J. w. NOELL. EDITOR A> VOL. XL INSURGENTS BLOCK ORGANIZATION ; . ?o STORM IN HQU6E PrcsHent'a Message Can Not Be Delivered Until House it . Organized. Washington, Dec. 3.?Republican insurgents prevented the organisation today of the 68th congress. Hardly had the new house and senate convened at noon before the progressive group in the . house made good ita threat to block; the election of a speaker. Four ballots were taken without result, and the house journed until noon tomot^bw, r Republican organization leaders .^renew their effort to reelect Speaker GiHett. r ,v> SOCIETY. The study Club met wnth Mrs. Geo. Cuuhwa on Thursday Afternoon. ! - Beautiful cut flowers were used over the house. Mrs. Joe Blanks led with the study of Belgium. After the lesson the hostess served a delightful salad course with after dinner coffee. The members present were Mesdames R. G. Cole, T. H. Clay, Mbe Goodman, J. M. Pass. R H. Gates, S. G. Winstead, B. Cm Clayton and Miss Mary Cheek. Miss Ruth Hester very charmingly entertained The Country Club from 4 to 6 o'clock on Thursday afternoon ! at her lovely country home. Hand painted cards Vere given each guest on which 4u plan a perfect Thanksgiving dinner, another card on which to write the many things for which we were thankful. After much fun with the contests Misa Hester served a delightful salad course to the following members and guesta: Mesdames J. B. Satterfleld, T. T. Hester, * Chas. Dnnkley, Emery Winstead, K. "C. W-agstaff, M. J. Daniel. Errol Morton, T. C. Wagataff, Raymond Winstead and Misses Mary Winstead, May Wagataff, Beth, Nellie Mary and Minnie Lee Winstead. MR. F. H. HAKLETT DIES. ^ Mr. F. H. HiamlCtC died at his home _ . ' In Eeamstown last Saturday morn-1 . ing after a long illness. He had been j confined to his bed for something like I twelve months. Mr. Hamlett was a I . member of the firm of Long, Brad-] sher & Company for a number of years, and was easily one of the most j popular salesmen of the town. He was ] a good man, universally liked and j will be greatly missed in the com- i munity. The burial services were held I -_j u. _ wwnvaj' ?TCUIUB OilU XI IS UWUy WHS , laid to rest .in the cemetery. FAMILY REUNION. A Mra, J.' D. Morris Rave a Thanks^B^giving dinner last Thursday to the """"Trimly, making of it a faroliy reunion. I The members of the family present ^P> were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Street, Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Street, Miss Evye Street, Mr. Thomas Street, Mr. John D. Morris, Miss Elizabeth Morris, lit, I tie Billie Street. CoL W. L. Lewis It. was an invited guest. V MR. BLACK ARD KILLS A PIG. ; Our good friend Mr. J. T. Black*rd favored us with a call yesterday morning and stated he had just hia pig.' When asked what it ^ U^*"1 he sa5d 585 Pounds. Had he ^ig until it was grown suppose it would have ^x"nON CAKE SALE. Thee, rakes next auction sale of Metho-I devil's food <*k, ??\ ^>*re will-be I fashioned pound b?w?d, old I ' " eW/tonie and bay yol c^'^*T,ut cake, I day dinner. CARD OF?THAIJkr I wish to thank my neighbors an; friends for their 'patient considers tlon of me and for tbeir faithfully and kindness to me during the il ness and death of my husband. L Mrs. F." H. Hamlett. w?s> , \ " ? 0 Slashtag reductions made ir Coal end Coat Suits at WHburs A Sattoi : XboMutillS A MINU 'imT ' ^m 4D PUBLISHER ROXBOR MILLS-CROWELL. ' Mr. Eugene Mills and Miss Mar; Lee Crowell Marrigd Yesterday. j Beautiful in its simplicity was thi marriage of Miss Mary Lee Crowe 1 | to Mr. Eugene Mills of Raleigh whiph was solemnized Tuesday morit I ing at 9:80 o'clock at the home of :h< I bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L j Crowell in the presence of a number 'of relatives and friends. ' The home was beautifully decora t. j ed with white chrysanthemums ami smila*. Tall white cathedral candle! gleamed against the white of the improvised altar, before which the marriage ceremony wes performed bj Rev. W. O. Sample. fc^Just before- the entrance of the couple Mrs. E. E. Brad she i ^JHaered a short musical program, and Mess. Tom and Clyde Crowell sang solos, the former sang "At Dawnnig," while the latter sang "1 Love You." Little Misses Mary King and Eloise Newell, daintily dressed in white, were flower cHrl? i The bride, gowned in a handsome three piece suit and wearing a corsage of orchids and valley lillies, entered with the groom. Immediately after the ceremony the bride and groom left for a motor trip through (Florida, and will be at home in Raleigh after the. 15th. The bride, popular" and attractive, is a member oi the younger social set of - the town and was educated at Queen's College. Mr. Mills is a native of Raleigh, a graduate of Wake Forest and is a prominent young attorney. Among the out of town guests to attend the wedding were Mrs. T. O. Sguires and Miss Sue - Woodside oi Charlotte, Mrs. J. W. King, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Crowell of South Boston, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Ricks and Mess. Dan and Maple Mills of Raleigh. DOINGS OF THE FOSTER LOCAL. At our last meeting we had a very interesting time. Every member was called on to make a talk in regard to co-operative marketing, to use at least two minutes time. I wil say some -talked more than ten minutes araKone talked less than 49 seconds. Our next meeting will be at Centre Grove school. Everybody come and bring your friends. We are expect, ing something extra. Don't forget the time, Dec. 7th, 1923, 7 p. m. S. Peed, chairman. A, B. O'Briant, sec. MARKET OPENED MONDAY. \J Heavy Sales Monday and Tuesday, with Satisfactory Prices. The market opened Monday after the holidays for Thanksgiving. Sales were the heaviest of the season, ^nd mrices ranged good. On Monday the 'sales reached nearly a quarter million pounds, being about equally divided between the auction houses, with about fifty thousand pounds delivered at the Cooop house. o HALL-WYBERG. V" On Saturday morning Dec. 1st Mr. Otis Hall and Mrs. John Wyberg were quietly married at the home ol the bride. Immediately after the marriage the happy couple left for an -erfitomobile trip to Rocky Mount, N. C. Upon their return they will be a! home on the western extension ol Court Street. ' 0 W LEGION BOYS TO BUILD HUT. A committee from the Americar Legion appeared before the Board ol County Commissioners Monday anc was granted .a permit to build a hut on the corner of the County lot or Court and Lamaar Streets. The Le Slgkm will get busy at once and it i; hoped to see the hot closed in withir the next 90 days. FURNITURE FOR MESS MONET My stock of furniture is very com I plete, and while I am handicapped foi I space to show ib still, I have it anc Iwy prices are just the same as old? 1* little bit cheaper than the othei 1 l"llow. Come in and take a look. ; E. D. Cheek. U T i o NOTICE. For Si. snd Sewing Machines, net I'11 k"wfc nT*' ?H-?riea?- I repai F. B. any make. Sa r. or write cere of 0' N" PhoD Koxfioro, M U> 3. Army Stow HOME FIRST, / O, NORTH CAROLINA, , ^ Personals ? ' Miss Nsney Frarfklin spent Sunday in Oxford. * ! Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Feathereton spent Thanksgiving day in Durham.1 - Mrs. H. S. Morton and little daagh-1 ( : ter are visiting relatives in Gastonia. ? * Mrs. Dunlap of Ansonville is visiting her son, Mr. E. P. Dunlap. ? ? . . ' Mr. Stafford Bates' spent Thanks- ' 1 giving in Brookneal, Va. ? . Miss May Willscn of Smithfield j spent last week here. 1 I ... . 'Mr. Merrimon Burns of Winston spent Thanksgiving with his parents. I .... u- ei-i- o-ii _-f 1 *>m. v>?jut ii.au Vi ivOifign UpCI|> Thanksgiving here with relatives, * ? Mr. C. B. Goswick of Durham apent 1 the week end here with friends. * * 1 ' Mr. M. Woody of Wilmington, N. C. spent Thanksgiving with his moth- j. er Mrs. Nannie Woody. ?.??' i' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mullins of South I Boston spent Sunday with Miss Ola Woody. * * * * ' ! ' Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Carver of 1 South Hill. Va., spent Thanksgiving ' with Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Carver. ' 1' ? * ? ill Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Beam spent ' i Thanksgiving visiting friends in ' Lanrinburg. ; ? ? ' i 11 Mesdames J. M. Pass, R. M. Spen_ ' cer and Miss Elizabeth Noeil spent 1 1 last Tuesday in South Boston. 11 * *? < Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wood of Chase City spent Sunday with Mr. J. H. 1 Wood. i* ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. W. NoeU and Mrs. 1 W. S. Clary, Jr., spent. Monday [in 1 Raleigh. -V t' * ? ' j< Miss Virgie Wilson of Bushy Fork spent the week end with Mrs W. T. 1 Kirby. Ij ? j I Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hall returned home Monday from a visit to Roeky Mt., N. C. . ./ . j1 mess. a. f. ityland and ilartin 1 Walker of South Hill spent the week 1 end here, ' ( Miss Lucille Montague of the 1 county spent several days last week with Miss Lorraine Bailey. * ] Mrs. Jno. A. "Noell returned to her ' home in Greensboro Monday morn- ' ingr. |1 * * 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bates spent ' Thanksgiving at their home in Brook- ' ' neal, Va. : - * * * * Mrs. Carr Timberlake of Durham' , -tfpent several days last week with . Mrs. Timberlake's parents. * e * ' Mr. Tom Street of Chapel Hill spent the week end with his parents at Mill 1 ' Creek. |! ? < 1 Mrs. W. L. Guthrie spent Thanks- 1 giving with her parents in South 1 ' Boston. |1 ' / ? . ] <' Misses Lattimore and Elisabeth I Masten of Durham spent several ' days last week with Mrs. H. H. Mastan. 1 i ' Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Markhara and . ' children' of Durham spent Thanksgiv- 1 < ' ing Day witH Mr. and Mrs. J.. W. i ' Noell. i< * * * * l< Miss Francis Thompson of Trinity' i ' College spent Thanksgiving here with I her parents Rev. and Mrs. B. C. Thompson. * ? ? Mr. and Mra. Walter Jones of * Farmville spent several days last , " week with Mr. and Mrs. ^Stephen1. Jones. ? I] r Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Clary, Jr., of Robersonville, oame home last Wed-1 nesday for Thanksgiving. Mr. -Clary, returned to Robersonville Sunday, evening. 1 r * * *.* r Mr. and Mi's. Thomas Conley of ( ? Mull Ins, S. C? spent a few days with ! Mrs. Conley's parents, Mr. and Mrs.' i,; Briggs of Hurdle MQls, N. C.^ IKNG S HUM", SCHOO' IBROAD NEXT I Wednesday Evening D THE PLAY IN HAPPINESS THE ELUAS DAT PLAYERS On Tuesday Night The Wornaaa' Club Will Spenser the Beat Play of the Season. The Womana' Club, ever on the alert for amuiing and entertaining :he people of Roxboro and surround, ing section, will aponser the play, "In Soppiness." Among the many good ihings which have been presented to >y msny to be the very beat. It haa >>een played in Richmond, Norfolk ?nd other large citiea and' haa receivid the highest praise. THE PLAY* "Happiness" has nev;r before been produced in Lyceum, tt was written by Hartley Manners, author of "Peg O' My Heart" and numerous other successful plays. Laurette Taylor, the famous aciress used it for two years in New i'ork and Oh imago besides touring die country. The play itself is on the order of 'Peg O' My Heart" and has in it a fine lesson. Jennie, the little shop firi, is one of the best characters seen n any play in the last twenty years ind the story is interwoven around ;he lives of "just human beings." The >lot shows how a yodhg New York ihcp girl, uneducated, but intelligent ind with an ambition to be "somcK>dy," enters the lives of a wealthy n schedule time, hence they have derided to take it off for the present, lust as soon as the detour, is elimnated the line will open for btiaifieas. MR. JONES MAKES A GOOD DELIVERY. Mr. J. R. Jones of Moriah, one of the real Co-ops, made a delivery here yesterday which Was very pleasing to him, being far more than he expected to receive. Be delivered 608pounds and received a clear check for $103.80, averaging for his first payment $17.78. rrhWIC DTUDFTVO f ? r-tr ?mTO r-?ri? "???*. oiuti Mii.o ?Ava niiu vur. At the Field Trials in Durham last week Mr. -E. V. Boatwright's dog, John Bimpkins Jack, won the silver nip given by the association, winning Brat place in the race for members if all age. John Bimpkins Jack is an exceptionally fine dog, having won several cups in the races ran by him. COMING! COMING! At Jalong auditorium Friday, Dei-ember 7th, at 8 p. m., All-Star Minstrel, for the benefit of S. & D. of E. Admission, 85 and 60 cents. One hoar >nd fifty minates of fun and laughter., "UNCLE JOSH." On Friday night, December 7th, "Uncle Josh" will give a play at Ailensville High School auditorium. Admission 15 and 25 cents. Everybody come. D. H. .Crannpton, Principal. | AUDITORIUM FniV loxux $130 ecember 5th, 1923 CO-OP CASES HEARD IN DURHAM. The following Co-op cues were bcmrd in Durham this week: The contempt case against G. E. Harris and wife was continued in Durham and will be heard at Oxford on Dec. 28th. Newton Davis was sent to jail for 3 days and fined $60.00 and costs for contempt of court. Tom B. Davie, mortgagee, was enjoined from selling certain tobacco and cited to appear before Judge Devin in Hillaboro on Tuesday the 11th of December Bid ? why he should not sell the tobacco at ahction at the court house door, after giving ten days notice. NOTICE. Regular meeting of Lester Blackwell Post No. 188, A. L, will be held Saturday night, Dec. 8th, at which time plans for new club will be discussed. C. C. Garrett, Adjt. PATTY MAKES THINGS HUM. Bring the whole family to see "Patty Makes Things Hum," given by the B. Y. P. U. Friday night, December 7th, 8^>'clock sharp. "PATTY MAKES THINGS HUM." ?o ? The play entitled "Patty Makes Things Hum" will be given by the B. Y. P. U. It will' be worth while. Watch for the date. Misses Nellie Wade and Martha Lee Bass of Averett College spent Thanksgiving here with their parents. * * Mr. and Mrs. Broadus Brooks of Raleigh spent Thanksgiving with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Markha^i and sons, Tbomaa and Robert Noell, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Noell last Thursday. a * * Dr. and Mrs. B. R. Long and Master Bill, who visited relatives here dur-' ing the past week, returned to their i home in Greensboro Sunday. ? ? ? Mr. Harold Thaxton of Drakes Branch, Vs., spent Thanksgiving here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Thaxton. , .... / Mr. T. T. Hester and Mrs. T. E.i Austin are visiting their sister, Mrs. Cochran in Newton, N. C. They made the trip in Mr. Hester's car. * * Miss Eugenia Ponder of Salisbury was a guest of Miss Hattie Burch; for the week end. ?.V*f Dr. R. H. NoelJ, of Rocky Mount spenfc Ihirtfcsgiyjdg-irdaY here with h(s tfaWa 5^. WjMra. J. W. Maell. '* Mr. * Harvey G Cla^on spent the week end here with his father, Mr. H. G. Clayton. He left Monday morning for Graenville, Tehn. .... We enjoyed a pleasant call last (Friday from our young friend, Mr. C. H. PadnteT. While a young man, still he has been a regular subscriber to The Courier for mora than 20 veara. And beat of all. he aavs The Courier gets better and better, and is the first paper read at his house. NOTICE. I will on Saturday Dec. 15th, 1923, sell to the highest bidder for cash all my horaes, cows, corn, feed and farming tools. Sale begins at 10 o'clock, a. m., at our home on the premises of L. B. Clayton. This Dec. 3rd, 1923. 12-5, 2tipd D. C. Duncan. If it is a Xmas present for Him, or a present for Her you will find it at Wilbura & Satterfield. LOST, automobile license No. 218449, on Mebane? Prospect highway between Gibsonville and Roxboro, or between Jalong and Brooksdale. If fouKl return to The Courier office and rWfeive reward. A. 0. Painter, ltpd. ROOMS for light housekeeping. Board for young men. Mrs. Abbitt, Academy Street. ltpd. Don't fail to visit the bazaar at the Methodist church Saturday, December 8th. Bring all the family and get a good dinner. Don't fail to visit the bazaar at the Methodist chnash Saturday, December 8th. Bring all the family aad get a good dinners Y NIGHT 8:00 O'CLOC ' . .It h*tjk . . it' PER YEAR IN ADVANCE No. 4 9 NOTICE SALE OF VALUABLE LOTS AND FARMS AT CUNNINGHAM STATION PERSON COUNTY, N. C. The undersigned Commissioner, will on Wednesday December I9th, 1923, beginning at J ^o'clock P. tT. on the premises at Cunningham Station, N. C. sell to the highest bidder for cash, several lots fronting on new sand clay road, also about sixty acres at nne farming lands, plots of same can be seen at my office in Roxboro, IT. C. and also at T. H. Owens store at Cunningham, N. C. This Nov. 27th 1823. N. Lunsford, Oommissioner. SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY. On Saturday Dec. 22nd, 1923 at the court house door, I will sell to'the highest bidder, my George Barnett Farm of 114 acres, including the house and lot formerly belonging to Niclc Reade. This Farm is around 400 yds. from the New Baker Millr ing property. Also at same time*and place, I will sell my new 6 room, 2 story residence, situate in the South East section of the tojg of Roxboro on "New Street," being a part of the lots purchased of A. M. Bums. This is a new building, recently constructed, and now occupied by Ira Wrenn, said lot being 75 x 210 ft. and fronting on "New Street", and well furnished with lights and water. For further particulars, see said Ira Wrenn ot T. C. Brooks. J. T. Walker, owner. sj T. C. Brooks, Lawyer. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of the superior court of Person County in tjint certain special proceeding pending therein entitled "J. D. Winstead and others vs C. E. Winstead and others", we, as commissioners therein appointed and directed will on DECEMBER 81, 1923, at 12 o'clock noon at the conrt house door in Roxboro, N. C. sell at publid sale to the highest bidder or bidders that certain tract or parcel of land formerly owned by the late J. W. Winstead, situated on Mayo River in Holioway Township, Person County, \r .c p. ? i;? ? -' ? * xwiwx voioiina, unown as tne caira Tract, adjoining lands of the Woody estate, the G. D. Neal estate and William Lbftis, containing 289.1 acres . more or less. The said tract of land . will be offered in lots or subdivisions cf convenient and desirable size?,*lhe right being reserved to sell the same in such lots or in combinations thereof or the entire tract as a whole. TERMS OF SALE: One-third cash, one_third one year from December 31, 1923, one-third eighteen months from December 31, 1923, deferred payments bearing interest from date of sale. This November 27, 1923. J. D. Winstead K. C. Wagstaff, .12 5 4ts. Commissioners. o NOTICE. Owners and mortgagee take notfee that the land listed and described below was sold for taxes on Augnst 27th. 1923, and is being readvertised by purchasers as follows as "prescribed by law: M. N. Gentry, 68 acres in Holloways township. Lula Bailey, 28 acres in Roxboro township. Mrs, Bffie Woodall, 3 1-2 acTea in n? w? John W. Hester, 60 acre* in Mt. Tirsah township. Mack Barton, 100 acres in Mt. Tirzah township. HayWood Davis, 1 acre in Wboisdale township. W. C. Carver, 10 acres in Woodsdale township. Squire McOee, 42 1-2 acres in Olive Hill township. D. W. Ledbetter, W. G. Bradahfjft I-ADIES BAZAAR. The ladies of the Baptist church * will hold their annual bazaar on Saturday, Dec. 16th, in the Jackson garage. All kinds of fancy work win be on sale, and dinner will be served. Doors will be open at 11 o'clock, A. M. Every one is cordially invited to [call and see the display and make their Christmas purchases. Don't forget they are expecting you to take dinner with them. CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE. Jersey and Charleston Wakefield. Early. 16 cents per haftiAred. SatuA faction guaranteed. T. G. Pool, i gilina, Va. 12-5, !K DECEMBER TTH*~ .