II J. w. noell. editor a> .VOL. No. XL! . DR. BRADSHER / DIESSUOOENLy THIS MORNING ABOUT 8 O'CLOCK Dr. Bradaher Was One of Roiboro's leading Physicians and Universally L?wd. Dr. W. A. Bradxher* died this morning at 8 o'clock. The news spread like wild fire, and waa on the tongue of every one you met. He had not been' sick at all, having been about his duties yesterday and was down town last night talking and joking with his friends. Early this morning he |! complained of having a pain in his tide, and continued to grow worse,' but would not consent to have a phy- ] sician caned. However, continuing to grow worse physician was called,. I *? : hat death came in a few moments af"ter he . arrived. The cause of death we hear was acute indigestion. Dr. Bradsher was about 49"y?ars of age, and had been practicing his profession here since young manhood. He was universally loved, and, as < stated by one of his friends this morning, was a "martyr to his pro- I fession," for no one ever caHed to be: refused by him. No man in Roxboro, or Person county, wil be missed as 1 Dr. Bradsher, for he was "a friend i to man." The funeral services will be held , tomorrow. Thursday. *. afternoon at l 2:30, at the home'. / j ^ ? ? ~ CO-OP PAYMENT. J The -Tobacco Growers Co-operati .ej1 Association made another payment to its members on the 1923-24 crop.This payment, we see it stated, brings the payment on this cvop to seventy ' Ave per cent of the bankers valua- J ticn. _ TO THE VOTERS OF PERSON COUNTY: 1 1 am a candidate for Sheriff of Person County -and respectfully ask the vote of every one who wants to see the laws honestly and fairly execut- < ed. If elected I pledge myself to give 1 justice to the poor as well as the rich. I respectfuly solicit the votes of the good women who all stand and vote 1 for purity in all laws and law enforce- 1 ment. Your support is respectfully solicita). 1 J. W .Chambers, . ' Better known as Billy Chambers/"} the B and 10 Cent man. j 1 . . ? _o ? % A COl'NTY MISSIONARY ? - m betting. 't " " ?o? . ft A county Missionary meeting wlll.t be held at Lea's Chapel church. Octo-1 < ber 2nd. Let every church, whether, J it has a Missionary Society or not J s plan new to have a representative 1 there. The program will be printed Ik' next week. PPf f Mrs. B. C. Thompson, t ~ v County Chairman. . t ? , n WILL SERVE BRUNSWICK STEW, ETC."; s Pr x ?o? ? The ladies of the Presbyterian J church will serve Brunswick stew,! ham sandwiches and coffee at the 1 * Crowell garage on IPriday. September i 19th from 12 to 1:30 o'clock. All of % " the?business men of the town and all who are/here from the country, are 1 r cordially invited to dine with us or > that day. APPLICATION FOR PARDON 1 OF BONNIE HUGHES. 1 _o? ? Application will be made to the 1 < Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Bonnie Hughes, convicted at the January term of Suorior CoUrt i of Peraon County, fo rthe crime of 1 manufacturing spirituous liquors, and sentenced to the road* of Duiham p for twelre months. All persons who oppose the Brant-. * ' ' fog of said pardon "are Invited lo-for-wrH their protest to the Ooremor -without delay. 9-17-2t?. I STORIES CREEK SCROOl.. The patrons of 'Stories .Creole are p tilled that nrhool will open on Mon~ he on hand the opening day. . ?Qorothy Younger, Teacher. ~Tr"~ . " ^ 1)? ^ JD PUBLISHER ROXBORC ^ Personals Miss Nellie Byrd Woods has returned to Greensboro College. Miss Margaret Carlton left Tuesday for St. Mary's at Raleigh. j * * * Miss Elizabeth Harvey returned home Tuesday after a visit to Norfolk. ? > S. A. Jones and Mr. Maulding of Pine Top spent week end bere. * ? ? j Misses Minnie and Vivian Allgood left this week for State Normal at Greensboro. j * ? * s J Mr. J. D. K. Richmond is spend-1 c ihff a few Hsva kia ? ?* i Misses Libbie and Reba SatterfieW left Thursday for Nash county where they will teach this session. Mr. E. D. Cheek spent last weekj in Asheville visiting his son. Dr. J. ^ Manly Cheek. ? Mr. and Mrs. ,1. A. Long and Mesdames M. R., B. R. Long and 1. J. Winstead spent Thursday in Greens--boro Miss Elixzabeth Masten has returned home after six weevs visit to Wes- r tern N C. and Tenn.* . . .. Miss Catherine Shippley t)f Balti- ^ more spent last week guest of Mrs.' t H. Woods. " |a h Miss May Willson left Monday fsr j Stauton, Va. where she will teaotriv Domestic Science at Stewart Hall this session. j r .. , Mr. and Mrs. Will Talley and fam- , ily of Franklin, Va. spent several days j last week guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. f T. Kirby. ? | Mr. IF. A. Brown, who wa3 forJ y many years a resident of Roxboro, ^ spent several days here last weekj miitngr friends. I _ i8 v Miss Elizabeth Woody of Woods- j 3ale left last week for Granite Falls vhere Fhe wil teach. " Miss Esther Boyd left last weekly For Kinston where she will teach thi3 j neason. * * * * I" Mrs. H. C. Barnette and Mrs. W. I I R. Woody left the first of the week', r? - - h lor n anumjftun, u. i^.? wnere tney, jj vill visit Mrs. Barnette's daughter.) Mrs., Sell ars. f" f iP Mrs. T. B. Woody and little daugh-) er, who have been visiting in Ken- y ucky for the past several weeks, have eturned home. * *> * Miss Florence Penick of Lynchburg t. ipent the week end with Mrs. E. V. ^ Soatwright. * * tl Miss Bertha Nichols left this week or Thomasville where she will teach his session. j. ? ?. * S( H. H. Masten and Edgar Masten pent several days last \yeek in Winton Salem and Advance. Dr. Z. V. Hooper left Tuesday for (e] Baltimore after spending several days ^ n Roxboro. . ? . Miss Polly Walker left today for ** Fairfax Hall, Haste, Vs.. wlieie shevill be in school for the whiter. . * * I Mr. W. H. Yeomans, president of the Sank of Collins, Ga., and Mr. R. R. Holland. ? prominent merchant of e Collins. Ga., are the guests of Mr. ? H. W. Winatead. tl * * * * e p?? T T. Margin and W. G. Miller ti ipent Monday in Durham, taklnei? uneh with the Rotations of that City, ti * * * * w Mies Mary Franklin Graves and ? Porter Graves. Jr., of Mt, Airy, spent the week end lir the husne of Mr. -t.- ? M. Oartton. ? _$ ? . . _ j Mess. J. T. Walker and Ivey Featherston, who have been on markets in ' South Carolina, returned home lost 8 Saturday. .' j v ^ Messrs. Frank Gross and Hugh Mat-key uf Akmii. Ohio, and R .1. f Stein attended the dance at NeetfV f Hall. Greensboro, N. C:, last night. 'j -?1 - [o$bo HOME FIRST. X NORTH CAROLINA VIR. A;>D MRS. V KAPLAN RETURN. Mr. and Mr?. Victor Kaplan have (.'turned home after 3 months stay, n Europe. In talking with Mm. Kap-j an she says they had a wonderful [ Tip while in Europe. They visited 'arts, London, Berlin, Hamburg.' Germany, and lots of other cities in Jermany, in fact they traveled all >ver Germany, also Switzerland, Bel-', rium and Lietuvo. Mrs. Kaplan says' Berlin is one of the most beautiful itles in the world. While there tltey ook in the Kaisers palaces and lots if other places of interests They vis . .I ( (.,. n 1? HI flif li? ' "-u vuc ciinpinr- cxuiDiiion vhile hi London, also Buckingham ( >alace and Westminster. Abbey, which s wonderful; also vj^ited the palace ?f Queen Victoria atlMt^ of Wight, rhey returned to the States on the teamer, Majestic. ?' :?o SCHOOL NOTES. Colored Teachers Meeting Saturlay, 10 o'clock sharp, September 20th. I Mrs. J. A. Beam. - ~ REXALL ONE CENT SALE 7} rhh Sal? Will Be Well Worth Your Consideration. The Davis Drug Company have justi eceived a big shipment of goods con-' isiting of the following: Household drugs and remedies, sta-j ionery. Dental creams and powder, ooth brushes, hair brashes, combs' nd toilet articles of all description, ot water bottles, fountain syringes.' 'ore food products and coffee, and1 rill conduct a REXALL ONE CENT SALE or three days, October 8th, 9th and 0th. . _ | This sale will surpass any previousy given by the Davis Drug Company! or the people of Roxboro and Person'bounty. Don't forget the dates and avail ourselves of an opportunity to obain really wonderful bargains. * T The United Drug Co., through their, gencies, employ this method of ad-*! ertisinfc their products. DAVIS DRUG CO? The ReXall Store. ! October 8th, 9th and 10th. h >LI) VETS OFF FOR CHARLOTTE. ?o? Col. John H. Burch and seven Old rets left Monday morning for their; eunion in Charlotte this week. We/ ope they will have the time of their' ves. Year by year these faithful old oldiers are growing fewer in numer and nothing we can do for them J 5 too good. I\ . o ? ' / j IR. HARVEY TO BE TRANSFERRED. ?o?? Mr. J. Shields Harvey, who has been! le grader for the Tobacco Growers ; o-operative Association, has been j ansferred from Rppcboro. We have < ot been able to lB&ueuLwho will 8uc- :^ ?ed Mr. Harvey, but we do say who- i yer he may be, has a hard job if e proves to be equal to his predeces- i >r. Mr. Harvey is a well rounded < entleman, a fine" judge of tobacco, 1 nd as honest and clean as a hounds j >oth. While his transfer will necessi-i ite his being out of Roxboro for sev- j ral months we are glad to say that . will not affect his residence, as he! *ys he expects to finish his days, be j ley few or many, in the good town i f Roxboro. | i P NTRRESTING CO-OP MEETING. , The Person County Tobacco Grow- , rs Association had an interesting ; leeting on last Saturday, having with | icm Mrs. Elisabeth Kelly, field work-1 r of the Toboeco Growers Associaion and Miss Hattie Berry, repre- i entiny the Cotton Grower* Airocihion. They both mode Interesting talk* rhioh were of especial interest to the mnen. (Mestr. Clyde Oiowell and Wallsca foods were Greensboro visitors yes ft yesterday mominy, the former olng to New York City to spend the rinter and the latter t? Washington ; rhere she will enter school. v/ Dr. E. J. Tucker, who owns ahmit ,w-.Uwi!T*U juu-aa nuar Hovelnck. left I or that point Monday. Dock is afraid, erne one will yet soma of his oil. j ? ' * " .... to (! ABROAD NEXT /. Wednesday Evening Se "st ? -- J .A TO CANADA OB BUST? > 1 ^jluch was one inscription on a ti> Lizzie which Mess. Robert Burch, Elwin Eberman, Kennith Oakley and ' hSndon Harvey had inscribed -on the > Wchine. These boys, full of adventure s ?fld pluck, purchased at a cost of I fdb'.y dollars one of the faithful Liz-'I zies and struck out for the northern'! cities, including towns in Canada, if I Lfezie held out. At last accounts they i had reached Richmond and reported f ibtie as doing fine. Edwin Eberman 1 will leave them at Pittsburgh, where I he will resume his studies in one of the colleges, the other boyp proceed- 1 ing as far as Lizzie will take them. ! It would not be surprising to see them i come back afoot?unless dad or some other good friend, lends a helping * hind. f o 1 w. M. U. SEASON OF PRAYER j FOR STATE MISSIONS. "The Old North State for Christ," September 21-28. This week of Prayer will be ob- | served bv the W. M s a* ' - ? ? ? > Baptist church beginning Sunday j night at 7:80 {he pastor. Rev. R. E. , White will preach a mission sermon. , A full attendance of the members is , earnestly requested. The season of , Prayer will continue through Wednes- j day night. All the services will be at night in main auditorium of the church JETT7:30. The .W. M. S. wHl be assisted in the program by the junior mmebers of the various organizations of the church, fostered by the W. M. ' S. Also the Junior, Intermediate and Senior B. Y. P. U's will assist in in- ' structive pageants representing our ' orphanage, hospital and colleges. If you want to see Drs. Spillman, Maddry, Middleton, Pefry Morgan. Mrs. Jones, Misses Warren, Farabow and Kellam in a round table discussion t come -and find out more about your i State officials. The public is cordially invited to at- s tend; also the neighboring Baptist 1 Ururches. The roads are good, come < HHSt us pray together for ocr i church and State.?-W. < ??i o INDEPENDENT MARKET ?PENS OCTOBER 1st. TUo T..Jo?AdLdr A iic iiiucpcnuDiivf IIIC auiuun, iiwiket will open in RtHtttdfo on Wednes- ^ day, Octoyer 1st. The^ikttMe* have made^all preparations for thd Opening J and are expecting the best year the market has enjoyed for some time. This is the logical point for the farers who sell on the audTlon plan to seU'their tobacco if they are in reach , or the market, for statistics, show * [hat there is no market which, does , more for the farmer, or pays a bigger c average. ?o? ? STONE-SYKES. Miss Odell Stone was married to Mr. Lacy Sykes last Saturday $t Hal- t ifax, Va. Miss Odell was the only _ v single daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. SV. Stone of North Main Street. Rox- ^ boro. .f Mr. Sykes is a promising young ^ business man of Mebane, N. C. After spending several days in Richmond, s Va., with Mr. Sykes' aunt they will make their home in Mebane?S. CLEAN-UP DAY' AT LEASftURG. -Friday, September 19 at 10 o'clock, ^ ill patrons of Loasburg school are ^ requested to meet at the school build- ^ ing -to clean the building and the ^ grounds; The Junier Ordsr will be tin band to help and the Dag will be raised. Everybody come with a lunch, boes, shovels and brooms and lets get pmyuHug ?WWIJ wr a greiiv upcmnK September 29th. Haze) E. Thompson, Principal. s e CO-OP MARKET TO t OPEN H KSDAY. 4 The TohacCo Growers Co-operative Aaaociation warehouse will open in f Roncboro on Tueeday, September 23rd. c :t is hoped, a ad expected, that thia j will he the beet year the Co-operative S Aaaociation has Had in ROXlHJTO, a* manager Copley and Mr. Mangmp, chief office man, have been very bnay t among the fanners for the past six t deelcs. 4 ^ ] Mr. and Mrs. 'J, W. Copley have just returned from their wedding They will make their home for the present with Mr. ana Mrs. RT'~Er 1 Hamlin. " - t _ : ? : % w ' ???s? $1.50 y . ?? pt^friber 17th, 1924 ' / )URHAM KIWANIANS HERE f I LAST THURSDAY NIGHT. | The Durham Kiwanians held their egular meeting here last Thursday light, Dr. R. L. Felts, president, prelided. There were about 75 members ) resent, and quite a number of Rox- ' >oro citizens as invited guests. The itunt program was full of fun and ^ irought forth many hearty laughs, kfter this the serious side was shown, leveral speeches were made by memiers of the club, and were responded jo by Roxboro citizens. A vote of thanks was tendered the c adies of the Bpiscopal church, who b lerved the dinner, for the excellent p nanner In which it was served. 4 As one of the invited guests we e >eg to say we hope these splendid I tentlemen will come again, for rareh c lave we attended a meeting more en- t oyable. b o 1 DEATH OF MR. THOS. GRAY. * Mr. Thomas Gray of near Timberake died suddenly yesterday morn- r ng. He had been in declining health * for some time but no one thoughjt for ' > moment his end was so near. He 11 ras in town last Saturday. He was f in influential eititen of his communi- 1 :y and will be sorely missed by his ' friends and community generally. * BRUNSWICK STEW. There will be a Brunswick stew . Friday night, Sept. lfHh. at Lambeth < Memorial Church. Ice Cream and :ake will also be served. Every one ^ :ordially invited. ^ -o / o GOOD, ENFORCE IT. / We congratulate the powers in au- c bority for clearing Main Street fac- I ng the court house of automobiles. I rhe street is narrow and machines should no tbe allowed to park there. Notices forbidding parking have been 3 tonspicuously displayed and ALL? * to one excepted, should be forced to tbserve this rule, ?o " .? LONGHURST SCHOOL J WILL OPEN MONDAY, j Longhurst school will open Moniay, September 22nd. It is very im- s tjortant that all children enter the n Irst day. ? ? s BROOKLYN SCHOOL TO OPEN. 1" IThe Brooklyn School will open on) Monday, Sept. 22nd with Miss Frank:? o >Vrenn and Mrss Mitchell as teachers. F Mi pupils will please remember the late and . try to be on hand the first lya. NOTICE. A Mr. George W. Smith, agricultural I1 eacher of Bethel Hill High School, U vi\\ be at the local meeting of the robacco Growers Association at Proidence school house next Saturday ^ vening at 7:30, to speak on Soil Fer- ^ ility. This will be helpful to all. A ;ood attendance is epected. T. G. Buchanan, Sec. o rr NOTICE TOBACCO GROWERS. h The warehouses for the sale of tolacco the auction way will open in oi toxboro on October 1st. The ware- ^ lousemen and the buyers for the g arious large companies invite you to . iring your tobacco to Roxboro. Oro W. Walker, ? ft Sec. Tobacco Board of Trade. 0 si CROWDED OUT. We regret that it haa been neces- JJ ary to leave out as number of inter- ^ sting articles and communication* _ his week. They will appear in our text C( Mr. J. E. Ridgeway, who was here 'or severs] months superintending the :onstruetion of the sewerage system, >assed through en route to Dunn last t< isCmtay. ?? ?? ' * + * w Mr.^H^^ntojj, who has been on o he northern markets for the past T wo weeks making faU purchases for b Cantor's Department Store, returned ast Saturday night. e e. e V , Mrs. FlordflPe Wade of South Bos- I idir l.i . visiliiiM fiii'nd i in Ri.vbnrn . I) Misses Helen and Eun-iee Whitr * 'j* *v ?????i PER YEAR IN ADVANCE No. 37 1URHAM COMING TRIP POSTPONED >N ACCOUNT OF WEATHER AND ROADS Vill Visit Roxboro on Tuesday, Sept. 23rd, Four Hundred Strong. I With Brass Band. Owing to the weather and road onditions the "Get Acquainted" trip y the citizens of Durham had to be lostponed. Durham wHl come, about 00 strong, with brass band, singers, tc., on Tuesday, September 23rd, and toxboro will give them a rousing reeption, extend the glad hand in real rue old fashioned manner. Remener the date, Tuesday, Sept. 23rd at 1,55, A. M. Everybody from the own and County are cordially Invited o meet them. The purpose of the trip will be to nabie Durham people to get acquaintd with their neighbors in Roxboeo. 'he o(Uriels of the get acquainted trip sake it plain that this is the sole lurpose. "We are merely going to toxboro, meet the good citizens in it, ub shoulders with them, tell them bout their neighboring town of Dorians, and return home," a leading >urham citizen said today. No effort, t Is said, is going to be made to m-* nee the people of Roxboro to buy in hirham when they can just as easly buy in their, home- town. It is hoped the people of Roxboro rUt make a memorandum of the (me, next Tuesday at 11:55, and give ur Durham friends a .warm welcome. Among the organizations from lurham taking part in the trip iulude The Chamber of Commerce, Real Estate Board, * Merchants Association, totary, Kiwanis and Lions Clubs. c-~ NEW MEAT MARKET, in the D. tl. Andrews' store house on Deoot itreet, run by the oldest butcher, in own 2L>w_ars experience. I wUl apireciate your trade and save you noney every time you come to my ' narket. How can I do this? Because do my own work and rent is cheaphat's why. Yours to serve. J. H. -ov. P-Mf ? ? Tobacco Is Hearing its prime. A haik torm in ten seconds would cost you naybe thousands. See S. P. Sattereld and fret that hail policy to-dayix dollars oer acre for entire seaon SATTERFIELD INS. AGENCY OLD AND TRIED". FREE:?With, each 50c Tube Colnial Shaving Cream we will frive you 'REE a S1.00 GILLETTE Razor Hambrick, Austin & Thomas. -17-2ts. JEFFERSON. Get the best, it costs 0 more than the other kind. LIFE, .CC1DENT and HEALTH all in one 01 icy.. Get it fixed before the trouble appens. SEE SATTERFIELD. "Do now". I SELL Tanners Shoes, give me your rder?you can't go wrong when yam uy a pair of Tanners Shoes. J. H. oy. : 9-8. dts. FOR SALE, good lot of stabde lanure. Call at the Pioneer wareouse. J. W. Copley. Look now at your fire policies. Not se in ten has enough insurance on is property. Phone No. 135. Do it ow, to-morrow may be too late. ATTERFIELD INS. AGENCY. FOR RENT, or sale on easy terms, irm in Cunningham township, conlinmg 312 acres. Apply to J. J. WTnead. Roxboro, N. C. 9-9, 4tspd. NOTICE, good house for rent, 4 ood rooms, suitable for small famy. Cheap rent, located at Clayton's tore. Apply to S. P. Gentry, Rox oro, N. C., Route 2. Canned Corn. 9 cups of corn, after it is cut from >5 : ; ?^ ' 1 cup sugar, 1-2 cup salt. Cook ten minutes after it begins ? boil, seal while hot. Corn should not ha canned until the feather gats cool, say the latter pert f September or first of October.. Ws also applies to string fceese in rine.?'R. F. D. CLINIC DISCONTINUED. Owing to the death of Dr. W. A. iradsher the tuberculosis chnie hgs sen discontinued. Notice as to re- ?umption will be given later."

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