i' , . Jj J-.W. NOELL. EDITOR A> VQL. No. 1XL STPlCTiPN OF - NITRftTF PlftMI 35 BUILDINGS DESTROYED 23 Die and Approximately 100 .Injured. Came. Still a Mystery. NIXON. N. J:, March 1.?Between 20 and- 80 persons."were killed or are . missing, it was variously estimated ' tonight, and more than iuu injure i in a mighty explosion which demolished the Nixon nitration plant and" 36 - smaller buildings in the vicinity.; ' The blast rocked the Country .fo, " miles around and completely levelle 1 buildings Within a radius of a mil: and a half. . y ' Nixon, N. J., March 1.?At seven c o'clock this evening after ipaking a - personal check of hospitals^ and homes of employees, Lewis "SSxon, owner of the Nixon Nitration Com pany, said: "Tht known dead at this^ hour is] 23. Thirty or more are, ^ injured." i County Detective David said his check up of the deadunrf missing had giv-! en him a total of tWenty-fiVo. | v It was .distinctly felt as far away as City Hall, New York, a distance of 23 miles. It was first thought that an earthquake Had occurred." : ? KarV tofflight the cause of the explosion had hot been determined. New Jersey state police were conducting! ;? a rigid investigation Mil the most tangible fact they were able to es, tabUsh was that the . first explosion ^ ?there were two coming in share "X succession?occurred in the plant of Ammonite Company, a ajiort distanae fro hi the Nixon nitration plant. _> More than'* million gallons of ammonia nitrate in tanks and 1,860,000 ^gaHons of the sapi* fluid in 15 tank : l^wSJllfemd cars in^dmehsmkle warehouse blew up. A great Bheet of yellowish flame emerged from the ruins of the building* Excited men .and women, somej , of the women screaming and weep-; ing, rushed into the open, "burning | embers fell on nearby buildings and | within a few minutes these structures were in flames. It was a strange looking proces-i sion that stumbled from the-burning I buildings. The clothes of many of: them had been blown "from the hod- i ies. Their faces were black- and, their eyes seemed to pop out of their , ~ heads. While some screamed and: moaned others bore their part stoic-J ally. SCHOOL NOTES. Since so many things of importance r.eeu lo oe uis; usat-u^wun *ne leacn-1 ers, I am'-asking that we hold another Teachers' Meeting at 10 o'clock rext Saturday in the Graded "School vv Building. ! hope-all the teachers will . make an extra.efftrfrto Sttenj). Please W come if j'ou possibly can. R: "Besides yourself there are about I , a hundred millions of other folks lit | the United States, and each one ofi -them has the idea that he is of some! importance. He thinks he has rights, ijfe ? and he thinks hf ought not to be int.erforred with in his business and his pleasure. But there aro jr lot of felS ~JT lows who go around with the notion that the population of the' country consits of one, and that they are it. You can't get -past that way?long. The .only' way a*,hundred millions of folks can live together even in a roomy country without knocking, each consideration. If. .you^__hRve n rightf so has the other fellow. Evory right ? is modified by the obligation to make use of it so that you don't damage anybody else. When two trains try to use the track at the same time ^hero's a wreck. No. The only way _ to live is by a willingness to stand on the side track once in a while to wait for the other fellow's train to goby." ?, : Mr*. J. A. B?am. MR. FARMER. t r,- -v * - * ??* 1 ^vki' "t Art h d uan tf1111 i>< u ti n m h '- atand*ready to lend you money on yottf farm luntl^ at any tiipe. ?"><V non.flft allotted t/i thi. rmiiitv tn h ~ _. applied for by0?<th oflUmli. 5. '/t per cent interest rate. Long _jinr ~ - OWJ torpr*. The farmer'* banlo 1 , . ~1~- ?mu tHi ieMa tu fn'plaiii tgrjim'fo y<m ' Person Gottnty National Karn ?- ???- liua'w Ae'oriailnn.?& 5 ,v --' j , ' ; mm?' livY'v"' ID PUBLISHER RO^BOF SOMETHING NEW UN7>ER THE SUN A Chair Car an J Dining Service Be-' ??twrrw Durham. and Lynchburg.?J Last week the officials of tho Norfolk A Western went qvar to Durham to- .confer about ttyf /iflw tin in between Durham and Lynchburg. As | Roxboro produces more revenue for ( the N. & W. than any Station on the' road save Durham and Lynchburg I the Company rhojved its respect for! the >nwn hy nabinir Mr -T. A. Long I to. accompany them and be-in the meeting. The .Norfolk & Western Railway Company is ijist a little more considerate of the wishes ^>t_jts patrons than any big corporation with which we have" ever had any dealings, consetjuently in this instance the? acquiesced to the wishes of Durham and Roxboro and will'on next Sunday put op this new ^train. It will leave Durham at 5:15, p. m., passing here at or about. 6:05, carrying a chair car with dining" service,"bo that one wanting to go from here to Wash-' ington, New York or other northern' jfblnts can leave here at 6:05, get sup-! per?or dinner just as you are' inclined to call it, and roach New York ' at 9 a. m. the next morning. Return-! ing the train will connect with the1 Southern from the North, probably reaching here *^bout'12:30. p." m. -We congratulate the N. *&.W. upon this step and sincerely trust the^ will find the train a paying propoai-. tion. JURORS EOR EXTRA TERM OF COURT.' The following - jurors were last Mpnday fpr the -extjg term of! court which will be held April 14th: I J. R. Foushee, N. L., Winstead, 3. B. Satterfield, W. T. James, A. E. Xgyr$pn. B. Jjf. Spencer, J. 6 Horner, ?. L. Oliver, Nat WMrtiv'S C." Effilin, (5T L. Perkins, A. D.' Newton. Claude O. Moore, W. J.* Edwards. R. I L. Day, R. E. O'Briant, J. T. Woo3t4 H. W. Rogers. F. E. Wells, N. H.| I111' | r t Myh -Clayton, W. C. Barnett and C. Si Dunkley. For the regular, term, April 21st, the following were drawn: C. E. Hester, J. R. Whift, K. L. Long, W. W. Harris, R. M. Allen, Jr.,' W. C. Murray. N. T. Clayton, E. R. Thompson,'Preston Satterfield, J. E. Brooks, J. B. Jonea?G. W. Peed, A.I J. Harris, W. H. Winstead, C. H Hunter, N. M. Jordan, E. E. Moore, B. L. Evans, W. D. Yarbrough, J. H. Horton, James Fontaine. E. A. Snipes,r C. T. Hall, John N. Jackson, T. H.> Clay, N. H. Fox, F. H." Carver, E. T. O'Briant, John W. Clayton, Sr., R. P. Brooks, E. Y. Jones, Osby Wrenn, L. L. Lonjf, R. H. Dean aiid R. T. Daniel. ? ^ NEW DEPOT FOR ROXBORO. For a number of years the citizens here have clamored for a new depot, and every one will admit we deed it. During the war the N. & W. asked the citizens to wait until affairs got back tor normal and they woulg. give the town a statipn in keeping with its deserts. We learn they are) 'bow ready to make this promise good, in fact have had plans drawn | and propose to build at- or near the present site, a station the town viiff' be proud of. Unless some one throws a wrench in the plans this station will be built- during the sprihg and summer, and with the splendid service, which' is Vyntloned elsewhere, and this new station people passing' i this good town will "have a better imj pression al us ..than ever before, TEN MONTHS PIG- ' .. WEIGHS 101 POUNDS. Quite /a num"ber have madr claims as to hog raising, but honestly we believe Mrs. it D. Long of Hurdle ill 1MB, route zpa entitled to'tne Dlue ribbon. Mrs. Long killed a pig lol months and' 21 days old which wcigh' rrd-4h4?pBUhdS. Iluneter, Mra. Long flays this pig drank more milk and ate more cake than any pig she ever raised before?in facT'sBS Bays aim Tneiievea u'mo moru mkv ami 'iiimit mors milk than any one member of fcer. family,. _ s. I BORN; A. DAUCHTRR: TT Doflj, te Mr, end Mrs W. A 'sr. . Wrann tfn Monday morning", Feb: 2ith, t a- daughter, EU?aEs?h~~ZSSni&KS. ..-uk**?* ?U...ly "ELANT . cy;?. . oxIM I ^ L HOME FIRST. A ips North caroling ?;-C. CHEiGHL III KMS OF RECEWR Q < HAD SUr^EREDeBIG LOSS -O- .; Inability, to Obtain Credit For Sea- . sonal Operations Immediate Cause. New .York, March 3.?The Virginia-'' Carolina Chemical company, one of the largest njsnnfactUrers of lizer in the country, today went into hands of receivers following last minute, attempts to.obtain credit ;for seasohal operations. T Appointment of C. G. Wilson and Arthur T. Vanderbilt, a Newark, X. J-. attorney as receivers was made with the consent of.the directors af cer a creuitors sun naa poen mea in; c the United States district -court of'i New Jersey; ' , It Receivership for the company, 1 which suffered severe losses in !tho|'a postwar depression affected the slock f which Was.traded down by thejHirp <j break in the' stock and bond prfces >c last' week: Heavy liquidation oflthe s issues which established a low rec-'t ord, was. followed by further selling t after the announcement today, send- ( in'g the common stoclcv3own td* three. 3 more than 7 points below the" year's 1 high, while the 7 1-2 per cent wotids t with warrants lost 61' points iDhd the < 7 1-2 per cent Mortgages 16; paints, t Action to Cthrow the., comphny into 7 receivership, Mr. Wilson said, yr?s [1 taken tp protect its- assetsfi and to a conserve the best interests dt'socur- c ity; holders, creditors^ and st?ckho!d- f ers.. Receivers, under the ^direction n of the court, he stated, would carry n out. all sales.contracta without inter- e ruption to business, I Bankers at the. request of the com- a plfrt tWwubn^tt^^^s^w^^M.ri: c soon. A drastic readjustment of thfr I company's capital took place in 192%j lifter the first effects of the depths-: t Ision in the iiWustrv had been felt. 1 Doth Mr. Wiloon nnci Vandarbilt warn appointed ancillary receivers in New York and it was said steps also woufd be taken to have them serve in a similar capacity in the other 10 states in which the company operates. Their jurisdiction as receivers also was ex- j tended to the Southern Cotton. Oil < company, the company's present subsidiary. Other companies owtfed are the Charleston Mining and'Manufacturing company. Consumers Chemical j company. Sulphur Mining and . Railroad company, Georgia Chemical works, American .Fertilises company, ; Bryant Fertilizer company, Priuz Adalbert Potash Mines and Chemical toofks and Shoenbeck, Ltd. ( /Capitalized with $3,000,000 prefer- i <re,d stock .and 1,000,000 shaTes of no par value common stock, the V5r- ( ginia-Carolina company carried a funded debt of $37,000,000 in high In- . tereyt bonds. Despite the lack p,f{ banking credit and the obvious im- . possibility of issuing new securities, i it went into receivership. with a ra- , tlx of ^current assets to current lia- , btUties of more than three to one. ] ?? < ' i i NOTICE OF SPECIAL SERVICES 1 _ "fhe "Flying Squadron" of Gran-1' .ville Presbytery will be at Roxboro and hold services in. the Presbyterian church next Thursday, March 6th, at 3 o'clock, -p. m., and 7 p. m." Notice the evening service is a half hour 1 j earlier on account of the Lyceum lec-1' ; turb In- the auditorium at 8 o'clock.!' I There will be two well prepared i speakers with us and all Presbyter-'^ dans are urged to be.present at the services. Also the public is cordially: invifed to attend. 4 Olr.the above date two members of.the Sqliadron will meet~the .people of ..Hurdle Mills at about 3:30; p. m., and again af7:30, p. ip. Through the courtesy of. our good Methodist frienlts these meetings will bt held in jhe Methodist, church at Hurdle Mills at the hour mentioned. VVe want ' all Presbyterians to be present at : both meetings. And the public, pre ?u 1 ' W. 0. Sample. : I CARRIED TO HOSPITAL. v?? - Dr. W. A. Bradsher carried Mr.'J. night. Mr. wfht has been ill for, tine . rTiinL Hi;irral days hup , Mg friEnds"? ^l "P" h" will 'nam lni .nnei'i ?' T7~ LBROAD NEXT l, Wednesday Evening _ \ CAN A~ DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION, IN THE OPEN ENDORSE ALL THAT MORRISON . HAS DONE? ?' By C. W. Hunt In the .lost installment of these leties of articlesShe Courier lias been t landing from this -peri^it was stated , hat an effort was being made to J Itave off the state convention until ( t wns known which would win, Mc- , -ean or Bailey ^s the chances were i hat an attempt to endorse Morrisons ( idmfnistration would meet with op- ] Insifion and tW thi? nnmKer wiiiiU ] inumera* 'some of the things the_j lemocrat pdrty of free men, and many ire entirely, free to do as they se? it, in politics, could not afford to ; indorse. As said before it is an un-!, isual fear, on the part of ringsters, t tut, if. they did not know- there is i langerous opposition, now. if nnvmen 1 >utside the ring are to have seats t n the body, these men would not dare t o hint at such a thing. Since the a-', iove was mentioned there something ( itlll more of tl\e nature of trouble i or ring methods, has come out in r ireensboro News, Raleigh correspond- T nbe the 23rd of Feb. Old time ring- c ters from the east' bring the news! . hat-discgssion of taxes, (that thing,', iccordin'g to Raleigh, that North i Carolinians pay next to none of) by <j dr. Bailey, is gathering such a fol- t owing, as opposed to present perfec- I ion(?) in that line, {hat there is " langer of Isaac Meekips benefitting t hereby. So in earnest, according to 0 'om "Bost, that the state chairman is e sing or will be importuned to call C . halt, rather, a limit to what Bailey c an say. Ever hear such stuff be"1 ore? when it had been next to an-' lounced that McLean was sweeping ? 11 the trash in front? Getting inter- t sting, mighty early in the1 game. 5 !ver hear of "bollweevil politicians" J u?d--"tomtits?" ? it But the things that a democrat h invention cannot afford to endorse. I fHefly stattel a few leaders are these: s 1. The appointment of A. D. Watts p ax commissioner for political reas- s (Continued^on^page two) ja . COMING | Screenland's Greatest Picture e "Let not Man Put Asunder" s -V with |e .ou., Telleger and Pauline Frederick. I shall -man made laws defy Divine I command! What is divorces? 1 fhe tearing of bone from bone and c flesh! *A powerful theme! jf V mighty picture. 3 "The picture sensation of the year."-, 1 Matinee each day at 3 p. m. Evon- s ngsi.at 7?15?9 p. an. . . 11 Admissions 20' ami 10 cents. . 1 !Fo,r the benefit of the Phllathia Plaits' qt the Roxboro Baptist church, iyatch for the date. 11 ?: o ? :0-OP. WAREHOUSE WILL A CLOSE MARCH 28. t Mr. H. W. Winstead, manager of i ;he Tobacco Growers Co-operative < Warehouse, jays the .market here 1 vlll close on March. 28th,- and urge:-. I til members of the Association to 1 jring in their tobacco on or before 1 'hat. date. Mr. Winstead says the 1 leaaon has been . very satisfactory, i 1 vith the advances highly pleasing to ' :he members. SPECIAL TERM OF COURT. H , J -O- 4 j Thfe Board " of , Commissioners at i their meeting- Monday-Ordered a spe?l lal tfrm o^.court to hear civil causes,}1 beginning on* Monday, April 14th. ' This term will, last all of the week, 1 followed by the regular term on the 21st.- .The civil docket is badly congested and it is hoped by this specialV term to clear the docket. ? j o / AN EGO RECORD, From .iliir^y* eight hens during January and February we got 712 eggs. Since November first we have sold 72 doz. at an.avertige of 40c per! (joz. This is what Mr. and . Mrs.' A.' W. Blftluck of mute une, hare dune with their chickens, and it is easily seen hoar the chickens are helping. un'Uiiii fin in. Hutililii). pays n big I iter dividend than the hen, when proipeily fed ami isied fur. STOCKHOLDERS .MEgrINTS~~ - Ther?* will be a ' meeting.; of the stockholders, of thS Person- Union Tobecy Coro'n Friday, March 14th, in oosaiat 10 o'clock. - ? n. S. merits. Secretary. PEOPLES BANK THE oudi ? - . r"' $i.5( larch 5th, 1924 Mrs. *M. R.' Long delighfully enterainert the Bridge club -Wedneaj^y iftprnoon. ,The room was attractive vith spring flowers and suggestions ?f Washington's birthday Were caried out in the favors and tally cards. I raost delicious salad'course, with otee, enjoyed by Mesdafnes E, M. Davii, W. R. Woody, A. S. deVlaming, 5; G. Long, J. W. Noell, Misses Maiy Harris and Elizabeth' Noell. The Review club met on Tuesday, tfternoon with Mrs B. (J. Thompson it her home on Main street. As the ime was the birthday of Ceorge Washington, the leader, Mrs." Lillian rcronian, ,used a program appropriate o this, .and only used a portion of he subject on the program, whieh vas "Angels In A^tj" Mrs. G. \Gr labiness read the magazine article-. The afternoon closed with delightful efreshments served by Misses iiazel Thompsoh and Virginia Crews, both rested in colonial costume. 1 The Study club met in usual meetng with Mrs. J. M. PiSs on Thurslay afternoon. Mrs. R. H.' Gates led he lesson, on Scotland, with Miss dary Cheek giving the reading Characteristics of the Scotch Sellers in North Ca'roHfta?* At the close if the program, the 'hostess, assistd by Mesdames R. M. Spencer, and iarence Bowen served a delightful ourse of refreshments. Mrs. L. M. Carlton was hostess at hree tables of bridge, when she enettained on Thursday evening fO* liss Mary Pranklij? Graves^ of Mount Liry, who was her house guest. -Afer a spirited number of - games the ipstess served chicken salad, beaten liscuit', stuffed tomatoes, coffee and Imonds. Miss Graves was the recilient tjf1 a ptimber of social courtesies yhilp hprp n nliorminrr .lways. ^ On Friday afternoon Mrs. L. M. Carlton was again Mc^ess when she ntertained her Book club. Beautiful pring fiowers were attractively, placd throughout the rooms, and several irogressidns of - Boston rook -were ilayed; at the close of which marshnallow fluff,' cake, coffee, . whipped ream and hut^ were served ito ttje ollowing club members: Mesdames '. W. Noell, W. T. Pass, R. J. Teague,1 V. C. Watkins, H. W. and J. J. Wintead, T. E. Austin, A. S. deVlaming, 3. P. Dunlap, T. W. Henderson, J. k., M. R. and W. F. Long. , The Pleasure Club was delightfully mtertained by Mrs. E. M. Davis, rhe living" room was very attractive vtth flowers arranged in bowls and >askets. After playing. Boston Rook 'or several hours the hostess served :ruit salad, scollop oysters, saltines, oflfce with whipped cream. Lovely >askets filled with candy were given ;he following: Mesdames W. R. .Voody, W. C. Bullock,'T. B. Woody. [. O. Wilkerson, L.' M. Carlton, T; S. Austin, E. G. Long, Frank Wilson, L C. Bradsher B. A. T.haxto*. J. D. K. Richmond and H. W. Newell. Mrs. E. P. Dunlap delightfully entertained the Research Club on Wednesday afternoon. Th^ lesson of the afternoon staS . verv ihterestino Af ter discussion for more' than an hour the bpatfeg* served a 'delicious salad course with coffee and - whippe4 cream. notice of republican ' County convention. By virtue 'of the authority of the Republican executive committee a Convention is hereby called to meet in the Court House in Roxbofo on Saturday March the 15th, at 3 o'clock p. nil; e , The purpose of this Convention Is the election of delegates to the^State, Congressional, and judicial coinvontions; the election, of a Chairman enji years. Townships?will Hnh*- ** ?'* -p-va.. tions on Saturday March 8th. am) elect township committee**. eftiirme", ^nddelegatos to the County Conventio5>AlL_good citizens are-invited til pgrtterpate. - ? * _ * . ^ R. A. Burrti, Ctirm. Ex. Com. L\_ ' fl . Watch Your Label. . t BANK 6WHL. HKU n ' *1 - 1 < 1 ) EEg, YEAR IN ADVANCE No. 10 LEASBURG ITEMS. . ., . Mr. Harry Arnold, whw' has been here with his aunt, Miss Wilhelmina Lea, left a few days ago with hia friend, Mr?Honk, for their home in Oregon." _ ? ?* .'They had made the trip east las? fall, by automobile, coming acrosb the northern portion' of the country. They have taken a southern route back and expect to be on the road three "weeks'or more. ? "While Mr. Arnold was here Mr. Honk was with his daughter W'Washington. J 1 1 Mrs. W. E.tConnalJy is visiting relatives in Raleigh and - Greensboro '4,M!Knnie Newman has"~been visiting friends in the eastern part of the State for the past week. Miss Mattie. Pulliam is now attending an executive meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society in Golds boro. A Mr., and Mrs. Felex Stephens and J? daughter of Danville and Mr. and Mrs. Joe 'Featherston of Roxboro spent Sunday with Mrs. Nannie .Stephens. i Mr. anid Mrs. Tom Crowder of Virgilina have recently visited Mr. Crowder's sister, Mrs. R. P. Newman. William Stanfletd, colored, long a respected citizen of this place, was hurried here last. Saturday. He had been a good carpenter and was well known through this seotion.?X. MARY HAMBRICK MISSIONARY SOCIETY. . The Mary Hambrick Missionary Society met in the church 'rooms at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The "meeting opened With' song. . ? Roll call was answered with -a verse from the Bible oh prayer. The lesson latl Chron. 29th chapter 10-16 was read and discussed by Mrs. Nannie Morton, prayer was then led by Mrs. J. D. K. Richmond. Minutes of the last meeting was given by Mrs. J. H. Loy. The President then asked for report of several committees. Mr. Burrown wan given ? rising vote of?? thanks by the society for repair work done on the parsonage. . 'j_ . Mrs. .Tno Hlonlrs f/xleJ Superanuated Canjpaipn which will be on MarcH 18th. The meeting was dismissed with prayer by the President, Mrs. Mamie Merritt. ? 0 " AN OLD LANDMARK GONE. / The pld storage fpctroy on Reams Ave. and Lamarr Streets is being torn down.' This was one of The first factories built here after the tobacco market was opened and for several years has been vacant. Some time since the building was condemned, hence, is being torn down. I COMING! COMING! I Julian B. Arnold, author, entertainer, traveller, will present India' ?Past and Present, illustrated travelogue, at the graded school auditorium tomorrow evening. This is. the last Of the plays which the Wom'ans Club have spgnscred this season, and they especially desire a full house. Don't miis It. i SALE- ATTRACTS LARGE NUMBER OF VISITORS. _ The sale of the bankrupt stock of goods belonging to Mr. Victor Kaplon was sold here on last . Wednesday. Quite a. large numteo were here attending the sale, the sale price being $1T",500, and was bid in by Mr." A. Lipshitz. MR. GENTRY "DIES SUDDENLY. Yesterday mohfin^ Mr. Clem Gentry, of the Allensvilte .section drow pod dead. Jle and his wife had start- . ed to his,.fish trap nnd/his wife saw .. him Tpll down. Whew she reached his side he was dead. The funeral services will be held'.this evening at Still Creek cemetery. H " ?? NOTICE.' - . j I itli tin 1'Siai ' .'1 and cordially invite all of my friend* , and all" Others who are in need of hardware to give us 'a. cdll. Wa wtU .mike it to your advantage. - 1 J. M. O'Briant. lj?:; * *

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