,7:. ; ; ~ ^V ; ' : v i . -;/ * . . gAGE~ SIX ? "NTFMCB?LAND SALE. . By virtod .of .an ordelr of the Superior Court, made in tlla Special Proceeding entWNl Mt-dO. Diair end others" "against Henry R. Rogers and others, we will sell to the highest bidder pi public paction at the Court House door in Roxboro, N. C.. on SATURDAY, MAY 5th, 1923, at JXS o'clock M? tpst certain tract -or land lying and being in Flat River Township, Parson County, North Carolina, anc . . 1L nlnl if n rl n? f 11 X-i . ... uvUUucu its IOTroWsT On the North by the lands of Jirr Wrenn and Joe Burch! on the Easl by the lands of Alvis hfoqre artd Jin Wrenn; on ttta South by the Publi( Road leading from Paines- Tavern t< Leasburg, ahd on the West ^>y thlands of Joe Burch, containing- 161 acres, more or less, and known as thi late J. H. Rogers tract of land. . TERMS OF SALE: One-third cash one-third in six months and one tUird in twelve ~ months from thi date of sale. Deferred payments t< bear interest from the day of sale a 6 per cent, and the title is retainec until the purchase money, inclusivi of interest, is paid iji full. - ' This April 2ftd, 1923. Ij. M. Cariton, V, D. Merritt, Commissioners. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Under and by. virtue of a dccrei _L _ STAT v Si'preme Lodge Fralje ' .' " ? I'HILADE Condition December 31, 1922, Balance from Previous Year,.?J. Income?From Members, -.1485,'752.51 173.F>7; Total. ? ?" ? J Disbursements?To Members, $281,48 B23.36;- Total..? Business written during year?Numbt Business iii force at end of ycrr?N Amount .? ?...?A ~ . ; ASS Value of Real Estate (less amount . Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, ? ' Value of Bonds and Stocks,.. .... Cash in Company's Office,"?.... Deposited in Trust Companies and Ineterest' and Rents due and accru Assessments collected by and in bor All Assetif, "as detailed in sta e Total ... Less Assets not admitted.. Total admitted Assets,.. LIABII Death Claims secured in 1922, repo Death Claims reported, but not yet Present value of jdeferrod Claims, j Salaries, rants, expenses, commissii Reserves on Certificates I Advance assessment,.. All other Liabilities as detailed "in Total Liabilities, :-*. bCSiness. in north Policies cr Certificates in force Deo Number 410; A mount, T? j_ Policies cr Certificntpa is^Mirl nurinr Politic* wr l l'i titicntes in force Dece Amr.unt,--: Losses ami Claims unpaid December ber 2; Amount,. - Losses and Clpiin* incurred during Amount,.1, . Losses and Clj?;.ri>s paid fh^ y Losses and; Claims iinpr.H D. tVemb^r Premiums and As:;esRUven-3 collected Carolina.-_ __ * __ ^President, W. C. Pr.ul Treasurer. J no. Smiley I'' cHome Office .Fbilad-drih-a. pa. At'nrn^y f tr g'hen,. ' eigh, N. C. ; '> '?tt.- ?T;j !" /O?IV v o?-m? ?. . A I STACEY W. WAPF !n?n>.m the nhnve ^ a true rnr> correct nbsti LODT1*!. Frn^eriici Home Tn<*. ^neie Pa. filed vith tH'a Depn-rt-Tvent., shcT 31st dav of PccFrrher, if0?. r* Witness my hand end official se STACFY V. op? Ithe m\m A live, progresive, ir. p?per with a purpose world'8 mews; cliscw t r>b 1*1"*/* . rlatr urn ^ wttiv/i .'.an | facts -all pf them, u I versy invoking the ] - P states Welfare J. \ 1 approval of the rehti I lie. YOU need-i.l.b c>r< I' trial | you hhve dona wilho _? ; 1 Daily a SuReUyh: v -f -Jiy wiil'iou-f ey: I Green ^boiu a -L Gresnab . il| f* ,r?T!-?^ 1 . -, . ? --. ^ * ... .. _ - ... . ' ' i * of the Superior Aobrt' of frepc .County in that certain special pr< 1 eroding (herein pending entitle 1 "Richard D. Duncan and others (j I Ernest Clayton ,?nd others", I, i ; commissioner tile rein appointed, wi ; on MONDAY, THE 30th DAY OF ! . . APRIL, 1923, st 12 o'clock noon at the court horn I door in Roxboro, N. C., sell at bubl - sale to the highest bidder for cai I that certain tract of' land former owned by tWc late George Dnnca i deceased, lying in Woodsdale Tow t ship, Person County, North Carolin i bounded on the north by land c : Henry Zimmerman, on the east I > land of Jonah Bolton, on tffa sou' s by lahd of J. T. Jordan, and on tl S west by land of G. "E. Harris (tl ? Richard Long land), 'containing: i acres more or less. ^ , This MaSxh 31, 1923. ' F. Q. CARVER, Commissions i o',- y > "THR WJSf OF THE EARTH.' 1 "The Dust of .tlta Earth," prcsen ! ed by local talent, having: made* 'hit, will be repeated at Helena Hif School Saturday,' April 28th. Pr eeeds * for the churcH.. Admisaio adults 25 cental children 15 *ents Everybody cordially invited. More than your money's worth Dcn't Miss ft?The "Great Pumpk ? Case.". Auditorium, the 27th. . ; eme^Tn :mal Home Ins. Society LPHIA, PA. . as Shown by Statement Filed. ? ........'..8852:236. ; Miscellaneous. $17t>, ? -. .a.... $022,926. il.19; Miscellaneous, $155, _ $137,304. a of Policies 0374; Amount .2,958,411. umber of Policies 20095; Jfo76,196. of encumbrances),.. $140,673. ?' ?? 369.106. 1 260,482. I----? ftmSm tsanks on interest,., 63,984. ed, 7,524. ids, of Subordinate Lodges 40,660. temcnt, _ 146,703. $1,029,714. ? ?? i-i?i. $ 31,973. 997,740. .ITIES rtod in I928.+.... $3,799. . adjusted, ,1 : 26,889. payable in- installments...... 23,828. on, etc., ' . 2,995. i +?...J -J... 767,314. 8,961. statement, ... 11,746, 'J .} : $845,536. CAROLINA DURING 1922. em her 31st of previous year, : Lilt \ ear, Number 6; Amount 9,009. mbcr 31, 1922, Number 373 j L U---- . 452,316. 31bt of previous year, Num 2.469. the year. Number 13; ? 22,000 a>r, Number 11; Amount, ' 23.122 .71, 1922, Number 1; Amount 1,400, during the, year in North ...? ... $15,559. Secretary, W'. R. Buffington Actuary F. M. Speak man A4 . y ' ? ;tatf, of north Carolina, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, RaleigH, March 12, 1923. e Commissioner, do hereby certify tl a?t of the statement of the SUPRE5 tv. a Fraternal Order; of Philadclph ring the condition of said Order on t al the day and date above irrOiA,. WADE, Insurance Commissioner. B0 DAILY NEWS I idependent daily news-dissemination of the ! ssion of vital questions y; presentation of the , nbiasedv in any .contro- , people's rights and the noyress. . . rculatron indicates the : ing and thinking pubsat'daily hewspaper. A ) i)u Will wonder how ut it. month#,. . $4.50 <?y,7.! . $3.50 7.. News !>ro, N, C. * ' Hs ' " < ** THE BOfcBOBO COURIER AP m iiniiiiiiiiitiiriiiiiiiiitiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiti * in The spring pr< v ARE MAlSTi " iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Uf * f 1 , . / n-j V. M m 11 55 tf "TOE maiden spring upon. the 00 A plain,'! 'or' ii\ the shops* were to come blithely tripping in, without any 00^- taffeta -frocks in her wake?we might Bend her buck to start over agalff. Hut 00 no spring has taken any su-h risk fpr 4q many a year. Miss 1923 is followed 31 by. a bevy of demure afternoon and dinner dresses and a gay procession U of party frocks, made of taffeta* Every46 body wants one, for there is a; charm 71 of refinement about taffeta that 'en?I j dears it to the old, and a charm of 80 freshness and youth that lures the 931 young. * ?rj The texture of this silk makes It a 87 I wonderful color medium and adapts It _ | to quaint styles?full, skirts, slim bodIces and furbelows. When designers consider it, their thoughts seem to turn backward and gather inspiration Ij: from other generations. V\ | The pretty -hlack taffeta frock pic22 tured has a Victorian flavor. Th? I round neck, with flne^lace collar, sends 52 ?ne In se&reh of" the laces and wii__1 broldered batiste collars of grandmother's day. Ope expects to find puffed sleeves, and thev ore here, ttn. Iiilii'il willi n hiiirow band. 00! Yards of plaited. frilling..are used ' ftiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiitiii 0 IN COSTUME SUITS LEANS TO iiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii l<v< * . . r . r. ~ . TT appears that th? mpde hat a mind ,:j A to be plctgresqae, go matter wbat th? subject that enrages It. It leans to things that are splendid and Intrl'9 cate and Is In no mood to be slmplst even In salts. Therefore the neifrly '(Z arrlrlng costnme stilts?the harbingers of spring?are mostly regal looking af|3 fairs We are llkely to stand and iaxe at them, bewitched and a little bewildered? for ^hey are sbmewhat unfamiliar In design ^nd very elabotate as to decorntldn?are cannot take them In at a glance. w There-Is an amazing variety In stilts snd each bus a story all Its own to "rr; tuoutou xoi?vii(wmW7 KdicTHIIZe. POT ? one thing there Is no departure from tj the ?Um silhouette,' and for another there .are many pleated skirts. The wool materials used are exceptionally light and soft, and they arc eloquent "Of spiln*. Hleerea are omphaslied? :f by nnuaual slxe or shape ot masses of J T decoration. Home of the suits hare Sri very much the appearance of 5, cost or they are ottering. A smart, example of. .the coatnme ti_ aait la. pictured, litre. iTne wool mills ^ make-many of them. litis one baa a P?a'rwMuuuim jsitin, *1111 u,r overlapping porthm cut In ? poh'tjind decN --ti. - -? ; - , . * ' Ss Mil 25th 1023 , ? itmuiiitiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiu ) cession . r taffeta frocks ; mimiBuuiiimnumniiHiiHUiimmiiiiH ' ? a 1 to embellish the dress. It defines a I front panel In the skirt, finishes the bottom and Hppetirs in long loops at enctrside. The 1trw waistline is'htkenr care of by n ribbon,, girdle?which might be of the 'taffeta?tied in a flat bow with short ends at each side. The hall mark of this spring, appears in two motifs, embroidered in silk with a little tinser thread, introduced,-' on . the front panel. The frock would be as well ofT without them?but there Is . a penchant for much adornment?^and you cun take It or leuve lt^out as you wllL _ J In spite of the craze for sU5uialtofrt there will never be a time when too ; inucfi decoration is In good taste, espe- \ clnTIy on clothes designed for the young. To paint the lily and adorn * the rose is bad business in styles as In everything else. Bnt a little madness j seizes the fashion world occasionally, i andVttien every one runs after strange gods. ccmicht rt votu*ntvs?akft unioh \ llliliilliliillllKllltllllinilltlllllilUllllllHftll THE MODE fi THE PICTURESQUE iiiiiiiiiiiiiMiituuiiHiiniiiiiiiiiviiiiuiiiiiiii IPggpy ~'f \ t"Ti I e 11 ^ \ I -t ThfezMeeim grc JL>f hgflTy gjHg yrfth? an embroidered pattern In atnndlnsr' soutache braid,, and these with the u muffler collar, account for the coat ef- j feet in this- suit. It presents .several ; new style features, but is only.one of! many .varieties in- costume suits'that ' are here in answer -to n u cm an ft for J Individual styles. Knch Individual mist decide for herself >*bnt \'x test to' har. personality. Tnlsmetter of "<jresslirr tyeli Is much ' a matter of tanmlfly svhat tuH* fridV vldnal tyf4?. " ? ](* &, SsRXhltiL : / J : ~ f r* rrr\*o rasritv u v oom ??J. * . * . '. >*- . > ' " - ? ' * ... n'otice. of sale. 'Under and by-virtue nf an "order ei Ite Superior .Court ol Person. Cbuny Inane in that certain special preceding therein pending entitled "B. >. Carres and others. Ex parte" I, s commissioner therein appointed nd'-'directed^ will on MAY 5. 1923. t tits, court house door in Roxbore, J: C. sell at public sale to the-.High st bidder that certain tract or parel of land lying in Roxboro ToWjbhip, Person County, North Carolihk, idjoiping lands of J. B. Harris on he north, land of J. J. Clayton on he east, - land "Of Will Clayton on Ha south, and land formerly owned iy Will ChtYcr on the west, containng 16.5 acres more or less, being be dower land allotted to the late THETROUBI _ ? Sam hoagbt a cap. Fitt-d nice smj trrur. . Went for a hair-cut. "NtCe ami clojf pUate.?Cold ttorage for TOV, tap I .Mm... "Gct*tnfsem, for bt-r the gat. Who-o-c-th. "Another GyaJ Cap Goac H-'rong."?No mote caps for mc! "SURE-F !-??: Unrrt M. SCO The World's Most Corn The simple adjusting strap works on the same principle as a belt, A slight pull, and your "SURE-FIT" is tighter ?or looserj as you prrefer. -? All the new Fifth Avenue styles, in the latest patterns from American iuid overseas mills. Prices the same as you'd pry for any stylish cap?and you get "SURE-FIT'S 'unrivalled comfort. AT YOUR DEALER'S ?or write to the makers, Fine St Lavy,702 B' way, N. Y. Watch for witidpw <AispL I - m ' |j|_' RUNAB ( V.:: tITvY' [ : * = / . ' if t H " wjv '"!' t:~i J *-- - 1 if :pi j^-r" ' ' / 0 ; f /A Still -fcjji // NothitigJikS the ... JU!.3 - "/.. ** -, ?'-w.4.1- Ttu.^,.,1 t o.a Auii.;: id V I Is .r.-.,r.' A.WA * pi 4 - f/j/r-'. i ,-'Z.u7joe?-aiart-t in ft R ? I * <. . 7 - i"-^uCb^ri f F;t| J . c- rait ci .mca?rbu^nessli , "repruveatatifrc fc-..j ~'t ; '.":t . ""/" t' ''r7 ' \' + '' - . |m 1^."*'. it?in;caj? -;c order: -?r '-^ * ors io *?efc-'yem* . pi t <*n easy forms. | ; ' ? -:;c H Crowe' ... t 1 ' Co. " v a ' . - * ' . ? . ' : Ha . Mrs. Mary E. Carver, widow of L. R. Carver, deceased. TERMS OP SAI^S: One-third cash, one-third nine months after, date of sale, balance eifjiiteen months aft or Hato r\4 aat? > ??? rhctits bearing interest from date <lf sale. This April 5, 1923. ;Vg. -' ' J\ O, CARVER, Commissioner. b . f The farmer who 'doesn't \yorry mach today lr the one who liaa ?' '? monthly income check from chickens, cows, hogs and a big check "when his cash crop is sold. ' ??-?o ? r Let qs match it in extra quality silk hose. Wilburn & Satterfield. .ES OF SAM The U*ir grrv b*dk. ml tk* caps /f Acue* of s tbower. HaJ to nitSu' tkor- B _ fcom to ttrt U off, "The Pranut on th* ' P-mpU*.* Youn for tb* *ib ketp. c*f I ^ ^ Sm| i iyt a "SURE-FIT Set he* > u emm mug it in. Sec h*vycm eon rtrf it out. L^ch atthjie^&b bits. TITLE i FricnJt tarnvr". ^ tnr? T ~ ^ m cap ;Jgp? '' || /TW':' vfgjg ADJUSTABLE ihl? strap, to yvyc varying hcAd-iice. ay. j IS IP j sX?\ o o/r | si"' >. I. Ir - I "! ' ! ^ : - | r.O.B. DETROIT t ter Runabout present low price for * { bout has ever been' * . a ?r-rd of even i f-I slanting windcp, kuditiooal carry- St . _ JO . 1 l? fa' . : i anc, aisnnct cr : ^construction. " ? ' a.'i - .'-u ;..odel as an Ul.ci; selling equip- |j oucxa. buy it for their s;sid hundreds of f! ^vvdl ^find | j arc- . .ecfessary if you fpf^r ting fipringl^A | T~r- c- :d the balance ' vV.-Wc f/rm I j| ? 11 Auto jg J ;',n04J

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