r_M J. W. NOELL, EDITOR ANE VOL. No. XL1 ~ THE COURIER " SMS SALESMANSHIP CLUB FOR ALL | P". . ii EVERY ONE GIVEN OPPOR- \ TUNITY TO DEMONSTRATE t SALES ABILITY 1 , I If you have friend* *nd acquaintan- J re* this ia the campaign to get a in and make big wage* for v tho neat few week*. I Commissions and fc prizes of great r value for o all. I The Courier in coming to you with I this announcement doe* ?o with the. I ume good intent u it has in all its p progressive moves of the past. a In inaugurating this Salesmanship d campaign we are offering to those p who will compete an opportunity.to t share with , us in the upbuilding of ft this city and community and at the ii same time be paid handsomely foi n every effort put forth. I: On another page you will find the s full announcement 'and rules which I will govern the campaign, together a with the prizes offered. Read it a ever carefully and come on in for you could not possibly make more in t the few weeks than we offer you. v If you do not understand it phone t 39 or call a.t the office and we will gladly explain, or if you cannot-do cither drop us a line and we will visit you. It does not coat one cent to find out about it or enter. You d do not have to be a subscriber. I These awards, aggregating a nice t little sum of several hundred dollars t will be given away absolutely free, n All the prizes are worthy of your a efforts. 'There is no red tape. t o t MR. JOB SNOW SHOT. - h r? a (>ast Friday, mottling there was a shooting scrape in the Eastern end: k of the County. From the best in-:-' formation we can gather Mr. Joc| Snow went out to remonstrate with a v Mr. Jack Elliot, who was making a S iofltvlto n on nnnr Ikn knnon V>?/1 ri hie grin and is said to have been-j booking for his wife, who had threat- j ened to shoot, when Mr. Snow tried> to get him to go and put up his gun.! Jack became/ enraged it Mr.! Snow and shot him. The gun was1 I loaded with No. 6 shot, the shbt tak-j 1 - ing effect in Mr. Show's shoulder and | * arm. ! J ;r. "7- Sheriff Long and a Dr. was phoned 1 for, and Upon their arrival they found a Jack Elliot had made his get away. * 0 5 ORPHANAGE SINGING CLASS i .t IThe Oxford Orphanage Singing 4ftass gave a concert, here last Sat-1 ? urday night, and when we say it was * equal, if .not' superior to any they * have given here, it is w&ise worth c while. This class makes us an an- s f nual visit and they are always enjoyed by the people. The receipts amounted to $134.7o. Sunday morning the children were carried to Oxt - ford by members of the Masonic ,s fraternity. SATISFACTORY ADVANCE j} |c;:- Mr. A. J. Pleasant of Hurdle Mills j * '' made a delivery t otho Co-op Assoc- c gjV';i;' iation last week and received an ad- ? ? ,v, vance of more than $21.00 average.!* The Association members are highly I r \ ?. alear.ed with the adiaiwcs. r.iAils thij 1 season, and as a result there is less * complaint than heretofore. Wo have ' not heard a single member say other'-1 .points were paying better advances! than Roxboro, and this being true * VneTO ?noui(i no a hoavy delivery here j thin season. ?* - 4 THE MARY HAM BRICK MISSION- ! ARY SOCIETY. ( The Mary Hambrick Missionary Society held their inspirational meeting in the Sunday School room of the , < Lcr/r Memorial rhyrrh In, spite of the rainy afternoon' there were forty i ?two present, twenty- two of thoaef-i takinfr part in the [program.?M. [1 . o- li For Quirk Sale ! One fire proof Champion account i system and cash register. Also one ' device for adding accounts. The SL' i. above system can be sdetf at the store of Chaa. Holeman 4k Co. tn-J Roxboro. HT? : ~ T , - J. V. Whitfield, ' y Hurdle Mills, N. C. BBHiii Hi H m t 1 ? PUBLISHER R HER HUSBAND'S WIFE?' TO BE PRESENTED HERE NOV. 28. Here With Professional Cast 'homaa' Delightful Comedy-Dram a It might be said that the art of he drama is founded on suspense, f this is the case lovers of the drama vill have an extraordinary treat on he night of Nov. 28th when A. E. ["homes' great comedy drama "Her iusband's Wife" will ba presented tere at the school auditorium, sponered by the Womans' Club. This rell known play is loaded with sus>ense, packed with, thrills, and a ounda in comical situations. Its lapg una in New York and many other < our larger cities proves it to be a >lay of super-quality. Of great interest is the fact that dr. Edwin Stanley, who starred in lartley Manners famous play "Hapduess" last season, rind who has ppeared in many New York protections, and featured in several ilays, will be in the cast, playing he role of Uncle John, which gives ;reat scope to his power for displaytig his eloquent use of dialect, hulor and pathos. With Mr. Stanly n the cast will be Mies Pauline Wiaonger. Miss Pauline Keriis, Mr talph Harvey and Mr. Roy G. Hess, 11 experienced and capable on the tspte. To Mr. Elias Day the successful producer of Chicago, goes he credit- for .the fine manner in inch the play is staged and direced. SAINT MARK'S CHURCH Thursday, Nov. 27th, is! the day designated by the President of the Jnited States as the day in_which he Nation should give thanks to ilmighty God. Thanksgiving Day tieans a day of thanksgiving?not i day of gluttony. There are many eaacns why one should' give thanks o Cod?there is not one reason why ic should be a glutton. Be reasonable! nd "go into His Courts with thanks giving" next ThiyrsWay Thanksriving Service in St. Mark's at 10:00 t. M. Sunday, Nov. 30th: Church Schcol it 10:00 A. M.f Edwin Eberman, >upt. Evening Prayer and sermon at :30 P. M. f. L. Martin, -Rector. Who Can Enter All are eligible to compete as exriaijied in the advertisement. It is >ossible for you as a member of he club to win an automobile in less ban seven weeks; that is the duraton of the campaign. It will not be i-long drawn out campaign that will ire you, but just enough time for 'ou to see your friends and acquainances and get the necessary votes o win. There will be no postponement of iny description and the awards will ?e given away just as' they are outined. It costs nothing to enter and onvpete, we furnish you with all the upplies necessary. Mrs. Warren G. Harding Diei \) MARION, O., Nov. 21.?A little tf'he tomb in Marion cemetery next tfcnday evening Will be the scene of he final meeting to part no more of dr. and Mrs. Warren G. Harding-. Mrs. Harding died early today at he home of Dr. Carl W. Sawyer, son >f the late Dr. C. E. Sawyer, - Presilent Harding's physician. SJic had )E*\n erit;cal_ly ill fcr several weeks it White Oaks Farm, the Sawyer .wiktc gng hag neen living. Next Monday her body will be placed n the tomb in Marion cemetery beide that of her husband. loxboro Market Closes For Thanksgiving >n account of Thanksgiving day the obacco market here will close with -he sale Wednesday and will be dosed until the following Monday, brst salo Monday, December 1st. iXl-OP MAKING BIG "TTTTANCES Our good friend Mr. L. P. Duncan, and nnn of the simon-pure Coops, favored us with a call this morning, and showed us his bill of'sale for a oad of tobacco delivered to the Aaaotiation. His advance averaged $25. 72. (This would not have been a bad-aVefrage if it had meant a full payment. We are glad to hear oi ihfse Tine advanooo, afid we hope t? its full capacity to care for its de . - ? ? . i ax bo HOME FIRST. OXBORO, NORTH GAR LOVELY \VEDDING . > * Miss Sal lie Wilkerson Became the Bride of Mr. G. L. Allen. A lovely wedding characterized by \ utmost simplicity, took place Friday K morning at 7:30 -o'clock in the ! Brooksdale Methodist church, when f Miss Sal lie VVilkjdrson became the 1 bride of G. L. Allen, of Roxboro, the date being further emphasized as that of the bride's birthday, and wed- t ding anniversary of hermother. The church presented a charming effect I with ferns and large baskets of white t chrysanthemums, with tulle bows, 1< arranged in artistic manner. Tall 1 cathedral candles with their soft ra- v diance, threw a glow over the entire o scene, Twined aiboutthe choir loft t i i .11-U -# ?UW and green. Prior to the ceremony, Miss Banna Garrett played "Melody f of Love," and Mrs. B. T. Hurley sang, ji "The Sweetest Story Ever Told" and r "O Perfect Love." McDowell's "To 1 A Wild Rose" was played while the j tows were being said. At the first * strsins of . /Lohengrin's Weddlnjg i March, Rev. B. T. Hurley entered t from the vestry, and took his place, s then entered Miss Irma Wilkerson. s sister of the bride, who was the only p attendant of her sister. She was s gowned in black satin and gray fur, 11 with large -picture hat. Her corsage g was Columbia roses. Mrs. Hurley wore a tan crepe satin frock, with corsage of pink Columbia roses. .Her \ hat was a large black creation. Miss i Garrett was attired in black satin 1 and powder blue and silver, with hat g to match. Her flowers were PremieT g roses. The bride, attired in an en- { semble suit of brown suede dc laine, c handsomely trimmed in fur, with ac- v ccssories to harmonize, entered with g her brother, E. L. Wilkerson, who I gave her in marraige. Her only or| nament was a string of pearls, the S J gift of the groom. She wore a cor- ( : sage of butterfly roses and sweet-\ 1 | heart buds. She was wet nt the ( altar by the groom, attended by his 1 ! brother, J. Y. E. Allen, of WaahBm- s | ton, D. C., -where the ring ceremony 1 j of the Methodist church was-' solem- i I nized. Immediately after the wed- t S ding the couple left by motor for \ South Boston, Va., where they took ; | the train for Washington and other i I points in the north for a wedding t trip. Upon their return they will t I reside in Roxboro. \ The bride is a daugher of the late i Mr, and Mrs. Joe Wilkerson, a popu- 1 lar member of the social set of her ? community, white the groom is a J promisingyoung business man of this ^ city- n / HENRY G. CONNOR, FEDERAL J JURIST, DIES IN WILSON 1 Had Been On the Bench Most of His i Active Life As State and Federal < Judge < Wilson, Nov. 23.?Henry Connor, United/ States district judge of i NorHf Carolina, died at his home, i j hejfG at 4 o'clock this afternoon after j eA illness of several months. Judge. Noonnor was 74 years of age, j 1 f Judge Connor's health began to ? decline after the death of his wife' I Inst February. He suffered a j j "breakdown in August and he con-: j tinued to lose ground since that time His condition became critical several 1 ; days ago ajivd members of his family j ' ! were called to his bedside. The end ' i came peacefully shortly after 4 o'-| clock this afternoon. ; Judge Connor was Unpointed to | the federal bench by President Wili linm HHaward Taft in 1919 to succeed the late Judge Thcma sR. Pur" nelT. ' ; COLORED GIRL SHOT Last Friday, on the farm of R A.'? Walker, a colored man by the name ( . of Tom Glcmn shot and killed a color-! , ed girl, his stefc daughter. The j j shooting is claimed to have been ac-1 ' cidental. Sheriff Long made an investigation but could not get a very accurate account of the shooting. SUNSHINE "Sunshine" at Bethel Hill High .School Friday evening, Dec. Bthyat 8 o'clock. A comedy-drama in three acta presented by the faculty. Proceeds to (pay for a Victrola for the school, j Everybody cordfally irvvited. . (let your Shoes nt Wilbum fa Sat- -{ terfieM, Comfort and satisfaction nliturally. follows. 1- r *' ro S ABROAD NEXT j*-1 ??"? -= OLINA, Wednesday Eve SOCIETY | l Mrs. A. M. Burns entertained in: lonor of Mrs. Z. V. G. Gwynn of Rich.' ( 'tend on Monday afternoon. Bridge vas the game of the afternoon and I ras played at three tables. The lome was lovely with bright fall j lowers. The hostess dferved a deicious salad course with coffee. Mrs B. B. Mangum was the char- | ning hostess Thursday afternoon' rhen she entertained a few of her. riqods. The house was very at- i ractive with bright flowers which 1 ent an attractive glow to the rooms, rhe hostess served a salad course rith hot tea. Bridge was the game I f the afternoon and played at three 1 lhloa ' '* _= J The Pleasure Club had a delight- i ul meeting with Mrs. R. B. Smith on I "riday afternoon at her handsome tew home on Lamar street. The ower floor waa thrown ensuite and i wautiful rosea were arranged in < aaes and bowls. After playing many nteresting games the hostess assised by Mesdames E. V. Boatwright I ind L. M. Garlton served chicken I alad, sandwiches, pototoe chips, liokle, saltines, hot rols, coffee vith whipped cream! and candy. Pwenty eight were the number of 1 [nests present. Charactized by her usual charm vas the delightful party; Saturday ifternoon by Mrs. B. B. Mangum. Phree tables were placed for the [ame of Boston Rook and many professions were enjoyed. Mrs Mantum served a most delicious salad ourse consisting of fruit salad sandviches, pickled pears, saltines, mar[arite, with hot tea. As a pretty compliment to Miss iallie Wilkerson, whose marriage to i. L. Allen was an event of this week, 1 drs. E. E, Carver and Miss Banna Barrett entertained at the home of drs. Carver at a prettily appointed hower, on Tuesday evening. Boauti?ul chrysanthemums, with a color lote of green andwhite, decorated he rooms. The guests were asked to vrit recipes for the use of the bride, ind at the conclusionof this enjoyible feature, little Miss Sallie Garritt, dressed as a minature bride, enered the room drawing a wagon of vinte loaded with many pretty and lseful gifts for the honoree. A dcicious salad course with coffee and ituffed dates made a delightful menu i or the guests. The favors were' ;iny baskets in umbrella ettect filled I ttrtfVt minta The Research Club met Nov. 19th at the home of Mtrs. W. T. Pass, rhe topic was Drinkwater's Biographical Plays.. The first discussion and paper was by Mrs. J. A. Beam 5n "Abraham Lincoln." The sec>nd paper and discussion was by Mrs. S. deVlaming on "Mary Strtlat." The club had as a guest a former nember, Mrs. W. O. Sample of Davidwxn, N. C. The hostess served a delicious course consisting of marshmellow fluff, ham sandwiches, stuffed cel?ry, Angel food cake tund coffee. Cor. Sec. Coming to the Palace Theatre the outstanding picture of the decade Griffith's "AMERICA" Monday and Tuesday December 8 and 9th. Special Thanksgiv ing^ Dinner at ROYAL CAFE? j li $1.00 Menu Soup Celery Green Olives Boast Turkey with dressing and Cranberry sauce . Green Peaa Stewed Corn Mince Meat, Pie v Coffee ? . . Rudolph' .Valentino in his last picture nnHey Pnriimount's banner THE SAINTED DEVIL'"by Rex Peach"at PaUice' Theatre Monday and Tuesday : iouti jf 51.5C ning, November 26, 1 924 PERSONAL y J. J. Street of Pittsburg, P?., was. it home for the Street land sale. m ? Newman Edwards, R. J. Stein sn^ Landon Harvie spent the week end in Greensboro. * 0 0 0 Mr. J. W. Brooks returned from Washington T>. C. after visiting his son. Mr. R. F. Brooks. O * 0 0 0 Miss. Isabel deVlaming of Meridith College is spending a few days at home. Mr. W. H. Woody is visiting his lister, Mrs. J. C. Stafford, in Petersburg, Vs. ? JDr. E. J. (Tucker spent seveera) days last week in Virginia looking sfter businees matters. * * Mr. J. M. Pass, who is superintendent of road construction in Halifax County, Va., spent the week end here. * 0 Mrs. J. A. Beam left yesterday morningfor Richmond where she will spend several days. * e Mr. Lipshitz of Baltimore is spending ar few" days here looking after business affairs. Miss Pearl Buchanon of Durharii spent Sunday here guest of Mrs. John Wade. Mr. Harvey Clayton of Rocky Mount is spending Thanksgiving here with frends. * e * Miss Esther Burch has returned home after spending some ^time in Mt. Olive, Warsaw, Kenansville and Richlands, N. C. " * * Mrs. E. D. Cheek left last Thursday morning for Aaheville where-she will visit her son. Dr. J. M&nley Cheek * 6 * ? Mr. and Mrs. Henry O'Ujriiint and dnughter Fay Marshall, Misses Lizzie Dav. Mario and Millie Jaee n spent the week end in Lilesville visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Hedrick. ?" V- * * Mr. A. W. Clayton, Jr., of the University, spcjnt tho week end at hcmee with hia parents, Mr. and Mrs A. W. Claayton. * ? * * Rev. O. C. Gravitt, a student at Wake Forrest College, occupied the pulpit at#the Roxbqro Baptist Church Sund-ay morning/ The congregation was delighted with: his message, and his friends predict for him a useful career as a Minister of the Gospel. * ? * + o BUSHY FORK HIGH SCHOOL HONOR ROLL The following is the honor roll for Bushy Fork' H\?h School, seccond month: Seccond grade?Hattie Fox. Fifth grade?Rowe O'Briant, Viola! Harris, Sue Clayton, Addie Clayton. Sixth grade?Francis Hester, Bera Brooks, Nannie Whitfield, Francis Hurdle. Eighth grade?Corrinna Bowes, | Lottie Long, Janie Rogers, Larue Bipdsher, Myrtle Whitfield, Kathrine Whitfield. * Ninth grade? Willie Horton, Blanche Lee, Ethel Brooks, Jennie Lee- VanHook. Tenth grade?Lucy Horton, Louian T Eleventh grade? Iris O'Btiant, Irving O'Briant, Alma Brooks. Mrs. A. W. Holland of the State Dept. of Educaticji will meet the teache,~3 December 6th at 10 o'clock A. M. All teachers are expected to attend the meeting. The County bazaar will he held December 30th at Cedar Grove Academy. All schools must take part in the bazaar. Mrs. J. A. Beam. Big Prices At the Hyco. The market sold yesterday more than 55,000 founds, and the Hyco with almoet la full house, made an average of more thafn $33.00. And they say they will- do just as well for 'you if you will bring them a load of good tobacco. Suppose you try them. ; ' .. William Leight with his "TEDDY BEAR GIRte" at Palace Theatre Thursday. Friday and Saturday this week. The season's finest and most talented Musical Comedy Co. : 7 itf I PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ,... I / JMo. 46 Comparison in prices and averages ROXBORO LKADS BY NEABL.T $5.00 \'.g Markets Do Not Always Gat the Best Prices?Look ' At These Figures We know it is perfecty natmnit for one to want to go to big citaa but it does not always pay to d? so, as tobacco figures last wtdk prove. Last week Danville sold tbss million pounds at an averse* ad ?24.81, while Roxboro only sold taw hundred thousand, bat avtrsgst $29.61, nearly five dollars a hundred more thapi the big market. And tWa is no exception, for if you will wadtfc the prices yen will find that K-i'i shsae usuauy maxes toe best average aC any market in this section. Last Monday there was sold hexw fifty five thousand pounds at u awerage of $30.19. Don't waste tins and' gas by hauling your tobacco to other markets, bring it to Rozboew. ALL DAY SERVICE AT ANTICOCB Next Sunday there will be an ailday service at Antioch. Dr. (Saa E. Maddry and Dr. M. L. Kester win be present, and this alone is sufficient to assure you the day will be well spent. This is the regular Fifth Sunday Meeting which the pastor, Rev. N. J. Todd, holds with his churches. The public is cordially invited. CO. BASKET BALL ASSOCIATION The County High School Basket Ball Association started its regular .adopted schedule on last Friday and the following are the results of the first >;am? played: Roxboro 17 ? 1 Bushy Fork 10Olive Hill 10.? Helena T Bethel'Hill 63 AUensvilia $ 1 i o THE FAIRY ROSE AND MOTHER GOOSE ISLAND The primary grades of AllensviBa High School will give two operattha, "The Fairy Rose" and Mother Goose T?l J" O-t, 1~.. KTatfcr taiuiiu Ull O.uu. 11 v Ltiiims, iiwT. 29th, at 7:30. Everybody c&me. MORRIS TELEPHONE TO OBSERVE SUNDAY HOURS On Thanksgiving day the Morris telephone Company will observe Sunday hours. Kindly bear this in mind. j ' ~ " FORD for sale, touring car, in good condition, practicaly new run only about 3 months. Apply to The Courier office. WANTED, two dressed frogs, about 250 lbs. each, around Dec. 15th. Jack, care The Courier. 1 t Wilburn Satterfield sells good Shoes. nGOOD TOBACCO, COTTON and GRAIN farm for rent. 1 mile north of Lcnsbui^g, N. C., 2 settlements, with stables, feed barn and corn cribs,. 4 good tobacco barns, convenient to church and schools. Apply to W. J. Pullianx, Leasburg. N. C. 11-26 3t pd i . ' , FOR HIRE?When you want to ride in comfort ride with me ^ my f>*fr 7 passenger Burek. Same price as bumpy cars. Phone No. 3091. J. H. Howard. 11-26 4t pd ?Young?Mcn*?*See?that?ii?cf ment of young mens IIat3 at Wilburn & Satterficld*See those $3.50 i numbers. j IX>ST, Shopherd dog, dark brawn with white ring around his neck, answers to name of Shep, Left home i about 2 weeks ago, about 2 years old. ! $10 reward for return or information leading to recovery. J. A. Perkme, Koxboro, N. O., route 1, near Leee Chapel., 11-26, Its Neckwear is a small item of drees bqt a large flic tor in ones appearance Get your neckties ftom Wilburn St 15S(tterfield.- - - t _ i??.. A BOY WANTED, betwecfa the age of 13 and 18, that can do farm wark on the farof of Mr. Nat Jordan near T~ Chub Lake, so my son can go to school. Apply to Lessjn Harris, Woodsdnle, N. C., route 1. 11-26 Its ~ r - ? A dandy line ot i.nniii GlJv -; at?1 . ' Wilburn St Satterfield.