NOTHRU NEW; i i rhich ^ha? ext door <j ad his op#n?h|?. ti joei has ' wW. "r^X ertie*. or singly at all' times and'' iviaiyV^ a *?*?*<. ?nt?W)ST ome and ?eo how ?fft MJf-Pff: , - ^ to serve too. V"*Q" ;?* LV13TW A JfAUflH Attend the concert of the- Wakt^ _j 1>w>| (ifr" Vou yill in- moif-' ? iIaW nlinmili Ynw ivill hn^delijrhteflj I'fufctfKK? M Rale'gh, April 21? ^Directing its *"* ?* ' Criticism at the finance do- 1 at of the Trl -State Tobacco association and statin ft -hat the occasional charging off of lufop sum* '"open an avenue for petty graft and irregularitie*." tile - eport of tthe investigating commit -jb$ appointed by the boand of dTrec. --ors of the association, .attributes h<: evils of the organization tl m ?fftcicncy find the lack of best udgment in the hurried orpflniza -ion of the association. (In commenting on the financial lepartmcnt the, investigators assert ?J*v there has beet) no discrim na tion in the selection of financial igfUUes and - that no pxce-i:w in- j r?*im -over "st* ? pei uenL - T>ort been .traft The expanse "This place cm; tnd organixa1 ?he association1 """and it seems fl ? o place duo c i>e rship morale, o cense the most si any cooperative, rf .ity.of.mcreasm^-ths conduct Tlbri 1$ purely cl>usineBS The committee reported th8 ver J. Sands, executive mail :iad reduced hij own jajary twic^ v.?. >t <?harnet?>rW?/< n? "wiM rumors re ;>orn^pMMMi9 '??ation of high-powered automobiles. The association operates "fldly one ojf*THltt*FnTr-he~i wHe?t W?J." ?si e investigators said. ? The association dhhfcttf "too muclv -i |rehO])?i tspatey thefromfnicteo de 4 ?redv bttTjtiny of $e unnafevary t srebouses were: rented. ' TTrT' TTle i lole they a*eiwtirth what wa * pa:d ?f r them, tire TflepiA' t ough in a few instances they ij ijtJrt have been too high." In coni nting on the . the committed* fcaHc8*'!a?cA- ' to the fatt that in eastern Cimlina - not -dv>r 20. per . contracted-" t^fco^^d; <bje*| ? ed in any one year. I unfec-aUjcatMh *"? fmpid the <fx? tases of - tlfc.. legal* dpp%rtmer.t fat t i "extremely lieavy^ 'iiito ^s^ie sSK ; 5 Ses and- tit s. too liberal*-, hut dw 0 ?red that the, eommittee,'s. finding: c d not Substantiate* the otiarpin .Of 1 [aft and fH-owe'utjou. ajf aroall grow-; 4 ? only. . . .. ??'??' ' 1 i ,In 1922, the cost in salarie*,* labor t lid travelling expenses for hand ling. 100 pounds of tobacco "was ft.20, whil? in 1923 this ..was. brought iown- to 97 celjts. accord ii^ t^; the *pport, CANDIDATES NAMED The mats meeting which . was held in-, the court house last night for , the purpose of naming candi dates for the various town Offices, was fairly, well attended, and named the following <"?ndid?V?: ? if pr nmyor, R. P. Burns: town commissioners, E. EL Bradsher, O. of the board at icdy Supreme." XCj\ <??minjr to SCHOOL NOTES ^ InlnJ Ivfve asked that we have a -county summer school, this year ?we' haVe ' tlerfiifcd ' hawe one .be ginning oO- um' s3 as jo allow 'those who' wisfi t o have ?if opportunity -flfc'iaKiendiiig another fii\^..dui;ii)i; this summer. _ ?So, 4cS fersf' IjtAtr *' white arid, colored, svho demie iff aii'Miii these sqhooiR \?pll "please notify me as Jl^ii ?s yAa - *4e "tHfs Notice! We must have ;ot l^ast 85. in each school in attendance to get three instrpCj. tors, which the States requires. jfc ?AIRS. J. A BEAM y?) i W AKKICK S NlOVhS^^C^V^ Mr. -and Mrs. V. F. Warrick and two childrerv rleft Monday fori Gary. N. C., whete^ titty wra^ifraloF * fhteif home. Th^y ,bav^ - Jw^il on Academy Street ^Tor the past year more mfr' fJBflPft ^ tat* them a# citizens and neijfhbprs. Mr si. Warrwk U - at ?im&p .gifted mart, Ther Courier having ^ia<V the pleasure or- p&lisnW^i ^romb^f' of poem?4 .ancl also an active worfc; n church 'imAr*. 7 '? .FOB BALIS ? | - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . . y ?? rand* m County Inst- yew -8*? ? . ? - ? oivsng ?t:yi/in-jj63t9ik't~ 3HT r( I % ? - V .. 1 Kl?* Building Funds." By Baxter Wad Special Music ? (Part 5 "(Importance of a Gift fMnck" By Miss Orphin AJlgood. ftart 6 "What Hope for the Ifamov lets Church." By Miss Blvins 'Wtrfi stead . - ? Part 7 "Help the Weak Bear their Burdens." By Miss Roxana Yancey. are young mina ti the Itw his ape and have been very ! done much con will pro out with th^town. Mayor Hattie Burch and Mr. ad refused to allow their presented to the nieet isent^d to ^he nsicaL nd, oh)m di f/4 the Palace Theatre .Thursday, Kri 1^5'ISratWltiV,1 wth. May 'QuKlka and hi3 day an t!InkSfeJ,#^^n A come tnes and 's favor aSiffcave September, but A t lata. tried to get since HBVU uuvm been ??uicceefu^ MM nffnr lit "?Vinnv" Candler pnd his "BROADWAY FOLLIES" for your approval- -thg._South's best otfaediaa luid thff Sfbuth's biggest ifcow. . A .slolv o(J" Ifcjauty fcifi Metal Merit. ? H*s~ been irtspected? fey-4h? management of this Thegtre. >?.. mu% p.4!fac4i- tA k ATftri A mm to May UU "Edgar U?g Memorial Churrt, I C As a continuation^ 6fr the program ? of leadership training so successful 1'ljr promoted last year, there will ,b? ! held in Lvg Memorial . Methodist phurch; Roxbmv April 26 ? Way 1, a Standard iramifyr School for the Sunday school und church leaders ol Roxboro and vicinity, with tfiv? capable instructors offering: stan. "fte first session of the school wij| be tSfcld Sunday evening, beginn'na praajptly at, 7?0-<?*jAcfe: ?he schDoj Iea2 coyitie eacjx . evening. Class wortj will begin Sunday evening, and all who expect to attend the school ari | rK^etci to be,. present- for the :ip?j ' nidi - session. r" Beginning Sunday, evening \ coi^numg through Friday evew the^Jjolk>winftr-schedule>^iriU be | taiaiM: ?:30 to S:20? iFirit, C|a?a PerjodS I ship! an?;bnly ortp. Enjrfll with .the en6 roujftent oommittee nii1 iior onfi course and stay with it throughout th?*#cbool. Do not visit frtm cln? to Vclaa*. {?? ladfncripunqte vjsltia| \|ij iilo you but little good and ,ma interfere with th? wort of ~;?n3 who ~ to* 8?40? Intermission, . Worf to attend* tho ?ia??i anff^-receive alt the * hi-lp possib! frMii the instruction. ' ' Certificates of credit on tha Staiy datir graining C?u rse anil* be dwa? de#-to- those amending 'r^rtldrtj nnj^ en? of .the cjurscs asU'doipg Sjjt sr fa??j?rily the iwork assigned bjj- ,tl irw,\ructor, 'Pupilfi QXpec^ing cred equally providential cause the (Facul ty may, bjr unanimous vote, fi{>on TJurrwspttoir ii><? day of thd seventeen from the pupil giving specific rea-i $jp\ } for absence, excua^ Xfdu, two) ;c|Uf} pctltJr.A ?ipvided jfrther^ o&oi?e^inaJI be (grafted fW absence on Hie* last i.?w- jii-rnvv^r , years oT ^ (mleSr a graduate ""from a hijrh school, is eligible ftfn credit. J t*?x v / ~ ON Vj Rl)II.DIN(j i* casually -W. Kane, the <5on fiki s vfould begin t< He I new school build jki ^surprise and in js car and inds. Imagin found tha ^Tomplete \fork, wa He Hfl&s the jo 111 be completed in ample time fd the opening in the fall and Hoxbor wilk-jjiep |hayj>-y h:prh school built I inpCS^Mkefcnifp fcith the town. No* if the people of the County will onl ^-ijpppC'Joa. making it* a Cotmty-wi< ? proposition,' tsrU UA4 ? ^ ' WELCOME VISITOR 1? ? ^biMH A JVfcflT.' S% Djxon.ione of the bev pnSfrwM' has [eft the "fcbtmty, no ? jowkin^'rhis hbme .in Nfebpnc, favo '? ed us with, a. call " yeaWrday. M ' rii??tv M ryef ,-Wch with hfe new home ? an h^ should be, but I r h? B nftf lire* "> ' friends n t KiuOuio and w#W'.f?U- a.-?tromc B I trajorolk nx, ^n'trtfKfd i#r9WTA AT OMVB HILL H. I II ;6 1-|- ' frw&rE-AT.;! (be rhrtrtrm of the Prim??y-Dap?iJt merit of Olive Hill High JJchool -Thursday, night, ? A ma I :10th /sT ? ^iTcon^' a i \y llT Regular .communi cation Prajr SuOii Utdflfr- Iw i?n rtf niiurrm . , W.- W. WOJiREnts. W, M. MAY DAY FESTJVAt Thr Primary grades of ffetena flfljjh-Schpbl will present a May Way (Festival on fh<? -oat dior stage of ^Teiena -ftigfi' Sehool-May tha firsi at rtvt-*hfrty,. P. M. Mother Goo?e \f?!! be t&ere^ .Facie and Jill will be _there? und maybe Humpty-Dumpty. ?Til ere w'.ll he no' adfnlssioh charged and. j*:c extend a cordial "invitation to all to attend.--. . COURT week. Of. : ?; . ? " ? V - |CoOrt is in session this week with Judge Calvert on thp bench aad Mflj \ McLendon prosecuting:"' There' ia nothing of note Tb cema before the (Ibart thiit week, >he' 'majority "of Cases, and they are numbroui, : are for blockading nnd "bootloKging. We [ wiW give -a full Report in" our Jiost K*fac; .:!?? r' THE REVIVAL AT J A LONG We are to begin a revival at Ja long on May 10th, 1925. The ?Steward - GoodchiH .? Evangelistic Party* of Rurlinjrton, will have th$ ravlval in hand: It it to- bo conducted in' the school buildi*ur. instead-. c4 the chiiroh The public is ^cordially jn vited. Remember the ,l?te, the place aad ? remember t? he in pfaywj THE PAOTOIL . ?PBPi~AU .vi*nm? V\ Master JUuuu cnr 4l*tty?..l??l>Mr <ivsr Thia under the _ ?* < n? will not only be highly by the musical treat in rtore or herself but will also out materially the J<ln a?s in a certain aim it his. csneert itself will consist of jjrofrrani consisting of al every kind of music, almost all however of the papular, if not r jasty type. A chorus of twenty T male voice* will render .many of old songs and some of the new "* whi<;h you have not heard, be The ten piece orchestra will ;ertain with *everil numbers, will also be sole parts of var kinds, not to. mention thy quar > doubt Hoxboro people remeni * with great pleasure the concert en' in Roxboro by this organiza i in the spring of 1920 and its de "ully high quality: The prees . over the state show same kinQ of a concert may be oi\ Friday evening. ? ? \/ GROUND PROPERTY \J |-: ?? SOLD WBLL he Pep an County Pair Aaeocia may.. well congratulate themsel . upon' having suoh capable men Mess. C. II. Hunter and R P. na to handle their affairs. Par | put " Arvertal years these men \ been In charge of the fair, but year they decided to sell the nit and liquWn^c. The prop sold at auction A on last Friday brought the splendid sum \ of three hundred dpllars. It waa t property and our people Mr- fait V in the town by _at a tfoo.!'..-!-, t - ? o? ' W. M, S. of ALLENSVILLE CHURCH - r" ?"?; aivt ?'i " . "Aie Missionary- Society of Aliens - ' villo Church met Sunday, April Stb, M925. The following officers were ^installed by the pastor,, Rev.B. T. ^Hurley: Mrs. A. C, Allen, President; Mrs. Ed Gentry, Treas; Miss Nannie Hpentry, Recording- Seo.; ? Mrs. Nor man ' Street, Corresponding Sec.; There are?15 menjJbcrs on the roll, with prospets of- others. We feel very much encouraged and trust we may accomplish much good. ? Cor. [s&rr ? ? I AND SUNDAY For All Svaday School Workers Of All Deaomiaatons. T. B. Dari* Prea., O. B. t'rowell. See. The Person County. Srinday School Convention' w& meet with Concord ' Methodist Church on Saturdayand'| Sunday, April 25th and* 28th. Mr.! D. W. Sims and Miss Daisy Manet, of Ralci?rh, will be in charge. Din ner will be servt^ on the grounds on Saturday and every one is in vited tA' bring a basket. The follow in* program ha* been prepared: SATURDAY HORNING April 25 10:30 ? Devotional. Rev. J. W. Brad ley. ' 10>4i ? A Three -fold Aim of Reli gious' Education. Miss Daisy Ma- 1 See, Raleigh, Children's Di^tsi(>nj Superintendent North Carolina Sun?* r'nv School Association. f 11:1^? Period of Business: yReports of County and Township ^>ffk*rs. Record of Attendance. Iia5? (Sonpt. 11:10 ? Meeting Three of the Sun day School's Greatest Needs. Mr. D. W. Sims, Raleigh, General Super intendent North Carolina Sunday School Association. 18:10? Announcements. 12fl6 ? Adjourn. j. ' Qinner on the Ground. Come and bring a basket. 8ATURDAY AFTERNOON, A*rll 25 ? Devotional. Rev. B. T. Hur ley-. ?i. r^-i i 2:ho? JThe Jesus Way of Teaching. 1 Mr.s Daisy Magee. , 2:45 ? Sort*. 2:50? Bait that catch** and Holds; I ?nd Wpmen v .in the Sunday . ! School? Sir. ft; W: fiim* ii:26? Question and Discussion Wr i?4, Everybody requested to take part. ' 3:55-^"AnnounccmenU. 4:00? Adjourn. SUNDAY" MORNING. April 26 10i30 Devotiodal. Rev. J. A. Beam, R<;xboro. ' 10:45? Worship in the Sunday School. Miss Daisy Magee. 11 415? Period of Business: ?Report of Committees, and Elec tion of Officers. Record of Attendance. 1 1:35? Sing. . Il:40r? Cooperation. Mr. D. W. S:ms. 12US? Offering for Support of the North. Carolina Sunday School Asspr ciation;' ? : ? ? , . . f2!80 ? Presentation 'of Attendance PenAktot.' J ,Adjoprn'? bethel hill VviNs |t ' FIRST BASEBALL G AJlEj j The Bethel Hilt Yellow Jacket" playfcd*- a cfc>se and excrtinpr Friday on the Bushy. Fok dfca-' | }i\oiu\ . The Bushy Fork boys star tpd. with ,a. trood lead and most of I spectator* thoiifcht they had the I gttme sewed up but the VeHpw Jaek ^ eta havrn* that never pfive up :\pir4? came 'back' strong: in the ninth m I ntjif? and wtin 16 the time *of f Mir r teen to ten. The features of the* | W^re the hitting' of Clay tori , for Bushy ,Fork and the star catefv j in ? center by Joynecof Bethel (flu j frv the ninth - inning. Bushy tfWk pMy Bethel *Hfli on Bethel':-, j tVa'mond Friday * afternoon April . 24. CptlNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION I ffhe bounty Sunday School Con vention will meet* with the Concord Church Saturday arid Sun/Jliy. EHrr--j ner Saturday. Preaching al 11 A. iM. At Oak Geove also Raster ox frfVrwM. IVettcfciinjj at. 'Wood^daio it'3*P. ^_^Ptease be on time for -Junday School at Oak (irove at TtT 1>L THE PASTOR. _l > FOR RUN I? the month, A. R.j \ijwt ' place, ? dewirabluj teriAnt befrfnninfc 'Hay Apply at] nnre. W fa . - ? Durham, N. CJ Hps and a five coors^ luncheon served to the following guests: 2 dame* A. M. Bams, T. W. Hef ?on, A. S. deVlaming, J. W. K H. W. and l>. J. Winstead, L. Carlton. R J. Tengue, E. M. Di & V. Boetwright and W a. CI t*. ' r ? All friends and patrons of the school aVe . v;<#rdiaHy tn*it?i\ to at tend the Mtisic Recital pivon by the pupil's of M iss Gladys Beam at Bethel Hill on next "T^esdii? nine at Bethel Hill, bejgiiiftiitg at' 8 .. ' ? ~ ? O- ? r ? Prices for the Wake Forest ( Heft C'lfb concept? Adults 75c, children 50c. no reserved .seats. 1 MRS. LONG IMPROVING - Mrs. W. F. Long, who underwent an operation at Watts hospital last Saturday uhad?a-"Sei^v ^jrf?sful op eration ?nd is improving rapjdbj. Hear tltp quartet with the Wake Forest Glse Club on Friday evening. ? ?. ? ? ? ? i v ? < ; ,-'V. dn Thursday afternoon Mrs. V. R. Clary Jar., entertained in honor of Miss Lucile Pass of Asheville her house guest and Mrs. Robert Yaa- _ eey of SaUabur/c gue.sV of Mrs. W, I'. Wutkins. Boston Rook was the game 'of' the aiternoon mid many progreso'ens were enjoyed. The hut ex' eerv'ed a dlightful aalad coam - with ice tea". Dainty jonquil baskets filled with salted almonds and raiot* were given the guests. Attractive visitor prixes were given. ? a Mrs. W. S. Clary Jr., was haateaa Friday afternoon In honor of Mm Lucile Pass t>t Asheville. and also entertained the Bridge Club. H?? tables were arranged lor the guto Mrs. Clary served a , delicious salad course with hot t'fta-' Lovely yellow jonquil baskets filled with ra'-nts we?e giyen as favors. ? ? ?t ? - Jltar the happy boys sing the oM ?ongs on Friday cwiisf ? School auditorium at eight o'clock. ? ? *- ? . ; ' ... i WHERE THE ' AD" l?AYJS AN? WHERE IT OOESXT ^ One step wop't tak^ you fair. You've got. U> keep en walking. One word won't tell folk who ?u aT*? !?' ? ' War ? You've got to ksep on talking. Ons inch won't make _?0U very taB, You've got .to keep" ~6"n.* jffo wing. YodVe got to keep them going., """ Because . A constant drop of water! wear* away the hardest stone The constant gnawing towser inasSi j > cates the toughest bone. . The constant cooing lovex carries off the blushing maid. And the constant advertiser is the one that gets the trade. ? -o ? 1 A peach of an orchestral That's the one with the Wake Forest' Glee Club. '" ' ?>?: ' PUPILS' RBCITAL AT BETHEL HILL. HIGH SCHOOL fpr THE tfoURIBR ?

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