PACE EIGHT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NEWS. ? - Bj'the Secretary. -- . A few .weefcs since the Secretary had-.'the pfearare of meeting Mrs. Jorn S. - Cunningham/ an; official of , the .State connected with" tile Insurance Department. -Mtrs. Cuningbam in company with a number of other ladies is a tnember of the Division ?of Safety Education, a moot impor1 tant branch. ... It would be inconceivable that. any one, after meeting her, would ntft wan.t to hear her. Handsome, of distinguished appearance; .with a charm li-H i^iavuBHi-y, a?rc luijiicaocs an wltli her earnestness?and ability. Her c iming to Roxboro will be a so. ciatccs well as a civic event. Let's make the most of it. The Civic Committe.e pf the Woman's. Club and other ^organizations of ladies have a well" organized plan of Qispecticn pad cooperation for cleaning' the- residence sections, a^id ?-?Uwy hnvf made it plain to tM; mcr chants, if the'r patronage is desired the stores m. be cleanly and attractive. This \ also apply to-offices on second flo* reached, by stairs. Mrs, Cunningham's engagements as planned are as follows': She"' will arrive on Wednesday St 8:15, and the day will be spent in meeting and advising with the In-, dies of the Civic Committee. On Thursday afternoon" ' at 8:40, she will address tHs school children and their J parents at the Graded School. ' , ,> On Thursday night at 8 o'clock P. Vf ' eVio will c no air fr? n fnurn mooa meeting: tn tlla Presbyterian Church, which has been loaned for the occasion by its officers. Friday afternoon -the ladies are preparing to give Mrs. Cunningham a reception in the Kaplan Building. TUj people throughout the land are awaking to the necessity of removing dust and its hidden germs in dwelling houses; they realize that' filth permitted to remain upon the surface of vacant lots and floors of outhouses conceals tH? deadly tyserae person's Well to carry death and disease to the inocent ones who drink the water. These same tlJinking .... pec pie realize also that the open pig . pep? in wKich-the pig's logs are not long enough to keep IJIs body out of .the mud and filth. Ls a choice place for the breeding of flies and mosquitoes','. whIle"dTtry, horse lots are in. the same categWy; A ban.'is also being placed upoTT" carelessness in tlh accumulation of old papers and other trash upon which a stray, match may fall frtftn hands' cf a careless smoker, with, t possibility of a homeless town , shfrerinjr over the embers on the fob ?. hjACji^-jr^ght. { *r-'-. AV-hilc nv knew these things - e \ ? p "j tjj) yonsidera. _ i^rr.they if -it is*fortunate thV fynVneT'has 'Vikcm hold . of'jtlf : -tte*. and shown the latent dansrors - , ? . .%*>. cxbting, and still more' fortunate intelligent \vomen\>cnn be sent t ; -?lilfereB^^t?Tnunities 4a. the peonle 16 their sense of danger. "TKe Ht\\a has come far (Sinking people to act, not Tor themselves -?olcn< but for the unthinking as well. WWjn we have heard let's ACT. * **? .. ; ., 0 : "MR. ASD MRS." ROIXY X1CKK." b KehearsaJ* for the mimical comedy <4MK- and '.Mrs. Poliv Tkkk", which will be presented by the American Legion cn next Friday night at tlfr School; auditorium arc now well un tier way, mi l the fihow promiros to be a good cne. The cast,- whicH is .composed entirely of. local talent includes 14 men, 11 women, 4 children and & ..? chorus girls?and- such chorus girls! Aflss McUeet- who [^directing th? play, declares those to be among she. hafc trained. jThe admission will be "thirty five eetttft to**child*en ami fifty cents for .adults, reserved ^eat tickets "at .seventy five cents "ere now on sale at TsVwton-Wilkcrson Drhg Company, " aie guinvt fast'.--Buy yum* tickets before tH? best spats are taken. f " ?-o ? . MII-TON DEFEATS SEMORA. i-t* ' " V ' \ ? ; . Semora girls lose basket ball game ???tot Milton in the fiiost Heated contest ' of the season. The visitors were edited out of victory by. superiority of home team in caging foul shots. Milton showed excellence in passing. For Semora the MeSHjrry sisters did ,Stellar wjrk, while Eras Gillespie ' and Holen Taylor showed best for the home team. Score: 7 to 5. The game was staged in Milton. 'tS~~ cXfttL 6F? THAKJfir We wish to thank eaph and every one for their many kindnesses and ? eyeijlliiag they did daring the recent sickness and death of our dear1 mother and. wife- Mrs. J. R. Clayton, we assure you that it was apprecist"jCdTrnd-wHi-ho remembered by us all .-? The Family. ' > 1?A " r |yjj?; " " ~~~~~~ w 4S^ * ' ; . - SALE OF LANpS. Pursuant to an order of 'sale nude by the Superior Cohrt ofc Granville County in the Special Proceeding tlbrein pending - entitled "W. D. Amis an&*ife,- Pearl Amis, and-others. Ex Parte", I shall on SATURDAY, APRIL 28th 1923, AT THE HOURS HEBBBMWER NAMED, sell to the highest bidder -by public auction-the following described .lands: FIRST TRACT: Lying and being situate in the Coun ties 01 liranvme ana ferson near the Town of Virjgllina, ad joining the lands oT G. W. Pollard,' &. D. Ci irk. boo seat, lhomas Tract; C. C. HiglJ., Mrs. Angle and perhaps others, containing 102 acres, more or lpss, according to plat and survey, made by "R. T- Gregory, surveyor. . . The-above described, land will be subdivided into two or three tracts, and -will be ^old in-separate tracts and then as a whole. The sale of this land Will be made at or near Pollard's store, in Person County1, al eleven o'clock, A. M.,.on Saturday, April 28, 1923. SECOND TRACT: Lying- in the Cuuiity of Granville, State of North Carolina, about one-Ullf mile-east of the Town of Virgilina, adjoining the lands of H.'J. Rogers, C. C. Blanks, Lettie Brooks, ' Land Company and others, containing 39.43 acres; more or less, according to plat and survey made by R. T. Gregory, surveyor. This tract of land is subdivided into three smaller tracts and will be sold in separate tracts and then as a til. i 1 ..-111 i. 1.1 ? . iv. n 11U1C. X II10 lauu will UC aviu U" U? crem^es at one o'clock, P. M., on Saturday, April 28, 1923. TERMS OF SALE: One-third of purchase price cash; one-third January 1, 1924; and one-third January 1,' '1925. The deferred payments to bear interest at'tHi rate of six per centum per annum from the date of the confirmation of the sales by the Xourt.; Title to be retained until purchase money Is.jaid in full. __?rW. d>. Hill-? Company of South Boston, Virginia, have been engaged or; -;pliing agents of?this property, = under direction Court. This March 26, 1923. B. S. Royster, Commissioner. CALTOLINA SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT. The Commencement at Caltnlina , school on March 23rd"was a great success. There was a large crowd in attendance, and nice behavior. Mr. L. B. McFarlanI delivered- tfie opening address. There were many songs, recitations, dialogues ai\d .plays given by ttJc school, At'that-etosing exercise the commit'terswjt 'ifVlhe schorl presented- the teacher", M iss Jdessie Dean, with ;ti ??4cnt -cf. a 123.00 chock, showing iohitiapplaciationof her having- given such , great satisfaction, in their . and askedcher "not to use it hi buying -Her wedding" outfit, bat to come back and teach for them again." ? " '.L 'V>~OTICE. ... r.c To, Our'.Pricnds and tha^PuUic-: We iuvo the f)Id Back gjjano for sale,, and second tojibiie that is made. See lis before you buy and save nion;*"y. We appreciate >*bur Ipatronage in ihe past and hone bv faic. dealing with you that you will continue doing business with us. i. You will find' one ^pf us at ^the aruano house fTom now on ready to wait on you when you. drive in. Thanking you for your past patronage we are, Yours respectfully, ^ i. r. i- eatnerston and BroeJcsT Mar. 28, 2ts. , ' ' . ' ? t ? O " SEMORA, ROUTE ONE. ?Bessie rail ilal 'AI1!U' many news i^cms tHls week, for she has a sore | hjand. Mizs'Arnie Scott, who has been going to school- in Lawrenceville, vs., spent the week end with - her mother, Mrs. Roberta Scptt. , Miss BlancHie TbrSpmorton of flhnvfll'e is spending "a few-days with AIiss Theima and Alias GlaHys Taylor. , ' " . Mr. and Mrs. Alvin B. Scott "and little daughter, .Elizabeth, spent the week end with Mrs. Roberta Scott. fTtls mail carrier eopld not go around his roijte for several days last week on account of high water. All the sick people seem to be im y fu Yj iig , ? ' " I Mr. B. K. Barnett of Soxboro Was a Semora visitor last week., ,Mr. Stickney Taylor was'a Roxboro Visitor last 'week. ;the SenSSTa school "Will -close "preh-MtV. / -- - V". H Mr. Crisp Barnett and Mrs. S. C Barnett spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Roberta' Scott." 'Mr. H. Vf. Connally was a Roxboro visitor last Saturday. ?Mrs. Roberta Scott is spending a few days" with her sister, Mrs. S. G. Barnett in Roxboro. ' Mr. E, R,. Vernort cut his foot one dap ftsf week, but- wei^s^tg, be ge> l~-~. Vlj - ' 1 ?=~. n*. ' 1 '. - ? -_ ~ 7 - r r* "' / -"I r | ywcostofm AtUu exists right not demiad tint cannot be met t the empty Atlas ban now in t band* are returned. In the c of a year close to ?3,000,0 worth of bags are need* Atlas. Th{s would he a 1 . -bags were not returned and re to cutting down the numb / _ new bags needed. Return your empty Atlas promptly "to your dealer, liim, and help us, ke:p Pot Cement the cheapest of all i faclurcd products. ~ I ATLAS PORTLAND CEHI "TfieSUnidaiiUylvfuchGUdi COOPERATIVE MARKET CLOSED.j, The Cooperative Tobacco Market closed Here last week. Mr. H. W. Winstead, manager for this* market, informs us that nearly four million" pounds "were received at this point. A vigorous campaign will be waged during the summer frfr signers and they are expecting ere the market opens in the fall to have many new members to tile Association. Another payment, th"e third, is expected within a short while, but this is not to be last and final payment, so we are advised, from Raleigh..: '? - ^?-c 1? ?^ ... ti ' ACCIDENT STATISTICS I 1'. " 21 persons are accidentally ; ' injured every minute. 1,200 - persons are Occident- j j ally injured every hour. ' j 30,240 persons are accident, ally injured every day. 11 037.600 persons are acri- - , 1 dentally injured every ye^r. j I ; - FOr every accidental, death there are from 120,to' 140 dis abling injuries."1 . Five times as many people are Kiiieo ana injurea earn , j year as flfe' from natural caus- j i w.;. ... , , : ' :? One' hundred^ and thirteen * people -are accidentally . injured to every fire that occurs. Oive person in every six is "J-! accidentally injured every ycpr. c.| On? -okl of Qvery~ten deaths 2 ; * is du?\ to: accidental' injuries J. if More^wages, are ^ost/on ac- I . count- of accidental injuries* r thai^jfrrough Jack of work. Twice as many people-, die L. fwftr accidental from old ?pe. ' > One person is - killed in an ^ ; automobile accident every 18 \ minuter. J. ; ACCIDENT INSURANCE 1 T: costs a third less than com,-, mrrcial fire insurance, ft covers the thousand hazards of _ cvery-da>i Ijfft and *pays double . for the most dreaded ones. SEE SATTERFIELD. DO IT .TODAY?-TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE. ! SA'i'i bkMfc-LD INS. T~ AGENCY "OLD AND TRIED". -J !, 1 ... ' ? ' " ? : '.vv .w,. ' ' MOORE'S I ; I t 'HP II MARKET 1 j Mechanical Refrigeration | Plant Easter Greetings. jj We . sell the best quality g I of Western and Home killed 0 meats. Fancy groceries and I'riuts. | We will have al] kinda,af rf. fresh fish lor' Thursday, Friday, and Saturday; sure | of Roe Him?Buck- Shad, | " J Croakers, and Roe Herring. | j Fresh lot jof Tomatoes, ? Celery, Lettuce, New Pota- Is I tees. Beets, Cucumbers, and j Green Beans. ?-? ? t \ "Do we appreciate your | business I say we do." 1% %agi3aafsg^ i" .V *r.' " .. *; " . ' ? - ?' . . vJCREASE I HandGment I . our,. m'WWM 00.00 f-the ? ? luied, *' ' L: , b?g? Help ' tiand nanu- ' . ' *:' . ;1 -? ? ;ht! ther makes arc measured " g; I SMONUME'HJS See me for anything in Cemetery work. We guaranf? tee aatisfaetioft to tmr ctta- -? tomerH, and our prices are right. _ | JAMES M. PHILPOTT . <Rpxboro, N.C Reprtteuting , SalisBurJ Marble Co. "T Salisbury C. " ; M , 1 *7 r - I | For- - x - , , S j * ' "* ' - ifelilj j DODGE 6AR8 i-.L'.'G. STANFlilJtJ-j|I i~YT. a. ^ |jj The Car -That Stays With You L J ^ And Costs. Less jjj ii .I., 2 ___ l_ Time Seed Irish- t If. Potatoes? The !| Best. We . "II Have j Them. - .. , * We feed th? tyhalfi ?tnellKKSjf Oie horse, cow end ( ! pig?. ... - ' r I When Ins Groceries just call'! BLANKS ?ANDMORRIS " ' ' . .. ' ." " ' "_j ' J * - /* Lvi-#-".... , ? ^'*Si ' V.'V.- TIMBBRLAKS ITEMS. I Mr. It. H. Oakley of .Mpriah spent Ji? week end with li.s son, Mr. John' iV. Oakley of Timberlake. . . 1 Mrs. C. E, Adcock and son.'New-, ion. Spent last Thursday with her laughter, Mrs. Ethel Oakley of Tim>erlafe. . . 2 - Mr. Newton Adcock has returned! dome from Helena High School. Hej fc-ilV be missed in the schoe,l, for' he :uok a great interest in his books.?" zr- >. ' M '' ' ' I 'IT LOOK said Mrs. Jones, "a beljeve that 'it was I had.cleaned. ;You thing, John, to an o buying that new oc "This isn't a net band, "It's the one had it cleaned at ROXBORO KIKBY 5 " 1 c( The Happy, ? A COLA WITH LIME j ? . IF YOU DRINK ONE YOl L_? TRY ONE AND LIME iomiNG JlOXBOl I KASTli 1 SUmupo When, in Durham, visit our ^ jjlay of Easter Plants and Cut t&~Z- tet us have ycrurorder for ?S Every order placed with u : r Piedmc Five -Points gg WWTON, WILKERSON I t-;,| , ^Roxboro, Our Agent, . jgjj^ r?unn o WAOUATt ' IOF?TC?, ? TO A.M. SJ .J HOURS 2 ? S P.M. gc DH. S. D. COLEMAN j CHIROPRACTOR ,.:W1 TELEPHONE NO. 220 > j| PMTOrrist II.M. 9 - t --ROXBORO. N. C. jjj ;f ?- w " i.. Bra - i 5 LIKE "HEW" nd the neighbors wouldn't really an old dress that || could have done the same jS Id suit of yoiurs instead of jl e you have on." < is v suit," laughed her hus- 5; I bought last year, but. I LAUNDRY CO. | BROS. Proprietors ?| -~y- I >rink IMK* 3LA , j V Snappy Drink WILL FEEL Jl'ST FINE. ItA BE CONVINCED. C014 I Company 1 *o, m c, 11 j IP ]] store and see our wonderful die- !| Flowers. || Her 'ESSWV Flowers. We guaran- ? ' e - is gteen personal .attention.' rj: ^ mt Flower Shop, Inc. i s. N. W. Cobb, Manager, )| C _J*bone 920.' Durham,"N*. C. K ?RUG CO., *V - P '

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