fXGH FOUR ^HEfgOPRlER IB' ildofl. Editor. *91*. Wednesday EveclAE IPTION TERMS. yesr, 71 cent* for 6 for ,3 month*-i-?feh'ia A* Jfiriswi boAiinrf tto BJitor-i* io no wmy am ritm expressed by Advertising Rates: ^ Display ads, 35 Cents per" Inelr! ~ Beading Notices, 10 jf<^pJp?yTlipe-; ^ | F- or-irn A-lvrr * -lnf ?npm*cht*t1v* ^7 ' flHE^Mia^lCA^P^ESS ASSOCIATION ?4ieir cotton NOW, thus giving It ample tame to fully fruit, they will lMllkalt to harvest a full crop. Of -oaarae, Hume of .us can . tell what the waather conditions are going to be, bat that is always a gamble with to farmer and we are counti v V ou normal conditions. VA? know some of those who plaiv tat cotton last year wtkMMIh <i(s a*?nted, lost money, iris sifcqply because they did not get 4lir cotton ?se?d in the gsound jjn Mr thajr thought they were ssoing t? make a killing, .but being so. lalA aai with ak ''early frost, it was a f alia re. ' lt'wkV not because tMf land 4|l not *ali'i<Atibh,t9r that' t)h?yi did 3 understand the cultivation. N'O, wa4 because .of the ,lateapss in planting. JfiV'srt rbf-nryrra -fM-not-di U very ttUL ?#? huad^Lth^kifflA^dllnra which JB rec^yi>W(> hl^i you planted no cotton, It w*s just that much velvet, and if yoa a?w, t^i raar. and tfr?W gjv* what' tobUtf f -plant the BRST cultivation y?u gave a crop, you will flnd.ybur aatf very, vefy much to the good. jj>^jU?Btjy. *fd briefly. ~.aa the - ?-"K" ? J "" v?? VUC JWJU gam on the other." . . * . The above was handed us by Mr. atjv^ vice-president of the l^o^fes . ' Protilhtf nV mafi in the County.,hAS watched the con dition of the if anney .of this section More ''ck?sefy< than ">H*.',.1L6ng arid few are in better position to court ed than h^, aod lyhetwlje,. Qiafe>s ^ snnpstion it is at4w*iW>?<f*T '<*>?* who has been' in our oTffte during the past ten days 'reports tobacco plants - as heitig ^.very scarce, and my inferior. -jk-i at Jisaafcj ifcobtfill ?whether a 'full crop of tob?iH> rift ha -planted* this season, and with in "?SV>r plants" ntffre ? doubtful" as to itwp rswilUi and w? believe Ur. Lang's advice- to plant some Cotton it decidedly wise. Now, this short - *aa ?f plants i.4 not State . wide; for tAe East is well on the way with Mheir planting and. hp?e plunks a while the Georgitt^Ar^jl Vviia planted, and a very large crop, that. | Xhe tfid'citlons ui<? fh^l j T larfri?- aer4ng??- is^gii tfg planted in' Astern I 'afotjrta an<Vj erf pwaally in Georgia, nn?l we^nfum t?i? tn mirnl llint lh? nnnt-itij! tr,. tweeo i* of ajVejv higlK grade, WK&e. 01d ? ?$> 4w>y prices jgfc to reign, and then with a poor in this County, it does not tike with a very long head to fig -whfre we will land. ^Thin^s are different as! to cot Aj large acreage roay be plaO tad. but the boll weevil has got to im centered, and the generpl opin. MB is that it is going to be nume thts season, owing to the mild winter we have had. So far, this has not reached us arid if the of this section will . plant th? [here who sep mnguK T-LT?"*^ j-h?w sweet it *oundm to Person (Jotm jC+tAfr- u far a* school affair :jaw.?<Jho8rn?fJ,.our ^ighborm of bur ham County seem to be pretty wtfir^h?ji*?."?s they I 1 H> ' i- ? y G^jOB ^iU|Se?t?^tipg. committed iquirtt 'iH pages to tell what wal Or with the Association; ornif of the discontents could probably explain it in on tencc. . _ wT>i nwasrnr ?hi? toi.iHiw.tr.SMK? buy him an electric bath tub. N<Nr 4? he would only instal an electric 4&ifcchair, he might geL.some first* hand information regarding the fe*l? of a condemned criminal. " J We trust that Governor McLean's program of economy will extend ["tarjher than the frugality of Pres ident \Coolidge, who invited hit, [*puests7in for breakfast instead of dinnfe. bacon and eggs being cheap er IMn "filet au sole_d?""migpi>n.r > 'V ~ o : Pinck says the Editor of the Courier seepis a bit pe?vod at the "spirit of graff exhnjit?d"S$ the city of Asheville, but the trouble with him; and with ittaWiOtl^r*. over the. \State >' i f h a t - they --vft Pe ^outgeneraled1. The sehtme fs' a diabolically clev^1 ojw , a pel . hits county papers kinder J __ o ? ' ^ About the W^Orsj: "piece o? grafting we have seen fsi the scheme of the city of Ashcville. The Cfty is of fering:, a prize >toi the school girl Who will write - the bW essay ion Ashe ville. Now, that is all right and commendable,, but the~raridittt)ili ; is that- no -girl can.. enLac 4ha .conUi^l until she shall have had her essay published in her County paper and a clipping- fwmr- the vgmT-.fnt- ac How . is that for grafting? J MrM\oM 3T3&S&1 tiful' we take off our hat to our evening we 'thought wc wiulti try "IhViUght out thq|gop:t\oait bAvieVn jfieiWand that "afid Iffftr rcfcehmg the?B' ??? drove ' over" thefr- beautiful city. 'and c^pdidlj-,', w^jd-o not believe ihep&A art&hcrj rjilacc of the size that eeiv^oawt of ikmony handsome homes with ? more beautiful lawns und f 1 o w q i;- -jprrSc ri s nothing of l^iSa^^befluOTin^i'rr'iBta.jy^de 4it<i all to Cfciafully nrtaiiBeJ n*Mil shrubbi-Vy, -Jjlrt" AH' as "tHean ?? Hny front \^rd">. YcsJ Oxford ?u? the-soue "city fytiiitUb" 'ar 2}2f$i?'' i *. t ' '? <?\ '- \ G<A?&j 9r Jfciean's \eemn><ny -N turning out Ju?t like "big bU?W>e?*" economy usually works. He -lprea- ' ches economy, ? talks ?fcon?n$r '.andj cuts the salary of the "p()or devil/^jf fc clerk or stenographer twenty five percent,- and then spends fifty thou-j cand dollars on ^empdel'ng Ms. dw el dwelling he" wl] I t^r.upy for the nrxt yrn ad i |^g,ltH..?nly,Hectv?,Wh fit iii Khc SuV- atj 9 cost than* four hundred d calm's. Yes, that is fv?y tqhaAi /^'hen ' business 'i^ 'cut , thi 1 v?ag& of the poor working cartas, but never do in the sjtfcMKibf Oar Heavenly: i\ ',r\r ttfci tfvi and wisdom on the ninth of .March saw 'fit to call from this e*rth our loving ?i*t?r and co-worker fcfri: l^ftW} jWrerrt. ; -ot yyjl charter members, always rwty .1? "to he* part, - oe it" -resol ved, .l?l, That I*Y U a:SO-.etv humble - Submission 1 6 itioh tfc i ail IthiiMW i-telt" i 3rd, That a' copy of these resolu tions be placed upon the records of frV' Mjartnwry Society, , f- copy. b? -nent to tbo. fanri+y; and to The Rox? Acn powrf* for publication, MRS. W. ft. WADE. MRS. % M. YOUNG, ~ MftS. Ot.Ub A.V Kwrri'. '."SSfcsrribe for Tffl! OOtfRfl? .n ? ? j' (By kannioL . Booth.) Awonderful friend Is a mother. Who, griltfe} u? in infpwty, Who fares for uar when we're ' help less And lovei urn no tenderly. Over the world, h?r smile. has shone, T? countless millions her name i* known Dowh through the ages there has been no other So gentle, and "kind, t j >_| As oor blessed Mother. A companion true is a Mother, Who shares most willingly, Our every Joy and sorrow, | Things which the world may not " ***> She ?.een\S to share every thought of , the heart. NHught fan sunder that love apart Nontf fan he found the wide world ' over ?' Who can compare With our wonderful Mother. So dear is the love of a' Mother So precious, so sweet and so true I a#> sure ?he will be numbered Among the "Fatthful Few," She who can comfort the weary and lonely. ? Mother, brings Tiinshine to every home Such love, i? bestowed on us 'By r.o othwi AS G6d.'htfth given the world those, Our" tfotner/" '? *-? ~ ' - ' 'Wh tn* 1 1 elf - ht w. h>ng man may live Earth's tPmjdi ai)d teacher. ' - Who lalt, ? Vfwne fSr*?v^s timl in llis'.infinrite love hath -riven One who^pan" Teajl us straifeht t o P. * Heaven -i [.By ,?ucti iffrhyr'rs as"af? pffcted By nor^bther: As the tender prayer* ofca^rliriRUnii i ? - ; ',|A '?i.r .*c ^ m l-'iL-w: vsev.. TTTO-JJA, iH tf.Jtt 3 ft I um glad to thank you, evsry one, j who was so kind and nicc to me dur^j Ing the sickness and death of my ?very one. v BBSSIE -fcLAYTON |* ? o? 4 |. War has been declared oh the scrub >line county Lngflut* A1>VH. !>"''?<? began a caul Lvusn to eradicate this i? pest and | o&df agents are expected to begin "silMrar campaigns shortly, states John A. Arey, dairy extension spe ; ?'lillist. - if kj-FOR flHJl 3rttf,har? of stock of .the First National Bartk of Rox Dcrq it dWl.ort M |)]>i liMliml b*h Jet- i+i- caah'ut thfe I ''ourtnouse door *1 HtaW . Aprity27th. ?mnct me y*r H*ra h e it h er| white or ' TT- t, ?i?j Subscribe for THE COURIER iNT ADS be R^idenc^ North Main Street 1 1~~ f at 3 o'efcek P. M.! sale at auction my North ASain St eet mains seven nice i bath, and '.urge ed with Caloric ms one third cash, and t hue yarn. ts secured by deed ix per cent mter roperty ?ver. C. C^BANISS. ,/ ; , , _ . 4 - Accidents wil happen, before i.you le?Ve in R. R? o$ car, Call at S. P. featterfSJd's officfc and gej an acci dent .ticket. $5004.00 for 25 rents a ?!?*. S&ffj l&V ? A insurance Agency 4 i KOUN D,a child's ovcrcdjit. Own er can get same by applyiW to thif office and paying for this notice. 1 wlf S^fet rlew r?yidenVe "Koxboro,; S\C This h0us4 iQOins, two hnli basement,' - 6qqi| heating planf. ^ balance one, .tw .of tWKife heel': ,eifc Look this it with /A'our S"ir? oid technicality?, b' Tried." S. P. Satterfield I Do it ' Wit i-4 1 tftiilrfcSng ofi^the kr?l trirtg it to.A?^,/ Knhev whHjc or black Lt^read furnighedr" All vJirk gives T?wrnt>t'aTOifiWin. Mrs. Will E. Car. ]TO>, : fe?tllp Rtxboro N. u *1 41 *tp4 for the IvskTng:, * mnrWVW mw* wfttw /<iiwhi > ^ ? - ? 91 Owners in . Raxbaro' f6-0* 3** W jpt, m Policy for * 1000.00 for Sjfci i of to-wn, $7.50 for s years, perty owner to n*K: I. ? |8e? V V ???? Satterfield Insurance Agency HMlburn & Satterfield will* not (Ic ily tint they sell pood Shoes. \ritl FAY $1.33 jper bushel cash for corn delivered at" oaf 'mill, shelled. Barton Roller 4-15 2ts Wind Storm? It does not have to be a- iyctene in" tornado to recover ?any : damage by wind. Phone ItK ,o t drtp-'me a card. : .*?' B."P: SATTERFIELD A Knox Hat lor.xhc young man is the standard the States around. Get 'them at Wilbui-n ami Satterfield. FOR RENT ? Two; cottages just on the edgg of town. Running water. Electric lights. New construction Appj^' tV " ? vWi " R. P. BURNS. ? m- - *1 VI ,? ; -- - ItUD.M aiid HO \ WD? For Four or Six Gentleman, meals homelike. Price, Be???naMe. Also, Booms for Rent Faiiilx.v&ie W. H. Long,' . 5-6-2$-4tp Ymmg Ma*i place one of our claesy ?Xtcklics? in front, of you ? TCilburn ertd itHjHbftfett. x:zH IJO-S ? ?? s;a ? . Don't ?o wrong in Jif? insurance. t Get the- best It, coat _nn more. The Jefferson stands supreme. See S. P. Stterfield -before y<ra buy: ? Satterfield Insurance Agency. "Old and Tried." I WILL? Grind morn every Friday. Offie Clayton. - ; 4-15 2* pd Step into a Howard & Foster Ox lord and step off with comfort and ?at.isfaition. Wllbtirn & Satterfield Before you buy a life policy, see the Jefferson. Double Indemnity and Disability. Accident and Health all in oner See- S-. P. Satterfeld BRWQ-nr<H- lit your Corn.'Hapw, Chickcns,_Eg?s and Ycal. Calves. We will giiarantte <be- highest market price. Will: pay' In cash -or trad#. J. L. Garrett ?md Son.;.} "-^i '. FOR KtiN'i'? 4 ' room house, two roots of p^int. .inside and- out, andTa' good. gsrdcnspot. Appjy to T. W. Pass. )????? /.ft **r;r? I FOR SALB^-Oenuine Peruvian Gi|a nor No Allan In any of the fir mulas unless requested. Sole sg^nt | far Person County, Bby the b^at at.d. get-the best resttkwT" & W. Brads her, Bundle Milton N. TOR REWT ? by Mre months A:: Fotuhee home place, to desiralle p?n'tnt. E^ffinnfe'g .gag isC yppfr ?t " i^'ortrtifiJibr^d -Sclf Hiding Ylonr" gqfle.. botfcw. Try ..it .aad be convfu .cod.. Made at home b'j tHlL3??!?^" dalu IUiIIbt Mitfeh . ? Folks and Fle*4a Need Urn* The body need* lime to boi|d it Up, and so does your Land, -Use lime, get (he best, the Dolimatic, the same tpiat is used by the Experiment Sta lionl Send your orders or see K. R: [-Moore, Timberlak'e,, M. G. " T- '.; <et WANTED ? a gentleman boarder, nice room, convenient Iocs ton. Apply to Mis. S. A. Jones. | ; * '? I Mothers Choice' Patent Flour will' give satisfaction. . AH who have fried it win testify to ibis claim Ask JStt>C-.tf?;acer for iw (Jround the Woodsdale Roller U>IU. j*>'? . . ' ' ? ? ? r mm a friend to tigp a' bond when you can buy ft. "Be free and independent. For any and all bond^ I See , S. P. Satterfield ? , "Old and Tried." FOR. SALE? Several hundred pure bred white Leghorn pullets, 8 weeks old. Certified stock, $1.00 each. Applv to J. F. Whitfield, Hurdle lOTlf. N. C. ii-25tf President Coolidge is preaching economy. Governor McLean _ia preaching economy-, and practicing :t save when it conies to remodel ing the Mansion, and fre urge' you ?to use economy in your ice bill , by buying an Alaska ..refrigerator.' Y6uH be surprised at the saving Let us show you. E D. CHEEK & CO. MEDIUM"- WEICHT COATS, ?K ? 4 - tATEST STYfjB \ 3> ? THjaMC COATS WiBRB V$fcY' REASONABLY PIUCBDi. IN THE BEGINNING. AND THESR-rag ppcnoxs should THEM DOURLY APPEALING TO YOU. _ " \gv These Medium eoats are both "cin v o n - ient for Spr^tg nhd Summer \V'ear, and are Movt Accv?t.i * ? tnoj-mw. s . A - jR , The Knbrifs,'?nd Styli and you will i find jpist went. .? Ml rnried . you -?iloii 'Ott^wsiBll whe mak.s . her 1 own cloUisv for" Spring and Sum. mer should prove' n.c . interc-ting. ... , fi&TTOlQ U5?'EN n -m I r 1 i-x. ?. ,?? r-v -?. ??,-,v} <4~ *,/.*^".;~z,; L^r?"*3 '?'-*?? ?t.-r.-'* . ? '"' . ..' -.?? i \\ hether you have made your money in the field*, 1 "< ', an office, shop or factory, the same thins to do is to save a part of !t for the future. " - . ? "Rainy Days" ctfme in all our lives but if you have been prudent and BANKED your money, you can ~~ * TTTOPt aJvg'ftlty - without fgar;~or hi^oBvcnieocc; - ? ? '/ ? - ' c ' ' ?- . ? ? ?- y i ? ' Come into our Blink and open an account. You can <tavt with only $1.00 and REGULAR deposits each pay day will soon p\it you away ahead. ? We will welcome you. ?Ut iHiln SU : :j -itzi ? ~ ! f . Tbe Peoples Bank *??& ^ ^,44T)M B?nk of The People" Pearl TiAlo Mnl, home' gitounH. guaianted the very- best." If you Swant. sonw real (rood corn bread arte your grocer for Pearl Table Meat. ~Modt "at" KSme-'By'^ho" vVMAMIffi Roller milt*. y*"~ OUR Customer* ?*y tMrt thejj an* w-eil-^lcafM W'|h our SbM Rapair ii)? Give ?-- i 'fchaai i ?/ youii old { shoe* b%f<yr*^ iray I You {v?GB 1 A. ijb t~1 ?fligVcTJr," i.ut < > n ! ; .,V..... ttfc ^?f -^?th owners tn Roxb^ro ?a/ry '^dn'rrm insurance. ^"k'^r5n?V. "t Satterfield tnsu?*yice Agenci 'OWvW ZTWed/' ? P|R?^i t ... , MB JUUARIA. CHILLS and FE.VKK 1?KMC\;B <f BMOPS-ggv Eit If m iW diWi

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