83 i f /m I jM . B I * fft | i SB ^ ? J. W. NOELL. EDlTORtAN' ' " '< VOL. No. 1XL TO T1HSW ?/ SAYS HAILEY - FILTERING PLANT ' ALMOST COhTPLtfTE Mr. H alley Says .He Wtll Turn on the Water About .the Last Of - the Week. Kj?-?-?-?-?Last Saturday -in company - with , .Water . Commissioner, J. Si. Hailey, . we visited lh? water works on the , & hill where the filtering plant is locat_ cd and found it one of the busiest Mfc* places we have seen. Plumbers, maHL' .ehinists and. many other kinds of workmen were busy, every one puti ' ting forth their very best' efforts to - give' Roxboro. a generous suj?ply-frf water. While there the pump at the lake was running and water was ccuring into the vats?that is what E ' ' they looked like to us, remlnding'pne of water running over an old fashioned turbine water" wheel. It Sure did look .good to'us, for it'has been many a day since such" an abundance ; >' "= hppn turned into the mains iii Roxboro. . . 'the contract called for the' coolie i'l!?i?n*ef Mte system by Dec. 6th, bet aa is usually the easo things had to be oVcr/ome which had not been counted' o?, and we think the con' .. ... tractors, (Mess. Boyd,". -Higglhs & Goforth, Wive been dectSediy succeS*-" " ftil wlth^thcir wbtk and. deserve the thanks of the town for-their great Ey efforts , to fulfill their .cqhtract. .Get your old rusty bath tubs in shape, for aboitt the last of the Week you v.*iH have water to waste. - '' i ' 0 " AN EXPRESSION OF THANKS, ^hfe-moilal Church Roxboro was planned for" {HstliTdhdar' night, hut the news wns circulated that one of the'occupants, the pastor, would prosi . bably be.-jtbsenf at that- time, so. the attaok -was made Saturday night ' laat'nt 7:30. me rront. aoor Den rang-ana ine _?pastor went to* open the door, ex-; ' ' --pectihg to meet n hrnther wirh whom _ he-had an engagement'at that timer, ' 'and a throng of people without waiting for'to be invited, rushed in. and _ ' took;'charge of the parsonage. It looked like the whoje congregation wa?*taking part. The only thing to1 do was to surrender, arid to let them have their?way. This we cheerfully . dick I .. The pastor in all his experience has- .never seen a more generous ex- , . pression of appreclatlori shown any . " preacher. ' i i - - ? The pantry is fiHed to overflow- , ing .with many-good . things. , kMBmpr- May heaven's" blessings rest upon , these good-people, and riiay'the pas- | ^Fi^tor and his family proveo*s8rthy of l , their * F. M, Shamburgor, Pastor._ ( _ DEATH-.OF MR. E. G. "EVANS. / ' Mr. E. G. Evans,, an ox-soldier of the late war, died, at his residence , . *' - , on Hiokory Street Sunday, morning. ^ .... L He wan buried at Oak Grove church ' ? _ cemetery on Monday evening. "Ho ^ was gassed'while in France and af- , ter coming home spent a few months at Cteen hospital, but hpd been at t .. home here with his family for s^rer- ( j ai months. He leaves a wife and one , child, v . ' . ; A DEATH OF MR. - , ?. ; WESLEY" WttENh Mir.' Wesley Wrenn. who live about " three mlWs^ south of town, died, last , Friday morning at 0 o'clock. The burial services took, .place, at the $v - family burying ground op..Saturday . evening, Re*. B.' C. Thompson conducting, the ceremony.. Mr.' Wrenn jtet wae' well known to the, .people aa he . o- has lived here all of We life. . *"*? 1 ". ' 0 ' MASONS TAKE NOTICE. ^ 1 Regular communication Tuesday .__? njght, January 22nd. 7 o'clock/. Work in the first degree. A large" attendancecjg demred^ ~ ' V " " ' "We have a few second hand soWr ing machines at .real Bargains. T%e trr^wwtllk. Jemelerg. ? : Artmtid colored Kla?s.jaare_^i?r peen i^_^Kp*boiq^ Ico^ Te ? ? and Candy..Ian; etc., etc. The New; dfUXt" Jcjveldfs. . . r?? * ' V-i. >; )t i D-PUBLISHER / RQXBQ1 THE~Sf OP.Y??4 "The Greatest Picture in Screen History: Coming to "the Pr&Cesa .' Theatre Monday and Tues" day January 28th and 29th. PROLOGUE'-' Thd story of "The Shepherd Kin?" opens with a prologue showing Moses and the children .of -Israel going through Egypt on their way to Jerusalem. This vast afmy'orpeople, with 1 their camels, donkeys^ horses " and sheep, are pictured1 being led past the Pyramids and-the Sphinx on their way to the Holy Land. This prologue leads up to the. picture' as from the House of Moses descended the House of David. SAUL, King of Israel, is anxious to attack the Philistines, .iji spite of the factl that he has hpl ""a handful of men in comparison with thei^ several . thousand. But before" he attacks, he must receive peyrhissiqn. from Samupl, Judge. t>f Israel, who talks with f-J P-l ll lJ. i 1 ,l._ , rs i vroa. oamuei senas wuru inat zsam mu$t wait till he'comes and retires Pn fV>a A rlr nf thp rnvfnant fnr wo^i itation. Saul, becoming impaiu-nt, begins battle. Samuel. appears aftot_,the battle has begun _and.-letls TSaur that"; G'oil" has ordained another king over Israel and ..tier umhraiding SauLfor commencing the fight before he came, goed to the Great High .Place to find the new ruler for IsraeL. People follow hlnr to the Great High Place "but in the large assembly there is none hefipds fit to rule. Then gomes David, sod cf Jesse, and as Samuel sees him he cries out, "This if he", Samuel then anoints David King of Israel, though Saul "is-still King and wilf be till his death. is drivon, almost frantic. Only artist# can soothe his "spirit, S3nui has ' three children, Mira, the elder.'daughter;. Jonathan, his son, and Michal, his?younger daughter. Michal tries in vain t<) go in and play for her father?Mnntlmn tenure thn ciiuii'teyi for one Who can pl^y beautiful music and is told that David, son of Jesse, playp-the- harp like an -angel. Hemeets David and between them a beautiful friendship starts. ' David is hrought to the. King, who does not even notice him. David plays "The Lord- Is Thy Shepherd, Thou Shalt Not Want" so beauti^ -'ly that Saul is stirred profoundly. He takes David to his heart and makes him his personal armor beaver. iGoliatl), the giant of the Phil is titles, offers to fight any man Saul's army as a njanner of deciding the battle, if Goliath wins/, -it is to mean that the Philisttnes may-Jay down their tertns; similarly, if his opponent' wins, Saul's terms are to be finals But no. one dares meet the' giant, and he stands on the top -of a billi shouting his defiance to the hosts of - Israel. Saul and David go-out of .the Kiifg's tent-and David, hearing the challenge, wants tg-know who. Goliath is. .When he is told, he says, iljwill fight him". Saui remonstrates, saying, "But you are a mere boy". But David takes a sling out of his tunic, shown it to Saul, and .marches to meet Goliath. The two meet?supposedly on the exact spot of the original encounter. uoiiatn laughs when "he sees the youth who has accepted his challenge Mid swings. his sword. David jumps sridc, takes. oat a sling and shouts a stone at GoliitlT,' who falls dead. Saul asks David what, reward he waats^and David cries, "Your daughter". And, Saul remembers that hp has promised his elder daughter in ms&rlafte to whoever slew Goliath. But just before David had arrived in Saul's uaorp, he had.rescued Saul's younger daughter. Mfuhfel, from a lion, and it'Is Michal he Has reference to. Saul, not knowing this, answers that David may . have his dhughtexx Accordingly. .David goes over and kisses Michal's hand. There is consternation on the ph-rt of Saul and his party phut the vast-crowd is pleased and cheer* mightily. So ends the-first part of the story. ? ? ?; SB ON?^AJbT- ? Saut is on his throne and* all is serene. Oonrt ts dismtssod, and David, who ha? been given a high position, gee*-oot into the g?r(len with- Miehah A few minutes lntor-tfeer?comet_.aj pieeeenger. to Ehvid with,a message jhouse. Saul overhears the messenger' "Samuel is dead, dlere- is his mes-_ k;' " yt . ~ ? HOM& FIRST, RO, NORTH CAROLlK sngf 'DaVid?wu?anainHxl?by w4. He shall be King over Israel?''' Saul goes ?b?clj: and-ifesaroes court, asking sarcastically, "Has David grown so great that important me 4sages are brought to him, ajjd'nbl me?" i v ~ ' % Doeg, the -villain appears. He plafte to marry Mirah. Saul's elder dough ter. Vho is very much Jn love wil? Dayid' and angry that he (lid n<tt choose her insteaJ-ofJMichaL Saul chooses David to lead 1,000 men against the Philistines, whp' are "becoming bellgerent again. Davtd 'pJJtests' that the number is tod SMatl, but Saul, willing for David to Be out of the way, says more men cannot be_spared. ; - t Doeg plots with the Philistines jo catch David in ambush. "But a little Egyptian, ill-treated by the. Philiitines, intercepts David and wards him. David outwits the Philistines, eVdJI.. 'I. 1L. ...? 1 ?__i_ i.uhiuv9 tu binsfj warning, ana o lungs buck to Saul I (TO Philistine banned, which Saul has asked as "the price of Michal's hand. - ' Mirah, jealous, denounces David", claiming he made love to her ajtd she impulsed' him. Saul, glad of_tlio excuse, hurts a spear at Davll. -"But1 David's little- sister - iumpe-dn. frbr.t and is 4l3led_?U>vld<picks~up the dead girl and Walks OUt Of thcr-qpdrfr it. ter_he buries his sister in Bethlehem, he-does hot retiirn but becomes a n-underer. ? . - Saul, atiil .afraid of David, states out to look for him, accompanied >by his army. David, seejna>.S?ul at the head of his army, realises* he" is be- j ing hunted and hides. At night ?3ioj steals into Saul's camp, and takes Saul's swbrd hway with him. ,V ' The next day Ifavid appears before" Saul, holding the latters' spear in front of himt Then Saul realixas that David could have killed- fiirrt, yet did not A messenger appears With' word that the i'hilistfli(p .gnu vid, gathering- some Arab tribes-, goes to his aid. In the cnsu.ing battle, Jonathan >a mortally wounded and Saul, terrified,! kills himstif. dwk kills "Miritii -Altai is about- to slay Michal when DaVid' enters and kills him, taking Michal! m-his?Brms,?^A-Tettw comei from! Jonathan, who, with his dying breath, j has proclaimed David King. David is heartbroken at Jonathan's death. TBe picture ends with the corona- J i.e. of David. and the marriage of David and MichaLThis is a ninfi reel Production, Matinee's will be given eash day at; 3:00 P. M, Evenings at 7:30-9:801 P. .ttr- Admissions 15c and iibc. To tVoid the rush please come on ttpP hour. MARY-ELIZABETH TEA ROOMV More and. more we are putting on city airs, and we are just as proujl of it as a boy with hU first pair^fl red top boots. The latest -is the ing,. which will take place on^H urday, January 19th, of the jH Elizabeth Tea Room by the Rdfl Book & Stationery Store. When MM ladies, men. too, for that, come- H town they can drop in and haveV lunch which "v^ill pjease the Mnost fastidious. Mary-Elizabeth -will serve hot chocolate, chicken salad, tomato chips, sandwiches?in fact all of dainties so much appreciated by ev^f one. , " And when the young men and young ladies come in from the.country to attend ' the movies or any function in town they can drop by before ledving for home nfter the show and get a dainty lunch which will tickle the youhg lady just right. . ? - n.. t ' GOOD SALES THIS WEEK. Prices Better than Before the Holidays. fto;8boro tobacco market opened good and'strong this week, theTe beIhg ftp unusually heavy sale on Monday, and, best of all, the prices .wese better than before the holidays. If you have any tobacco ready wejbelievo you will moke no mistime to load-it right on your wagon op truck . 0' JUST RECEIVED, the heat line of Ast-and colored-glass ware evejr Seen tn lliulmi.i, loa Tea?Cllassca.C Ball ar,d f.Qty_ Shdrhets. Parfaii .glasses, Ice Tea" glasj uoaators, -Fruit Howls and fandy Jars, etc., etc. The .N'owcli^ Jewelers. -_lr _ . We have a few Second hand swing machines ai^restl Bargain's. The ftjgwdlls. Jew. -r-;. ABROADNEXT f- > - . I A, Wednesday Evening \ PERSONALS L ' V -q r - L Mt. Robert Clay of Greensboro ,wmr a els it or Sunday. . r. v ? ? tl Mr. J.'W. Brooks spent the weelf end with his family. . ..... ... / i Ds. .S. S. Montague of Asheville "it visiting friends in the County. ... r-^i f . Misa gW MfcOttf "of Charlotte is I visiting. Miss Bess Sample. ' .. _ ^ Jtr. G. G. Woody of Dcnniston favored us with a caH last Friday, ? Mr. J. Bell. speift Wednesday in 8 Raleigh on business., j ' Misa Eugenia Bradshef of Durham a spent Sunday with Mrs. E.- Ml Davis: ' ?.?'??' -U Mr, Johni ' Masten of Winston Salem returned to his home Saturday. " ?* ?* a Miss Isabel deVlaming of Meredtib ' conege spent tne wees ena witn ner parents. _ ? * . J We enjoyed a pleasant call from our good , friend Mrs. C?.P:"*Sanford ' of "Vlrgilina, route fl, last Saturday L - 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Davis have ^ moved into their home on .Academy Street. .... .* 'Miss Gleima Woods, who visited 1 friends in "Greensboro has -returned 3 home. "" * * v Miss'Alile Gentry of Fayetteville J returned home a with Miss Flora Huff, whe-has been visiting in Fayewevilie. v r-"i- . Mr. E. T. O'Briant of Woodsdale route I -was a pleasant caller last Satu?4a?f.? ' i??, ^ . ?'? ? .Mrs. ban Harris and TclTildren re.-turned home .las* weak tufter a f?.v days v"isrt in Durhatb. Mr. and- Mrs. X A. Stelcher of -Gaa?&pia are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed -Leper. ?; i ; li c t Mr. L. L. Harvje will leave this c morning for Richmond where he will J enter Richniuiul. College .... V- 1 Mr3. J..H. Lockhart and Miss Roxie Buchanan of Semora spent the week end here with friends. - I Mrs. R. By. White.-returned from ^ Richmond last Frldayr where she had -been visiting her mother. ? ? ? ? Bd Hill, secretary and 1 urer^of the A. T. Baker Co.,. spent j _Ule week end in Washington," D.' C. 2 f .... 3 Mr. E. V. Boatwftght and Master Edgar, Jr., spent last Erida^jJMMfc ^ | 7 Miss Evye. Street,. wEo "has been 2 in a hospital in Richmond for the 3 past few days, returned" home last Frida?; 4 * ? . 6 Mr. and Mrs.' T.' C. Brooks, Mr. 6 and Mrs. L. T. Bowles, Mrs, P. Y. 7 Pass and Mr. Carlisle-Brooks spent g laftt Sundav in Rnleicrh. % ' m-V w - * 9 Many friends wtll regret to hear of the burning of the .residence of Mtrhnd Mrs.. R. F. Hedrick in Leaks- y /file last Thursday. ' ' \ # ' * 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Dr. find 1 "Mrs. Shaekleford of Martinsville, Va., spdnt; the week pnd here,* guests of MX. and Mrs. E. V. Boatwright. . . Jg ? ... j Mrs. J. H. Shore and Misses Mary 1 and T-uuHn Shore of ROckingham, f vtstted relatives in the Connty the s past week. b Vr'nodeon of Lynchburg spent last " .Sunday" nera .nsiting their mother, "Mrt. Woodson. i? X ft : . J i . -*.* * * i- In renewing for his subscription our friend Mr. S. T. Wrenn says he [IsE heen_ tubeerifrkig far -Tht C*e- |rier since th?.TTrst isSfie, having'-ijjfc- ^ ad .only three month's 'during that1. till! 0*! ^ _ ? ?' v -? lotm 1,*n' V ; ?# . Cji $1.5( ^ j*~- "ivf lTanuiS-yX6th, 1924 air. t>. 4. Ueatry spent Monday in ibase City, Va. ?~? '' ? V * R. J, Stein and L. L. Harrle spent lie week end in Danville, Va. ~ ' "* *_* * \ Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Watkinl. and aughter, Ann, spent-pie week end 1 Henderson with relatives. Mess. Martin Michie arid R. A. iullock' spent the week, end in DifrV . e ? Mr." and Mrs.' Charlie Woodson nd Miss Hell IVoodson of Rustburg, were the guests of Mrs. \Voodon, mother of Mr. Woodson. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Dunlap and aughter, Miss;"Mary Marshall, re ornewPiast.. week from & two week* tay jn Florida; ;? Mr. Clarenc^" Wilburn of Long land, V*.. and ifr.-Harold Wilburn of lonth Boston, Va., brother -and epbew respectively, visited Mr, H. .. Wilburn last Sunday. . Mts. Millie^ Woody, Lizzie Day; lillie Jane arid Marie, Brooks and Jr. W. H. Woody spent the week end n rerersinltg. Va., visiting Mrs. J. L.Stafford, making the trip in Miss dillie Jane Bdoobs*' machine. Mrs. W. H. Qregory, of Asheboro eturned to her home last week after pending two weeks here visiting.in he home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Iregory. She wa3 accompanied ?y fra. W. T. Gregory, Miss Flora and tr." Melvin Gregory, who spent the vcek end. * m . Mr. H. G, Clayton who has been or the past several, weeks in the lospital in Durham, -returned home ast week and his friends are glad u kixiv liial lie is very i^mcll 1H1iroved ? " " s, ~r-- - ?ui. ~ FOSTER LOCAL. All members of Foster^Loeal arc 11-gentiy repucoted. ISr?ht! nre-ent at he next meeting, Friday night Jan lary 2ottr, "as wo have some Very imlortant business to attend to.'Do not ail to attend this meeting, as' it will ie of special interest to all members. ? S." E. Peed, President, ^ 8. O'Briant, Secretary. 1EPORT OF THE CONDITION OF lie Peoples Bank,- at Rorboro. N. G in the State of North'Carolina, as the close; of business, Dec. 31st 1923. .^ Resources . Loans and Discounts, $895,577.73 . Demand 'Loasi". 60,000.00 . United States Bonds and ~ Liberty Bonds -150,200.00 . All other Stocks, Bonds, nd Mortgages, . , 75,860.00 fianking Houses, P?^48.82; FurnRttre 'and 'Fixtures, $9,194.04, 18,442.86 . Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers, and Trust Cos. 125$47T21 . Cash Items held over 24; hours, '069.06 Total,? 1----' 1,318,386.86 - LlabUitiee . . Capital Stoek paid 'in, $100,000.00 . Surplus "Fund, 100,000.00 , Undivided Profits, less cprrent expenses and taxes paid,.... ..... 13.493.95 . Unearned Discount, 4,000,00 . Dividends Unpaid,. 140.50 . Bills Payable,? 250,006.00 . Deposits subject "to chick, Individual,.. , 310,186.04 . Deposits Dug' State of N. C. or any". Official ? . thereof..? 48,155.21 . Time Certificates of Deposit, Duo iii Less Than 30 Days 415864.85 ft.Cashier's Checks out- '' standing, ... 4,240.21 1. Certified Checks, 17.12 2. Savings, Deposits, 67, 21.48 3. Accrued Interest due . depositors,... ... 3,167,50 Total,.- $1,8.16,386,86 tate of ; North Carolina?Comity of "Person, Roxborb, "N. C., January -8/ 924. . - ... v I, E. G. Long, ViM- President, of ha above named. Bank, do solemnly wear that the aboye atat'oment is rue to the beet of my knowledge and elief. - . .E. -G. Subscribed?and- sworn to before IB, tll*S 8tU tU? , uf Jinlmy iWt' :M. W, SatterSetd, .Notary Public. My fommiseio? expires April 7th 924- ?. . .-V." ' ' ; ^ OORRltCT?Attitt: - < , , R. I- Wilburn. : fit tfc|'%?.d?her '? ~ W, B. Harris," i ^-7. ^-Birect4??? . ' . ' ' ' 1 Ws.bsfe s stftond hand sewFiy ii.aohines at real Rargnin*. The iCwirlk, Jewelers. j t ' >* . - u ' ' . 3 -PER-YEAR rN^ABVAN<3i|l - jgffl ??? V AT CONCO?fc^j On nex,t Sunday, Jan. 23th, BS^9 F. F. Aldred will'deliver nn.addftflRSj at 11 o'clock, A. M.. on the' CedhnM nary ?und. After an' address pageant, "Open Blind Eyes," will. bSH given. Public is cordially, invited toil these exercises -at the Concord'Mr ?? Church. M * _ ^ BASiFUl MR. BOBB9. - "Conle to the plajt ot ' AllensvlU J next Saturday nlfjrt at ful Mr.J Bcibbs'C ijjvon by Bethel UlSI High School. Admission 20 and cents.-Son't "fciSSret' the place, Aliens-' Tille yigh Schdol. . O i -. BOX PARtT: 1?' i'fl: The EJiworth League oL Mt. 7,Hwr I church wi(T/givo a box party at WH--J kerson school house -Saturday night. -* Jan. 26th, .The proceeds.will go to I'; help, build Sunday School" rooms N't. Zion church. Everybody is invit ed "to'Tcome; I . . * i-" rl We have two -or three New Home . I Sewing Machines that were out Jwat^jl ? nyinth,1 at excellent bargainsyW The Neweils, Jewelers: . -We have- it; few second hand sd&ySfl ing machines at real Bargains, The Newell*, Jewelers. Boarders or furnished rooms, stfjl ccmveniences. Mrs. Abbitt, Acad?4ljtej|jH JUST"~RECEIVED. the beat lin?"t2BI Art and coicreaiglass.ware.-.ever seesi m Roxboro.' Ice Tea Glasses, Tail , and. L6w Sherbets, Parfail irlaaae(si:.8 Ice Tea' glass Coasttsra, Fruit BowWrdal and Candy Jars, etc.,'etc. The? New-'- -o "ells', Jewelers. OPE N-l NG-?We "hope to hove tl&J Mary-Elizabeth Tea Room onejf Nsa^j finliiriay, I?r -10-h? botTyRffM BOOK & STATIONERY "Newell Building. nedt door i| ?<> h-,ro" trrbSyTT"^?:, WANTEJD. n share cropper. Can I '.irnish one or- twe mules,' raisva^^H baeoo or cotton. Good land, good I jililinha. Apply V A. ?E'i Bovd. ilow- ,1 boro, N. C., route S. 1-16-ltpd I OPENING?,We hope to have the. I Mary-Elizabeth Tea Room onen by I Saturday. Jan. 13th. ROXBORO I BOOK & STATIONERY STOKE, I :\<?wen . ouiwnnsfr next door. to ttflQC- ~ 6oro" Grocery Co. -IsjM If you are just failing in eye sight..? from' getting out of your thirtjq^H rave $10.00?get them- at The , New? ? ells, Jetfrelers. :?vH '. A BIG HOG sole, HSoni big bone, rmipk growing, -strong^B thrifty stock. Come to see me, I save you money on shoats. Will Fort? bush, Roxboro Cotton Mill, 1-16 If yorf'are just failifig imeye-sig^B from getting out of your. thb^^H. save $10^0?get- them" at The ells. Jewelers.' More than 100 satisfied custdm^^J in Person county- Let me please yoaSH J. M. Philpott, Roxboro, N. C., routaB 1-16 -3ts p^ If you are just -falling in cy<^| 'from getting but of. your t^B save $10.00?get them at The ^B ells, Jewelers. ? . FOUND. in school auditorium 12tli purse containing sum of ny. Owner; can get same Jby^ya^^^B ing and paying for thft notice. Stalvey. j 1-16-lt3H I OPENING-?We hope to have Mary-Elizabeth Tea Room open Saturday, Jan. 19th. BOOK & STATIONERY STORJfc{; Newell Building, next door boro Croaaqy Co, | - SAL0S1VIAN for hibricatingj-jfl^l and paints) Fhrellent -.--.Ul Big.,returns. JED OIL A CO., 3701 Rnrhvelt Ave, et^jS OPFAWGj^We Saturday. Ufin. 10th.. BOOK & NOTATION-ray sH N'dwell Building, next door dotp Grocery Co. ...SEED COTTON"~FHfe~aiaB 5fe0 bushels -pediyrocd ; and Moxieaa-Bijr Bin; IV; _hi?- rs ned and raeleaned. World t2f7>?3 bales to. 10 acres. " 7^3^Ui?aBi first come .JTrst - saveX- ' ****&? from ?.-^ock/ RoZrTshZ-^Bl I??trsT REOlSfViajp iv [Art and .colored Klais ware . "ivll in iioaboro. add Lota'. Sherbet*;,.-pa-J .- 'r fl Ics..Tea glfoa (>,..1J-?"ft1;. g'WjgrM JJW+. I fuviy 5r-,-^w] ^csshr^B ells, JeweleiM, r * >? 9

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