J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AN VOL. No. XL1 ROXBOKO MARKET. V Market Averaged $30 00- on last Monday, and Getting 'Higher. Sales last week were the best so far. and the farmers are delighted with the way things are going.. Sales were fairly heavy and the) prices satisfactory, in fact on last Monday everythinug on the market - averaged $30.00 per hundred, with many farmers selling for more than - $50.00 average for their entire load,; We have not seen a better average out our contention that th^re is no Mfei .. out odr contention that there is no ^ jft % ' better place td sell your tobacco than in-Roxboro. Suppose you try it this J ear. I Portrait Of Gov. Kitchin o ? Dr.. I a- at.. ? ? J a -aarnini iv Uir l UUniJ ny V.-OI R. O Everett of Durtiem! " -<> > * Tuesday at the noon hour Col. R. O. Bverett of Durham presented to the Board of County Commissioner! a very handsome portrait of O V Vf W Kitchen. This was a heautir fof pet on the part of Col. Evctott, ' and {he could not have done an tact which the people will more apreriarte, , for every man in this good County loves Mr. Kitchen. ?? o ^ , Superior Coart. I October Term, 1934. ] North Carolina, Perspn County. ] The Hon. E. H. Cranmer, Judge Wt the Grand Jury of Person , County at the October Term of , Superior Court after passing on all \ r- hills {givetr- by the Solicitor and ] ; rrakifig all presentments we visited , the County Home and found 19 in- , cr?an3s wen c?rea lor. w? nave ajj heau jful and comfortable home. ] We 1 ound at the Oounty Home 1201 gafU ns of molaiie^, 60 gallons of , rinej ar, 150 Bu. swaet potatoes. 50 j Bo. rish potatoes, 10' to 15 Bbl. of , o'J cjom and a good crop of-com. in . the field not 1! Wd ko] fcun< 8 nicel hog* that \fcoujd' weigh j SCO ] b. each, hogs that would weigh < year] The County Home ft*/ 28 \ rcomfc. 4 bath rooms & toilets, a sun|, parlqrs and 2 large porches. We also j found a nice lot of can fruit. Wo-also visited the colored Graded , < Schofl in a body and 273 colored |, children, in school and all are well \ cared for We visited the Roxboro ; Graded School and found 450 pupils *. in tllat school, 'fhe Superintendent \ inforJned us that there were 75. child- ' ren in Eiagt Roxboro in school. ,They are all well cared for and t seam tq be getting on fine. We also sited the jail and found it in ?, Hk.*. . vf jyi good condition, at least as good |jp dould be expected. We . . itod the Sheriff's office, The Clerk's ^ ' V . office and the Register of Deed's h' / V offjee and fotind them in good shape 1 %; eo far as we could ascertain. i .W. R. Hayes, . j .Foreman-of Grand Jury, I P/S. We find ab the County Home j I a-little'girl 12 yohrs old,- We -reccvm-j I i?eiid her to.be sent to n reformatory, I vv . I- 'or training school of- some hind.-1 I We also find a crazy woman who! < I K 'c tight to he sent to the asylum nJ. I she is breakinr into neighbors'. I * 1?ou3es and eainff?" a r-eat deal of I trouble. , j<| W. R. Hayes, 11 - Fopptnart of Grand .Jury. *! REPORT OF THE SVPER1NTENDENT. MRS J. A. BEAM: ; ... , o jAllwtsviHo High Sehool ha* ii90 t r.ipiit;. ... 'J Bu*hv Pi* Hitfh Sfchbol hhii#25ft f Pupil*. . . iv ? i i '<1 Bethel Hfll 'Hi^hf FehWl hfc? S?M I ^Helena High'SlsfcWf to! 807J?tpMh?v' 1 OHv* HiU Hagl*;.S*h?A ha* ?8; I ?L_ Jalong Primary School' ha* > p-?... School lha* 24?> inv-jtil r-". Number gf, ?)iju- t?i frer*- W-rtha-Ji t ounty w9 " : i i ~ " ' n' r liu?ib^r .o<'cOk>r?i t?h)cHer? in Ola-", trunty fil ' ' ' n BS Mwahtr of pupli* enroila* tm MMj ronnty and town 6t2E, ' ' jj ,W. U. IIaye*,' jj . j t'jtfwlt ..rGran'f.Jgty, .j g^i ' l' ^ (r-j>C ' ' =- ' *" * ^ Pliah Coroc in atttl ijoy ,m> " " " I 1 - ' : _ . EzJ D PUBLISHER ^ " ROXBORO, 1 COUNTY TEACHERS MEETING On October |tth the Person County Teachers meeting held ii?> regular session in the, Roxbooo.1 Graded School. The' meeting whs 2 called to order promptly ot ter. a o'clock by Mrs. J.. A. Beam, The t day being ideal, there was a full t attendance of the teachers ot the v County. (t- j.a After a few minutes devoted to a devotional . exercise^,' Mrs. Beam launched into the discussions of the n general meeting. Every ,.' teacher ] said Mrs Beam, "should hijve an ob- u jective it view." If-this is ti. course of study will be covered and f pupils and teachers wilt find them- '?on ehot and fatally w. Pleasant will leave today for her lome at Greensboro before going to California b *? * 1,4 ' " " I / 1 f' Research Club.- ,T The- -ResearchClub iuet Weduoh- Qlay at the home of Mrs. R. L Wilt?ura. The topic of the/afternoon was y rwo Social Plays The first paper i e find discussion was on A Bill of Divorcement by Mrs. T. W. Pass The, jecond paper and discussion was on Phe Circle by Mrs. Newell. The hosess, assisted by Miss Collins and Mrs y le\>ming served g, ^Jiciop . salad ? ybieie.Withraffle# rfnd whipped cteam t| ya | 1^ tUy Southern CMidfreJn , Vo,t ponrii ;Pe 'P^,rflt,,>JrutheV Ofderella ) yhlcjl to have been iivbn ofi I IhwwUy jMii1!. Otf ??4 V lit ; benefit AAftIfthgiA hJs t n EF^ the' Preabyterj^ j ? f*rwAj*?rMfi 'Thurth'dn (hut dati r rtiw ri?y * ? ** -idvn"?,n n?fcir Clmrsday night, Oct. 30th, at 8 o'clock; v n ihi jaMtOoh aodkarkim. la ;'tr,..,Uy l,car :l?is change in^piimi i, in.1 VlH^ on 3^n)r. di:. ?m ' >< >-o? f"4 >' J 1 - , f>?^frrrk , ,vi. -.- -rr^T N ! >, A'" tf ! ? i imiiim ii iwii?ii i?'it ? HOME VIRi NORTH CAROLINA, V I MAJ. McLENDON speaks at bushV fork. 0 ?' ' I On the evening of Oct. 14 at the iushy Pork High School auditorium ifaj. L. B, McLendon delivered fin iidrevi which was enjoyed by an on-, husiaailc audience. Mr. W H.! Vilkerson preseped Mr Cooper "Hall' .'ho introduced the speaker wlith a. hort, impressive talk, nd political interests of the farmer. J Mr. McLendon hinged his argument on the economical, educational le advocated cooperative marketlg, the county-wide plan of educat>n, and the exercise of the right of ranchise. The one way for the rrmer to keep on. '^n ev^n. footing ith other industries is to organise; it) the town people share their good brtune with those upon whom they re dependent for their prosperity: tick to the political party of your hoice and keep it clean, since the nly way to improve the govern lent is to improve tho party; assert our rights in the open and vote Ut way Such are some of the marks made by the Solicitor in hi* pity,v fogies) 'end constrdctive diss' svirsd.?E.1. M. Simpson. / ' ' . " / ^ / ' irst County Meeting ?H(. M S. The first County Medting of the f M. Societies pf, Persort met Saturajl Oct 25th, wit/> the W) M. , [ N'orth" Roxboroz The meetfug lyai tiled to order ? by Mrs ti. W. nadsher, County Chairman. t)evo ional exercises were conducted' by Irs. L. P Duncan. in -jl gracipn* tanner Mrs. W W Moirell welcomW i us An appreciative response wag Ive'n'by Mrs SiiMm of Mill Creeki churph, Tile' talks on 'Sacrificial Giving, Stewanhip and Tithing ltd the Worth of the! County Meetigs pojd arid [iss Ella Thompson were indeed excellent. Mrs. Stukenbnok . offered lime timely an(i. encouraging . refirft After this excellent and liejpil program' Htf ' 'S' S rooms wore irown open fliid there met rus r a xiutiful scene,1 p. veritable Japanese id ropto. Three lovely Japanese l.dies served us tea (?) and cake. I.fter a pleasant social hour with I ur sisters of. the Association we cent away feeling that indeed, oujr I rpt County meeting had feck i tgcess, and with appreciative Hearts ir the gracious reception and hospiIllity - tendered' 'tis "by > the ladies of |i(j North ."Roxboro W. M Society Mi* J. J. Winstead, Secretary, pro tern. ranville Presbytery In Session Here ? I Granville Presbytery met last ight with the Presbyterian Church ere, and will continue in session for [tree days. Rev. A. M.? Earle is modrator " There are aboQt twenty five ielegates, including laymen, in atpndance ? 'fhree Days Extraordinary^ Beginning Monday Nov. 3rd and *sting for three days the Swarthtore Chautauqua will hold the oards in Roxboro. There are thereore three days of real literary and lusical feasts in order for the people Don't miss these entertainment, ou will be amply paid for time and xpense. r? _ Big Prices At The WInstead. Prices have been soaring at'the /instead the past week, many far lers averaging'up around $60 00 for fieir loads My, but you should see 3 at. smilf WViif?>! will nai ^ m- .-v. '*-j-ryr , ij'"* . "i* n the farmers face* these days?and ley all seH iniRoxbero, ,U> saltti i'i^TmO <' v.-i. Maj Stedman Visits Roxboro. I Mai.' ObMy M.i i Stxfcnw h" ' (mthero visjlti,. lajii I His . Itnds ween Kindle hnun ths.piaiienrpi nh%l?irtH I his ' bands and T ell v/tre marking on hhik splendid physi | condition. Few meh have tiidj live and respect of his constituent* ? ^ednjin, ^nd I|M?^ t ? t-Q . . . .. | Vot*. on .eftMpf > ftjlr or vote for J .WijCiwrnhj i,vf<-r notmr-. ? Bflfv <"uamjv>r'-?r- i ajpd0 Cent Store Man, fef aherifts Uf-i ; MP w. 1 p \'J> I K ' to (, T. ABROAD NEXT Wednesday Evening, Octob IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, [ OCTOBER TERM. 1924.: ?o J NI?rth Carolina. Braon County. j. I. L. P. McLendon, do hereby cet-, ttfy that I have examined the office,4' of the Superior Court of Person ' putj pue ulioj sjqt 3uunp Ajuno;} J eame in good order and the accounts!' Wt the office correctly kept in so far .* as could be ascertained.. , p This Odtober 15. 1924. j . ; L. P. McLendon, , Solicitor 10th Judicial District Approved, and ordered filed. '' ? E. H. Cranmer, j'1 Judge Presiding. ' a NEW' MANAGEMENT. r: The Roxboro Book and Stationery J' tore has secured the servic?s of | fcr R. R. Rose, formerly connected rith the Rose .6 and 10. Cent Store. I Mr. Rose'is thoroughly fimiliar wit'ij this line and we are sure the public gAta oj s siq aietoaidds hia! Roxboro :i book store equal to tne' ^ Very best, You will save time, worry And money by giving them a look ? before making your purchases of 1 anything carried by stores of this ' ? kind, including books, stationery, 1 toys, gifts, etc. LONGHURST SCHOOL HOhtOK fc ROLL ? | ! fst Grade; Eunice Btalock, j Flj. uoai 'uovuaqoH ounsuq.-) 'usuiasi^ Rhew. , . Cole, Claudia Gentry and Thelma j1 .'2nd Grade: Jessie Anderson, Hqttic c Ar^derson and Thelma Rbew; V- |" 3rd Grade: Myrtle Reaves. SthGrade: Lester Morrell, Robert ? Olive and Clara Ford. j j ? Jne^ Purfear. | c jj 7tV (trade: Bessie Walker 3o|d At The Hy-Co Monday Mr. Allen Crews sojd a toad, at the Hyco averaging $47.50 for c the entire load One day last week' lie sold a load " with the Hyco and 1 averaged 144,00 Mr Crews say? he expects to avarage * mighty close j to $50.00 for his entire crop, and Jvhat [' is,-better, he expects to sell every I ' t^ound on the Rovhoro mnrlret i1 NTOICF. V y 7?6?-rI desire to announce to my friends j and the public generally that I am now connected with the Roxboro | Book and Stationery Store, and cord-? ially invite you all to" come to us for i anything you may want in our line, i( The scope of the stock has been |5 greatly enlarged and we are in posit-! 3 ion to furnish anything needed in I * our line. Kindly give us a call be-[ ^ fore sending away for anything in * this line. Yours truly, 1 R. ft. Rosfc. 8 ANNVAL BAZAAR ( 0 |l The annual bazaar of Edgar Long1* Memorial Church will be held' Satur 'c day, Dec. 1-3. The public is Cordially i invited. | ??o J All Day Service At Ephe.sus ?\ o ? " There will be an all day service at'* EphoKus next Sunday. Preaching at 1 Ctement at 3:30, P. M. Special ser- s vice at Lea Bethel Church 7 P.M , * and Semora Wednc^Hay night Nov,! 3th, at 7. We invite all who care to attend to be present at each seryh-o Our task is a large one and if we consider tire ^/act that about one B third nf th#? worM amIu ia ? I'll 1 y 1 ? , ry on the work started in the 75 *>1 Christians, we will t>e ready to ca^-v:J Million Pro?ram. Study these fifcfworid i .aMSr'Hri iBaptUt'in,U 8 8M1Q25_ ... a C;'B- ;f qf-tiur cu^lifi taVvool?taa< hori 4 Darin* tie paBtt'fc*r'd*ek? a oumVoridklppet}. r d?ith,' , alizi; 'tbaV. ot?r, ta?)t>$?.*; iiroilpr one' ani^^ms_2ielpi oar. (Kuroli pan b?? t' . .. ^ Port'tr- |j :*'|tameron : . -Hubi ftt tk>'. Palace _ '! '. .. . * > nr.;l . -. ~ TiTT tour $1.50 e* 29 th, 1924 .. HALLOWE'EN FROLIC _ '! U Womans Club Rooms Oct 31,! 8 P^M. 1' 1 Everybody, come and bring your j times?lots of them, end enjoy the.I un?nothing over 10 cents. Entrance | D cents. Games, music and Is -ghtei. I ? ?? :iwur ana mssic or sneet to I ct Ghost. By Presbyterian Woman -' I Luxiliary. i e^- ,1 [ELP WANTED?I Want a good, re- I table man to go into business for | imself in a neighboring County sell- t ng Rawleigh's Good Health Products i 0 farmers. A permanent, profitable i nd pleasant business all ypur own < fery little Capital required. See me < Slickly Herbert W. Bowen, Rox- i pro, N'. C. It pd" 1 . _j?? lOL. MEEKINS HEARD BY A LARGE CROWD o , | Probably the largest crowd which | as heard any speaker here during i be campaign heard Col, Isaac M. | teekins last Friday. He is a speaker 1 power, in fact, an orator, and iiough you do not agree with hirojl pu will enjoy hearing him. Judg-it IK from his speeches which welj i V? , read in the papers, he made J i lie same speech here?rnot abusive j 4^ entertaining. f \ , I ASS MEETING LAST THURS- j DAY NIGHT^ I o ? ' The mass meeting called jointly ] -y the two banks for last Thura- | iky night was, decldely a success. Ehings pertaining to the good of t he towh and County were freely j iiscussed, part being taken in the I TUMion by beth town ami County tizens. ??-0 1? SCHQOL NOTES. j o ' .?*TS 1 | Do sot forget Teachers' Meeting | >p the regular day-, L , t (Saturday before the Second Sunday < n each month.t ... i The book on Americanism-.Our, , Jual Govemmen, by Dr. E.G. irooks, Is now obtainable, and every eacher must see that Americanism ( s taught in every school, < Via, J.' A. Beam. BIG LAND SALE The T. H. Street Eatate to Be Sold i At Auction One of the largest landed estates i >t the County will be subdivided and ! lOld at auction on Thursday, Nov. 1 13th, by the Atlantic Coaat Realty . 3o., this being the estate of the j ate Mr. Thomas H? Steret at Milt >eek. There is probably no better j obacco land in the Gounty and it.; i vil! afford those wanting to own l good farm an opportunity to do so It will he sold to the highest bidler, thus enabling each one to buy a 'arm at their own price. The terms ire very reasonable. ?See the ad in another page. ' MOVED o? We have moved into onr new store ust a few doors below our former j ocation and ajecarrying the best j ine of hardware we , hayte ever ! ihown Come to ^ee U'8. Ea! Jncr fardw'are Co./ ? o ?' ' S ST. MARK'S CHURCH o * 20th Sunday after Trinity: Church, it 10:00 A; M ,'' Edwin. Eberatan' tuperintendent. * .Evening Prayer, j< TormTmauonana sermOn . by the It Rev. Ed win A. Penlclc, Bishop < Wdjutor of the Di'oeese of North krolis Those who heard i' Bishop fetiicV *ht the UuhJn Service : lsst Ictober id the Methtxilgt Church till , >e (clad of thh opportunity to her. htm aSaih hMrt Sunday -night t St. Mark's Church hi '7:80, Come . id J worship with tl^ i. L Mertiit. Rector 1 ? ' * 0 ?i L To The Women Voters I ci]fiMl{lir,vMnt*t i ' i>in yaas ?n, . . . Your friend. i. w. caAU81?S, titer known. t.? Billy ("hafilbCri-thec sad 10 'Otnt- hwriv Stan. . . it !HW.'HV.VI?fuwi tK loyin Ut'uso; vfitli. bV.Uv' etc. Apply to Mrs A i> 1 ?nr?vLt^ _ it ------ '?4 . .. ?? ''? ' .* 'r icv PER YEAR IN ADVANCfc No. 42 ' ~? . ? Meeting Of Mission Study Class The Mission Study Class, of tha W. M. S of the Edgar Long Memorial Church, Roxboro, N C., haveiust finished the home mission 500k "Save America." An original plan conceived by our Supt,. Mrs iendali Street, proved very interaa" ting, therefore pass it on. Thw twenty five members were divided nto tux? sections, with Mrs W; T, !?ara and .Mrs, Margarette Teague as eaders of contending sides, each riving out ; in advance writen qaeeioni oh the lesson. We met on three uccessive afternoons A rocord of attendance and lemons" was kept bp >ur Supt. the grade on lesons being ieterroined by whether the answer raa read from the book or given rom memory. The loosing, side most mtestain the winning one. The meetigs were opened by Mrs Street who read Scripture lessons suited to the topic studied. The prayers for these lemons were read n concert, and the hymn "America [he Beautiful" Was sung. I As an entertaining feature of lesion Nu 1, Mrs, Johnson of Weldoo, M. C. gave us a reading Killing he Giant." and at No. 2 Mrs. Mamie Sierritt mad Mrs Oitcher read the iiak>gue, : "Depth and Shallows." Lesson No 3 closed with an infernal discussion of the book and prsU- ' ,/ sition problems as we personally see ind hear of thorn today, and a prayer to God to save America A rising vote of thanks was given Mrs Street for -faithful services as Supt Mission Study for ths past Kjodooo pipuoids IOJ sssjs oqt do; two yean. She responded by thank- r ion.--Secretary. ' , o Tft The Women Of Person County : o , "We will have another opportunity November the 4th of exercnrfng oar right of franchise This i? not only in opportunity and a prtvilage but i duty. A duty to our country/ our rounty, and opr homes. Is there a * woman among us, with no concern is to who manage the affairs of oUr county government. In this I think we should be vitally interested, for the status of our hom^ life is largely determined by the men whom we select-to administer the affairs of oar jaunty government As a woman and as a Democrat, 'i appeal to the Democratic Women of this county to prove yourselves worthy of the high privilege of voting, by coming out Nov. the 4th in full force, and casting your- ballot for the National, State, and County Democratic nominees. Each of whom, I ?think, will so administer the duties of his office as to reflect rcedit upon himself and the Democratic Party. . . Mrs W. T Kirby, Vice-Chrm. Dem, Com'. * ; Makes Score of 100. & The Ooco Cola Company send oat inspectors every few months to seethat all bottlers of their drinks are kept up* to the no,tch. The Coco-Cola Bottling Co of' Itoxboro made the possib{d rating, averaging 100 per cent on all points . ? NOTICE Elder C. B. Hall will preach atSatuixiay and Sunday in November and December X CO CRT WEES The special term of Court for this3ounty is in session this week,. Judge B. F. Long, presiding. This term is for civil cases only and will occupy :he entire, week, unless many of this twee docketed are. ppsponed -t . Vote on. Nov 4th?and don't fail M vote f?.r J- W. Chambers, better, kaoyni as Billy Chabers the -5 and Ift. Gent .Store Mm,, for .gherjtfc My motto: Do my duty,. treat all dike, : ~ ilg and little, rich and poor , 1 '?? *.;' ? * "i BOX PARTY., ? - ' U. I'.'.ptl ,f Zip. -A Thefe will-be a, boa party, at Brook- ' school on; Friday night,-Nov. 7th. Kseeyhmky w/liitilsil^?? :?' Jg tVANd ...Or-- team ?rid tool if cultivate nrhont, 76,000 v * hills of, tobacco Extra. good farm," I; mile* front lioxboTd. . Apply Vudry Long, KoxhfA-o, V n ld-29 ff . ?... '-v