mm,41. ,?r-ggr ;y, yJ. W. NOELL, EDITOR M VOL. XL ~ THE St' ' Iff "11 P Preside! ? i HARDING'S DEATH CAME AFTEW ILLNESS OF EXACTLY ON Br WEEK v/ I .'o . T.: " y " Due to Apoplexy * San Francisco, Cal. Aug. 2.?-\Var?i en G.; Harding, President of the United States; died inslantnneously nnd without warning.. Thursday . at V \ 7-j30 o'clock, a victim of a stroke of >. apoplexy, which struck him down in his weakened condition' after an ili ness of exactly a week. int? cfiier executive 01 tne nation, and by virtue, .of hhf office nni .peri sonality, < no of the world's , lending ' figures, pas-scd away at the time when his physicians, his family ami His people thought that medical,skill, hope and prayer, had won the battle against disease. The disease had . been conquered, -the fire wan out,, but seven days of siient.f hough intense suffering, had left their mark and a stroke of apoplexy came without an instant's warning ,and before physicians could be called, members of his party summoned, or remedial measures taken, he passed from life's . stages after Hfc, having for nearlv two and a half years served his nation and for many . more years his native state of Ohio. V. The following telegram announcing the President's death was immediately sent to Vice-President Cool/; idge, Chief Justice Taft and those members cf the cabinet who were not gf>-y .in San Francisco: " lThe President died at 7:30 P. M from a stroke of ccrebal apoplexy. The end came peaceably and with-1 + out warning.' " With the passing of Mr. Harding,1 the office of president devolves on Calvin Cool id ge. vice-president of the United States, a man silent in nature, but demonstrated as strong in emergencies. He was notified of the death of" Mr. Harding at his home in Plymouth, Vermont: FUNEfW. CEREMONIES j TO BE HELD IN WASH- ! INGTON WEDNESDAY BURIAL AT MARION FRIDAY President Coolidge and Other Ranking Officials Will Meet Funeral Party. rli'"1 ? ?- 0 ? ?? /Washington. Aug. 4.?The national . capital, in shrrow and nmurnirig frr?- 1 symbolic of thai of-the natmrrr nrmr forward today with the preparations to receive and pay ? last tribute to l1. , jl.. "11 . 1 v. ... / fc a 1 Ma, 19 */ m NlD PUBLISHER s ROXBORC - . i WORLD-MOT nt Hardi Dies Si iho dead President, j * A;.state' funeral, to be marked by !a solemn dignity and simplicity, was arranged for by President Coolidge and o ther high officers of the governmint, who devoted themselves. untiringly to. the preparation of ceremonials that will fittingly express the grief and reverence of the American people. ' ' President Cooiidgc. Chief Justice Taft, members of the cabinet and of Congress and others high " in government councils will participate in tne ceremonies. a proclamation: By The Mayor. ?o-?. WHEREAS, In-accordance with A proclamation issued by president Cochdge the people of the United States have been directed to hold memorial meeting's 111 honor of our. late President. " { WARREN Q. HARDING, And WHEREAS, The Governor of North Carolina "has issued his pro-' clamation calling upon the people in: the different communities of North Carolina to observe the President's proclamaticn. | Now Therefore, I, W. I. Newton.j Mayor of the town of Roxboro, request that our people assemble at the J Methodist Church on Sunday night, the 12th inst., at 8 o'clock, in order | that we do cur part in honoring the > memory of our distinguished dead. | And I further request that we come j together without regard to political affiliations or views, remembering 1 only that our late Chief Executive] was the President of tho whole people and that death removed hint while in the service of his country, t striving to do his duty, and that- as a man, a friend, a Christian, his ex-, ample was a worthy one for the youth of our country. This the 7th day of August, 1923. j W. I. Newton, Mayor of Roxboro. o ? COURT WEEK. Person County Superior Court is in session this week, Judge W. A. Devin on the bench, with Solicitor McI.endon prosecuting. Judge Devin is in hfi home circuit, and the people of Person are glad to welcome him. As'a Judge, he stands out pre-' eminently as one of the best in the State and not only his home district but thfc St^te a't large is glad to ac-' cord him this honor. The criminal docket is, l^pavy and j the best part ollThii week will hp ^ publish full report of the pr?tt?*cWingvm otir next issue. ' ' ?* ' _ . ' . i' : '?-? 111 ? . !, 1 .tM w J tajbo HOME FIRST. ?-4?? ;? X NORTH CAROLINA JRNS ^ ^ ing . uddenly AUDITORS CONFESS TO $5,000,000 OEFICil v 0* '. * AUDIT IX SUCH FORM AS TO FOOL NEWSPAPERS !'. . < v : N'tff Vftfk AnHltnra Tl?oi On Dec. 31, 1922, Had a Deficit <;f $.".000,000?Maxwell Wins ' Battle, Raleigh, Aug 5.?Admission that the deficit of approximately $5,000.000 claimed bv Corporation Cotnmis* loner A. J. Maxwell to exist in the -finances figured on a cash basts as f December SI, 1922, actually existed was 'contained in a letter received here today by Mr. Maxwell from Price, Waterhouse and com-* panv, auditors of New York city employed by the state to make an audit of the state's financial condition.. The letter further stated that the ^auditors had summarized schedule F, page 9 of-the audit "unfortunately, without sufficient Acnsideration" of the misunderstanding which might rise in the. public mind as a result. In a statement issued shortdv nfter the letter was received Mr. Maxwell declared that "the confessions in the letter leave little more to be said, and no room whatever for further controversy as to the five million dollar deficit on December 31, 1922." o DIPHTHERIA AND TYPHOID ANTITOXIN. Diphtheria antitoxin for children and typhoid antitoxin for older people will he driven at the home of Mr. Geo. L. Cunningham on Saturday, July 18th at 1 o'clock and at McGees Mill on the same date at a later hour. Dr. W. T. Long will administer the antitoxin. NOTICE. By request of the Board of County Commissioners land sales for taItes were 'postponed from August 6th to Monday, August 27th, 1923. All lands advertised for sale on August 6th will positively be sold on August 27th unless said taxes as hdvertised are paid before that date. There will positively be no further postponement. ,T, M. O'Rriant., ?r?i" r. Tax Collector. ' \ve. are under obligations to oar friend'Mr:?Luther HplT for a very fihe selection of delirious grapes. m i ' ' / .. lb | ABROAD NEXT >, Wednesdav F.vpnincr Ar "jj,~ -/ ??: o - ? ^ PERSON COUNTY /fl FAIR ASSOCIATION ^OCTOBER 9. 10, 11, AND 12th. j Premium Books are Out and President Hunter and Sec. Burns Sajr It Will Be A Hummer. J Tfie Person County FaiT Association Premium Bokos are being distributed and every indication points to a most successful occasion. Presi- s dent Hunter and Secretary Burns say j Ihpy have signed contracts for some c of, the best free exhibits ever seen" fc in the County and promise that ev-. j fry effort will be put forth to make, f it a fair worthy of your support. No' r County fair can be successful without j ^ the aid .of the farmers and it isf j, earnestly desired by the managers t that every section shall be well re- 0 presented by "exhibits. i _ J { ' If yoo have not received, or want j j, One. of the premium books call at the I 'store of. Mess, Blanks & Morris, or.,, at the office of "the Secretary, Mr. B.1.. P. Burns, and get a copy. They are' j, for free distribution. si j?? a. - . _o a 1 - -i?i rvememuer tne aaies, L/ctoocr i H 10t 11 and 12th, and plan to spendjp at least one or more days at the ^ lair. . , , ? -o'. ... - t . NOTICE. Tc My Friends and Public in General: r I have moved on Depot Street; / next door td Royal Hotel. We have] ^ a better nnd bigger store apd. can; Serve you better. . v tj r . ,Co"mb .t^ see me. !( Yours for service, N. V. Brooks, 1 Manager P. ,S. Army Store^ P. S. You get 'genuine Army Goods at Army Store. ?O { "TO MOTOR VEHICLE OWNERS OF KOXBOKO: j If .. ' ?0 . ' ' - ' i* Please Conxply with the ordinance! relative to . Tcwn License Tags by August 15th. Same to be obtained at ] [the Mayor's office on August Oth, 10th. 1 jllrh. ljth and 14th. from S to f> P.!. j.IVC. by registering: with : the Clerk: j Name" of owner: name of manufac-! c 'T jioi s number; character of vehicle; [State license hnmber and hy paying*, ' cm* dollaf for license plate. Fine, for j non-crmplijiftce with ordinance $10.00. . H attic E. Parch, j Clerk. j \ o J PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, j N.-O The Primitive Baptist Association!, met with the church at Surl last Fji-j daj^and continued m session until 'Monday. Mr. W. A. Warren was elect- j eel moderator with Mess. J. H. Gooch; . and C. T. Hall clerks. There was an',, | immense crowd present, being esti! mated from 12 to 20,000. * The be- , haviour was almost perfect, not an ? arrest being made during the meet- j c irig. There were 247 tents on the grounds, with 27 preachers present and 21 sermons preached. The Association gees to Ebenezer next year. ?. o? PROTRACTED SERVICES. Rev. B. C. Thompson is holding j iprotracted services at Warren's Grove' this week, two services daily, 11'. o'clock, A. M? and 2 P. M. i On Sunday night Mr. Thompson' will begin a revival at. Woodsdale preaching twice daily, at 2 o'clock j and at night. The public within reach g of these places are cordially invited.! ?o DEATH OF MR. S. A. R. MORTON. . o | it ??_ . ? - ? ?ir. o. a. K. -Morton died at his a home a few miles south of ROxbotto n last Wednesday evening after an ill-, ness of about si* months. He wasJ about 62 years old. Mr. Morton was'iF well known here and was very popu- V lar with all who knew him. bi o?'?-? w NOTICE. I hereby notify the public that I -g am not responsible for anything that t, my wife, Susie K. Jones, does, neither ^ any act or attempt as long ha she is j away' from me. She-left - mo without ^ any cause and is roving from place vj to place and will not live with me. John R. Jones. ' B : . . T* Itmii . $1.5( igust 8th 1.923 WUH STREET DIRT y\ SELLS FOR $500 FOOT 1ESS. W1LBURN & SATTERFIKLD VNI) KIRBY BROS. THE PURCHASERS udge Pass Disposes of Valuable Lota On Main Street, Purchasers -will Bqild Handsome Buildings; On last Monday a new record was t for Main Street property, when udge C. Pass sold his vacant lot n Main Street next to the Foushee uilding for $500 a front foot. This \ tiece of property contained 60 feet rotita'ge and is easily crie of the itrst desirable cn the Street. Mess. Vilburn & Satterfjeld and Mess. Cirby Brothers were the purchasers, he former, buying for the'purpose f building a ?tore and the Kirby j'ros. Wilt build an up to date movng picture building; This is the ldat vacant site close in h Main Street ar.d the price paid i? >f.the fact that our citizens , mvc faith in Roxborc. IVe congrat-y; ilnte*these gentlemen upon their foreight in picking up this valuable u opcrtv. and while the price "seems , iffh just nowj in a few years they rill wonder bow they ever manage 1 o get such a bargain. SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES. For the next thirty days 1 willn nake SPECIAL on everything n the Furniture line. If you want d save money on your furniture' >urchases you will do' well to .see] ny line and hear my prices.?E. D.l "HF.EK. j o I .AWN PARTY AT " CONCORD CHURC1I. | There wiii be $ lawn party at Ooncrd Church on Saturday ever.inp it 8 o'clock. Prcc?,eds will go to *h<?j Junior Epworfch f.eapue, Come. j MEMORIAL SER\ ICRS. la the Methodist Church" Sunday ; SpivSce^. in memory of our later President,; Warren G. Hardin?, will >c he'd. in the Methodist Chureh on: Sunday night at SoVlock. All do-j toniinations will jcin in. this service", i TV>?. Pi it.u- Rnc 1 R Tini-lo,- K?? irrahged a ipiejal program for the] waning, ccnsisting of short talk> j tnd special music. The tentative pre-"! rram Is as follows: Organ Prelude. , Prayer. u 1 Scripture Reading. Funeral March, selected, hy Mrs. V. T. Long. Song, "Lead Kindly Light." iFive Minute Talks: "Hording, the business Man." J. \V; N'oell. "Hardng, the Man," F. O. Carver. Song, Jesus, Lover of Mv Soul." Five Minute Talks: "Harding, the American Citizen." W. D. Merritt. Harding, the Christian Gentleman," >. G. Winstead. Song, "Nearer, My God, to Thee." Benediction, Mr. Ed Brooks of Kenbridge, Va? 3 visiting friends and' relatives in he County this week. ..... Mm. Gee. Lougee -of Durham, who I i visiting in the Hurdle Mills secion, sperit yesterday here the guest i f Mrs. P.. U.Wilburn. * * * . Mr. R. A. Rurch, active vice-presi- I ent of the First National Bank, is I pending the day in Greensboro on I tatters of business. .... Hev: R. E. White left Friday even- I ig for Virginia where he will spend I portion of his vacation. He will be < ear Richmond. .... Mess. J. W. ClhambcTs, J. W. t efttherston, A. S. deVlaming * and c T. F. Long, who are in the tobacco 1 usiness in Lunrberton, spent the eek end her? with their families. .... .' j <Mr. R. A. Pass, who was in South t arolina at the opening of the mark- t ,3, returned her* the last of the past t eek. ? ' < ' l.n~Fnmcl? Compton. who has-been" e lifinjt her uncle. Mr. A. R. Foushee, I is returned to her home- in Cedar .t rove: | ? . J :>?-?1 *" . J" ' ) PER YEAR IN ADVANCE No. 32 7*? ? ' PERSONALS o Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. L. Cunningham were Roxboro visitors last Saturday. w m W W Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris and Mr. Wallace Harris have returned from a visit to Salisbury. 0 * Dr. and Mrs. B. R. Long: and son of Greensboro returned home Sundayafter a visit to relatives here. Mesdafnes Block and Irving Richland spent the week end with Mrs. B. T. Hurley. * * * Mrs. Lillian Foreman spent several days in Norfolk last week visiting friends. m 0 0 * . * Miss Mabel Rimmer cf Hurdle Mills is spending sometime in Rocky Mount visiting Miss Addie Wilson. ...* . Miss Rimmer of Hurdle Mills is visiting Dr. and Mrs. Parker at ? Burlington this week.. 0 0 0 0 Mr. J. T. Jordan, who ?pent a'few days in Norfolk last week returned Monday morning. 0 -* "*.." n Mirses Evelyn and Dorothy Abhitt are ^visiting in Appomattox, Va. * * V. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Doares, a daughter, born Tuesday. ?** ? Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Abbitt, and daughter Miss J a me, spent'yesterday in Danville. Judge J. O: Pass left yesterday morning for . P;.tr:.k Springs, Va.# were he will spend a ..few weeks. He. was joined at Danville^ Vs., by Mrs. R. X. Featherstcne. ??fiss Bertha Newton who has been visiting her phrc-nts Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Newton returned to Bluefield, W. Va., Tuesday. . * * ? ? Mi s. Jas* Buit^ws. Misses Elizabeth and Gladys Bui-rows loft Friday for Norfolk wlu;ie they will nay a few days. ?. Mrs. R. P. Michael and children have gone ta Rutherfordton where ' they will spend the month of August with Mis. Michael- parents. ... Mrs. \V C. Watkins and little Miss Ann Watkln* loft Friday for Asheville where they .will * stay fcr some time. * * a it Mr. :?nd Mrs. H. VV. Winsiejid and children and Mrs. R. \V. Stephens . and children spent - last week. in Norfolk. i * t * Mrs. John Nelson and daughter Elizabeth of Florence, S. C., who have been visiting Mrs. -VV. C. Watkins, left Friday for Ashevilie. Mrs. J. Fl. Bryan and daughter Reba of Durham have returned home after visiting, the family of Rev. B. C. Thompson. ? ? * Mr. A. J. Hunt and Dr. Coktrane of Wendell, K. C., both former citizens of Roxboro, were week end guests in the home of "Mr. A. R. Foushee. * * * Mr. and Mrs. F. R. WiVk erson and three children, Claiborn, Pauline and Felix, of Timbevlake, were pleasant ?allers last Monday. * * $ * Dr. R. C. Beaman and granddaughter, Miss Dudley Sutter of Lumberton, spent the week end here with the family of Mr. C-. H. Hunter. ? ? ' Mrs. George Cunningham has returned home after a pleasant visit to her sister, Mrs. T. S. Williamson, >f Danville, Va. * ? m * 'Mess. J. F. Reams, R. E. Hamlin ind Baird Crumpton and two chilIren spent several days last week in Norfolk. 4 ? Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stafford and hlldren of Petersburg, Va., have reurned home after visiting friends tnd relatives here and in the Conn? Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hedrick of _ svllle. NT. 1^, and Mas flfrtelln ha weak and with Mr. and Mrs. J. *?r f , Brooks: ; ' _ -_ . ^ . ' ' ' y . I ' . i- '

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