- i?. ; fb' J. W. NOELL, EDITOR A] .'. . ' ' . VOL. No. XLI Bfei ' BIG VOTE PERIOD I DRAWING TO END HUSTLE THIS WEEK BIG VOTE PERIOD DRAWING TO BSD?HUSTLE THIS WEEK tMake this period counts-close all of your promiom. Turn in all olJ > busineas by heit Wednesday Night, Doc. 24th. i What You Can Win i ?(1070.00 Essex Coach ?Ford Touring car ?(100.00 in gold I ?(100.00 diamond ring B ?(6O.00 watch ?(20.00 in gold 1 SuTeOy the candidates of this section will make every effort to win the biggest of the above prises. There is considerable drop between ' et?. ?i a ?i? pi pkpp mm nntuiiu pnui, no everyone should do their very beat while the votes ere high to get u many as they. ess. Those who do not win anything will be the ones who do not do anything. I . Maybe there is some little thing in the way, but the thing to do is to brash aside all little obstacles arid win in this campaign. There is a big wage for each week tor you if you will do your best. Does this htertit you T Ie it worth your very beat efforts T Then don't lose any time now while you can work, for this campaign will soon have passed into history and it will be too late to get votes and, win. Ef you do not share in the distrlbu-, Hon at the end of this campaign it ? till be your osSn fault. This paper tbas made it possible. The profit-sharing-plan enables 0. Miller, Adj.. Leeter Black-1 well Poet No. 138. Koxboro, N. C. December brides, January brides | and all other brides should read' Foxy Grljndpa story in Courier Dec. 24th. St. Mark's Church. Sunday Before Christmas: viifftreh at 10 A. M., Kdwin Eborman, Supt. Even Song at 4:30 P. M. No service 7:30. We go to the Mathodiat Church in the evening-to haar their Sacred Cantata. Deceraber 24th a Christmas Carol. Service will begin in 91. Mark's at 11:30, P. M., with readings from the Holy Scriptures of the Fall, tha Promise of a way back, Prophecy of the fulfillment, the Nativity, Angelic Chnroua and tha Viait of Itlll Ms )1, fullii ! ni hy I in; Hslv Pom,! munion at 12:00. "Pi Come, let ua adore Him-" J. CT Martin, Baetorf . -; _ ' " -V' \ . .. V ix bo ri HOME FIRST. )RO, NORTH CAROLS Co-Op Directors Meet. At the regular December meeting of the board of director* of Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association i held at Raleig hon Decembef 16, 1924 the board directed _ 1. THat settlement for the 1922 and 1923 Eastern North Carolna crops be made as early as the calcalatiohs, now .in progress can b*Tcom)pletdd; I 2. . That final settlement for the ? old belt North Carolatta and Virgin la 1922 crops, except for the four igrades unsold, be made its early as can be completed; 3. That after these settlement* i have been made, the association ! make quartely statements to its mem I bers showing stocks of tobacco on < band and that it make quartely pay*! , raenta, whisk. payments shall be i strictly by grades ^nd shall be in ac- i cordance with the condition of each ?rade pool on the regular quarterly ; day. This action by the board means } that in instances where jjarticutar | gibdcs are dlsnosed of. the members | delivering those grades -will receive ' payment on them without waiting I for the sale of the entire crop within'* that belt pooL Bradsher-Crowd Nuptials A wedding of interest and surprise 1 to people in this city and else where i in the state is the marriage of Mies'] Manetta Estelle Crow-ell of this city, i and Mr. Arthur 'Long Bradsher of" Roxboro, N. C., who were married on ] (Saturday evening, November 15 at 6 o'clock in Durham, N. C. This being: Miss Crowell's native towns. [, Dr. ;David H. Scanlon, pastor per- , formed the ceremony, the impressive , ring ceremqpy being used. I, The marriage had been kept a sec- j ret, only the members pf the immed- ; iate families knowdng about it, and. foe this reason it was a very quiet affair. j' The bride wore a smart goingL away dress of midnight blue porre* Twille, heavily embroided in silver grey, and a close fitting bonnet- of black satin with trimmings of gold ! and black lace. Her coat for travel- 1 ing was cocoa brown, with fur trim- ' mings land accessories. l' Immediately following; the cere- ' mony, Mr. and Mrs. Bradsher left for ' a short trip for points in Eastern 1 Carolina. ? |' The bride is the oldest daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. CrowelL She i^a college and voice graduate of Mitch-! ell College, Statesville, ajnd was also' a student at North Carolina College! for Women,. Greensboro, specializing 1 in music. The bride is a member of the faculty of. the Ramseur Public Behools) this year. | Mr. Bradsher is the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Bradsher of. Roxboro, N. C., He received his ed-i ucation at Hon College and now1 holds a responsible position with! R. J. Reytnolds Tobacco Company, his headquarters being in New Bern, N. C. Four' yeard ago Mr. Bradsher made his headqsarters in Statesville, [ where he met Miss Crowell and has host of flriands?tStatesvilleSentinei. j If you want to see how a happy' bride gets by in Roxboro read Foxy GVandpa story in Courier Dec. 24th. Bazaar A Great Success. The ladies of the. Edgar Long Memorial church held their annual bazaar in the basement of the churcn/ Saturday, December 13th. The ladies, feel very mtich elated over the result, realizing $550.00 from the sale of refreshments and fancy work. Meeting: of Mary Hambrick Missmury Society. .The M'iry Hambrick Missionary Society met December 15th. The 1 Christmas idea was carried out in*" the decorations of holly. As this < was the last meeting before Chist-i mas, Harvest Day was observed, 321 members being present! Dolls were] , dintribufteri to bei dressed for the , Christmas basket.?tMWieity ( Agent. , a. .A ? . M, ,j- -serit! J A Good Recommendation. 8 < r". a. -3 JL & i Mr. Sam Monday, one of the big' i gest risen in the County raises some of the biggest hogs. H.a bought a 1 pig front Georgia and al?o bought i 2 pigs from me, the Gi. hog when < killed weighed 361. and the lw6 bought from Mr. Porbush weighed 488 and jls- He paid for the Oa. pig ] $14.00-and for the two Porbuah pigs $8.00 each. He eaiys buy your pigs' i ' from Will, Forbush. ! ! ' mm- - - ' . .'ix-.V -i> vj ABROAD NEXT A, Wednesday Evening, Co-ops Lm in Two Contempt Cues. E. W. Tuck end Honry Holt of Woodadale section sued by Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association I were cited to appear Tuesday at ! Hillsboro before Judge E. H. Crannter to show eauae why they should not be punished -for contempt. The i Association claimed they had sold i tobacco in violation of rdatrainmg orders, which had been served . on i them. Both defendants denied they had sold any tobaeeo belonging to them and famished affidavits to that effect. Their wives Had raised j and sold tobacco, and' the contempt i proceedings against the husbands grew out of these facts. The Judge i dismissed the eaaee against them. In the case against Geo. Williams, i a colored man, who admitted making dales in violation of the restraining order he was found guilty and the prayer for judgement was continuod I to (February term of Person Court, i The Association gave notice of ap?l -v. m o.JJjJ V k^*?* w wuc ouf/renw voun in ini* ruck and Holt cases. L. it. Carlton appeared as counsel for the defendants and C. A. Hall for the Asso- | datien. , There is nothing new under the i tun, they say, but there is something novel in the way Polly picks good* things in Roxboro shops. follow ter in Foxy Grandpa story in Courier Dee. 24th. ''ire oa Richmond Day's Farm. On the night of the 9th there was s ve'nv disastrous fire on the farm ' >f Richmond Day, in Allensville oajkship. ,The stables ,feed house ind three horses were burned. This s a very serious loss to these good colored people. - * An Honored Old Omfed. Peases. V . Mr. David Hicks died st his home Monday evening. In the morning he i tad a stroke of paralysis, being the lecond stroke, and died in the aftertoon. He was buried at the old Family burying ground yesterday, dr. Hicks was a faithful citizen, one >f the honored and respected mem- . teres of Camp Jc^tes. He was a , taitniui soiaier, a gooa citizen ana his frfenrin lament his pausing. Mr. W, M. Led better Dies At StatesviBc. . 'Last Saturday morning Mr. DevVttt Ledbetter received a message innouncing the death of. his father, ' Mr, W. M. Ledbetter. in Stiateavillei Mr. and Mrs. Ledbetter left immedately in his car for Statesvifle. 1 Mr. Ledbetter was a native of Ran- j lolph connty and was 68 years of < ige. - ' ( c For the past 21 years he has re- , ided in Statesville. He was a loyal c nembeer of Broad Street Methodist | ihurch. j He was married to Miss Samuclia Mills, of Statesville, on January 6, , L8S7, who survives, with seven chil- i iren as follows: Nl G. Ledbetter, of j 'Columbia, S. C.; DeWitt Ledbetter, j if Roxboro; John and Frank Led- . letter, of Statesville; Mrs. E. V. < 5eitz, of Lenoar; Misses Ruth and Willie Ledbetter, of Statesville Three sisters also, survive: Mrs. j Josephine Bowman, of Liberty: Mts. j Dennis Burgess, of High Point; Mrs. j jucretia Jbhnston, of Graham. , o , FOXY GRANDPA STORY SCENABIO DEC. 24TH. ! A Seven Piece Orchestra with Chas. Morton's "HAPPY TIME REVUE" Playing at Palace Theater Thursday, Friday, Saturday this reek. >nenn dtooiu Alter inem. i Sheriff iBrooka, accompanied by j deputy Gentry and S. A. Oliver made t raid Wednesday down , near Trinity :hurch on the border ltne of' Gran- ( rille and i Person Cunties laat Wed- ^ lesday and found a place all j taufcr to do soma big- business. He , loatroyed about three thousand (talons of beer and 1W bushels of steal. mash . ready for business. - On Sunday night they captured Bills Dunn and one gallon of corn j whisky. (Dunn was bound pver to :ourt, i? 0? v ^ ] - A Picked Chorus of American i Bbauttw wlth-ghas.- Morten's "HAP- I ace Theater, . Thursday,?Fi iJst, Saturday ITM? week.: i - *? III* ^ $1.50 December 17 th, 1924. Announcement For Ephesus-Clement Field. It was the Pastor's happy privilege to attend the Baptist State Conbentlqn lest week. Services at Clement Sunday morning. J. A. Whitfield, superintendent of Sunday, School. 11>e regular service at lAa Bethel at 3 o'clock. Foe are cordially invited to attend any or all of these services. We are glad to welcome into our fellowship Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Denny, Mr. Albert Dsjnny, Miss Ruth 3ims. Let us show our true Southern hospi- , tality in our ehureh as well us in our homes snd do our utmost to make our visitors and "the stranger in our midst" feel the welcome that we truly have far them. L. V. Oaggins, Pastor. Foxy Gr?m%? is original, the rule to follow snappy?read the story In Courier Dee. 24th. Card of Thanks. I [To our friends and neighbors, of , both races, we wish to express our many thanks for kindnesses rendered and money ghfen to us since the fire of Decembeer 10th, at 2 A. , M? which destroyed 'feed barn, 3 | horses, feed, some vehicles and some farm tools. In our.sadness the least sign of - tenderness helps our weakened nerves. . Hurribly (yours, Mrs. Jlane Daye POXY GRANDPA STORY SCENA- ' RIO DEC. 24TH. Two Operettas. Santa- to the Rescue and All Albpafd for Christmas, Friday evfafhg December 19th, at TnlO. The Grammar Crudes of AUensville High School will give the' above two operettas and everybody is Invited to come. Admission, IS and 25 cents. Death of Mr. M. H. Garrett. - ^ Mr. Mark H. Garrett died at his home in Hurdle Mills Monday evening. On Saturday morning he mffered a stroke of paralysis. Mr. Sarrett was one of the best known nen of his section, and was esteemed iy all who knew him. For a number if years he was a, citizen of Roxboro1 engaged in the tobacco business, but >f late years had been operating: a . Sour mill in Hurdle Mills. , rhe Holy N(atlvity. The Holy Nativity, a Christmas Cantata, will be given in the Edgar | bong Memorial Church next Sunday ] vening at 7:30. All of the churches ; if the town will unite if? this service, , is there will be no services in any , if the other churches. This is a , leautiful cantata and you will en- , k)y the hour. Every one invited. , Chas Morton's "HAPPY TIME RE- J i'UE" at Palace Thehter, Thursday, Friday, Saturday This week?FeatUr- ] hg "The Happy Time Harmbny Trio' io?op Averages $28.dib. Mr. D. A. Clayton delivered 750 >ounds of tobacco to the Co-op Association and averaged , $28.00 j t-om the ground up. This delivery, j vas made last Thursday and this j iverlage was for the first advance- , . o- 1 Services at Mt. Tirzah Church Dec. i 25th. fl l There will be services at Ntt. Tir- i :ah Church on December 25th, 11 ] dclock, A. M. Come end let us eel- 1 *rmte the 1924 birth-day of Him, 1 vho, born among the hills of Judea, i >rought good tidings of great joy to t dl people.?R. 1 Back Taxes Meat Be Paid. , ' . i Coctnty Commissioners are going , o force collection of bask taxes. , r'ou Had better see me at once and | ays extra trouble and expense. | rhey mast be paid. l Nat. V. Brooks, Sheriff. i tchoot Notes. ^ . J At published schools will close Dec. , 19th and open Jfckh. 5. Cloored teach- 1 >rs will note that the Bszaar has been postponed- - ,.r L_i . If. Tdhr. nt rtnrVtnm _ i Ttoxhoro visitor last Sunday. 1 I - * tf PER YEAR IN ADVANCE No. 49 PERSONALS Miss Elizabeth Daniel of Durham sp^nt the week end* with Miss Film beth .Day. Mrs. G. B. Cheek and children lad Mrs. Harris of Durham spent fliisdsj with Mrs. I. O. Wilkerson. (Mr. and Mrs. Hnaihrd 3wests of Rosnoke are rkljing Mr. Swells 1? parents Mrs. Wayland inborn of Kinston spent several days with her parents Mr. and Wrs. J. 0. Loy. Mrs. C. G. Mitchell has ulineef home after spending some time with her diuahter in I^eineton ^ Mesdames *B V. * Webb and U Dixon. of Kinston -npent the week end here with Mn.* Mamie Msssltt ? Mr. and Mm. W. R. StricUhnd, Mr. and Mn. Fitzhugh Read ad baby and Mrs. Carl Moore of War!f ?*hich durbtg the next few years will iggreagate approximately $2,000,000 i (year. The trust will be administered fcy Fifteen trustees, who will constitute a self-perpetuating body. The1 trustees first are directed ssad ?m powered to expend not exi 11 ling W,000,000 in obtaining lands sad erecting and equipping thereon brnfcings "in the State of North Csi nli? to be known and <(perated as Dsfce University" bat with the provision that if Trinity College at Durham, N. C. seea fit to change its name to Duke University this sUm -may he pent in exjhnding and i si Sliding ? Mnity College. POUR furnished -fooms for rssg. Call Mrs. Abbitt. : " ' .V iVAWPBD-sSmnll 'second hand S^jfa, must be cheap. Apply to O. B. Me- . - ; ' ' ~.-rr?^