J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AN VOL. No. IXL DURHAM MAN DROWNED AT LOCK LILY J. J. WRENS DEAD; E. L. MORRIS NARROWLY ESCAPED DEATH J. J. Wrenn, salesman of the Banner Motor Company of Durham, was drowned, and E. L. Morris, alto of Durham, narrowly escaped death last Sunday afternoon when a boat they were rowing capsized on Loch Lily, five miles from Roxboro. In the boat at the time was (S. L. Reed, who escaped by swimming to shore. Sunday afternoon the party of Durham men, with their wives, came to Roxboro to spend the afternoon at the Ierice. They engaged a boat and were rowing toward the middle of the lake je- when the accident occurred. The men were thrown into the water and the struggle for life began. Mr. Rfeed was apparently the only one of the three who could swim. When the boat first turned over, he made an effort to rescue Mr. Wrenn, bijt not being an expert swimmer, he had to make for the shore without his drowning companion. Mr. Wrenn went under the water twice, and failed to come up the third time. After thirty or forty ?t? minutes,--the body was recovered by searchers with the aid of an improvised grappling hook. Life was already extinct, and the body was taken to Durham for burial. Mr. Morris owes his life to the excellent work done by young Claude Hull, son of Dr. and Mrs. Marcus Hull of Durham. Hull, who is only" 16 years of age but an excellent swimmer, was attending a houseparty at the lake, and was standing near the water attired in a bathing suit when his attention was called to the capsized boat. Without a moment's hesitation he jumped into the water, and after a short struggle,, succeeded in bringing Morris, safely to' land. Hull has just completed the Boy Scout course in life-saving, which stood him in good stead, and his knowledge of first aid for the drowning enabled him to resuscitate Morris shortly after reaching the shore. The wives of two of the men were witnesses of the tragedy, but standing on the bank horror-stricken, they were powerless to offer any assist ance. Mr. Wrenn resided on Morris Street in Durham, and is survived by hie wife, his father and several brothen to Durham Monday afternoon and at last reports was showing satisfactory progress toward recovery from the shock. It is not thought by at' tenoing physicians that he suffered any serious injury. NEWS FROM ROUTE FIVE. Misses Clara and Dessie Long spent Thursday night with Mrs. Claude Moore. Mr. Emery Foushee spent Saturday night with Mr. George Blackard. Misses Louise Maynard of Durham, and Emily Moore spent Saturday night with Miss Odell Hamlin. Miss Virginia Montague of Allensville, spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. S. G. Loy. Miss Katye Harris is spending sometime with her sister, Mrs. Will . Crumpton. Mrs. O. W. Sasser of Wilson, N. C. is spending a few days with her moth. er Mrs. T. E Wilkerson. Miss Alma Moore is visiting her aunt Mrs. Hubert Pearce of Richmond. Mrs. S. B. Moore and children are visiting her mother, Mrs. H. A.. Howard of Yanceyville. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Foushee, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foushee and children and Miss Fred Williams spent the week end in the eastern part of the state, visiting Mr. Ned Noell. Miss Vera Lunsford, who has been confined to her room for sometime Is better. Mr. and. Mrs. Dameron Long spent Sanday with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Moor*. '' " Blue "Eyes, REVIVAL SERVICES AT BETHEL HILU Beginning next Sunday morning the pastor. Rev. N. J. Todd, will hold -dwleies twice daily at Rethel Hill Baptist church. On Sunday the Laymens' Federation of Durham will con^ duct both services. 11 o'clock A. M. and 2:80 P. M. The public'is cordially invited.to 'atten? all of these services. ? V > r . V. 'If % tD PUBLISHER ROXBOR MEN AND WOMEN OF THE BEUj LAH ASSOCIATION, READ THIS! My Alabaster Box. David, Who was a man after God's own heart, called together the great assembly of the people and said, "Who ' then olTereth willingly to fill his hand [this day unto Jehovah?" i Jesus Christ one day entered the temple and sat down over against the| treasury, and he saw a certain poort widow casting in thither two mites, > and he said. "Of a truth 1 say unto; you, this poor widow cast in more than they all. She of her want did cast in all that she had." When we think of an alabaster box a picture comes before our eyes of a scene in Bethany centuries ago, fragrant and precious, and Jesus said that wherever his gospel should be preached the story would be told ns a memorial of Mary who, against the. day of his burial, broke the alabastei box that His feet might be anointed i with pure nard, very precious. How I could Jesus commend the gifts of jthese two women? We know that jGod cares for the sparrows and sureily Ho would not allow the widow to be left penniless, surely He would | not have any extravagance. Jesus knew that He was to give His all indeed, His very life on the cross? sacrifice setting forth sacrifice. Therefore to cultivate a similar spirit of love and sacrifice in our united efforts for our 75 Million Campaign the Southern Baptist has furnished these boxes and a supply has been sent to. W. M; If. headquarters in each state. Order as many as your members will take from Biblical Recorder Building, Raleigh, W. M. U. Headquarters, distribute and begin good hard lessons in self denial and real sacrifice. Women, are you planning to buy a new, hat or dress ? Could you not, by good j management, manage that hat and dress a few dollars cheper? A more feeling sacrifice would be, "D I really Nr.ml) that dress, could T 'not possibly do without it? Couldn't I wear, my old hat and drop $5.0(1 in my alabaster box and 10; 15 or $25 the price, of that dress. O, dear sisters, have' we ever REALLY sacrificed ? Think! of the things we do and have that we could so easily do without. Visits to -the movies, a box of candy, a pair, of silk hose or gloves, a week-end trip gasoline for a longer ride per-j fume, fine underwear, soft drinks, ! ana ice cream at me I if UK' siore. Ana I so we could go on and on. It is appalling the money we waste. Do with-( out, drop the money into your box and see how heavy it will get for the Lord in so short a time. The richest treasure of all is to know with David that "All things come of Thee, O God and of thine own | have we given thee." if every one I of the three million Southern Baptists! ! would give each day during these ] five months before our campaign j closes, Dec. jSlst, at least two cents a day the offering would-be $9,180,000. Or perhaps you can manage to put into your box each month one-fifth Of your months salary or allowance, or perhaps you have paid your pledge, but the scripture says "Bear ye one anothers burdens,"?your box could] be used to pay the pledge of some' dear friend of yours who has not been able to pay her pledge. Has a member of your family died with their pledge' unpaid? Pay that debt of honor along with the rest of their debts for it is just as important and as binding as any debts. One of our aged Baptist ministers died two years ago after serving his Lord preaching for SO years. His widow paid her 75 Million pledge the first debt and it was paid out of money sent her by our Ministers Relief Fund, one of the imI portant objects of the seven great I objects helped by the 75 Million. Ifi your dead loved ones could speak to you this day they would implore you to pay their pledges. Let your box pour forth ointment very precious and the richest bless*inga will follow in your own soul and overflow into the souls and lives of your brothers and sister*.?>W. ' " Ox ' . PERSON WOMAN DIES IN WATTS HOSPITAL Mrs. Walter'"Walker, of Roxboro, a patient in Watts hospital for the i past four weeks, died there Monday evening. The body will be taken back to- Roxboro for burial. Funeral arrangements, however, have not be*n made,?Durham Herald. ? loxko HOME FIRST; / O, NORTH CAROLINA TWO TRAINS CRASH NEAR CHARLOTTE FIFTEEN INJURED THREE PERHAPS FATALLY. Charlotte, July 29.?The collision i. between a passenger car and a i, freight train on the Piedmont and ( Northern Electric railroad near here today which injured 15 persons, severa! of them seriously and throe prob- ( ably fatally, was attributed tonight , to confusion of orders on the part of j trainmen, according to officials of the , road, though they said they could not . complete their investigation of the1, accident until the trainmen injured . in the wreck recovered sufficiently to be questioned. Most of the injured were :n hospital;. here tonight, though two or three only slightly injured, left tlje . hospitals this afternoon far ho ne. All ] were rushed to hospitals immediately following the crash, which occurred , about two mile-, from Chariott \ when , the passenger car going to G sstonia, crashed head-on into the electric locomotive of the freight train, coming toward Charlotte. The accident occurred on a slight curve. The pas- , senger car was smashed in by the impact of the freight train. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMIN ATION. The United State Civil Service^ Commission announces that an open, 1 competitive examination will be held at Roxboro on Saturday August 9th, i for the position of clerk in the post- j office at Roxboro. Clerks in first and second class offices are paid salaries ranging from $1400 to $1800 per year, with annual promotion if warranted. Any, one desiring to take this ex-., amination may secure the proper application blank from the Secretary, gf the Local Board of Civil Service Examiners at the postoffice at Roxboro, N. C. WHITE MAN KILLED BY NEGRO NEAR NASHVILLE. Raleigh, July 29.?Sheriff Charley-1 L. Johnson, of Nash County, thisj morning found a blood-smeared shot-' gun at the home of Cheatham Evans, j negro who was arrested near Hollis-j ter yesterday in connection with the., death of Arthur L. Juynei, Iluilislei taxi driver, who was brought to Raleigh under guard of a detachment of national guards following' threats by a mob of lynching, according to information obtained this afternoon by! the Associated Press over long distance telephone. The shotgun it was stated, is be- j ing brought to, Rhleigh for a com-j parison of fingerprints said to be weH; preserved in the dried blood smears j on the. gun with the finger-print' re cords of"Eva?fs at the state prison, I Joyner was shot three times, his | body being horribly multilated by the| small shot. Besides a wound in Joyner's back, his chin and mouth were partially shot away. Funeral services Were held this morning for Joyner, attended by hundreds of people from all over the county. The body was carried toi Nashvijle 24 miles away, for burial., Joyner leaves a widow and five daughters. 1923 TAXES DUE. The taxes for 1923 are past dac and I sincerely trust you will come in and settle same and save trouble and cost. All B and C license taxes are due and if not paid before the first day: of August will have penalty of 20 per cent added. This penalty is mandatory and I will have to add it to the license tax. Please give this your immediate attention. * J. Melvin Long, Sheriff. SOLICITOR MCLENDON TO SPEAK ATLBUftDLE MILLS. Mr. li P. McLendon will address a meeting of citizens of the Hurdle Mills section on Friday' night at 8 o'clock, August 1st. Mr. McLendon is thproughly familiar with school problems, and those who are opposed to the bond election to l>e held August 2nd are especially urged to be .present to hear what he has to say radios are also cordially-invited to attend~Utie? meeting. ?S rtr'm *? ? ro iBROAD NEXT t, Wednesday Evening Ju ENDORSES EDITORIAL. Mr. Editor: After reading Rambling Off the ^ Road and Reading, Writing and Arithmetic I think they are the moat sensible articles I ever read on those subjects, and also the most truthful. I want to cost in my little mite on the t( subject of illiteracy for your inspec- ti tion. I have been much worried over t< this for a long time. I have several tl :hildren that are almost illiterate, and! e: the only way I can see to remedy that j P deplorable condition is to remedy the e< tan so?isn't poverty .more the cause' ic than anything alse. While the Dur- Is lam editor ia rambling off the road V wouldn't you like to take a ramble B with him and both of you go down r through "the valley of poverty where a some beautiful flowers grow without :ultivation, and usually begin wilting Wffore they mature. Now, just whatjh Ls the cause nf this novertv? Some h nf the men you see are sturdy and ti hard working and have wives that are^ B tight-headed and light-hearted and w wasteful, and some m$n just don't, ti seem to care, just so they are having, what they call a good time, and some' B try to live beyond their means, and C some are handicapped without an ed- j J ucation, some one thing and some.C mother. I knew one brave girl that u lived there. She would laugh and say & poor people saw a hard time, said I they ate the worst and wore the B Worst; went to bed last and got up S first. But since that time that girl 11 has climbed tjie rounds to right much B fame and fortune. [ 8 ' I will now probably show my ig-jC iterance by telling you what I think" t the beat remedy for this state of af-11 fairs: If one third of.the tax money! were donated to the poor and some j worthy far seeing man in every tawn-| B ship was paid a good living salary .to j P distribute this money where it was; h moat needed and given power to h bring to justice all that did not make P g?qd tue of their money, and all such P abits. such is filth and latiness, h carelessness, and anything which pro- B duces unhappiness and poverty I;? think there would be less need of J jails and asylums in time to come.!? ? From Roxboro. ' I SCHOOL NOTES. 1 ?o? 1 "MistnlfA* will rw?piir in tlifi Kpsf ? regulated families." This is a com- v forting old adage. In making out the ' list of pupils who stood the county ' 7th grade examination it is almost js impossible not to make some mis-j1 takes. So I have been prepared to J hear from some one who was left out..' The first to ask why his name did not, ? appear was John Owen of Bethel Hill, High School. He did pass the examination but in making out the'list his,0 name was overlooked. It gives me,1 great pleasure to make this correction I for I would not even unwittingly do c any one injustice. If there are any Ic others who have been overlooked I e Will be glad to make the necessary, * correctons. Sincerely, Mrs.-<&. A. Beam. jc YOUNG FARMERS OFF FOR NATURAL BRIDGE. The Agricultural classes accom- 7 panied by the agricultural teacher of r the Bethel Hill High School left Mon- j r day July 28th for Natura^ Bridge, in \1 Virginia, where they will spend sev-j i eral days in camp. The boys will spend1 c their time climbing mountains, swim- 1 ming, playing ball and other games, j 1 They will probably also visit some s places of agricultural interest before v returning home. c The following boys are making the 1 trip: RSufHn Woody, Edward Pulley, !c Herbert Montague, Crowder Rober-' c son, John Clayton, William Pulley, s Bryan Bos well, Mason Murray, John I Long, Newton Day, Ollie Russell, t Georgia Clayton George Wilburn, v naywoon Bailey, w. K. Uay, Jack 1 Bailey, William Montague and Ber- \ nice Wrenn. ( o J J T1MBERLAKE ITEMS. 1 Mrs. P. P. Wilson and son BUlie, c and her sister Mrs. W. S. Poole of ] Fayetteville passed through our town' < en route to their parents, Mr. and t Mrs. O. J. VanHook, of near Hurdle Mills, fur a mouth's visit, after which they expect to -be joined by their husbands and visit the mountains in ] Western North Carolina before re -I turning to their homes in Fayette- j ^ - U . - ; i ? ' ' . . . r .. ? ' "T ?' - lonfi $1.50 ily 30th, 1924 Miss Clara Harris delightfully ensrtained in honor of Miss Mary iFossr of Richmond, Va. on Tuesday afsrnoon. Three tables were placed for w game of Bridge and many intorsting games were enjoyed. Misses oily Walker and Helen Harris servi a most delicious salad course with :e tea to the following: Misses Laura lewton, Louise Stalvey, Isabel delaming, Louise Thompson, Annie lurch, Mary Harris, Eglantine Meritt. May Willson, Elizabeth Noell nd Mrs. W. S. Clary," Jr. Mrs. J. T, Blanks entertained in onor_sf Jfrs. John Snipes of Dur- , am on Saturday afternoon. Five , sbles were placed for the Rame of ^ loston Rook and many progressions t 'ere played. The house was very at- j ractive with summer flowers. Punch as served to the guests by Mr?. T. W. ass, Miss Martha Lee Bass and Mrs. wen Pass. The hostess assisted by Irs. R. H. Oakley and Mrs. W. E. larver, served a delightful ice course rith salted nuts. Those present were: ^ lesdames W. E. Carver, John Snipes, ."O. Wilkerson, J. D. K. Richmond. ' !. E. Thomas, B. A. Thaxton, Baxter ( langum, W. S. Clary, Jr., L. C ( (radsher, Preston Satterfield, H. W. ( Jewell. Frank Wilson, Frank How- ( rd, W. T. Pass, .Connor Merritt, T. j !. Bradsher and Misses Ruth Newdn. Bertha ClSyton, Ethel Newton, j 'erry of Va., Elizabeth Noell. , On Saturday evening Mrs. W. T. K>ng entertained at a Boston Rook ar(y. The living, dining room and all were lovely with alt colors of eautiful flowers. Boston Rook was layed at seven tables and many in- , eresting games were enjoyed. The ( .ostess assisted by Mrs. W. C. Wat- , ins and Miss Mary Jone Long serv- , d a delicious ice course. Those cn- ) dying Mrs. Long's hospitality were: , lesdames W. D. Merritt, J. W. Noell, > 1 A. Long, E. G. Long, R. J. Teague, , V. S. Clary, Jr., W. C. Watkins, Jarl . lowers of Washington, N. C? E. P. , )unlap, B. A. Thaxton, H. W. New11, W. T. Pass, A. S. deVlaming, Edvin Bberman, J. D. K. Richmond. . 'reston Satterfield, H. S. Morton, L. ( if. Carlton, G. W. Thomas, T. C. Brad- . her, E. E. Thomas, W, R. Woody | ind Mi .K'O? May WilUon, -?Ionise rhompson, Mary Foster of Richmond, ilary Harris, Isabel deVlaming and ( Elizabeth Noell. . Friday afternoon Littk* Miss Dor-i ithy Warren entertained about tweny of her little friends at a birthday >arty. Games were played and a most njoyable afternoon spent, at the lose of which the guests were invitd into the dining room, where the lirthday cake with its bravely shinng six candles was decorating the enter of the table, around which the ittle folks gathered and served to ice ream, cake and candy. Many gifts vere brought the hostess. Mrs. T. C. Bradsher entertained rhursday morning at a delightful ook party in honor of her attractive elative, Mrs. Hugh Hackney of Okahoma City. The punch bowl, pretty n its color scheme and decorations if gold and green, was presided over ly Mesdaraes DeWitt Ledbetter and V. E. Carver. Summer flowers were irranged in the rooms, where tables vere placed for the players, score ards having been passed by dainty ittle Annette Cushwa. .At the close if many interesting games, a deli ious salad coarse, with ice tea wasj erved by the hostess assisted by Mi-'. j 1>. M. Spencer. Attractive favoft/jgj he form of minature umbrelaa 6U?J vith mints were given the gndsts, j fhose present for this enjoyable party | veTe Mesdames W. D. Merritt, L. M.! 'arlton, Edwin Eberman, T. B. Woody,' I V. Blanks, John Snipes of Durham, 1; R. Warren, W. T. Long, I. O. Vilkcrson E. E. Thomaa, V. O. Hertv g ^l"v, Jr.. and Misses !up and Edna Bradsher, Ethel and lath Newton Bertha Clayton, Lucy llevers of Somerset, Ky., and Elizaieth' Noell. Mesdames W. C. Watkins^ Jarl Jowera.'W. S. Clary, Jr., and Misses inn Watklns spent Wednesday .at' r? > - ----- ? - -.v .. ' ? ... . - PiPffPP^Il IT - . ?? PER YEAR IN ADVANCE No. 31 A VISITOR. A representative of the- State Detriment of Child Welfare visited toxboro hat he thinks it is in such (rood lands. J. A. Beam. o \PPI.ICATION FOR PARDON OF JOHN GONG. Application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the >ardon of John Long,'convicted at the Tanuary Term 1924 of the Superior ?ourt of Person County for the crime >f having in his possession spiritu>us liquors for the purpose of sale ind sentenced to the roads of Dttrlam County for a term of one-year. All persons who opijose the grantng of said pardon are invited to forward their protest to the Governor vithout delay. _ This the 28th day of July, 1924. FROM ROCK GROVE The young people of Bock Grove :orran unity are very much enthused V, jver the progress of the B. X. P. U. jf Rock Grove Church, which was re- __ :ently organized. Our success in a large measure is due to our active, iflScient and energetic president, Miss Mary Riley. Each officer has given hViaaiv nan. Waei U?ln -* >uv.. .??J UCOK uci|i luaiiv it K'J, ?nd with the co-operation of all we are going over the top. The first business meeting was held Tuesday evening, July 22nd, at the home of the president. The offi:ers proved theic-ipyalty and, readiness to make the" Union one of the best by being 100 per cent present. A special piogiain was planned for ? Sunday evening August 17th. The jfticRrs of the Union are to be installed by the church, and the public is cordially invited. Everybody is also welcome at the regular meetings held each Sunday at 5 P. M. B. Y. P. U. MEETING. A great B. Y. P. U. meeting Aug. 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, Miss Farabow and Mr. Perry Morgan will be at the Baptist church in Roxboro. and we urge the people of the other churches in the Beulah Association t^ meet with us during these four days. The Roxboro people will entertain you while here. You must not miss this great meeting. Watch for the program. _ *n! JURY LIST. The following names have been drawn for the jury for the August term which will meet on AugU3t 4th, 1924: C. E. Wlnstead, Jr., L. P. Woody, S. P. Gentry, Geo-C: Foushee, J. Andrew Day, S. Y. Wrenn, K. L. Street, W. Elex Wvmn P w or or Satterfield, E. D. Morton, I. G. Stephens, B. V. Riggs, W. H. Walls, John Holsomback, J. Ramond Bradsher, Walter Bradsher, D. S. Long, B. E. Mitchell, John W. Montague, Zadoc Slaughter, E. J. Clayton, E. M. Wells, J. M. Brewer, J. M. Burton, J. N. Rogers, J. T. Newton, O. B. MeBroom, E. S. Hill, L. D. Allen, W. T. Carver. R. A. Hester, J. G. Oakley, Walter G. Clayton, L. P. Duncan, C. L. Brooks. '. 1 ' . . ov ? l ' '-'rw MAYOR'S COURT. J Joe Imen, Jess Tapp, negro, being the 41 only case on docket this week, were on charge of affray, bound over to Superior Court under bond of $50 "tfb " /' ' -jjfll Misses Bertha Clayton, Catherine Wins lead andlittle Mary Brooks spent 9 the day in Burlington last Wednes^ , ; J : A: