J. W. NOBLL. EDITOR Ah VOL. No. XL 1 1 CO-OP ASSO. DEMANDS HEAD OF T. WATKINS ASSOCIATION PASSES RESOLU TION DEMANDING RESIGNA TION OF TUCKER W ATK INS - ? ~ " ? I Comity Association Declares For the Principle of Co-operation but . Oppose* Idea of High Salaries The annual meeting of the Person County Tobecco (Growers Co-opera- i t-iv* Association met here lastSatur day and took action- on the question of high salaries and in a resolution," j- which was adopted, .demanded the j resignation of Mr, Tucker Watkins. I Wnd in case of the reruUI of Mi. 11. R. . Patterson to dispense with his services, then' his resignation be asked for. The following resolutions were j adopted: ?' Whereas, we the members of the Tobacco Growers Association in r?g-j ular annuaf meeting at RoxboroJ . N. C. wish to express our belief and j faith )li the fundamental principle of grou|f marketing, and believe it lis RMttafly? hapett^r* that the farmer -should hare air economic sane busi-i ness method of marketing his pro -duct',, if he should ever attain to any-1 thing approaching economic inde pendence, but. that whereas, we are convinced that unless there art* 1 cer tain changes made in the manage ment of the -association, the success of c? -operative marketing will be indefinitely postponed. Therefore be it resolved: 1. .That the resignation of Mr. T. C. Watkins, Jr. b# called for, for the reason that he is mare interested' ? 13 txpioitmjr *ho' association, he is in serving thfc farmers; and that if Mr. R. R. Patterson should decline to dispense with his services, then his resignation be asked for. | 2. Our present Board of Direc ' tows mint li?v? knowpthat the mfrm-1 ? Iiarthfr awl thy piiKUe T?enpmllv )>:ivp . -lost confidenco in Mr. T. C. Watkins, Jr. and other employees, of the asso ciation, and that a number of em ployees were being paid far in ex cess of their actual worth to- the Association. We, therefore, believe ' it is the dyty of the membership of each district to defeat the re-election ' of their director, if he voted to re- j tain the services 4?, Mr. T. C. Wat-! kins. Jr., and approve of . extrava- ! Kant salaries now benig paid by the iissoc:ation, this is the most effec- j tive way of ridding our association of the flees that are novvl Infecting it. 3. That the Board of 'Directors be called upon to reduce the lai'ge and _ extravagant salaries now being paid , to a number of the employees 6fTl?~ ^ association and generally- reduce the. overhead expenses. It is our belief ' that affairs of our association can be efficiently administered" for two thirds or less I what it is now cos ting. I 4. That no employee should act as a director of this association ; nor ; any employee be allowed to redryj any tobacco owned or controlled by | the association, or to make any other contract utjLh the association for ]>ro r.t. i 5. That the office of the usao- ] oration should be established in Kal-.j 6. We ask the member.^iip of the three states for their hearty co-nper-! ation in our effort to purify, and strengthen and establish confidence j in the manajfi?me*t of the ai?6ciation. 7. That a copy of* these rtsohit- ( ions .be sent to the Nfews and Observer j and the Gre^nsbofo DattyKewa. .1. H. 8HOTWBLI., Vice Chairman J. H. FOUSHREt Sec. | RASTER SratVlCE Kaatar wnnoiu will t* preached t>jtft-at !*?'* -ta??p?-*aa Warren'i t Grove next Sunday at II; A. M. k_. and 8: f- M- retpettively, with ?B ' proprir"' ""-h s s. "" .'at tlie Oh?pel ?t 10: A. U., W. H. - WillcersOB, SopV t*t 'ir-V. M .. -w. w, As many . afc_ii*^ j?pd. ^Sunday Schaal-i 'inf t~ rKnominfttlortal Con'venticn wMI be ^g~-~Ta?ii ?t Oon?o"' ?ctm'rch April- the ??. . -tit rrcr 7-? - ^ ^ I W. BKAniJvY. JP-.stor. ID PUBLISHER ROXBORO, Miss Julia Alexander, lawyar and 1 lumber of the North Carolina legislature, wants* to be governor of her state. She baa announced her candidacy for the Democratic nomination. 0 ANNOUNCEMENT [EPHESI S CLEMENT FIELD i Lamberth Memorial next Sunday: I Sunday School at 18 o'clock, preach prayer .meeting "at 7:30 P. M. Serj vices at Lea Bethel at 3 o'clock, P. j M. The regular time for this ser- 1 vice has been changed from the Srd Sunday afternoon. N Let the church keep this in mind aa well as to. spread the news to all who worship at our regular services. j The church can not Jive and thrive 1 and bold its h?a<1 it- (iCyle i neglect the appointed service,* foi; j worahip. Possibly, we express- the! sentiment of many who for various reaaons do not attend church ser vices. They know that the church meant much to -them in early life and strength thus received tide* thiim over the preiont time.' The oppor- j tunlty for encouraging the youths of today to attend is ours or else I during the days ahead we shall hive lost them and the church will mean j little or nothing to them. The j strength that helps you -now will be j wanting in their lives far their'needs. ! We recognize the pull- in that direc tion at the present time. If this is true .act on your convictions. Set. the example. L. V. Coggins, Pastor. | - ? ? o^ BAPTIST CIURCH SERVICES The services at the Baptist Church . next Sunday will be of special inter eat. It is expected that there will ' be a large attendance at the Sunday" School at 0:46 A. A. At the 11 o'clock sen-ice a snecial program of music appropriate to- th?*i occasion will be rendered by the choir and the sermon by the Pastor will also be appropriate. The Lord'* sup pc? will be observed at this service intf every member of the church is urged to be present. ' At the evening aervice at 7:30 o'clock the Pastor will preach on "Beumnne at the Hons? of God." The B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 P. M., will study about the "I, ad Who Gave Up His Lunch." A cordial invitation is extended to all of these services. ^ K. E. WHffE, Pastor B. Y. J*. U. PROGRAM "Jesus miniaters to the multitude" is fflcrsalUfiet for the B. Y. P, tf. of Roxboro Baptist Church for April 12. 1925. Come; bripg a friend. Mrtt. the president m charge, Mr WilHams Second. Bible quit, led by Mr. Mc Xiel. Introduction by groap leader, Mi?. Lena Long. . ' Special prayer by Mr. Chestnut. 1. The multitude on the mountain dW?, by Mi?a Ethel Daniel. ? 1 Tfr? litttn htriif +dn-li by Miss Oorrtelia Newten. SpTlM:.mu<ic. - 4. Co-workers with Vnrm. py MUs Nellie Waia. ? - ? In i-ad. -by Mi? Wary ~ B^TTondarMB at the wonder irwke, ^ - 7. Miracles ?nd nature, by MfsJ MiytWi Riiey. ? prayer by pMnidaiil. ? ? - . Cor. Secretary.-' ??-V- . ? i - - HC NORTH CAROI THREE KILLED IN FLORIDA j TORNADO NKAR MIAMI WRECKS 75 HO; 400 HO Hail Stones As I-arge As Reported From thy Storm A' Miami. April 5 ? Three peri were killed and 23' injured, t! seriously, this afternoon when tornado struck t?e Whitebelt located a few miles west of Mt Westwood Inn, a roadhouse local noar Little River, and continui northeastward, demolished * about' houses. Three hundred to four dPed persons are homeless. Tfie dead: John Wmsdin Sun pro Wintumnrt ?Vthtr ? nark; , MathiliT da Schultz, 70 Whitebeltdairy; F. E. f Sullivan, Westwvotl Inn. After crossing: canal at Hia)H | leah, the . great funnel shaped cloudy lifted and then crashed down oq t Whitebelt dairy; two miles av.\ completely demolishing six building fatally injuring Mrs. Mathi) Schultz, 70 and injuring a number employes of the dairy. Sweeping in between two buildin the foot of the. tornado gathered' four small dwellings, a large gar apartment and the mess hal! of dairy and piled them all in a twiste jumbled mass in ;the center of group. The cone of wind plajj| about the dairy for about a min and then crossed the road to ? It 'is estimated that the damsel the dairy will exceed H 00,000, ^ sides the cost of the buildings, personal effects of the 7j to 80 i sons vho-c homes were destro of the Jlamae tmratpd Erfff The storm apparency originated west of Miami about eight miles. It swept in a northeasterly direction and passed out to sea about 15 miles north of here. -Hail=stonea_as , lurge as baseballs j were repoitwJ a lung ? U>r southern | fringe of the center of "the storm along iti path. Some of these were solid ice, as clear as crystals of quartz. In the path of the storm, houses were unroofed and" jlebris was car ried to a height of several hundred feet. Arthur Pryor, bandmaster, who lives at Hialeah, west of Miami, near where the storm < started, said that he saw roofs. of houses raised 200 and 300 feet in the air. -/The noise from the storm .was fearsome, he said, similar to hun dreds of cannon being fired simul taneously, j TEACHERS EXAMINATION ... Only state examination for teach ers certificates this year wilt be held In ray .office on seeopd Tuesday and Wednesday Tot this month, April 14th and 15th, beginning promptly at 9 O'clock. MRS. J A. BEAJ* TITLES FOR AUTOMOBILES Mr. W. N. Everett, Secretary of State, has sent out the following in structions to all County Commissio ners : * ?t The recent Legislature passed a law requiring titles for all automo biles, trucks trailers and- other gas, steam and 'electric driven vehicles, operating on rubber tires. Under this law, all County, City and State OWN0D cars must be registered. Thejo titles will be issued without fee. ? : - - - - - ? Any , automobile dealet- will be clad to give you any information yoo may desire concerning the matter. MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Last Monday tltt f>Hi> nirtft-l ing of -the new County Board of Ed ucation. The. board was appointed' lij lilt IMI HgMllll"* tees being A. M. Burn'., R 1,^ Harris. W,*v Wilkei-aon, Dr. O. G. Davi? :ind .1 . A,: . Jf/MfJSman, . Burn* de. lined (fr accept and the olhfiiinxC.il1, "tier* ef the bi?r?l elected Mr. G,VT. Waofit Mr W R. WitlfeMKHr was field wa* eWeted: County 1 Superintend ?dwnt. -, ? ? , j ttP j-V*'1 ? ' ? Subscribe for THt^.?ftlP.rwr \y Evening- April CATION OF HURDLE I MILLS HIGH SCHOOL' of bod's promises to man is ' ?in these words; Eye hath | en, nor ear heard, neither haVe j into the heart of the fi<?d hath. prepared' f?r thtm love Him. These words, . my nds, simple ai they miay seem-in singular construction, when n and .interwoven, as they are, been the means of strengthen - thc faith of man's weary pil limage throughout the ages, and , ill continue to keep men , In the aight and narrow way, as long as lives. I Slay ? we be permitted to turn the * of man's vision just one degree,; " use these same eloquent word* connection with the enthusiasm ;th which the good people of Hurdle ills, N. C., are filled to overflowing, of the establishment .if a irn, up to date educational ,plant in. thai1. splendid litflu l ily. Evf I'P1" rfSt seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into mind of the outside "world, just what this splendid edu tational plait will mean to the boys land gid3 of this community, nor i what we are going to give to the! >vorid as the ' product of this oppor- ; ftunity to train our splendid young I boys and girls into a citizenship that ? ill dazxel thfs old world in brillian cy. Why shouldnt we? We have jiome of the very fine# ,ulont hert' ? ,t God has ever fitted any scc ion with. It was my good pleasure to be resent and participate in the dedi tion exercises of the magnificent High School building just completed.; Qn Friday morning as the sun began daily round, and before he had ten very far, the people of this, the i-urrcundiriL' icctaoa ltfgun to their cars alL over the majestic hill th^t over looks the_villagi-, j U'.iitnit of which has' been mo-iern. un^p-daU 5nd magnificent school building in Person County, and by eleven o'clock the auditorium was Filled with peo ple, eager to w:toe;s and enter into the dedication service. Under the skilful supervision of Prof. I.. R Principal of the school, -a complete program had been mia.igcd, and strictly at eleven o'clock the whole audience rose to their feet ana mingled their voices together, in that soul stiring anthem, "America ' followed by a beautiful prayer b^ pV-TT- Wm. Dr.- Howard, of Ral eigh, N. C., then made a" most elo quent speech on education. By this time the sun had reached the Meri dian, and'the audience was dismissed, and made their way to the Sauth side of the building, where a table had been built, and such a good dinner the good women had prepared, and everybody ate to thn.r appetites con tent: Two hours of social inter course, and then we reassembled in tho. auditorium and was entertained by interesting and eloquent speeches by Mr R. P. Burns, Of Roxbaro, N. C , Rev. J. A. Beam. W. R. Wilker son Mr Bornette, State Architect, of Raleigh, N. C., Col. Fred Olds, Raleigh. N. C., A. P. Daniel and Mrs. J. A. Beam. ' Then followed the ded ication exercises proper, which was participated in by the Building Com mittee, the trustees, the school com mittee, County board of education, State architect, Supt. and. Mis. >? A. Beam. T^ia was followed by a beau tiful dedication prayer, offered by Rev. White, ef Roxboro, N. C. We feel like this was a great day for our community, and friends, we are going to show you just what a jgood school can aceompli?h fn the training of our bey* and ARCHIE. P. DANIEL BA.CK TO TIIE OLD STAND I wish to announce^ to' tm- public generally that I anv back at my old ?tand on Depot Street, next door to N'ewton Drugr Company, withfrty old crowd of. barbers and cordially in. vite yon to come to ur /or anything in the barber l!ne. Special attention fftven to' ladies' work. AWVBARBf.R SHOP. r-f- O : EasffeR' E?rinr?T at , I.A'VHlprH MEMORIAL ; " The Hmvijtv School of I 1 Alom'oVial cinn-cn wll rtv *n ha.-iti-r .?lt(r hiirtt on Sanii-^iu nftijrnoon, young folks of fhe community* are InViied to come-'anff" have ,a gC3d time. ~7~T" "" $130 8, 1925. , Mrs. B. R. Long of Greensboro was the honor guest mt' a lovely Rook party, given, by Mrs. R. L. Harris at Iter home Wednesday afternoon. Five tables were arranged J[or Bos ton Rook. Spring flowers were used in artistic profusion in decorating. Following Vt-ry delightful game the hostess served a most tempting salad course with coffee. ^ J Mrs. E. M_ Davis entertained the Bridge Club and a few invited guests at a lovely dinner Wednesday evening The home was made fragrant and lovely for the occasion with the use of pretty Vaies and baskets of spring1 flowers. A most ' delectable dinner was served to about sixteen guests. | Attractive favors wire given and a beautiful flower holder was given : Mrs. B. R Long of Greensboro, the guest -of liunor. A moat delightful meeting i: Friday Afternoon. Book Chib was held Friday afternoon at three o'clock with Mr*. R J. Teague. Flowen; were ured in profusion as decoration. Six tables placed for Bostcn Rook the game of the club. Beautiful csrsages of Sweet peas and rose buds with tally cards were given the guests. Mrs. Teaguo^served a deliciou* tur key coarse with all' the accessories and coffee. 4 <? 1 AMERICAN LEGION PLAY I W1XS MERIT EI) SUCCESS The annual play ot the American Legion and Auxiliary was given Inst Friday /light before a packed hou'c which evidenced its appreciation by repeated applAs'e. A John B. Rog ers , production, "All .Aboard," had bttn selected far this oceaa'on and it was verily a bre?y, musical farce. The caste had been most carefully chosen from the best talent of this section -and their efforts were worthy of the highest praise. The leading character types were varied and every member united in giving the t:on. Individual mention should be given Miss Ethel Ervin, whose antics as a comediejlng time and again con vulsed the large audience. The pati ent efforts of the director. Mr.? Jr-W. Judd, were rvo doubt -partly respon sible for the play hasting . such r\ finished appearance as is seldom Seen off the professional stage. The cos tumes and ecenery won much favor able comment. BARACA CLASS r The young men composing the Baraca elaaa are gang strong, there "being quite ? rivalry between the Rada and Blues. I^at Sunday there were on the roll 44 members, pre sent 38. A year ago the class had 13 members, with present 11. Con tributions last Sunday were $6. IS, a year ago $1.10. Last Sonda'y the Reds had 21 en rolled and 17 present; the Blues had 2S enrolled and 19 present. o DEATH OF .MR. EANKS ,/ M>\ W. A. Eanes, one of our most successful country , merchants, died suddcnl? Saturday evening, April 4th, nnd was buried Sunday morning at Allensville Church, Rev. Joe B. Cur rin performing the burial service. He was very succe?ful and highly esteemed in his community and will be missed in the section, in which he lived. MR. EANH5 DIED SLDDEM.Y Mr. W. A. Ernies, who lived in the AlletisvlHc Motion at Surl died sud denly last Friday- afternoon. Mr: F^mes was walking about -In the yard jvtien he dropped jicad1. He was a merchant as well as h farmer, and ' was a most useful and ropulur citi ' tew. ? a - o ?? ? . ' ? BOMOIt ROM Below Ts the honor rtll for Ijong Irunt 8elw?l~f? Uu> sixth month: Tffirit Grade ? Mo . Wtwoi an , Sent Second Grade' Hattre Ahde"?m, [ Claude Lacks, Macy__Martin, TJorthy Affwcr^ . : ? ?- ? - ? - - ? fVfnric.. [.ester M'i" rell, KToytT HolVxon, R6l>rrt^ Oliver TSOcOS' Oradi^-Novip Wattter,. Seventh tirade- Kiwi, pfcUpul.^, - rtESOLtTlON OK ft" Whereas, It tuu pleased our 1 enly Father to call from us our faithful members of Bn? Sunday School class, Mrs. CharU* P Garratt, resolved. First: That we bow in humble I mission to Him who doeh all . well. Second: That our claaa has. loet m faithful member, and out church d devoted member, one who ,wo close to her Lord and did her in all her tasks. Thirs: That we" rxtendrour and deepest sympathy to her ones, and pray that God may fort and "bless (hem in the r and loss. Fourth : That a s?py of these olutions be sent tQ the family, a to the Advocate and Roxboro Cooriar Mrs. W. T. Carver, Mrs. I>. S. Brooks, . Mrs. E. U Wllk^rson. I *r ' ? ?- - ? - CARD OF THANKS Mr. C. P. Garrett, Mr. and W. R. {Smith and family desire to thank their many friends for tk? kindnesses shown. to them duringr their recent bereavement. The ma?jp manifestations of sympathy. thooshfc fiilness and love will always be re membered and will help to hrmir cheer and sunshine out of the dsik ness of their sorrow. -? o JURY LIST The following comprise the jury list for the next term of Court which will Convene on April 20th: W. G. Warren, Walter* BrscMier, R. V. Dickenson, J. N. Roirers. J. K. Clayton, C..T. Hall, F. H. Carwcr, O. B. McBroom. L. D. Allen, M XT Burton, 2a dock Slaughter, I. G.. Ste ven*, B. D. Hargisa, A. K. FogtemSn, Ben C. Clayton, Clayton, R. K. AnKfieW, E. E-. i . U. Crowetl, B. V. Rigga. J. 51. Brewer, Robt, S Uns. W. B. Humphries, K. L. 8tre?t^ R. A. He??er, Bob Young, C. A. D?jr ?Trio. H. Jones, J no. Jackson. C. H Hunter, Walter Hays, B. E. Mitchell M- W. Wlnsluad 1 P. Durran. A. U. ITEMS FROM CRYSTAL HILL VA. ; On last Saturday morning a yoonir man, Mr. Enoch Owen, lost hia txffj in a well near here. He started dqwn in the well U> filter it and tfce v.-all caved in on him. The well wm*c 05 feet deep. The eople worked hard , all day Saturday nnd all night, bat ; did not get hia body out until 9 o'clock ' Sunday morning. He leaves a wife, and two children Ur'moum their low. Oh, April the 1st. Miss Irene N? blin and Mr. Richard Saunders were united in matrimony. Hope they may live and have a happy life. A short time ago an elderly gentte man, Mr. Simmie Smith residing in. p Lynchburg, was hit by a car and thrown. to the pavement, breaking hi* skull. His body was brought to the I family burying ground- here for bur ial. jf. M. O'B. ^ \y 'ATTEMPTED SAKE- BLOWING V A bold uttempt was made sometime Tuesday night or early Wednnsdmy morning "to crack the safe of the postoffice at Jalong. Nothing wax known of the attempt until the of fice was opened this morning. The : .supposition is that professional yeje I gmen were responsible, as a quanrty of nitro-glycerine had evidently been used in the vain effort to get the safe open. Only a few stamps and i about (2.&0 which were in the cash ' drawer were missed this 'morr.mjf: FIRE ON GALLOWS im.l 'Fire which originated, torn tht kitchen flue completely destfwyed the residence of LutheT Mangum on*Gal lows Hill late Tuesday , night. We have not learned whether Any of ; the furniture could be saved; how ever Mangum had insurance tq the amount of WW!) on Iii.i property TWK MiN tS'JlRRS ASSOCIATION, The Ministers of Roxboro an.^the ^o'tS K *1. on April 20th, 192S. TW nlncr af .meeting will B* in M. E. Church of Ro*boro. ranwmbei Ihe tike and phK^^ ~^T ' UsV. M-- C. a*.' .n#- . Tries' ? . *52 1-* ? ?

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