v?_: A- I -- ?- ? '>*.'v" -** ' _ ^L. ?' *? J_J?JJ x-j : ' J. W. NOELL, EDITOR A> VOL. XL / TORNADO FLAT Trim pn iipiiPA ItNS au HOfflto. . . ^ ?; Property Dimne In Wendell Section Amount t.o Ov?r $100,000. Fifty or more families of the Wen--; 1 dell section Thursday *CTB?picking1) their homes laid waste in the tornado whicH swept through that section Wednesday evening, doing damage estiamted at $100,000 or more and seriously injuring perhaps a doxen persons. So far as is known, there - havd bean no deaths, ; The wife of Jonas Dafenam, negro tenant on the farm of J. P. Richardson, tHi heaviest loser in the cyclone, .is,the most seriously injured. A piece of timber, rough with splinters, was driven through one of her thighs for - a lengtM of two and a half feet, the bloody piece of wood being_fdund in the ruins of the house which was eorrmletftlv wroptoH _A three-year-old child of " Jake Harria, another negro tenant on tlJj place of Mr. Richardson, who was picked up from under a sijl of the wrecked kitchen, was also brought to St. Agnes Hotpjtal, and it was said there had good cliinces~?f~~re, covery. V ^ Jonas Debnam has a scalp wound and-a daughter is unconscious at the home of Detmam^ brother, John Debnam, wtjj lives near by. The girl's back, it is feared, is injured and she is hart in other ways. The wife and daughter of Oscar hhwson, negro tonant on the land of Sod Hill, were also painfully injured, the Lawson woman'-* lip being badly cut'and her teetH knocked out. Cut 10 Mile i'ath It was about 6:30 Wednesday night as well as any of the stunned people were able to say Thursday, when the cyclone whicti swept a "path ten miles.. .'* or mere in lengthf-at least 200 yards Wide struck their homes. In ten min/ ' . utes. many of them were pickliffr ; - ; themselves up "from shattered- ruin? of whaW+lttl hee.n their homest somi. fauljd tfjemselvcs hundiTdj-of v-ards. tlicv-.-got* thttt-. In one instance a J": bouae^dMpBrned. n.nii|dete).v upjisiC -? Last Sunday evening as Mr. Muh? *'l,f*pr* " ',tl his .wife and two. chil *#*; ami Meee: T<>)?i ,Pnv?a ?nd Sam Jones, were returning home ~.fcom a visit to Greensboro they capie, near , having - a serious accident. Just as they started to drive on tHc bridge which' crosses Haw River another car drove on and Mr. Hunt had to liScif his ear off. Tn attempting to back "He. " went over a fifteen foot embankment, turning his car over. Mrs. Hunt was painfully bruised. Mr. Doves Had a rib broken and Mr. Jones had his arm broken. Mr. Hunt and the children escaped without any ini jury. Strange to say, the car was only slightly damaged, so little in fact that Mr. Hunt drove it Home. SCHOOL NOTES Teachers, if you wish to attend a Summer Sehoc! hero in Person County, please notify me at once'so that we may know Hew many therb .will ''he. must have 35 to 40 to secure a Summer Sehool. All who hold Provisional-Certificates, are entitled to attend, High School graduates, and .. those who wisH to renew Elementary Certificates Class B. Don't forget to let me know at onee. J. A. Beam. SOME LOG. " -Mr. N. -B. Huff reports to ul the ?? Mg*tiA:l?*-we have-heard of in this County. The log was cut at Huff's saw mill, and-was 12 feet long, turninir out 620 feet. It was an oak log: , and was. cut for the County to be used in bridge work. .I till - John gBnnoh l?ft Sunday too of- tbi "Old Veta." He was accompanied as far as Durham by Mr..R. A. Bnrrh. - -<ai? Rev. J. A. Beam, who wept to the . hospital In Durham last Saturday for .. . . treatment to his hand, is improving. ??I Mm, Beam spant the day Monday with him. . < ' ' T ~ i v ? -- QB JD PUBLISHER ROXBORC I MAY DAY ^CELEBRATION. Secretary Hot After a Day of Kun ?What Say You. ghnil Roirborp hsw p \tpy Day celebration? . - ..._ . _ The subject has been mentioned several times, and the time has now ;? trr t,? ,yny or tlpe" other. . iTUj people of Eoxboro ' are thai ones to deicde it, but they. must act promptly if they "want it, as just a little over two weeks remains until Tuesday, May 1st, and no body ever heard of a May Day celebration on any day but the first day. iln considering the question it is necessary to look the matter squarely' in, the face and see wHs will be || Deneiited sumciently to "go into hi* jeans" to find ways .and means; and whether those individuals are going to feel sufficiently compensated for providing tile means. That is wHy the Chanfner of Commerce wants expressions of approval before .proceeding. If the response is sufficient j>y Saturday morning to justify it the undertaking will be begun, along the lines that the majority want. Otherwisp, it will be "passed up" and Torgotten. EPISCOPAL MEETING CLOSED. (The series of meetings wbich haVe been-held in the Methodist Church' conducted 6y Bev. Morrison' Bethea. Archdeacon of iHc Convocation <jf Raleigh, closed with the services Sunday night. At this service the large auditorium was filled to its capacity. Rev. Mr. Bethes is a prsaclicr of un?. usual power and these services have been greatly enjoyed. PLAY AT HURDLE MILLS. The piav, "The Laughing Cure," wftl be given at Hurdle Mills school I Saturday, April -14th, at 7:3b p. m. ?f\ i>l Society.: Everybody is " lU.YlWU.- lU Cyilire,. .. .. ' . . f fjwr O.-r^ hill High j&h8ol. Tl'Lne* "ini'be^'*' musical program given-bvthe Public -School Mn^c *?nJ. pieno-7pu?tTs *ci '"* OliVe "Hit! - Hffcjl School Saturday,pyen?>g(e^rjj-'t;Jth, a! 8 o'clock. -Theiinbiier? cord rally ' invited to' attend.? jl,_ ; ' i, " ?* " . - ANY OLD TIME. . Wg are not having a special sale but we do give "Special" prices every day. Loolc at these facts: ' ' Waltona rtlg','made by Ringwalt Works, New Brunswick, N. J., 9 x 12, weighs 50- lbs., for $14.00. Gold Sealf 9 x 12, weighs only. 45 lbs. Take your 'cibice. Waltona rug, 6x9, only $7.50. Come, let met shew you. ??? E. D. CHEEK. i o A BEAUTIFlrt STORE.. Roxboro is noted for its handsome store buildings,'hut none of them sure pass the new heme of T. W. Pass & Son, furniture dealers. TW:r have just moved into their new home and it is filled from top to bottom with furniture and housefurnishing. Double front,, two stories, and is.iust ahout the handsomesti-furnituro establishment we" know of. o . ATTENTION. The ladies of Providence church afe going to serve a brunswick and ciiicken stew, and all of the good things for dinner Saturday, "April I4th, at 12 o'clock, for the benefit of the new church. On this occasion the corner stone of tils new church will be layed with appropriate ceremonies. Everybody come. . . * x. : o t o HONOR ROLI. OF OLIVE HfLL HIGH SCHOOL. First grade?Willie Vance Brewer. ObluihI' aiudt Clgdl'l UlitAri. Hcl- " Third grade?Soe Clayton. ,V j Foriyth . (Trade? Rachel' Stephens, /Frances Morton, Odell "Brtwer, Suaie Lee. Seventh yrade?HH^ebeth Dunk- " ley. .Ida Belle Howard, Emily .Stephv en?. . - . > ?'Eighth wrniln Jnnie ltBa?ka?, Eli zhbeth Barnette. ? " " 1 " ~~7. 7 . 7 loxho HOME FUtST, / MUTILJ X (rtlTtt C A imtlN K ' " - . I'EJ;SON COUNTYj ' : A* : regular meeting of the ItliHiil T (.'.:\Trf."^jTrT?:rs ..>? .VefSbi.r-Cii i-ty tuc-ir Office in Koxbcuo. oil _ li ti'-l",' A nr:l '^o l. 11)2*3. ( A ot'.itiun signed by twenty ti\o . tffj'.ifA-a- vJicrVof ' Thnt .section ?f ft+son- <oiwtVi ahkh tha.been.ibl ! ? 'u..? -1 ^ir?rmr-m_5peCTin * i ?x ^ District*5?SV 6 having-4?e?n_favorably endorsed;diytrthe Board of _EslH?8ti<)lL -fT^son.L'oua&'/wss-TTrd^t^-wtk*J In# that an election be Jield Tif: said * district for the purpose of submitting . to the qualified voters tlfcreof the ' question as" to whether a special school . tax of not- exceeding fifty cents on the hundred dollars valuation of real and*-personal property in said dhftrict should be levied and collected, 1 for tile purpose of supplementing the regular school funds for said district. - ' ? . It is therefore ordered by the board that said election be heldT That it be held at OAK VIEW SCHOOL HOUSE, OLIVE HILL TOWNSHIP Person County, N. C. That it be Held on Tuesday, May 15th, 1923. That Willie Lee Pleasants, is hereby appoinetd Registrar for said election. That N, L. Winstead and C. H. Clayton are hereby appointed judges of said election. JTiat the lines of Special 3*S?J)i.stiictJSfd. 6 of Person County are as follows: Beginning at tHat point on the Person ana Caswell county line, where the line of the Bushy Pork High School bistrict now begins, thence jWth tils* Bushy Fork High" School district line in an Easterly direction to South Hyco Creek, thence down This creek in a Northerly direction to the township line between Pnenlw-/Vld HIU ' - - W?IUI?MU?UI ami? uu*c?nui W w n- "t ships, thence this township line West t to the Person and Caswell County Iitie, thence tHc county line South to the beginning. - _ -That those favoring th*>special tax fhall vote ballot on which "FOR L0- j iisii FyX#TrtWh%FpTtntnh*oi wilt* "i tea. . i Those opposing the-- special tax ( shall vote a ballot on which "Agaihst 1 Local Tax" shall be printed ot "writ* i ten. . ' . ~ 1 fThat a new registration for said ? district is hereby .required -- < TWit the Registration Cooks shall \ b? opened na nBatesdayi Apsii nth, 4 tm. -- ? 7 -.--Ssiir i ? ; : . * * ?^ $ broadHi&xt ' Wednesday Evening A *TBD B ^That on each Saturday during the line .ul .dtliiLJatlOII?the?Pofrlqt-i-^y ;hall be at Oak Viotv School House tetween the Hours of 9 A. M. and lor.ce of tVillif Lee ' Pleasant^.' That aid Registration Books shali be llesed on Haturday, May-=3ttet-JStea ?i Suflietr^-C ; . X Saturday, ,Msy llltfi^sHill be dial* enge day a^theBegtttfri^th&fy<?<s :end the polling pi'are^iSlwet! Nhe tours 'of nine A. M. and Sunset, on irs^OffSstt "district tlis privilege oi pokftig ever Said books and challenge ng any person thereon registeredThe JudgeR of election will attend he polling place on challenge day. Done by order of the Board Mbnlay, priT" 2nd. 1923. ^ W. H. Harris, chairman, !V. T. Kirb>y Clerk to tlir Board. NEW GROCERY FIRM. " 1 ... 0 Mess. Clayton & Wilkei'son is the atcst accession to our mercantile ine, they having 'purchased (no busiless of J, L. Garrett & Co. They will lontinud business at Hit same stand. HA A. P. Clayton, who is one of the test known men in the County 7 having ierved for several years as Register >f Deeds, cordially invites his fri?nds to drop in and see him wher .hey come to town. His associate, Mr. Edgar Wilkcrson, His been asicciated with the old firm for some lime and is no stranger to -the trade lere. Together, these two men make i strong team and will enjoy a large patronage, both in town and County HOUSE BURNED THIS MORNING, At about 10 o'clock tHis morning lire was discovered in tHs house oc* :upied by, Ed Carver iq, East RoxM>ro. The building was almost tourtty destroyed, w liile about half oi he furniture was saved. MR. BROOKS COMING MAVsth. 0 *V "lit will be of great interest to the xople at Roxboro to know that t3a IWmnWCluh1 has secured a date vith Hon. A. L. Brooks of Groans>OTO. He Wirt deliver., his lecture on The Passion "Flay here on May 4th. Ifr,, Brokoa has delivered tits Im'tufu n several cities in this State and Seated a profound aewsatien where. ivor it has been h?*rd. You do not ?-?nt to missthi* and be-wtl ? main ? nWt e< th> di??8, Mwy >M?, L P. JU.T in tiii aohool'auditorium. ^ I ' ! ?. . ' 'Li"' $1^1 Lpril 11th, 1923[tobacco growers I rn r ninnr^T nniT 1.; run DIDbCDI OUII Co-operative Association Alleges J. -?r* Ruffin rinid m,nnn i'n..n.t? Outside. ' The Tri-State Tobacco Growers Conparntivn Association filc^t Suit in Wake County Superior Court against J. C. Riiffin, of Edgecombe county for $10,160. The amount is considerably larger than ttiit involved in 160 actions, previously instituted by the association against its members for alleged violations of contracts. ; None of the suits have yet been tried upon their merits but the association has secured judgments - by default in about thirty suits and four cases are pending in tHe Supreme Court on appeals from injunctions restraining defendants from' making further deliveries outside- ofthe association. 1 In its complain^ filed yesterday the association alleges'that Ruftfa has sold 183,000 pounds outside of the A association in violation of his con tract and asks for liquidated damapes at tlb rate of five cents a pound plus $1,000 in attorneys' fees. Suits were also filed *7 yesterday against R. W. Crumpton,' Of "Person county, for $1,000 and W. L, Tuttle, of Stckes, for $300.?News &- Obaerven , . ^ SOMETHING RADICALLY WRONG. With no intention cf refecting upon any individual, I wish to call tlb attention of the people of Person County to the fact, that there is something radically wrong with a law that leaves tlb selection of the members of a County Board of Education to one man and then allows this Board to appoint so important an officer as the Superintendent of Pub1 Vic. Instruction. We clain a democratk form of government and vet we Tsrt?*il?.nth- by?ami allow five nun j to eject a man utro will have the du Vc-Vion of the d-fuoaticyk nf tfb cliil -Mr*rn of_th<' jP.QLitiiy?<ntTT--^fufttrr-^ etti t zofts. iiv a/T easy Sua tier. Ay^^swrryf the vote^rffivo meh, however cvif.jlselenJious and honorable these men ! mar be. The no pal a r vote can not be iso- easily c(m tro^L^ For 'vesros-R?vr J. A. iBeam haf? been Stint, of Public Instruction and lbs filled the office Capably that +fi.Ve splendid high schools" how- stamT as memorials to his i*uitjring efforts. Should he not enjoy the'fruits of his ^ labors? Of course, tlb re is a large ^ field for improvement. along educational ilnes, but such an ^excellent start has been made in Person County that it wiil' be a very easy matter for someone else to "carrv on" and then say, "Betsy and I killed the bear." The people of Person County want "betsyM to finish killing thg ! bear "hbrself." n^ie -two younger applicants hav? --jw4hing in their favor except their I youth, and long years of experience and consecrated endeavor so greatly j. offset this; that tlbir very youth be| comes a handicap rather than an ad, vantage. Some may claim that a younger man will have nmre energy and enthusiasm?more "peD,* in modern parlance?but Mr. Beam Was already displayed more "dcd" than the tax payers of the Counfy have shown themselves willing-to back up. These younger applicants have .served as High school superintendents Under Mr. Beam and should realize his worth even more fully than those who Have not had the privilege of working with him. Because of this association with Mr. Beam, they sHould feel a keener desire than, the County at large to see -Mnr^arry his life work on to a glorious finish.-*h -T. C. Wagstaff. CO-OPERATIVE f*?VKZ9kjrnV V f T,* I?T X Vl1 vUOTiri InI l.stf. ) to -The Person bounty Co-operative i Tobacco Growers Association" met i here last Saturday evening for the purpose of naming candidates to be voted on as delegates to the State 'meeting, ?? The Association unanimously recommended Mr. Claude T. Hall as Olr' ector f<Wtbie district. If it a ft gait made ta* measure and fit--RUftiftliU!gd. get 'egpgit manureirieirt .iit Wilburn. & Sstterfield. ' . ' . - . * . -V.J ffr 'ii , i!. fMp x\ ' > 4 . ? " i . 'n ; 5" PER YEAR IN ADVANCE "r ' - No.16 \e/dciety\ The Bridge Club met with Miss May Willson on Wednesday afternoon. Three tables were' arranged for the game find?after?many interest ing progressions the thstess, assisted. by Miss Christine Walker, served a delightful salad conrse with ice tea and salted peanuts. '.Those pies- ? ent were. Mesdames W. C. Massey, * A. S.' deVlaming, M. R.- Long, E. V. " Boatwright, T. I}. Woody, S. A: Jones, Ba E.-Love, Carr Tinrberlake; of Durham and Misses. Lucile Pak's, Mary ?Harris, Christine Walker and Elizabeth Noell. Mrs. Ruth Stephens was hostess to the Friday Afternoon Book Club at the home of her mother, Mrs. R. I. FeatUerston, on Friday afternoon. The house was very attractive with its spring flowers. Boston rook was .' the game of the afternoon and after playing for more than an hour the . H.stess served Marsbmallow salad, tomatoes, sandwiches, pickles, coffee with whipped cream and homemade candies. The members present were M?sdames A. M. Burns, A. S. deVlam- " ing, W. T. Pass, M. R. Long, j. A. Long, T. E. Austin, E.' P. Dunlap, W. F. Long, B. E. Love, J. J. Winstead. Others present were: Mrs. Z- V. Gwynn af Richmond, E. V. Boatwright,' G.. C. Cabinessr T. B., Woody, W. T. Long, G. W. Kane, J. D. K. RicH.-nond, B.'Gj_ Clayton, R. L. Harris, E. G. Long, Preston Satterfield and Miss Mary Harris. On Thursday evening the" T. nnd N. club enjcyed a most delightful meeting with Mrs. J. Y. Blanks, at her lovely new home on Reams avenue.' TH; home was pretty in its newness, and needed . no other adornment, but beautiful hyacinths were placed here and there "in effectiveness,, The guests spent the time ill pleasant' conversation, and needle * work, While some enjoyed several - ; . jeames of roSk. At. tlii cloke. of this J.."' in mi- 11 intr thn hnnt-efis assisted by" Mrs.- T. W. Pass served.'dode- . '1' ('I fl'' S -crllfftiort rSt'.^O.i, v.yit'. uCS SSwOUy,- ^ nla.te vr~as. Ltecorated with ait. "Eadtsp Itdiie,'" and the napkins and other . aiipointments carried out the Easter:- , trioa.'A'istrqTa music furnigjjjed. II Bjeas- J"-,73 ing feature. T"C "-guekfs of MSs. Blanks svyre Me^dafnes E; L, Park- ,. j!r^ J{. M. Spenekry Sratlshcr, B. G. Clayton, Rr H. Oakley, T. W." "" -Pass, Misses "Bertha nnd Annie Clay-' , ,toii, Ethel and Ruth Newton, Katie " ~ % Matthews, Clark Edwards, Martha Lee Ba9s; and fright, Mrs. J. D, K.-dkiyhmond was Uj5- "v tesS at a delightful luncheon on Saturday evening- for Dr. and .Mrs. B. , _ R. Long, and Mr. and Mts. C. A. Hines, all of Greensboro. A menu af four delicious courses wgi) served, nnd covers y.'Gro nlacrd for lty the | centerpieces on the table being an effective arrangement of jonquils. The other appointments' word in dainty and pretty design, and the guests included Dr. and Mrs. Long, Mr. and . Mrs: C. A. Hines, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. . BradslJjr, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Harris, and Mrs. Mamie Merritt. H. B. HARMONY MINSTRELS. * _ The H. B. Harmony I^jiqstrels of Durham gave a performance "hens , last Monday night under the auspices of the American Legion, was n cided hit; TWsy played to a good house, and we have heard only words of the highest praise. . o TOWN BONDS SOLD. iSixty thousand dollars worth of Roxboro bonds were sold last Thursday as follows: r 550,080 wuilUof-sewe* and water bonds were sold to Spltser, Rorick * Co-i.ot Toledo. Ohio. forOISO.2B7.57. __ at 5 1-4 per cent.' 410,000 of street bonds were sold to the Peoples Bank of Rorxboro _for. 410,?l?.?-at^f 1-2 per cent. The bonds were in good demand, . ? there being'fifteen bidding for them. -?i o |MVs.' Nannie Morton happened to the misfortune to break lier arm last ^stTJTdsy aftSrnoriTi. "fiTsbtn* Wty ? fell, catching her arm under her. She ;is resting well and 'it is hoped fhe-brenr win soon. heai. ? J * ......

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