. JT GBO. H. YARBORO. j V A telegram was received here last Saturday morning stating that Mr. t^ff. H. Yarboro, of Mnllina. S. C.. wsus critically ill and could" not live through the day. He lied Saturday night. Mr. Yarboro was raised in this County, but moved to Mullins severs' years since. He was a successful bualness man and accumulated quite a large estate in his adopted home. For a number of years he was in the warehouse business here, and was engaged in the tobacco business at his death. WAIT FOR THE DOLL BAZAAR. The young ladies of the Philathea Class of tlfe Baptist Church will give a dull bazaar early in December, the axact date to be set, and will take care of your doll troubles. They will have them all dressed in their best ahd will furnish them to you at reasonable prices. You can not do better than to ree this doll exhibit before buying one for ycur little girl for Christmas. " . ?o DISCOUNT ON TAXES. ? Daring the months cf "October and November there Is a discount on all taxes paid for the year 1923. If you want to avail yourself of thi9 dis, count you will flhd me at my office ready to serve you. I T " *" * ': - ' 'UCnjnvliVil,T, shoe thrift t -^airod. .? V ' .. - . * ./ , .v., ' _ . : *?.? ? ?? - ' N " ' " Z?b Clayton, Henry Webb and Tinev Fsgiemzn. A boat one half' cleared and other half in timber?some fine timber. Good land for tobacco and grain. No buildings on this tract. No. 2. 50 acres, good tobacco and grain land, about 10 acres in cleared land, balance good timber. This tract adjoins lands of John Monk, Horner Bros, and Joe Bouldin. No building# but splendid tract of land. No. 3. Contains 49 acres, all timber. Adjoins lands of /ohn Harris, Hurch Whitt and Jim Harris. All three of these tracts are in Mi. Tirzah township, improved road runs through two of them. / I???we? 11 specie i|. lod PERSIAN IT Telephi Lh|o n g Merci J A L O N F A FC S A > The Jno. R. ! consisting of (434) e ?'l County near Rid *^dder on COf>y ''I* This land belongs! to C? C. Cates at his death and is ling scfld bjrthe ] heits for division. Any one looking for some good lahd and fine timber will do well to attend this sale. ji Bad Cates, Honter Cates, I Ned Cates, Arch Cates, f? Frank Cates, Heirs of C. C. Cates. k | NOTICE, LANI) SALE! On Saturday, November the 3rd; at 1 o'clock, p. m. I win sell st public V.L?for AYS 11 ' ; Mj OUTINGS !;i i-2c ; - !| one 240 HURST |j I | mtile Co. G , N. C. R M )R LE! Smith Farm teres, located in Cas Igville, will be sold to the premises? October v V \ A / / . i' / > djf-"? ?? ? ; H ; - , . --- ; ' V, .. > OCTOBER. 17th 1923 auction -for cash a 'certain tract o: E land in Roxboro and All.-hsvili ? townships, containing 44 acres more cl or less. Joined on the south by Bock ti Grove Church lot and A. G. Riley, on the west by Dr. W. A. Bradshor, north by M. T. Slaughter, fast by T. ol bmmm?m?mmwm??|\? ! Groceries? , (ON THE HILL) ^ I have purchased the stock of : D. E. Featherston (On the HU1) and if you want to save money on your groceries call or.' I phone and they will be delivered right away. ] J' , "Look after the dimes and || the dollars will care for. them- | j| selves." C. T. Willson ,1 Roxboro, N. C. I ; I BRING US YOUR COUNTRY j .ROULCE * i _ FRESH TODAYLETTUCE CELERY, AND ALL KINDS OF VEGETABLES. WANTED COW HIDES, HIGHEST MARK- j ET PRICE PAID, |l BLANKS -AM)MORRIS PHONE 25 i 1 j I ; o rC ava vent ?mi .acetl a privile ian who - " :boro . f . Slaughter, one anj a half miles rorc AUeoaviile high school. San i lay road runs through middle of act. Or.e half opened for cultivation, iher in wood. A splendid tobacco ? - ?? I Shenandoah Life ! FSTABLIS CONTROLLED BY SOUTHERN None Better, None Safer, < jr For full informatiop se A. P. D. District HURDLfe Ml 1 ' 1 . mS" Westin d | WHERE DII .ER SEE T\ WESTINGr jy t~v-\i~* r- \vn i j rwrs.ni' wn | MEANING < | IT MEANS FOR SO L MEANS 12 | OF INTER 1 SOMETHIN HAS NEV; OFFERED PEOPLE Ol COUNTYB LOOK. I SPACE IN ' | ISSUE OF I RIER. j. i. B ROXHOl & ; trk what it ourJtotn ig would be 11 i hderndl?stiflin ful, depressing, ex ur aging j that YOUR [Bf k^mpany will liable electri- W%\ ilate the elec* iking of the iH lat is airy, re* wUhealthfuL ge to live in the age oi ventilates electrically Light &Po i.' - . r* : 1 farm, four miles from Roxborp.' Sue will be at tne premises, the ?; right reserved to refuse arty and all I bids. ' This Oct. 13 1923. Oct. IT -2t* 8. T. Slaughter. rr - y. 85t'' - 1 Insurance Co., SURD 1911. | '.9 MEN?FOR SOUTHERN MBN. | I it More Salted for TOU. e one of our Agents. fa "J Agent, E H ILLS, N. C. 5TQiJ,Tlx?iiZZ~'~Z'; .YaSSjg} ] ghouse p YOU EV-1 ||; 4E WORD IOU3E.BE |Sj AT 13 THE ^ J SO MUCH I .ITTLE. IT BIG ITEMS I I EST AND ! G THAT ER BEEN TO THE PERSON ; I EFORE. rOR THIS rHE NEXT I I THE COUI I '1 UUC311V1 RO, X. C. fry uil'?l:1 liu in; :Iu2232 1 HI :/A; J means I 43 ie thought of I g, close, smoky, I hansting. Electricity. Ask I wer Co. I