* * , J.;W..NOELL, EDITOR Afcfl VOL. XL ' ? ... T '1~ , J, l . REVIVAL AT 1 BAPTIST CHURGH. Rev. J. L. Jenkins ^ Preaching Twice Daily. Large Crowds Attending. The revival at the Baptist Church,'conducted by Be*, j. L. Jenkins, is attracting large crowds at every *er- i vice. Mr. Jenkina is a very (odcitge, earnest preacher and he is giving the people something to think about. I , - The two services last Sunday were i well attended, in fact the chureh . would n<j? hold the crowd at the ev ening service. Rarely have we heard I two more beautiful or more, spiritual 1 sernjons than the two by-Mr: Jen- I kins on that day. , * I The singing is being lid by the _ pastor. Rev. R. E. White, and the ' choir is composed of the choirs from i E the churches of the town. The old . * " 'Gospel hymns are being sang, and i . s they go to the heart. Jrvyou love " those 'dbar old songs It will he worth i ? yanr while to attend.?:?4- -! The services will continue through- I out the week at^ and 7:45, p. m. i You are cordlaHy invited ia_attend i these services. Ot I ENTERTAINMENT POSTPONED. 1 On account of conflicting with.the ' revival now in progress at the Bap . tist-JOhurch. we have decided to postpone our musical and play advertised -for Friday, April' 27th until the following Tuesday, May 1st. We ask the : public's support in worthwhile an * enterprise. " ~""J NOTICE All-persona are hereby requested not to use city water for the purpose : of watering gardens or lawns, or far washing automobiles. The superintendent has instructions' , to cut off any and all persons using, ~ water for the above purposes, or, for any 'other unnecessary purposes. J. S. Hailey, Superintendent. "this is important. | Having disposed of out business it is very necessary", for us to. close up all matters pertaining ta tlie business, atid all' persons who xa*e; indebted to tlie old firm are rgS^niuifc to come forward and close their Accounts either by paying the cash or giving nete3. This is very important and we .r . shall insist on every one ojgoinjl^usf to settle as above. If you do not* Rive this your prompt attention we shall - ' be compelled to collect the accounts by law. ' * Yours truly, . J. L. Garrett & Co. 1 O' * . . . . TO MY FRIENDS- ? . . The old firm of J. I.. Gatrett & Co.: has been succeeded by Clayton. Wilkerson & Jackson, and I take this niethrcd-qf -thanking my/ friends for I the very liberal patronage given the Oh- frrm while doing business. I hope " " they will be equally as liberal with ' the new firm, which they will find >; at the sapve old stapd. "^ws truly, J. L. Garrett. . 0 ; ' COl UT WEFK. L? CcUrt is in session thi=: u'p.ok with Judge Bond and Solicitor McLendon, , in charge. While there are quite a : -f number of minor eases there is nothing of note to come before the Court. We will give a full report in our next issue. ? HEAR EXPORT COMPANYBUYING FROM GROWERS. Danville, Va., April 21.?Much interest is being displayed bv tobacco men here in. the report current for the past few days, that the Export Leaf Tobacco Company has.made a large purchase of tobacco from -the Tobacco "Growers' lEd-Onerstive Mnr. Feting Association. ? Leading officials of the firm were here several days ago viewing. sam> plea. Inquiries of local "pool" officials . ... sfiave MM to elicit any- corroboration j of thfe report, 'fhty say that if aiiy'? thing is to be nrade public it WW - come Mr. T- Whitt iif Gifteimofe fa'v' ' o, . i i *t pleasant call Cue ? * ; - V - - " ; - ' ' X~' ? '???1?:?t~" ..... i "* ' , ) PUBLISHER ROXBORO . ... . * ' " TWO WOMEN ON SCHOOL BOARD. The Women of Person ,Co?wtyT Are Cowing Into Their OwnT / -JRb a meeting of Town Board last week they elected four new trustees of the "Kfixboro Graded ^School. You will remember a bill was passed by the last Legislature increasing the hoard from seven to nine. The only explanation given by those responsible for this new act was that they wanted to place - two women on the board, bat as the term of two members had expired the reasoniag has never been very clear. However," the two members whose time had expired, Mr. W. H. Long and-. Dr. E. J. Tucker, were reelected and two new members, Mrs. A. S. deVlaming and Mrs. A. M. Burns were named to :omplete the board. Tfie town is looking to these new members to improve the school in ?rn-inoiafji"?AnH ftuwpoiallv fin?w# lesire at this time to suggest that a good place to begin would be on the grounds. Couldn't thev be made' a little more attractive ? Comparisons arc odious, but we suggest the board take a little 'journey to Jalong and see the grounds <3? the graded school down there. FURNITURE! .FURNITURE! We have, the best line of furniture we have shown and honestly, we believe we can, and will, save you monay on anything you may want irt the furniture line.. It will not cost you Plaything and it might.- save you a good bit td -see our line before buying anything in the furniture line. E. D. Cheek. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. I have bought the interest of S. A. Jones in the firm of the Auto. Tiro & Repair Company. All indebtedness of ?the 'firm will be paid by the undefsijrr.ed and all accounts due the firm will be paid to me. I respectfully solicit a continuance of yb$r mu,ch appreciated >business. Yours truly, W. C. Law-son. .. . q ? NOTICE. I hftva sold mv interest in the Person Real Estate & Insurance Compffny to M?. C. C. Garrett, who ,will pay-a!! debts due by the firm and feceipt ;for all accounts-3ue to the ftjn.' I wish thank my friends for the patronage given me While a member of the firm and solicit a continuance of ycrur favors to. Mr. Garrett. J. B." Riggsbee. _ ' REPAIR WORK. "Bring us your repair work and le't us fix it up as it should be. We repair automobiles of all makes and guarantee all work. Our prices a-re reasonable and satisfaction assured. Shop in "rear of Post Office building, next door to Petti grew'8 shop. .Auto Tire & Repair Co. o??? HOME GROUND MEAL. * ?'-Q Mr. W. B. Humphries, who has a corn mill at Bethel Hill, presented ui with a sack of his famous itfeal, anc you can take our word for it, that it i? the real thiftg. This meal is for sal? by several of them'ercHants here anc you will do yourself a kindness wher you want goad meal to call for the Humphries brand. Mir I ONG vVfoSir THE LEADERS ?Pinahurfit?._Nj April 21. South em. target shooters led 'their north em onnonenta hv two Doints at th< close_of today's opening session o the sixth annual fcorth and' Sooti nnrnamimt, ?The?-fii-A -A.wrtherne* I rolled un a total score of 445, Georgi . S, Hamilton, of Two Rivera; Wis, and Georite D. Vv'illiams, of Miami Fla.i were . the oiitstjjdinr'stars o the two toamsi * ? ?... Members of the soatherh team an their cores today^aie as follows -George h William*. Miami."Fla.. 04 [jr. "E. White; Oasionia,?No C., Th) TTfoair Ve-^e, Hh, -AScrdfrwa rc J 89; Wao Aadrews, Spartanburg, f jCv Hi:. epd.M, R. Loao, fioxbern^ft :t0.. M. ,???* , . toxto HOME FIRST. Ah . J." , T >, NORTH CAROLINA, \ r .j jm* Betty Gombso0 i*?L Paxamouii t/Picture u ~ .t j "THE WHITE FLOWER" Til Comin? to The Princess Th&tre, ti< Thursday and Friday April 26-27th. ty A Picture actually filmed in Hawaiia. Admission 10 and 25c. sii m WINTER CLOTHES ? FOR NEAR EAST. ar 0st_ nc Mr. F. O.-.-Carrer/*County Clothing th Chairmaij. Appeal to all housewives of Per- pi son county to send their discarded co winter clothes to the Near East ReIw.f u-dc 'rnndn . tKi. s.rcsol, V f\ tH "V* *\IIO iilUMV LillO ITCCA Ujr A v> Carver of Roxboro, county clothing t'1 chairman for this great humanitarian y< organization. : : . ? iMr. Carver pointed out that while we are discarding our winter cloth- . ing we can save human lives by sending it to the Near East Relief instead of putting it away in the attic or closet to provide a breeding ground for months. Most counties of North Carolina have just finished -heir' financial campaigns arid the s] state is reported nearly over the top tt in- this respect. B sDr.. E. C. Brooks, _ state suiieSiitendefit of" odCfcafmh, is clotmng chairman "for the -present drive an:l. v has the active Assistance" of Josephus Daniels, honorary state ehairmkn. tj Got. CJeo. i!. Br!'amy/-- state - chair- . man. Gorerhdr: Morrison has issue! i ? a proclamation declaring- &fay ' 1st: ^ Bundle Day and asking all true Tar- .'4 heels to sen! a bundle of warm cloth- \l ing to the Near East Relief.' "if (Many school teachers of this cajon-1 N Ltv. at "the renuest of Dr. Brooks, have't* organized their classes into a corps 'i for collecting discarded, clothing in j their respective communities.. Cloth- j ing can be turned over to Mr. Carver T or sent to the Near East Relief cloth- j.R ing warehouse at Raleigh. i H Person county's goal i.s* 1.0P0 pounds of clothing in which there is?a still some wear. Palm beach suits, > ii straw hats and summer clothing can-'P not be used as the climate in Arme- i nia closely approximates our New England states. Many children and X adults were found last winter who -h had dragged themselves for mile^. tl suffering from acute rheumatism simply for lack of clothing. L0? ' | h DEACON DC BBS. * 3 ' . * Come to Hurdle Miljs on Saturday evening, April 28th, at 8 o'clock. The. seventh and eighth grades of I > this school will present the play, b i "Deacon \Duhbs." Admission, 20 and ^ i *0 cents. Don't fall to enjoy a dei lightful everting. * ^ o . . NOTICE OF TAX LISTING. jc I * ! 1. i To r11 taxpayers of Roxboro town-j i ship, notice -is hereby given that you f are required to make return, during j the month of May under pains and 1 penalties imposed" by law, of all reali a . and personal property owned on the 1 fifst day of May 1923. Notice is further?given that- we twill- attend, for the purpose of list t s taking, on the following djates as I f follows: .it t On premises of taxpayers May 1st a to lOtli, Sunday excluded. * . s In oflice in Roxboro May 11th to! 1 i 30th. Sundays excluded. , M f prepared to make agricultural - re-, - r .* rt. ?? ?? ?}5 r* (!eo. W. Walker. |; T J.' g. Walker, ~ ~ t tdat takers for Roxboro towhahipT[ Hated April : . M. k. Ie>ng k? -'atfeiiJUli; 'Ilek i, (-meeting frf '-ha 8*qlluii w: Target W.JUleYH'jU rh 'liuial.t ,,., h?r4i : - ' ' - _ .? v.- v i V. * - at ro l! ^_____ ROAD NEXT Wednesday Evening -A ii ' i. tu flpcu i men I nil Ul Lll LUII LI I. r. Cheatham Write* About Co-operative Warehouse SysWNn. Hendersop, N, C. April 13, 1023. r. F. Watkins, Latta, S. C. . .. \ * " lar Sir: Replying to yours of recent date I r V> say that I was employed for e year by the Tobacco Growers-Asciation. The year expired April 1, d I requested that I be not re-elect. This. action on my part was takfor purely personal reasons and is in no sense prompted by lack of ith in the organization; in fact, have been more "thoroughly coir-| need not only of the absolute jusre, but' also' of the absolute necessiofr-tHo organization. You may say you have gotten poor nee I quit buying your cheap comon tobaccos. This Association was rmed to keep men like you and me om getting these tobaccos too chfeap id if the farmers are foolish enough it to support their organization ese same old conditions will exist id We or somebody else will be buyg these tobaccos ^ the same old "ices, and I sincerely hope thepo editions will never be repeated. You say some of your farmers in ie Association are dissatisfied. Ask iem to compare their-- prices this >ar with their 1921 prices, and if ley want the- old conditions back ie best way in the. world is to iiick. implain and break up their. Associaon. ' Yours very truly, C.B. Cheatham. Air. I.. T. Shot wellof-South Boston >ent a few days here" the first of ie week the guest of ' Mr. E. V. T ; * V:? ?V ? f . ~ Mrs.. Fannie Newell returned Satrday from a visit to Sanford. She as accompanied home hy her daugh4*, Mrs. F^ank Brim. * ' , iM.rs.~W. i,. Thomas of Milton **is isiting herTFoTher, Mr. W. A. Servant.'" ' ~i.? * *. ,V Meadomes W. C? Bullock and. J. W. oell, Miss Elizabeth Noell and Masjr Carl Moore- Bullock spent Satursy in Durham. * * # Mr. and Mrs. John Reams left uesday for Raleigh where Mrs, earns will have trerftment at Rex [ospital. Mr. W. Y. Pass, who spent sever1 days in High Point la3t week buylg furniture for the firm of T. W ass & Son, has returned home*. ... Mr. and Mrs., R. F. Brooks and Iiss Millie Jane Brooks are sp^ndig* a few days in Clc^ton visiting tieir sister, l^rs. Hcdrick. Miss. Annie Beasley'returned to hei ome near Oxford, Sunday aftei p^ndinisc two weeks with Mr. anr Irs. A. B. Buchapan: M.esdamr3 Mamie Merritt an< ames Burrows left Tuesday fo] lenderson to attend the Missionar> leeting. * * # Mr. and Mrs. WV C. Bullock anc hildren spent Sunday with Mr. Bui o:k\s parents at Bullock, .N. C. 30RN, ^ To'Mr. and" Mrs. T. G. Wagstoff 01 Tuesday, April 17th, at four o'clock i sen, T. C., Jr. . . * ? Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Beam attend d a meeting ef the County Superin endents in Raleigh last Thursday !)r. Brooks was explaining the Stat ichooi laws. Mr. G! fl-. Th hat ton of Pravi Branch, Vs., is spending a few day if rs with his parents, Mr. and-Mr! ' * * * .* ' iMbbs. R. W. Morris, A. LipshTt ltd W. W. Morreil left Monda nernirrg for Wilmington vyh^re the will tal?e?the 32nd deiree of Ma^np __JN> ? ~ t.uthe? ^\rHTb.5?<?ld - of . Hur-Jl ^444l?, '{, Mftli 1uH retnrr'iM Yroi V'nVt's H-ospit^il he urHftrjret .-- * v i ' ' rmm .; . $150 pril 25th, 1923 :.;/ BUSINESS LOCfllS." ^ ' . 1 . * ' .. 3 FOR SALE, a good surrejr and h harness. Will sell reasonable. Apply * To J. .T. JJlackard, Roxboro, N. C., route 5.' _ <-25, 2tpd -j ?; ?? Five shares First National Bank ,, stock will be .sold at the Court-house door May 7th, 1923, by D. W. Long, j Executor of A. M. Long:. . ? ' WILLARD STORAGE BATTERY. ' ' Acknowledged the BEST. They arc , reasonably priced and give satisfac- c tion. When you have battery trouble j come to us, we know how to treat . them. S. M. BRADSHER, at Jackson Qarqge. 3-7-tf. : 1 Have-yop heard Rev. J. L. Jenkins 1 krho- is conducting services at tha Baptist church T * Hear him, it may ^ mean the turning point in your life. wavtxti no,. r.1 of March 14th, 1923. If you have one of thla -date, please let us have it. ' The Courier, Roxboro, N., C. M?NEY. MONEY 7 MONEY TO LOAN, ANY AMOtSNT ON FARM LANDS, LONG TIME. EASY TERMS, ADDRESS BOX 88, RALEIGH, N. C. . i Come out .to the services at . the Baptist church?dt may do you good. .- Did you ever hear of * a man being ' hurt by attending^tdmrcH . service? FOR SALE, good milk cows, one 7 years old, gives four gallons of milk, plenty of butter, and one 2 years old,' f fresh in about 2 weeks. Will sell cither. Price very reasonable. Apply .to H. F. Allen, Roxbofro, X. C., route 1. 4-25, 2tSpd. The fire loss in the U. S. for 1922 exceeded five hundred million dollars, n Teas ?if far>1 for every minute of tfcfe day and night. * Who knows who will be next? See SAT^ERFIELD, "Do' It Kcw'V "V\r> * " * BOXDS! See SATTERFIELD for' nil kinds rf bonds. You can't afford to involve vout friend's property! \vhen_ you can buv?our bond. Se,:! SATTERFIELD, tH; Bond Man.'"Do} It Now. * . FOR SALE, first class Hickory King-Prolific seed corn, field selected for 10 years, $2.00 per bushel. Haw' kins Bros., Hurdle "Mills, N. C. *4.25. 2tspd. . . s Kuppenheinrer Clothes. Howard &, : Foster Shoes, Knox or ^Jjtetson Hats,' Ritz''Shirts. We call it a hard linej up, dont voq. It will pay you to trade J ! with U3. Wilburn & Satterfield. ! : ! I j FOR SALE, 40 bbls. com and 751 I bushels of wheat, rough feed, hay I d and stock feed, for cash. Apply to j IE. W. Garrett, Timberlake, N. C?! (route 1. 4-18, 2tspd. j "i1 ? 1 r' | A WONDERFUL STORY TOLD, LiWWH FIGURES: The JEFFERSONi STANDARD since Christmas. JanuIsry 1923 $8,058,600. February $4,-1 1 933,400, April $12,146,060 thus far.1 f Get on the Band Wagon. See SAT-, TERFIELD, "014 and Tried". t ; i Nothing but' Jeatfrer in our Shoes. arid we know how to pot the feet in i them. Wilburn & Saterfie.ld. ! All Novelty Shoes have been re-1 duced to half price. Rox^orp Shoe Store. i 3?> , j. :,! 'IFIRES GALORE" Fire loes in North Carolina during: March reachle'cT the enormous total of $674,671. r j Vfturs may be next. See SATTERlate. SA.TTERFIEILD INS. AGENCV^ e ("Old- and Tried". i SprvfrAa ovory Any nt ft find' T'.-jS s p. m at the "Baptist church. "A'itenfT 8 these services,.it will do you no hurt. ?. ?j : *? r?. ^an help yon irom other misfits and 7, wo can*fit/you ripht. Ip will pay you y to. buy yc-ur Shoe^-from us. Try it, y Vilburn A Sattcrfleld. ,V- , 1 M 7 -i ? j . Three- eyclones in Person County 'e 'wfWTin -three momrrs.- Get WihcF Sfdm \ TiBlv inuu nftd it thousand fOV ih-ee years. See* SAT-. . * - . ' . , 4 . * T* PER YEAR IN ADVANCE I II t .11 - - ' ' > V I...' No. 17 . NOTICE. If yon or youra have the , isfortune to get burnt let me know ,t once. I am making a salve for >ums which my. mother has made for liirty years and it" lhs never failed o cure any kind of a born. It will ure ^our burn cheaper, and: quicker Hin any thing' on the market. Cure guaraqfeetf or your money mck. Apply for same at Nash Wintead'a home, one mile east of Leas>urg, N. C. April 2nd, 1923. 4-4, 4ts pd. A few Capes and Coat Suits left, *e are potting on prices that will tear the deck. Get youra,- Wilburn fc Satterfield. MONUMENTS. ^ 'Have yon a loved one you would ike ta commemorate the memory of? tf so, you will do beat to write a :ard today to PALMER 8TONE WORKS, Albemarle. N. C. Who Have at your serviee,- experienced salesmen with artistic designs. A factor 460 feat long, fully equip>ed with the latest improved hyroilcctric machinery, -and?manned?by drilled mechanics. Why pay more for n^enor, wnen you. can Duy tne best lirect for leaa. 4-lg . 2t3 , pd ?? , Our piece broods department is a live number this season, follow the . nowds. It will pay you to trade* with as. Try it. Wilburn & Satterfield; Look for Roxboro Shoe Store ad rn this week's issue?it means mpnBy to you. Roxboro Shoe Store. PAIXT4NC. I wish to announce to the, public that 1 am now in business and will appreciate your work. Before having any painting done give me a chance to" figure with you. Best work and most reasonable prices "guaranteed. Call at Doares Barber Shox, ftoxboro, N. C. 4-18. Stpd James JH." Perkins. v ACCIDENTS will happen when least expected. For a few cents a day you can protect, yourself for $100 . month. See SATTERFIELD. *MTe t^lk Quality, we advertise Quality and we .'deliver'the goods. It will pay yc'u to trade with us. Try I*.'"Wltiufn & Satterfield. * JVELLS DRILLED to any practh. cai- depth to secure good pure water. * Address, E. A. Lipoid", Stem, N. C. ' 4-18, 5ts pd. . '"jTRN THE COW AROUND7" You have fed the cow ^or these northern fellows for 100 years. Lefs milk a wHiie ourselves. See SATTERFIELD for a JEFFERSON policy and keep your money at home. Do It Now. SATTERFIELD INS. Agency, * "Old and Tried". ACCIDENT TICKETS. Before you leave call at Satterfield's Office and get an accident ticket?25 cents a day for $5,000. SatterfieldV Insurance Agency. mary ham brick missionary society. The -April business pitting of the Mary Hamifrick Missionary Society -was held at the usual tilhe, and'was attonded by a large number of members. A very interesting program * from the Missionary Voic? was given. The treasurer gave the following report for the*first quarter?Numberrf members 93; dues collected $114.7lf; undirected pledge $60; evangelistic workers $17.50; amount spent on local work $3(f. The literary department of the society met Tuesday, April 17th. The Bible lesson was led by J. B. Hurley. Mesdames W. T. Pasg, A. B. Stalvey and ~E. Pr~Dunlap' r&ad papers per-" taining to the'.work. A quartet by ! Mesdames Satterfield, Hatchett,, E > O . Lo n g and Miss Carney whs much enjoyed. . The president cvhthitad a beautiful; poster s"he is taking- to the annual meeting jgt Henderson this ' week. It represents, oar society as -4-einff !^n the W.nnr ll , 'Miss-Ida Hawkin- a Missionary op a furlough, is?expected ta risit. :? the society the latter part pf the ? .,week and wake *n address. She-has spent six ..yeats'ip Korea, and will v ' ' Mrs. E. p. ftunlap.' ... o~?7 , Mr. IHHr.rct of Bxrrttlo, Vx^iawi gueat of-judge J. C. Puss laatt yfcfk ' . . . -

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