Tthe Helena H'.irh School by he Bethel Hill IIi*h School Saturiv r.irKt. .Dtv.!;?th, at 7:30 p. ni. ,*K title of"th|. ploy is "Xhe Deacon-." V iinij-siiin f'?r adults''m >?> con's, for hildren 20 cords. Com? and enjoy a :ood play.. MOVED TO DIKHAM. Mr. YV. I.. Mnoro^Hvho has been iroprietor of the Junes Hotel for the ?asn\eUrhteen months* or more, with lis. family moved to Durham last" reek.' Mr. Moore was a resident of Durham before ccmincr here and will, re hear, en^asre in the meat btJ3t= io?s ir. that Tity. CHRISTMAS SEALS. Chrisfmas Seals are on sale at each , f the irujr stores in Roxboro. Mrs. ,V O. Sample, cl'iairman' of this ommittee, is very anxious for Roxloro to make a ?ood showing in the aIh cf these seals and unres every ne. to buy . 0 : VISITS PINEHURNSjT. Mr." J. A. Long: and hil mother, if'ra. Laura Long, and Mr. and Mrs. Street, of Providence, R. I? who had . >een quests of Mr. Long, spent ? cw days in Pinehurst last week. u ? ?' BOX AND 1'IB I^ARTY. There will be a box and pie party it Wheeler's School Saturday nigHt, December 9th. All come out and enoy the night: Window "shades' of all kinds at E.