frout |t?s?* u ?.?If In ilie Oulf ?f Mexico, a MHlle r i m i>i no wider ttmn ? vHI*se ?treet txrv*# ??-?}? troiM Hie mniu "pu?o." ^,?..11* ii'M h .wo ar? tiny bindings, ! *?d buck ojf each tliere Is a cottage, 'i'be cottages arid took account of stock. "You can count them for yourself," she said. "They are all here." Peculiar "Dark. Day" Never Yet Explained The "dork day" is so rolled on ac count of a remarkable darkness on thnt day. May 10. 1780, extending all j over the New i:ngl(ind slates. In some place* people could not see to read common print, in the open dlr for sev eral hcurs together, says the Spring Held Republican. Birds sang their evening song, disappeared and became ? ilent. fowls went to roost, cattle nought the bsrn.rsrd?jmd candies were lighted In the houseC As to* the explanation of this phe nomenon , scientists have been much imsBJed. it was plain, from the fall ing of the barometer, thnt the nlrwas MiT^iarged with heavy vapor. The * arkness then, it might he said, was ?nly the result of a dense fog, but the question of tl?e cause of so re markable a fog was still unanswered. Uite Area may have prevailed thai sirring in the forests of northern Now York and Pennsylvania? a . region nt rViat:tlme an absolute wilderness? the ? moke from which was borne through the upper regions of the atmosphere, to tall." when It came to a locality of less buoyant air, down to the lower ???rata. While it Is stated that these i' res might have recently preceded this i.ay and served as its snflkjlent cause, there Is only presu mpllve evidence :hst they dhl occur. Horse-Racing Old Sport Horse-racing' was known In England In very early times. FitxStephen. In the' days -of Henry IT, the flr*i IMan t:igenet. mentions the delight taken by the citizens .of London In this diver* *h>n. In the reign of .Tames I of ' Eng land and .VI of Scotland, the first king to reign over both kingdoms, the cele brated race courses were Oovdon in the Smith and (.arterly In the North. Near York there were races, ami the prize was a Utile golden bell. In the later part of the retprn of Charles -T races Wf ie i !tu 1M i I .vile | *. k, l.ondon. 1 'harles II patronized these races, and instead. ?>f beHinis prixe* he gavjp a silver, bowl, or cuj* King William III dded to the plates as did Queen \nne, > nd William established so academy for the teaching of riding. Humorous Terrier An anltbai with a decided sentd of Junior is the fox-terrter belonging to MhwT HuglTl of Thoriiahy-on^'lYe*, .En*' land. A visitor staying In the hou?<* onsldered that the dog was too. well fed and Insisted- on liU eating up all the ciuatt that were left over. The dog waft not n't all pleased witji this nnd ?wvl to liltlc tin* crusts. The vis itor left, Imt relumed some weeks later. -The moment the dog saw her, Me dashed off and returned with a very large and very state trust, which he l?!d at tlo- visitor's feet. Then Urn' looked m?, as much ?s to say: "Well, what ahont U?" Illusion Shattered A young mini who Imagined he had a fine tenor voice attended service at. a church and In the reapgpses gave rather too fre? vent to Ida feelings. In the midst of one sup?0> ejacula tion lie Was suddenly brmT?hi_Jo a standstill by the verger, who, tapping him on the shoulder, said, In a ?whls pef lond enough to be heard all i?ver the church : "fie w?. yoking fellow, foe* Id this I noUas'we^-piiy men to do that here/ \ Human " Quarter Horses" A "quarter home" 1s a .term applied to ao> individual who can make spec lacuUr records. but canngt he relied upon for -a good, xteady pace hi- jIUa W^ortftMrtas. The t^rni w?a orlgln . .Ilr ..n Hii* nw* rnliroy meaning a horse In n race who was capat^t uf terrlffc speed foe a short distance, mcft ? iBprone-ftfiarte'r. of a mUe, ^nd who ended- the .uhor thr^-t|>?artera of thi mile At greatly reoureu upeert: Of Much More Interest ... WIl^Treiityiffl^taiWfp tfi'lesi ? Mfits ? <"aa omltiply*"*he aouad of- tU4 l-un-uri voice 12.000 time* - Hnahnnd Ohuughtlessly) ? What hir# theyiloiie In rhw way of subtrac tion*- Stray ^toriea. / Hfcfli TTocT issr oi . pj. wry miiN c paci: TfetCss*. uf kllbiP L ??!?*? !i\#v MooJr &i bit* 'I Mill uW Chlcu*. . Ti'.XY ? Kx*tt jr# mJ ai the 1- rd pu.r Uatl the I.ord our Q?4 HI* holy hill . for la holy. ? Fa. ??.). A'i BP iU tlod . la may be summed j w?*>rd When the | - Psalmist vord* of fhla text that "the Lord our as lis ultimate object ? "to lie I coil f. u ii) etl to- t he Image of His Son." This im-.iiiN hollue** for us. Accord nj to || 1'eter 1:4, we have bean made "partakers of t.!?.e dlvjpe natnre,' \bU*h I.h a holy nature. As the latf Dr. A. TV l*ler.f jmlg ment Is .that of condemnation.. ^The Judgment luiist full somewhere? where shall It fall? The Htlde is very clear in this matter. Ifs_un?*ver la -The Lord Ittld on Hltn the lnii|uity of us all," "fof the trnn*gn**sion of my peo ple was He stricken" ?? i'Hi- made lllio 1 lu be sin for us \Ylio- knew ny ,itu! ?Vo w-ouder that the n^geil apostle look ^?rTijc n [ ^TT7 ?? Croaa of Calvary from a standpoint M deep sjeiritiui! experience aud with the pen of Inspiration writes, ??Herein Is love, "not that wa love God. but that He loved us and sent His Son- to lie the, "propitiation for onr sins.' (iod. who Is holy, cannot lis j i ip.d about sinners. When Ills j holiness' r.imlned. His love provided I ...II riiri"' 'O he S nronltla thin, to 'Ici-lare. His rigtitcousncss Hi? redeemiiiK us from sin. Xhn Inflrilte love of-C?d provides sn Inflnlte sac ritli* that through It we uticht be dfr livprmf from l He penally 115.1 pimar ul s!n and /be nmil* i^M-iaksrS ot_ Ills - ? Hia Ckurch . H yi >r 'jin?? mH-iiHswesieil . la IIU ?loiia h: linfr can- >1111 aM"ei-l t? --iiweriMU'd tn . -Tr*s5#t0ait ? - . . FOI.'hY OF tRKMtASSERS CAUSE OP 13# DEATHS -ON - SOliTJ^EHN I? J . Atlaiiita, Ga., Apr'J 21 ? The tol? ty of trespassing on rati way prop. ?rty, a practice to which tho Ameri can public is still addicted, is -trik ngly brought out by figures just made public by the Southern Rail way System'* Safety Department, showing that 130 persons were Willed and 174 dnjured while trespas sing on-, the tracks and trains of the Southern during 1924. The casualties among trespassers were divided as follows: While walking on tracks 90 per sons were -killed and 72 njured; 37 were killed . and 97 j injured while Bleating rides or hopping trains; and three were killed and five in jured in miscellaneous accidents. On all the railways of the United State* 2,621 trespassers were ^ killed and 3,129 injured during 1924. "A dlstressirfg circumstance in I connection with casualties to tresv passers cn railway property is that such n large proportion of the. k' lied and injured are scho:l children and useful cititens who, despite all warnings, insist on using railway tracks us walkways," says a state ment issued by the Southern. NORTH CAROLINA I'ERSON COUNTY Having quatifiied as executor of the estate of A. R. Fouahee, de ceased, late of Person County, North Carolina, this is. to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Roxbotv), North Caro lina, on or before the 25 day of March, 1926, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 23i'4 day of March, 1925. j . W. I.. Foushee, Executor Adtlfess V. O. Box 272, Koxboro, X^C. EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executors of the estate of the late S. C. Humph ries of Person County', North Caro lina, this is to notify all person* hold ing claims against the estate to pre sent same to the undersigned on or before the 30th day . of March, 1926, "br this notice * will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AlTpersohs owing: said estate will please make imme diate payment'. ? * 4 This March 30th, 1923; V . Humphries, h. I^. BaHey, . - Executors. IN THE SUPERIOR t'OL'RT NORTH CAROLINA," PERSON COUNTY. ; Namer Keally, vs. Sydie Keally. ... NtStice of. Summons- . | The. defendant above named .will take, notiFe that- ah action entitled as above has been commenced in the" Superior Court of Person County to obtain an absolute 'divorce on the grounds of se-partatiou ; that said defendant will,fuiher take notice that she is required to appear before the ; undersigned Clerk of ? the Superior /Court of said County at his office in the Court house in Roxboro, North Carolina, on Thursday, April 30, 1925, . and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action within twenty days from that day, or the plain ?iff will apply to the Court for tht fSliFf flerrtiinded ? m ? said ? comptnrnt. This the 26th day of March, 1925 D. W. B.RADSHER, Clerk of Super'or Court. SALE OP LAM) NORTH CAROLINA, ? ! PERSON COUTY. Under and by virtue of the powers j contained in that deed of trust ex ecuted to the undersigned on Decem ber 26th, 1921, by W. J. Jones, and recorded in the Office of Register of I Deeds of Person County in Book Ns. i 4, at page 401, default having been made in the- payment of 'the note I sejrured thereby, and upon request of the holder thereof I ? will as Trus tee on Monday, April 27, 1923. at twelve o'clock N??n afth# Court house door in Roxboro sell to the highest bidder at public auction for | cash the following described tract of | land, to-wit: * ----- .j , Lying and being in Cunningham ' Township, Bodifded on the North by tne puDiic road leading trom Koxboro Mlluui; ?n Hip gust liy tlw Htunmw McGee tract (now. Mrs. Phifev;) oir the SoBth by Hjteo River and on the West by the lands of Mrs-. Lelia Jones and Jack's Hill Road, containing 288 acres more or less, and being the TtSnWTnhce M Ore.siM W. JrJfttM. Her du d fssm Mrs. VSrgmtn R. Wat 18. 1MHW 5g9y Regf?ter's Office ? of firw; I ouaty,. = _ TOa Marih 2Cth7 1925 L. M. CARLTON'. T^u-^ec.i ' " i ' '. ' ''?I *-T? Gertrude Duel of Newi York is shown wearing a liand-decorated "sweat" shirt ? a fail started by college track men. Wt girls have taken up the iiiesf with 'enthusiasm and now itsajlthe-i rage. Comics are hand tlic shirts with plain india ink. jflftiiaiftfliMg Frequent g Bilious Attacks * "I suffered with- serere bill- m out attacks that came on two or three Mmrs each month," 5 ?ar? Mr. J. P. Nevlns. of ' bawrenceburg, Ky. "I would IP S(t naufceated. I wonld hare dizziness and couldn't work. ^ I would take pills until 1 was worn-out with then, t didn't seem * to get relief. "A neighbor told me of IV BLACK-DRAUGHT ? Uver Medicine ? and I began Its use. I nerer hare found" so much relief as It I?ie m*. I would not be'wltlufut It for anything. It. seemed .to cleanse my whole system and made me feel like .new. I . would take a few dn0i*s ? get rid of the tails' and Sare my usual ? clear head, feel full of pep. and could do twins the work." Bilious attacks are "sea sonal" with many . people. Millions have taken Thsd ford's Blaek-Draught to ward " off such attacks, and the good results they hare reported should Induce you to try It. All DnMiBts iri'iS UAPPINE5S ? ? deperds on houl you fceli If you do not fee! food, full of pep and tho joy of living ?nine times out of ten it's your livor. CHAMBERLAIN'S , TABLETS Act without making you sick. Take two tonight. Feel good m the morn ing. Get a package, only 25 centi. Sold everywhere For Sale By NEWTON DRUG COM^VNY. The garden- is uo longer a play thing but a very valuable aid in pro ducing the food supply of a farm, say horticultural workers of St#te College Young chicks are kilted by kind i ies? when they are fed be/ore 46 hours after hatching. Nature ha.' provided that they live on the yofti of "the egg during this time. WtnineAday* April 22 1J>26. Hall's U a Comtihri Treatment, bota local and internal and has been tucoaa*> lul in the treatment of Catarrh for o*et forty years. Sold by all druggist*. : ? F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Oifa Uorit Borrow yourNrighWs paper OwnporOmi! Feb. 22, 1025. a. m.lp. m. Iv.DurhiAn ar." 1:00, '8:30 * ui.ip. in. a. m.ip. m. 8:16?:80 lv Roxhoro ar.ll:48j 7:li) S:45;6:50 lv :19! 6:60 0:05.7:13 Iv.S. Boa ton ar.ll:?M> 6:30 9:19j7:27 lv. Halifax ar.l0:47i 0:l.r> 11:36.9:45 ar. Lvnchg. lv. 8:35' 4:00 * Above trains daily. Connections at Lynchburg for Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. Parlor and sleeping cart dining :an. The beat route to the west attd northwest. Rates and information ?lpon application to a rent, or W. C. SAUNDERS, . General Pat... Agent Roanoke. Va. This It's the logical thing to do ' ? to buy your ?Used Ford Car from Your Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer . ^ JC W hich Road W ill You T ake? Every Man Must Make That Decision Some Time In Life THIS ROAD THIS ROAD Leads mostly Down-Hill and the go ing is easy. All that is necessary is to slide. Carelessness and negligence are the sign-posts and it comes to an end in the Desert of Despair and Want, unless we have prepared for it along the way. Is Rough and Rocky and one finds; many Difficulties and Obstacles bar ring his way. Mafty of these seem at times almost insurmountable but it leads ever upward toward a land that flows with Milk and Honey where needs are satisfied and ambitions re alized. OR Opening an Account at this Bank may be the turning point. We are serving those who take life se riously. r UNDER^GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION GUARANTEEING ~ ? SAFETY WITH SERVICE --j NATIONAL BANK "THE FMEKM.Y BUNK" _ , . j