F." ' ' v ' BfT-'* v J. W. NOELL, Editor and Publis 1 VOL. XXXVIV BIG DELIVERIES |^' - LAST WEEK "The Co-Oper.ative Association "Has , Best Week of the Season. , -U? H wa8 a hiiav time at tH* eld Pin- ^ i\eer last week with the Co-Ops, they c having.had -the best deliveries of the ^ season during the week. On Monday J j and Tuesday the -graders were kept { busy all day, and many loads were m carried over for the next day's sale. ] Owing to tW3 fact that all tqbac- j CO delivered cn or before the 20th* of ^ Bt? the month will participate in the IjJ; second payment which is expected ^ to be made early in the New Year tyr. H. W. Winetead, warehouse., manager for Rbxboro, is expecting ] Hjavy deliveries every day until that ( r date. . c i. .* i -o 1?? J e A SUCCESS. OF COURSE. : \ We are glad to -know the bazaar, j v given finder the anspicies of the ladies of the Edgar Long Memorial I s Chttrcfc, was a* decided succcs.-Rarely | s ???,? acAn o torcor i-ftllprtifin nf Cj fancy WOfk donated bv tH? members s of the societies of the Churchh, and the eats were plentiful. These baz- \ oars are anual events of the town ] . and. many are saved great annoy- c ance in selecting their (Christmatt t presents. The net proceed? amounted^! to. $5?26yT?" ; .f ^ " j-i Q ... . J DEATH OF MRS. O'BRIANT. j Mrs. lienors O'Briant died at the home of her tusband near Moriah last "Sunday morning. The burial ] took place Monday evening at Mt. c Lei>9?on near Durham. Mrs. O'Bri- ' ant was 71 years, 6 months anil 1,31 days old, and leaves besides husband,. I - ? ~?ive?^biildrer, throe sons and^two [ 7 daughters. She was a consistent and j j faithful member of Mt. Harmony' i Baptist Church. i o c DEATH OF MRS. HAMLIN. f Mrs. Mart Hi Hamlin 'died Monday I at her home about four miles West t of Roxboro. Her remains were buried ^ at the private burying grounds near \ her home yesterday evening. Mr?. Hamlin was a levelv spirit and leav- \ - a iHnrp. number of relatives and * frtervis .who w;:U fr.eurn h?- death. | s iffAN^jlKT CM.l.K!) otT, TWe *hai.Viu.-.t ' h'/rv-v f visitors t ^from U'irvv: i=ho: ' -vlu dul.. for y-'- ( t^f(T5y :;: ::!!.'J " r.s?all. '. :** 4 to the unf vrvftblf weather. Kv' lent- : ly c\ir Greensh ?r.? fro? U ?' ' ?: t know what clasp of i :> is w. have | down this way. v COMING TO PERSON ( Ol'NTY ,, ik Some ""Time After til* Christmas i.j B ~ 11 ul id ays. I Mrs. Ida Jeanne:: Weedcn, : nv*th- t c-.r of the .period, with^ her trouble- { some fomilv. ir.clu.'irvJr the "romantic t Beth an?l others, in 'he p'r.y entitled 41 As A Woman Th nketH " to bo jrfv- t en by the Provide n c I!. Y. P.-.A". for . benefit of y<- _B:?r?tist Church now ( beinp: erected a-t Proviilence. Help ,ti^ build, "ou?~chtarch" by patronizir.jr our HOG K1I.1.1NG TIMK ? We arc glad to ..publish the big ? hoprs which our farmer friend& arc ^ killing, for its shews our people are ? interested in fho slogan, "l.ive at * Home."" Mr. \\*. J. Whitfield of the * T- * : -" nnvl-la .><1 f "ll _ uusny rurr 11U Ji u ^ lovjs: 4 killed weighing 400. 415. 426. , and 440. Mr. T. R. Walker ef Tfftoug ' reports 2 killed weighing 1040, 12 ) months old. average 520. CONGREGATION BUYS SITE - IJ FOR CHURCH BUII.DING The Episcopal congregation has I bought a 'site -for a new chuTch i t building which they propose to'-ereetr-i in thi near "future-. tW- iaeation he.1 i ing on North Main Street. This con-11 gregation, though small in numbers J l? one of the most active congregations in the town. . t . ' SUPT. OF EXPRESS COMPANY HERE. ( 1 Mr. Smith, superintendent' of trte , Express Company, was in Roxboro last Friday .looking into the proposition of giving the town free ex- 1 press delivery. .This will ho quiie a ' convenience to the lot^i and" we are ( glad to know that Mr. Smith wilt i, rfcormnend the adoption of this plan.11 v -rv .^w ' ?V ' ~ x I iher ROXBORC SOCIETY NEWS ***'*?* + * ?V . ! Tl.ty K*s?Bwh Cluh met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. H. S. Mor-' ten, with! Mrs. J. B. Hurley leading ;he lesson review, the subject cf tvhich Vas "The Grand Canyon" Mrs. j R. L. Wilburn read 'the humorous little?story tof iHHio , Parker?Butler's ' 'Pigs is Pigs." Concluding the hour ,vas a delighitful menu cf grape fruit, salad%course, coffee and whip)tfd cteam. Present were, Mesdames IV. C. Bullock, T. E. Austin, A. M. Sums, E. P. Dunlap, A. S. deVlamng, J. B. Hurley, J. A. Winstead, R. Wilburn, W. O. Sample, and W. T. Pass. j Mrs. Otis Wilkerson and Miss Clara Sdwris were joint hostesses to the ncmbers of the T. and N.. Club, and l few invited fiiends on Thursday evening, honoring Miss Bess Finley, vho was a house guest. B'oston Rook va? playted at four tables, and after several progressions, the' hostesses! erved a salad course, coffee and I ituirea dates. Inuring tUL progresiions HeTschey'- chocolates were t ierved. '"\ The guests enjoying this affair \ vere Mcsdairres Joe Blanks. T. C. t 3radsher,_E. U. Parker; R. M. Spen^ j er. Misses Berthas and Annie Clay- ] on, Moliie Strum. Deltas-Bryan, Katie ,) X:e~ Matthews. Ruth Kate and Ethel ? Newton. Mildred Satterfield, Sue } derritt. and Hilda Mitchell. , ' " o j i 5 SCHOOL NOTES. Most of the scH>ols will close next Vidaj;, the 15th for (Christmas Holilays. Twp weeks will be given or till ruesday Jan. 2nd, 1923. "" t The outlook fcr a High School ^ building for Roxboro and Roxborb f Fawns hip is fine. The interest is rap- ^ dly grcwing and the matter is tak- ^ ng on a fine! anci Healthy shape. It ^ s indeed encouraging to hear our itizens. express themselves sc favorlbly for the movement. We "rejoice to see this growing in- , trest and nrov that it may ccntiniif to grow 'ill a Great Building shall >e erected in' our borders. The firs"? page of the - C.?ui >r of i , vcek before last >vas ar. interesting mge. It gavt* all of us much to think nlnfrrm fr ? unmn Bilking-. The thirteen- ' activities -.amud make fine list sure epousrh. ach of which should int^rcs-^ ?V.l ou: itixe^a. However 1 wasi .ihnee i. - an . "f the \yl'>L of U:xir.nj Tcwns'nid. How o&crerly i?.. tr.xiously we Uoked for this it. m as. \*i- read en and on. through the V !. ' >ut we failed to find it. *'A fine High 5chool Building: for f. xIku o , an: loxhnro Townshio." But we ire -ure hat id s was bv no means an intcn- J icnal omission from thi ii-t i f hingrs, but it was simply forcrottc^i^.ivt aasuredlv .he leaders ( hose great things are also deopl> incrested iiv a, High School Buillin.' ,i.d fee! that we must have it at an ally date.' ' A. Beam ^ \ MR. LONG DIES- SUDDENLY. } Mr.' 'Jenm R. Ijong. rwho live^^at'?! \ ffo, "was found -leal last Sa-turday. I it seems tKit he had geno out to his r ocr pen "? feed his hogrs and when \tini had either gotten over in the r H*n or fell over, and died suddenly. * he ho?? had mutilated W:s face, eat- t ?n off a part of his nose and ear. I: * 0 be .recalled that Mr. Lcr.g v.-as l ur friend Mr. W. J. Yarboro last rHursday. Mr. Yarboro happened to i very painful accident a few. days igo, having cut his leg while fellim? rtree. f ?< . Mr. Louis Goodfriend, for many a ,-earB one of Roxborp's leading. tnpr. r Hiants, spent the day here larft Satlrday. He is now retired from busi-| less and is matfhg his home in B&limore. oxbo Home First, Abr *- ? ), NORTH CAROLINA MARKET CLOSES 0ECEJIER 20TH ^ * ?0? j Both Markets, Independent and As-j sociation \YT11 Close Dec. 20th for Holidays. TIL Hoxboro Tobacco Market Will :lose on the* 20th of this month foi he Christmas holidays, the inde^ pendent house, the New Hyco, vritti. >pen on January 2nd, 1923, tHa dat* for the opening of the Aa^coaitioxr! louse has not been announced. The season has been very satis^j factory, both* the Independent atttfe :he Association, are very happy evfl ir tHa success of the market for thi* teason and are expecting to sell a" arge lot of tobacco after the HolHj lays, especially "is this true of theil \ssociation, for many of the. mem-j >ers of this association have sold: rery little of the crop as yet. PACK HOUSE BURNED Last Friday night a pack house oif| n:- iarm oeionging to Mrs. W. JJy [T.omas, about 2 miles east of townj vas destoryed' bv fire. The bant con*/ ained six and a Talf curings of extrpii rood tobacco. Mr. H. A.' Satterfield iying cn the farm. This is quite a Uuvy loss though -they wlul* fortunite in having some insurance. Right icar this pack barn was another .vhich the neighbors suceeding in laving though it caugW: fire "andeemed almost sure to burn down. . o CAR? OF THANKS ? < We wish to take this method * ton hank all of the neighbors and friends vho did such fine work in- saving >ur pack barn on last Friday nigb:, Tf.lytfg7?hMr 'tflViciv qnd heroic wo#c vas this ,barn saved, and we hre leeplv appreciative of their efforts, j Mrs. W. L. Thomas, ' H. A. Sntterfield.? tEGl'LAR SERVICE AT PRESBYTERIAN CHIRCH Regular services at the Presbyterran Church r.fcxt' Sunday ;.t 11 A. M.* nd 7 "P. M.. bv the Pastor. Preachhg ar Warren's Grove Scliacl House J P. *M. The public cordially invitd. . W C, KA\LP!F _ THh "f.lTTf.E \VO)l AN." ?o? This srdenrlid Irama :r: five" act1, i ;.i:>ted from tht story bv I. ui'se V..' V. o*t. will he presented by the stalert^ of Olive Hill Hi?!' School :it he ieheo) - auditorium, on Friday evnirt; Dec. at-7 6'clcek^ This .lav wiir interest And inttrue* voj 1 is well worth the price. Every-; iy irv Fed. ""especially the citizens' f Roxboro. ? 1?<> >/ J? (? THE FARMERS or-lFAI.lFAX AM) ADJOINf; OOINTWCS: Wt h; ve been wantinsr -ia. .write i j for the nast several weeks, but ' c r? .vc iust beeh - 5 "bU3\"" prrttinar 'f-pd prices for cur patrons, that we !.ve not had time, and to?, writing iftilS' 7n ncwsprinerV doc* not tret'" biar nicer. but we do. want to call your ttcnticn to the rood har Pwcrk we ire doing. Take Geo. Finch our aue-1 icnoer, ho is the best judge of to-1 >accc, and the host auctioneer in the hoe states, he knows what your to>acco is worth and he will not quit :ntil he rets the top-notch. Now.' ou den't knew what this means for -orr irr dollars. Also take Joel Young t. he knows tobacco from start to ir.ish, raised in it dresult, know any? Win?: else hut tobacco, and has the r.tercst of the farmer at heart. Dave I Conner is on the job every minute' inut come and see for yourself and be, ronvinced that the Independent is1 he place for y^u to sell, best accom- f uodations for man and ' beast, and j ouKeous treatment from the har*' **aa up." Yours for business, 4 Independent WaYehouste.. Subscribe to The Courier.' n . .. __ .* ?. ... * , . vJAuSi jprj ' ?? V _ to ^; Thomas Hamlin, who has been in I Watt's Hospftpil |)r the treatment ar of liis hand, which was caught in a CI husker, has returned " home and is ive getting on nicely. -' - pi; * * ' l?j We enjoyed a pleasant call from-! our friend Mr. G. T. Pentecost last' Friday.' Mr. Pentecost ~Tr"one~ of the?J"1 gcod farmers who -left us. and moved . over into Cedar Grove," Orange Co., ~ but he still knows where to sell Jji^ I good tobacco. He sold a load at the nil i Now Hyco whicH averaged $55.00 ' * fo I. " : 0 ; l, LAND SALE. Under and by."virtue of an order of .ttt? Superior Court of Person I County made in that certain special j... proceeding .therbin pending entitled 1 i1T "J. D. Winsiead and others vs C. E.ini: Winstead and ethers", we. the under- f!, signed commissioners. will on fc MONDAY, THE FIL'ST -DAY OF n JANUARY. 1023. it 12 o'clock iii ttko court hotfte dcor in Roxboro, N. C., sell public sal* to the higrhest bidder or bidder? contiguous tracts of lir.J h.byr r J Rcxboro TJownsHip. I*er*oit C',;untv. | N't rth farol. r p., to-v>: , Tin Ar'joir.injr TTnT? of Tn~ TuT~~ C. C. Clayton. .now owned by \1" heris.at law. tH.* courtv hems trae: the* late Muck Humphries or 1.:- * yrarftees, ami otk??r?. " l>c::,.r ;h;. tract formerly wnod by lure ] ! J hn -WaflfftafP find conveyed" by him to the late J. W. WimreBtl; ' ceased, containing l?l 3-." acres mor* 01 IcjSS. . Ib) Adjoining the above- ie.-vribe tract, land of W.^ A.' Clayton, ' foremrlv owned by the late .1 J. 1(! Clay ten and other?, beiny that *rac* formerly/owned bv 'he late Jo fin V. Sattcrfiebl and conveyed by his wid#w. Mrs. Geprcria SattcrflelTi. to the ''' late .T. W.': Wins ten J, deceased, con- !l tJiinina: 01 3-.~? acres :r.orc or less. *Terms of sale: One-third cash, one- -~ third one yeajt^aHter date of sa'. and the balance two lyears after date 'if.. ' sale. | ':it This December 1. 1022. J. D. WINSTEAD K. O. WAGSTAFF, Commissioners. o? ? 52, RE SALE OF LAND. j $2. By virtue of two trust? executed' f7 to n\e as trustee by W. L. Hobyaodw, and wife Ida, registered in Person 51 County in Books 2 and 3 at papres; 35f# and 143. the terms of wHicb- have $0. not been complied with, and at the | j, instance of the Koxboro Cotton Mills j $3 the cestui que trust,( I will sell for| cash by public auction at the court. be. house nd when you can buv it cheap. Sec \TTERFIELD. A few more "Path-*""Talking: Valines left at prices that will appeal you. Wilburp & Satterfield. cmrei .'tnnn . i iivCiO ; r I iv r<5 F IK L5 I Examine your fire policies right :w. 75 per cent, of the property nters are-under insured. Phone No. 5 or drop me a . card. Tomorrow ay be too late. Satterfield Ins. spency. WANTEI>??8 nice turkevs. Will ly 3.5 cents per oound. HUGH CODS. "XtLE YOU going to bu^ tbat nio you promised your little girl"far iristmas present. See John H. Carr, He will, save you $100 on any ar.Q you buv. Maynard Bros^ hand? thirty' si* - different makes. pf - t If its a gift for him, or a gift for er. you will find it at Wilburn & itterfield. * LOST, I female setter, with left* colored ears, has on 2 tags, Concticut. Reward for - finding or inrmotion Reading- to recovery. W. B. \Wg6x. Hurdle Mills. N. C. It FOR SALE, one fourth -interest in e Ver Vac Bottling . Co., of Rox ston. THm* iceo apply t > J;^i. r.cxt r.r.ri we per than it cost make the yeods. II. At?Harrrtl. South Boston, Va. Ch. 1st.) a.? Fi:ur, the 'h.r j i ' hr;-tma3 . aUes? no het ho had. Try Hujrlr Woods. ' - 1 ? > i_ . % pET THE BEST. It co t n - -m re. o -J I-: F V ERF SOX'S 20. pa v :n . l li- Ir icmnity> Disffbility* covers 'roubles. See SA'fTKRPIEfLD. Oo NVw. - V WANTED?Operator for .nijrH: rk : t the telephone office. Prefer ly hut will cor.siier applications m men. Morris Telephone Company. reus. FI RS. WAN.TKl). Mink Xo. 1 $7. No. 2. $4.50. Xo. 3, ,50. Xo. 4, $1.00. Cocns. Xo. 1 ,50. Xo. -2, S1.50, Xo. 3. 75 cents, i. 4. 25 to 50 cents. Opossum. Xo. $1.50, Xo. 2. $1.00. XcCT. 50 cents. . 4, 25 cents. Muskrat, 25 cents to ,25. Fox, No. 1. $7. No. 2. $4. N| hm some second hand * jriaaos sold for $45.00. slightly used, will svT fc f $250.00. Maynard Bros., see John H. Carver. if your^ fee: call for groo-i Shoes, direct then-! to Wilburn & Satterf:eld. . WRITE Santa data to go to E. D. Cheek's and get you a Kiddy cart, < r a tricycle, r perhaps ypu prefer /. coaster wagron. He. haft thom in .'stock ar.ci it, will not cost- OP. Santa ir.uch to get "adr.e frr you. W-at i ' v." Tha* Chr:?:n:as Fruit ;c KV ? Time * wcc getting it ?h. Hugh Woods has tho ingrtv dionts. Ton late *o lock thc-.Tbor after the. Arse has Been tokn. Just so as to fir; '-! ;. Get ii. !sef:rc the fire octi.r?. Pr."V "f writ.- Sa'tterfield, Do . PAY OFF y.vr old account and >ts-i ?h- N't-w Via: right* Watkins & Bullock. TRl'XKS, biggest line I have ever v.fried. .ndT TftiY-s* : >, I ' . Iteve I can -r. o ycu mon y on the purchase of a trunk. Avy way, come it; ancl see my ine and get utv prices before you buy a trunk. At .. you might, get my ? " prices or. anvthinor else vnu may van: in the furniture line. If I don't sell you the man who does Will have t i iiiiiM' ii.iKii. \ uusi: iir?TS. ;Tiy price will save vou monev. E. D. CHEEK. MAYNARD-'BROS. handlet 36 different makes of pianos, all the hitch grades, Stultz & Bauer. Knabe, Kranieh-it Bach. Mehlin, .1. & N. C. Fischer, _Uason & Hamlin and many otHers. See John II. Carver. We make a fuss about SHoea because we carry pood Shoes.'It takes" lcathhf to "iff and weather. Try us. Wilburn & Sattorfield. , , ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN. Sea SATTERlFIELD for a Travelers Accident policy. frjOOQ.liO for 110.00 an nually. DO It Now. Satterfield Ills. " Agency, "Old and Tried". - Seasonable goods at-, reasonable prices at Hugh Woods. * FOR SALE?at a Bargain, a pair of Fairbanks Platform Scales. Will weigh from 1 pound to 2000 pounds correctly. Call early. 'j'J A. R. FOUSHEE 12-15-2ts. . .. .? i . , - ?YOU will enjoy your Christmas dinner more" if y.ou pay off yoor odd " account. 'Try it. VVjtkins it Bollock. . /'.v. 1 -J1- 1 "