VUL. No, TOM TERRIHC TORNADO TAKES HEAVY TOIL ESTIMATED 1,000 DEAD, 3,000 INJURED Moot Devastating Storm Nation Has "Bver Experienced Cuts Path Of Dritnictioi Throuj-h Sfe States. Chicago, March 20. ? The most de -iistating storm this country has ex perienced swept through portion* of Vive Middle Western Stataa Wednes tay evening, collected a dead and in ured toll, estimated at upward of 4,000 and caused property damage of many millions. :So ptostrated were portions of 111 nois and Indiana through which the ornado. travelled in a series of er atic hops that, definite figure i on ?Oaa of. lite and property were ' im passible early today, oh&ough avail able reports trickling in from terri ories where eommttnication virtually ?\,as cot of, lidded to an uncertain stsualtv list. ' .. ,! ?? ? 1,000 Reported Dead At' dawn, the reported death list stood at nearly 1,000 while apnrox rtrack at Annapolis, Mo., virtually . Several towns in the path of the wister, which apparently came out "f the Ozark hills, duf to law baro metric pressure in Arkansas and first struck at Annapills, Mo., virtually i-ere destroyed, while fire in many "lace* added to havoc. So? terrific was the force of the -lorm that bodies were reported tar icd a mile, while timbers from the ?vrecked town of Desoto, DlHnois, vere found in Daquoin, fifteen miles nwmy. . ' ' Illinois Hard Hit The greatest loss of life, according ?3 available reports, occurred in r.iU'thern Illinois, yrheit more than 100 were reported killed" a* the' tor lado . tore northeastward throagh Murphysboro, West frankfort. D-j -oto and other larger towns of .the ?irea. School Wrecked At Desoto, 111., a school-house was rfpe d and only three of the 250 oc -ipants reported escaping without n juries, while 88 bodies had been a ken from the ruins last night. ?The main path of the tornado was 'ess than 200 miles in length, but -livlaitfhs of the twister hopped off n several directions. Starting from Vnnapalis the storm moved north -jafct and after striking two other towns on the Missouri sjde of the MiHsissippi River, jumped into Illi nois, traversed tfutt state, divided 1 car the Indiana State line and spent ? its fnrri, in southern Indiana and lorthem Kentucky. Rushing Relief . 1 While details of the desqluatieh left .ay the storm came in on" crippled iines of communication, relief was rushed into the stricken area from many nearby towns. , Relief workmen, doctors, nurses, medicine ithd supplies were despat ched immediately from St. Louis, Chicago and other points.. Troops were rushed into the dii&rict in Illi nois on orders of Governor I. en Small.. who also issued an appeal far lid. . , . _J 132 BOTHES FOUND Murphysbora, Ills., March 19. ? One hundred and . fifty-two bodies have already been recovered here, from 100 to 130 are believed to be in the region and, 250 persons are in emer gency hospitals suffering from ser ious injuries, aaoerding to a provis ional compilation ? rflfede ^Jjere Ihis morning. ? - ? ? v ? 120 BODIES RECOVERED '^West Frankfort, III" , March 19 ? (By The As*3ci?ti?i Press.) ? Barty this morninjjt 102 bodies, had been ex in .yesterday's lornado and more than M> injured had 'l??> Uktn . to hospitals, ?50 building* were lev __cU?d and Sheriff Ports estimated the Property taw at Vnoro than 42,000.000 iv.. . At. LBASBliRG SCHOOU . On Thursday ni*ht! March 26th, ,,t VMM. miPle Hill m' Vygim mm? utl. fi onn r.Wfk rlrf.mi .inin," .iriiian at Admission 25 and _35 coif* uC?mc, .urtryMy. I rvv/A nwi\u, I ? v GOOU BYE SHAKEHAr. -Hot many .years since there waa a 'section hi this County known as "Shakerag," and the community composing it well and truly repre | sented the name. The homes were ( small and scattering, and nowhere : could anything be found resembling .-j prosperity, in l'act about the' only bus iness which thrived in, that section wak down on the brfeAch, purposely out of sight, no roads to speak jot, , und 'churches and school houses few ' jind fa? between. But what a revel ation today! Lost Sunday we drove through that section and what an im provement greeted us all along the I way. The top soil road had been completed to the (Granville ' county line, and. it is one of the prettiiest : roads we - iia'xj ever traveled over, ' new homes, the bungalow style, going ! up, new store buildings and of course ?J the filling stations. iJtist as you ' approach Suri, oncc known as the Capitol ot iShakerag, we find -Ota "friend Mr. VV JV. ,Eanes, has erected a large well apportioned store house, with a bungalow hard by which would be a credit to oar little city, all neat ly painted and everything giving tone to prosperity. 3uSt beyond. Home one has erected another bung alow which ia equally as attractive save for lack of paint, and so it ia from there on, new bnngalows, large ! and convenient stables, cvej-ything ' denying the cry of hsrd times. And wliat did it? Good roads. Now let these good people get together and build ' n high school building to take cat* of the hoys and girls and there will be no more prosperous section in ] the County than what was looked 1 down upon 9nly a few years since, . > and considered the dark corner. MILL 4 CREEK CHURCH The Workers Council of Mill Cr^eW Church met at .Mr. J. Larkin Gentry*-! March 19, 1925. The service began ? with a sang. "Up from the grave He arose,"L_a^Jl a prayer by Rev. N. J.I Todd. Thpff- the business "eenion was held during which several idioms were discussed. We llien enjoyed revera interesting remarks which were brought out by Mr.' Todd,' of which Were the following: Mill Creek members must wake up and be doing while it is day, for we can not do today what we left undone yesterday. But we can do today the tark for today and it wiR make to morrows task easy done. Some people think that the finan cial business is the, hardest task of a church, but they have the -wrong idea. We will make it the hardest task if we consider it most important. The financial business should be come secondary matters in the church, for you have to win the man and then the money. The chitf function ot a church in _a_com inanity is to be a son! winning institution. -% But. first rach rperwber should be trained to do jthis work. . How ? Through the Sunday School j : and the B. V. P. U. But what does the Sunday School need to train them ? i It needs the churclt to get behind the Sunday School and make it a live and real school. The church should provide sufficient equipment. , : ? .The Bi.Y. P. U. must have _thej church to help it on. So We Mill I Creek members, let us attend tie : Workers Council, Sunday School, B. i Y, P. U-, preaching and prayer ser- 1 t vices and do our duty SO that we m?#' hopc to do a great wdrk for our Lprd Our services are uflfeded. There art people today who do. not pay any at tention whatever to the Lord's work and are not Christians. Why? Be cause church members have not car ried th'e message to them and aided then* in discovering themselves. Let ut do our part and attend our cburch ?services and prepare or the work that isfor today and tomorrow. " ~ Mary- E. Gentry. So;. ? O ?: ? " j "THE SKA SON'S BEST" | Frank Newman's "Fashion Mate Revue" which cornea to the Palace j Thfatw Thundny ? V?iilni' *?'i 1 ll y | (day March 26?27? 28th, is a show, ' brim full of Specialtjfe. Mr. N?W-"j man's show i#-' ifotefr for its benu- j tlful wardrobe imd Scenery? This -u? aftrr a week's ? ? ????in | ^ ? ii'WflSA I Vwa ? ? , i mi m ????? ???????( x * ? ~ ? ^ *"* j- 1 have sat New record for tke South- j ?rn Amusement Oof, and +i*S beca.tlU. spected'^by (Se management of this 'I'I.iiiIii'. m fail ninHT^iil (hst *h?i ,i?haw will nifift' wiUi y.uii Win f hv i J approval and stand Wt its three day, j engagement. . . ALL ABOARD A SNAPPY COMEDY AMERICAN LEGION TO GIVE SNAPPY MUSICAL COMEDY ? ? v ' ^ One of the' Very Best of the' John B. Koxecs l'rodorinir Compaiif. Ddn't Niu It, Friday April 3rd. Mm. W. S. Clary, Jr., Mrs. I. O. Wilkeraon, Mr. -W. (L Miller ?ad Mr. R. P. Barns are the members of the 'Committee in charge of the rehear sing, tickets and Caste .of the Amer ican Legions Annual Musical Comedy. The Director, Mr. John W. Judd of the John B. Rogers Producing Com pany arrived in town last .%eek with part books and music and rehear* sals are being conducted in the Thea ter every afternoon and at the school building every night. All Aboard is the name of the show to be offered thia year. The entire plot is laid, on the deck of the S. -S. Florida on a trip to Bermuda and if those who have already heard (^e lines and witnessed the rehearsals are to be relied upon to judge. "it in the' funniest play that has ever been attempted yin Roxboro. The Committee have tried to get All Aboard flefore, but it is sueK a very popular comedy that the Pro ducing-Company were unable to send out a Director until this time. An ung^dally clever C?3t has been" chosen as follows: i Johnny Thomas,... Wallace White who is rn "love with B??tTieo Sloan. , jMiaa Ethel White who is en-board with her Mother Mrs. Sloan, Mm. Carl Bradshcr who makes things difficult for Alexander C. Phone, .Wallace Woods a humaturuck ? who arc'jes with BiUy Brady, . Dorothy Brady, Miss Helen Whittf his sister, who are passengers with C?pt. Kidd, llerrmimon Burns of the S. S. Florida who has Jenny,.- --i- Mies Irvin a stewardess with" Swedish ideas, also Barney Kehl, ----Chas. Harris and Bull Works, -i.-Jamcs Broadhead two sailors under his command. ALL Ahoard will be given afterncon and evening of April 3 at the Palace Theater. * \ - SCHOOL NOTES. In grading the examination papers, giving the daily grade, teachers wit please put the grades. on each paper in figures, not numbers. It is im possible to get two thirds of a gradej A. "Also I would be glad for thet teacher to grade ? the {examination I paper. ' Thtse papers need the siipervison of the teachers, and in doing So they will please grade each paper. Make' a distinction between daily grade and examination grade. ? The group commencements given by the , colored schools have J?en largely attended and , h?ve proven quite- successful^ Miss Hoover, now Mrs.- Pittmnn, is to be congratulated on the splendid work done 'by her in this county. She will be' tfith us another year, and It is her ambition to abolish every log school house in the county^;; I bespeak for her th? hearty co-operation of every one who loves Person County and desires to see her progress. As the schools are closing, I want the teachers to'see that full 120 days have been taught, and all detail' attended to before bringing vouchers. ? ~ . MRS. J. At BEAM. ? O? \ DEDICATION OF HURDLE MILLS II. C. BUILDING The new Hurdle Mills school build ing has just been completed and the dedication service will take place On Friday, At-i. 3rd; The service will begin with -an address deliviVed by fln|j A T AHm, Dinnor will hft served on the grounds at 2 ,P. M*. Major L..P %fcLendon will spesk with ''Problems of Community Life" as ills subject. Talks will be made by ninnihorn .if thf.rir.Qi-d nt "Kducation. Ote'. Canty Suparintandent... I>f. J. 1 Colantan "?"! Graduating tKSfifsi* wilt be held Snturdny at t> K M> atid oTi Sends y ?lit 18 A. Mi R?v t>. Ki gaahawH fr -?fnlvsrv Methodist Church. Durham. will deliver tha commancamant >er mon. "? , -4 . ^ ? ? ... ? idnesday Evening- Mard tobacco cx>-ors " :: sqo.v MOBILIZE To nol< Mas* Meeting* At An Coun ty Bnte Saturday April 4. -Member* of th^ ToJ?cco Growers Cooperative Association will take the f?Wt steps in the electionf" of their dipt tors for 1925 on Saturday, April 4/ Masa' meetings of the organized tjbocco farmers will be held at the C6urt Hourv-s of all important 'to bacco growing counties in Virginia, North Carolina and 'South Carolina OD that day! . At these meeting* members of the Association will nominate the del egates to vote in the electon of their prectors for another year. Shortly after these meetings, ballots con taming the names of these electoral nominees will be mailed to all mem bers of the A-ssorta t ion who are auth orized to 'select half of the names on the ballots or to insert new names in accordance with the desire of each individual member "Oic fhud^ cast ing of the bMlota Vill take place on May 0th, -and- each notember is in ktructod to. mail or bring his ballot to the Court House of his county seat, by noon of that day. I ' A LETTER OF THANKS Mr. Editor; " Will you please give me space in .jrfcr paper to ? say a few wvords in ' 1 regard to* my treatment at the N. C, Ortbopaidic Hospital at Gastonia. I til Ink they are doing a great work for cripple children. That is one way this State is putting its money to a great advantage to lielp hum- \ itnity. I went there Nov. 11th, 1924,! _with a- club feet, and retimed -Ffcb. 4th, 1*25, with my foot straight, and now it looks like any other persons ?foot. I was there only two months,! three weeks and two days. It does I not, seem possible in that length at tune that so much could have keen ' "S^mpliBhed. , I wish to say to all parents who' are thinkling of sgpding children there to rest oaeured they will be well taken care of, and all done for them that can be done. The nurses are very nice and kind to- children. I wish to thank Mis. Smith and Miss Bessie Daniel for all their etfqrts in helping to get me in, and to all those who remembered me with letters, postal cards and presents. I certain Jy thank every one for their thought fulness and kindnesses. To Mt. Zion Chorch and different organiz ations which aided me in going I wish to Bay "their help was highly ap preciated. May God bless each and every one. ? Iva J. Neathery. j A MYSTERY. The comedy, drama entitlud "Anne i Rented by the senior class bf the] Helena High School/ at JjetheT"-HtfF High School on March 28r 1925, -Sat- ! "Siiiay, at 7:30' P. M. This play was liven at Helena an March .UOth and was considered by many as the best play ever given there. Public cordi ally invited. Admission 25 and 35 cents. i HUBERTS MYSTERY' SHOWS Coming! to .the Helena High School five nights of Hubert's , Mystery Shows, beginning with Tuesday night, March - 31it ami ending Saturday* night April 4th. . There will 'be an entire change of program each night. The / programs include moving pic turf*, high grade vaudevile, slight ; off hand performances. Mr. Hubert | o/ayed at the Bahama High School. | d* well as at m&ny other local schools (tnd he comfej to Helen* very -highly 'recommended. The programs will be gin at 7:30 'and the admission" is 15 cants 'for children under 12 years of age, and 25 cents for all above 12 yeirs. The public is cordially invited. ? . E. NOELL. | DEATH OF MR. J. A. MCKFORD j Mr' .T ft TlirWonl tlicl ''is homg I m Lodfcviti, Pa., i.iWi FrUVj ?i.J i kwu-Kid Sunddy. Mr. Bickford was lZ father of Mr,. S. A. Lon*, who was called* to hi? bedside about two. weeks ago, and 3iy-. 3 A Long who had been wjth " ' ' * j THE. FASHION' PLATfe REVUE w thri^haautifurwardrobe and scenery, playing at Pal^e. Jhoa ! ira, Thursday, r tin ay, Saturday .ililn t - i 25. 1925; Little Miu Ernestine Wilkevon celebrated her ninth birthday Satur day afternoon from 3_to 3 o'clock at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wilkerson, South Roxboro. A number of her school mates were present. Refreshments Were served in the dining room which was decorated a color scheme of ,J>ink and white. The large birthday cake was adorned with nine candles. Those present included Einora Raiff, Nancy Bollock, Ann Watkina, Chris tobel Gates, Eli zabeth PtaUiam, Margie Stanf.eld, Pattie Daniel, Lissett* Allgbod, Nora O'Briant, Ida W instead, .Edwin Ham lin and Jhmes Garrett. MVi. Ed. Hill entertained The Bridge Club' Wednesday (fternSon and also in fionor of her house guests Mrs. Becker and Mies Bosie Ann Becker of Newark, N. J. The truest* were welcomed by the hoatess and . shown to the living room where three tables wctc placed for bridge. Many ; beautiful flowers were arranged In bowls and baskets. The hostess assisted by Mesdames W. R. Woody > and E. V. Boatwrigbt served a deli ciouS ice coune with coffee. Attrac- ' th'e baskets filled with green and white randy cjtrrying out St. Patrick ideas were given as favjrs. The Review Ciub met with Mrs. ! II. 1- CroweH on Thursday after nocn and Mesdtunes. A. R. Warren-1 and T. B. Wood led the discussions for the afternoon. The first *i>aper presented was "Francis Scott Key,"; and the second an "Alexander B.j Meek and Edward Coote Plnkey." After the lesson hour the hostess served a delightful course of refresh- ! ments carrying out the Shamrock idea in them, and gave to each one present a tiny green basket filled with white mints. j Mrs. J. H. PasVWai hostess to the' Mesdaines R' H. (Gates, J. A. Eeam ! find B. G. Clayton presented papers at the Study Club on Thursday after noon relative to the general subject 1 which was "Spirit of Humanity." , Several visitors in addition to the reg- ' ular members were present and a salad course with accessories was /.ergd,? ? ? ' ? 1 ROX^GBP TOWN ?ONDS * ' W i BRING PREMIUM S75.000.00 Worth of Bonds Rime A ? Premium of $4 1 2,00. j Yesterday the bonds of Roxboro' amounting to $75,000.00 for the pur- ( pose of building ft i^hoo> Buildijlg was sold to MesS. 'Drake, Jones <t| Co... of Gi\eenshoro. the issue bring- ? ing $75,412.00, the prefrflum Iting $412.00 for 5 per cent bonds* This, is a remarkably good price and shows "low well thought of Roxboro is by the bond buyers. There were twen- ' ty three bids. KCLU PENALTY GOBS* ON . ? Fall penalty goes on the 1924 taxes after ??his week. Please come for- ! ward and pay your tax and save this penalty. N. V. FLOORS. Sheriff, i JOB H. CARVER? LOSES (rVRAGE AND STABLE I ? ? I Fire starting about 11:80 o'clock" ? this nro*ning completely destroyed the garage, stable and other out- j buildings of Mr. Joe II. Carver, on . Reams Ave. The fixe was supposed t I to have started from a short ttr- j ' cult in Mi1, Carver's Chevrolet auto mobile. as just before the^fl?me< | werf first wen, the hoar^v&s heard j cominually blowing, j^he machine /ten* destroyed as were several other , pieces of farm machinery. Owinf to4 j the direction of the wind,, neit>ver of 1 the adjacent residences were' duma 1 ~ ' . MUjSIC RECITAL The music .class taught by ? Mrs. ^-rrfrrny mnmiart at Oli?e lisli High |~daj evening, March Star, nfc 'r :3? : o'clock, in the.schopl auditorium. Mrs.-' Winstead will be assiaud by Mi*-* ^ay?l Musette j vited to attend the recital, ' No. M EKTBRTAINMHNT AT ' - HCRDI4E MILLS B.& . ?. ? On Wednesday, March 30, the par Hurdle Mills school" buildin* vriBI throw open its doors to the rnWic for the first time when ^n rnjer*afa meat will be given by Wallace tk* Magician, for tile benefit of the school. Every one hM heard of Wal lace the Metrician, and he has fur nished -airfuselltent and laughter far thousands of .people all ' over Ut United States. Since his last ?'"it to our part of the country Wallace has sddod m$My new and fascfant tmr tricks to hia repertoire, and Monday nijrht he .will appear at U? best with a performance even m<Ye pleasing than ever. ?> ^ Jn Wallace's last trick his Mp ful of live birds .and ' rabbits and a. beautiful all disappear in *e t .ffhkhnir of an eye. The tables 3ff on which they were placed are .tlitot taken apart for examination, 'and Dot a trace pf the pretty^ bird* baa be seen. "" - ? a Yoo will be mystified, tirMwf thrilled, charmed and made hutay Ju the hour and a half that Wi?t? Us before you. n NOTICE There will be an all day service at Concord next Sunday, Dinner on the ground. Not n picnic. In the tffre noon there is to be a pageant by Hie Sr. E&worth League. In the Rfj^r noon there are to be several >Mrt speeches on phases of the S. S. sv?*fc jlr. L. L. GoM>el of Durham, ;>nd Rat. P. M. . Shamburger of E?slwr? and others will speak during the day. All serious rrriwck'd people invited- ? giE PASTOR. ?=? HLRDLE MILLS ft. S. BflUHMG The other afternoon we rode oak in the Hurdle Mills sect'-on and took n lobk at tbi: nam m|wj| building which is nearim? completion. Tki? building U an honor to th:* progres sive community and will mean much in the future When the question of n Kchool building was first agitated there waS considerable opposition, but the bond i$*jitf~was carried and if not now, in a v&ry short whfls =? every one will b6 proud of the fact that the were voted. It mil mean a little more tax, of course, bat ^irlieu compared ' with results the tax will sink into insignificance. We congratulate the progressive citizens. ? . ? o- i; TAKE. .NOTICE TAX PAYER. Ths is the last week ? your proper- . ty will be advertised April l3t. The County Commissioners say COLLECT and I ftniat do . so, Hoping to give you a receipt before this is done, ? ? ? ' " I-nni yonrs truly. . . ? N V.BROOKS. .. ? s?riff. o ? Frank Newman's ."FASHION PLATE REVUE" with 12? People? at Patrice' "Theatre, Thursday ? Fri day Saturday- this week. SPECIAL PROGRAM' IN THE bAPTIST S. Sl Next Sunday will be observed aa Missionary Day in the Baptist Sun (jKy School. A special program of" J music and recitations by the cMM ryi will be presented and the offer* ing will be for Home and Foreign Missions. The Sunday School is in creasing rapidly in/\attendanc? and interest Be euro t/r come next Son day. R. E. WHITE, Pastor. o ? ? ? W \IH Nt EAIRNT EFHESCS CLEMENT HEM) The special 5th Sunday meeting will be held at Ephesus church Mareh 29. A Very interesting program arranged. Two services morning and hftemoon, with dinner on the grounds.? A large representation is expected. Hip rrtf HlU?ls ? -f gptiriim want y? to come* to fe?T?t home, tnrneel wllil your neighbors, and friend* an<f en-: Tjoy the day of fellowship. S halts hands with some stranger. t v rruuiXXX PnstT. ,. 9 ? > ?M Keith Tints) ( AfrnhVlic PyncersV --?: with Frank Newman's "FASHION. -VLA 1 T. w^k. . * 2 . ? .

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