Kt- : s a I J. W. NOELL, EDITOR Ah if: " VOL. XL ONE DEAD IN ~ HEAD-ON COLLISION ! MR. KIN'CH BROACH KILLED Cars Driven by Mr. Robert Baynes , and Mr. Frank Bradsher Collide. Last night at 7:30, on the Bushy Fork road near Homers, two cars collided, head-on collision, and killed Mr. Klnch Broach. The car containing Mesa. Frank Bradsher, driven by Mr. Bradsher, Kinch Broach, Daniel Clayton and brother and a Bowles boy, and car driven by Mr. Robert Baynes with Mr. Algie Warren met with the distressing accident above IK, mentioned. The Bradsher car turned over and was completely demolished. Mr. Broach lived only about 3 hours; Mr. Bradsher was seriously hurt, bruised ribs, while Mr. Daniel Clayton received several bad cuts in the face necessitating about. 8- or 10 amcnes. inc otner occupants, inciua-; ingr those in the Baynes' car were not1 . hurt. Drs. B. E.Lcv%and A. F. Nichols attended the party but Dr. Love informs us that Mt. Broach was virtually dead wdien they reached the scene cf the accident. ROXBORO GRADED SCHOOL' NOTES. * At a meeting of the Parent-Teacher's Association . ?o? In the cases of E. W. Tuck, Henry V. Holt, and William Jones," which were heatji before Judge Devin in Durham nt 12 o'clock ^Ton'iay, October 29th,i ' the Judge continued the Restraining Order against these men, ordering them hot to sell or dispose of-any of their tobacco to any person or per-1 J sons other than the Association. The statement is authorized by lo-j ' ' cal counsel that in all contested cases, there is suit pending in the Superior Court of Person .County for liquidat. ed damages, fc-r tobacco sold out for the year 1922 and 1923, and counsel fees. In all cases adjusted by agree E mfint either Ihe mnnov 1b ?oia . ... ... * " I Judgment is entered in the Clerk's 'I office, where it becomes a lien upon Ihc real property of the grower and if the grower has no real property, the Association can'retain from hia check when he deliver# tobacco, aaf- I Icient amount to satisfy the judgment and costs. New cases have been biiought against Newton Davis, C. P. Grinstead, and Radford Gentry. It is Un-, ! derstood that about six other cases weifkf'be brought today. Ptfti' ^11 o Have you bought your ticket for! ' the Chautauqua? Season tickets $1.50, good for every performance. : He. sure to tase advantage .of the1 } ' IVcf C ' Sol's, ,,r . Jtl at navi.K I ' .' ? '?? *? ?;. i - ' .. : ;; " ; .. j tmti y . . -' . ' 1 $i^ loveraber 7th 1923. ARMISTICE DAY RtDMOSS DAY SEVENTH RED CROSS ROLL CALL The Chairman Calia On Ewrj Citizen of Person County to Join. | Armistice Day brings with it the seventh Re<) Cross Roll Call. Representatives of Penpn County Chapter will canvass tpwn and County for members on Monday*, November 12th, and has the right to expect the hearty co-operation and support of every one to keep up its organization. Disaster is sufficient reason for a Roll Call in any chapter and no locality is safe. The Red Cross has never failed at such times but preparedness must not give way to unpreparedhes. Our local Chapter has given valuable assistance to ex-serivce men and meir lamuies, nas coniriDutea generously to European and Japanese relief, besides maintaining a Public Health Nurse for a year. It's future activities depend on your support, so do not fail to respond to the Roll Call. Mrs. deVlaming, Chairman. MISS CHRISTINE WALKER TH^E BRIDE OF ELWOOD WEAtHERLY. iAt 6 o'clock Thursday evening inj Edgar Long Memorial church a beautiful wedding was solemnized when Miss Christine Walker of this place and Ehvood Weatherly, of Elizabeth I City, were united in marriage, Rev. J. B. Hurley, paster of the church, officiating. 1 The ring ceremony of the Methodist church was used. The bride was becomingly attired in a traveling costume of brown valvenette and with hat and accessories harmonizing in color. She wore a lovely shower corsage of Bride roses and lilies of the valley. After the ceremony Mr. and. ,Mrs. Weatherly left for a bridal tour to northern cities and Bermuda Islands. Upon their return trjp they will be at home in Elizabeth City.. The bride is : T" t r ^ 0 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE No. 44 PERSONALS Mr. W. H. Woody is visiting in Petersburg, Vs. . ? Mr. J. W. Brooks spent the week end at home with his family. ? ? ? Mess. Cyrus Kirby and Bsrl Chandler spent Sunday in Durham. ? *' ? Miss Annie Burch of Madison spent the week end with her parents. t Mr. C. B. Goswick of Durham speat Sunday here with friends. ... * Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Wilkerson sad son Jimmie spent Sunday in Durham. Mr. Dolan Harris of Durham spent the week end here with relatives. J * * ? * * * Misses Bans Garrett and Irian Wilkerson attended the Teaehere Meeting in Raleigh last week. Miss Elizabeth Masten of Durham music school spent the week end with her parents. t * Misses Clauaie Carney, Nancy ? Franklin and Mr. Willie Moore spent the week end in Burlington. *- * * Mesdames Wiley Winstead, E. E. .Thomas and Little Miss Margaret Thomas spent Saturday in Durham. " * . ? Mesdames John Moore and Roger Wilkerson spent Saturday in Durham. * * * * Mrs. Aubrey Long, Willie and Janie Blalock are visiting in Fayetteville this week. " Mr. J. C. Stafford of Petersburg. Va., was a welcome caller last Saturday. Mesdames R. N. Featherston and J. M. Pass took in the circus in Durhasm last Thursday. ' iMr. and Mrs. C. "T. Woods and Mrs. W. T. Daniel were Durham visitors last Thursday. * *4 Mrs. R. A. Pass, who spent the summer in Ashevilie, returned home last Thursday night. * Mr, R. F. Hedrick and Mr. Robert Stanton cf Lilesville, N. C., spent the week end in town; ? * # * Miss Helen Joyner of Denniston, Va., spent a few days with Mrs. JT. W. Brooks last week. * * * Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Beam attended the district meeting of the Teachers I iff Raleigh last week. *. ^ * ? * * | Miss Nellie Wade of Averett College, Danville, Va., spent the week lend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Wade. *?**'' , Miss Mary Bell Hall spent the week end in Durham visiting friends. 1 Miss Helen Critcher of Greenville, N. C., is visiting Miss Esther Thomp| son* Miss Elizabeth Noell, who has been visiting friends in Atlanta, Ga., for the past two weeks, returned home j last Saturday. I + * * * / Mr. John Tucker, a student at the , University at Chnpel Hill, spent the week end. here with his uncle, Dr. E. J. Tucker. * " > ? * ? : / I Mr. J. J.- Hambrick who is connecte<\ with the Co-oos at Pilot Moun-' tain, spent the week end here with his father, Mr. W. R. Hambrick. * ? Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stafford and children of Petersburg, Va., spent the week end here visiting Mrs. Stafford's mother, Mrs. Millie Woody. * * Rev. R. E. White and Mr. arid Mrs. R- !- Wilburn v/ere visitors in Milton last Sunday. Mr. White filled the pulpit in Milton for Rev. Mr. Nichols, pastor of the Baptist church. r Mr. A. C. Gentry of Bethel MO High School passed through Rosboro last Thursday evening on his way tar attend the ^nesting of the teachers i?- Raleigh.? ? ??--?Mr. L. H. Hill, one of the prominent voting farmers of the Rouggptonfc seption, gave us a call yesterday morning. He had-just suld a load of tobacco with the WiUstead W-arehousc and was greatly pleased with > ; ju-io.s y . ,