court rnocuDcres April T?Jr?, 1?3. Tbe following cases were disposed of by .hidffe Thomas H. Calvert, presiding over the April term of Person Superior Court, last week: Willie Woods, gamWltfjtf SIS. and "li. S. Reaves, false pretense, nol. iont. discharged. Boy Rogers, murder, no) pros: : W. G. Moorefield, Liquor, nol pros. Percy Cook, assault with deidly weapons, nol. pros with leave. Loyd Boyd, Larceny, nol. pros, ivith leave. -Sam Kin ft, Gambling, nol. pros, -vith ' leave. , Charlie Smith. Mfg.'' Liquor. Jury verdict guilty, 00 days in jail to be assigned to Durham Co. Road.'. Charlie Tapp, liquor, (25 and cost. Arthur Lawwn, liquor, (25 and %it. Walter Allen, litjuor, $25 and* cost. Mandy Clayton, liquor, not a true *om'. A. J. Mitchell, B. E. Mitchell, E. r. KoBtrtson, affray, fine and cost irfspeetively $50. and 1-3 coat, SIS 1-4 cost, $25.00 and l-lt cost. ? Kaon Davis, liquor, C> months at' . Pehn Tuok. Mfg. liquor, $30 and ?*? S. P. Williams, liquor, not h true bm, i J. A. Ward, drunk,- ychile driving iUto, $60. and co*t,^G?ve_hand of ?>800. for a ?pea eaeh'teriu o.t riminal court tl sl|pw he^'hjs not ijiven automobile only in pf^sence * his father, under Wqpiended sen -ence of 6 months in jail.. < ?5. A. Lon*. assault ap * T ' ' Monkey Kimpaon, .\Ifg. fiquor 6 .-JKMUr ? etrtfnm." ' T^ary Roy*4er, diWurbm^wor'rtS?? 525 and cost. T. S. Sbinj*- carrywg concealed -veapons, $75 and cost. $25 {emitted. Oeo. \V renn t Liquor, $50 and cost. Edgar Day, liquor, $100. and cost _'ave bond for appearance to ;hotv to furthur violation of prohibition ?aws. * Jess Day. carrying concealed veapans, 3 months on roads. Luther Blslock, drunk while driv ng auto., $50. and cost and bond tppearance to show he hps not driv en an auto: John Lacy, liquor, 3 months at ?*ork at Co. home. Paul Heath, liquor, nol. pros, with "leave, . Haywood Henderson, drunk while, driving ? dwito.. ,^2o, and cost. Havwoiod Henderson, assault, $50 and cost. W' S. Nichols? va W. B. Wilson to _os_Juuu-d at- a later date before a feferee, R. P. Burns appointed by / as referee. ? 1 .;. O. Ht Jiorle* vs Dr. J. I. Coleman, j N. T>, Hajgis and Goo. E, HoorK J P. If nod', and S. D? McCultan, to re-| ? cover certain lanjJs, settled by agree ment, Caskie Millard Co, vs Commereial Printing Co. Plaintiff to ??recover sum of OS for gaods delivered to defendant. Andersrn Wilson Paper Cq^-vsj Commercial Printing Co. Plaintiff to recover sum of SC6.22 for poods delivered to defendant. ? Tobacco Growers Co-op Asso vs H. W. WJnstead. Difference adjus ted' and action dismissed. C. Brooks, Adrnr. E. C.' Grle". decayed, ?vs ,?. A Long, a etal nor suited. Lott Pool, vs Alice Pool, divorce irrant^d for abandonment. ^Louifta Stephens, vs Major Step hens divorce granted for immoral conduct. In re: Mrs. Ella Jane* Evans Pe tition for receiver. Court appointed D. W. Bradsher receive*. -FOR SALFT Cottoe ffaad, targest yield of any cotton planted In . Coaaty laat year. See? " W. F. LONG. W instead Warehouse; J tK.n-t .Miss. "Uli HH A M K llf.Hir at Palace" Theatre .Monday and Tuesday*. 'May 4? 6th .* KfTLY TO l-OOR RICHARD W?, the committeemen of tk< Allensvillu Hi*h School realise thai aa fa rail;- gritmrtcti should no I he aired to the public, so community disagreements . should not be made public to "the county and state. Bth since Poor Richard has been 83 in discreet as to do so we feel under obligation to -make reply. Let us say now to the public, to those who are dissatisfied that we realise the ease yith which men are ^ misinformed. We" all' do things that W* would not do again after more thorough information and mature consideration. Some of those who |~*iKned the petition referred to in a recent issue oT Slie Courier hfcve stated that they were misinformed; ! some have apologized personally to 1 Prof. D. H. Cruiapton, and others | have spoken favorably about bim. It^is a case of acting before re | fleeting as to the injury done the I map and to the '?community. Had they thought of the reputation it would give , the community to treat n man thus, and of the bearing this I would have on securing good and i competent' men in the future -some I never wtrald have dona it. This is | net mentioning the Chjjstian .prin ciple of treating others as we should like to be treated. And who of us does nit like to strive to live accor ding to that prmcipfeT WHAT ABOUT THE PROTEST? Poor Richard's" statement that the print ipsl hns been reflected over the protest of- a large part of 'the ' pafe rons is somewhat misleading, This petition was not- circulated until AFTER' he had been reelected. We Malice that Prof. Cramp ton is not ^ superhuman being, but only a ; man, and we kAew that there was one whs was not .numbered among his staunch advocates. But who on to every one? number of the" pat w>Q| come to to and^made complaint we w< o^Jjd not have reelected, And had he found strong, "wouwT*not mmmnsrsasz&L Bu^ smce the majority of. these who' ned* kepfc quiet until we had re- 1 elected him and then took this stopj we feel that it is just as much a; mistreatment of us as of he prin- ; 1 c:pal. But let no one think we im- ? (Continued on page Five) ? ? ? : O? ? ? DEA I) BY HIS OWN HAND 1 The town was shocked Monday [morning when, it learned of the I death of Mr. Dewey. Winstead. Some time during the night Sunday he took his own life. It sterns ? fcl^at tye carefully planned the deed, wrap ping the pistol and cove ring hirn head and all. under the cover to deaden the noise, dresfc the trig ger which ushered 'his soul into eter nity. Hi' was the ^on of - Sheriff T. - W. Winstead, 24 years of age.. The body was laid to rest in the town cemetery yesterday evening under a" NOTICE ? TAX LISTING Tax listing will begin Tuesday af ter the First Monday in May,, nil people are urged to mret the listers and list all property real and per sonal. Notice is further given that all those failing to list will be reporte 1 to the solicitor for trial. The list takers of each , township will advise when and where- they will attend for the purpose of list ing. J. T. NEWTOX, County Supervisor. April 27th 1925. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS' Having Vending or Chewing (turn Machines. I am -instructeS by tht> Solicitor to notify aH persons -operating -vend ing or chewing gum machines, that the operation of such machines -arc forbidden by the state law. That after May 1st 192S *11 per sons opening same will be repor ted to the courts for prosecution. This April 27th 1925. ? _ N. V BROOKS, Sheriff of Person CountyT - -m ~ 0 ? : ? ?' I'RHW HI^I at ^ J- H. asradran ofDurtnmr ; first Sunday in May at 3:30, FTTSC | Erttybody, i* _cordially 'Invited NORTH CAROLINA, 1 VETS SHOULD FILE GL COMPENSATION CLAIM OF VBTS SHOULD BE tl ?e*th Before claim L. KII?J Me Loss To family Or Estate Pitman Shmre Many veterans of 'the Vrorid wa ?are still deferring the matter of fil'j i in* claim* f.v- adjusted eompeiMM t;cp. (or bsnusi under the vortj war adjusted compensation act, approved May 19, 19M. stalest , SJ ' Pittman, regional manager of th?{ I' S. veterans' bitreau here. "This evidently due" he said "to the in ference that there is uirtple time Id1 | view of provisions in 'the act thata 1 the final limit fpr filing these <-laim* i ! <lo^f not expire until January ^ ! 1928." fH ! Mr. Pitman calls attention to tlM fact that while existing laws fix thyl time limit lit January % 1928, thm fact should be taken into considjjjl :ition that if death should occur JH the meantime <and they are oeeSH ing more or less f requently ) the tiffl tute of a veteran would be miqM mized by failure to have filed cliriM| "An ?i example." Mr. PItmafl states, "should a-ndn file claim may be entitled .to a "service crejH of $500. his widow or the estate, jM i no case fti#y be, wuuhl death benefit of approximately (flH depending upon aj?. of the insu^H at the time he may have filAl aPWj H cation; whereas, should death occJH prior to filing claim by the vetoi^B entitled to a service credit of his widow (or e*taU>. Would liteWB only the amount of swiltocnAit 'flfl The advantage of fUlnrafoimfc iitfl mediately is obvious, .(kHfe TitjH man unr*? all eligible cUBftnU M giv* seriOB* ,oi*vui?^tiujn|hk. thlM ?aMRrttftiMi jriay be obtained upOTi application to any office of the U. S. veterans*} bureau, American Red Cross, or, American legion post. H ATTENTION VETERANS Saturday, 'May the ninth,, will be observed as our Annual Reunion., Mrs. F. M. Williams, who had acr cepted the invitation to^ deliver the , address has now written that it will .be impossible for her to come.' The members .of Person County* j Chapter U* D. C. consider themaej- ;? .ye*- fortunate in having Mr. J. W.'j *froell. Editor of The Roxboro j Courier, after urgent solicitation, | consent to make the address, and feel sure all will be amply repaid who come out to hear him. (Dinner will be served ~tp~ the Vet erans, and their wives. Let all" cc me and have a g.c.od day. MRS. M. R. U>NG, President gf~PL'isun County ? Chap? tor U. D. C. ; a- ~-;y; 'v.* 0 - DURHAM'S HERO A picture entitled "Durham's Hero," will be shown at the Palace on Monday and Tuesday, May 4th and 5th which will be of interest -to, our 7>eopie. The play was staged in Durham and Mies Julia Carr, who, was voted the most beautiful lady j in Durham, takes the leading part." Durham, being: a popular suburb of Roxboro, our folks just naturally wHJ/wnnt to ?*** this picture. j NOTICE -TO TAX PAYERS j - ! I will attend the following places for the purpose of listing taxes for 1925 for Flat River Township: Pu&h, Aliens Store, May 5. Gates, May 6. Ai, May 7. . j J\ A. Garrett's Store, May 8. Helena, May 9. IX. H. RHEW. List Taker. 1 _ >4 A THIRTY-FIVE POUND CARP | Last Thursday Ml-. Weldon Clay- j 1 tort'Unded Hif biggest earp wt hawij heard out of Loch I.ily, it weiehed1 thirty -two- poimd?. a nd~wgf senate with hook and line. : ? Way 4? Wt- HERO" MbM (]i!( Rurh'am, N. C .' with A Durham [cml.:v ?? Evening- Api GRAND JURY COUNTY. Court. April Tim Jury for this term oi pectfully returns the fed a report of their proceed Thoa. H. Calvert. Judgt Court in the 10th. Judicial ? 'We have passed- upon all nd indictments sent to ui_J>> or. There- were no pre tfe visited the County Home urnit in g-ad condition and well cared for. proper and fed. . There were . inmates. We Uited the office* of the of the Court, Register of Sheriff and County Sapcrin t of Schools. We found all officer- well kept, and the rec in (rood condition. A repoi t our County Superintendent is attached qs Exhibit (A). We visited the jail, and found well kept. Wc found that better seats ?een ' provided for the jury, makes it much more comfor for those serving. The court general has been greatly since the January Term Uy submitted, this April SCHOOL NOTES e total school census of Person ty of schoel- age, 6 to 21. is , with f>000 enrolled in the rural ft. Of? these 5000 enrolled in country schools there were about ill average Attendance, 2600 in Mtary grades and 1000 in ?ol department. "^hire ; ? ?ihnT Roxboro schools. *In the jwi 1 school* there are employH 85 whitcJ teachers, 43 negro teachers, and 3 Indian teachers. In Roxboro there are 16 white teachers and 4 negro teachers. Making a total of 151 tea chers employed in the county, who receive an average of $85 a month M&ry. There are 7 local-tax districts:? Olive Hill, Bushy Fork, Hurdle Mills, and Bethel Hill have a tax rate of 30 cents on the $100 worth of tax able property, Leasburg? ^Person a rate of 25 cents; Allensville and Helena, a rate of 20 cents. Also Roxboro . pays a special rate of - 38 cents.' That leaves just a small fraction of tlta county in scattered sections which have no local tax rate. If the commissioners would J&vcl a rate of 28 or 30 centf* all over the county no one would be hurt and the schools .could function much more efficiently. We ? have ? rcccntJy ? conlplcUti il handsome building at Hurdle Miii*, find have in course of erection a splendid house in Cunningham dis trict. With the new building which is being planned in Mt. Tiriah dis trict the ccunty will be well provi ded with good houses and schools. It 'costs the county about $20 for every pcrsoh of school age. This in cludes every cent spent for any phase of school work. This is very littlT? compared with ${>0 and $60 Rpent by some counties for each child in the county. ! The county has invested in school properly* over $200,000. This he longs to the county although the people have taxed themselves V* build and pay for the splendid high* schools for which our county is noted. These buildings and sites do not belong to the local fax district, I'li: the Person County. -/ . ' CHURCH NOTICE FOR / CONCORI> AND OAK <;ROVE /s. Sunday School promptly ten. *Mr. J. B. Satterfield, Supt. Ijetx be on time or ahead of time. Preach ing at 11 A. M. Subject Overcome?. MembeTs pfe**e do not fornret your llimth ? Sunday School at Oak Grove at 2 n-.ilO T?Fi?i " Valna nf jrrirk.': Any jthfr JE??t?- envelope* will be glad Whrole families ko to church and "Aot .thnpiy one o^ twi, ? il 29, 1925. | Mrs. E. M. Davis entertained ? few friends Tuesday aft* moon honor ing Miss Lucile Pass of Aajieville. j Bridge wss the game of the after | noon and many interesting progres sions were enjoyed. A lovely dorine ; was given the honor guest while the I highest score was won by Mrs. W. I S. Clary ' Jr., an attractive compact I was given. A delicious salad course with coffee, strawberries with whip ped cream snd cake was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. W. C. i Bullock. ? The Friday Afternoon Pleasure Club had a most delightful meet ing Friday afternoon with Mrs. H. S. Mort-.n in the club room of the Knplon building. The club rsom ' was filled with spring flowers ar j ranged in a very artistic manner. [ Nine tables were placed for the club game of Boston to :1k. ' Delicious punch was served by Mesdamet , N. J.unsford and W. S. Clary, Jr. At the close of the afternoon Mrs. Mor-. j ton served an ice course. Dainty , rose baskets Tilled with mints were given as favors. j FREE WITH EVERY ALASKA. With every Ailaslta Refrigerator you buy from us we will fill the ice chamber with ice FREE. The Alaska Is, in our opinion, the "very best re ifrigerator made and the low price we ask you for this wonderful re frigerator will surprise you. Come in and . let us show, you. E. D. CHEEK & CO. TO THE OLD SOLDIERS OF PERSON COVMV Our County Reunion will be held on Saturday. May 9th. We desire a full, attendance as we have to el I ect a . ijew Adjutant. We will meet I at 10 o'doek' and Is re quested to be on time. . i , 1: H. Burch, . | Commander. J "ALMOST IN TOWN V The blcckaders are getting bold, for on last Saturday evening Sheriff Brooks and his assistants captured a still just South of town, almost in the very edge of the town. A full and complete outfit was captured, the still being warm when found, but the owner made good bin escape. PERSON^ COUNTY TRAINING SCHOOL The Person County Training, School fur Sunday School workers began last Saturday night in the Edgar Long Memorial Church. A {ft>od 'class ha? been meeting- regu larly each day and much interest is being manifested in the work. " KOSE OF THE SOtTHI.AND" "Rose of the Southland," a play in three acts^wiil? La- -presented by the senior class of Bushy .Fork High School Friday evening, .May 1* at 8 o'clock. Admission 35 and "20 cents. The public is cordially invited to attend. WAKE FOREST GLEE QLVB The Wake Forest Glee Club and Orchestra gave Jl , concert in the school auditorium last Friday night, and- to say that it was a success ex presses it mildly. They were greeted with a full house and the many en cores was evidence of the pleasure of the audience. THE RAINBOW'S END The Grammar Grades, including the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh, of the Helena High School w?ll give an operetta entitled "The Rainbow's End," Tuesday evening, May 5th, at ft o'clock. There will be no admis sion charged and the public is cor dially invited. o ^ BUSHY FORK WINS KRbM ftETHKL llll.t ? A good. g?mr nf tall win pUpm on the it round >( Bethel Hill la*i l.rlH.g ?n?nui?n under ? pewotr* ting sun. IF was ncit^i school innrn n? Byhy^Eoxk: hm) fotrr outside mei nnjTffethet' Hill had one. TRc -icon S to O in. (a.lar ot Bothv Fork PERSONALS MiE9 Mary McCausland apm Saturday in Durham. * ? * . ? Mr G. C. Oa bines* of . spent several days here last j ? ? ? ? * Mi** Loci If Pierre of Darhaoa U visiting her eister Mrs. K. G. Miss Collier and Mr*. Baxter spent the day in Oxford Monday. ? j^-r ? Mr. Sam P. Jones of Norlina, ff. C., was a Roxboro visitor Monday* Mrs. R. W, Crumptori . is visiting" lirr mother in Danville, \0h6 is -*eri -.ualy ill. ' Miss- Alice -Collier of Oxford, N. , C., is spending the week with Mrs. Baxter Allen. i Miss Rosctta McKinnon of W?k? Forest spent a few days with Miss Mary Stephens Mr. R. L. Wilburn and daughter. Miss Winnie, apeVit^the week end i visiting in Halifax, Va. r a ? ? ? ? Rev. R. E. White is attending tlie State Sunday School Convention ia Greensboro this week. i ? ? ? ? Miss Ladle Pats left Wednesday for Elizabeth City after spending some time here with relative*. - ? .Mi. Cailisle Brooks, ivhu ia ew*. rected with the North Carolina roa4 force, has been transferred to S?? ford, N. C. _ ? . ' ? .4 (Miss Mattie Rogers Smith of Martinsville, spent several days bare last week with her sister Mrs. K V. Boatwright. 1 ? ? ? ? ? Miss Mell Cob of Danville has re turned home after spending some time with her friend, Miss .Tuanita Crumpton. ? a Mrs. C. A. Armstrong and chfid ryf of Salisbury ate visiting Mrs. ^Armstrong's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris. ? ? Mrs. Hugh Woods on her retain home from a visit to Winston -Salem stopped off in Greensboro to hear the recital of her daughter. Miss Nellie Byrd. ? * ? * ? Mesdames A. S. deVlaming,_ T. R. W cody and R. L. Wilburn and Mr. Maynard Clayton attended the sen ior play at Meredith C ollegg ' last Saturday evening Mr. Frank Whitt, who ha* been loclated in Miami, Fla., for the past . few months^ is spending . a day oer two here visitmg his mother, Mrs. Hi J. Whitt.. <Yn ? | CERTIFICATE OF SOLICITOR ) Vnrlh | Person County. I April Term, 1023. This is to certify that during this { term of the Superior Court of Per son County I have examined the of fice of D. W. Bradsher, Clerk of the ?Superior Court, and find that the records of the office ape well kept and the accounts* of the office' cor rect as far as can be ascertained. This April 2C 1923. L. P. McLENDON, Solicitor. 10th Judicial District. Approved and ordered filed, Thomas H. Calvert, iludge Presiding. o ? "The Bip .Show, Of The Season**" Att - "Skinny* Candler and hi* ?BROADWAY FOLLIES** at Palace Theatre. Thursday, Friday, Satur day this week. : : NOTICE ? f)n account of the serious illness of my wife I can not beaf my shop until she gets bettor I will nrtom your shoes iust as soon as she re covers so that I can leave her bed side. " . B. H. l.KEj _ Th? reoptra Sh OF Shop, ; ? '? 1 "Ttw Musical comwfy' Supram#"' Att f- "SfeinnT CttiHttef m>* hi? flBOAP . ? WA'Y-JFOLLIES" at P?l?c? ? Tfiufsday, J Pf?3Sy, Sirtnrdgyr tWa w??fc ; .?

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