p 1 t '* "-f J. W. NOELL. EDITOR A] VOL. XL _L.... .... _ 1 TOBACCO BED DAMAGE ~ PRACTICALLY NOTHING CO-OPS RECENT CHARGE Report of Rockngluftn- County Night riding Depredations Is Flatly Denied. -Reidsville, May 15.?The allege: damage of tobacco plant beds be longing to S. E. Alcorn, of the Satfnders community, turns out to be ar insignificant affair and was probably intended as a joke on Mr. Alcorn bj jpme of the fun-lrying youngster! in his neighborhood. 'T' ." A correspondent from that neighborhood writes as follows: "Mr. Alcorn's statement was headod: 'Tcbacco Beds destroyed at S. E ' Alcorn's; has offered a reward of one hundred dollars for the arrest and conviction of the guilty parties.' Mr. Alcorn also says that some one connected with the Farmers' Co-op . erative Marketing anoeeiation in re -sponsible for the destruction of. his plant beds. Mr. Alcorn also had a note published that he said he found at his- plant beds destroyed. The note Tead something like this: 'We helped you get 4r-good price for your 1922 crop of tobacco. You had better sign up and help put this over or you will not plant a crop .of tobacco this year.' "Mr. Dawson, of the collecting departemnt; W. R. Roberts, a farmer of the Saunders community,' and S. P. Thomks and others went to at; Mr, Alcorn's plant beds destroyed and found that some one had made a little mound of dirt in one corner of one of his beds. No damage done, not five cents damage. As to the note of warning it was gone. "Now why did you make such a .-wild statement ? Why did you not state facts just as they were? Why did yeu say your beds weW "destroy-. - . ed? Why did you say co-ops was responsible? Why did you wish to publish .such a statement in a daily paper when the truth of the yrhole thing is you weren't damaged a penny, but it seems you wanted to give the co-op a black eye. Come fair Mr. Alcorn and state facts iust as they, are. Why did. you tell your tenants . last winter to select some out of the . way place for their plant beds so the co-op could not find them? Now Mr. Alcorn you know the co-operative as. sociaticn does not stand for any thing low and degrading, but you Mo know that your neighbors do not apd would "not do vou or. vour oronertv any "harm. You know that we are re ady to help you and defend .your interest. We want you to know that we are dot going to have you" put such statements in our daily papers to try and bias the minds of people agtfinst our association and your . neighbors. I hope you will correct* the statement yotff made through the Bjk press as your neighbors demand i'. . You have made a mountain out of a mole hill. ^Signed) CO-OPS.' "Saunders school house local of the co-operative association passed the , following resblution: " 'Whereas, we the * members \cf Sounder's local, a ur.it of the Tobacco r Groivers association, having heard of some of our non-member neighbor's plant beds being tampered with and believing that there is some suspicion [ towards the association, be it resolv?d that the members .cf said locaj t . being innocent of damaging or plotting to damage any non-member or I his property do hereby go on record as being greatly against any foul or f * dirty work or force in any form to get new members. " 'Be it further resolved, That realizing the injury that such ' 'jfhfww are cuhiulmed to dn'thp association, the local offers its aid to ? these non-members in trying to find the guilty party br parties in such tasco yittt true I ^ Clliil Kl-'U to the sets of the aAMifttion. " 'Be. it further resolved, That wff the members of Saunders local offer a reward for the arrest and convie. tibn of guilty parties.' "Also (luito a number of Mr. Al. cam's?neTtrhbors have visited his plant bed and they all ajrree that no damhfy ha?. been done. There was only one bed tampered with instead " ~~ tit several lte'ls-jra-vm* stated in?fe 'Tri-CUy Gtfrettc." fry a want i>d, dt pays. " lie f sto publisher ROXBOF ROXBORO GRADED SCHOOL. _ 'The first of the exercises I Ro.xboro Graded School commsstws | ment were held last FridaK^nigh U'hnn the ntaiasa > * Ht.a U ^ XT. 1 ell and Miss Christine Walker -m?ir< a recital. This was greatly enjoyec by a large and appreciative audi' ence. The following will complete th< pfiogramt Friday, May 25th, 8:15 p. nv., sen | ior class play. Saturday, May 26th, 8:00 p m. . entertainment by children of primary : grades. Sunday, May 27th, 11:00 a. m. > commencement sermon by Rev. J. H I Bamhardt, -Pastor West Market St Methodist Church, Greensbotb, N. C Monday, May 28th, 8:15 p. m. graduating exercises. Address by . Hon. J. W. Bailey, Raleigh, N. C. All of these exercises will be held ' in the school auditorium, except the ; commencement sermon, which-will be 1 preached in the Methodist Church. Public cordially invited to all of t{ft exercises. NEAR EAST RELIEF! BUNDLE DAY Please do not forget that ne*t Friday, the 25th, is Bundle Day for Near East Relief. Every article of clothing that can be spared will b; appreciated. Cast off winter clothing is especially desirable. Every householder, please put every thing you can spare into a bunj 4'* and have it ready not Jater than 'Friday morning when, it will ""be called for. Before tying your bundle take a look* at the poster in Wilburn & Satterfield's show window prepared by Mrs. R. L. Wilburn, Chairman of the Woman's Section. I am sure that after witnessing this faithful presentation of the horrible conditions in the Nea^ East you will add another garment or two to" your bundle even at a sacrifice. Out-of-town people and schools who can /pack" and snip direct will be furnished shipping tags. Or, if unpacked, they should be delivered to me j Friday' morning if possible. F; 0. Carver, Chairman. SCHOOL NOTES. There will be a joint meeting of the Board, of Education and the County Commissioners on nfxt Monday. May 28th for the purpose of [making out the May Budget for all I *he schools cf the county for the ensuing year. All schools shall send by a Committeeman the amount needed j for . all purposes to run them, includj ing teachers' salaries, building, rci pairs: etc. High School committees [should see* that a special budget i* t prepared for their schools, and have [a committeeman to present it. 1 J. A. Beam. : :??? : IN THE MAYOR'S COl'RT. ' The following cases were "before j His Honor, W. I. Newton, the past week: . * i J. B. Nanally and Bill Whgley, ffct i fight. Fir.e and costs $6.90: j Arch Noell, col., assaulted Irvm Parish. $25.00 and costs. Will Knott, driving truck without license tag. Let off by-'paying court costs, $3.50. AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS. There were 'wo automobile acciI dents on Main Street Monday evening. Fortunately no one was' seriously hurt. The first was a -collision between Mr. J. W. Chambers car and one driven by a deaf and dumb gentlemen. The second was beta-gen Miss Roper.* and Mr. Reid Jones, at the corner of the Peoples "Bank. This is a bad turn and accidents are liable to happen here almost any time. INVITATION. a 1 The following invitation has been received, at this office: _ Mr. and Mrs. Travis Hooker, request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter; lone May to Mr. William Harrison Bradaher ..on Wednesday evening, the iliith Eighth Street. . Christian Church, Greenville, N. C. At Home aftgr June the twentieth. ' Washington, N. C. I ox bo , S HOME FIRST, / JO, NORTH CAROLINA, * ' AkU0e JMbbBA s?A> HftJO MM Hpt oAvif r j ' 11 r : ~ - i Presidential^ (iarkd^horw^mnh imUtlcsl pot starts to boll. Among"publlsherd and farmers n editor and publisher of "Review < from hi* dominate literary posttloi farmer, owning and ope rutin* two one Id Virginia. In Democratic ra Kinla. former Ambassador to Fnglt a dark-borne candidate. Mr. Carls Press and N. V. Timet. | CAMDEN ISSUES ' 1 CALL FOR HELP I ?o? Governor McLeod Made Urgent Ap- 1 peal Upon Red Cross Report. Columbia, S. C., May 21.?Help .of the people of the, United States in ' I caring for the newly made widows ' and orphans, whose husbands and ] I parents were among' the 77 victims : of the Cleveland sehoolhouss fire last " Thprsday, was asked today, by Cani' den, the little resort town in the ' assumed the burden of providing for * jihe. stricken: Governor Thomas G. McLeod, ini- r; mediately ?on the receipt of a telegram froA^the Red Cross advisory 1 \coflimi\:ePat*"T!>^mden that* outside ] assistance was needed, issued an an- ! peal to the country at large for fund^ *m to provide permanently for at least ! f out widow end forty-two children.-* ' robbed of their means of support by * the schoolhouae tragedy. Contribu- ; tions, he announced, should |)e sent J to the American Red Cross. M*h*ehp has undertaken to rftanage the entire, relief program. The telegram to the governor from: the advisory committee declared that] previous estimates of the needs of j 3 the ccmmunity, where scarcely nli home was spared the loss of at leas: | a one of its occupants, had becri grtatr-j r ly under-estimated. The pro'gram? relief contemplated, the governor was r. . informed, would result in every or- g phan securing an education, and % in V arrangements being made to protect g the widowed. Meanwhile, state authorities here 1 planned to guard by additional pre-! cautions against the repetition of the Cleveland disaster in some ' other Sputh Carolina schorl. Dr. James A. v Hayne, state health officer, who is a *?fcarged with making regulations for t the health of school children, and T. % H. Hope, state superintendent of ed- g oration,, conferred briefly with Gov- <j ,ernor McLeod, regarding certain pro- f | posed changes in the safety require- t ' meats 01 ine rural scnoois of South ( | Carolina. Another, conference will be ^ held next week, it was announced, i Tentative decision was reached today s I to have an inspector of the stat'e health department to visit every .school building:, and to make* a re- J port upon * its condition with regard t to the" fire hazards. CALLED MEETING OF .AMERICAN .AUXILIARY. < ?o? J There will be a call meeting of tf?e < American Auxiliary on Thursday 1 night in the Kaplon building at 7 -J o'clock. All .members are urged to be present, as ^ry?tmp.ortant business y iijfr cpme Up. ' Miss Evie Loiyg, Sec. ' 'O IL .?, _ R. F. D. CARRIERS. NOTICE. Person County Rural oarrier& will 1 hold their regular meeting in the I - courw hoaso in HwAoro, sn -1 day. May the 30th at .eleven o'clock. 1 AU carriers ccme. D. E. Featherston, Pres. \ ' T. J.-4(ontajfuc, Sec. i f ro_j iBROAD NEXT - .r ; L. v ?A' . Wednesday Evening 11 aany leaders see In Dr. Albert Shaw. >f Reviews." a strong independent I internationally ^tnown. and aside? n he is a r^mctical and successful big farms," one in New York and inks, John W. Davis of West Vlrknd?is looked upon with favor n* is now attorney for the Associated MRS. TAGGOTT HAS RETURNEE Familiar With the Chinese Situa tion. New York, May 21.?The demant )f Chinese bandits who recently seiz id a party of tourists that they b nade nuem!bers of the Chinese arm: n return for giving up their prison >rs is of their Hind, declared .Mrs S. H. Taggotti wife of a Hong Konf iotel man, who arrived/here today .01 ^ visi? Supreme Co.ur fBa.tlte"*Scctt. "Sixty percent of the Chines army are bandits," declared Mrs raggott. The army is -'vdivided int' iumerous factions, each so intent oi raring upon the other and dicredit rg them that r.o thought is given t he protection of person or property The recent work: of-the Suctaow trail sandits differs, from previous exhi )ition* cf lawlessness only because i ?.as on a somewhat larger scale thai isual and niore prominent person vc-re involved. AN ATTRACTIVE STORE. Mess. Clayton, Wilkeraop & Jack ion have made wonderful improve uents in the looks of their stori ince -opening. They have installer low fixture*. painted , the inside an< dtogether it will be hard to find i ndre attractive grocery store. These gentlemen are all well and favorablj mown and they will doubtless do i rood business. ERSON COUNTY S. S. CONVENTION ^-o? Person County Sunday School con cntion m.et with Brobksdale cIilljlI ?r. last Saturday and continuec hrough Sunday. The convention wai ell a'tended and the interest was rood. Mr. Sims and Miss Davis, the tepeiis, were present and gave som'n<> lipmftnatratiiina na tn what1 i1 .ikes to make a live Sunday School )n Saturday there were present ( >reachers, 6 Sunday School superin encients, 27 teachers and 13 Sundaj Schools represented. ? The following officers were elected H. L. Crowell, president; D. S Srooks, vice-president; S. T. Slaugh er, sec. and treas. Township presidents: AUensville r r rinv riifv,. Hill k- r w?g itaff; P.u.,..y Fork, J. A. Whitfield 7uningh&m, L, P. Duncan; Hollowaya V. J. Crutchfiold; Woodadale, E. E "aivar; Mt. TirzSh, D. M. Cash; Rox >oro, S. G. Winstead; Fiat Rive, Rev f, C. Williams. The next convention will be heh vith the -Methodist church, at PJurdl Hills, the date to be fixed later. ? YARD OF FISH. Yesterday evening Mr. Jones o poare* barber shop, wj?s exhibitini *weh which he caught in Hm |hhh! ? ire Roxboro Cotton Mill. Whcn^yoi liill-atr trtie-efllce on business and fin. is out, just come on down U> Jh' ?Spy? m?ntioned >pond. ; . - \ , ,i . ' . ^ ... Court $130 Vlay 23rd, 1923 i The Review club met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. A. R. Warren Sand the lesson for the afternoon was led by Mrs. T. C. Brooks, and the' subject was "Egypt." No important;, business was transacted, except the <' report of the program committee be-[' ;ng read, and submitted to the club. At the close of the study hour, the 0 hostess assisted by Mrs. R. M. Spen- ' eei served a salad course, with candles. The members present were Mesdames I. O. Abbitt, T. C. Brooks, T. C. Bradsb'er, J. A. Beam, James Burrows, B. G-. Clayton, H. L. Crowell, Lillian Foreman, B. C. Thompson, R. L. Wilburn, T. B. Woody, and I. O. Wllkerson. - "' ' Mrs. B. A. Thaxton honored "Miss f Margaret Bradsher Tuesday after- , noon, when she gave a miscellaneous shower at her home on North Main street./Five tables were arranged for Boston rook, in the rooms which , were pretty in their arrangement of t spring: flowers. At* the close of the i game little Miss Esther Thaxton, [ small daughter of the hostess, en- j tered , the room with a tiny wagon covered "with yellow and white, on j which were piled the gifts for the bride-electr. Fruit salad and tea was i ) the menu served to the following guests: Mesdames W. T. Pass, W. T. , -1 Long, Hugh W/Ood-Jr, Rosa Thompson. ( *j George Walker, Joe Blanks. E. Z. Jr;tt, H. W. Winstead, J. J. Winstead, _jE. P. Dunlap, George Thomas, MarB|garet Stray horn, Ruth Stephens, H. t W. Newell, E. E. Thomaa, Misses Sue , Merritt, Kate Newton, Annie Laurie t Barnette, and BerthavClavton. ? . i n* Mrs. A. Si deYlaming wa a charm- ( t?ing hostes- " the Friday, Afternoon ? 'Pleasure club'on Friday evening--at, . o her heme on South Street The , house was lovely, with roses and| 0 peonies. Boston rook was dio .-g.anie j n of the 'afternoon.' A delightful s^lai; course, with punch, was served; to' D'the following:: Mesdames \V\ C. Bui- j ! lork. T. B. \Voody, H. \V. Winstead.) j'.W. T. I.onjr, W...C. Watkins. Geo. W. Kane. E. R. Dunla'fi, R. \W Stephens, j jiJ. D. Morris, A. M, Burns, B; E,! 1 Love. W. D. Merritt, R. L. Wilburrt. 5iW. S. Clary, Jr.. .1. W. Noell/Con | nor Merritt, J. A. Long, Hugh Woods,j. j and Mrs. Rosa 'Thompson of-:Philn-! jdelphia. jj A pretty party was that of Satur- y " day afternoon when Mrs. Joe Blanks |r "entertained at her lovely new home I' cn Reams Avenue. Peonies and sweet' peas were arranged over the house) which lelimn attractive glcW to the! Ir rooms. Six tables were placed for thejj " game of Boston rook and .afoer many ; interesting games the hostess, as1 sisted by Mrs. S. A. Jones, and Miss j Evie Harris, served a. salad and ice , ! course. Pink and white bag$ filled with mints were given as' favors. ^ Those present were Mesdames B. G.' . jCIaytcn, I. O. Wilkerson, S. A.Jodfl, T. B. Woody, E. Z. .Bradfey, H:' W. \ * ' J D.'^K.^khTTwrid* 'connor ^lerrittj e I R H. Oakley, T. W. Pass, ' E. E.I J Thomas, L. C. Bmdsher. J.. L. At!,"kins, of Durham? W, , Clary, Jr., % Misses Bertha Clayton, Ruth New- ^ ''.ton, Evie Harris, Annie Laura Bar- ^ r.ett, Mary Harris, Annie Walker and ' Elizabeth Noell. ;l ? o? II On Monday night Miss Eglantine Merritt gave a party in honor of Miss : Margaret Bradsher, who is to be |*jmarried in June. The guests were re"j chived at the door by Miss Eglantine \ Merritt. then Miss Louise Thompson . - invited them to the punfch"bowl where -|Mra. Connor Manrltt and Mies Mil-I; dred Long served delightful punch. Boston rook was played at "seyen ta i bles and at the end of the* game the -.hostess presented Miss Annie Walk| er with a beautiful bunch of sweet f | p?" i?t hawtng won .the? highest i score. Jce cream and cake were seree ed and at the close of. the party Miss Margaret Bradsher was asked to cut (the wedding cake. _! TWa enjoying M.i?? par. f ty> were Mi sees Marge-ret. Bradsher, l Bessie Sample, May * Willson, Christ j tine Walker, May Hardy, Annie " tltabeth^Xoell. Hfllrn White, Louki,ii'Thompsbn, Edna_ Bradsher, Kate .' ; Kcwtotn ^ . Mess. Merrtrnon Burns, Dewey and' ' K ' ' " 1 ? . ? ?-?: ?* . 11 . 1 ?" '? ^ . .W ; _ \ IT PER YEAR IN ADVANCE , No. 21 Vrthur Brudsher^ Bernard,. Crowell, 'rank Howard, Jack Hambrick, Her)trt Barnett, John Mori-is, Charlie 4n wiiii Welter J.uia-.'. Uerritt* Brad. her, C. L. Greech, Wallace Woods, in J Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bradsher. S. S, TRAINING SCHOOL. The Sunday School Training School was-: in session last, week at he Edgar Long Memorial Church md was greatly enjeyed by a large :lass of teachers and others interestid in Sunday School work. The last lesslon was held Friday night. o HISS ORPHfA I_EK - ' ALLGOOD GRADUATES. We return thanks to Miss Orphia I -1 .ee Allgood for an invitation to the t Commencement exercises of Converse College, Spartanburg, S. C., May 25th to 28th. Miss Allgood is i member of the senior class and rill graduate this Commencement. 1 Q > ' V . ALMOST . ~ ' In London , they were discussing advertising "fireat s^nfft rhpse pier. ric signs on Broadway," said the r'ankee. "TheyVe got one advertisng Wrigley's gum. runs a whole dock, 250,000 electric bulbs." "How many " cried the- astonished v Londoner. "Two hundred and fifty thousand," mswered .the Yankee. The Londoner observed, "But I lay, old chap, isn't that a bit conspi:uous?"?(The Kan-Sun. Washington, 5Iay 21.?.The Levia:han will be as "dry" as unceasing rigiliance can make ber, officials of he shipping board declared today n denying the published reports that 'our birs already has been installed ;n the great liner, who soon will be daced again in the trans-Atlantic icrvice. - ' . .' ;?-o ' MOftK NEW BUILDINGS. Mess. J. C. and W. T. Pass placing material on the ground to ? . Ai'ild ' two big store rooms on their 7 n operty on Depot Street. ? o r VF.RY. HOUSEKEEPER * IS INTERESTED. One of the- household drupes is > wee ping?that if ycu~<4<k not happen to own a Hoover. The advertisement cf Mess. T. W. Pass & Son in his issue is of much interest to icusekeepers, as it teils you how you nay get rid of this drudgery. Look t up and call at once,% as they have i factory representative here giving lemons trat ions. .EGION WILL OBSERVE MEMORIAL DAY. ?o? "" The Lester Blackwell Post of the Imericari Legion and Auxiliary will ibserve Memorial Day on the 30th? Wednesday. Col. S. C. Chambers of Durham will deliver the 'address, vfiich" wilt be followed by a dinner nopared by ^he Auxiliary. All of the* >:-?CTvTye huh !UV n-'itWsted to wear i poppy, which can- he secured from nembers of the Auxiliary. ? ? ? Mr. E. V. Boatwrigrht left ygsttor* lay for Richmond, Va., where Maser Edtfhr, Jr., is being treated at a lospital. Remember that birthday when there were twelve candles on the cake and the biff piece rested, on the plate of that wonderful girl whose golden curia were the moat beautiful hi all the world?and then that birthday, when that girl with .not brown hair glanced shyly a* Pod told you you wore now a man. And then the birthdays came qulck'ly, until there were no candles on the cakg, but Just h UUKflTof ttuwiOlt-?! ? fulness awr~loVe reflected In the tii<^L~jopf Njow iui tiie mellow od - fhmh of birthdays and ?* their joys Just as the mirror of the ^ only birthday?th^ (lay we pass into * -lifn . .<111111' as till l hottr nears. . . r i . _ _ r?ii llH

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