. V j 4 If you have any I do NOW IS THE T | Foundation to finish I can get it at ROX'BC We are overstock* . prices to unload wit! SEND US YOUR C THE DIF Roxboro 1 "Home of Q wr ??? Good health is the grea family can have. The way t eat our good foods. Our foods are first qual: are sound and ripe and you them to safeguard your he Fresh Groceries?Fresh 1 Hones N Sergeant Sta-KL PHONE 23 AND 24. CENTRAL SEF Opposite ''Prompt servit g Burch and Fei ffSfrW'Y' i', f" f prp-TOTri^innrrrpr | 1 Th. PRINCES Sr H roxbc B ? Advance pdogram from Thursd S THURSDAY. Carl L. Laemml S duction "THE CLEAN UP" with g| Claire Anderson and Margaret P9 Loan. A Universal Picture. (Love n Speetucular fights! Hilarious Col 9 "calls, a two reel Our Gang coir FRIDAY. Distinctive pictures duction "THE REJECTED WOl gjj Nagel, Wyndham Standing and II Lynch. A Cosmopolitan Productio luxury, gayety in an absorbing is the story)., ADDED Pathe SATURDAY. William Fox pr Jordan in "BEN TUCKJ>1>AYK" I blazed into the Hunf?n heart. Cl I ADDED Harry Snpb Pollard inl I P. M. Evening at fr:30-8:45-9:15l MONDAY. Jesrfe L. Usky j.rl tion "THE BREAKING POINT Naldi, George Fan ett and Matt by. Mary Roberts Pinehsrt. A Til H relied lore drama on BrOadway 1 to out cast of players, ADDED H IS No advance in admission*. Matu ? . ?toesdxv; Tcs.-e l: Lasay p; '.r Ijg tion "FLAMING BARRIERS" Bj Moreno, Walter Heirs and Chasl IS Hyran Mirgan. A Paramount ilfi? 'em all for high powered actio Jgi : thrills come so fast a lighting |S . them. ADDED Harold Lloyd C< ? Open 7:30 - 0:00 P. M. E WF-D., THUR.. FRI . July 2-3, .. _ '?IcS , ,lam?t- Craze's?B&. I'nraninnrl IP? .WAGON" with JrWarren Kerrii ifet Ogle', Eynest Torrence. Guy Oil' Ice -i-r-isaw -aural by K-nrnni , " la -Inct-nn. Matinee Wed, and Thur . . I jfc- "2.00 and TiW P- Evenlg 7:30 i '' .. lint?wwi,affi!UH| irc aWi?S33 *'- , ' , ;~* _ r> rhe Time I 1c >uilding or repairing to IME to start it. From P j; for mansion or hut you jll f )RO LUMBER CO. | ? ed and we are making ^ j, lout regard to profit. & )RDERS AND NOTE | ? TERENCE. I d Lumber C?-J ; uality Lumber" | '' _ - e< Mp^Ree^-^ l x COOl/ Ni~| " ,ti ym eat plenty o/X| vfreshvegetabieO T itest possession you and your Jj o keep your good health is to in I ';. ' ' .:*: m tfc ity, our fruits and vegetables Pi can and should eat plenty ot tn alth. m Vegetables?Fresh Fruits? _ . ni t Prices. m to LAYTON f an Store ROXBORO, N. C. A 'VICE STATION I p Post Office :e with a Smile" g fo itherstone, Managers ? nc >S THEATRE I * >R0, N. C. g be ?? ??p CO lay June 26th to Wed. July 2nd. K ____________ J de e presents A William Parke Pro- & Herbert Rawlinson, .Claire Adams, 2e sp Cp^npbell. Adapted by H. Van g t! Romance! Thrilling Adventures! M ta i\ a rvnr?n u_i t> >- ? " Ld i.vuj ,; rxuLJii*u xiui noacn s rtas- tjgj ledy, "Dog of War". No advance presents Albert E. Parker's pro- |g a IAN" with Alma Rubens, Conrad vo Fred Burton. Adapted by J no. [s pj n. (If you like pep, action, beauty, uC . Motion picture story. Then thi* 3g sws. Open 7:30 P. M. i-jc esents DUstin Farnum with Bruce vi< (A story in which a new trail is jg >n the trail to the Golden West). "Jack Vront." Matinee 2:30-3:30 , P. M. 1 e<1| events A Herbert Brenon ProJuc- w ! v;iI with Palsy lluth Miller, Nltn .jjgl Ju Moore. Adapated from the -tory jHj qUl aramount picture. (A Double-Bar- H[ ights and the West, with a knock- \tj aroid Lloyd., in "Two. Scrambled", igj I M Monday at 3:30 P. M. Evening 3 resent* A CeoTge Meifurd Pivltir- w With Jacqueline Logan. Antonio EL Ogle. Adapted from the story by tl "Plrtura. "Flaming Barriers" ton 33 __ n and -Aara devil deeds And the 3j calculator couldn't keep track of 'Si imedy. No advance in admissions. M Ath. 122^. Jesse L Ijislcy pre sen Is Si 11 P.e,1n...inn niir Cll VV fe W T1 I.. gall, Loia Wilaon, Alan Hale, Chas. |3 _ rer-and 300 others. Adopted from 3 ITnngti,,.\_Par3PlMht Spfj'M Pro- alt( a. at 3:00 p. m. Matinee Friday a: 3T H and 0:80 p. nr. Adm. "0 add 7$c, , S, ^ ' . - -wy . THE ROXBORO CO fHE COURIER Roxboro, N. C. June 23th 1921 1 Everything to build with. Wat ins &" Bullock. >N ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE $30,000 SEWER EXTENSION BONDS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE :OAJ.'I) OF COMMISSIONERS OF IOXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, a? allows: Section I. That the Town -of Roxoro issue its bonds pursuant to the lunicipal Finance Act in an amount ot exceeding Ffty Thousand Dollars $50,000) for the purpose-of extendlg the existing sanitary sewerage pstem of said Town. Section 2. That a tau sufficient to ay the principal and interest of said onds shall be annually levied and Elected. Section 3. That a statement of the ebt of the Town has been tiled with le Clerk and is open for public infection. Section 4. That this ordinance shall ike effect thirty days after its first ublication, unless in the ^S^tiuae a etition for its submission tf^phe oters is filed under the Municipal inance Act, in which event it shall ike effect when approved by the aters of the Town at an election as ?j ; J ?i iuviucu IU ratu an. The foregoing ordinance was passj on the 24th day of Jane, 1924 and as first published on the 25th day of ane, 1924. Any action or proceeding sectioning the validity of said ordianee must be commenced within lirty days after its first publication. Hattie E. Bureh, Town Clerk. 0 THE FARMERS OF THE OLD BELT OF VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA. We are in a position to make loans 1 your Participation Certificates in le Tobacco Growers Co-operative ssociation to the extent of one-half ii) of your first payment on the (23 crop. Bring your "P. C V to us or get >ur local Warehouse .Manager or anker to fill out the "Notice of Asgnment" and forward same to the abacco Growers Co-operative Assoation at Richmond, Virginia, sendg note for one-half your first payent and Participation Certificates Ao e AGRICULTURAL CREDIT COR3RATI0N OF VIRGINIA. Danville, s. - Wr?wali maih-your cheek when e assignment is returned from Riehond. We can also make loans for six and ne months where a financial stateent is Riven which will enable us rediscount the paper with the Fed al Intermediate Credit Bank of Balmore. GRICUI.TURAL CREDIT CORPORATION OF VIRGINIA. By W. R. Fitzgerald, ~ me 18. 2ts President. N ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE 850,000 WATER WORKS EXTENSION BONDS.BE IT ORDAINED BY THE OARD OP COMMISSIONERS OF OXBORO, NORTH CAROLINO, a? llows: Section 1. That the Town of Roxiro issue its bonds pusuant to the unicipal Finance Act in an amount >t exceeding Fifty Thousand Dolrs ($50,000) for the purpose of exuding the existing water works sysm within and for said Town. Section 2. That a tax sufficient to iy the principal and interest of said aids shall be annually levied and llected. Section 3. That a statement of the bt of the Town has been filed with e Clerk and is open for public inection. a tv.* *u:. j: .v.n ockhiun i. i?ai tins uiuiimiite snaii ke effect thirty days after its first tblication, unless in the meantime petition for its submission to the ters is filed under the Municipal nance Act, in which event it shall ke effect when approve1?! by the vots of the Town at an election as proled in said act. The foregoing ordinance was passon the 2bth day of June, 1924, and ?s first published on the 25th day of ne, 1924. Any action or proceeding rationing the validity of Said ordiince must be commenced within irty days after its first publication Hattie E. Buret), Town Clerk. WANTED?1: 1:r.-j -mi mother" for blue eyed buy. Particulars from Pi. F, Rhodes, 149 Shore St., Peters"T. V- r-fi-11.0ts ??... .. : ?:r-_ Hail Sterm_ tenon Ja erf. See SiriTiiald far a h-iii policy. -Th? 'vij artford ha? paid every hail Toss sitfactory foryrorj. -POU TODAY"; SATTEfiFIEfcD INS. . AGENCY', '-:.E AND ,TRIED". ' .. - vf-- - Of*. ; URIER, JUNE 25th 1924 J5*op and think. Is your car covered . with Are. theft and liability intar-: ? unci ; The Juries in North Carolina] and other states are rendering ver-l , diets daily for damages ranging from1 Ave to fifty thousand. No man es-j cape* now. Fix it before the accident.i SEE SATTERWELD "BEFORE YOU; ; SLEEP". ! 666 is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Dengue Fever. Constipation, Bilious Headaches and Malarial Fever. FOR SALE, 2 cows, one with first calf and one with second calf. Both of these cows are of good stock and i their habits and condition good. Price 1 reasonable. Apply to Thsd K. Japes, Moriah, N. C., Route L MOVED. I have moved my shoe repairing shop to Reams Avenue, place known as old stemming factory oflce, corner Reams Ave., and Lamarr Street. Best work and reasonable prices. 6-18 tt. Sherman Lee. FOR SALB?Clover and Timothy hay, just been mowed. R. W. Crumpton, Roxboro, Route 1. The business man will hesitate to trust the fellow who refuses or negjlects to take life insurance to projtect his wife and children after he I has passed. A Jefferson Standard will suffice. See Satterfield. "DO NOT DELAY". Hail insurance for $5.00 per acre. You can make safe your fertilizer and labor bill on tobacco crop. SEE SATTERFIELD. telTLEMENT AFTER THE FIRE Satterfield Insurance Agency has paid for thousands of losses by fire for the past twenty-five years. NOT ONE KICK. Yours may be next. Let us pay for it. SATTERFIELD INS. AGENCY. "OLD AND TRIED". Just Received a car load.of Flower Pots and Stone jars at Farmers Hardware Co. dfOR RENT?a large, Sonny, wel ventilated room fronting on Main St second floor over out store. An ideal place for a Ladies Parlor. Apply to Aubrey Long & Co. Trinity College Summer School : Second Term: July 22 to August 30. ? I I Courses for teachers, superirisv : j ors, and superintendents, coi- ! j t' lege students, and high school ' graduates., For information ad- j i|]-aress HOLLAND HOLTON, Director of Summe School ||| College Station, Durham, N. C. ?Only for limited time ?11.9 j Tolyer 32-20 01 38 Cal. 8 Shot Juick as a flashy with great penetrating potter and true markmanshtT*. Made of Bilbao blue steel, rifled bafrel. With inspection plate and automatic hammer safety $11.95. Every Gun Brand New and Inspected. All guns shoot Standard American Cartridges. SEND NO MONEY Pay on delivery $11.95 plus few cents to cover shipping expenses.. Mone> back promptly if not satisfied. New York Importers Company, BSK 40. 200 Proadwav, New York City. ji: : 11 BREAKFAST DINNER OR | I i SUPPER? .? k i I I " I 1 I" Send us your orders. ! " . : Everything in season ?Vegetables and I Fruits. \ BLANKS -am)t MORRIS .PHONE 25 _ ' . W???- - ; ^ * - 1 ~~ :r/u- ,.-? - _ y.?- ---y " ; ' . .r. 'i I Getting The I The Mc 1 A Matter That Interest i| _ i i 3 More than seventy five percen the average home, is handled by 9 woman.- This responsibility makes keen shopper, for the prosperity i dependent upon her ability to pui Our store is particularly keei know merchandise values and app I vice. We number among our regul most practical and businesslike h boro and the surrounding country These women have found by e pays to shop here. First: Becauss in line with the lowest prices-najr dependable goods. Second: Beca guarantee of satisfaction means "Our Goods Must Make Good Or cause of our whole-hearted and i each and every customer. We want to serve more thr Come in to see us. It will pay you 1 Wilburn 8 Sa !?i [BIRD'S B r?i ? oningies Bird's Super-Twin Shingles to the large, handsome rcsii rugged appearance of heavy wr 1. They are laid 5" Co the we; large exposed area, over 9" i 2. They are extra thick and ? the arched cut*out that gi appearance.' 3. They can be laid right c shingles, making a durable splendid appearance. ^ 4. They have an unusually s surface of natural red, gre crushed slate. ? 5. Like all Bird's Twin Shingle is a one. man, one hand shii Bird's Super-Twin Shingles are made by manufacturers of Neponsct Twin Shingles Paroid Roofing, Neponaet Black Buildinj There's a Bird product for every sort of bu We are headquarters far ' building papers and W ATKINS &~B "Everything To Bu Roxboro, N. ^ _ fg*JL SANITATIOl Some people don i3L conditions that si buy their edibles. H j demand that the i ? IU Our purpose is Kt tidious, assuming to Sanitation, Ser M?- We sell for ca j Aubrey Long ~ SUBSCRIBE FOR ? ?srii;rw ; $ Most For I >ney Every Woman t of the money spent in B the home manager?a P i the average woman a gs of the family is largely Ggj -chase judiciously. (9 1 to serve women who m ireciatd exceptional ser- raj lar patrons sotme of the Kg iome managers in Rox- p xperience that it really || 5 our prices are always P led anywhere for really S use of our unqualified |j exactly what it' says ? We Will". Third: Be- S sincere desire to please ?j ifty home managers. K to trade with us. Try it. || Ltterfield. 1 JOOFS1 ^ 1 I I KSUmMRiEsk' are especially suited |S' slate. athcr and have a in width. sxtra heavy, with ivas a distinctive ver old wooden ^ double roof of mooth and even * en or blue-black ?, the Super-Twin iglc. Bird & Son. inc. (Ert. 1795), l, Shingle Design Roll Rooftng, I Paper ami Nepomct Board, tiding I Bird** roofings* wall board ULLOCK lild With" i C. y* *, VIPF AND SAVING rt give a rsp the kind of irroupds the place they There are others who 1 conditions be most sani- .j to satisfy\he most fas- - . that NONE will object rice and Saving, j sh and sell for less. \ and Co. ? ?: ?? ? ?" . li.aL-j*" UR1ER ; 1.50 pfe yeatr '^*5 ' * ' v i * _ ^ __ .