T7?*??- P.i.nrior I Results . ,B \ ' . X? ^ J.. W. .NQEIX, Editor and PuWi you xxxv iv - MEDIGALISGHODL I PUN LAUNCHED. ' .? it University and Trinity College to . . Combine' in Scheme. < Iff- GOV. MORRISON ACCEPTS- PLAN. I W?lic I ' rest and Davidson Colleges | ' i'robably Mill he Invited to Join in Undertaking. Raleigh. Dec. 19.?The medical -t F' school committee of "North 'Carolina j r- tonight voted its approval to a pro- j posel laid before it by Dr. W. P. ] Few, president of Trinity college, by ) which the University ot NortH Caro- 1 line and-Trinity college may e'stfib-.j lish and maintain jointly a medical) . School and hospital at Durham. Oth- ] er institutions, notably Wake Forest . to 1nin in the madinal anknnl sbarc is its controls \ The approval of the hospital com- 1 mitte* will be laid before the meet- l ingr of the board of trustees of tM> 5 a university in session in the office of < the governor tomorrow at noon, and ] Dr. H. W. Chase,- president of the i University of NcrtU Carolina, and a j member of the hospital committee ( will f(l?T a resolution to accept the proposal of. Tr/ity college and to ] . appoint a committee to work out the v details with a similar committee i from Trinity college.- |i The proposal <of Dr. Few, laid be- : fore the committee ut the governor's t mansion tonTght. contemplates the < expenditure of eigtf: million dollars , in the hospital . and the medical i school, million eaoh for the Univer- i sity and Trinitv, a million--<jollam; from each source will be used as a building fiind, according to plans. Trinity proposes to endow the insflS potion with $3,000,000, and the state, ( for tits University cf North Carolina, , will guarantee an appropriation to , the institution equivalent to the in-.i r ; come from three . million dollars. ]\ "Details cf the proposal will Have."; to be worked <out/* said Govefiyor ( r--- Morrison, *who%: made public tlie_ ac- j * \ . ticn cf the'-ccmmittee latev toni'ght.!< g';r. . The. committed accept tH> -proposal , Kv,/ - of Dr. Few in principle, and will re-,, r : ' comtnend its. acceptance cm the part < y< y of the/university t rustees. I regard 5 /;;; this as a. great- forward step.*^/ 1' The governor expressed .Vis high-. | , e'st 'approval cf the' proposal. He was , Joined by Dr. II. W. Chase. wHv "de-./j ' v r. . clnred* the nropORcd?.vombinntin "re- '< .. prbsents , n irffcvcment uiiiquc n the < ' . v,. . H'^fory rf medical /'.instituth' ns in fefe*.. tois country. ' ..J-( ^ j "It .is in nil tin? line / ?- ctu^a'-'.'mnl: \ Jendeaver iwr'e'u? ;**" v.c- Mdde-1; ( . f 'As - a ' irect result of *? ht-' <zvrv-%. a*?/' . . Jvitnept' to'.rtpcept us ,fi>T .n* the * hof^i-.;'; ifo i| tal ccmniittee eon a-cept t-tfi TT'opos*- ( -Dr. Fo\\. the committee '*V term--.' I Hk- ^ h3<ffehight to mala no rensrtwhat- J HP " ever on the Vocation of- the proposed | ffV-.'t he 'ri-it.v - of M-.rti! y, \ _ fYrclina, which un?l Dr. Few'? pro-', fc' "e posal was ttji orineipal matter be-j ^ fore^tbe" committee and the . trdstfteaij j p: *. - ? * X/lTICP -* ' ??: h. In Inccl cclumns of tin* issue : " '** I am offering soma articles of mer-;' Vi. - ' ' ofcahiiKe at anil below ctst- _ Com- j BBif r.ieneing Monday; January" 1st . I. gji j ' . . cftrhig 'these goods as leng as the! t1.' goods are in stock,'up to Saturday, January fith. You save mcney by Peking advantage of this, opportunist *y?? ' - - J. T. Walker, Jr. CHRISTMAS TREE pSt- AT I-ONGHURST. .. The Methodist Sunday School at Txinghurst gave the oK.ldren a Christ' + mas- tree last Friday, night. It* was a beautiful tree, costing -about $75, and all of the children of the school were made happy. Qld Santa did not ' - j" , forget the pastor, Rev. S. J, Stirnes. -?:?:?o? MR. HIGGINS HURT. v v E.j Mr. Higgins. who ha$ charge of V the reconstruction of the line for the Roxboro Ugtt; & Power Co., . was painfully hurt on last Thursday ev. * 1 ening when a pole fell on him., It was > feared there might be serious results J from the injury, as the pole was Hj '. about 40 feet long, and he-received ? . the entire weigh); from the pole a? ?cross his breast He was carried to r - ' Hotel. Junes, and physicians summoned, but it was found tliere was no "internal injury. He.- Higgins is' able- to be rrflt. but was right bn#y sher ROXBOR< MR. M. M. FEATHERSTON. ? Mr. M. M. Featherston, our belovL'rf. brother, was born near McG^Hjes mill. Person County, Oct. 30th, 1840, and died Nov. 1st, 1922, with heart trouble, making Ids stay on earth 77 years and 2 days. Between theee i isles He the history of'his lie: Ah j >bedient, Helpful brother to his broth-' ?rs and sisters He took , a father's place with them". He was o "young nan, when -he placed hie hand in 3od's hand, and he never withdrew t. Only tkbse of us who saw his leautifbl life in our home can know" he ' perfection of his patience and faith. He served in the civil war and tlways loved to talk ef the war. Mother Munch was stricken with leart trouble about 2 years ago, but it was always hopeful and looked forward ty the time when he Could fake up life's duties again. Being deprived of attending public worship ieemcd hie greatest cross. But hja. pterest iti his church never abated. ind he loved his Preacher and alvays loved to have him come to see lirn. So unselfisH was this dear * A ? J..???i:~LL?1 ~??1 ?i uiucr. rviiu a ii^iu iu uui iiuiiib. His personality "was so true, so fill- j k1 with the ineffable touch of sym-i jathy and- understanding- tfjat gave in acquaintance the unspoken privlege of being ones self without disguise. Brother, we" will cherish your netriory as wie loved your liie and roar sweet influence will continue ] to guide us upward and onward to that peaceful', haven where we know ^ ,-eu are resting at'last. He was laid i to-rest in the family burying ground.' 9ur home >is shrouded in gloom but der it'hangs God'a rainbow of promse "TO never leave thee Hor forsake. thee."?Sister. GARDEN SOILS NEED HUMUS R'aleigh, N.--cT^?c- 27.?"A ferile soil Ms. the basis of a gopd garien," sayje iFtank E.- McCall, gaTlen specialist, of the North Caro-, ina Hxtension Service. One of tll> jest ways te build up this' fertility i by adding humus dr organic mat;r"to the soil. ". Sir. MccCall finds that .the lack if farm animals in the State causes * decided shortage of barnyard nflhure and for thafcf reason loaves ' t wSods-mold * stbuhl be used; * A rcod- idea for the prospective" garjeneT wotlhh be' to gatbbr fcfcr* fa,Den eav.es, place them in piles' ars-i pey-i njjt them to decay. A better impost is formed when, the leaves ore oil- A combination' that.' Mr. . Mc2gU ha? found niiite e^feetmt^eait be pftde .up . c-f firvc. parts' of l'-avrs^ we. part ;bf 'manure, and ono part: yf soil. * The gardener should allow iltf* mixture to.rstapel for a season p<! tb.en. work it-into The. u5ih Not pily will t)$s compost add .the nec\?snrv humus but it VilUivlSP; add' seme other: /fertilising elements *?i<? ne\\. Wtjen, this organic matter hasor en added to-: the eoil', larger am cunt s'-cf fertilize^ can he usee! with profit." ? MORE ABOUT THE OU) PAPERS. "Mr. H. T. Clayton, one of our frir ndiy subscribers, sard " this old " papnr mafift lJ^n\ think of old_ times: He f'aypr -At this time I- had uii' -Popped going to school to Mr. T.'C, Rroeks and -was staying with Mr. D. Y. Cooper. I was having: a good time, but* did not realize it. At that time .there was but one buggy to be seen at 'Mill Creek,* and that was owned, by Mr. T. H. Street? I bought, one ,for my -father, Mr. S. A. Clayton. A buggy at tHis time- meant mavo flion an anfnmnKilo ta day.' Yea, tobacco was selling well at that "lime. While I was .seeing a good time then I have seen pretty tough times since, but I want my last /lays to bb. the best of alL?H. T. Clayton. ' ARRESTED^ ON A CHARGE OF'BIGAMY. One giving his name as B: C. Lee came. Ao this Ootnitj?about four raon % ago anS married a widow, Mrs nWon Last week Sheriff Long received a warrant front North Wilkesboro asking him- to arrest Lee, as it was stated in Wilkesboro that he was Ihring- HeTe with a secrmri wife. The letter -stated that Lee had a wife arid 5 cEIJdren liytrlg-*t that, place. Sheriff Long took Lee" in charge until the authorities. eame foi him.' ? | v < 1 C y-jfjl ^*^v H .?^B j^ij i Home First, Abn '*' 1 ' "f =#= D, NORTH CAROLINA PERSONALS. Mr. Gilbert Sample is visiting Hfa parents, Rev.. and Mrs. W. O. Sample this week. * * r .. Mrs. John Sellors of Washington, JD C., is visiting her parents* Mr. ar.d Mrs. H. G. Burnett. Miss Maude Grimes* of Lexington, N. L\, iviii arrive the last of tK week to Visit Miss Helen .Hurleyl ? ? 1 Masters Rupert and Maxwell Chepk of RicHlands are visiting their grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Chepk. ' "'V* Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ha'rvie and Mr. Edwin Harvie spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Wiliaon last Wednesday. Upon their return to Danville they were accompanied by Miss May Willson. . .Tf Miss Egglentine Merritt.- who is teaching in Rufflq, spent tHe holidays here with hor mnt-iipr ? Merritt. ' . Miss Pickett of Chape! Hill is the guest of Mis* Lucile Pass at Hotel Jones.' St * i. * Misses Halite Pugh ami Julia Yancey, students at the Normal College in Greensboro, are spending the Holidays here. Mr. Lawrence Bradsher. spent last Wednesday .in town. ; " *' * Mr. L. R. Shotwell Is spending the week at his home in South Boston. 'V"Miss Mary Lee Crowell is visiting friends in Boydton, Va., this wfek. . * i.? .;; j.'iJi* * Mr. 3.' D. K. Richmond, . who is buying for - the B. J. Beynolds Tobacco CS. on the Henderson market, is spending the week here with, his family. i ? , Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Thomas- and child of ..Bluefield, W. Va., are the guests of Mrs. Newton's parents, Mr. and )Ir?. W. I. Nbwton. , ?" I . .?: ? .* e' i Misses Helen -HurleY, Nellie Bird Woods and Annie Bhrth, sdudet^s at 0: -W. C., are at home'for tblo ChristI mas. vawrtion,, . ^ Sy . . . Mf* .'and MrS; W. C: ?bad\vick .of i\e^v . jD^rp. arc visiting flira.i < 'han. wick's parents, JRev. ::.td .tyrs. J. B. Hurley'. . . ' ' * . - ~y ' * -* ** '. ?.' . * Dr. and Mrs, B. R. Do.n? hrvf kor .-rv?!l, c.f Greensfcaro, tfriere. RoxJboro visits ihi? week, f in-. the home cf MLong's sister, . ^Irs. E. E; Brads b';&. * Afl *y$Lv. Wr. -A. JaneV-spent, several days here this, week > visiting ttlative*}. , L . ' - '' ?*. Mr. H. D. Loij^r, .whb is .on the . Raleigh market tVp-s season, is gpe-ndV i'njr the week, here with: his family. We enjoyed a*-pleasant 'call this , morning from Mr. J. T. Gentry oi 'Winter Park, Va. h I ?)lr. J. H. Dixon of Mullins, S,? C., ivvaa"STRosboro tnsiti1! the last of the : v.. ! week. ., i Mens. A. B.' Jackson and E. W i Morris drove in last 'nigHe with -t ! new. Studebaker ecupe which 'was ; purchased in Norfolk for Mr. Movf lis. - . . ' ' * 'J* '* *<" ' Prof. Wayne Butch .of Trinitj College spent the holidays, here witl His' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A Buych, . ? , ? Mr. Merrimon. Burns is' spending Christmas here with hia parents. Hi ?1 k,, ki. k*Lu M. ?03 ai.\.u?i|?aiiicy ujr 11 ip v, uuai i I'l? Richard E. Greaves, who, with Mr Burns, is a student at WalfS^f^ojes College. * r Mrs. H. P. Bryant and children oi BurgawV are visiting Mrs. Bryant' .parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Cheek .Rev. and Mrs. J. C., Canipo* <fr? -chtidrBn of~Met>ine are visitor^ ii the honje ' of Mrs. Canipe's parents Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Burton. j*-' Mn R. N: Featherston, who is cotl ; ncctil with the Co-Oper4tIve Asso clatfc^ at Aberdeen, arrived Batur day nnMiing and^lll spend the *vs Lestion^Jtera un'th hikpfamily. ?-f' ""T >ad Next. Wednesday Evening D ijr. Harvey G. Clayton of Greenville. Tenn., is the guest of his fatbI er, Mt. H. G. CMyton. ? ? ? it , Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Markham and two sons, Masters Tommie "and Robert, were the guest3 Monday and Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs; J." W. N'oelL " * ' ? - Miss Sue Xoell spent a few days pere the first of the week in the ' nonie of Mr. and Mrs." J. w. XoeTT. She returned to Elurham Tuesday . evening, I " ' ' Jr. .? * **<' ' v"-p- 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bollock and children, spent Christmas ht Btjlr lcclcs visiting Mr. Bullock's father, Mr. John Bullock. - Dr. R. H. Nbell of Rocky Mount I snont^ Christmas 'here with> his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W'.' kdell. j7 : i Not much of^ paper thlis "week. .Siut lliO 'boys jrfy they ltad a gieat time. t : ? * f ? ?-?- ? Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woodson of. Rustburj?, Va., * are, visitin/r. Mr. Woodson's sisters. Afpadnmp4 A __ S ' 1 dcVlaming and R.?fcT Wilburn. j * Mr. and Mrs. H. ,W. Foushee of Winston-Salem are visiting relatives^ here this week. 1 . * * * Mr. and Mrs. Gay Simpson and three children, of Madison,' N. C.. are tile guest, of Mr. Simpson's -father, Mr. A. P. Simpson. ' I * I Mr. and Mrs. George Burton of Rocky Mount are spending the week [ here with Mr. Burton's parents, Mr.' and Mrs. R. A. Burton; - I . *** .! Rey. and Mrs. S. J.' Starnas and children of Durham aTe spending til. week here with the members of his\ church at Jalong and East Rtoxboro. * * Mr. James Borrows has just Ye-, turned from a trip to England where lb .spent some time visiting his niother.- ' ; * ? Mr. A-.S. de Warning, a grader for. the Co-Operative' Marketing Association at Emporia, Va? is spend-: ing the vacation here with his fam-: ?y.. v . . A ? * * Mr. atrd Mrs. 3. Q. Peoples .a'n"i. " llttfe. mm, are "pending the. 'holidays] with' relatives in South Carolina, I - ' . I Dl. E.. 3, Tucker sppiit tW? hoi:--, i-piavs -with .his . hp'other, Mr. ,J. ,E ' .Tucker in Milton.. - .! s . . .v Vvn.:^'> .V?| , Mi. wj. J. I.. niep.tnu-t. spejdtj .. tin. ."hnlidays with: relatives and fv\--' .ends in their old -foam6*' at. Wags? w: '?( < + r: V: * * ? -. * '. ' ' 4 Misses isaMIe and M&rio? de-1 V-ainlnsr,- ' at -C;-4? lejt-e, are at iioiwe with their parents. Mr.. and' Mrs. A. S. de.Vlamirj? for-the holidays. . ? . '. ' b '.w V; .*.* V ' * Mis9- T3izr.beth Mas*en, a- student) at'rtha^ Cor,seryatdr\* af Music in: Durham . id- snemlintr the week her? { with her parents, Mr. anct Mrs. H. ' ff. Masteh. ' . * .? Mr. and Mrs%. GgH Timbeclake and , children cf DurVhm spent Cfrrist mas here With Mr<- Tirahprlakp,g parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wilburn. ' Mr. and# Mrs. E. H. Wilson of j i GpMsbcrc arrived* last week and' i spent the holidays with Mr. Wilson's father gear town. fc * * * * Mayor Newton was a Durham vis itor last Thursday,, whirr H? went i to consult aif eye specialist. Misr Margaret and Master L: M. Carlton, Jr., were Durham visitor* r last - Thursday. . * Mt. E. Eberman, Jr.. who is a stfc. dei^t in.Tooms school at Port Depost it, KTd.< is at home for Christmas vacation. ! _ Mr. and .Mrs. R. Fleming Brooks s cf near Washington, D. C-, are spend. fng the Holidays with relatives here. * 1 Mrs. "L. M. Carlton has been con1 fined to her robtn for the' past Sev'? eral days. ? WAN rfiD, 100,000 pounds of scrap a. tobaeco. Save youx scrap and keep T the dirt and trash, out. _ I want all the clean brigHt scrap I can get afi ter Jan. 1, R. A. Pasf, Roxboro, ft, C. ?2ts^Jov. 2ts Jan. pd\ r - C. L:.r ecembei*27th, 1922 ? - SOCIETY NEWS. t 0 MN1. Edwin Eberman was a charming hostess, to the Review club, on Thursday aftrenoon. Despite the raipy weather nearly the entire membership was -present. Holly and mistletoe gave a CHristmas air to the rooms, which with tferns and ether plants were used -in adorij.ment. "fhea busihess discussion disj.enscT with the minutes were rea37 anderoll call given, whish was. responded to witlJ peculiar customs' of the Chinese, whose country was the subject for {he lesson study. Mrs. B. (1. Olflvtan left Vha tnii*',. Vrs at the clpse Of the program Mr?. T. C. Bradsher read Coleridge's "Kublai KUan." A delightful salad ccueae was served the ^members, who* were Mesder.ies T. G. Brooks, James Burrows, T. C. Bradsher, B. "G. Clayton, Otis Wilkerson, T. W. Paaa, R. H. Oakley, A, S. .Warren, Rl. L. Wilburn, Lillian Foreman, S. Q. Wins tend and H. L. Crowelh artd B. O. Thompson.' Mrs. T. C< Bradsher enltertained tbc members 6f tHe T. and N". ilub on Tuesday evening. Holiday decorations wet;e used in the living room and hall. In the latter a beautifully decorated Christmas tree was the center of attraction. The members' spent about an houi in fancy work of all-kinds, and then enjoyed a word building contest, the result of-wHich Miss Ethel Newton was given the prize for having finished in the?given time. A piece of hand work was presented to> her by the hostess. Following ttfs the guests were served a salad courst* and coffee by Mrs. Bradsher, assisted by Mrs. R. M. Spencer. At this time came the most important and most anticipated part of the program, a visit to-the tree. The 'members were invited into the kali, and Mrs. Otis Wilkerson presented to each, as her name was dalled, a gift and miniature bag of "gtiodifcs." Mrs. Wilkerson presented to.tkb. "hostess a.beautiful gift bos of stationery, from "Club Family," WHich came .as a token of her birthday, which' -fell on this date. The members enjoying this evening were Mesdajnes B. G. Clayton, R. 31. Spencer, E. XT. Parker. Otis Wilkerson, B.'K: Bapnette. MidsesvMottte Sft'ujn, Bcrttia _and Annie Clayton, Ethel, Ruth .and Kate Newton, Clara F.dtvada, Katie Lee Matthews, t-o? Miss Elizabeth Noel I Was hostess tc- the Bridge Club on Wednesday .fti'rnoofi. .Ti'ic!. hvttsy was beautifully ''ix or a ted with pink 'carnations, rtisr.ir.tf .cedar and, holly. Tjis Christ, mas idea was carrtttd out with" the ':'! > cp.bds. The h^ateeg. assist*'- ' by; hey mother. Mrs. .1. W. .Noc-liJ served . : dalightdu) dje- 'course WWr yahv and after diniyejf coiree. Th'osq re sen weyo'TMcpdhlrtce- T. C. MarkIWr. of rH.'"ha?i'. J. Ijjnir, M. R. Long. A. M. Burns.. R. XV, Stephens, S. A. -,?oi|e?, W: S Clary., Jr.,- J, J. VV'insttad and-' Misses. IAicllt-. Pass, t-qui.he "Thompson- ami Isabello deVlaMing. * * . 'i 0/ 1 The regtflar meeting* of the "Research Ci'ib niet oi) WedhesJay "nE the home of.Mrs. J. A. L^ng. The study for the " afteynooii. was The JiPly UM, let! by Mrs. S. <*. Wtsi ."feed. Tlfen Mrs. A. S. deVli,minor of th'e*^tudy- the hostess served a salad cciurse' with ticfiee to the following members: Mesdames T. CAustin, W. C. Bullock,. Ac M. Burns, B. 0. Clayton, E. P. Dunlap, J. B. Huilay, W, T. Pass, W. O. Sample, R. L. Wilhurn. J. 3. Winstead and S. G. Winstead. Mr. and Mrs. J: W. No ell entertained Wednesday night to a few friends. The house was very attractive with' carnations and Hotly. Four tables were- placed for the' game, bridge. . Aftci, several progressions the hostess, assisted by her daughters, served a salad course with coffee and whipped cream, , then ice cream, cake afid stuffed dates to the following: Mr. and Mrs. J..A. Long Mr. and Mrs. M. Rl. Long:, Mr. ant Mrs. A. M. Burnt, Dr. and Mrs. B R. IjOltjr of Greensboro,"Mrs. T, C Markftim of Durham, Sirs. S. A Jones, Mr. and Mrs. W. S.Olary, Jr. Dr. E. J. Tucker and Mr. A. S. dp VTataing:. , We are offering a bbc lot o"f Arm: Shoes' (it an attractive pride. J. T Walker. Jr. I t -f- -V 'WANT ads pAy. Try, it, What hav. y?NU tS 'ieBT' "i " . I ? f > . * __ ; . ~ . Uso --? Courier ElA V ^ .50 Per Year in Advance No. 52 ARITHMETIC. (Contributed.) lie's teaching her arithmetic, . He said it was his mission, He kissed her once, he kissed her twice. And said, "Now that* addition. as he added smack by smack satisfaction : . " PSt? sweetly gave him kisses back 'And said, "Now that's subtracttion' Then he kissed ker. and. she kissed " him Without an explanation '.'. Then both smiled and said ? r "Now, that's, multiplication.'' !" ' ' * But dad appeared upo'n the scene | And made a quick decision, Ho kicked ttte lad three blocks awayAnd said "Now that's' division." Bl UNION M ftlt'l I all J .sWKw?kM?ag?gr^M . x/uil VMEOI. 1 We. regret very much t?Jt it baa, become necessary to Union Meeting, but owin^^H. much "Fin" we believe t^H%".. : $ bo wise to do so. If ^B favorable we will have^| the 6th Sunday in Bethel .HiJL J. 1? o?B - " :':\VB " revival callH .'Vv-.;:' ?-g B B The series of meetingH - H scheduled for next weel^J . H boro Baptist ChurcM hn^B. \ ',. \j>5 ed off arid Rev. Mr. GarlaB mond so notified. Owing^M conditions it was deemed cancel the meeting- Jt_ia. hjB ..-7*"; Mr. Garland will beTabhT^B later, as the people here aB anxious to Bear him. . ? i ?>- ?B B union service. w ???? bPBB Vnion services wilL be h?lJ ^ Presbyterian Church cn next Sunday night at 7:30 'clock. All .of the choirs of the town will take part in three sendees. Public cordially' invited. ' ' t y?o . stockholders Meeting. . ' '? ' /& '. - - ~i?v THjr stockholders; of the Peoples V. Bank yrill. -meet - in the1 Directors; j robhi on ^iitur.iay, January 20th, * ; .19,23, at ' 11 o'clock; This is vegatar , annual meeting: 'd?d all " stockholders "i; j >rho ..can not atjend^srill' rdeasfc -.+ l\ ujroxy, . or 'ltd .ame-. _t.c>the Vice-*' .I'PresMent'. " h "; ., E O. I.OMG, -/ :;-Kh Vi.ce-Presjlent. ??^ .-zr<jr , -reaS this. I'.7- : ,? .'4;^ If you happen ti rcaJ this and Owe us a store account we want to j coll y oar attention to the fact tHbt we5 see bills which will fall due'not later than. Jan. 1st. So, whether yoti ? owe us a smaller large . amount wo : need it'/- and will appreciate veryj r.iuch vo jr. kindness if-"you will let us have " the1" money rat once. ., , IT J. t. WALKER, Jr. i - _ . .' ;<1j HAPPY .NEW YEAR. ! .. 0 ' . I' desire to t-Hshk tlie aoti'J )Wopio ?u of this Countv for the very liberal S business they have given me durinjr 1 the year just closing, and to wish every one -A Happy and Prosperous I New Year, t promise you that during "the year 1923 I propose ?to sell ypu 'your wants, in tll> Furnituro .. lino at "honecVPnd fair prices" and"* -V -rgave you .money. ? Respectfully, " . 1 E. D. C.HEEK. / Q . .? OPENING DAY CHANGED. J ? 0 i ? . A - . _ The Independent Warehouse 'of South Boston advertised in our last ' ' >' , issue that their warehouse would , open on Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, but tin opening date Has . been changed Jtnd' [ they will 'open oh Tuesday, Jan, 9th. Please take note of this for the sales will not be opened until the 9th. This house has enjoyed a good patronage from this section and ttay are ex-* ' ceedingly anxious for ajl of their pa? trons to know Of the change. T 1 , 1-0?? " IF YOUR magneto on your eu? i girie is working badty and la need* ; ' "ing repairing or adjusting send It ' and I will repair it 6r come to your - engine and adjust it' for you. * -Charges reasonable. I. 0. ABBITT^ ! Roxboro, N.'C. 12-20, e o w 4 ts - - ' : ' -w . Jm

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