administrators n&tce. ^ tlaving qualified as Administrator df.the cstat* of.sA. WL Gray, deceaa- v ot,'''late .of Person -County, North t, Carolina, this is to notify all per- c aotis having claims against the es- v tate ofi said deceased to exhibit them ? t^ the undersigned on or before tHa '7th daiy of April, 1924, or this notice Q wlO be pleaded in bbr of their re- ^ covery. All persons indebted to said g estate will" please make immediate payment. '.'? . This April 7th, 1928. -' -y * * Thomas 6iay, V_- ' ? 4-11, 1928, ^pd. Administrator, f SALE OF LAND. / ^ (Under und by virtue of an order ? of the Superior Court of Person n County in that certain special- pro*- ^ ceeding therein' pending? entitled _ ''Alex Wagstalf and others vs Chal- j, mers Stanfield and ctH.'rs", the un- ? dersigned commissioner will on MAY 14, 1923, at 12 o'clock noon at the cohrt house , door in Hexboro, North Carolina, sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain trapt ofp land lying in CunningUam Tqwnship, Person County, North" Carolina^ adjoining lands of Bob Pulliam -on the . north, land of I. G. Stephens on the cast and land of J. H. Hester on the south ; rrtd west, containingJ17 acres more pr less. {This April 14, 1923. e ' F. O. CARVER, 4-18 4ta Commissioner. T 0 7? . SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. The undersigned as Administratrix of R. J. Teagud, deceased, will sell at- public auction for- cash on, jMONTDAY, MAY 7th, 1923, at. 12 o'efock at the Court Hduso door in Roxfcol-o the following property: One 2 ton" Traffic truck and trailer, one gasoline engine, oorn planter, mower, section harrow and com drag. This April 11th, 1923. ~ ' ,Mrs. R. J. Tcagde, 4-J8 8ts. Administratrix. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Haying this day qualified as the Administrator of the late Mrj. Dora Morton Wilson, deceased, this is to notify all persons holding claims agains't the estate-to present,' the undersigned within one yeaT from . ' tHis date or this notice will be plead in bar 'of recovery. All person in- r~ debated to said estate will please settle. saraj^ This AJril lGth 1023. J. C. LUNSFORD, - i -' " Administrator. J>I. Lunsford, Atty. 1-18 4pi t IMAUK-KT | Mechanical Refrigeration " jg %k- . 1MBnt vl We sell the best quality j>3 1 ' of Western and Home killed -meats. Fancy groceries and . Friuts. Sr Fresh lot of Tomatoes, ->$4; j ? II Celery, Lettuce, New 'fota- j| j ?a Ipca, -lieei.s^Cupimbers, and ,yj! KX- * A I*?* I r ' ffl^.Oreen Heans} v'^j Bpj^ B "ito we appreciate yourW 1 8*'5US'ne8K ' say w? d?-" I v Ffr ?/ 'i SjL g.Y ai ^ L.U. iLkxCk iLiVliS^fr? ri * _a .s. .1 A this-talk nlnrnt Pharoaji's *? curso killing (he potverfnl Carnarvon, tho man wtipah power of wealth and energy succeeded In l.rtnstng ro light the grave of old v. _ JTtotanknheni, may keep alive old sup^ralltlon. The Irtahnian may lie- 1 lU've }a the banshee and the lnpravfi~*T hfntr n llttla Irnoryr itfhl the ". i... carry an oxtrd nth bit's foot, hut nn- 'I ; truth never lasts, ithofigh often It corves a purpose. The dying of th? t".V. I'liglltli ih'arl , ... i? TB.,L?^ . I - life lie l'evenlprl rf J ' ?himwlcds* 1'inu li ,1 t|V,hi (lie iir-' ! (|rilrl:i; mtud f., ian, and-In hla : death . he 'gltolvefl the.importance of the llltle thing. # The nio'iae.-fread - . the itfTS ' * tir" elrrtc-unrt Jho 'l?r fusing** I#?n drWiWifl. hear . a in *' "*"e of ihllllons iiml ? nia- ? . e ban Cars.-li^i tiiem - T ' ' ' . " ' ?? ; . : SOTK'B, OF I.AND SALE. lUnder and by virtu# of a decree of lie Superior Court of Person Conns' til the proceeding entitled "B. S. ilenn, Admr. of Lincoln Williams, s. Birdie Williams and others, I in as Commissioner on MONDAY, MAY 7th, 1923, at 12 'clock Noon at the Court house door i Roxboro sell-to the highest bidder t; public auction the following ticnrtHWi lot-8 nr (if lnml frv_ rtt:' . " ' ' I No. 1. Lying nfear the corporate units of -Roxboro and containing onejurth of an acre pure or lea*.- fcnd eing known aa Lot No. 1 on the plat nd Survey of the Hargrove property orm^rjy, owned try J; 0., fas?.; See lat in Book 29, page 259 in Regis-r's Office. N6. 2. That lot' lying in Cttnningam Township. oru the old road from :effo to Chub Lake, bounded on^he i . Undermining Ma ' Uovcrnor Charles \V. Bryan I attention when in his inaugurc past few years and especially < has been a universal tendency t This .is resulting in tho enactn of private and personal ills thai ment with functions and obligi fectivcness of governmental a responsibility." If this condition bo true'bf doubt it is true', what shall be sa tions are extended "to the ,nati< is most forcibly brought to pfl; question of appropriations so tl fundamental and just prineipl become the private beneficiary expense of: the taxpayers:?tj tendencies daily Becoming nior disclosed as a fact by the mer ? persistently pressing the opport and governmental restrictions business expansion, but which p . flag waving, that finds its rewar. ing. If wo don't look out we death." The Paradoxic With the retirement from tl: of Albert D. Busker June 1st, tl experiment in its effort tpjsolv merchant marine. Mr. I.asker succeeded Rear A to the four winds and sot sail fc fair a breeze as' ever carried a fizzled ?ml, is largely'due to' the own olufel'scd-cahvlctiin-.s. lie took hokksaf tile shipping ben pilig problem. The chances a N*vc hides", Benson, who haon. he. ?7 ??:? --id of Kncli an evil when its operanial congress. PerEaps the evil blie attention in considering the agraiitly made in defiance of the le that one class -or gronp shall of appropriations made at the UtTnore than this, the radical e evident in government circles, nbers of both great parties, arc unist to foist on the nation laws that are utterly destructive of rovide an opportunity for a little i in tire applause of the uuthinkwjll soon bo " govenrmentcd to :al Mr. Lasker ic United States ShippingBoard le nation will enter npon anQtlitr r tbe gprt-of popularity yith-as marinejnnto harbor.". That, he .fact that lie failed to follow-his iker knew nothing of ships when ,rd, lie knew nothing of .the shipre he knows Jjttie more today, made n life study of 'unr water by.and see tbe.pnktt. dream of! ! crumble and wither before the. r ? civ ?hiyr> and-fo junk thoie that seas for piiVatCly owned" vessels. ' it of Lasker will bring new life ' American flag back on the seas, merchant marine never can be ! nteiligent support of the farmer i s and villages who do not sense .' e prosperity and indeed to the r.son had lb'" p1"" nf utblicly approved of it, but havforthwith to destroy it. Great a mysterious way their wonders j EMENT Independent Order Goo lughters of Samaria, 5RN; N. Ci as Shown by Statement Filed. ? 1- ?ST.nSS.: Miscellaneous, $167.95; Total 4,004. 50; Miscellaneous, $1,190.84; ;J - 3,067. VS9ETS '" " of encumbrances), $10,578. ? ? ? . 2,000. ?- 2.EOOJ ianks Vict on interest, 826. 78. ....... $15,404. B1LIT1ES i, == . ... . $300. .I- $300. :a*olina during 1922. ntber 31st of previous year, 43,050. ; tile year, Number 158;' 7,900. smber 31, 1922, Number 915; 69,550. 31st of previous-year, Num N 425: he year, Number 24; Amount, 2,350, ear, Number 27; Amount, 2,478. 3J, 1922, Number 3; Amount, 300. 1 during the vear in North ...:. i-.i.s.-..-.: $3,883. Secretary apd Treas, W. H. Stark; tr nit rtr * iff- * . ? i >t. wauc., insurance commission1 ' .' !*** ; " * - tVTATF. Of' NORTH P.ARmnNA IfJSURANCE DEPARTMENT ? Raleigh. March 15. 192 ce Commissioner, do Htrebv certify O raft of. the Wjtwnani of tfin It 6. firBern. N. C. fil?d with this Departmei on -the Slat day orDccpmBS, ft!25. al the day"and def* shove writtcrrr7, W.A.DK, Insurance Commissioner.? ' ' ' ' ' APRIL 2oth 1923 u* Boreli setts, will sooa be time fo e and. you will save money b. calling and seeing my line and get * king my prices. E. D. CHEEK. executrices" notice. Having this day qualified, aa Exe ? tutrices of the last will and testamen of Mrs. Arabella V. Brooks, deceas . ou, imie 01 ferson County, tlii i? t _r,atif7 all person boldUip claim against said estate to present ther to the undersigned- on- or before th ?8(h day of Mtrth, 1924,' or this no . t ice will be -pleaded in bar ~fff- thflil r:covcry., y. A11 persons indebted to said ei ' tate will please make immediate pay J ment. j_ 'I* TUe March 28th, 1923. Mrs. Alice Paylor c Mr3. Haynie Clement Expcutrices M* Cai Iton, Avtornay. 4 16 44, 9 Q ADX; INISTRATRIX Z^QTICE, .. . T -o-. : t 'flavin?' qjsjifttd ns A 1m!n1sfr atrt -i the estate of \W, Cooper CaUi I. late of ; Person County '"ToftS CaWJini, this is' to" notify al persons naving claims against,,,, rtb ;s$a"te of Said deceased to exhibi 'lism'.to tHT undersigned on orbetor the 29th day of March, 1924, or thi Otice v ill be pleaded in bar of thci recovery. AJ1 peraons indebted" tc ;aid estate will please make imme diate payment. Ths 2Tth day of MarcH, 1923. Mrs. Delia Catcs, >-4 4ts pif. Administratrix. WHAT FUN IT IS TO BE HUNGRY! YOU can't be well and hearty unless you are properly nourished? you can't be Strong unless your appetite is good. For a keen appetite, good digestion, rich red blood, and the "punch" pnd "pep", that goes with-perfect health, . You need Gude's Pepto-Mangan. Take Gude's for-a short time. and note the big difference in t?e way youlook, eat and feel. . Your druggist has it?liquid or tablets, as you prefer. - Gude's pepto-Mangan Tonic and Blood Enrither . :p?C5j5?jbi) HJJifaq . I . g>ue ToseaCfp spjar.: m?"' pna ijiooj $3a,i??s ff &sfisroBs ii g *St&3l9Ill/l/l so S EKJOJ 3IJJ KJ I33W18 11 |.o : 11 q B '111 A\ I . IB31U q3B3 {JO "&I I". mmm ^ t*>?W **?azJ9jjy | .' ^V o ?:? ***>? >?rKKKWK I ? .. >- : . ' : ' r-=-'. I r 1'LEASE^.GIVB MIS THE >BWS. y : ' ?o-? r Having assumed tHe local editorship of The Courier I will grafttlr . appreciate it if "you will kindly phone me' any news item yon may havo.^It you intend making a tri(t or if you t have friends visitipg you please let me know it, for I vfant to make the 0 local news worth while and can oniy s d*- ep with your cooperation. Do not |3 PRGFESSI01 tj ' e ee j\* Dr H. E. Satterfieli> ! DENTAL SURGEAN . Roxboro, N. C. * Office over G. W. Thomas * * - Store. ? a ? - * * c a a.? a * ? ROXRORO. N. C. '? UIU.C. VJCKJERS t ? Dentist" i, * OOce in Newell building . ' on North Main Street, ' * * next door to Poxboro * ? f ..Grocery Compaity. ? lr ROXRORO, N. C. I l: ' a a a.a a ? a a e _i r ' ita aoaaaa**' " * N. LUNSFORD ' Attorney-at-law ' Office over Garrett's Store * ROXRORO. N. C. ? a : ? " < 5 , ? a a a a a * a a a a a * ROBERT P; BURNS" Attorney at Law * PEOPLES BANK BUILDING. ' J * Prompt and careful attenUoa givr * en to all boats tap * a a a a ' a a 'a. a a * - * DR- E. 7. TUCKER ' - Dentist ? Office in Hotel Jones over Dr. R. J. l'eazue'o office * ' f Prices ! I \m: / |ra Radical price reduction put jfj that no" family with a home iid out this mordern heating p IH ' At the new low pric ?rg? than stoves neces , j|| Costs less than a gc lis * * Costs less than a g< Costsless than twic ing machine. 3; Costs less than twit Order a'CaloriC ne | comfort and convenience y< j ^ cause it protects the family 5"" "ily's pocketbook. Because i I; in the fuel it saves. ^ ? Order now because prices e; W S in'g now you will enjoy the It S -Centage of its'cost this..wii X | Do not delay. Winter i3 h 2 }|- is an. argument for Calori lit' risk. Our guarantee?your U i . J 0 6 N" I . / ROXBORO, N< W it:i iuiiuiit n, L ilS ifiTjiiTtTn i: i | Why Wai I I - And Waste valuable timd M ' ' ^ mt You don't have to wH^n y( | Doares Bi M![ Five chairs, all served by - business?and their business is kjai i to the minute. EvbryfWiwg of I ?}i end you will become a rcgula Xr J. R. BOA X| . 'Next Door to ^ M | Depot - ' . - ,^s=; -r? * - ' - - , ? 7* ? ?; -* ? - . .-- . * - think your goings and comings are so 1 important that I ought .to gat them anyway, for It is impossible I for me to keep mp with the doings of * this hustlifig town without your aid. Help me out with this depsrtruent by miring .me all ot the news. f r Vary respectfully. ? . ? MISS ELIZABETH NOBLL, Local Editor. NAt CARDS - ? ? #.?.-** ?# !' DR. 1. H. HUGHES " * Dentist .* * Office in Hotel Jones, next * * door to Dr. Ticker's office. * .? *** + ' * V ? > ? it * * ?.*;*' W. T. BUCHANAN SUnVAYOR * * JULL CREEK.' "N C. Route I. * JiToo dose a $ MENTHOLATUM I ^^omEorts and ricalo^^r ? o.: mmMrntitm Sche3u!o Effective April 30 1922 ./ p. m. a. m. a. m. p. m. x5:30 *7:00 lv. Durham ar. 11.0019:15 x7:09 *8:13 lv. Roxboro^ar. 9:23 7:64 x7:53 *8:45 lv: Dqnniston ar! 8:4517:19 -xg:20 *9:05 lv. S. Boston ar. 8:i8j0:56 x8:35 *9:19 lv: Halifax ar 8irf)2;?:4? xll:15|*H:40 ar. Lynchg. lv. 5:30|4:15 p. m. a. m. . a. m. p. m. Daily and x Daily Ex. Sun. Connections at LynqHburg with trains east and westbound. P?rIor and. sleeping cars dining " cars. The best route to the west and * ' V-: northwest. Rates and information upon-application to agent, or ? W. C. SAUNDERS, General Pass. Agent" Roanoke, Va. "Down^ W|| || I s the cost of a'CaloriC so low |y to heat can afforjl to be with- 0 lant. . " v .8 es the CaloriC costs less - | isary to heat thejiniMing. p tod piano. . i oo0 home water system. * I e the price Ot a good" wash- - M . :e the price of a lhonograph. | ' >w because it- is the greatest ? >u iian have in your home. Be- & 's health and thereby the fam- g t pays every dollar- of its cost g " innot be lower- ?and by""order- 9 comport and save a good per- g iter..*- *v g ere in- earnest, livery blizzard | , C comfort now. You _ take no S satisfaction* or "money back. |3 F. R E A M S ? )RTH CAROLINA H ~Z ^ t? "... '.. JI . at tWc Barber Shop. * . >u patronize '* arber Shop y expert -barbers, who .know their i to serve you.? , . . * She most modern 4eaiga. Call once _ i patron. =- ??' RCQ? PROP., ^ilkerson Drug Co. \m Street ? ' - It- ?