- ft J. W. NOELL. EDITOR Ah VOL. No. XLI . . ROXBORO MARKET y #aod Sales This Weak, Average $27.10 Monday. As they used to., say where - ? we grew up. the farmers are vey much "holped" up this week, fo tobacco is climbing and has cached the point where a farmer can see a little profit in raising it. Monday's sales were the best of the season, the entire sale of about seventy live thousand pounds averaged $27.10If our farmers would only believe us, there is absolutely ro reason for going to the trouble and expense of hauling their tobacco, to somne distant & market for the same tobacco will bring just as much if not Mk, a little more, when sold in Hp1' Iloxborb. Cwne^ one, come all, both large aim miiau Come old and young, and meet them all, Fop Ghosts will walk, You'll hear noises queer. But come in disguise, and never fear. ' 4 NOTICE There will be speaking at CjninghaJm school Friday night Oct, 24, at 7:30- Mayor Wilburn, Hon, Hugh Williams, orator and gifted speaker of Danville and others will speak i a. Co-operative Marketing A quartette from Roxboro, camposed of some of the best singers in the State, have promised to be with us. Mr- McCreary has also promised his radioEvery one cordially invited. Geo. L. Cuningham. Cham'n. o '10 THE VOTERS OF ? PERSON COUNTY: I am a candidate for Sheriff of PeriCn County and respectrully ask the vote of every one who wants to see the laws honestly and fairly executed. If elected I pledge myself to give justice to the poor as well as the rich. 1 respectfuly solicit the votes of the gcod women who sll stand and vote for purity in all laws and law enforcement. Your support is respectfully solicit td. J. W .Chambers, Better known as Billy Chambers, the 5 and 10 Cent man. ? . . . RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT i Whereas our Heavenly Father has taken our aged brother. S. It. Paham. from us to His Eternal Home; and Whereas we have been appointed bv Rock Grove Church as a committee to draw up ret solutions of respect; be it resolA ved: ' First: That our church has W st a lov.,1 and consistent mora fek';'-'ber. Sesond: That the state has |&r sustained the loss of a good pj citizen who fought for the cause E,of the Confederacy. Third: That the people of this community have lost one of \ their best neighbors. Fourth: That a copy of these i esolutions be sent to the Roxi;y ileal Recorder, and a copy be jj&v'iui sent to the family. Committee: W. T. Buchanan J. K. Montague ? J. W. WHburn. Bafc,; o??? Ovater Stew. There willwsan oyster stew I at Mt. Harmony school on Satur| day night, October 25th. All members of the Foster Local and the public in general is invited to be present. A 0. Briant, Sec.. | A SOl'THERN CINDERELLA The play, a 'Southern Cinderrlla " will be (riven on Tuesday night, Oct. 28th, at 8 o'clock, in the school auditorium for the benefit of the Methodist church This play-is - f ittngPto' charity "when the? V - ,!,Stt?ir money Fdr-a ticket 7~ " *"" "hough the proceeds-are for a -?o<t purpose. . C-- -s S - ' . , - "H ?? ID PUBLISHER ~7 ROXBORO, AmerrrKG under ausPICIES OF ROTARYj j Last Sunday afternoon there[ was a meetin gat the Palace un der the direction of the Roxboro Rotary. An address was delivered by Rev. Mr. Wagner, and to those who had heard him during the week at St. Mark'." it is not necessary to say it was good. Mr. Wagner is a speaker of great power and his Sunday, afternoon address was thoroughly enjoyed' by a.large gathering. The Rotary is planning to! make this a regular monthly affair, and will invite some speaker to come and address the meet-i in* ?o D. W. GRIFFITH'S PRODUCTION. "ORPHANS OF THE STORM, adapted from "The Two Orphans." by I Kate CUxton. With Lilian and Dorthy Bish, Monte Blue and Creishrj ton Hale, Palace Theatre Friday' (One day only) October 24th. i The sweetest but moat adventurous' loive story of all history, the love, story that compries the golden cord by which D. W. Griffith weaves to-j gether the turbulent scenes, the' dynamic upheavals of the French story that makes "Orphans of the Storm" the greatest screen drama ever filmed. Remember the day and date, Friday, October 24th. Admission 15 and 35 cents. Performance 7:15 P. M. Free Tuberculosis' Clinic. Free tuberculosis clinic will be held at Roxboro between the I 5 P. M. beginning Friday, Oct.' hours of 9 and 12 A. M. and 2 to P. M., beginning Friday, Oct. 27th and lasting through Nov.} 1st, 1924. Oct 31st will . be, for colored peopleIf you have tuberculosis you should know it. The knowledge will protect you and others. o? Ttnv- T-nno Knoraarement An-. nounced at Ocala. Ocala, Oct. 10.?At a beautiful party given this afternoon | by Mrs. Carl Ray the engagement and approaching marriage, of Miss Pearl Ray and Mr Clyde1 Long was announced. The'j marriage will be , a brilliant, event taking pice next jnonth at the Presbyterian church in this city. ; Miss Ray is the younger, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wal , ter Ray, who are numbered .among the most prominent and j influential citizens of . the state, nr.d is a most popular and at11 (active young woman. Mr. Long is a young man of, "'sterling qualities, connected, with one of the banks of Win-' ston Salem, N. C. and to that' city he will,take his bride to make it their home. o?L?? NOTICE Ot Seizue and Sale of Automobile. .Notice is hereby given that on Sunday October 5th, 1924. on ithe road between Roxboro and Jalong. about the hour of 11:30 P. M., the following described, |automobile was seized by S. A.' j Oliver chief of Poliee for the. tohvn of Roxboro, said car at |the time being used for the unlawful transportation of intoxicatinjyliquor: , One Fora touring- car, motor iniirrtber 3251112, N. C. State i License number 75,266?1924. i Unless the owner of said car establish title to same, I will on Saturday, November 15th. in front of the court house door: , in Roxboro, N. C. sell said car to the highest bidder for cash Any person claiming said car! is required to prove claim of J ownership before hour of.sale.' i This October 21st. 1924. f S. At Oliver, C. P. Roxboro, N. C. o See Blue Print at Court House f Air interested in the land sale-as advertised'by Mr. F. R. Warren- can see the blue print 'at -the-court honnr on thn hnl letin board. . .This is Rhlendid Jand. some good timbered tracts , and it wHl pay you to look into ;it. _ ...- . j ??7 ? HOME FiF&T NORTH CAROLINA, jv< ' : J. TWO HALLOWE'EN PLAY#R The Drfihatic Club of Helena High School will present at thj> ( auditorium Friday night Octobi er 31st. 1924, two HaUowe'eJL plays, "Who Was Scared," and "What Do You Know About Ghosts?" After these two play-jd^ which will last about an hour," ^ we. will have many weird contests ancL games. If you don't A believe in ghosts, witches, etc., come to Helena and we'll prove B p you that there are such thing* The Black Cats bid you come next Friday night to Helen* Ci High School prepared to star quite late, your fortune will be told, perhaps you'll get a ring-f Ci and please do bring some stunt to speak or act or sifig. CI Don't forget Friday night Oo? tober 31st, at H. H. S. Admiss* 15 centsUiltvio Rmirna Pt*aai rloflt f UUFtSJ, M. ? VU*UW?VI ? Elizabeth Tillett, Program Com. Sl o u On Oct thirty?first, at eight o'clock li At Wo'mans Club Room, be D right on the dot. B You'll have lots of fun. so come D prepared. There'll be music, and games D and lots of laughter. And you'll' never forget it the _ morning after. ? . CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS c FOR BPHBSUS-CLEMENT FIEI.U o ( Sunday School as usual at all g. churches on this field.' Average at- ^ tendance for last month was splendid V h S i " This week, Oct. 19?36. .is Southwide Children's Week in our Baptist 0| churches. The object of the week is y to bring children and Sunday School g teachers into closer fellowship and co-operation for the' welfare of the 0| children of the South, o , ^ ' Preaching at Semora Sunday at XI o'clock A. M., and 7:00 P. M. Come and worship with us. "Sabbath days and tquiet islands ? on the tossing sea of life." ? How will you spend this Sunday? "Satan will find tenants for empty hearts." Missions are nut a minor cnamy, they are the chief business of a church: S "The Chinese celebrate New Year's Day by paying their debts." E "Wear a smile till 10 o'clock, and the rest of the day will be easy." Now?not by and by. "Are you a sponge? Soaking up ' the benefits of our Christion civilisation and giving nothing back." L. V. Coggins.. Pastor. O ? ; ' Episcopal Services Close ? For the past week the Episcopalians have been having a , series of meetings, three services a day. conducted by Rev. Mr. Wagner. It has been a / real spiritual treat to the church goers, for Mr. Wagner is a consecrated Christian lu gentleman, an unusually attach-!., the town haszfiffffi zft zflff j u ive speaker and we are sure the 1 town has been greatly helped spiritually by his stay among us. We sincerely hope he will come this way again. d c, St. Mark's Church. 19 -h Sunday after Trinity: i ^ Churih School at 10:00 A- MEdwin Ebertman, Supt- Morn- , ing Prayer. Holy Communion , and sehmon at 11:00 A. M- and ? Evening Prayer and sermon at 7:30 XP. M. Come and worship with us. . J. L. Martin, Rector. j. o?1 u Tax Notice. ^ All 1923 taxes are long past due and I aon compelled to col- 0] lect same at once. If these j] J -UU.S- A.4U, taxuH ar not p?uu tm? nwu?? I will be forced Co advertise and O sell same. Please give this your me this unpleasant task, ... J. Melvin Long, u Sheriff and Tax Colleptor. si J- o? ?1 Change at MQady's Shop. n -? . ? There has been a change* in p the Mtladv's Shon. Miss Lynnie ip: Bennett of Virginia; vriti . charge*"Hnd every lady in. the County i.< couUlh incited?to-pV give her a call. c< >f\ ro i . ABROAD NEXT idnesday Evening, Octol: BPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE PEOPLES BANK o Koxbcro in the State od Norj.h Carolina at the close of business. October 10th. 1921. Resources ? ?\ >ans and Discounts 006.613.39 nited State* Bonds and Liberty Bonds 129,900.00 H other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages 101.850.00 anting Houses $9,248.82; Furniture and fixtures,' $ 10,509.69 ish in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies .. 102,069.70 ash Items held over 24 hours ' 3,913.28 hecks for clearing 920.92 Total 1,265,025.80 Liabilities anifpal 5f/v?lr noitl in 1fWl ftAA fifl irplus Fund 100,000.00 ndivided Profits, less current expenses and and taxes paid __ 21,666.49 neamed Discount 4.000.00 ividend Unpaitf __ ... 2,633.00 ills Payayle 826,000.00 eposits subject to check, Individual ... 278,663.11 eposits Due State of N. C. or any Official therof 67,763.00 ime Certificates of Deposit Due in Less than 30 days .* 299338.01 ashierVf Checks outstanding 6,934.60 Certified checks 17.12 svings Deposits ... 66.662.60 ccrued Interest due depositors 3,167.60 Total. 1,265.025.80 State of North Carolina?County ' Person. Oct 14th 1924. E. G. Long' ice-President of the above named auk do solemnly swear that the a>ve statement is true to the best : my knowledge and belief. G. Long, Active Vice-president Subscribed and sworn to before me lis 14 day of Oct. 1924. t W. Satterfield. om. exp. Oct.. 7th, U924 orrect?Attest R. L. Wilburn, W. H Harris, E, B. Bradsher, Directors top, Look, and Listen; strange noises you'll hear, ictober thirty first, at eight o'clock here w ill be old and young, from-jfar and near, o see the Ghosts in their holiday frock. NOTICE O 1 Regular Communication of _ Person Lodge v-ZfV No. 113, A. F. A Tu?s" Sfevfe? day, October 28th, 1924, at Masonic Hall, x at 7:30 P. M. All members of this Lodge and E Woodsdale Lodge No. 625 are rged to be present. Consolida on of these two Lodges is to e discussed. Wm. M. Morrel,- Master.. Thos. B. Woody. Sec. o Mr, Jake F. Newell Speaks, "j On last Saturday a large, rowd assembled in the court! ouse to hear Mr. Jake F. New-; L Mr. Thos-1 Carter, who ~a candidate?for?Congress^ rotn this district, announced is candidacy, but ,refrained! ;-om making a speech, as Mr.J 'ewell was the speaker of the! :casion; Mr. Newell is a> ood speaker, a man of eloqu-1 ace and delighted his Repubcan friends with his speech. I fe are glad to say that the jual high tone was main lined by him, using no abusei r saying anything to arouse: 1 will. o? pening of High Plane School. High Plane School near Chris eT Va.. opened for th*. fall seson with nearlv a hundred indents. This is the best opeinjt the school" has ever had nd Prof. C. D. Brewings on, the rineipal is happy over the rospects. ^ t< i Mr. E- C. Brooks of Kepbridee a, lost his home and all of its >ntents by fire-last Saturday ?? ? $1-50 >er 22 th, 1924 Hyco Has Good Sale _ ? Last Monday was the best day of the year so far for the farmers of this section, the sales were heavy and the prices were high at the Hveo. The sales averaged $26.00, and there wa3 more than 37,000 pound3 on the floor. I o TO THE VOTERS OF PERSON COl'NTY: I am the regular nominee o1 the Democratic party for the office of sheriff," If elected I promise to give the office my personal attention and to serve you to the beet of my ability performing my duty with out fear or favor to any one. I sincerely appreciate the kindness] of my friends in the recent primaries! and respectfully ask their support again. Nat V. Brooks. { BAZAAR The ladies of the W. M- S. of Rock Grove Baptist Church will give a bazaar Saturday, Nov Its. 1924, beginning at 4:30 o'clock. Supiper will be served. Everybody is codially invited. Mrs. J. M. Wilburn. | ?? ? I .. 1 . I IA One Hundred Per Cent Co-op Mr Joe Biurch is one of the 100 per cent Co-ops, and he says he has a right to be proud of the fact that he is a .member ! of the Association. On October the 2nd a tenant on his place divided a load and sold delivering Mr. Burch's to the Co-op and selling his three fourths. The tenant received an averaire of fni* Vi5?? ooi? [while Mr. Burch's fourth brought him an average of I $10*73 for his first advance. ! And so Joe says the only thing i to do ya for every farmer to [join the Co-ops. Tuberuloeis Clinic. The tuberculosis ^linic be (tins on [the 27th, next Monday. Vfe ran have only one week and the days are I already filled. Now is the opportunity. We appeal to one and all ! for the most hearty cooperation possible. It is for everybody who {needs examination. Please see Miss Harris, the Red Cross nurse, and get ihor to give you a date. Sincerely, J. A. Beam. I o Big Prices at the Winstead. The sale Monday at the Winstead was the best they have had this'season, and the farmer here delighted with prices. More than 25,000 pounds were sold at the splendkl average of $29.00. This begins to look like old times,, and with such prices we expect to see the farmers rolling this way1"- with their togsceo NO TRUTH IN REPORT. n n;;-: occnreportedmaxr would make the race for sheriff independently". Now, I wish to say this an error t'or I have never had aiy such' intentions 1 entered the pimary in good frith -as. a Demorirat. and I am a Democrat now?have been and expect to die in sajne faith. want to say to each and evey one "who supported me that I appreciate your efforts and hope to be able in the future to return the favor. Thanking you for your sup-; port and with best wishes fori all, I am. Yours very truly, J. Melvin Long ?^ o Married at Baptist Pastoriom. Yesterday morning at the Paatorium Rev. R. E. White united in marriage Mr.W. L.j Rucker-and Miss Cristal. RrjueeJ of Lynchburg. ???o Mrs. A. A Finley and daughters Misses Grace and Bess, and Miss Elizabeth' Pilson of North Wilkesboro spent last Wednesday and'Thursday as guests of Mrs.JL O. WTUfferson. Mia* Bess Firilev will spend several days, the others of the party left Friday morning. ' \ ?nr. . , ^ " ut PER YEAR IN ADVANCE No.4L Little Mary Seviers Woody, who has been sick forvtl>e-paat three weeks, is improvnyr. Little Miss Anna Wooding instead has had her tonsils removed, ahd is getting on nicely. ? ? " Miss Mattie Mfli+rtii >>'u" 1? . ,TT I1U Urt-> been quite sick. is. now able to be up again. ; Mrs. Jack Franklin of Cunningham spent several days la$t week visiting Miss ('alii,' Bray. . v? *? r~~" .?? ? . Mr. Sam Merritt spent the week end here with his mother. Mrs. Mamie Merritt. ? ? Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Buchanan are visiting relatives near Oxford. ..' ? * ? I Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Cole, Mesi dames, E. B. Foushee and T. O. IBradsher spent Wednesday"" in 'Raleigh. *? ? ?? E- G. Clayton of Rocky Mount spent the week end at home, t* Miss Elizabeth Masten, of the Conservatory in Durham spent a few days here with her parents. Miss Laura Newton of Raleigh spent several days here last week. , 1 * Miss Mary Hester of R. M- I.. Lynchburg, spent the week end at home * ){. ? ' ; a Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Boatright an dson Edgar Jr. spent the week end in Danville with relatives. ' u ?j -1 . Ja Mesdames. M. A- Stewart, 3 j. M. Pass, W. A. Mills and l and Miss Elizabeth Noell spent Thursday iit Raliegh. *-* * ? ?- Mrs. W. L. Wright of Troy? and her S6n, Mr. Van Wright rof Asheville. spent the week, end visiting Mrs. E D. Cheek, sister of Mrs Wright. * Miss Mary Cheek is. spending the week in Durham as the guest of Mrs. Wright ? , * Mrs. J. B- Flowers of Uuioa Level, Va., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. B. B. Mangun, left yesterday morning for Durham. ** ? ?? Mr- J. J. Woody spent the first of the week in High Point . buying furniture foy the -firm - M of Mess. E. D. Cheek & Co. The friends of Mr. O. F. Hari ris will regi-et to know' that he 1 has been carried to Watts JHos pital where he underwent an OjferaVion .-for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs! A. M, Burns, Mess. R. P. Merrimon and Mia? Janie Burhs spent the week end in Pittsboro, where -on Sunday they celebrated .the 89th birthday of Mr. Burns' father, ; . ?o? ?: ?? Farm "for Sale one of the best little farms in Person County 53 acres, 1 hbuse, 2 barns, raise . nnesi tooacco, goon mcaaow one and one half miles from Roxboro. Price right. Terms easy. H. W. Newell Don't fail to see the Southern Cinderella in the school auditoriums on Tuesday night. Oct. 28th- at 8 o'clock ; . 1 STOP LOOK AND LISTEN For ladies, white and colored, manicuring, facial massage, shampooing, scalp massaging, hair dressing, corf- . ing, bleaching and dying,.; mareeU waving, singing and clipping. "Work done ift ydor residence. T have Job* ??* finished my coarse and will be glad ' ' to serve you. Unexcelled system. Romelia Bollock, Beauty Culturia(. 10-15 4ts ? . > Save "Money, fit yourself'with ?u the eyeglasses which, best suits you. We carry a "big line oFoypglasses' and frames also repair them. The Newels Jewelers.

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