, ttl J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AN l VOL. XL S. S. TRAINING SCHOOL FOTPESSON 60. BEGINNING SUNDAY NIGHT AT K|> ' > 7:45. . The School 'Will Be Under the Directum of Ar. L. L. Gobfael, Con. . ' ference Supt. Training School for the Sunday "School and.Church Leaders of Person P County. Beginning Sunday night at 7:45 and continuing every night until Friday night, there will be held a Training School for Sunday School and Church leaders of Person county ineluding. Leasburg in Caswell county. Hi The school will be held at the Edgar Enng Memorial Methodist Church. Similar schools ar^ being held in other sections throughout the state with ? , fitie attendance and good results.- Rec??ogniemg the^ urgent need, for- batter trained 'teachers and leaders in our Sunday schools and churches, the Sunday School Board of the North - Carolina Conference, in conjunction with .the General Sunday School "of the Southern Methodist Church, has established these chain of schools to meet this heed. , .Four courses are offered which covers, in a general way, the immediate needs of the average '-Sunday schroi and Church. Regular class work will be done under expert instructors. The courses offered and instructors are as follows: 1. Course for Elementary Workers, Miss Georgia Keene, Conference Ele' mentnry Superintendent, instructor. 2. Principles of Religious Teach. ng, Prof. I. B. McKay of Trinity '.College, instructor. 3. Organization and Administration of the Sunday School, ,Mr. L. L. Gob- ^ bel. Conference Superintendent of ( ounaay acnooi wonc, instructor. Methodist Church and Its Work, Rev. M. T. Plyler, Presiding Elder, Darham District, instructor. * While this school is being 'conducted under the auspices of the Methodist Church, nil Sunday school workers all denominations ate cordially invited to attend and secure the ben. . efits to be obtained^ There will be no ? charge for tuition. Text books for each course will be on sale at cost at the. Church. The " Board of Managers and the Charges Co-e'peraring are: < - Rev. "Jf B. Hurley, Edgar Long ' Memorial,' Rev. B. C. Thompson, Person Circuit, Rev. S?J. Starnes, East Roxfcoro and Longhorst, Revt B. T. . Hurley, Broeksdale Circuity Rev. J. . C; Williams, Mt. TirzAh Circuit, Rev: . S. F. NicksVLeasburg .Circuit. The School will b? under the direction of Mr. L. L. Gobbel, Conference Superintendent of Sundhy Sehpol Work, Durham, N. C. ! > Thi; is a fine opportunity for the HH|Bahday' schobis in this section. Let us avail ourselves of it if we hasp to make some sacrifice in doing so. t I Ccme, enroll in the schbcl, select the Course of your choice, attend regtilnr ly if possible, and if you so desire j .it you, may stand nh. examination on dST'^the ccursQ taken and get a ce'rtifii cate from the Teacher Training de- . jVjlftmbnt of the Methodist Church. f. B. T. Hurl' y. |., . Chm. Board of Managers. I ? ' ! 0 THE ADDRESS (IF [1 HON*. A. L. BROOKS.11 . The audience which greeted Hon. e t ' A, L. Brooks at the Methodist church last Sunday Sijriday night -when h& r F:;: delivered his address cn the "Passion n J. Play" jpyst. have been a^ inspiration o r to him. At any eyer.t we have never heard him-when he excelled his effort 1 lest Sunday night. Many of his hear- ? 1 . yr* had doubtless looked upon the a Passion Play .as- sacrilegious, but aftfr hearing this nddress'th'ey had a Very different feeling. The word pictures from Mr. Brooks were so near j eye of faith every scene as depicted #bv him.lt waj indeed a great lecture and the people are deeply- idebted- to } the Woman* Club and Mr. Brooks ]l ' for tjllis rare evening's-entertainmenti h DOX'T-5B~l)Et'ElV El): ? See t)ie "new up-to-date Jefferson 1 . . Standard Life policy" before you buy i~T*MieililiJtjH?t h??Hh end lifii on in nno ifl * policy. See Sum* field District Man- ,j * *?#?>" " - . j i ? % k . D PUBLISl^R ; '.. Hi vROXBORO, NORTH r^4 " b0: ' f f f fSgffr ; - . y ^ ^ -ssii a^ vere* ' - rrt , ^ * Tlie post bogle has sounded nrd eight entries for tlie United States' four year classic, The' Presidential Lt/)^." are already limbering up and Jockeying for tdvsflpgt-ous positions Tbb four woaritm "COP" colors ard~hend?f bytlie favorite, president "Harding His opponents in tlie trial uca t * up to tlie National convention are Senator Johnaoc. of Callforula; Senator" BoraU- >f ' i soHoot^Norrss. HI I Tumpq j Summer School will open on June _ Ith and it is necessary for all teach- CHI 141 Qll' rs to hp present at the opening. Pn CHURL DU >rder for a teacher to secure credit - .* .* * 'or n unit of work, which consists of. ' "~7?~ 'our courses taken five times a week THE MERCHANTS lor six weeks, a tTacher mast enter WHY NOT PR it the beginning and chow twenty- * live- days* attendance, and must com- Woodsdale Roller -> >lete four courses,, making a grade 1'lant Guarante ?f 75 per cent on the final exaniina- Equal to ion given or each course. The text-books used will be the "hegi i&oks adopted by the State and teach- r^?s *3 nct an af*^' rs will save money by bringing these a:mPle reminder th: >ocJv3 from home, as all the schools we^ t0 ^e' consistent >ee them.' The following is the list; chants preach, and Second, and Third Readers for Pri- he home man shoulc nary work, and Fourth. Fifth, Sixth, cncc? an<* *n Th ind Seventh Readers for Grammar V sa>TS amen. Now, irade work. -Good English Books I, infant industry in o f, and III. School Arithmetic Books '-o ttfjfld op and expa and II. Spelling?The Mastery of merchants cf Roxbci Vords Book II. Essentials of . Geo- enterprise an riphy. Book . II. Healthy "Living make goon. ?ook II. Elementary Science or Ag- The Woodsdale P iculture. History of the People of Ju.st installed an o' he United States. Young People's 3a>T '3 equal to tht listory of North Carolina. Elemen- guarantee that their ary Community Civics. .and meal are equa If you do not posess these books than anything effen n4. cattfic.t borrow them, please, each Their brands of cacher, let me know at once how | bred Self Rising ari( rinny and what kind to order for;^at?nt* anc* Pearl ou, as we must be suspired*the firtt ?*ve entire ^atisfact Py exacting housewife. I*'Is time to .prepare the May Bud- hese brands and if ct and the School Official^ are here- guarantee make the y notified to present* their budgets **3stcn ^T< or each school in the eountv. Please ?e,i; !S in man o not neglect this but send the item- n''">ng business, hai ted amounts necessary to run your' ''ne a" bis hfe..I chcol for thb entire term to the Sa 's"'"s and ,ri eiintendent not later than this week. IT' 'nP,f brands - i his is very important and is requir- n" c'aitT f d by law. Picas'; attend to it- 5" ; AVe must have al) the final reports ot inter than this week. Only seven , re lacking. See that you are not one f the (even. * ' , Several teachers are applying for . oanii. If you can and will take any & f them to board, please let die know ? t once. "j -P Sincerely, . y ' J> A. .Beam, Supt. ?o {, ;ew building for r- I/AM BETH MEMORIAL. Oif -li The new building for Lambeth X/ Memorial Saptistf church, which is' y , t / seated about five miles west of Rox- .^r / ^ HJPU ON the Olive Hill road neaP AlliineC Han scnool house, has l>?eh hirun and is progressing rapidly. ' ^ * ? ? w/.-^ We cannot only fifyoo right in . . V / I Unjrji, but i?f cnn-litlp year foot feoiW . igfer mbfttii'lVWffl W.yW.t* buy.: "r~ oajr Shpes friffl ui. Try it Wllbum ~ ; _ - ?~?- -* *? = , .." . - V7" ^ ' '? ' ' . ' - : .... hitflt (I JME FIRST. rABROAD NEXT. CAROLINA, Wednesday Lverting M r ? .v * .J. Idaho and Secretary of Commerce* Uerbert Hoover, ' Of California. ] Wearers'of Democratic colors aro going to the post ' . with Henry Ford, of Detroit; and William Randolph Hearst, of New fork, slightly overruling Former 1 Secretary of ITeaswry, William MeAdoo, of New Vc,-k, and Senator Oscar I'nderwood, of Alabama, a? favor- i ' Itcs to win in the national convention sprint. Can -you nick the winners?and the winner? DCIliP TOWN ELECTION. It was a mere matter of form yes- < f| |T UDMC '"MM when the citizens of the town Pi! HI fflt rc"e'srtei' the old officers for another term of two years. There was only < v . one -ticket, that put out_ by the cili- 1 ?. rUEACH IT? zens in mSss-meeting assembled re- ! ACT ICE IT. cenfly, that being as follows: May. - or, W. I. Newton, Town Board. Miss tills Install New Hattie E. 'Boreh, Dr. W. A.- Bradsher, ! eing Product ft. *L. Harris, G. W. Kane and J. J. : Any. ? Winstead. t . I? " Of course, there were" some who ; ruling let us say were not thoroughly satisfied with rrtisemenb but a all the old crowd had done, but in, : at it is always consideration of the fact that they . All of the nier- were just beginning the work in buildrightfully, that ir.g a town v.ater system, neeessitat- : 1 have the prefer- ;ng an expenditure of something like i ie Courier heavti- one'hundred ?nd seventy five thous- ] that there is an nnd dollars it was thought wise by ! ur County trying even- these, to continue the ore-sent j nd we believe the officers. In this, we think the town t to should all give acted with' rare good judgment for i opportunity to the old boarzl and mayor are thorvoughly conversant' with all of- the lollcr Mills have iie tails, and it will be much' easier. ? atfit which they and far more satisfactory, for them , ? very best, and to conclude -lhe job. , brands of flour ^ s 1, if not.better, CEyiETFRY FLOWER . i id on this mark- ^ flour. Thorough- j DAY?SUNDAY, MAY 13th. r 1 Mothers Choice ?o? Table Meal will Mothers' D.ay 'and Cemetery Flower lion to the most Day! Is ONE day in the year too , Why net stock much for flower thoughts of mothers , they ceme On to and others who hhve paid the price ? m your standby, of lieir.g? We respect the memory J wtry, the mana- cf the dead and remember with glad- ^ nor born in the nvss oar gratitude debt to them. Let ; . ingxbeen in tfeis U3 g|ve evidence of these feelings by , le kn^-s the InKjvisitii.g their graves THIS SUN- j his very b*st to N>AY, May 13th. The response to the j above -mentioned i fay last year was coori.^This year it t >r them'. [should be better. SHALI, A SINGLE v MOUND IN OUR TOWN CEME- , TEP.Y EE FORGOTTEN? Ilattie' E. Burch, , , t j Cemetaiqi^i Commissioner. [ A-' / PERSON OOUNTY . ! ( ?. Jrf ! S. -S. CONVENTION. v ? Ay/ ?o? J The Person County Sunday School . -v -Convention will meet with Brook?- , ^ # / ,N dale Methodist church on Saturday ( and Sunday May 19th and 2Qth-. _A j V * 'ull program .is printed in another , / ^!y - column and we believe it will b? -i f ? S * worth your tinfte to attend this con- \ \ ? '' verition if you are at all interested in j ~ Sunday School ~wd$k. * < ? ?:? ?p ? --NOTICE. i if? 0 > -| ^ -'?On next'StMxtey, tha 13ih, J will i Jiold services at. Mitchell's Chapel at i . - -- ?: nt* r if * ?Hfj-' '" I'-'i"' ??-! .Hill.1 111 all ill 11-1 r I 'inriiimilv in nt-.i ~r"' - ;' ; ti'ni tut rtiuic mm Minn a. . ; ftuiiil nilh |?U|^ ^ _y jl HjHSftSWSf*.- <* ? - J Vti ^ . 'rloiw'i ; " $1.5 ' . ... 1 i I^y 9th, 1923 \fociety Mrs. J'. J. Winstead was hostess to he Friday Afternoon Bock Club at ser home on North Jjlain Street. The iouso was lovely with spring flowers. Boston rOok was played at sijt tables ind r\ftiir playing for moke than an tour the hostess served a delightful 'jlad course with cofEPt*. and candy, fhe members present were Mesd&mes K.~ S. deVlaming, S. G. Long, J. W. N'oell, M. R.'Long, W. D. Merritt, H. 3: Morton, H. W. Winstead, Ruth Stephens, with the following visa:ors:' G. \V. Thomas, Preston Satterfield. Sallie Morris, \V. C. Bullock, Oscar Carver, R. B. Smith, T. B. (A'ocdy, .E. V. Boatwright, G. AV. rabiness, W. T. Long, G. W. Kane, E- Z. Bradley, B. A1 Thaxtcn, E. E.j Ihomas and Rosa Thompson. Mrs. II. W. Newell, entertained at h lovely announcement party in^janor jf Miss Margaret Bradsher, who is to be married to Dr. fimery Huth on June the 14th.' Attractively decorated with wedding bells made this beautiful-heme a scene of rare loveliness. Rook was played at seven tables, st the conclusion of which a delightful salad course with ice tea was served. The announcement was concealed in a sandwich. Mrs. Newell presented the bride-to-be a lovely K'tlii im?i ? T1 naj. urc y. uoi3 were iviesiames R. W. Stephens, E. G. Long, Joe Blanks. S. A. Jones, L. C. bradsher, Cliff Winstead, B* A. Thaxton, E. Z. Bradley, s Misses Margaret Bradsher. guest of hcnor, Ruth. Ethel and Kate Newton, Delia Kryant, Bertha C,!ayton, Sue Mferritt, Edna Bradsher, Evie Long, Christine Walkit, Esther Thompson, May Willson, Louise Thompson, 'Elizabeth Noell. Wary Harris, Claire Harris, Lillian and Bess Sample, Annie Laurie Barrett, Mildred Satber field. * May' Hardy and Miss Mendenhall of Oxford. ? The Bridge Club met wijh Mrs; T. B. Woody on Wednesday" afternoon. Spring flowers lent an attractive glowi o the home. Three tables were ararged for the game.of Boston Took ir.:l. after many interesting progressions the hostess assisted by Mrs. H. W. Winstead -and Miss Charlstte SmigeJow served a tempting salad :curse with ice tea. Those present veTe Mesdames E. V. Boatyrright. j Ft. A. Pass, S. A.'Jones, J. W. Xoell.i SI. R. Long, I. O. Wilkerson, G. W\ Kane. A. S. detlaming, L. M. Carl-: on. Misses if ay Will son, Mary Har-I is, Lucile Pass and Elizabeth Xoell. On Friday evening at eight o'clock,! he Woman's. Club held its regular ponthly business meeting in the Club ooms, in the Kaplop. building. The cssion was* presided over by the tewly elected president, Mrs. B. G. Clayton. Aftdr the minutes of the last nee ting * were read, the various re?jrts were called for. First was the j .port of-Mrs. S. G. Winstead, Chair-j nan of the Civics Department.. A] 'cry interesting discussion was-held \s to the mcst satisfactory mean? of lisposing of rubbish. Members adranc??l se.^f'at good suggestions, all if which were splendid, but W. C. ilassey, of. the Chamber of Comnerce in a short talk said that the nost satisfactory was to bum all hat "could be burnt, and bury that I vhieh cctild not. That__not alone was] he looks of the town to be consider-! rd, but the suburbs. It is not a very] ?Uasant sight to be riding along the| plertdid roads, and at various turns | :o be confronted with, piles of tin :ans, and ether rubbish. **' , Following this, Mrs. T. B. Woody, Chairman of 'the Literary IXepartnent,\invited all members of'the Wonan's Club who were not menibers >f some study/cluh, and who wished ,o join one that will be organized/to report their names to her at once. Under -this departments Mrs. X Brooks gave a report on the library. Ker's was very interesting and en:ouraging one. This is especially patronised by the school children, and ill are invited to use the books. Mrs. urooks is at tne club room every Mortlay afternoon from four to five, o'clock. - Miss Bosaie Daniel than -reported ?i-i tliairmen?of- the tnnin) Service Duintruiumt. She told of The spleiriid arm If being done by the respective denommations Sat the' inmates * - . _ JJLs _ , . -I , ? , , ... ' > '/ * o. pe? year in advance "v~ No. 19 of , the County Homo. The president then appointed severs! committees, first of which was respectively. The first named is. to have as its heads Mrs. J. D. K. Richmond, the latter, Mrs. H. L. CrowelL A nominating committee was then ppointed to nominate members of the Ways and Means Committee. \V. *C. btassey then addressed the c'.nb in the interest of a Curb Markj.et for Roxboro. The ladies are interested in this and hope it will be worked otft for good. ' In the absence of the Chairman of V Education Department there was no report from . this department. . - This meeting pf the club is the last one of this year, but another will be called in a few weeks, at which time the delegates who attended the Satte Federation, will report to the Club. At the close of the business hour, a very, pleasant social half hour vras enjoyed. Mrs." J. W. Pass. Chairman of the Entertainment Coii-.mittee, served sandwiches and tea. .' 0 ' ?- : PIANO SALE A. GREAT SUCCESS# The well known exclusive furniture house of T. W. Pass & Son are noth mg u not progressive, as an evidence of this fact we learn that during their recent, piano sale they disposed of exactly twenty nine 'high class piaios. We are glad to he/tr of J&U sale, foi there alte few things in a home which add? more tc the pleasure of both young and old than a piano. "Music "hath charms to soothe the savage- breast," and when you find a family particularly fond of music you are almost sure tc 'find a happy heme, MOTHERS DAY. Appropriate services will be held at the .Edgar Long Memorial^ Sunday at 11 o'clock. The pastor will preach a- s'ermon appropriate to the occasion. Subject: Motherhood, God's Divinest Gift to Man. The -Training Institute for Sunday School \torkprs for Roxbro&o and surrounding section will hold its *:rst session ht th?*7?vehing hour beginning at 7:4" o'clock. All the Sunday SchcOl v.-crkers of all denominations are cordially invited to avail rhemre]ve.j. cf the benefits of this .raining school. t J. B. "Hurley, Pastor. t I HELP VOIR NEIGHBOR. : . ' "~3~ - t1* In talking .with the farmers from all sections of the county we find I there is a scarcity cf Toba;cc Plants. [ For their convenience,",, just as soon j.as- practicable."we would.be glad to | hev'e all-those who have a surplus of plants and those who desire to render a service to his- fellow man, to ledve with u#a memorandum showing about what he has on hand that he will not [use. We nrc of the opinion that by I this mefms we can render a service to the farmers of this county. PEOPLES BANK ?o??" ? MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES. ' ~~C~~ Memorial exercises will be held here tomorrow. The Veterans will meet in [ their jtnnual meeting,_ after which they will march to - the auditorium" j where they will have the pleasure of hearing Hon.* W. J. Brogden of Dur nam. tie win speak at It o'clock. As_usual the Daughters have preI pared for all of the Old Vets and heir wives a sumptuous dinner, - f v,,-. Krery morning when we wake nj now, t !ur sun Is shining, and birds are ehl/plng a welcome to the new- _ horn uay. Why not fall in llne-rarlse and shine?smile and perk np at the call of this delightful Spring. If we want to grunt and ihoan of course we can da. It, bpt. the sun will shine just the same for those who ham 111011 ah i epae to enjoy it. Old ; Dame Xptfira hns-Wked ihinv. nam? that there's no chance tot the feV low who keeps' out of step putting... the trhale profession on the blink. Vr.il might jum H" mill trow to thai ?? "1>S liiiiiie nntl nureh ' " r t tvum-v 1 'i human u HI she w.llf, } uu may ilw 3 . end i n't, and when she won't she i je'll ueil ilimn sa sai uni> i , ? ^ ^

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