J. W. NOELL, EDITOR to VOL. No. XLI PERSON COUNTY K . FAIR WEEK OPENS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7th AND LAST FOR FIVE DAYS The Officers Have Done Their Part By Securing the Best Free Ex? . hibits Ever Offered, and the .People Are Expected to do Theirs By Making Exhibits With the opening of the Person County Fair only a few days off everything looks most propitious for the greatest fair in the history of the . county. After days and days of rain the slriee have Anally cleared and President Hunter and Secretary Burns say that all they ask to enable f -'- ' them to make this year's fair the greatest and grandest yet is clear days with Old Sol lending a fair de gree or warmtn Dy tils stimulating Sjfc presence. ^' For. say Messrs. Hunter and Burns, ' St looks like there is going to be the greatest line of exhibits ever before offered. Crops are good and everybody seems -interested in this year's fair, and with the liberal expansion of the premiums everyene should have something 'on exhibit. One of the features of the exhibit house will be -the exhibit of the A. T. Baker Company and the Roxhoro Cotton Mills. An immense loom manufacturing the fine plush made by the Baker Company will be in operation in the exhibit house. There will be high school exhibits, single farm exhibits, and many things of an educational nature. And, whether the people do their , . pait or not by making exhifits, the officers say that they have done their part or not by making exhibits, the ~ Amusement tealliTcs that'fiav*played a fair in this section. There r iv will be hite and colored people, and will appreciate a continuanee of your patronage. I I am this year again with the Cen| tral Warehouse, Danville, Va., where you will find me at all times and I'll give every pile of your tobacco my personal attention and get you the Highest Price possible. Again thanking you I am, Yours truly, Geo. E. Harris. Meet Joe Kiljby at the FAIR. REXALL ONE CENT SALE I This Sale Will'Be Well Worth Your Consideration. ?o? The Davis Drug Company have'just received a big shipmerrt of goods con* slsiting of the following: Household drugs and remedies, stationery, Dental creams and powder. tooth brur.hrr.t hnir brushes,- combs, e.nd toilet articles of all descriptioh "hot water bottles, fountain syringes Pure food products and coffee, and will conduct , a? REX ALL ONE CENT SALE for three days, October 8th, 9th and '10$: 7; ^ i. This sale will surpass any nreviouilv riven bv the Davis Drug Company ,for the jieQnle ofBoxboro and Person County. 1 Don't forget the dates and avail yourselves of an opportunity to obtain really wonderful bargains. , The United r", 'hpough theii i agencies, employ this method of ad 'vertieing their products. . ' j DAVIS DRUG CO., . The Remit?Store/ ~ -d October Sth, Oth" and 10th. I ax bo HOME FIRS1 NORTH CAROLINA, U BEAUTIFUL ART EXHIBIT AT OLIVE HILL October 3rd-4th will Offer Rare Off- ' portunity .to People of This Section. ' Misa Poteat to Speak. On Friday afternoon and Saturday 1 of this week an unusually fine col lection of the world's masterpieces of 9 fine art, as reproduced by the Elson t Art Company, Boston, Mass., will be ' . on exhibit at Olive Hill High School. The exhibit consists of about two " hundred large pictures. I The small admission fee (10e> s should lead no one to undervalue the exhibit. Since the enterpiise is put * on foot chiefly for its educational aau ? refining influence, the price is redltc I ed to a minimum. Expenses will be s paid from the tickets sold, and the money left' over will be used to bay 1 pictures for the school. A booklet do- t scribing the pictures will add greatly c I to tljf pleasure of those enjoying thr -3 ' exhibit: these will be on sale in the f hall. i The exhibit'will be open to all on i Friday from 2 P. M. to 4 P. M.; and c Saturday from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. e The schools are especially invited for t Friday afternoon; but if this time proves inconvenient to some, they i ' are erufally welcome on Saturday. The j aim is that every person within reach c who loves beautiful things may have c an opportunity to enjoy the pictures, t On Saturday dinner, consisting of t brunswick stew such as only the abod cookt of this community know hbw \ "GRAND C k Monday, October 6th, of foremost Motion Picture! Pala reme. Masterpiece . "W^NDl LAND" With Jack Holt, Kat Billie Dove. Filmed' in the { Arizona, entirely in natural cc personal supervision. You'll 1 white movies when you see 1 in colors. Every foot absolut TRACTION (The Felix Cat i at 3:00 P. M., Admission 15c and 9:00 P. M. Don't miss the I Monday, Octobi to prepare will be served," together < with ice cream. The proceeds from c the dinner will go toward purchas- I ing school equipment. All art-lovers. t and "stew lovers" of the city of Rax-1 f boro and the surrounding country are'c cordially invited to drop la at Olive c Hill during lunch hour Saturday. t One of the best things Saturday has f to offer is an address at 3 P*. M. by s Miss Ida Poteat, who has been head j of the Art Department at Meredith, College since the institution was ? formed. Miss Poteat has visited the t Art Galleries of Europe and America t many times; she knows and loves the beautiful paintings and architecture \ of the world as one knows and loves a a personal friend. In her own. charm- \ ing way she will give to her audi- t ence some of the joy of this intimate friendship with beautiful things. No": one can afford to miss this feature of t the exhibit./"" " ~~ Ts Next week this exhibit goes to. t South Boston; the week after to ( Greensboro, If you love beautiful and \ worth while things, Olive Hill offers ? you the best Friday afternoon and ^ Saturday, Oct. 3-4. 2 See and hear and tatsteL It will mnke you glad!?E. T. See Wilburn & Satterfield's ReadyTo-Wear before you buy. FIELD MEETING - _ ' . There wilt be a' special meeting of atTfRe churches of rov field at MiU ] Creek Sunday. Oct. 5th. All members . [ 6f Antiodu tiorth Roaboro, Provid- " ence. Bethel Hill and 'Mill Creek, are , I urged to attend. Rev. K. D. Stuken" brok and wife each will deliver ad-1 dretses in the morning, and the worn en and young people of Mill Creek will give a program in the afternoon. The program'for the day will be in the interest of the 75^ Million Dollar ptiugajgu Mty . ro % \ ABROAD NEXT 'ednesday Evening, Octol: SCHOOL NOTB8. Constant vigilance is the price we nust pay'if our schools are to be eficient. No school law or administra-' ive machinery) can replace a real in- j erest on the part of the citzens of; he community in the welfare of their chools. All citizens should keep themselves informed as to conditions in heir schools. The proper training of he children, requires a close co-operaion between the home and the schopl. [ his co-operation can exist only when >a rents are thoroughly familiar with! chool conditions. One of the best means of knowing^ vhat is being done is to visit the chool. At least once a year every! >arent should visit the class room in: vhich his child is being instructed, j ?u>vviicwviv ncno amya. in?| ioard of Education of Guilford Coun-, y has signed tlv^ death warrant of) >ne-teacher schools. There were last rear 34 one teacher schools in Gul''ord, and the policy of the Board neans that not one of these will be n operation this fall. Pupils will be ared for in large schools, with con- _ sequently -better facilities ann better eachers." Person' County Board of Education ong-ago adopted this policy and this ear by means of transportation are lombining small schools with larger >nes and thereby eliminating weak eachers, and giviny the children beter advantages. ? Ail of our. High Schools are full vith enrollments from 200 to 300 and ? PENING" Palace Theatre (Roxboro's ce) with Zane Grey's SupERER OF THE WASTED . - - hlyn William, Noah Berry, rorgeoTis painted valley of ilors and under Zane Grey's forget all about black and :l)is picture! made entirely ely life like. ADDED ATCamedy). Matinee Monday and 35c. Evening at 7:15 opening. er 6th, 1924 )ver. This spells Pi ogress with a r.pital P. for the rural sections of 'arson County. We point with pride o our Rural High Schools and the ine citizenship of all these growing immunities. The children of these ommutiities will rise up and bless he foresight and sacrifices of their alhers and mothers who are doing 0 much for them in their helpless dtith and dependence. Pride in one's community and an ictive interest in all that pertains to he building of our rural sections is he backbone of our county on which lepends its high grade of citizenship. ?et not jealousy mar our growth but 1 spirit of emulation and friendly rial ry exist among all the schools of he County. S100.00 Prize. The Travellers Protective Associa ion oners siuu to the liigh school | tuilent in North Carolina who writes he best essay on the subject. "Safety m the Public Highways." A copy o> he rules will be furnished to nny tudent desiring to enter the contest, vhich closes the last.: day of this rear. . Mrs. J. A. Beam. RECEPTION FOR TEACHERS. The Woman's Club will give a re:eption for the teachers o.f Roxboro ?nd Person County on Friday night ?t 8 o'clock fir the Kaplan building. All teachers, both in Roxboro and the "onnty, am cordially invited and it Is earnestly hoped every one will be present. The public is cordially invited, .. ATTENDING MEETING OF N. & W. SURGEONS. Dr.* B. E. Epve. is attending a meeting of the N. & W. Surgeons at Norfolk,-4fe is accompanied .by Mrs. tou ri $1^1 >er 1 st, 1 924. CO-OP ASSO. LOSES SUIT. ]udnt Allen Says Co-Ops Appear to Seek to Hold Up and Cripple Sales Kinston, Sept 26th.?A temporary, inlunction preventing sale of a quantity of tqbacco on the open market by L. Harvey and Son company, Dixon Bros.. L. O. Pullock, Frs. M. J.j Pollock and others. Kinstbn and Tenton merchants and Jones county growers, was dissolved hree today by! Judge Oliver H. Allen. The Co-operative Growers association was plaintiff. Judge Allen criticised the association saying it appeared to seek to "hold up and crivple" rather than to be after money, and suggested that the tobacco be sold at once. An original action was agatnst the 'growers. When the time merchants stepped in and started to market the tobacco as lien holders another order was sought by the association and granted by Judge Allen the first of this week. He did not know of all the details or he would not have issued the injunction, he said, holding that the merchants should have been included in the original action. A permanent order would tie up money due the time men and keep the growers from getting assistance from merchants, he stated. Tobacconists said the tobacco had been damaged from being withheld from market. / Season tickets, good for 9 admi.i >on?, for sale at Blanks & Morris for $2.50. ST! MARK'S CHURCH. Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity, Oct." 5th; Church School at 10:00 A. M. Edwin Bberman, Supt. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 P. M. Beginning Sunday, Oct. 12th, a mission wil be conducted in St. Mark's by the Rev. B. N. de Foe Wagner of Warrenton, ,N. C. Mr. Wagner is widely known as a gifted speaker and a sincere man of God, and it will do: you good to hear him. These services; will continue through * the following Sunday. We ask you to bear these services in mind, tell your friends and neighbors about them and bring; those who need to hear the man of God perhaps worse than you do. We want everybody to join us in these i services, but the ones we want most are those who most need them. Sincerely; J. L. Martin, Rector. TOBACCO ROLLING IN Independent Market Opens With AI Rush, Roth. Houses Full. On Tuesday night there were quite; a number of farmers here for the op-! ening sale this morning, and long be-j fore the hour for the first sale, 101 o'clock, both houses were pretty well filled. The Winstead Warehouse drew the j opening, sale and ifromptly at the hour appointed, 10 o'clock sales began. The quality, as well-as quantity, was well beyond expectations, and the buyer? are bidding lively for every pile. At this hour,"Wednesday morning, it is impossible to make any > gues? at the number of pounds or th? price, but the opening looks auspicious nnd every one feels that Roxboro is going to have a record breaker this year. TO THE VOTERS OF PERSON COUNTY: I ,ara a candidate for County Commissioner of Person County and. respectfully ask your support. If( elected I pled#*, myself to serve yoc . to the best of my ability. Edward J. Clayton, Morinh, N. C. Sept. 24V 3ts. v ? . Get your Shoes from Wiiburn ?Satterfldld and learn what shoe satis-1 faction- is. . ~ r"n 1 WIU. SEKVE LUlflTf """] AT i'HK f'AIK." The members of Lamrbeth Memorial Baptist Church will serve lunch daily at the Fair next-week and cordially invite every one U>'.take lunch wjth them while at the Fair. Sandwiches, weenies, coffee, cream, etc. Help'these good-people1 out, foe they are ddintt a EXCrosition. iffrWHsn "ri-ii Hiftij r *- * . iti 3 PER YEAR IN" ADVANCk j No. 40 SOCIETY' Mrs. E. E. Thomas entertained Saturday afternoon at a most delightful Rook party. The house was lovely with bright fall flowers. Six tables were arranged in the living room and hall and many interesting progressions were enjoyed. The hostess assisted by her mother, Mrs. W. J. YV'.nstead and Miss Celia Daniel served a delicious salad course with punch. Attractive rose buds Ailed with green and yellow mints were given as favors. Those pre&nt were Mesdames F. O. Carver, W. C. Bullock, J. 1. Winstead, B. A. Thaxton, L O. Wilk erson, T. C. Bradsher, Fred Long. Joe Kirby, G. W. Thomas, B. B. Mangum, E. Eberman, W. T. Pass, H. W. Newell, Joe Blanks, Frank Howard, Reade Jones, W. T. Long, G. C. Cabanlas, W. R. Woody. Frank Wilson am* Misses Ruth Newton, Bivins Wnistead, Elizabeth Noell and Bertha Clayton. The first meeting of the year for . .. the Research club was held with lira. S. G. Winstead. After a short business session the program was taken up. The club is stdying "Recent Tendencies in the Theatre" and the first paper was read by Mrs. A. M. Burns, who discussed "Modern Drama on the Continent." Mrs. J. A. Beam followed with a paper on "The English Drama." At the close of the study period, the hostess served a salad course to the following members: Mesdames J. A'. Beam, W. C. Bullock, A. M. Burns, L. M. Carlton, B. G. Clayton. H. S. Morton, A. S. doVlaming, E. P. Dunlap, W. T. Pass, R. L. Wilburn and J. J. Winstead. M,v? erhib'f> at the PERSON COUNTY FAIR, TO THE VOTERS OF PERSON COUNTT: ..esmerdkm. * I am a candidate for Sheriff of Person County and respectrully ask the vote of every one who wants to see ' the laws honestly and fairly executed. If elected I pledge myself to give justice to the poor as we|l as the rich. I respectfuly solicit the vbtes of the good women who all stand and vote for purity in all laws and law enforcement." Your support is respectfully solieited. j J. W .Chambers, ' '"J Better known ns Ititlv the 5 and 10 Cent man. SPECIAL SERVICES AT ROCK GROVE CHURCH. On Friday night, October 3r our Worker's School will open. We hope to begin about eight o'clock. Classes will be held Friday night, Saturday afternoon after church services, Saturday night, and Sunday afternoon. We are expecting Prof. C. S. Green of the Durham City High School to teach a class in the first division of the Sunday School Manual, and Brother White, pastor of the Roxboro Baptist * Church to teach one in "Winning to Christ". We hope later to make definite arrangements for a c.lass .in the third/ division of the Manual. A cordial welcome is extended to any who will come and take a part in this work. ;< On Sunday morning, October 5, we * are to have our Cradle Roll Service. The subject to be discussed by the pastor is THE VALUE OF A CHILD. We hope that every mother who has a child that 'is or ought to be enrolled in the Cradle Roll class will be present with it. Joe B. Currin, pastor. ________ O - ' V TOBACCO CO.OP SENT PRISON -a TTTTToti TTp violated Hestramiiir Order Goldsboro, Sept. 27.?Will Evan*,. 3 white farmer of Wayne xounty, was placed in the Wayne county jail j twenty days sentence for coiptempt of- ~ Ttourx. Judge M;~ V. Barnhitl Imposed n the sentence. . i It was charged that Evans, who is 1 a member of the Tobacco. Growers j Cooperative association, was restrain- . j ed from seeing his crop out-side of | the asociation. It was alleged that he" j violated t he restraining order and | sold a nart of his crop on the "open'. floor in -n-nen'r-hv town. The contempt , -.3 J sentence followed. '' . \ '1. ,'*v da 's&M