THE COURIER J. W. No?lI. Editor. Mblfahed Every Wednesday EvUing SUBSCRIPTION TERMS (1JSO a year, 7B cents for 6 months M cents for _? months?Cash in AdThe Editor is in no way responsible Car views expressed by coirespooEntered .at the Post Ottfce at Roxboro, N. C, as seeond-dlsss matter Roxboro, Ni C. Dec. 24, 1924 CHRISTMAS Why do we celebrate Christmas? From the manner in which maify celebrate it we would think there -was evidently a misunderstanding as to what it signified. Last Sunday night Rev. d. L. Martin, Rector of _ _ the Episcopal Church, delivered a Mesa timely sermon on this subject, and very, vividly brought out-^fe natation. ^ . Christmas, which 7iT the?time we celebrate as the birth of Jesus, the greatest (gift this old world has ever received. It should be a time of sincere worship?a happy- Christ' na<| not a merry Christmas, bat to n^aat of us it simply means a big dinner with loved ones at home. It Shaald be a time when we give thought to our Manner of living, r our having lived in it aa He did. On Thursday morning let us see if we can not find some one who had little to make them feel thankful for the joyful - E. ID. Cheek A Co. For Quick Sale One fire proof CUampien account i ysteai and cash register. Abo one i device for adding accounts. The ( above system can be seen at the f store of Chas. Holeman A Co. in ' Roxboro. K J. F- WhitftaWj - - Hurdle tfilbi N. C. P Accidents wilt happen. Ik may be r you next. Before yen leave on a trip > call by Satterfleld's Insurance Oiht# , and got an accident ticket. >5000.00 . for 25c a day. SATTBRFIBLD INS ' AGBNCY. 9 f FOR .SALE?You can always find an extra lot of Dolan dChina, Bcrk. shire and Durco shoata, all from I registered sires, going at farm prices, i. Will Forbush, Roxboro Cotton Mills. It pd. no IM CUP ies y, dangerous street wetatelyi before the test? :t area, going thirty-five irakes. and a dead r? r le semblance of a skid! hat happened in an exthe San Francisco Fire I a four-wheel brake car, ~~ Cup Tires all around. ectacular trials, all neF trouble. This is why Tires all around with -the indispensable comdNG STATION )XBORO. ries of old ^ mr hearts EfgvvtSS idship -we j T?RE V : 4 ' i " * Page ij^j Happin HBALTH?PROS: These three words e W$ sincere wish for your and New Year. We Ah flR More to add?Thanlc Y I i Harris & I Have you g If you have a bank account adding to your balance, we cong "keep it up." If you have ho bank account in and open one. The satisfied, give you to know you are gettii en your determination to make j Come in today. We will welcome ; People "The Bank of T1 1 wapron, 2 mulea, harrow, harness, mmim buXfCJ, mowing machine, farming I | ~ tools and some household fuitiiture. t I Sale strata at 10 o'clock, A, M. I I Henry A- Clayton, 12-17 2t p(L j | gggg^ggizz.-'zi':: r-^71! I I A Merry : I Christmas and a | Happy New Year Is our sincere wish For every one. j *1 M | . SaS ; . .. ' r . >, ... r - ."7. ?" ^ ess I PERITY a T x press our I p$f W Christmas & Vf nt 1 vv V/S>& and are REGULARLY rratulte you and say we urge you to come confident feeling it Will jg ahead, will strength our balance grow. you. i Bank ie People" Mk ??1? We wish you a | Merry Christmas 1 and a Happy and K Prosperous n New Year. Your friends, ? FARMERS HARDWARE Co. ' ... ? ? * ? ? _ ^ . . .. L '" . f??- - ? ? ;?~~ tt~-: .., .-;a _ -i_ ?u_. , . \