I -fc "V*-- V , y fDo It Take a tip from ua NOW- . .Today's lumber and I look like bargains six! prices of today'are r think are lower than ber market for many hi cipaieu uie aavances j we are going to pass tomers. From the biric the shingles on the rq 3 furnish you and reme ing material of qualit I cost of repairs?*. I SEND US YOUR C i THE DIFFERENCE. P| Roxboro L "Home of Qu ' gaVfufaiii: alralrt qmnum.TK naji'l nv,!} mm? jj lL2?-r n ft r ? ?it , ottibtflNi < I 'n The Home 0 I. ?! J ''' ?'211 . I!' ' SPRING J All out of doo the Bleat of tl Bawl of the Ca, the Pig, the Chi and the Whinn Youth assertu where. Keep th _ ?thy, and stoma "Let ? Dr. HiatrS jrj- be youfr insv rC'-', Sie Our Window 6 Your cPur> [- THE PWSfEi ROXBO fit1 Advance programc from ThurKda i| 18th. . . W THURSDAY & FRIDAY. Am v?r Curxvood's Production "THE HP Keefe. (A Canadian Northwest i Wy:' -Curwood's atory) ADDED Chas. |f' wGet'-a-\vayf cf SPEED, A chapte Ipy dren under,years t>f ageadm b* miss tik'. opening:. SATURDAY William Fox pres fife**, " Ferguson in "THE CRUSADER" ? . venture, His manly spirit undau p of love1?fighting only for right-, . of comedians) In "THE PLAY r MONDAY & TUESDAY Add I,Mille's Production "THE WORL 5 ?n+rta; Lewis Stone, Kathlyn Willi story by Cldrn Beranger. A Pai '* ' Iresa' reputation worth when s Scandal? See this sensational dr r? life and til? pitfalls of fame. W duction. I':- Matinee Monday at 3 P. M. no j' P. M. Added single reel Hal Roi .WEDNESDAY. Arrow PictuTi r- | .duction "TWO FISTED JEFKER I lyn. Nelson. (A real western Drs : V Jack all through. Added Mutt a ^BhH -this date we will have different s ? will be run in connection with tl Comine April 19-20th. RICH .t^rs, Claire Windsor, Roes me ry 1 I nan, Card Hoi low ay, William , (Are tHijr. to be pitied, scorn P . Production. j CMfliflg April 28-27111. Betty C BR" i* Psrsmnnnt j*, " . ????=* & 1 1 r~ Miss Jtetu* Phelps of Mefcane i*" F "Hit g""f her neice. Mrs. John Pettifrrew. ' I.', -e-e ' _ _JL J. Dlckerson of * Jalon* | <aroredus witlTa very pleasanrctft | J??t- Saturdaysi \ ' . . . W " itT . V- *. ' i . . . _ ' ? Now I : and do your biulding |j material jprices will 1] :y days from now. Our H eal bargains and we |j you will find the lum- |j months. We hav?^aaKti- ^ and bought right and |j this saving to^ur cos- ^ :k in the foundation to of we are prepared to | , snber: "Buying build- I ty means banking, the | )RDERS AND NOTE | , ,umberC?-1 ality Lumber" '3 & Clato f Good Sats f~] ' __ . ^ - 11 IS HERE | ?i* filled with 1 I ie Lamb, the a- ) " -r* if, the Grunt of | - ""fi rp of the Chick, | y of the Colt, rgitselfreveryeir bodies heal- | eha full. ' 1 g itock Tonic ' * :Jljj! trance policy v-i fji . -'5'- ., ; t-T?- .:*wi Display and * ZMake >| chase -Now |j - ' " ' i ft ii if 55 THEQAT%E RO, X. C.? y April 12th to Wednesday April L f>w Pictures presents Jamea 011BROKEN SILENCE" with Zena iirnma founded on James Oliver Huchison in Episode No. 1 'The r 'play in fifteen Episodes. Chilitted free on first Episode. Don't icnts William Russell with Helen (A sterling tale of love and ad- j j , nted?He fought for the breath ADDED Buster Keaton (The Ace j ] HOUSE" twb reels. Matinee, at Svening at 7:30 P. M. iph Zukor presents William De-' ItD APPLAUSE" with Bebe Dan- [ ams and James Neill. From the ramount Picture (What's an ache's smirched by the breatH of i j 1 ami of cabaret and high society illiam-DeM file's most lavish pro- ; | advance in adm. Evening at 7:30 \ ach comedy. . ? as presents A Ben Wilson .Pro- ( SON" with Jack Hoxie and Eveima from start to finish. Jack is I rid' Jeff in "Court Plastered". On I 'iews of the town cnshdes-wHieh \ jte programe. MEN'S WIVES with House Pe!heby, Gaston- Glaas, Myrtle Sted?Anntin '' ed or envied ?) An ' i^in(niuii hi 1rTH 15 WHITE KLOW- f" n ? it' ^ .** ?" . Mr. 1,. M. Carlton left yesterday Jar Richmond. Upon His return Mrs. Canton will come home with him. Her friends will be delighted to know by her treatment in Richmond. S ? ' . ,~7 . ? -' 1 V ; r*l w ? . 9 - -. / y- ' ' I * * t THE ROXORO' COURIER i THE COURIER Ro*&oro,-*JT. C. April 41th-1923 ill*. Cole Allison 3t Cedar Grove 8 spent last Friday in town. b> h Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Boatwright 4apent the week end in Danville. i* < < ;r Mr. L. M. Chrlton spent last week W in Yanceyville attending court. f' ,.? " - & Mir. and Mrs. J. L. Chestnut are -r visiting- in Gbldshoro for a week. m day in Durham. . _ , ^ - . * * Mr, Sidney Vftajjy nf Greensboro J ? ipent the week end here. ,JV "I * m fl * ?, Mr. Saptroie Strange of Fayette- *' ville spent Sunday here. " ? . a) Mr. Robert L. Clay of Greensboro $ "pent the week end in town. f- i- - tr- a ? * f ? :Mr. and Mrs," J. E. Parliam spent ^ Sunday in Wendell visiting relatives. ? ? ? ? b> Miss Mary Cheek spent last week ~ ,vith friends at Bethel Hill. 1 Mrs. Clyde Allen retailed home * Monday night after a visit do tier 1 tt _> O . CI .arum.* ul usnum opnngs. . . . . iMts. W. T. Pass a fid Misses Myi-- " Je MeDadfe and, Lwii?-Pass spent '% Dijrsday in Durham. ' - ~ V . ? 'r .. h r Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mullins cf South ^ Boston spent Sunday here visiting Miss Ola Woody. Mr. Bud Evans'of Greensboro spent ^ Tuesday and Wednesday in the city ^ un business. .... . - *. * * ? ' J Wo were glad to have a call Monday fro>h Mr. Lewisr of the engineer- j, ;ng firm of Spoon & Lewis, oP ^ Greensboro. ' ~ ^ T. ' 2 .? " * sr. ' > Rev. 5 Nix, pastor in charge* of the Leasburg circuit, was a welcome ^ visitor last Monday. 'r ^ . V ?.? ;? ? v- ' * Our good friend, Mr. Geo. L. Can- p ningham, favored us witlJ a.jsall Sat- _ urday. * . . . * u Judge -and Mrs. D. W. Bradsher spent several days in Yanceyville s last week. * ~-g ; * Mr. and^>lrs.^T.^JT Hatchet^and s last week* *- . * lMesdames. W" A. Milts, IlonrV ^lav,. E.L XL Long ..and Miss-Lorena 5 IfiHiPgpeiit Saturday -in "Durham. -v. -v / - . jMiSs 'Catherine Moore and M5$a ^ffnre Royal Cok.n-n of N. C..G. *W., y GreensbcrOi _spent .the Week end vjith' Miss Moore's j>aiaentg, Mr. ftn'd Mrs. ? BT H Moore ?^J > * * tq, Airs. I!. (J. Cole and Miss Edna Cole have returned from Black-stone, J! Va? where they Wave been spendiijp ? some" time as guests of Mrs. C. E." ." Penick. ' ? r~ * - * * .... v c. n . Mr. John Tucker, Jr., a student at f the University, was the gdest of his y uncle, Dr. E. J. Tucker, Sunday. g * * * iMrs. kosa Thbmpson of St. Petersburg, tTa., is visiting her sister, Mrs. ^ Hugh Woods. q * * * * c: Mr. Carl White spent the week p end in Greensboro visiting his par- f ent?. Ly. " - % 4 Mr. C, H. Tavp of Tmiborland, ~N*. |j C., fayored us with a call this morn- g ing. He Has been visiting friends in the?County for" the past week. <; (Mrs. E. Y. Pleasants- returned Saturday to her-home in Rocky Mount, y X. C., after spending the week with j her sister, Mrs. G. W, Pulliam. 3 .... Miss Mary Bell Hall is spending , this week in Ramseur, N. C., visitirtff J friends. ? - " ? * * * * _ . v Mr. Clyde ftall left Saturday for _ Rocky MoUnt, N*. C., to visit Wis sis-er, Mrs. E. Y. Pleasants of that ? dty. . - , -1?? j h Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Buchanan spent t Sunday in. Oxford. They were ac- t companiedjiome by Mass Annie Bea$- c lihr. - , v . * * * * E. Carver spent last Thursday in s .rcnieifnJ. n Master Edgar Boatwright has returned from New York, where he spent several . weeks sigttt seeing, r Edgar is only six years old, still he- f insisted that he did hot need any.-one j to go with, him whan he went sight-jv seeing oo Browiway. ? ?- ;i 1. tPRI'J 11th 1323 'bdsihess ims. j PUPPIES FOB SALE, Lewellen etter*, very fine, 2 mpnths old; will In ihepe for work- tlijuFeU, Apply' l i J. C. Cptes; Hurdle Mill},. N. C. 4, 2ts pd. W? not only fit you in ilJocs, but t* t remedy your~feet from ether mi?-j is. tiring your feet -to us. Wilbura : Satterficid. (WAITED to trade a Ford 5 pas-tiger car.- in good srtipe, for. lumi-r. See J. J. H. Perkins, at 6. W. Somas' Hardware Store, Roxboro, N. C. ' 4-4, 2tspd. ' ^ ? i "Wb HAVE a lot of puie stiaiaU. 4 our for sale at $7.50 bbl. Bran at $20 per 100 lba. When in need of | >e above come to see us, we _wiH ive you money. Barton Mills. 4-4, apd. *? r A Knox or Stetson Hat, Kuppeneimer suit and Howard & Foster Kbes "cannot be beat. Try it- Wilirn 4 Satterfield. (flLLARD STORAGE BATTERY. Acknowledged the' BEST. THey -aire issonably priced and give satisfac?si: When you have battery trouble imc to us, swe know how to treat lem, S. M. BRADSHER, at Jackin~Gcragc. - 3-7^tf. ft it OR SALE, Nancy Hail and Porto " Jco sweet potato seed, fine quality. G?Stephens, Roxboro? Route 8. tspd. 3-21. '' ; " (Wanted.?Young Men?to take a eep at what we have jn store for eu. Tlie prettiest line of young men aits we have ever shown. Wilburn : Satterfield. FOR SALE,?setting egg3, WKte -eghorns and Barred Plymouth :j Jocks, fl.00 per setting. E. EJ homas, Rnxhoro 3-21, 4tspdJ . MONEY, MONEY [ONEY TO LOAN, ANY AMOUNT j l\! RAIiM I AVtlS TOVrt TIME :asy teems, address box 88, laleigh, n. c. The only EXCLUSIVE shoe store 1 jour owtj city, exclusive in quali" : yT^cxciusive in price, exclusive in tyle?all the newest -and the latest iyles. No old stock trying to work ff on peopJe that don't know the tyles,-every tli'ng the latest. "kw" llibm in ntinM h,? W " j ROXBORO SHOE STORE. j ' j?* - ? . ' .. J FOR SALE. *ix- cows, -teah and" T omirfjj:.trc5ih.' Will.-exchange for beef j B. Moare. ^R/oxhcrb, N. C.. t'4^.3t3"pd? It. ia*"easy to hand , shoes over the : ounter, but itr talces"** e^erfence to rronorly -f4t -E*r>ert fitters at PbMi & Sattcrfield. . J , ' FTft^E WINNING ^ seed com for ale, Prolific, 32.00 per b'isheh ft. W. 'rumpton. Roxboro, X. 0., rouTc 1 -28 2ts. 1; ' ' ? ' When vou buy shoes from me you , ct only get style, quality and contort, but the best'for less. Why help he other Imtij. ROXBORO SHOE ! TORE. . WANTED, sortie 'one to work" two ! orse farm* either shares or "rent. ; !ood corn and tobacco land. WWcat top sown, plant beds sown, A good lace for the right party, J. R. Gooch, 'imberlake, N... 0. 4-4 3ts. ' Boys if you want, the pep without eing fussy, and the service wjtMaut j acrificing style, come" and see what ; ,'S have in store for you. Wilburn ? aitevfield. _ . FRESH cow for -sale, # very fine ! oung cow. Good qualities. Apply to I )r. R. S. Baynes, Hurdle- Mills, N. C. I -28, 2tpd. ~ ~~r~ ~~ j DWELLING HOUSE and lot oh t -amarr Street for sale. 9 room house, ! lith bath,, good garden and all eoneniences. Apply to JOE KIRBY. NOTICE. If you or yours have the nisfortune to "get burnt let me know it ance, I am making a - salve for urns which my mother has made for hirty years and it Mas never failed o cure ahy kind of a burn. It will ure your bum cheaner" nnd oiileker Cure guaranteed o?- your money ' Htjr. Apply for Mine at Nash Win ^ tead'a home, one mfle east of LeasApril 2nd, 192$;?4t* pd. - + .You will be glad to .know that we J wit?only carry Kuppenbetmer suits A. stock, but make them to measure ind gjye yen a try over. Ask those ?ho "Bane tried. WiHrarn A Setteriekl.N "??? , - \ ? : : ; ,v V ' V - . " . I - ' . .* BHKanaaBMnaaaBBK^nMBidBkD; r<g IT IS EASm^ 1 Dollar than it is A Dolk I ' - (Quality merchandise looks b better and lasts longer, it will s long run. r " Ineyery department oi our eye single to quality and na 1 things will follow. While we ar< in our Shoe Line, we want you second to none in Piece Goods c. we made improvement in our We call your especial* atte" goods for the school dresses, w : on a cheaper market which im It will pay you to trade with Wilburn & Si r Safety P< Boxe for . ... . rvi^n i-^- ? . ? ?- - r - ? _"" SMALL nox" 5T? 1 j '., _ <*. ' 7<iJ ;v MERIT M ROX PER {..;.. ... -.'- w'. ' v : ' t-ARGE BOX PER _____ T. E. AUSTIN, PRESIDENTS f TUa Gi? 1 11^ kJUl. _ ^ Clou IT is a bright summer day. You'i fsce or in your store, and your wife i Suddenly' the summer day is no 1< clouds cover all the heavens. ImmediateVtv-dhousands of Hands homes, reach for'a switch or a buttoi I response is instantaneous. I . As far as its obscuring power is : dor cloud is vanquished. _ ; Under the clear electric lights, w This is made possible by the const ! the electric light and powdr stations, 1 tion of a cloud'in the sky, or ofappr tionsd generators for instantaneous se cpen the water gates and start up th? ! BP III) IHllUiilimuF1 lights ami no ?le trical energy wheii it is needed. On .it .cloudy or- stormy day more end theiefui?, more equipment' Is retjt during the brighr'Sufcshmy days. All this means equipment. And equipment means capita]. Roxboro Light an - ^. . ? I I ...... . V PAGE P1VE '? A' . *-* 'y J ^ ' N - _J __ I. 3 O SAVE A 5 to Make -1 ir. \A etter, makes you feel ave you dollars in the L > " f ' '* t * ' r I i business we have. an j turally other good ! exceptionally strong to realize tha't we are ; and especially have j I, silk department. i i n't i.on to the white .= e bought these goods eans a saving to yoru. ns. Try it. itterfield eposit ;s : r r-., i? k - YEAKHH-.50 IK' _ YEAR 52.00 ~| p. , .tfiaiff J | J ; - i V 1 ' 1 F. LONG CASHIER. j " nmer | ^ id v ?? i?? -| =?: e working hard in your ofs working hard at homo. 1 - .. anger bright. Great thunder j | in factories, in offices, in ' i and turn on the light. The j concerned the tummer tMjii- ;J ork goes on as before. ant vigilance of employes in I who. apon the first indkaoaching night, prepare addi tvieei .fire Op the boilers, or ; turbines, so tHUt there may . . lay Tn the response of eles' i ' ? electrical energy is needed, rirod to hamlle the load titer-- -?id Power Co. j '..... ' : ... / jj ..... -

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