J. W. NOELL, VOL. No. XJLtt GOVERNOR ISSUES RNANGIAL STATEMENT MARCH RECEIPTS KXCHE1> HXPENDfTlRES Total State Debt Current and Kundctl $4113,868,000. Raleigh, April 13. ? In a financial -tatement released today, by Governor McLean it is. shown that the receipts luring the month of March exceeded -.he disbursements by $1,924,860.32. The total collections during the month are given as $3,193,630.36 and ? liabarsements $1,268,950.04. The total deficit of the state on 'March 31, was shown in the state ment as being $8,827,980.25. An analysis of the state debt, as .et forth in the statement, is as fol lows: * ~ Current obligations : Short term notes due banks, gen eral fund, $10,000,000; highway fund, .SfiJMOrOOO; special school building fund $5,000,000; total current debt .*20,000, 000. Funded debt: 'Sdnd outstanding: 'General fund S29, 315,400; highway fund $59,552,600 -pecial school building fund $5,000, <>00. /Total funded debt. $93,868,000. Total state debt, current and fun . led $1 13,868,000. "THE MASTERPIECE" The screen event of the Seison ? the long awaited picturization of J. 31. Barrio's classic? With Barrio* own choice aa Pan, is Herbert Bren ? >n'? Production "PETJER PAN" ^vith Betty Branson and Ernest Tor lence, which comes to the ~ PALACE THEATRE Friday (one day only) April 24th "Peter Pa*'; _t_jls.es yw;J:gm? the workaday world to a land of bound- 1 lege joy ? The story of every chHdV ? Iream and every - Mother's -love Special Children's Matinee at 3:45 P, M. fXen.ng at 7:30?9:00 P M ' ' ' Admissions 15 ? 3S-eent?7- ? Watch fpr DeMille's "The Ten Com mandments" coming soon. KA8X ROXBORO AND LONG HURST ANNOUNCEMENTS; I - Sunday April 19, 1925, Sunday School at Longhursrt. at> 9:45. The laymen of the charge are to have the ?lay. Come, hear a sermon on "The Forsaken Home," Special singing Dinner on the ground. Bring a .small basket. In the afternoon we are CO have prominent speakers who' will ~peak on various topics of interest. All services. Come, contribute to ^jday by b??ing present. Regu-j ' lar service at Grace Church on Sun-| ?lay evening, 7; 15. THE PASTOR COtRT .VEXT MONDAY IVrson County Superior Court will convene next Mondny, Judge Cal vert will preside. So far as we know there is nothing of note on the-; ? locket, bat the usual crowd may be L expected an Tuesday. MASS? MEETING A Mass-Meeting of the Citisena if ftoxboro, N. C., is hereby called for, Tuesday, April 21st, at. 7:80, P. M.l for the purpose of nominating candidates for Mayor aiyl Town Board members to be voted up on at the regular Town election on the lirst Tuesday in May; W. 1' NEWTON. Mayor. This 14th day of April, 1925, Kox. lx>ro N. C?i' ' ' " a B*rrr? w i nstea i> u A surprise marriage was that ^ut Miaa Janle* I firing Ahbitt to. Mr. i^sria .-Daniel Wiiistead. They were married Saturday. April 11th; at 1 o'clock in Um afternoon , in Danville. ; -AitfT spending the week end in Dan ? ' vt||u ' they returned here ? Burnley? ttf milioon awd are inakinir 1hpir home on Academy ? Mrg WinTtrml fr ??. of-RpxhoroV popular members of the younger -Set and has" thfl?brat Mr'. Winitoad EDITOR AND PUBLISHER W>RT>-OF WARXJNU FROM DR. KILCOUE Director Experiment Station Warns Against Acreage Increased ? By Dr. W. & KII.KORE Director Morth Carolihti Agricultural Experiment Station, State Col lege of Agriculture. This is a last warning not to in* crease the acreage of cotton anil to liMced. this? year; ? hut rather to re duce them. If any change is to be In food and feed -c-ops for producing an" abundance of f;od and feed for the live stock on the farms and for farm families, and as p?uch ns pos sible to spare for the people living in the towns." " The Ijitent\ons to Plant report re cently issued by the United S'ates Department of Agriculture indicates, a proposed increase of 11 per cent] to be planted In tobacco this year | over last year. There ore no figures I available for cotton because of the prohibitory act of Congress prevent ing. the collection of this data as to | cotton. This is a most unfortunate , situation as the cotton farmer, most | of all, need this information to aid him in determining on a proper acre age for cotton. -| m There Was planted last year in the j United States and in North Carolina I the largest acreage ever given to cot- ] t >n. The general indications are that still larger acreages will be planted ] this year. A large crop of cotton in j the United States always brings a j smaller total price than the amalir crops. The 13,600, 000-balc crop of I 1924-25 will bring the farmers, of the | South less money than the 10 000,000 . bale crop of the previous year. In-J creasing the acreage and' production of cotton this year, to which Indica tions at this time point, is utter folly. Thefre is another reason why food and feed crejph^- pork, poultry, milk aniT butter, and gardens should oc cupy a larger place and acntaye this y?*r than over Wf cotton duction because of the boll weevif. A number of the southeaster coun ties of the State were very* hard hit this last year, and finances are very tight because of this condition. Even with the best efforts and methods of boll weevil control, the damage this year may be equal to or greater than that of last year. This would bring about. a most serious situation! financially, and the one greatest pre- ! eautic n which can be taken is to pro duce as nearly 'a's possible at home the things which can be grown on the farm for supplying the farm family and livestock. Perhaps our one greatest deficiency is in hay production, and hay can be produced comparatively easy and at a profit. We can escape the hard experience of most of the cotMm farmer < "to the south of us by pro ducing a living at home just as far as possible and getting, on a rash , ['fcwBfry-. ... . | -J SF.MORvV ITEMS We are glad to say ut this writ ing that the school bulid:ng at Cun- ! ingham is progressing niccly. Mr. Geo. Ouningham celebrated Easter byvf?iving a* bag dance. Misses Ronnie and Leon Taylor gave a pary in honor of their friends ' front . iiekisvillc, N*. C., Satucday night, April 1 1th. Miss Elizabeth Featherston of Roxboro has been visiting friends i in Semora for the past week. --. Miss Lois McSherry will leave now soon for Asheville Summer .Normal. Mlabel (Chandler of Black stone college is at home with her ' parents -for a few dnys. i? - ? . Mr. Dewey Mnn^om left, for Dani vjlle Monday work. | ? Mrs. A. B. Scott of IjiWrenceville, _ Va.i spent ^the past week with her parents; Wrf and Mt?\ R. R. Taylor, Semora, N.^C. . Mr. Eute* Scott of West Virginia is the guest of Mies Gertrude Nelson Miss' Agnes Whitt, principal of Semora Hijrh School, left f&r home j?-?fath*ila, \ a., Saturday afternoon ?Afr. Claude {Chandler has him a niffKt. with Mr. and 3tr?. ,r; BF-JBtan=?X ? I Snh.?rih.. far HIE t <1I.T.IKI , . .. ^ ; H ROX BGRO, NORTH C SCHOOLS WIN I IN BUSHY FORK |, STRONG OPPOSITION BY SOME LEADING CITIZENS High Taxes ? Do Not Frighten Our ' Citizens When Schools are ? s- Invoked The election held at Bushy Fork last Saturday on the proposition of voting a thirty/ cent tax rate fon special school purpose < was hotljt contested, the proposition winning out by a vote of 108 for, , and 52 against, with 18 not voting. Si> it Will bo seen that the school folks won out by nearly a two-to-one vote. While many of the citizens dl< good work for the tax too much cre dit can not be given Rev. J. A. Beam, who spent almost the entire week working far the tax. He is un tiring worker and where schools are involved he never says, stop. 0? L? - ? SALE OF PERSONAL ESTATE Of A. R. FOVSHEE I will, on Tuesday,? . April Si, 1925... ! ?t ten o'clock A. M., at the home place. East side of Mam Street, Rox boro, N. C. offer for sale the house hold and kitchen furniture and ether personal effects of A. R. F oushee, deceased, by authority and direction of the last will and testament of said A. R. Koushee- - Terms: CASH. This March 28. 192 < ?Last .Sunday Mr. A. C. Gentry and Mtes ? Lelia Walters surprised t heir friends by motoring Durham and getting martied. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. T. Watkins. Mrs. Gentry is the daughter of -Hr. John F. Walters, and is a most charming yotaig woman. She was educated ' ?r Oxford College. Mr. Gentry i^. well known to almost -ev^ry one in Roxboro and Person County, and is one of the leading educators of tM State. Mr and Mrs. Gentry will be at home at Bethel Hill un til about May 171H, when he will take a position with the SatterfieW In surance Agency of Roxboro and will probably make his home here" THE ROXBORO OPTICAL CO. Dr. L. V. Lisenbee, a registered op tometrist, has opened an office here and -will operate under the firm name of the Roxboro Optical. Co. Dr. Lis nbee comes highly recommended and w! 11 welcome all who are troubled with their eyes. o ? . SCHOOL NOTES All the *tx~ months schools have closed, but a few have not brought in their final reports, registers, ele mentary course of study, monthly re port. etc. Please attend to this week. It is essential that all re ports be handed in when the schools close. MRS. J. A. BEAM -o AN EVENING OK PUN Neit Friday evening, April 17tb. at 8 o'clock, in the Woman's Club room there will be an entertainment ' given for the "Benefit of the woman** club. some I oatu res ot tne ?mu> sementa will be a "iTacicy" Party", a spelling match, stunts and music. A i.prise will be given to the "tackiest" . . counW. abto n'riaes to the winners in ? the "stunts." Come and enjoy an evening of fun. Admission 23- cents. =oftf=rs5ng$ ind ' some of "ihft new I ot? the r-ni?t nf thr Wnltr Kirffil ^Cflkat,Glog_Club. - OME FIRST. ABROAD HEX ^ROLINA, Wednesday E < V I.J. KROM THE NEAR JiJUKNT (By Mrs. J. P. Caldw.ll) Again comes > the call froai tho Near Orient; again the tiny hands of Christian orphans are lifted in th?t Bible countries; again, across sea* of half a world, flutter the hopes awl ?fears- and piteous prayers ' if help less "*tiH of parentless waifs. There are doubtless somie who, speaking in haate, have said: "I am heartily wearied of this Near East Relief business." Bat if this be true, it was surely the tongue and never the heart which spoke. It. is difficult for the normal human heart to witness suffering, and more than doubly difficult to witness the suffer-, ing of a child. There are today under supervision of North Carolina, gathered under the protection of the American Flag, 2/)84 orphan children. These little ones would starve for want of food, would freeze for want of raiment, were it not for the {pen hearted peo ple of our -great State-. But Christ who lovtti-^hildren, jp still sponsor for| these little ones, so that, no man and ] no woman, unless he or she rejects] the - example and the teachings of Christ, can fail to respond to the cry of the orphans. And so it is that we issue this very earnest appeal to dur churches, to ?our preachcrs, ? to o<5 1 People, to our -men and our women, to all conditions, whether rich or poor, whether white or black, to give of their wealth or out of their penury to t)?ia worthy cause. And we call upon every Sunday School, and every organica- 1 tion, whether jt b? religious or sec ular,, to respond to this apfK&l. And we do further suggest, so that these efforts 1?ay be co-ordinated, that u.j Near East Relief Sunday be appoin ted and be sst aside, on which con gregation? of our churches, the mem bers of our Snnday Schools, and bur people generally, may respond un itedly and individually to the greft LHUitft. , < v It "requires S60.00 to support a child 'for a year. . Over the .great orphanages of Near Em* Relief, .floafta* our flag. Let us rally under tpf folds of that banner to the teach Christ ip behalf of the little ones. Christ is catling, the child ren are waiting, let us lend them hid.' k-j_ : : " * 1 ? ' ? ' ? 1 ? ^ ^ANNOUNCEMENT EPHESUS CLEMENT FIELD Next (Sunday at Clement; devo tional service at 10:45, sermon at 11 o'clock. Let us get a good ready tor our meeting which begins at jtmon next Sunday evening at 7 :30. Rev. C. C. Wheeler of Benson will be thp preacher. He conies to us on Monday night. You are invited i to all of these services. Come! "To bring your child to church is to insure your family against- pag&ir ?8m for a generation." In a conversa tion with a man last week he caid: "I believe it I had stayed away from church I would have one of the" wild est boys in the country/* "Nobody knows the age, of Ihe hu man race but most of us agree that it is old enough to know better."' L. V. COGCINS O MJCLAMATION-RBCITATION CONTEST AT OLIVE HILL H S A DecliniatiOn-Recitation Contest will be held at Olive Hill High School on Friday evening, April 17, at 8 o'clock. Medals will be awarded the , winnere,, The public is -cordially in* I vited. PIANO RECITAL Miss Mary Riley will give a piano recital at Helena High School next j Friday night, April 17th. An' in teresting program has, been preoared and the public is cordially invited. ? : ? > ? -o ? ? SERVICE AT ST. MARKS {- Venahle Morrison Bathea, of Ral i eigh. will rawdmt ??rrlca? at St MfMu' on next Sunday. Preaching at II, A. M.. followed by thef Holy Communion. ^Vreaehuig at .7:30. P. M. You are cprdlally invited. ; - ' ? ? . .. .. f B. F. Keith Vaudeville "The Jar ijtlil ' Aen'iif beauty ?Mtat n>i?r Saturday -Ipril-I'iUi 18th.' :? ?" ?? ? ? -o ' ' _f4ub??nbc for THE? tXWftffiR ? ? ^ ? *tai vening- April 1 5, 1 925. Mr. and Mrs I'D. W. Winboroe of . JCinxton spent Easter hero with Mrs. W Inborn 's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Loy. , - * ? ? e ? j" Miss Mabel Loy of Durham spent the week end hare with her parents. I ? ? ? ? ? j The Rensearch Club held the last meeting at the home of Mrs. W. C. j Bullock. The general topic was . "Expression." The first paper was ' by Mrs. J'. J.' \V instead, who wrote of ; "The fErpressionirtic Ideai." She ' laso had a paper an the play, "From I Morn to Mid-Night," by George Kaiser. Mrs. Burns wrote of the play, "The Hairy Ape," hy Eugene O'Neill. The hostess served a deli | cious salad, course to the member-. I Each one received very cunning Eas ter favors. ? Cor. Sec. Miss Mildred Satterfield delight fully entertained a few friends Sat urday evening honoring Mrs. R. B. Holeman, a recent bride, and Miss Isabel Paykjr. her home guest. Eas- 1 ter suggestions were Med. After several progressions of Boston Rook, Miss Satterfield assisted by !w mother, Mrs. Mollie Satterfimd. served a chicken salad course, coffee - and mints. The Friday Afternoon Pleasure Club met with Mrs. E. M'. Davis at a lovely party Friday afternoon. Seven tables were placed for the game of "Boston, Rook and many in teresting progressions were played. The home was very attractive with bright Spring flowers arranged through out the rooms.- ' The hostess served a delicious salad course, cof fee with whipped cream and straw berry short cake. I SCHOOL BUS GOES INTO THE BITCH On Monday evening, April 6th. one I of the school bosses of the Helena ' High School, driven by a young man ? by the name of Clayton, went over the bank into a ditch. It was loaded with children, but fortunately, none of them were seriously hurt. The bus was damaged somewhat, but was able to proceed on its own power when placed back on the road MOVED TO k ERN ERSV ILI.E Mr. J, $. Hailey arid family have moved to . Kf i nersville, N. (*., where Mr. Hailey is en^a^ed on a street contracts vErr CHURCH N'OTICF. Mr. J*. Burton Satterfield, the Supt. would like for the whole Sunday School to be on time at Concord next Sunday lOiOO A. M. Everybody in Iris-place. ? Easter-^rmon-- at 41:00 Appropriate music. ? < .' Sunday School at Lea's Chapel 2 P. >f., W^. R. Wilkerson. Supt. Preaching at 3 P. M. All are wel come. THE PASTOR . - ? ? ? WINN? RAGSD ALE Married at Mr. John A. Paylor's on Reams Ave. Mr. Columbus E. i Winn, and Mis* Annie Virginia Raffs- j dale, both of Kenbridjre, Va., Tues-' day afternoon at 4:4T?, Rev. J, W. Bradley officiating. Only a tew f fiends were present. LIST TAKERS FOR 192:. The following list takers- were ap-v pointed by the Board of County Com missioners at their called meetifijr last Thursday: J. T. Newton, supervisor. # Bushy Fork, W. C. Lawson, Cunningham: Geo. L. Cunningham. Flat River: D: R; Rhew. llolloways: L. P. Woody. L m - - * * t A . - - 1 - _ . . . Mt. Tirxaitr ,i. A. rogteman.- ? (Hive Harrcr Tr Boyd. r: :zr: Roxboro: J. S. aM G.' W. W?lk?r. Woadsdalt-: O: H: Brooks. - Contetfos and- their tfondorfut "trained ('arnnc, wiui ? 1'he BarloW Pa l?<*- Theatre, Frtdwjrund Satur day Ayil 17tlt 18. . . ? p - ' Wake for^t (Hey cihJb Or ^ chfstTa,^ Friday April 24th-, SchoeV The tine allotted by the c Board of - Health for the Clinic* for this ?th. Dr. Sheffield ha* done a gre ? work for the children of tRe-Coon ty, and we ran only wish that he hacl had more time, so thj?t he could kft?e gone over-the entire, bounty. Daring: the two months the following work was done: K Children treated 989. Amalgiim .Fillings '776. Silver nitrate treatments 211.' Teeth extracted (deciduous) 538. Children referred to private Den tist* for further wv>rk 223. lectures on Oral Hygiene 32. Attendance at lectures 1795. ?Cost of work if done in private office *3299.00 In closing the work in. Person Coon ty 1 want to thank all who ha*? helped to make my stay here pleas ant and the Clinics a success. N. SHEFFIELD, D. D. S., State Dentist WAKE FOREST OLHJE r CLUB FRIDAY EVENING We are glad to learn hat the Waks Forest Glee Club and Orchestra will give a concert in the School Audi torium on Friday evening, April SC. .The organization always present* ? most attractive and entertaining pro grame and any one who attends the concert may expect a real trest. There are twenty .-eight young men competing the membership of the club. The concert will be given un der the auspices of the Junior Glass of the High School. Come out and enjoy the best musical programe of the year. . RECORD SIZE STILL CJkFTUI Sheriff Brooks. a .-comphnicd b y deputies fClayton. Oliver -arid Gan try, early Tuesday morning captured oue of the biggest stills ever seen in these parts. Tie stffl was lo cated a Sow miles -irnth of Moor's Mill in the southern end of the Coitn ty, and was prepared to do business on a big scale. A smaller still also was taken at the same time. The of ficers captured a white man named Cothran, after being, chased for more than a mile by Mr.- Clayton. One thousand gallons of beer and fivr gallons of liquor Were seized and will be -poured out. *' ? . .. ? : O - ; IMWWTANT NOTICE Again, for the three hundred *ndj ~ seventeenth time, we want to say to our corrcspondnts and all others who have copy they want to pet ux these columns," that we POSITIVELY WILL NOT accept any copy which is not handed in before 12 o'clock Tuesday tttovn inif. We are going to stand by this rale, even- if wo have to makfi somtf". of our ' most valued friends, hntgpyc Sot no matter whether you a^re mil lionaire or pauper, this rule holds. Of course, if. some happening: occurs after the above named hours, an ex ception will be made, but not other wise. ' . , . J. W. NOELU Editor. SERVICES AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. P. Carey Adams, pastor of the Presbyterian Chute h', will hold services next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and at 7:30 P. M. The pub lic is cordially invited to these ser vices.- ?*' ' ? with "Tb? BwleW' at - Krida'y and Saturday April 17th. 1 8 1 h v ' r-^ orch^atrn wftjf IW7 .AVaku-Tmun Clu|?. ? : .