-WMW W'WtT Imf#, -MU9LL1 rAGE SEC I Queer I I Feelings I I "Some time ago, I was very $ 8 SSuUr'" writes Mrs. Con fej 1 Mt. of Plkeviile, Ky. "1 % H suffered a great deaf, and knew -A O 1 must do something for this )S2i a condition. I suffered niostly 3 with bit back and a weakness in r-xi ? mv limbs. I would have dread- Ay BB ha headaches. . I had hot flashes 62, ?9 and veryqueer feelings, and oh, VA 8 bo?j fnr^e^d hur'l Jread ot ip) l M (8 Hie Woman's Tonic | B and of others,* who seemed to W have the same troubles 1 bad, % B being benefited, so 1 began to Kj B use It. I found it most Dene- kfc 9 fidaL I took several bottles E2 B .... and was made so much fia B better 1 didn't have any more R? G8 trouble of this kind. It reg- (22 VZL ulated me." Kb Cardul has' been' found very K. ? helpful in the correction of many J25j f2{ cases of painful female dis- Kj W orders, such as Mrs. Robie K R mentions above. If you suffer fgl as she did, take Cardul?a [2: R purely vegetable, medicinal ?| Lgl tonic, in use for more tiian 40 wi 1 years. It should help you. Vn Sold Everywhere. ^ ^ Wt TfTutt's Pills f. \ Unc/frcM as an 4/ I EKIl-EUCUS WEKCWE ] 4 I ^tlnuVttn tor?M li-jr. etjptiCUuta lj I nl; C'hniJi.horiaj i? i >ui oh ud Liver'i!nl)!ct3 for staunch troaW-. imligcs'ii'}>.'ii?23that iqn>wd tba heart., Mfiiniineia r.sd cor. Vipatiob; GbamlwrUiu'e Salve, needed i.i. t'.'crj famiJy'fnr burn*, scalds, wouiwl , j aod chip affection-; theso TrtUici finely ?#dicin*? foe ouly 5 years. WILL SELL AT AUCTION on Doc. Bth, 1923, at 12 o'clock on the premises. Any cue wishing to purchase before day of ssle will see me. Price Reasonable. C. C. KITE. Virgiiina, Va. Route 1 i ' o :?*- ' Dr. S. Rapport AT DAVIS' DRUG STORE. BEGINNING DECEMBER itti, Dr. 8. KAPPCRT of Durhavm will be at DAVIS DRl'G STORK instead of the Hotel, every first Wed need ay in' each month, to examfat* eym and lit Rtasirag. My nckt yisTC\tvill be .Wednesday December TO SEE BETTER, SEE ME,Eg KTJHJEHAM Ofa'PiGE it: ilAKo ST TJFFOSITE POST OFFICE. CONSTIPATION tt. - A nwieo of many l|l?, norm. * ' Jul to elderIjr.tKKfpls. ^ Atecn relief I' tZh'jtt . .. fAftRTS'.- 5 cflaothro- only 2ij Wei bes 41 Making tip a Christmi delightful pastime for fill it with the pretty things from Millet & -TP Shopping at our Chr tables is the last tvort nience. Gifts are grouj ing to price. All the j table are the sam< \ c= iiftMimar Schedule Effective April 30 1922 j p. m. >. mi a. m. p. m.' x5:SO,*7:0O lv. Durham or. 11.00 9il5 <7;D9/3:13 lv Itoxboro ar. 9:23-7:54 :1". lv. ik-nnlston ar. 8:4," 7:19 xS:20|'#s05 lv. S. Boston ar. 8:lS|fij5t> iS:3C 9:19 lv. Halifax ar 8:0216:48 til ilii.*11:40 art I ynehg. lv. B:80'4fl5 Dally airf x Unify fix. Sun.' Connections at LyncHbarg with; '. TSTTor und sleeping cars dining ':rts. Ta?. heat rotitu to the west end lortkwest. Rates arid information \ on application to agent, o? Wy C. SATINDERS, I . General Pass. Acent lloanok?, v'a F.45 about that next, job .of print-. i' r irt'stnoticn send yotn^^^j 7 v ire prepai t Christn Year by Christina our friends cor This year w f shopping plea: * ? '; bigger stocks, How fortun ^ :,.v lished in our r jr over the great W , all stocked wi A setting for you ^ Christmas is is aglow with " 'in is. a things, brough those aho J? f and useful thrill you with the most deligl your shopping Always a CI tables. Gifts i are gifts for gifts for $5, ai just the price; It's a simpl know about h don't know ju p) ?trouble of sear the table to fit has an astonis the store. BRl If you are d Iw R mond, come ii Christmas dis ' hundred,s of h conceivable ta roomy; there i isimas gift in comfort wit ( in con veiled accord- what to buv fo ;(/? on one ' , , . s price or tneiul, ask i sensible sugge RiCI muMUjJMWyiaaja.1!. NOTICE SALE OF VALUABLE LANl} '?0'? ' , . Under anil by virtue of '*e .intimity conferred upon me by a judjtmenl of the Superior Court of Pernor County, made in that special prdcee city*. entitled E1U A.- Clayton^ anr Wallace Xlaytort Vs. Willie L; Clayton efc ah . V -X y- ill . r.;V. MfiStDAV DfrCFMfaS 3rd, ma at 12 o'dock M. in so door 0/ wfll'tp the l>i(fhe*t the lariSs mohtionwi vAi the Petition in r^ro , 1?'' Tll^tJijpWitst, N. C, bonnd>?rm* PJmu- Ceorm Mitchell, .' Jfl .'iiichci! on Soul!'. ' ( < 0* . acr-cs more o?# lcsf^ a* ' "T ... Rhoads * I ? ? 3u?? " i'. .t ..- 7v red for th( las we ha year the .list pf our loyal frienc is becomes a bigger event as mor< ne here to do their Christmas sho e are better prepared than ever nant, comfortable and satisfactoi more room anil more employees 1 ate it is that this holiday season t lew store. What a brilliant sigt expanse of roomy aisles and ordi ith exquisite new things! Whs ir Christmas shopping! a glorious time at Miller & Rhoni the holiday spirit. A glimpse t from almost every* country on 4 the joy of giving. Counter aft it fid suggestions for Christmas g trip an adventure in happiness. iristmns feature at Miller & Rho ire arranged according to price. I. On another, gifts for $2. On rid so on. On one of these table pou want to pay. e matter to shop from these ta ow much you want to spend fi st what to buy, these tables will ching from department to depar your purse, then pick your gift hiiig variety of things selected oing any of your Christmas shop i and see the new store with it play. A walk down the aisles appy ideas for gifts, something ste and disposition. The aisles s no crowding. You can make y Wrtllt fiSialiriOf T C > Ii.uui/ i vvwiig X iiouvu. 11 VUU ill C r mother, father, husband, wife, J our salespeople. They could nia! stions. , O N r WTr 1 II . 1 A ^ I! II I 6r\mf I ' jUwJ ? asssaoEare the Will C'-iyton place. ^jA 2nd. ,;t jsgfHP borj^ Township Person Coiajt^ JY' bounded on North bja J*?'" jlT" . described, on EaU . South by .1, T.^BF? } ?St by ' T r> d 51 acres more- orjSIP^1" W' W nesMHHW? Wn - cm ^ . N. T.unsford, Commissioner. Hall's Catarrh; j^adtcto? TreatmentboUcsi end Internal, and hes iV r. succeed fj^rinthe treatment. ot Catarrh for over ; . ? -" ' x ,m ' k j. chiwey..^ .CP.# rv:cdo, phio : ' ?,s-r * *? ?5???????7?~? . - ' e biggest ve ever h Is grows, and i and more of pping. to make their ~y. We have to serve them. ? |\^J inds us estabit to look out erly counters, it a splendid Suggestic Leather Got Jewelry Is. The store at the lovely tUhJJamii ^ Candy he globe, will "i" er counter of ??oki!a** Stationery ifts will make v*""" ads is the gift On one table still another, s is a gift for bles. If you >r a gift, but save you the T!Ym/! tnient. Find if Each table I from all over r - J 'Ping in Rich- ' ThL H s magnificent ^>C1'- i I tt'Ill /I i c/>lr?co ' VIIoviuav ??i4' p . v[fP to suit every are wide and jbrirfc our sections *" fuizzled about Z'JiZfu brother, sister " gifts are c, ke a thousand ?3. at i2 O'CLOCK ... i.lie following d--a ibe-d tract oi li nd and be;'" - ;:1 r, r. y i n.vp-, rhi,' Per, CT6rth, and "' ' . r ' :>. -\!."l! : ' : : on the"North and Best, containing. /sgtS 1? asro8, more or less, had I'oia# -lfla| ltnovrn as the home plSjCc of the late . J. R. J1' A&jjaMaBB this Oct. 27th, I. . ' -K^ a JONKS,- T^uA*Vr'ni. D,. Mervttt, .Utjr. . ' I R|Ut FARMS) F^tU. SAI.K . f~ffi'irii'i ii'iJHrfnF-1.If*0!?-.' loft) well taJterl to cocton T* ~*e9a JjUYl^ki ^ f 11-21 "t.^ pr? i SUTaSCRHJE xo ..THhl.-. COJjBI^ ? I - ^U>? I.I. ? ' - ? . I ' ' . '