THE COURIER J. W. NOELL, Editor. Published Every Wednesday Evening S1) BSEWPTMiN TERMS 1130 a year, 75 cents for 6 months SO cents for 3 months?Cash in Ad*7 i. are The Editor ia in no way responsible Ir views expressed by correspondents. Entered at the Post Office at Rox- : hero, N. C-, as second-class matter.! . * u?f? n A-iv?r',<*t> K?-ir* -ist. KV-; 7.f4< jM?RK *PR? -.a 5'*-< i.'.'C ~v Baxboro, N. C. October 17th 1923 MR. DUKE ASKS FOR A RAISE. Mr. J. B. Bake, who is reputed to be the owner of the Southern Power Company, has again stirred up the fire eaters by asking fcr a raise in the price of power. He states 'hat mule? flio ? ? - ? -* "" ? ?v> i.u0 ificcciiL price ui 9i.?0 per hunired killowat hoars he is only making four per cent, and states that lie can nnt continue to add to his plant unless he is granted an increase hi rates, asking that he be allowed to make the rate $1.40. True, Mr. Duke ma unfortunate in stating his re. quest, making it appear rather as a threat than as a request, but we accept his statement saying no such threat was intended. If the business is only yielding four per cent, then i*> business man will censure him for not putting more money into the project, and we have nc authority for saying hip statement is net true. It is up to the Corporation Commission to decide this question. But the question which puzzles us is .why any one should kick on a rate of $1.40, when we pay for our power $9.00. We are pnalterably opposed to profiteering, but there has too long been the feeling of crushing any bt? enterprise?especially if a Duke has anything to do with it, which might come this way. North Carolina, is too big for such small practices and should welcome any enterprise which means the upbuilding of the state. arid certainly no- one preposition has meant more to the industrial growth of North Carolina than the developing; of the water power. We have never, directly or indirectly, received a penny of Mr. Duke's money, but we welcome him and his money to North Carolina and hope the Corporation will see fit to grant him the increase if it is necessary to; enable him to continue his- develcn? mcnt rf ^the latent?water pwwthis State. SCHOOLS AND ROADS. ?o? No one can oass through" Person j County without being struck with- the i wonderful progress being made, and; especially is this noticeable in schools I and roads. Good schools have sprung tip in almost every section of the County ani our reads are the equal! of any to be found* State. TV. is alwavs the result of pulling to-j gether. Some time a?c the board rf, education and the highway comnir ?i?n had a joint meeting ar.d deride! to work in full harmony, iha highway commission promising to see that n good road?was maintained in every section leading to a high school, and an a result of this plnn srhcol children by the hundreds are transported daily to the various high schools, thus enabling many children t? have ti.. ..J..1 C\f 1r*lT~ OU vanillic VJI U KI.'III Vi course, there are some sections which think certain roads should be worked, apd they probably will be just as soon as the road force cab get to thetnr but it is absolutely impossible for the highway commission to work all roads at once. Few realize the coat in moving the road fcrce from , one section to another, hence the t? dissatisfaction when their request for help is not answered immeiiateI *? * ' I -V _ WANTED, a good tobacco farmer to. cultivate tobacco on shares, farm on good highway three miles of town. 1 will furnish all fertilisers, land etc., also advance Any supplies that Tenant may HiW'ts have. Write?m" quick. I prefer a family' that -will 1 make . a permanent home with. me. galph P. Cklthrqn, Manning., S. C. 10-111 21 < u.' . " . ' '' 'J' ~ " BUSINESS LOCALS OFFICE AT SAME FLACE. Some were puzzled as to the whereabouts of my present location. You will find my cfflee in the same build, ing where I have been for several years, in the rear of Aubrey Long & Co. grocery store. Just come right in and pass to the rear, of the building and you will find me ready to receipt any who may owe me an account. Furniture a iittle cheaper than you will find it elsewhere. E. D. Cheek. JUST ARRIVED, a new lot of j mens' up-to-date shoes. Nothing; prettier to be found in the town. Roxboro Shoe Store. GET YOUK WAGON, J. I. Nissen wagon, none better. One, two or; three horse wagons on hand ready] for delivery, prices right. Come andj get one, if you havent the cash,! come any way, I can arrange that for you. Yours truly, J. L. GARRETT. OWN YOUR HOME, pay for it by the week. See the Building & Loan Plan. Second series began October 1st. Get in today. See the Secretary and let him tell you about it. J. S. Walk-1 er. Sec. Superior quality, fullv guaranteed Early Jersey Wakefield cabbage plants. Healthy, vigorous, strong plnats. Thousands of plants for sale. N. J. Todd, Rosboro, N. C., route 2. 10-17, 4ts. NOTICE. | For Singer Sewing Machines, new( and 2nd hand, ail prices. I repair1 ell kinds of machines, any make. Sec F. B. Phillips, Roxtcro, N. C. Phono or write care of U. S. Army Store, j Roxboro, N. C. 10-17 tf Save furnace coal, Spring and Fall by using Cole's Air Tight Wood Stove. It holds the fire all night. j HUGH WOODS has plenty Crim- j son clover, seed oats, rape, turnip, I rye and any other seed. you wauL 'We talk Quality, We advertise Quality and we deliver the goods. It will pay you to trade with us. Try it, Wilburn & Satterfield. We have a car of Bunquc Lime at our warehouse at the depot. Aiperi can Agncuiuirai cnemicai aee. L. G. Stanfield. "NOTICE OF SALE" I will offer for sale at my Home; Place on the 20th day of October 1922, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. for the highest bidder. Tv'o Mifl?s in pood condition. One two horse wagon practically fiew. * AmTaTso all farming toots trf-everynature. This the 2nd clay of October 1923. 3-3tspd. Mrs. Ella Clayton. Eunquo Lime contains 98 ner cent of Carbonate of lime and magnesia and is sold under this guarantee. American Agricultural Chemical Co. See L. G. Stanfield. Tobacco growen if you want to cultivate tobacco on shares and- cel! on the Indeoerdent Auction Market crrresnrnd with Ral^h D. Cothrar. Manning, South Carolina. Good f2rm. well located on National High| way three miles from town, farm furnished .with every thine necessary for rood farming, all fertilizers finished. Ralph D Cothran, Manning. S. C- . 10-10-2ts. 1 You can get by with moat anv kin J of Shoe in the summer time, but P uses ah i.eainer to siana wphvi^. Got your Shc?s from Wilburn & Satter^eld. COLONIAL BRICK HOME: 10 rooms. 30 minutes from Danville, in Milton. V. C. Wide Halls. Circular Stairway. -I room Brick Kitchen. Brick Dairy and Smoke House. Garasre and Stable*. ALSO SOME OLD MAHOI GANY. At Public Auction. Milton October 20th, Saturday. 2:3$ p. m. 10-3 3ts. JOHN M. FLEMING Our customers sav that we Pel yood Shoes rnd we fully aeree vrit* thr-m. Wilburn & SatterfieH. Magnesia in Bunnuo Lime Tmprcvei the land for tobacco. American A*ri. cultural Chemical Co. See L. G Stanflejd. , IF - YOU WANT tH*? most strlisl and up-to-date, rhoes. . then eb'me '!? and Jet n* ?horv. vou our line befory FOR SALE, eizh^fine-nifrs. prire rcQ9o^.-.bJe. C^Cv-Daniol, Roxboro, N C.. route 4. ^ . Jtpd " -? ., THE ROXBORO COURIER Use Bunquo Lime and imprjve your soiL American Agricultural Chemical Co. See L. G. Stanticld. DOG LOST, Collie, dark brown on back, 4 white feet, white mark on face like letter Y, white ring around peck, don't quite reach ail the way around, tip of tail white, answers to name of Hub. Reward for information. T. L- Clayton, Rozboro, N. C-. route 4. It pd. LOST, white fur clcak with biackvclvet collar and cuffs, for child about S years old. Tinder please return to Courier Office and receive reward. It FOUtND. a pointer bird dog, brown and. white spotted. Owner can get it by seeing Jack Rudder, near McGee's mill. ltpd. JUST RECEIVED a nice lot -of ladies novelty shoes, the prettiest eveT shown in the city. Come and look them over before buying. Roxboro Shoe Score. LOST, at Fair grounds?$10.00 reward?one N. C. C. ijV. class ring 1924. Return to Courier Office, ltpd DOG LOST, brown ani white spot ted "male pointer, wearing lack and collar, with 1923 license tag. Answers to name of Don. Left my car at Loch lily. (Finder please notify P. H. Clay, Roxboro, N. C. I have some second httnd pianos I can sell at a bargan. One $450.00 at $300.00: One $400.00 piano $250.00; One $400.0 piano at $175.00. Maynard Bros., John H. Carver. DON'T FORGET the sale of Town property in Rcxbora on Monday,. November 5th, at 12 o'clock,. Court House door. ON MONDAY, November 5th, at 12 o'clock in front of the Court House door I will sell the W. L. Thomas home place cn Lamarr Street, and cne town lot situated on South Main Street. This is " your -opportunity, don't miss it. W. N. Thomas, administrator. v DOX'T FORGET the sale of Toxm property in Roxbcrc on Monday. November 5th,- at 12 o'clock* Court House door. Strayed cr Stolen, female setter, ei?n ttrirVi Klnnl- enntc tast Friday. Oct. 12:h. If faund ratify W. Y. Pass, Roxboro.'N. C. ltpd. Moore's We sell | HOME KI | WESTEI Fish and 03 days, Fr Sflfin r ?- * ?*. -J Phone us your ord< We Buy Hides. i i i "stor'1" p.vv cA^Ti "*!r; fe=== ? ' CASH IMYS ?; AUBRy I. ? : OCTOBER nth 192S . GOOD FREE burning cpal lor cur- j ing tobacco th^ coal is in lump form and ia the cheapest fuel lor this purpose. Come and get your supply and be ready when your first cutting is placed in barn. R_-H. Gates, Roxbord, N. C. 1 ' iMAKEEVERY I WEEK SHOE 1 Thrift Week YOU don it throw away your jforatch because the mainspring.breaks?why throw away your shoes because 'the soles wear \ through ? i ! We can make your old shoes almost as good as new and save you almost half your annual | ?hoe expense. j Be thriftyhave 'em repaired Modern Electric Shoe Shop feder Old Fimt Building, trner Main and Depot Streets Roxboro, N. C. ????____i_____ 1 .'afc&a&a-ft&iy* \u' wj i a mwcz !|J: ' "| j T ?'E HAVE I ] 1THE BEST ft 2 1150.00 Range g^OU EVER SAW. | Ml N ' 11 s - -1 ir 1 ;i WfAERS HARDWARE I COMPANY tif ^flor 7<JPT" Jntcnen ?|f; j j jS te you will like. j| Market^ the Best LLED and j IN; BEEF. ! asters, Tuesidavs and rdays. ;rg. Prompt delivery. Phone 175 1 ... . I^\ onc? <& (Lo? . ?: :? 7 ?I '' - . ' f.-.' r i ' ---- - - - ?- - - - t aaaaaiSM?i??^^???a^? ^is i . i You say thes days are chilly?not 'much? but some morning soon you will awaken to find the thermometer flirting with zero, then you are going to want some of our chill checking apparel; that heavy suit and overcoat or that stylish coat with or without a fur collar or a warm Charmeen or Poiret dress and you will want these in the v styles which we are showing and selling at mighty low prices. Buy stylish, warm and | comfortable clothes at a price which you can > afford to pay and you will be happy. Lastly keep your feet dry with a pair of our good looking shoes which are guaranteed to give satisfaction. . . . . " : . --i, ? ?... - 4 Harris 8 Burns ! i ' . I ROXBORO'S BEST STORE ! v Deposits 1 CTC4IW *? Tco many people start bank accounts with the good intention of saving money regularly but let their accounts become DORMANT, If th^ balance to your credit is not growing, take stock of yourself and determine to MAKE IT GROW. i We will welcome your account. The Peoples Bank The Bank Of The People Say-- I S \"n' | gj guying that New Suit , " 11 jl had a course ^ t -^>oro Steam i ? a ?_?.? 5 ?? ?= ,

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