I I Shin ' I All C I | Right | Koxboro J "Home of Q Out eggs at* ripirt from fresh. Our cu?wnrti wfcc m them. Buj year eggs from us a: eeriea. rnitt* and vepetames, "** taiph aaaiity and low prices. Fresh Groceries Sergeam / Sia-l PHONE 23 AND 24. the prince . !; . ItOX Advance p^i-pram tram Thu VHLHSDAT. 1*. A. Power uu-ipr "THE THIRD ALAE l ?on, Eli*. liali. Johnnie Wal jp an?i cc'itasai heart tiraaut tiu ..epths ol the scuL The oua the century- You can't afford M, ADDED * tin No advance m itamiss;oi.. FRIDAY . Gci.vwvD picture duciion "HUNGRY HEART Fcrpusor.. E. A. Warrer. and ? :nrv thav tench ta the heart c undemamlinp. The greatest ED loathe News (The world Bdmiosicn?. ' SATURDAY. William Fox CMOtT" i A Kl?iinff ?fnTi' nf bebhrr. lie saddled the wind L,?. p. M. Evening at 7:13- 8:45 king of comedian*') JtC "TRO MONDAY and TUESDAY with Mildred Davia.in his aec TOR .JACK". The greatest c I ! cm\ even curt- a Dotty?He g< J and iiekfes your ribs until yo 'I *' Snfy Doctor and every pati Laughter Specialist. ADDED I two reek. Matinee Monday a; j Evenings at 7ilo P. M. WEDNESDAY. Qekhcvn production BROTHERS Ul Chsdwiek. Claire Windier, 3 j; man Kerry, story by E. Ma Here an* the triah nnd irh that we all know .for far: arv ... i edy ' WISE CRACKER". " j . Coming Oct. ??-*8<*th. Ja?i ? 1 , i?fflg.w >\ft:iora Cictur (cir.ng Nov. 5-Bth. Alia ' "Gi<vna Swar.ton; r_- - " - _ .H>T. That we do. the ver PnnVi^g -VT-.H at rpaarvn^ ;; erdex -and let us prove ~ ?'"'T?"rii ' : ?j?&-!; ' igles! I 5S5! ? | fl 1' v- 9 ?i i HH Lrades * - & 1 " fll : Prices I '.-?? J 1 . fl Lumber C?-1| nalifrr I 1 lmKor T ' Kli. UlAliLjr JUimUhWf EsiTHH the country, and we know they art ** tkma are highly pleased with nd every thine else you need in groand you will be pleased with our and Meat. Prices Right. ~ &Clayton ?ie"ti Store ROXBORO. N. C. :ss theatre 30R0. N. C. rsday Oct. !8th to Wed. Oct. 24th. '5 presents An Emory Jonnior. pro??1" with Raiph Lewis, Emory Johnker, Lmiiie Johnson. A stupendous it will snake every observer to th: standing: pnotodramatic sensation oi' j i to miss this picture. Open at 7:15 <| .dusanonal Comedy " Ro'lihp Stones" s presents E. liaison Hopper's pTPS" with Bryant Washburn, Heier. | others. A Goidwyn picture. A pic- I f humanity with a simple grrace and I epic of humanity ever filmed. ADD- p! before your eyes). No advance in | f J presents Tom Mix in "CATCH Mdf-i' a fiery man who left plenty of smolqfc I and spurred it op. Matinee at 2:9 I V. M. ADDED A! St. John (Tfce >PICAL ROMEO" two reels " ' ' ~ i . Hal Roach presents Harold Ltoj :cnd five part feature comedy "'DO omedian in his jrreateat comdey. i ets Tipnt at your heart, reaches pr i J u roll with joy and ?igple witlrite. ent in town recommends "Dr..-#* Harry Snub Pollard in "365 DA?" j 3:00 P. 51. Admissions 13c aadJc. . viciuT* -- -preeenT* T'lUPf Fir1 rT?e% v'DER THE SKIX" withi? iene j llae Bu*ch, Pa: OUaliey l**Nor- ( sort Kppprr. A Golilwy;i I #- ~ I ,\ v^brtitr.5 of real vrunr mzmi wks I i laturh at. ADDED a two ft. fdmi ; r. lDkwt.'s Production 'jkAl^ith i [J DOWN ~ : "! 1 11 .1 y best, line of\T.qtimercial ! blf- pnr^s. Gir u.^our next , A " : V ' ** . 1 THE ROXBORO COURII THE COURIER7* Roxboro. N. C. October 17th 1928 j ^ Everything- to build with. Watkins x Bullock. Tj ' ' tl Mr. Col* Allison of Mebane was a Eoxbcrc visitor last Saturday. Mr. P. D. Lee of East Durham favored us with a call last Friday. 6 Mr. H. L. Boatwright of Danville I was a Roxboro visiter Monday, n .s' Mr. Crpnor Merritt, who is on the s market at Greenville, spent the week c end here with his family* ? ?" v The friends of Mrs. J. R. Hamlin X will regret to learn that she has P been very ill for the last week. *-+**. g Mr. Harvey G. Clayton of Rocky n Mount spent the week end here with f his father, Mr. H. G. Clayton. { Miss Eva Harris, who is teaching: b in Zebulcn. spent the week end here F with her parents. 1 1'V "' .-v.'V-? * # * * y.; . T 3ttr. and Mrs. E. V. Boatwright I and EdgaT, Jr.', spent the week end 1 visiting in Martinsville, Va. * g Meptiames T. W. Henderson, J. B. J Hurley and H. W. Newell were Dan- i ville visitors last Friday. t Mrs. C. E. Barnett of South Bos- 1 ton, Ba.. is spending the week with i Mts. L. C. Hull. 1 * * # i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spencer of Ro;:bcro 'were' Sr-itfc Boston and Brookneal visiters last v*eek. < < ./ Mr. R. H. Gates' is spending th? week in Lundale, W. Va.. and other West Virginia points in the interest of ;his coal business. / I f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnett and son rf Akron, Ohio, arrived last night aiti are visiting Mr. Burnett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Barnett. Revs. J. Hi Bass ar* R; E. White attended the meeting of the Mt. Zibo Baptist Association in Orange county yesterday. . ? ? ',??**. " Rev. J. A. Beam is attending a meeting of the Flat River Baptist A qqrx?in**TTrrT-, \ i i ?rrnting With Sharor. Baptist church. AT- T TtT Poea *aAl a.. V 'I ' to his room for several da^ but i reported. as heire very much in o proved at tbs writing. j. ? # * a Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dillard an P Mr. -and 5frs. H?rv?v and two chit *> drer. if Bfaiville spent the week en. n with Mr.-r.id Mrs. R. X. Featherstor s * .# * * g Mr. Tb? Street, a student at th o I/niversiY. soent the week end witl V his parnts, Mr. and Mrs. Normal u Street* v ? # * xi Ma D. K. Richmond, buyer icx: 3 the RJ- Revnolds Tobaccc Compar.i 2 or. V Henderson market, spent thi V weekend here with his family. *1 * "* * * ^ 3- .T. 7. Hambrick. who has oa le. Wendell mark?* for the Co-op?3 "ih.cco Growers Aepociatirn, spent ?: fh w?ek end here with his father " ? *. W. E. Hambrick. From here h* t tvr.z to Pilot Mountain 1 J * ? _? * c Mr. E. E. Rradsher and children ? pent the . week end in Greensboro e /i si ting I> and Mrs. B. R. Long, f Mrs. Bradfher. who had been spend- * ine the. week tn Greensboro return- i ed with Mr. Bradsher Sunday even- ' ing./' **** 11 * We enioyed a cpll Mondav from our ok! friend. Mr. Thomas Frazier.j TT?- was lookinc fine and -snid every-j rnmp was koiiij: as smooui as piass with him. He sold a load of tobacco at the 'Planters warehouse and wa* .well pleased with his prices. j MILTON NEWS. The Miltcn hic'r. school is nlarminci to play some pood g%mes of basket! ball this fall. The court is bemy re- i G paired and put into shane. The inrls ^ and bryR teams are practicing in pre- 0 pa-ration -fcrr the cumiiia season. s Rev. J. C. Canine-of Mebane con- ^ ducted a preat revival at the Baptist .l: chmroh Tacentlv. Thhty six came foT- j ward durmjr the meetiny and surrenderail their lives to Jesnr Christ, or *' reconsecrated themselves for Service.. ^ Rev. Mr. Canine is tloinc s jrraat work Ji as an evangelist,. He clinjrs tor the ^ word of God and it a faithful, con-, s?crated and devout servant of Jeaer ..hriv' '!>?' v ':"1- 1 Iw'd 1 as !'. Snirlt was nrosent in rsrwer.r The d Baptists of North Carolina have few p ivanyslistir -pastors with' the poorer ti lna (v-fr* *.f p?v ft|r Canipt.' and S ~?V 1?; " ' t? 1 ;R OCTOBER ltrttr 1923 [ebane is to be congratulated upon H avme htm there aa pastor of the bb aptist church. *' 11 Many of cur people have been at- m nding the Danville and Roxboro g iir;. which were held thia week at 13 ie same time.?Hugh L. Nichols. ; 13j COOPERATIVE WEALTH. j jl |?Whetheitthe cooperative marketing!. S ystem turns oat to be a success ini ? imcrica' or not remains to ba seen 3 It. hAa pcBVen entirely successful in: M lany cast? m this country, as isi 3 hown by; the results in the western' ?? lates, Bat. in the two preat money 5g ro'ps?coton and tdbaccc?it is now Ig n trial, ^nd the next year or two S2 .-ill demaistrate whether it is to be gjl he grood.thin? for fanners that the 3 romoten believe it will. g| But, jqjlgring from Dr. E. C. Bran-1 kg on's remits from Denmark there is gS ot the fliphtest doubt about its ef- ra ectivenas ever there. Speaking of ^ )dense. Dr. Branson says: "I wert .through the creamery, the gj .aeon hetorv. and the egg-packing gj ilant, ad heard at length about the g 10 .stesnboats that carry the farm S ?rrriuct of Denmark into every large ?| jcrt of lie'world. Every one cf these ?|j luge eierprises is organized, owned. g| tnd cprated by the farmers them- ?jj udves t their highly salaried agents. 3 \.nd vr&t Odense is every other town 2 ri Dentark is?a center of coopera- g :ive fdrn business. "Cultre and ccoperation have made jg! :hjese trmers rich, and a prosperous He agricufcre has dotted the man with -rospeius cities. To be .sure of this fact, ju have only to move about JgS Dcnmi a little. Not cnly. are the Dimislcjties ^ich but they arc mod- j5* am infhe last degree. and beautiful ? -very tne. , ;g "Th? rensrrablp farm surplus last ,r<, year fere ?250,000.000* reconed in ;3?j our niiey. And mind you, they are jgjj enterjtsep on part of a state with I? just |out the population and less ^ than tie-fourth the size of North Carols." *15 Coterative marketing has converte a poorer errantry into one of g, the thest. an: has mtfde a prospercus topic out of a most humble 1/ clasAf it has done that in Denmark. whft nature has not been so kind. ri it could make every person wealth}; jg in? nature-favored country' like th* fi sdftiem pari of the United States. Ti cooperative theory is right, and ig ittorks when properly put into ef- '3 "fEJ. TTlt "Ta*!s in this country it wili '|| ^/because of fault in the* manner of ?< Jfctmcr it into effect. Ri 'Commerce and Finance * speaking jt| f the co-operative system, says: g "Co-operative cctton marketing ir g n indictment cf the waste and sharp ? ractive of the psesent system. WV ? oast the efficiency of American comicrce. and it is efficient in many re- ? peers, hut it fails miserably in the S upreme test, which is the total cost ? f getting the commodity from the || iroducer t? the consumer. The Amer- ^ tan farmer is the best farmer in the- 2 rorld in that he produces more per 5 tan. but he receives less of the con- g umer's dollar than the farmer in ? ry other enlightened country. That g p the damming charge which com- Js terce "must meet. The farmer is in S evoh. He may be defeated tn this ? attempt; he may fail by his owr. ^ ilundering. but he will win ultimatey by one means cr another. They are blind who do not see in he present movement a desperat' gevolution of those whfl feed and lot he the world to receive a more \ quitable share of the world?s income nd accumulation. Heretofore the kmerican farmer has been cbrvservaive: his cooperative undertakings ^ cr self helo and self protection are j t? onservative. Let commerce he care-! ' TOl ul not to make him radical.''-?Pur-j air. HeraH. BUSINESS LOCALS. 9 _ SU tie .FOR SALE, Rhode Island Red th. oorters. Prize winners at the Fair, aaIrs. R. B. Smith, Roxboro. X. C. 'Ha 'on ON MONDAY. November 5th, at1 2 o'clock in front of the Court House oor 1 will sell the W. L. Thomas ]aI ome place on Lamarr Street, and ne town lot situated on South Main tree.. This is your opporhnrij^,; . ont miss it. W-. N. Thomas, admimsdJ T Th roil KENT, or -a cropper, one farm yj, or 1924. Good buildings, pool to- yj, acco land. Only Co-op need apply. ^ .ddresr A. Si, Snipes. Roxboro, N. .. route 1. 10-11 2t pd. j j Our oieee Goo is Dept. has occas- pri gtrp-.iij .ii f 11 iiahin tiiiiinnin, Iaji . eaipn that dress. The style is ? biff 1 art 0f "the dress. It .will pay you hp, i trade with ua. Tty it. Wilburn & rci atterileld. - . - Ya -T: ' ' . " ' YOU WILL FIND HEI YOU AR If you are hunting f< town to trade you can dog, but bring your w them enjoy the privileg< say that our ready-to-v filled with beautiful Co, es and other rady-to-w Come and take a lot or not, our salesladies show you. Coats $22.50 MEN AND YOUNG M A Kuppenheiiner Suit and n Kn and will help keep you there. We h the quality vou take a pride in we) with us. TRY IT. Wilburn & ! ;rj_; ijy.i i\;: ^ iyiii \ Just Re All Gr | Pine SI GALVANIZED ROOl CEMENT, FLOOI SIDING, WIND< FRAM ! Prices Are "Everything to \ S Watkins 6 | ROXBOF NOTICE. All coal hag advanced from 50 to. cents in prices. This applies to i jrrades. Buy while you can jret it. ipments are petting slow. R. H. Gates. MILLAR WANTED for Chub Laxe; in who can run a roller mill. Apply G. AI. Crowder. Woodsdaie, N. C.. ate" I. 10-17. 2t pd. l-SAVE-IT When you bay furniture from E Cheek. Don't think because .he is ; stairs just now that he can not pply your wants. While it is a litmnro trnnhlt- tn ak/tw ??? ' ?less. he ha* the goods and will ! ve you money on your purchases. ( : expects to get in his new building Depot Street in about 60 days. FOR RENT, one. two and tlvree'* rse farms. Good tobacco and grain id. near pood schools. Aoply to J. Goocfa. Timber lake, N. C. J ? t SALE of valuable Town property, * l?ndid dwelling and one of dh? most * sirable lots in Rcxlioro?the W. L\ 1 oma? home place and lot on South t mday, November oth. at 12 o'clock. 1 front of the Court House doOr, i j NOTICE. t Seed rye for salt at a good clp"? \ ee. buy it while it last. j ? , P FARM TOlf RENT, good i->W"o|l i grain land, good improvement*,]! IT trnjam' MflL ,A|niiy WJ< ncey, Roxboro, N. C., route 6. ItfcdU IE WHAT \ E LOOKING FOR. g >r the best place in a not only bring your p hole family and let |j :. Those who know, P vear department is S ats, Suits and Dress- jg ear. . g >k whether you bu}r p are always glad to P to $100.00 p EN, TAKE NOTICE J ox Hat will help cet you there Hi lave what you want and in juat kg arini:. It will pay you to trade gj . Satterfield | iu.' ^ ceived i " i; ades tingles I rING, BRICK, LIME, | *ING, CEILING, }\VS, DOORS gi [ES. | pi .. li Now Low I i Build W ith" 1 ? |; ic Bullock IP, N. C. . . I TO MY FRIEXDS: Tobaccc steadily advancing each day. Best salt' Friday we have had '.his year. . Ocnie to see me at Central Warehouse, Danville, Ya. Geo. E. Harr>s. NOT WHAT YOU MAKE but what you SAVE determines your worth. Investigate the. Building; &. Loan Plan. Jl S. Walker. . tj,-^ When you want the best piano for your home see John H. Carver, with Mayn'ard Bros. SALE of valuable Tcuu property, splendid dwelling end one of the most desirable lots in Rexboro?the W. L. Thomas home place and lot on South Main Street. Remember the elate, Monday, November 5th, at 12 o'clock, n front of the Court House door. FAMOUS SOUTHS IDE VIRGIN- "* ; A ESTATE AT AUCTION: 'iRoan >ke Plantation", the historic home of Icbn Randolph, cn Staunton River, it Randolph: "^Charlotte County, Va. L 230 acres subdivided, at auction, on ;hr premises: Tuesday, Oct. 23 - 10:30 V M.?3 to acres rich : t"c.. bottoms,?? lertile upland and woodland, larpe nansion house, two modern huncnows. splendid dairy barn, hum-roar errant settlements and tobacco barns. Also Tnaebintrry and farming impleIvents. Fine corn, grrarn, alfhlfa and rrnsr i:ind Also ..of very?__ ire bripht tnbaeeo 'and. WRITE - ' nf fujl octaiL and sJtawcHvp fl iews if this pled id estate. VENAR1*F . ? I FOto. LYNCHBURG. VA U > &?

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