?? - . " .- j-- " -s*!r >./ y - ? fl I 1 I J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AN . -. .. -VOL, XL' RflTIflll -" CAMPAIGN pUre Hill High School Sets A Good Example. ' c Nearly ?nnn R?t Tsiis P11111p 1M Iff Ulive hill High School as Trophies of Warfare. When a campaign against rats was launched at Olive Hill High School on the first Monday in MarcW, it was hardly expected to reach such proportions as were reported when school closed last Friday afternoon. 183? rats had lost tl/sir lives before the insatiable ohsla?lght-^>#-$live Hill Bi|~.. children. ' i A cash prise of five dollars was offered to the room that brdugWt in the most rat tails, the tails serving as ocuiar prooi or success in the campaign. The contest went on for a month, gaining in zeal as tlJ? score was marked up. oaoH morning. The third-and-fourth grade room and the seven-and-eighth grade room thd a * neck to neck race for two weeks or more, the '*eventh-and-eighth grades finally -winning the honor, by tlb-ir ... score of sbt"' hundred ninety-ftve. Kelly Brewer wop the Unique distinction of bringing in two hundred eleven-tail*. _ ?o. ~ ? ,. SCHdOI. NOTES. ? The Board of. Education m'dt on the first Monday in -April for the. purpose of organization, -.with all - members present, at folloVs: W. R. . Wilkarson, C. T. Wood. J." G. Chambers, C. T. Hall, and J. A. Fugleman. r tiJ?-two latter "being new members , why were, duly qualified'. Mr. W. R. "Wiikenfon was again unanimously. elected chairman, the position' which . .. Jw has so acceptably, filled for a nnmber of years. After a busy morning's sessicfl the Board ^adjourned to ' v '.meet ,tlh 16th of " April to* elect "a County Superintendent. It is very important that evqry one who wishes .'to, attend a Sumrtier School in Person C'Uaty shall .write ~r~": me a card-to that iffect at-Snce. as we will not be- able 'to hold a Sumi -1. - c.o..?-_?? ui uitl mhwui uiiir.ia wc viii ui n ^ number. v ' , ~~ r-^^nw^y. " 7. '' ~y ' * " J . A. Beam?. . Vy ' - :' - ? ,... . o r -?? KKTQRT .m'MARl'H. i-r ; xu?r* - 0 ? xtHealth Nrti^ine Service v Pelrspn' County Red Cross "Chapiter? "V Individual instruction pifenatal cart* Prenatal visits 5, . ' ' iCanes registered witli State Board of -Health 7. : ' jgjSv' (Visits to babies under 2 years 58. Clinics, Attendance &. Babies weighed. and measured 5, Grcnp instructions, "Baby rare alfil feeding" 3. :* Individual instructions care and, feeding 58. Babies registered with State Board of Health 23. > Demonstraliens in baby care and "" feeding B. Prenatal visits, 2 to 6 years, 20. Clinics "3*. Weighed and measured 3. Individual instructions to mothers j 20.. " j 7 Hohie visits to" school children 21. WeiglJtd and measured, office, 3. . Tuberculosis?., Instructive home visits 1. Nursing' visits 65. /' Instructive, cooperative, etc. 39. 'WJiueroiui'Si?interviews unu unice ?7 visits 2. ; . Antityphoid vacine 30. - Midwives "tisitefT^in home 1. O EPISCOPAL services in the METHODIST church. Last 'night (Monday> "the ,JRev. Morrison Betttea, Archdeacon of "the CSlifroSttttion of Raleigh, began a ? eestea of sarvi-aa and will continue ? thwugh next - Stmday. night, Daily ""services:" 10:00 a. m. short sarvtee with address; 7:45 p. m. Evening I'raycr ahd ftermW. Thl' Art'Il'll'Ugntr is a gifted speaker and lias a message that will do us all good. Come" : and - worship with us. ' . " " Faithfully. , ? J. L. Martin:? t Misses Hilda Mitchell, Bessie Dartiejr-aiid Bivipg? Wlhstead went tp "*'. '.. Pl.tl.sb"'"' f'1'. lliuV BasteS'J hOiidsya. , [| 11 1 1 1 s*i T- - I-?.J I.hi,I HI,. 1 4 ??_ ^^ nir<iMwi , ' if. - ; ^ H i. ^ - i i D PUBLISHER ' ROVRORn directors meeting"^ i icrr as truti ispurts-t in solid gods ?o? ?: Bingham and Brdashaw?Lose Throstle Hold When Tom . Jones Demands Honesty and Fair Play. (Piuim Kobertacn County Times, Springfield Tenn.) _ When the votes were, counted at \ the directors' meeting in Hopkins- * viile last Tuesday and it .was learn- j ed that Passonneau had won out over Bing+iam and Bsadshpw * 'in his ugm _iot_ reinstatement arter frav ihg bsien discharged a month ago, the "room was as -quiet as a gnat ' lighting on a ball of cotteh. ( Passanneaii spoke: "Theh_,do' I up- \ derstaint yen .rightly, gentlemen, tl/st j I am oflferd my old job hack?" . . "V??, Mr. Passonneau,"" was the ! answer; "you are aijain in the employ of - the Association and Rhodes ' is fired." . " { ""Then, standing here before yoif, I 1 am again In your employ?" ' "Yes,-absolutely." ' . . J "Then I offer you my uncondition. ill resignation, and for moral .reasons . t will not associate myself any long- X er -witl.l the men who are controlling * your Avsociafitn." . Fighting like wolves, at bay last Tuesday, in. Hopkinsvitl^ at 'the' di- " ttctora-' meeting, the clique that controls. the Sapiro Association was bv- 1 orwhelmingly defeated by tils fea?- 1 less exposure of, their metllids and 1 practices by Joseph Passonneau when he forced them' to-give him a hearr ing concerning his. mysterious dis- , missal frpm -tl-'s employ of the -pool " seme five- weeks ago. One of the fea- ' tares of the meeting was the complete prqof by PassdnneBu'-that Oing- Tljir hahr^iUully lied ab'Ocrl t-ransM? actions connected with the Association, and another was the revelation! f of t,hc facf" that Aaron Sapiro had deliberately forced the records of" tlJ? pool in connivance-with Bradnhaw } ar.d Bingham. 6oth of these .things" f were proved by written and % records, atid yroto' the people tl .'rough The Times with th? flat claim that 1 both , can be proved to a jury in the * law :courtr : " - J ^Another development from til? . meetitiip.. was the claim tlvat^fhe sal- 1 aries paid to the-officials arc so high thgtrtH? farmer wttj "be red hot when J they-.^ro published 'to him. J^artain fact3 have com? to .light" that' w11! *?orfvineingl? shfiW- 'til? ^farmers that ' they are'boupd to. lose- big money' WFl* delivering to the pool; and" these facts ' will be'Tjubiiahe'd in The Times; the 1 farmers? pap^r, next issuer" ' ( The details of til? 'meetine Tues- c day form interesting reading both tt> ^ the farmers who belong to the Asso- 1 ciation and to cfutsidehs who are ^ow coming- to realize just how big a farce the Sapiro pool really is. TH? intimate Insight into" the character .of Bingham and- the designs of Bra 1sb?w will go far toward openirrg the * eyes cf t.iij people in time to- put h speedy stop to the practices cloaked under the co-operative idea. Bingham's Frame-Up Judge Bob Bingham knew lbng^J>eforehand that trouble was hrewin? ? for, this meeting, and he Had made j careful plans to keep. Passonneau from getting n hearing. . On Tuesday j mern?ng*%eforc the meeting he ?led- *i the iftfTeTeTitm directors o*T to one side ^ and commanded them to vote, against | Passonneau. Unless this was dopg, t Bingliam threatened to withdraw his 1 support and. to fight the Association < with his newspaper, the ^ Courier u uui iiui. i Then when- the meeting opened | .BihglJam made a bitter attaok upon Mr. Passonneau, alleging that he was incompetent ?nd inefficient, and that he was undesirable as an official in his Association.' Bingham made these charges so strong tHat he lost His crowdr for many of them knew his ability and efficiency entered into the quest it n. But DinglJain went on with his tirpde and threw all the ' -feree of his influence toward keeping Psisonnmrn quietly out' nf the. wny. Paaaonneau Answers Jn ffafa -of tWja twatii 1 rth* tfnntr . 'WP 'Vl -VIITl BCntfltfl)< QXrUKR from, the millionaire member of the executive 'committee, Mr. Passonneau his*, full and in a <dh>'i_.t,nnt proceeded -to1 lash the Courier-Journal owner until he was writhing like -an-, auonripd wbra tttefsftnk i ts oWr, 11,;, ;.-.uiu>.il I ) ami neiit l .. . ' ?. ,xmf ctffio . , '.L'JLL.. HOME FIRST, NORTH CAROLINA - - 00, HOI LEI; i-. ' __t(_ Home, All Complete, Will Coot Ap -proximatelv Fifty Thousand Dollars. 7*" The .Cbunty Commissioners weri 11 session Monday and Tuesday. Oi Monday tlJ} question of revaluatiol ame up, and they finally decided t< lave a revaluation, Mr. J. M. O'feri int being: named as County Super isor. . ; On Tuesday the IJoard met to to eive bids.for the. County home. Bid liny was livolv, the coveted pluo jomg tc Mess. J. w. stout & ue, o 5anford, for the building, and thi Dermot "Heating" Co., of DurlJam, get :he heatihg contract: ;" v It is estimated the home wiH"*qst :o'mplete in all details, about $50,000 >ut-ide of the Eonghurst. Cottoi Mill building this will be the moS ostly building In till County . am vhen completed we will not have ti cok the other way when we pas Mir County home, but will take pridi n pointing out the home to our fri irfds. ,'' chamber of commerce news Mr. A. C .Kimrv, .the milk egper *ho spcke here recently has been in ite'd to address the farmers on Sat irday afternoon. " .Mr.-.I. I.. Arey. at-the Head of- tin :>airy Division. North Carolina A t E. College wired this morning tha dr. Kimry whose speech produced : iensation at the former meeting wil >0 here. TIJere was a general desir iV nronfised when^nCre to aEmi igain. A,-representative of tU> "Co-ops' [XteRdetf the invitation this week fo lim tS address the meeting in thi iftemoon Saturday, the 7th, and h sill he present, forrttist J>urp(jse. There .will be apcrther ^IVlrfcsV als :pcn a subject of great fmporfanc o farmers, and that is, the eraiiioO; din of . bovine, tuberculosis. - The Chamber nif Commerce in i eceipt of telegram- from Dr. Pan ihtughpn, .Inspector-lnrtljarge, U. S 3urfc.au of Animal Industry; RaleigV \C . stating* thai' a representative .ill he here Saturday aftern'oon am rfll- 'sphnk following MiT Ejmry. . These subjects. are- cf-oscly >"P?" qjd of importance t? every foffaer 3ther counties*..-are. pitting: wealth; in dairy products and Person count; :an do the ?me things Markets hav yctJTt".found Chamber of Com nerce for all cream, both, sweet an sdiiiH that the county Wishes to ship jDon't fail to come and hear thes ipeaker8 for ,they Vhvc -m'essagts' fo rou that ?are worth while. [IVORS' FOR APRIL TERM OF COUR1 . ?0 P 1 The following"-'jttrors- haw beei If awn for the April term* of ccur vhich meets on April 23rd: T. T. Hester, H. M. Pleasant. A iV. Blalock, Nat Warren, J. tV. Wil iams, Nat G, 'Denny, W. G. Thoma? A. L. .Moore, C. 0. CroweH, Joe E \Tnntjaedm. T...T.. rinvtnn. .T. P. Olenr BT~ET rTay^oH, ^TTr ErlSffl , K. E Jones;. gillie -B. Gtertrh ?J.. W. Foufl bainj Ci;A'. Monk, A h Cr\itcfi?ielH, H, D. Dickers on, Al bert Blaloek, ft. H. Beanv John T Oakes, J, H. Loekhart, O. L. B&rcl H. S. Barnett, G. T. Blaloek, J. i Walker, W. A, Hick^ G. G. Foushei W. A. Barton, J. T. Walker, Jr., W R. Crumptori, W. W. Crabtree an Geo. T. Pool. PLANTS PROBABLY DAMAGE! Our friend Mr. Marion Carver it forma us tUat he thinks tobacc plants are very much hurt by the tt rant rmn _snap.__Sf>nie_are digging a Mr. Carver 3ays he wt)l wait ? jfrr dilYi ilflll watch developments hefoi it.'- sows again. However, he says is a; positive. fact that you can n< rais# good tobacco from frost bittc plant s. ? O pr moticb. T"expert- to hold services at Mitel elf Chapel on next Sunday, evenir 3'jl'jp.^ to,. Pohlic c??|li>tly invited ? ? |W. 11. fin n.y.l-r. ??' i 11 n- - 1 *> ^wwh fo i ABROAD, NEXT v, Wednesday Elvening / - DfeVEl.OPMEMT 01' THE THE PHYSICAL. ' ' J Our Methodist Church, tlirough it? Beys' Class Is seeking to" make the church home as attractive and+rappcaling as the old-time Dome. It Is - .cndenvririntf to become alive to the physical as well as the spiritual need* of its youth; to build up bodies toi - the soul homes of the boys to make ' tltem fit temples* ofthe ftoly Ghost: to tcarh wholesome use of physical 5 energy; to have the members of'the class understand that their cljarch home is .interested, in ALL the phases of their every-day living. One method 'of meeting this rsai need is to purcliise and place in th( J church basement some simple appara tus .tar gymnastic exgrcifces. Boys 8 over fourteen, not regularly Attend? ing Sundai- School elsewhere anc wishing to become members of th< Boys' Class will receive a -cordia welcome into this group and be per 1 mitted the Use of tlJl gymnasiuir ' with tlie old members. ' The jnltial amount that will' giv< 3 this movement some reality is $500 5 The-boys of the class are working 8 Hard and earnestly,, to presynt a play ' in connection with which they wil have the aid of Mrs. Wheeler Newel In a musical concert, to -shew tUHi - enthnsjasm in the cause. Those truh " intereAed in this effort of the churcl 1 to maintain its Hold on its younf " boys wlil want to give .evidence o1 " their faith through their pocket book Checks shsuld be made paypblejt: 8 iF, O" .CarVer, Treasurer. The follow ing subscription l?st Indicates til. ' optimism''and- conviction of "lomi 1 concerning the work; 1 j? Mr. J.' A. Long-??10.<K Bl (Mr. Jas. Burrows,^..'. $10.Of ?| iMr. F. O Carver , $5.0! * *" tfr. ,W.- Ttr-HtmiUria- .--- M.Of s iMr. Robt. Merris.. $2.51 Mr. R. 1.1 Featherstone.. . $2.5! Mr. Preston . Satterfield $$.$( * Mr. ? $2.5( *' Mr. W.'H. ila'rris?,.1.. .. $5.01 8 iMr, W. D.'~Merritt? ... $5.01 Mr. J: 6. K. Richmond . $l0( " " 'Mr. W. A. Sergeant ,*.... '?22j( p vMr, John Carver..;--. .... $1.0! Mr. A. W. Clayton ? ? .'"$2.5! - Mr; O B-- McBr'tnm ...,_ $5.01 Mr. R. M. Hajrla.! $5.01 ) . .MV J. G..,.Moore?g!M [' - iMr. T. W. ^ H.GTvd^vson. ^$*>/>< Mr. J. .1, Winstcad. ..... $5.01 e Mr a. fiahe 'f -Mr,,G. W, Tliomas??.. $5:0( Mr. S. G. \Vjnstjead-Jl- - $5.01 'Mr. R.\B, Smtthl-.v?? S5.0I ' "Sir. E.d. Longr..?$5>0f ' Mr. 2. V. Gwynn. $5.01 [ Mr.'T. R Winstead .... $i:<X e Mr.' C. H?Hunter ..... $2.5f "I. Mr. J. H. Burith *2.0< Dr.?B, E^ Love . . . - $5.0* ' Mr. J. Y. Blanks!'!........ ??* " Mr. M. W. SatterfieW $5.0f r ,;Mr. H. W. Winstead $5.0i Mr. J. W. .DiJ{on?. $1.0i Mr. Hugh Woods...... $3.0 , Mrs. Mamie Merritt .... $5.0i ' Mrs. H. D. Long? $5.0' .Mrs. S. G. Winstead..i? $5.0' ' Mrs. R. J. Teaguc--.-...?^.$5,0' -.Total-.- $1B0.5! Have-von loaned to :tHe upbuildini t of the boys, spiritualty and physical ly?ennobling and beautifying Rox J boro's future manhc.od ? b,? -- -- i ? : ? mr. o'bri ant - appoint' , ed si'pervisob f'J Mr. 3. M. 'O'Briant has been ap i^'olnted supervisor'for the Counts S.: having been appointed by the- Couti ty Commissioners . last Monday. H - wil have charge of the- revaluatio d for tils County and haS~Bppointed th following list takers and assessors lAlIensville, J. L. Gentry. Hotloways, Lea Woody. . .% " ). Woodadale; R, H. Bailey. Cuninghant, L. N. Montgomery, i- Olive Hill, K. C. Wagataff. ' o Bnahy Fork, W, A. Warren, i- :Flat felver. C. A. Hamlin. p Roxboro, J. S. and (t: W. Walker. If ~'Mt,-Tif?rtr,- JocPogloman. ? ?r 1 ? o . 0 * MiTK'K. lt ' . n A mass meeting of the Cooperativ Tobarceo Growers Association is her< by called. All members of tHs Asm cfatich are urged to meet at tl = tua'ia imu u Citknilnni *1 pail , 71. 1- 1923, at 12_ o'clock, noon, far the pin g pose of nominating delegates. ';v v ^ hA" ... jr: : : County Chaii.n.M). it i . ' ? . " loisi rrrf: . ^ . $1.51 iprif 4th, 1923 | /Wednesday afternoon Mrs. W. " C. Bullock was hostess to the Research k:club wllin the lesson for the hour was "Historical Gardens of Netv ^ Englatld*."- After a short reading, the |club , was addressed by Mrs. John; ' Cunningham on hag work, and enter-J * tained the guests for. tho .remaining, afternoon. At the conclusion Mrs. 1 Bullock served a salad course, coffee ' and mints. Tlii home was decorated in a profusion of hyacinths and spirea. The members attending were MesSunes T. E. Austin. A M. Burns, 1 A. Si.deVlaming, E. P. Dunlap, B. <T. ' Clayton. J. B. Hurlby, H. S. Morton, 1 W..T. Pass, W. 0. Sample and S. G. J 'WInapead. J. : 7" . j Thi Review club met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. R. L. Wilburn. This whs a delightful afternoon, and 1 spent witli a delightful hostess. Nearly the entire membarsKio responded to the roll call which was " given with some current news. After ' the business session ; the lesson rej view was led by Mrs. E. E. THomas j- who discuasad?Knrea,. Mrs .1 A. Beam concluded the hour with, a . reading. The members were then in-r 1 vited tnto thft living, room?where 1 prettily arranged tables were wa'it? mgr. ft r tHam. Each one found their respective places by unique place - oardBi which in rhytbe oomgog od by thp hostess, tho aoritimcat toll ihg in this way. of some characterisr | tic of tHe member. This was both amusing and enjoyed. The center piece on each tabt?'stvas a pot of hya^ cinths or tulips. Ice cream, cake and coffee .and salted almonds were served. The members present were^esdam'es R. Hr Oakley, E.^E. "Thomas, Burrows. H. L. Crowell, I. O. ^ Wilkerson, T. W. P$ss. T- .? Brad-, shier, J. A. Beam, A. R. Warren, L O. Abbitt.. Ed\rin E her man, T. B.- Woody, B. C. Thompsffn^ T. C.. Brooks ami to enjoy tl)5 social- were the additional guests, ^fesclame^ JVliUor,.^A. S. 'fleVlaming and W. ? MtflKJ,. . Itr?o? ." 'Mrs. S. A.-Jones wa? bestows to, ;i ^bridge -party' Saturday afternoon jr> honor of hcir;si?ter, Mrs. B. R* I-op? qbf; Grefensboro. The hcuaw^vas "very JLptetty with fts spring' flowers- vrbTcTT lent an attractive glow/ to"tfcfc. tooms. Two tables "were, placed for ..the 5 game and after several interesting games the .hostess, assisted by-Mfafl ^jEliabeth Noell, served tomato salad, ' | ham and pimento sandwiches, pick^jles, crackers,, coffee, ice cream and ' pound" cake'. Those ? present were: ? jllearfames M. *R.#Long., T. B< Woody, *\W. S. Clary, 'Jr., B.**R. *Lcng, R. A. Pass, Misaes- Liicile Pass and Eliza.2" 9 beth Noell. - V 1 ? J SUPERINTENDENT PAYNE HERE. J ?o?. : ^ Mr. A. S. Payne, superintendent of ^ The Nr. Sz W. PaJtway Co.* \vas here ^ last Thursday " taking -over the -depot ^ .question. Quite a number of the citfP zens met hijn in the oftf^ of the " Chamber of Commerce. The matter was gone into pretty thorough!/, and r witlJttit a dissenting voice it w'as put up to him that the citizens here would much prefei the station to remain, at or near the old Ideation. Mr. Payne took^-th?-matter under advisement to see if it w&s practicable' to meet this wishes of the people. .'s' ' " . <\ ' ' * :' ( . rO~" -X' CO-OP. RALLY AT PROVIDENCE. V ?O?r ? Last Monday the local at Provrn dencc had a* rally in the interest Of e the Tohacco Growers Association. The exercises were varied, the first being an Easter egg "hunt wHich'the children greatly enjoyed; After dinner there was speech making in which Mr. T. P. Festherston and Mt. C A TT.11 tnnk n.rt. Sncrial mnsic Hid b?en prepared for the a reunion 3 ft" IMBIm' Hurl nirr y Wjfmn*^ and added very much to thq meeting, A < liKDITAHI.K I'F.RFORMAN'Cfe Mr. and Mrs. Polly Tickk was pre. e sented last -Friday night by lot a )- talent and we' Have heard it very )- tighly complimented. Jt was our mis le fortune to be?utJ<5f town, tnffwe an b. nlnri .W .. pToy V| a8 n a,..,,. r- financially and otherwise.- The; Le gion boys are malting .a brave figh -for a home and-we hope they wiil'b< uiitVjUiful. * 1 ' ? 3 PER YEAR IN ApVANCE ' !sfi>! 14' ? ?WITH THE TfoOCK AJPF.K3. 5gj8 and -Chief Oliver rounded up the foU j ' lowing: liquor eases: Charlie Wilsotr was caught ,near Hesters Store with one and a Hill gallons, Bound over to court under >?(M hnnd , Eugene Evans wpa found near Jalcng with about two and a half gallons. Gave bond in the sura of fSOO. 'Mancv Clavton was foimd at J?_ long: with two and a half gallons and gave bond In the sum of $300. NOTICE. The Board of Education will meet , on April 16, 1S>23 for the purpose of electing a county superintendent of educations t . ; The position is open to both seites. AH applicants will immediately send-in to tils secretary their, applications with their qualifications. WV R| AVilkerson, Chairman. J. A/ Beam, Secretary. In connection with the above notice I wish to say that- I am not a candidate for re-election. J. A. Beam, Supt. DR. IVEY HERE LAST SUNDAY. ' ? '' ?y? : ? Dr. T. N, Ivey of Nashville, Tenn., occupied t}J> pulpit at the Edgar Long Meinuiial CliUn.il lasL^.3miday. Dr. Ivey was pastor" of this church for four years, add -was loved by every citizen of the. town, regardless of creed. As .evidence ? of his great. -popularity, he was greeted by a large- ,' crowd last Sunday. CROWDED OUT, We realize. h<HK.very' important the society news'rsg-^mtr thia-matter wascTowded out of it irT this is s |W. M S. .f . \V- 't'USS* * "'" " '" ." f-,>g_ - '$?? play, "Ihe Itifh Bifeo,!' will ******&& ^jvcrf-nr^jp Hifrh Sch?6Tr*^rerybody is .cordially invited to conie. out. ?- . o ? .? ? MEETING OF WOMANSV CLUB. . .1 \ ?* ?r?s- >=- - - 5 .* The * Woman*' Club will meet Fri day ni^ht at 8:0il* o'clock iij, the Kaplon building. All cf the members are urged to command bring their Has- - / bands. Special mutslc. ; :.o??? HIGH SCHOOL .ELECTION > AT LEAgBURG. ?o? ' : * At# The school election at Leasburg .. for consolidatiw . an<L~ special tax came cut victorious last Tuesday, only five votes being cast against it, with seventy'one in its favor. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. ?o-? The directors of the First Nation- . ' " al "Batik of Roicboro have issued a ' call to the Stockholders of the Fk-sf^ _ ;/ National Bank', to meet- in ^felr. " . Banking house on the 25th day of* .*. April at 11 o'clock a.'m: This Starofef 22nd 1923. , R. A. Burch, Vice Pres. . .f AN ENr.ii.GBM ENT _ EXTRAORDINARY. 5 ?j For tHe opening of Cecil B. DeMtile's production. "ADAAI-S RIB," at the Princess -Theatre Thursday, and Friday, April Sth and 6th, we wilj have with us Mr J. C, Hicks of^ e r New York, Paramount's Ibtplbtatioii Manager, who will introduce tile pict ink "B^orr screening. This being the : One aad only gteiuiW that -4W. Oe=1 Mille requested, his representa- u. ' tive to follow, and acclaimed by cHt ics aa being Deiiille's greatest plc1 ture to date. f- , Mr. Hicka was a presonal friend - of the late Wallace Raid, pnd wilt ! make .. a " few brief" remarks as to t'n..ia ffr-nd.Hin" it|hile in 11?_ I'*rait mount 1 nHe. ' I Matinee T^rsciay a.t 2:30 p.../m. > I Admission, adults 50 cents. Children . . " 7" - -e-KS

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