ENDS TUESDAY NIGHT .-ESS ION WENT OVER TIME LIMIT TKREE DAYS ' ~7~ ~7 -?y .Raleigh, Mnrch 10 ? -The general ..i*embly of North - Carolina ad journed it* 1925 session sine die at "4:22 tonight. Shortly before the hotir for ad journment was reached and the ..alendare in both home had been .wared, the doors of both chambers "Ktra opened so that Speaker Pharr pnd Lieutenant Governor Long might s;e each other.- The ijsrv^ls in the "i wo chambers fell simultaneously. The general as-sembly had been in > Elision for 6S days, three more than tthe constitutional length prescribed. .< locks in the two houses wen turned ?j-jrward right- minutes to uUK*" llie -ands point to: 11:30 as a joint reso lution had already been passed call iag for closing at that hour. A a the Hoar of adjournment ap V rdached, the center . aisle* <ft the - :nate and house were crowded with i-ierabers and visitors anxious to see th? formalities attendant upon the occasion. The senfeants at arms "turned jer ward -the clocks at 11:22 o'clock ?M that the hands pointed to the half -our. Then Speaker Pharr and Presi dent Long raised their gavels in the r>oonce this body adjourned sine die," declared Mr. Long. "I do now pronounce this house ad jraml sine die," declared Mr. Pharr. The gavels fell in "unison and the J 925 session of the general assem bly had passed into history. | fO THJt U! COMIHi^SlONERS FOR PER- , " ^ SON COUNTY I hereby rnaka application for the position of Treasurer for Person ' \auntjr. If you see fit to favor me ?rith this position I will serve the County to the best of .my ability, ?eep all vecordtf as the County may <jgge*t and duly and faithfully acre *i?r the funds of the County without ny salary whatsoever. chr.. "By virtue of resident of the sen now pro irity as -? Respectfully, FRANK. iL W1LLSON. B. and 1.. STOCKHOLDERS MET. SATURDAY. * ...I < i The Stockholders of the Roxboi"o Building and Loan Aasociatoin held 'heir Annual meeting lajt Saturday at 11 o'clock' in the offices cf the Secretary. The Secretary rSniered Ms report which showed the Asso - i iation to be in very KealUiy condit 5 P?n. This report was accepted and approved without change The el ection of directors resulted in the ? ?-electon of all the old tlliectuis, who :n a short meeting later reelected all the present officer- _ ' This Association, though, compar atively young, has made fine pro gress and bids fair to become one 4f the most useful of Roxboro's or * p-aniratkms , ? ?' .... Attention of the -^wkKoldcru a called to the next series of stock, ? liiletl la to be issued beginning AprtI 1st. The Secretary and other of ' ice re are anxious that a large num ber of shares be subscribed for in '.his serfes tVANT COOl, I DOE TO THROW FVST BALL Washington, March 10 ? Washing ton baseball officials today put in 'heir bid to have President Coolidgc ,pen the season here April 22 by throwing out the Tlrst ball in the came wWh the Naw York Yankees. - An official invitation was extended " it the White "House, the trtsi ,lMit s expected to accept if he is in -He city at that time. ^He- wfca jeg . liMfr'AQK- . . 1 ' . j Ti . ? jjWlCR ' . AJl menbera ot tne American Reg ion Auxiliary- rorr>iaat?d-ta meat .It J ???* Motet" on Hex t Tuesday right it 7:30. Uusint&s of importance : ' * n ? Y^Urtg Men ? W" fc?ve. what you " ..Wfkt tn a spring H.h&? HflT W |)rre Wilbur* A Satterfield. f? ? ? ? ? MR. a I. SATTERKIiELD HON OH El) I The friends of Mr. B. L Satter field will be interested to know that he was among the members received in the Chi Tan national fraternity i at the initiation of the Eta chapter I of the organization in Columbia University, New York City last .veek. The ijta chapter at Cohinjbia was . secured primarily through the efforts of Mr. JJaVbertleld, it is understood here. Chi.Tau haj chapters at Duke University, State College, University of -North Carolina, Wake Forest, Presbyterian College, Clintun H. C. and will install a chapter at the Uni versity of California on Marclr H. ? , Mr. Satterfield was graduated from Duke University in the cla;s of 1922, winning a number of student honors nt that institution. The next iyto , years he taught school, and he is now at Columbia completing work far his master's degreeNn education. That he is making good .in his work in the New York institution is showh "Trom the fact that he has been elec tajl to membership in Phi Delta ^appa, the 'leading educational fra ternity in the United States. Only students showing considerable pro mise are invited to join this organ ization. The membership is limited to 15 per cent of the graduate class inVedueation. w - SOMETJHNG GOOD ? It was a meeting of the Concord Missionary Society at the home of Mrti. John H. Hester last Tftur?lrf>' afternoon. The regular program con sisted of songs and prayers, readme and discussions about both our home and foreign fields. It was so inter esting that II not lake an_hour : and a half long to fly by. After this splendid session, led by Mrv. J. D. Winatoad,.the very efficient pres- 1 ident, the party was invited to the rear of the building where were s?t ! fl*l" f"""'1 La hie fur the. children and vne Urge tabie'for i ight couples. The tables were not sup, 1 plied with calrds for Boston rook or i set back, but with a typical Person County dinner. Oh, suctT.ham and turkey and salads and cakes and ? Well, we didn't eat it all. The people ; at my end of the table agreed that J Mrs. I. G. Stephen' won the first ! prize and Mi's. J. A. Paylor the sez onfl prize. Many thanks to Mrs. lies- j teT and her daughters. ? Onne Who Was There. NOTICR TO Nl EMBERS QF THE TOBACCO ASSOCIATION On Monday. March 16th, a final settlement wilf be made to' members | if the Association on all' grades of the, 1922-vrop, and on the same date final settlement will be made on the j following grades of the 1923 crop: _ JU, A-2. A-1; JU, B-8, B-D, B-1Q-D j B-1I-D; C-8 C-l; D-U. D-4. D-5, ; D-6., D-7, D-8; E-l. .E-2, E-8, ES-4, ; E-H. E-B, E-7, E-8; F-l, F-2 F-3 : F-4. E-5. F-6. F-7; H-fi, H-7. H-8,j H-9. ' ' Of the remaining grade* we have on hand unsold 6,879, 218 pounds ol ' 192't Old Belt tobacco for which no settlement will be made at this time. "'.J wish to. call your attention still further to the fact* that Our market, will close for the season on March 20th, and all Members are . urged to bava .their tobacco m by this time. J. W COPLEY, ? - " Manager. : : o * I HEV . J. H. MICHOLS TO BE AT CONCORD ? ? * U . i Rev. J. H. Nichols 4of Itartwell, i Ga.t -will preach at Concord next Sunday at 11 A. M. I will be present and go to Lea's Chapel at 8 P. M. i J. W. BRADLEY, PaMor. CARD OF THANKS I ^"1 wish to thank every person who hii? visited me or done anything for me during the longnetiod of my yick nes*. May God bless every on- for their 1iTnd?me;i l mm* yau that they will long be remem I be red, K > -Ay-; -O? r Mieky and Babe (Those two girlst ?TOE ROSE-Irt/D GIRLS" _at i nee fWt?( ThttrwUy, Friday,- Sat i he "TTflYTwr? \ Ceiint; news. MISS ELLEN / J3RADSKER WINS ROXBORO HIGH SCHOOL HONORED Jri the State-wkk: Latfti ? Contest ,a pupil of Ihe Roxbjro High School, Mm? Ellen Bradsher, won the distinct tion'for having the second best paper submitted. There were hundreds of papers submitted a,nd this Is a dis trict honor to MBa Bradsher and The Roxboro High School. There were two other.papers submitted,' one by Master Champ Winstead, ahich received honorable mention, and by Master Ben Stalvey. ? ? " ? ? = ? CALIFORNIA WIENIE AND ] LIGHT LUNCH TO OPEN A new liifht lunch establishment will open soon on Court Street, in the building occupied by Mr, Simp son as a me?t market for a number of years. This new business w:ll he under the style of the , California Wetnie and Light Lund), ami will be under the same management as the Royal Hotel and Cafe. The Royal Lfotel and Cafp has been wonderful ly successful, and they ettributo their success tt> the fact that they, nerve the very best the.market affords," to thf'r svitary conditions and utter liatred _for anything akin to dirt,* This policy assures the ?uc cm of the California from the day. they first open. HOW THE VOCATIONAL TEA CHER SERVES THE COM- Y 1 MfNlTY. "-.The Vocational Agricultural Teach or serves bis.- school emummitv r. i year rfrotind. He Is hi constarrt rooch" with the boys project work through out the summer with the exception of a short time off for professional improvement at the State College and U short Vacation. _ By the agricultural teachers conT tact with the farm boys through 1 their project work he comes in con tact with the bbys father and' other members of the family, discusses the mwt approved methods and practices in agriculture with the men. After the vocational Jteacher has _ been in the community for some time he probably knows the community as will or better than any other "freTscn, the farm, the homes nnd their needs. * The agricultural teacher's main work is with the farm boys but he renders valuable assistance to the farmers in controlling "disease of plants and animals and the cooperat ive buying- ot. iU-ed, lime, fertilizer. Pure bred livestock eta.- He also as sists and demonstrates in pruning grafting, spraying, feeds, feeding and numerous other things. . During the month of January and February a short course is held at the school for the benefit -of the adult farmers of the community. Experts from the state extension division arc brought in by the vocational tea her and detailed discussion is carried on concerning certain phases of farming which is most important to the farm ; ?B? in many rases the agricultural tea th?" live* on the school c round" and helps take care of school property. He takes an active and important part in the organ i ihtUms of the com "muhit/.? G. W. Smith i . . ? | NEW WHOLESALE - GROCER* HOUSE The. Wade Grocery Co. will open ' up soon In the building on Depot ; Street just vacated by Mess. Chas. Holeman and Co. This film will han dle groceries at wholesale only. L ^ ? - VORI Ml TO HAVr; PLAY 1 e ? - : - ? - 1 . . trr.T? ; What? Play, bashful Mr. Bobbs. I Where T Mot'** School. r When? StrW-tHtr- -right, March Uth j 1926. ' . Pf K in 7. .10. ? Admimian ? 18 and it j fflrtai ' > GirTs? Go**ts? Giggles FeatoP ! v.mwrtiv, ^ -mr. i ROSE-BCD Gl&t^-at Prima Th? ; IM.1.TMH Milan ? igrlUny "aalwSwy Thin wA. , -V. V SHERIKK BROOKS POSSW ? I HAVE LIVELY TIME Last Tuesday Sheriff Brook* jot !nfapn*i?n th?t a still W?J in full . bUst (4own tjear -Christie, Va. With deputy Gentry and Mr. Sam 'Oliver he.Strcnt down to investigate. They -firunrf the still, which \va? still warm l'rotn a resent run, but no whisky. Having reason ? to " believe . that one If. E; tcn?s', who runs n small store near, was doing the stillinir, he <-?(t;ed along a 'search warrant, and wfht up (o the house to search. They fbun J Jones in bed, not feeling well, he i aid, but failed to find any moon shine, but upor'ma Icing a thorough inivstlgation they . finally located 11 gallons near the store When they came back having seen iSffeego back into the house,, they attested him and started. wth him to^heiv cars, when Mrs. Jones came o at with a gun. which she levelled mht Bheriff, tolling him they were no$, going to take her ..husband, any where. Deputy Gentry slipped around back of Mrs. Jones, and caught her. taking her gun from- her. Sheriff !>ay? the bore In that gun looked lar ger to him than any he had ever lookeif into before. 1/ {They brought Jones to town and rtfter a hearing he was bound over to count under a $S00 bond, which he ' ? I-- : TAX NOTICE j van be ?i the following place* on.? the dates named for the purpose of" collecting taxes: _ - . Jifwriohj Dv-M. Cash's Store. Ihurs day.'March 26th. NU?. Owens Store, Friday, h 27th. ' , meet me'SFthese places ?nd prepared to ??Ctk' for yoar *??*? P V. BROOKS. , ^ Sheriff. ??*'. fiKmCR ft. Where are you, going? To Bethel Hill High School Audito rium. What fort To see "The ' Farmerette" a play in three acta, presented by the faculty. When? 'Friday, March 20 1925, 8:00 P. M. Who's going? Everybody. Come young. Come old. Come every body. You can't afford to miss it. PALACE THEATRE Monday and Tuesday March 16 17th Rafael Sabat'ni'm screen classic of the year "CAPTAIN BLOOD" With' J. Warren Kerrigan ? JeanPage Allan Forrest and1 James Morrison. (The greatest love story ever told) This stupendous production is an eye i spectacle unsurpassed on the screen, Port Royal, Jamaica, Bridgetown, Tarbadoes and Tortuga, the earliest settlements in the West Indies are reproduced with Historical accuracy. Water fronts and Harbors were es ptii.illy constructed aeeneding ti data j supplied by Historians. Special Child ren's Matinee Monday at 3:45 P. M. Admissions 15c up to 15 years of T?ge. Niight Performances at 7:16 ? 9:00 P. M. Admissions Night 20c nhd 40c Both Floors (A Picture you cant afford to miss) ? 1 I'EATH OF MR? N. P. HLRPI.^j Mr Nathan P. Hurdle died at his| home near Bushy Fork on Thursday, ] Feb. 12th, and was buried at the j family burying ground Friday, thej funeral services being conducted ,by| JBIder J. J. Hall. A * Mr. .Hurdle was 59 yeas old and; leaves a wife, two eons and pne dau- ] ghter. He had been in declining ] health for a' long time, but h'a death came suddenly, as he had not been serious'Iy ill at all. ' The -immediate caule of death was heart trouble. ; In the death of Mr. Hurdla his com munity loses a splendid' citizen and hi* friends deeply sympathise with the wife and children. . Oi.1 VK HILL rARKNT TEACHERS S ASSOCIATION The tegular monthly meeting, ofj i\w Oliye Hill Parent Toft?h<m> ciation will be hold at the school build All parent* are ur*e*i to t>e present. Mattehi of frppOTtaiice jertniniTig U ~the .yrheeT^Win be ?? _ ' - Subscribe for THE <OuitIkr&- ? R0X60H0 BUILDERS TO JE FRONT ROXBORO WELL REPRESENTED 1 Buy ..What You Need At Komr Every indication point* to the fact that Spring is just around the corner and if you are contemplating doing any buUding or repairing, no*, is the proper time. The Courier to ' running a special page this week de voted to building operations and we rail your attention to the displays t shown on page three. These firms are <11 'well-known to j you, and are well-equipped in tue.r line u> lender you full and complete service on all of your building ' re- ? quirements. It cannot be too strongly .emphas- ! laed that the dollar you 'end attay i from home is gone forever "from this . Community. Every dollar spent here : E baclc to you directly or indir nnd helps to build up the com-i y; and so -we all benefit from this growth. Give these firms your business; they in turn will patronise I you, and the whole Town and County ; will be prosperous and enjoy a nane, healthy growth. ANNOUNCEMENT . EPHESIS CI.KMENT KIELI>. fl ... em. 'a I Clement ^ next Sunday; devotional .?orvice at 10:80, sermon at H o'clock. Usual- service at Lea Bethel at .1 o'clock. The Church is God"^ great school for the development _of .Christian character* -Am ? rrvwnbe* of the church be loyal' to it at all times. Regular attendance -is a sure W^ans of your -own spiritual development and n positive, -contribution to the welfare urrh.^jytth . for its advancement, your interest and help for its upbuilding and year generou* and grateful-hearted pay ing of money for its expenses, you will find "in church membership a sure means of growth in grace. L. V. COGCINS. Pastor. ' ASSISTANT IN B. Y. P. U. WORK.! 4 Miss. Edn* Bradsher has kindly ! consented "to help me with Interme diate and Junior B. Y. P. U. The par ents who wish for their little girls and boys to get this training we win appreciate your urging ujjon their being present every Sunday evening | on time, six-thirty, if you please. We sincerely hope that all of the little girls and boys from 9 to 17 years will join our band and try t6 learn " to do something for (the upbuilding of God's kingdom and our church. ? Mollie Strum'. ' MRS. WRENN DROPS DEAD The community was shocked Mon Mrs, J. S. Wrenn dropped, dead at the home of her husband, Mr. J. S, Wrenn. Mr. Wrenn had gone out to his/farm, and Mrs. Wrqnn was about hor household duties when she was .yrlcken, Mrs. Wrenn was a mem /f r of Roxbofo Baptist Church, and 'was a most earnest Christian woman. : -rn? 7?0 SOME FINE CHICKENS . Last Saturday y/e ffrove out te the farnr of Dr. B. A. Thaxton and took a look at his pen of Rhode Inland Midi. ?He Has 46 hefis and 6 roosters, and a prettier lot of birds we have never ^seen. But why shouldn't they be fine 3 He bought a- setting .of eggs from some high sounding name | for which he paid $1.00 an egg. But ' judging from his birds, they were I worth it. He ?ay\ hia best record ist j 42 eggs f ?o?n 48 hens in one day. ! 0 , r ? ? NOTICE * ? fThr tacujt^ if Bethel ? H41 ? H;yh School will present "The Farmerette" a three act play, in Uveir high school I auditorium. Friday. March 2t?thj 8:00 -P. M. ? - cementH. Sylvester Roys < Lyric Tenor) Late ; songs. New Faces and Iwifti j "TtiK rose-wu Grrotrtrjite ing with Mis j Mary Harris at th? home of MY a. R. L. Harris en- Wed nesday afternoon. Two tables wens placed in the living room tn4 nuy interesting progressions Were enjoy ed. The hostess assisted by her sis ter "Mrs. C. M. Micbie served a dte|? ciods salad coulee with hot tea. r ilfirs. W. T. Pass entertained Tile Friday Afternoon Book Club on Fri day afternoon. .The home ?r?? at tractive with bright spring fkiwersr arranged in bowl* and baskets. Bon ton Rook was the game played kr the guest*. The hostess assisted toy her sister Miss Myrtle MeDade sertei a most appetizing salad course with coffee. .The Review club met with Sir* T. C. Bradsher on Thursday afterman. Mrs. E. E. Thomas had a paper sa Margaret Preston, with setectSosr* from her writings, and Mrs. T. W. Pass read a sketch of the life of Mary Johnston, with selections from To Have And To Hold." At the end* sion of the study period the hostess assisted by Mesdames A; R. Warren and R. M. Spencer served n salad conn* with coffee and salted not* to the members. -.| Miss Lisz.it Timberlako entertained tfte Study chib at her home at Helena on TKarsday. afternoon. f-'.nrtifbt potted plants throughout the Reuse made an attractive decoration for th? St. Patrick idea which was carried qut in appointments Papers ? w*B " J prepared were given, aftar which th? hostess served a delicious menu to SERVICES AT (>RKHB?TEUM?-; C'Hl'RCH Rev. J. H. Gruver of Raleigh .wBI conduct services at the Presbyterian Church beginning next Thursday night, running through t? Sunday. Services every night at 7:30. Re*. P. Cary Adams, the Pastor, wiD be hefeTSunday and will probably con duct the services on that day.. oJ ? ? ? ? ROXBORO TO LOSE ANOTHBt J GOOD t TTIZjEN I Mr. Geo. G. Cabanis, who has been the popular and most efficient agent for the N. 4 \V. Railway Co. hers for a nilmber of yosra, will be trans- , ferred to Bedford .City, Va., oa or al?ut the 23rd of this month. Roi horo .will regret to lose Mr. Cabanias, fow'he has hot only made a good a^nt for the N. & W., but he bas teen a most useful citizen .ever on. the alert to help the-town m every good work. MARY HAMBRICK MISSIONARY ? SOCIETY ? .The business meeting of tjie Mary Hambrick Missionary Society was held in the Sunday School toom on Monday, March 9th. ' The rctom was tastefully decorated with ferns and jonquils. 1 Mi's. Margaret Teague was elected J# legate to the Missionary Canter- ? ence to be held in Greenville, K. V., on. May 20th. | The Mission Study Class will have one all day meeting one day tfeia^ month.? B .J * ? Notice to Tax Payer* Of Person Conlf It is with regret I have lo cMl jr??w attention again to your Past One Taxes. At a meeting of the Board of bounty Commissioners Mondav, Peb. 2, the Board again called my tion to my- duties in regards to Ti Now, I personally know the Ooortty is being pushed to borrow money on xrrnmtf of unpaid taxes, and 1- ?>W know, and you know. I took Holemn oath to do my dufy,. and I prwmiM^ you tti do it. I honestly hate to ad liaytiig the tax rap ?av^ that Mrrftssmenl and save you pl( IW T v^iw^rin? <anr^*? i nnd if your tax U not 1st pf April, yoo way expect .yoar

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