J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AN! VOL. No. IXL CHIEF JUSTICE 4 CLARK DIES mm i; HE WAS A JUDGE AT FORTY ii# ; THREE 1 . T?? , At 16 He Has a Confederate Soldier and At 17 a Lieutenant Colonel. I Raleigh, May 19.?Thrice during ( Gutuiuin?Mnrriiiiin'i administration death haa entered the Supreme court 1 and this morning at 8:89, Chief Justice Walter Clark, the iron man of ? the bench, went out under an ap- ^ oplectic stroke. The funeral will be conducted Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from . the late residence on Halifax street. BL The burial will be in the Raleigh cemm etery. Governor Morrison announced to- * f night that Chief- Justice Clark will ' lie in state in the capitol rotunda ' , Tuesday, morning from 10 o'clock to 1 the funeral hour at 4 in the afternoon. 1 The death'of the noted jurist. Con-, federate captain, author, and out-1 standing liberalist of the state came quickly upon the morning papers' announcement that his honor had fallen ' into unconsciousness' no6n oT~the day ' before. The shock Of the community , was intense. The apparent health of 1 the chief was written in everp fea- ' ture of a life which has withstood an 1 amazing wear of work and years. ' Several times withirt the past two ' years Judge Clark has- shown the ' inevitable "break," but this wonder- ' - ful human organism wasn't the thing to make concession to age. His body,' even as his mind was ever, young and everybody who knew him guessed that when he quit, it would be in a paraly-1 sis which first destroyed his power to ' think. J a-. Lieutenant Colonel at 17 ^I The life of Halter Clark as a purelv statistical narrative would be one ' ot^he most romantic in the state's' annals. At 15 a driller of Confeder- 1 ates, at 16 a soldier, and 17 a lieu-^ tenant coionei, ai o?rc ?kc ? at 43 a judge when judges were still one of the seven ages of -men, at 47 ( a Supreme court justice, at 48 the ' nominee of all parties when political j blood w/*s hottest and partisanship the fiercest, and at 56 the highest judge of the realm, all junctures in bis life full of dramatic interest, vet all of them making him a sort of clinic in democracy, the champion of people who never failed him and whom he never failed. .He was as I though he lived to prove that even a !" inoderateiy literate electrate could be < trusted. READING AND DECLAMATION CONTEST. j^,- A Declamation and Reading .con-' ] Wk " Jest was held Monday Evening at the B* High' School Auditorium, under the : Wr?' auspices of the Parent teacher Asso- ' K*' Nation and the Literary Department Ipp-of the Woman's Club. An interesting program had been: arranged, consisting of five readings : ? and five declamation interspersed with piano solos and several numbers were given by the Glee- Club, one of the c- newe?t and best organizations of the ' High School. For. the best declama-, tion, George- Burch won the $5 gold piece, given by the . Parent Teacher !'> Association, while Mildred Richmond, was1 declared the best reader and was. presented the So gold piece which! was given by the Woman's Club. Both prizes were praaAnUul-by^iey^R. _Iv White. It was very hard for the judges ^ , to make their decisions as to who was the best as each piece" was well sp^&n and decided talent was shown in each contestant. Eunice White and Wallace White w;ere awarded second iv *n trve contest. , 1 - TO THE PEOPLE OF PER80N COUNTY ANNOUNCEMENT : X wish to take this means -of announcintt myself a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Person County subject to the notion of the anproach : mff Democratic Primary." /If yon g -shall s?? ftt io-nominate ?n4 elect me to this office 1 imnnlse .vo?-? service fife very best of which I am capable. -7 . - Frank. J. Xtester.' . .T ? 1 D PUBLISHER ROXBOF / . COMMIE/CEMENT EXERCISES ROXBORO GRADED SCHOOLS. The commencement exercises of the icbools of Roxboro will begin Thurslay night, May 29th, and end Moniay night, dune 2nd. Thursday night, May 29th. Recital >y Music Class. Friday night. May 30th, Senior Class Play. Saturday night, May 31st, Enterainment by children of Primary Irades. Sunday morning, June 1st, at elev. ii o'clock. Ouiiiinenecmcnt Sormon by Vrchdeacon Morrison Bethea of Ral;igh. Monday night, June 2nd, addrbss by 5r. Edgar W, Knight, Professor of lural Education in the University of S'orth Carolina. _ All these' exercises, except the Commencement Sermon, will be held n the school auditorium and will betin at 8 o'clock in the evening. The sermon will be preached in the Bspist Church at eleven o'clock Sunday norning. The public is cordially invited to ill these exercises. A LATE CALL. Sunday night about 12 o'clock Sheriff Long was called out near Srooksdale to see about some one vho was drunk and driving an autonobile recklessly. He found William Srown driving on the public road, irunk, and arrested him and made lim give bond for $200 to appear in !?urt Monday morning for trial, but le failed to appear and forfeited his H>nd. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES MEREDITH COLLEGE. We return obr(thanks to Miss Hel-n Virginia Klybon far an invitation j :o the Commencement Exercises of! Meredith Oolieve. Mav thirtieth to! fune third. Miss PlJ'bon will receive he degree of Bachelor of Arts. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION j ?,ast Saturday the Republican! bounty Convention was held here.! rhe following recommendations were nade for the County ticket: Legislature, W. F. Long. Register cf Deeds, Geo. C. Barrett. Sheriff, J. .W. Chambers. Treasurer, Mrs. .M. B. Stray horn.' Coroner, J. T. Hamlin. Surveyor, W. T. Rnrhannn J County Commissioners, C. H. Hunter, R. D. Bailey and E. J. Clayton. ! Mr. Copeland G. Garrett was elect-1 ;d County Chairman. '' ?r?o RELIABLE RECIPES. The Calumet Baking Powder Com-1 pany has put out an 80 page book of recipes which is a convenient and useful book for any'housewife.'You can* f-eeure'a'^copy by calling at this office. They are free while they last. o i THE REFLECTOR. (?o? The Reflector, published by the senior class of Bushy Fork High School has been placed on our desk through courtesy of the -principal, Mr. Byrd Isaac Satterfield. to whom the volume is dedicated. It is a volume of some TO pages and is indeed creditable to this splendid high school. The cartoonist, Mr. O'Brfant, gives t videnqe^ of more than Ordinary ability and has added much to The Reflector by his work. o ?o? . / Yesterday morning Mr. R. A. Spencer, of the firm of R. A. Spencer & Son, was sitting at his desk when the force working on the sewer line set off a blast. He said he thought he had better stick to the "safety first", rule and step into the next room, which he did. The explosion took place and one of the Urge plate glass in the front smashed, and when he returned glass an< rubbish was scattered all over the chair he had fceen sitting in. Yes sir, a Uose call. .. ; or . PREACHING AT F ? WAKKK-VSt GROVE; Kev. Mr. Hemflon Of Durham will ipreach at Warren's Grove the first i'Knnd?y in June at 3:80 o'clock. The -public" is cordially invited to this service. Joxbc HOME FIRST, A :0, NORTH CAROLINA BAILEY FOR GO Every Voter Is Urged to J tion Relief and Polith For B;1 We, the undersigned v< do hereby form a BAILi CLUB. The objects of t 1. To bring about a ju North Carolina wheieby the unjust burden of exces ing. 2. Inasmuch as Josiah ^ way to bring about this, w port for the Democratic n< 3. "We agree to exert o the Primary, to bring abov 4. We agree to take all a fair election. 5. We protest against th ly disclosed) to capture tl this arid other counties; an to see to it that there is a count in the Primary. 6. We also look to Mr. means of bringing to the p election system; and we a views on the subject of f the time has come to empl< Carolina to bring justice t< spect. Sign here . v # - jar' ' After signing, both man or send to either Dr. B. A The Courier office. EXTRA ATTRACTION ?o? COMING TO THE PRINCESS THEATRE HON. AND TUESDAY j' JUNE 2nd. - 3rd. Marion Davies in 'T.ittle Old New ( ' . - ,n M Tork . r A romance of the men and women' _who laid the foundations of thej" American Nation. * , When America was young?when I they traveled by stage coach?when I Robert Fulton sent the first seamboat; im Hudson River=^when Jno. Ja-I cob Astor was a fur dealer?when * Cornelius Vanderbilt ran a Ferry Boat?when the brave men and women of bygone days laid the foundations of the Nation of the present. Thrilling days! Roamatic Days! And now they live again on the screen in the most remarkable photoplay of the year. (The historical classic * of the ' Americaiv^Screen) a picture you can't; afford to miss. (Remember the dates' June 2-3rd.) I ??:? ,1 GANNETT-HALL \y A very interesting wedding took I place Thursday afternoon at Bahama.! when Miss Clara Garnett of Randolph,) Va. and Mr. Cliff TTall of Roxboroj were marri<M. They were married at j three o'clock at the home of Miss.j Bessie Terryj on Roxboro road near: .Bahama. They were married by Rev.' 'J/F. Stamps, thp beautiful ring cereymony of ihe. Methodist Church being. used. The bride was . lovely in a gray dress* with accessories and carried an ! ' arm boquet of white rose buds and ferns. ,L Mrs. Hall is a very successful ; school tca'chei1, who taught this pastj year at Union. Mr. Hall is a very popular business, | man of this city. \ \ . The happy couple left Immediate*! ly after the ceremony for Durham,' PnHyh nnii P"-Qy ""Tint | LIGHTNING STRIKES RESIDENCE. T There was quite an electrical storm here last? night. The residence of MV j R. E. Hamlin was struck and one of :|the chimneys completely demolished. >1 No one was injured and little damage done to the residence other than the destruction of the chimney. . . iro C [BROAD NEXT .Wednesday Evening M VERNOR CLUB loin. IFYou Want Taxa- a :al Liberation, Vote tiley. o Dters of Person County. ? 2Y FOR GOVERNOR = ' a his Club are: ? st system of taxation inlb "I 1 ? ?* ! ? r ' land will be relieved ofr:, sive taxes it is now bear- v i N. Bailey has shown the f e pledge to him our sup- p omination for Governor. J urselves from now until t it his nomination, necessary steps to insure 1 u e studied efforts ( recent- ' le election machinery in t d we call upon all voters i square tfeal, and a fair * . q Bailey's candidacy as a r eople of this State a fair I Iso endorse Mr. Bailey's t reight-rates. We believe 1 ?y th full power of North .. a all its people in this re- J Voting Place 1 and wife, return by mail . Thaxten, Chairman, or t ? i: "frf.f. f.y am iv 4tiov r By all means have your children J 'xamined by Miss Williams, before j 1 he clinic, which is to be held the last.i veek in June, this is important, forj f they are found to have diseased t ;onsils and * adenoids it will be nec- 1 sssary to make application for treat- 1 nent, for only a limited number can i >e cared for during the clinic, and only-i ;hose making definite application will! >e assured of .treatment. |l So many children have throat <1 ;rouble, and yet seem to be perfectly IJ .veil. The people of this county can-] not afford to miss this opportunity.!the nominal fee of $12.50 will be :harged those who are able to pay, and will be done totally free in needy cases. Over fifty applications have dl-h ready been sent in, so it would bei^ wise not to delay the matter of reluming the cards given you by Miss ! Williams. ^ J Those who failed to get the exam ination .at the given places for ex-i animations can come, into Hoxboro,] nnd get the examination in the office i of the County Supt. of schools any] Saturday. J. A. Beam. lo : \ HUGHES-CON FORD. Mr. Turpin Hughes and Mrs. Ada; Conford of Greensboro wero married last Tuesday night in Greensboro. II was o?very yuiet- marriage, only at few of the relatives were present.' They spent several days here visit-j ing Mr.' Hughes' sister, Mrs. P. Y. 1 Pass. They will make their home in' Washington, D. C. PAGEANT AT CONCORD CHURCH.! Sunday evening, May 26th, at 1:30, the^Epworth league will present a pageant "To Vision Heights"'at Concord church. The public is cordihlly fhvited.. ???. B. C. Thompson. NOTICB-Of SERVICES. I give notice that I will hold services at Hurdle Mills next Sunday at 11 o'clock, A. M.. and at "Rushy Fork Tfigh School at i n'clork, P: .M. A cordial 'welcome, to all.; ~' . ' ' W. O. Sample. v'l ' IV' 1- :* r-.'. a tour $1.30 [ay 21st, 1924 JUST TO REMIND YOU. Just to remind you again brother nd sister voters of the sacred privtege which is soon to be yours, tc njoy, that of selecting our county flfcers for their next term, I like to ise the word selecting because it ounds more like choosing the man ut of a large number from which tc elect. It seems more like exercising ome care and forethought before asting a vote. Id other words it aeans stopping still, and thinking efore acting. May I ask you brother and sister " til' ."h-t yyy ?Ml til . rith the opportunity at the primary ? lecause of the large number of can idates seeking office it is purely and imple a matter of selecting. This is lartkularly true with the office of heriff. Here We have several ijnen rom which to select the one successul man. An excellent opportunity to hink once, to think twice, to think hree times, before acting once. There is one thing 1 want td urge ipon every voter, and that is that hey stop and think before casting heir votes for sheriff. Pardon me if am too persistent in urging this, lijt to my mind we owe it to ourselves o vote for the best man possible. Iii dr. J. Cothtan we have every [uality that we need for a man to lossess, a number one sheriff, he is apable, full of manhood, and faces lis duty like a man. He is a man in he true sense of the word, and is not acking in a single characteristic iceded for sheriff. 'Yea he is when all is said and sung, t man the flower imperishable of this valiant age t true American". Voter ? o? \TTENHANCE RECORD AT BtTSHY FORK ?o? Perfect Attendance: * Frances Hester Mabel Bradsher Lucy Horton .Nannie Alien Those attending more than 150 of he 160 daj*3 of the school year: Viola Harris. Raymond Allen, Lot:ie Long, Lewis Hester, Willie Hor;on, Odell Allen, Theo Hester, Eurene Smith, Phil Bnynes. Walter Hor:on. Irving O'Briant, Marie Hester. The following pupils would have aeen in the above lists if not for siekaess: Sue Allen, Wendell Whitfield, Ger:ie Bradsher, Mary Bradsher, Larue Bradsher, Mildred Hester, Elizabeth; Rogers, Allien Rogers, Edna Wilker5onr Cleo Rogers, Naomi Blaloek. .Eugene Hester, Joe Long. Patsy Warren received the medal ?iven by Miss Gelia Hester to the aupil making the best record in scholarship, mr. "Business man. mr. pleasure seeker Have you made plans, secured your schedule and reservation for that business trip or that vacation ? If not, then get in touch with our local Passenger Agent who is glad to accommodate you at all times. NORFOLK & WESTERN RAILWAY | COMPANY. ?o METHODIST MEETING CLOSES. ?o? The..revival which has been in1 pro gpeSs at the Edgar Loup Memorial Church closed last Sunday night. Rev. Mr. Paylor, who ha* been doing the preaching, greatly endeared himself to our people. He is an excellent preacher, filled with the desire of the Spirit, arfii all wish they may have the pleasure of listening to him aginn. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. On Sunday May 25th the Allensville Township Sunday School, Convention will hold an all day meeting at Allensville High School. Everybody is invited to these services. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. James Oar^pt?_ nnrnnnrr i thr marriage nf hin dtinglL ter Clara ?"*? " ; Mr. Robeft Clifton Hall ^ort Thursday, the fifteenth of May one thousand nine hundred and.twen' tyrfw at Durham, . North Carolina At hoipe (titer May iwehty-trfth Roxboro, N. C. V , let i PER YEAR IN ADVANCE No. 21 SENATE PASSES BDNlA BILL " OVER COOLIDGE*S HEAD Washington, May 19.?The bonus ' bill became a law today. The senate overrode President Coolidge's veto by the two-thirds . majority necessary. The house overrode it Saturday. The vote came within half an hourafter bill was called up by Senator Curtis, Kansas, republican whip, shortly after 2 p. m., all debate being dispensed with. When the bill was called up Senator Reed of Pennsylvania, anti-bonus leader, asked unanimous consent that it g8 over until Saturday, bul Sena- ~ rvnzona, democrat, and b<?nus advocate objected and forced tke_vote. . 7 Crowds of bonus members thronged into the chamber and crowded around the walls. The galleries were filled. The bill provides life insurance policies for veterans on the basis of adjusted compensation at the rate of $1 a day for home service and 11.25 a day for overseas service. Basic compensation of not to exceed $500 for home veterans and $025 for overseas men, is multiplied by an arbi- * trary figure to arrive at the face value of the insurance policies, roughly two .and one-half times the basic compensation. FROM ALL-ENSVILLE. Tne unexpected is that which always happens. We thought we had Bro. Noell nominated but now he has withdrawn from the race, it>r course makes Mr. Long feel good, for we will ja?t as readily fair in line for him, for he is a man well fitted for this offilte. and I hope will be of much real service to our County, for of course he will be ele<!^ed. Now if our candidates who are run- ? ning for* sheriff would say to Mr. Melvin Long, we know you are more entitled to the sheriffV office than we are, by reason of what you hav$ already accomplished for the good people of Person county and we won't say any more hrfrd things about you ? which we can not prove, no way, in order to rob you of an office which by reason of "service are so justly entitled to. We thought when we started in the race that we could fool enough people of Person county to get the nomination, but the people , J can't be fooled so easy as we thought for in Sit. Tirzah, th?-people have let us know that they arc for Mr, Long, and then our very worthy County Commissioners have sent word all over the County of their very great injustice which they have done Mr. Long; inen irom the north side of our County comes a letter telling some of the things Sheriff Long has accomplished for the Cbunty, and about this time Poor Richard, who never would stand still and see a. friend imposed on by false reports such as are going the rounds over ; Person county at this tame on Melviti i Long. While I do not claim he is a I saint or that he is by any means perfect I do claim, and so far "without contradiction, that he -and Melvin Clayton have done more to give us a clean. County than any officers we hptfe ever had before, and out of all "those ether candidates who are running I do not believe we would get one the equal of Melvin Long, ancT while all of the candidates have call- * i ed on me not one of them lyis even 1 j attempted to show me Where they ^ j I could improve cn what Long has done ! and is doing. Thev^ifnply* want the : office and are willing to sacrifice the | best sheriff we have ever had in order | to get in office themselves. Bat I . | hone the people will not be fooled by such false reports as .are being spread over the County at this time, which are not intended for the betterment' of the County but solely for the purpose of riding some man into office as sheriff.?Poor Richard. , j| CHILDREN** DAY AT OAK GROVE. l Man OK*-"W ?* alan- ^ en o'clock, there will be a Children* Day service at OaK Grove .Methodist B. C. Thompson. o .. C-HANGE IN VOTING. PLACE- ? The voting place for East Roxboro . I has 'la-en changed from the Win?t??d "^jjl warehouse to the Hyco warehonse. Saturday is the last day to file applii cations for, candidacy.- Don"t forg?t _ J : these matters. . * ? R. -N. iFeatherston. 1

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