a - - ' . u bSl..,- '- "i |#"NOMn,, CDIT.OR AN No. ixl ". '-y y *--- - , V ILL.SEN-n Mi-:o ^_L - - Growing Cotton to -?^ i y ;?? .-n'y.'.?: 9| ijp (State Cofht-- 1S6stiori. Do?;; 20. 13S3. plecUK'ti V acknowledge the -r letter of the- J3th, - -* 'e ? oj. Therein your County talcing up thic WrJ-' 'ghOwiuja of cottOh R3 one of their | moncyTfcrops. ;.y-For several years'See have .thought. ;t># t'hb very y?ug. but have been to _ I _sx. otir cenefal work ' - hgt we'hs e'not put the mattgv ' " . before the people. 6t pourse, ve ?J? not' u.iy's.' lit.;., abrujr phange," in faaprt- prtnhires. : uvh as quitting .if i'oVaera growing ?n.i joW entirely iptn i n itrotritag,. or engaging in -"on growing on a large scale. un - til C^nakleragle experience . has beep . ui<jtttted -in the rmatter. V jr< :i tgidfctacles that will be untered in ..rrhwinp cotton ' in County.' but thy the observance ' -of r.rojier precautions we feel sun T that none of >hOm are aericuh dhougfc . in prohibit' profitable cotton, growing. JChese obstacle.-! are poor jrtethods of farming generally; a somewhat short ' growing" seaaon-juKl {he boll weevii. " t^ - the blotter \yitti farr - mers, I find "that "we eitall have pneweeg ra nw iiri'OI January, ttf ?i ?iifte* t*a g7th nf Jafelmj.I prespbie you yyould want to hold a K * u erajjn eoiuw* of farmers wpu might 'he?tjoncorned at Roxboro.- After tfcia it paijrlht T?- advisable to hold several I -wSj -Ot&erpleeWDg at difference points in '--tjhs^County in" order to reach such o- j&k .'iftrntere a? -murip not attend at Rox' -fedro.Ttfetr. of course, should be held : -i '.fonstf < n.- order to save the n>~ (In? ttid expense of travel - of "o^r ? ? " dParkftra. If .yott-Aoude to 4a this, I . . would- -suggest! the woyk* beginning * January. TSr.-but will JStve that matI ntn-encloSiptr ? circular just' corn* piled-by. era t-Agronomy. Division cor-" I. osiming this very taatfSr. It m>y be I well to have-; thi? published in your j| bounty papers t if you decide to put * .. 1he matji-r evrj. AlwAhera^is jection-io hfSJuSg ihy - augMj^-rgesitlon rjfb ?t. when you have deeirtktei'whaT jAu want io fin and the time. ML, gjfrise.. me aacordingta?i thtf tpimectiopf- lot. me "siy . that ill be pleased y- Cohrty month. ^^HKty" if nccentary and discuss ^^^Rjwing with your farmers, PJP^-nat you-.-nbed now pioxt ail ie'.ywa tooar- theye is j| : - nothing Hke the personal touch ano p - - - Mam- tftrHhe- grounds whinwork of this oharadtg* if to be,carried oil. If you-hold ft-mcv.jng of your far-. Commit. ,.i< f e?WMr"S?ieh-a Demoe ^ SCTtiPot)!^ +?m*. there pWtfa ke spm/ L'eneril ltti/*wlM)ge * ci * bo.: er %o th?t the people might Jeterihine it they. .r'*Hy tjtefc to* take np t matte an.f then the CommU'% --oners woul : "T^nt to I. iov. what] ^HP^.dentA'.i-l existed'tor ycttiny a Demon-] 1?' JtratimwAghtrt" . - W[ . jTh->iikin(t yp f/ir> yoty letter end!; 5* r :. h'jping to hear from 'you ogam. 11 gp*" . Very afnfcMrely yohr. ^ -*| ^ V St4ttC -THt BEtr ' _] fin. Ort-ije^ r~:' uJi+1 ,A-?WO<V.a^1 r' . . ' . ' ' ... ]v;.. ' r*-" - - rn --- : y rfrtTtffBlffiftT. tiprt -XliT?f. _ _ P_1 : .. I- ''I.-VAX HOOK WVDir.NG '/ A lii.irriett of r.urti uti e;t fere/, and : broughent the state- vi4fe Tof.f1" en>niteii Monday, JJeetmWra ?4th,'|. /The- ceromony was -jieurformed In > ,\ the' 5fetH'6cK$f p^trsonajje, Rexjborij, f, N, by Rev. B. C Thompson, - a/n i .-i -n of ,'hr-. ! I i- - Pay : if-nhf (if the family , flfnd * feS? relatives wit; y, nesaedt the ceremony. ' f< Immediately a ftef* the'sers^pe the- w younc couple IWt for Iicbmoad. Wash* gjngtc'n and. other points north. "S They will ,bc &dme in Foyettevjlle s< after January.'1, 1924. ^ lr?, : . 4U? x J , 4HIS. ? UUJ "13 Gilt jruMllKCSX . ir ter o{ MA and Mrs. 0. J. Van Hook r1 of Oftudlo Mills; N. C. She is ? ' charming young girl, possesses a win- tl nit>g personality and e^hosty of fri- rr ends'in. both her home town and m TWettcville, yherv she has viaiteA w <tu>to often. s( Mr, Pool is the son of Mm. 'Cailte nc Pool of Rayetteville. He is 11 jousr v. man" of --servient character . an - is- a prominently engaged m business TTT n his homo town. His 'geniality and tl splendid business ability have made him highly esteemed member" of the Q younger circle, of business/ men.' R -? !T ' i/fe; GENTBY-eoOCH s -? ' ? .'* - . St A wedding of much interest to the a fheny friends was that of Miss n Myrtle Gooeh of Timberlake, if. C., o to Mr. Roy Gentry of Rcfxbdro. ffhe p wedding occurred in the home of the tl tilde's mother, Mrs. J. R. Gooch at c T imik-rlake on Wednesday December h 24th nt 5:80 o'clock, p. m. Only dose relatives .and atfqw friends witness-, tl etT" the certiaony; # mA*?the .-appointed hour the guests- "j, assembled in the-parlor, which way i.esi'sW.-.li- lii.coi .:;ul -in - Imt -a evergreens*. The bride and groom en, _ Hired?while?iiieiallrsuinjs?Wedding March mas?softly ruddered on thb ^ violin. The,, imprassivo rin^ ceremony ^ was used, Rev. W. O. ..Merritt offie- ,. iating. The bride wfcs ilvnly in a going-eway gown- of brown cloth with accessories to: match. ' Mrs. Gentry before her marriage' Sl was a very popular member of the achoel faculty injier community. The people feel grandly indebted to her ' tor' the -splendid -work she has done p In the past few year a.. She is a col- jjj lege graduate. -.-~y *, Mr. Gentry "is a prominent farmer i"? of this county. _ b Immediate ly after the peronvony; J' the bride's mother served, a' th'reis ~ course dinner to the guests after s which the bride aiW gr<x>m left on the a bound train fgr an extended wedding 0 tour. ^Vhen they .return they will be * at homey Haletm.-jC ? . DEATH OF JOHN W. BERRY. H /? y-:- ' . ^y? ' P Friends of -Mr. John W. Btfrry will l' learn with deepfsorrow and regret of his recent illness and death on Saturday evening Dfecerpber 22nd, "at e the home of/Mr.. Ai' f."Jfeeexu at 0 Berry VGrpve, with. whom- be has r made him borne for anumbpr of years. Ho was ill of pneumonia only at few 1 days prior to death. The funeral ifir- w yica, which was very beautiful and n imprwssiie was conducted, ftuui-Barry's Grove Church Sunday by Rev. ? Mr, Beach" of Htttsboro, N. ,C.. with the attendance of ^urdle Mitl* Godge * of Thie Junior Order In a body, whfch f iTrvitv-ttnrs TuedwlThrgrnfr tuist- 1 id by Rev. .Beach. ' u The deceased xi-as <i son of IT oh rt It. and Bctti Bowlihlfi" 0-ri-y atui.^le s survived by seven-brothers "and slaters, Mas. Jj^S^Bsrry, Hurdle Mills, n NV C'.; Mrs, A- F-, ^ru?e, Timber- a ioi-a v r MVo Trfo ir N. Mr^'w: j; Rogers; Tiraberlake' ? N, 0., Mr. WI P. Barry, Rougemont, ? N. C., Mr. W. A: Berry, Timberloke, 'f -iff. ,C.( an* T. E ."-Berry, Oiirfian^ N: J Thecal!, Bearers were Wes-re. tt. c B. Hblman, Arthnr Rtrirmer. Ismc R+rnmrf; Bttty-fcraem. MahQ Pnrri*fc< 1 E*Pa>ri?h. Al.-toaje_ajut.Rpy Rogers'. The Ffowff bearers watte Messrs* ' TtaEmyTrai^ffacew; IUaj;.1.' limnm-l" Berry. Waiter Berry, 3mRogerA Stfflii Roger*, Wujyft TVigi r.? TW* f Clyila Repay. - c F7? 1 | Of httHTfcH MMOl -: -tfBe're M U^mrrTThF-h? =hTf5 rFester 7.oral i* nfjU" lleikj riijiWn i at At a Hanaoh-y . hou^t. '. p. i?Han>5 kiveiftrtjrtA ' "hi t 1' ' V :' " .> V- FPbF~' " > - .. -- - ; y *-? : . ^ I . Q9^ I i1"-; , * _ VvT ,. vr'i 3m ^ * ?> .-' ' ^s?' -'*? ' ??>' . -v'* i _J_ . .. . _: ... ^ (n.lTlCA!. TiyS^'Tn AT YOJPK'.t IN XllHTH X'AROL,!X A j v >r gove'rnor of Norlk' Ciurolina ^rffni.ycr.^'BS naniart himrplf many ' ?aS -before. and had been w?itirtgM| ;r .the ring, lightning to -atrikfc t-ut jSjj hat made'it possible for him t'o haoeTSP ny show, ' wm .the direct word -<njH enater V.^M. Simmons, thafc'nS2cijS| >n "Was entitled to the place.'Q. T?i I the majority of the votetiflfl i '.hat great primary vote for .tfor-j*! !SO?t? r ' "* v -pi A. Yesi'in the second primary. In I lit te. first round Pafee and Gardner haft,)'*" lany thousands of mere than|B [Orfison/ gut in the second primary, # lith two politicians running, Morris >' >n had- the- lead because he waa-Sim- Jj ions' man, and because -those who ?ted far him stood better a show to ffl nything to be given out; or to the jjj tan -who was "reguiaP'~votlng fori ft te man the ring said ' . j? Q. Who has Senator SiriTfiienS.'^ ?v. Morrison and the ether . .ting mders said-shall be the next- Gov- ? rnor of " North t.aroUpa.7 ' [ I A- Ang^s WiltonHtcLoan of Robe- W jn county; the man the Courier gave hislory of in a recent num^ihv^Thia % urn haa the foil endorsement of govrnor Morrison, although it- did aps 4j ear for about .21 hours," At one tima^'M pat - he might favor his" present rotary of state, tV. ff.'^hrerett, whom '# e appointed to the present place, j3' Q. Why was not Max Gardner,)-3 not fino e rvn ci Vtn airsaaao. nVnn nn/1 I H irmer not named "by the ring as~7j$ ears, and.a man from, the west for jUww fuui jLaj.1. Gufdnar bring a _ -estem man has. to wait until his irn comes, else he will have : the Ing to fight. Q. Who is now in line to follow IicLean. when he has been elected and y srved four years? , A: Q. Max Gardner, has already eon named, fojr the ring candidate 1 Dr 1928" and John G- Paws on, thj r resent speaker of the Home is liated to succeed Gardner in 1832. GOT another man run" for" the amocraf goVernor. of this" state and ave the endorsement of auch men . s-Mortison and Simmons and others ? -A, No. The ring Will do its -best; n pend thjousandssaof dollars ,to Seat njr ma? aiw dares to run, be he ver so good. If yah doubt it j?st read "hat Brock Barkley _ynds tha W1U vington StarT'fKe Wl^iton Journal, * he Abbeville dtiicn and The Charltte Observer, and note. What that aid hirplybt is-doing to. Josiah Wil- ^ am Bailey, even before he says he ^ -ill run. ...\j j! Q. Is there any way the common ' very day voters of this good state an smash.the slate of this 12 year . ing? . , A_ Yes, by v?tihg against the man he'Trjrig endorses. That Is the only' ray, McLean is already, named to Tie orttina'ted and- eleeted-governor next . ? 1 nf% f 'i_j x _ 1 J.J' v.. *' wnf ?iHi 13 m w.Buccewugu wy ? (..Max Gardner n 1928, and> John G. T mwson in 1932, as rewards; fblr doing , dtat tije ring says. If you, ? -*. oltl" en, want to have apy say jo da w.Jfo ^ om-eT-nt^wI titostate, yau are due ? 0 vote for the rhatj who runs-against _ L. W, Mc Loan, let it be Bailey or ?rn?HotherTre*-whlte tjnjra. S. How is it possible for a .few ten to pick oat a governor or a sentor and'-get hira eleVUld ? \ ,A. There are thousands and thouB- a nds -of. otherwise good citizens in alt ^ arts' t>t the state who are forward, ^ 1 chorcjr and civic affairs, who hayo'j ? or ygars utipwed the ring and poli-|;? icians to name the man ,?hey*ma"rcTTt^ Ut and yote for. TV <tr Why do good "people do saehffy nrc.**:o"ic .afts-* - .? I y A, THey are busy malting nton?l.|3 z% tiyinie. Many drmotrrnad d?.keen r il iiilir ilil lnkin nad.."ji.i>i mli iiii docks, like the ward or the townhip. hcelcjs say. - <, fig What Jias such trifling with T ..itGr.n.-hip brniwh; to this Taj ? lie! 'K \ "' . ^A^V^^Mvcnfde^ed whom he in-e f?2 <:,3' ? * - ik *' ' ' ~Q "What ha-tith?"' ; r to a&'wjfo! 6 ?this r.onev that haf b4en raised nyn taxable haiuUt Vf^J |A<? fi T ' twi ,oTr -b'Kh . thai; Mv is e . to blow it . v abbot, and ":'Vo.jr : ?,v nVo'1 ' fcarrowo.l'niorfv to: [B*tcrity " tsf VST fitr,. and fTOfr tlre-j 6mc of ds living, v^ry many fcj will have to rebuild them; lf?re.'t-he bond* ace r .t_due. . ' <>. W-hat "else b?V- - .j for-all-: Sllions of laic ires "blnd?? ?"? f * the rural seh< irmet -1i interested in; that are >o Inducted that his children all want i eat*; for the city as fast as finutf-. t In these' cbeala and-.colleges, in Irt-th.e education 'they.get''fits their jlf for'City"l'lfe;y 1Q. AVhat else came frbut borvTis?es of 'the Morrison admintdtfatlen.; EL' ^rrUrged hospital* lot the intjjant, which for the most T>srt was Beded, but Which, like all other imlueeuwiu*. left fui our chfldren and randchlldren to pay foh. 1 pe h me' dn this Itnte h3 the country wn.H;- on do rtii junty and State "a real Aervlce -by! M?K KlMillimr. Willi liidntfiliy loaded BOS.-for any main or set of men who' E-hip a line of. succession for offlep siding, esch under obligation to hit. fedacessoe and hi* successor. There in he no clean" and 'representative*, tanernment under epch~ chndlttDTiiv jr - adaptability and fitness for apc-.ntive offices will play no art..Bins L heelers and such will fill every | npbintive office, from Supreme Court IStice on down the lipe. The nrin^jjfl fets ilie way to -Clean up the llne;l 8$ the only qualification rmoi^ax.v -to read and think and be four own f;ii . C. W. Hunt. ??.?o ? * makbiagk U* uiiao UICV rd'will be surprised/to learn. of lier mrriage to Mr. Darcy Norfleet Preen-.-Both of these young, people, re froor Peracfc rf>uti > apd are very opular among a hiat of .friends, hey wve married at Houston, Vs.. feci 26th, 1923, after which they ante--to-the home of the-groom Rtvd rijoyed a very ueiigntrui supper along a large number of-frlfenda and datives. They will' make their borne . Person County ;and we wish the51 long and happy life.?A Friend, m U . # THE t^RLD AND YOU he world Ja_ what you make it, [o matter what they say; ? fa just the way you taW It .nd how yon apt each day. ,V. 'F - it you would' have it brighter, ust smile a little more; ; makes your taskh seem-lighter .nd life's not suoh a .bore. f you would havg-it kinder,? ust speakiu^wdrd 'of Upraise, . T ', .nd be a little blinder : o jlLjt1! fdultjr^ ways, ~~ . f you would be more happy be trueat T^tnnSrihg''4'8 , making others glad. "7-. e ctey k[nd and true; nf be good- comes back to yt>u ? , .Nora Carrot. ... 1 V- ? 1 EER KlULKD AT M ILl.CREEKf yesterday a party from Royboro nd Mttll Crfeek started out-for a rabItt hunt, but they had , proceeded lily a sh'.oB distance when thoy start, . .. JiUMUfK j.iwy~ aueceeueti in kuiOQor.fo? "kOiW '-W?- l*lSnt?. nil- Woody (iaalni. flfc deer iwta. 1, th'it lection, as he had -eon- no ofrreJatives and friends..?His Lick; Cousin > - te scuoai.^NOTEs. =..;** I^t < very t.X. and every stu- Sjj lietit of our County take up the-school- :' work, with a fall determinstitm to put J new life, new enthusiasm. and a ^ greater vhnnl spirit.,'intp exety srhoft' ) in 'the ^County. It:takes , heap of ,c a ink ami iuui.Ii faith in si jnsjn banff-a. great school .such a wn Wfcd " in all parts of the County; No mattar how large nor how . amail the J, school, it should strive to be great , in spirit" and great in molding ..the '' lives and characters of its students ' into a fine type of citi&raaliip. We are hoping for' the best work ever done in the 'Ooonty from now till ' June. . ? '/ ' 1 . The Board of- Education stands refer*. I'JjjWi.W- the' schools in every j-'~ way poesibioj- and is eileodmgly ?nx~ ( tages in our reach. Each 'member is ? deeply interested in the county-wide ^ wIjiui n? T-lhnn m-iV-.fy . ' survey of the County, the report to be made as. soon as the work is com- !; pletfid. ' r All teachers, committeemen and all officers, of the schools take /rotice that , the compulsory school lawr roust' be enforced. J. A. Beam. . : 0? MEO ATAGRORIBS "FEARS. General Washington Barnett,"ColoF- ti ed, died on Dee.- 3J>th, 1923. He was B torn on Nov. 14, 1815, making,his fi age 108 years. 1 month and its days. 5! He was a remarkable old niah, rc- T tabling his health in a -notable man- S ner. We did not know there was any one in the County anywhere near B this age, but it is claimed thaje. fig. B urea are correct. ii > rb B CLAY-HARRIS. S P JSias Nellie Clay and Mr. Edwin J, i; Harris greatly surprised their friends by announcing on Iter'. "gSud^that they had been married lot several weeks, the- nrrffrroge. having taken place at. n Houston,/Va., on J^a^24jh. A- re-, it caption was given the yourJg- couple a at the home of the bride's father, Mr. e. T. S, Clay, "on December 22nd, when t'( the annpcncement was made. ti mirt. Harris before her. marriage wee principal of t}ie East Raxbo.ro ti school-and was recognized a a tesoh- v er cf great ahfltty. yMle the groom lb is a 'prominoift you tig "business man o p?" Aft' ft JtAgf r\f frlan/K Lie n" -v.rl.'gi,.-, *t> ^?.. . ..vov *. '"W| *-? y* happy life. -' 4^ ? f ?.. --...a n EPIPHANY.. n ST. MARK'S EPISCOPAL QHUBCH n ^ JANUARY 6, l?t4 * . tj Next Sunday, J?w -th., is KpU p phony pr .the ^la-mWatouoii oi.theji Ohriflt. Ctiiid to * he Wise Men of the East?the Matt;Jjervwea in St: Murk's will be a? follpws; -Church School at ? tfluOO .a?rp. and Evening Prayer arid p pei utun ntildUL E. M. A cordial wel- Jt chittd la WCtftHtajfft'o Trtt tu WUMlrtp ; with u? '.i. iH4. 'MR. '.MILLER-'' ENTER- ". ' ~ p I ' y. ? -TAINEO KR1ENJ>S?> * ]< . _ fckjt.'T^^nBEtner J*?.; w - ~ ' ?v. Z ' lf . . . - , -y- _ - . ' OPfiN JAN. ; |jp^n*xt Tye?i:u o>w- i ket viAll jiyen ajtuin, both on t ho-aub- | . to.. p.i;u. .dtap B*. ryjfcin'g, . ' ' * " ' I 4-11 -.other,' thace :-,istcr? and two roth- ^ mrsi May. God-bless them in their hq)?? | /in, jnd his bo\y laid <?i-rikt in J""* . : - v. ' ifi : Tb, at he, > ?? ful ro-Jttt;y. ?<gne..; .fat .figoxW" ,.?'t V Mn halls, m rovm i.itinb'i?bfiU.'i nut?netted p> ,??? is Winsiead,. assisted by her. siar Mis;-BurtonrSiiUiTrRi-TO-'V^^fc: rle.lightful sv.-aet 'course to thefgln, K- <'. Wagstatt "Emery instead, : [ W. (rorrfuer and Misses Mary Wags' iff, Beth W instead, Ruth Beatar id. N'ettii Wins Wad. Visitors, Mary id Minnie Lei- Winstead. , ..." x?" _?? - /- - a Mrs. M. R. Long delightfuj^ ?s . rirained the Bridge Club on Thursday ternon at' her home on Lamar rent* The house was lovely wttH V fij^and other Christmas dat-orations. - fj tree tables were Were arranged'. e game and at the eonciusion th*> ?tess assisted by MrS, Walte* hM served a salad course and oofe wltE whipped cream. Those en- ' i v r,f iWi? ' l"l?f'hf??l SiTM.tnn nm? vsdames T. B. Woody, "C_ \V. Kjuu, 6 T. Innnj, N. T.unsford, A- M. urns, X. W. Noel!, J. A. f.-ong, W. 3. ." lary,' Jr., E. Vr. Long, A. 3. deVtanjg and Mary Harris and. Elisabeth ' 65sa. Louis'.- Stalvey gave a delig&tft. party on- Monday afternooe. The ouse Waal vi y attractive with "the hriatmas idea, Boston $ook was Ikdiciow^lsd course' * with, whipped cream .anrf siitM 5 ats, wmt-aafcred by the rnnrtbsa .aasted b? Mist BVlsv Mildred StulVev. *>'C PijIPMg- -Miss** Edna rmfsTie'r, Sue Merrill, Laura Utn Newun.. Till. Lang, May-WlU-^JJM on," Minnie Wilkejepn of H :iljabct,h NoeJl, lsabH_ deVlaming, Ura Harris, Lillian Sample. Lorena [itls, and Mesda'me^ Otis WiijrtnWB IiAILEV-RYLANU. Miss Louise; Battey andSimaerP. :' ~;i yland were married Saturday re Presbyterian Mance at Sooth H oaton, Va., Rev. C. W. Maxu-clh-of-^ cated. Alter the ceremony Mr.' Ad Hfsji Irs,. Rytand left for" Morth Carolina ^ hey will make their, future homf-m . ' outh niig-'Jui.. v .They were aecatnpanleS - to South oston hy Miaaea Lottie and J.eH?' X yj ailoy, Cclia Denial anri Mjxie Dan- V ^ >1 of Roxboro,.Murti^ Walker, H. P. 'J rame of South Hill, .Via., and-Edd riest of Scottsburtf, (Va. , O n?:?-3?- . ? , ., El BITE IX) .SMALL- f , TOWN PAPER , . ,'ip, 1 ' - , :' iV fe-' Raleigh^-hL-G^ Jan 2y=8|>ntKiir* reentljr-at a WaAhrgton State y Conference Charles ?. Glackyrel!,' successful country merchant lor at i at Okanogan paid, a high tribaf > tKe snjall-tpwn. paper a? an adversing medium He said: ... "T>-r-e tot Jumnjctir.rs ?rr ttaolieity iat the country store ran yse to ad-- ? antage, Ut-the one he ea? use ip ' wt- adVimiie 3 him1 hon*-to?m apeVr^-yenttmr-ttf gsj thnt'T? tKT~?~tlendars VixTdiSer knick-knack^ ~ ~S" ? invested ?i eay invested, ' -4* ok spent or (Water! ft .urefolly elan- j St retiinu to the advertuar wooWh ;'4'a e ten ttttiM a* Kreat, to noth- $? j) ic of the. advantage the smalltown tfflH apcr rtouh! dcrivp from the addo-fjPjnfl <>nai and much npM i?vtmu?." -0?i?"i- ii , : Sal Miss Muinii Mme-Ca^ift, vnd WetVrjr and . . . ? e

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