HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE , . ~ ruK i?\R lrx AUVAXNVJ i ROXBORO. NORTH CAROL4N A,. Wednesday Evening- June 24, 1925. ^ No. 25. J. W. NOELb. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER VOL. No. XLII SEVERE HAIL STORM AND STR0N6 WIND ? . .. THE STORM WAS FIRST FELT NEAR EDENTON Ruined By Hail ? TfcOuaanda Of Acre* Destroyed In Few j Minutes Washington, J\me 2B. ? A severe ; liail storm accompanied by a strong i wind anfounting almost to a gate , swept over a> section of country , nertheast of here last everting be tween 5 and 6:80 o'clock doing sev-j k three miles wide. It then jumped | to near Windsor in Bertie county ! and headed for the Jamesville sec Won, fhen on to Terra Ceia, Yeates vi'Je and Gaylord. Striking the F* Pkmlico river near Bayside, it veer ed to Jlhe South creek section and headed to Oriental and Atlantic where it passed out tb sea. From' Windsor on, the storm which fol lowed a pyth about five miles wide; f- destroyed all crops leaving nothing hut deflate fields in its wake. Glass was broken in hundreds of homes and in many aises buildings on' f roofed and damaged. I Near Yeatesvillp a man with a I' roadster from Belhaven took refuge under a -treer for his car and man aged to get inside a colored school house until the storm passed over. | While inside the building the wind blew the tree over smashing the I car into pieces and the hail broke . | . every window in the school house. - Near Terra Ceia a stable in which 1 o mule was placed was completely destroyed and the mule was unhurt. ' ? A: South -Cvepk the storm took off the fop of J. L. Mayo's saw mill I'. and bioke every window in that "section. Hail stones as large as. a 1 ' . man's fin t fell fast and furious kill ? >ng pigs and chickens l>y the score as well as breaking thousands of L windows. In Windsor and at Gaylord P- the httil was so thick it could be r - shr.veled into heaps. Beautiful Crops Wiped Out Thousands of acres of beautiful corn, tobacco and cotton, which gave promise 'of an abundant crop, at five o'clock was in one fell swoop wiped out. Cro^s Of Many Farmers Utterly Hundreds of farmers hnva '.ast every acre of growing crop planted In the Terra Ceia section. W. B.' Rodman, Jr., with 600 asres, Clifford Hartisr, 500 acres, A. L. Smith, 400 acres, as well as the Nis san. Farms, Columbus Gaylord, Hr B Howell, G. L. and L. R. Pilley, W J. Martin, the Pantego farms ? ari others lost their entire crops. j?\i- At Yeatesville, ? the damage was ?l equally a' gieat. Among the heavy ? losers were }'. M. Tankard; J. T. m Rabbins, W. A. Winfield, G. F. Adams. W. B. Adams, J. W. Oden, . Harry McMtlHen, J. H. Oden, W. ,H. Brrrington, C. S. Windley, nnd_many others whose-, names have not "yet b* ?n secured. , ? Hundreds of tenant farmers hove bftd their prosppcts of a livelihood completely "wiped out with only a txjif over their head1! and in manyj instances even this is gone. The path cf the storm is easily traced where in one side the crops are beautiful to behold and the other everything levelled. ? 3. M. Tankard, of Yeatesville, said he had as pretty 65 acres of to-, bacco as one could wish for. At 1 o'clock last night there was not a, leaf left the size of his hand. Many farmers were in the city to- , day arranging for sojt beans, sweet > potato plants and corn to replant ] the damaged fields. Many farmers, have not money to buy seed or even provisions and they need help. ? ? ? O ? ? I SAY, MR. MERCHANT Doesn't that Roxboro Directory look | good* I* your name represented ' i: time T- We cordially commend tbe*? ffcms to the business public and, " ii - ure them tKev "will The aftemron devotional w4s led by Miss Mattie Pulllam who way District Secretary for five years. Mrs. R. B. Smith told of the Social Sen-ice work of the county and of the cripple children who have been sent to the. Orthopedic Hospital through this social service work. Mrs. Clarence Riggsbee represen ted the Young People's work and told how our Young People stand 1n the North Carolina Conference, and gave some instruction* on how. -Jj* report. . JP, Mrs. S. G. Winstead U>U ' (tout the Bright Jpwel work and the in-, fkience of parents over the child ren. , ? , ? - - ? "? to a telephone message from Btaeil. IfU ^vin*tead and Margaret CritdtiS | sang a duet, ' Every society in the county was represented, all- giving reports from their own Auxiliary ? _ I Mrs, Ralph Davidson sans a solo and Mrs. S. G. Winstead dismissed i the meeting with prayer. iTho Allensville people served a } bountiful picnic lunch in the grove? The church was full and some standing in the doors and around the windows. These County Missionary Meeting* have been a help and inspiration Ho ! the work in Person County. Rec. Sec. PROGRAM EPHESUS? CLEMENT FIELI> Next Sfinday at Semora, Morning service at 11 o'clock and evening service at 8 o'clock. Series of Meetings will begin at Lea Bethel church Sunday, the first service at 3 p. m. Beginning Mon day and continuing through the week. Oxder of service willbe 6 and 8 o'clock p. m. Rev. R. W. Provost of EJizabeth City will be the preach er. A cordial invitation and welcome to these services. L, V. COGGlNS. Pastor. WORKERS .COUNCIL The Workers CouaSTPof Mill Creek Church will be held" Thursday eve ning June 25, 1925, nt the residence of Rev. N". J. Todd. I especially want to urge that all members come. We give those. who are not member? of this council a cordial welcome to come and join us. We need your aid, come. N. J. TODD, Director. MARY E. GENTRY, Sec. 0 Get your Shoes from Wilburn and Fatterfield. malt delightfully Friday morning at her home on Main Street, having as honor guests Mrs. Eugene Mills of, Raleigh and Mrs. J. 11. Hughes, a rerent bride. The living rooms were' pretty with decorations of bright ! supimer flowers and three tables ivere placed for bridge. Concluding tKe game, a delicious course lun chton was served. Dainty gifts were presented the guests of honor. A lovely party was given Tuesday morning when Mrs. I. O. Wllkerson entertained In honor of Mrs. J. H. Hllyhea nnri Mrs CUudv KwueU, recent brides. The house was lovely jvith bright summer flowers arranged m baskets and bowls. Bridge was played at three tables and many in teresting games were enjoyed. The !(pstess, assisted by Miss Elizabeth Jfr.ell, served a delicious salad course with ice tea. Beautiful pieces of sil ver were given to the honor guests. EAST ROXBORO AND LONGHURST CHARGE iSunday School 'at Jalong at 9:30. O. J. Blue, Superintendent. Sunday School at Grace Church at 11 o'clock, J- Sr. Johnson, Superintendent. Regular church service at Jakmg at 11 o'clock next Sunday morning. The Pastor will hold his own ser vice using the following theme: The *Three Story Building. I \The third Quarterly Conference is Uj be held at Grace Chprch at 8 K, M." next Sunday. Dr. Mike Bra sher, the Presiding Elder of the- Dur ham District, is to preach and to Hflld the business meeting. The hfer is Rood therefore we ex- J pect a church full of people. , The following . week is the period of time in whieh ? the District Con ference is to be held at Fletchers Chapel, near Durham, X. C. Our charge is expected to be well repre sented and to have a good report July 1st and 2nd are the days. Just a word: The pastor returns from 'he pastor's- Summer School on June 24th.- He plans for and expects the fullest cooperation of his people from now until the close of the Con ference yeai4. Many church obli gations are to be met; much is to be done and everybody has all that can be done. The stewards of the churches are urged to assist in col lecting misson money, conference collections and orphanage money. M. C. ELLERBE, Pastor, | PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A. R. V. John 20 ? 31: "But these things are written, that ye may be lieve that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God; and that believing ye may have life in his name." That is also the purpose of the Evangelistic services to be held at our church by Dr. Wm. Black June 28th to July 5th. If you are not a Christian come ami learn the will of Qod concerning you. If- you are a Christian come and receive new blessings and hell* us with the Lord's work. All singers are asked to meet with Mr. Smith Saturday night at 8 P. M. at the church for the purposo of organizing a choir for this meeting. Sunday School .at 9:45 A. M. Preaching at 11 A.. M. by Dr. Wm. Black. Evening service at 8 o'clock. P. Cary Adams, Pastor. "An Evening of Fun," Durham's Minstrel Troupe Palace Theatre Thursday June 25th. * Roxboro, N. C., June 22nd, 1925. .. . Editor The Courier, Roxboro, N. C. Dear Sir:? . We enclose herewith copy for our ad for this week. We are glad to advise ? that when we advertised" through The Courier for a name for our new Filling aUtlOH. we liad "?ei two hundred'and fiffy-Tfpnes.-fnror v?noB*^p?rts this. i^juiav. as welt as from others. Hmm accept our thanks 73r your co- >pe ration. ' " . ' ' 7T- ' ? ? - - " ? Yours truly, - ROCK INN >K?v 14 H OTATHJN. . ' ? . - ~ * by R. A: WhittfldT " sJ 1 - ' " " " : " li, ? ? ? - ?< PALACE THEATRE Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 29? 30th, Juty 1?I. . -Paramount's greatest masterpiece "THB TEN COMMANDMENTS." The pronouncement of the Command menta to Moses from on high; the passage of the Red Sea and the sub sequent engulfing of the six hundred chariots of the Egyptians, set ab solutely new marks in jramera and production achievements. Matinee's daily at 3 P. M. Child ren finder 12 years of age admitted: to Matinee for 25 cents. Adult ad mission Matinee 75 cents ? (tax in cluded.) Evening performance at 8:15. Admissions night 50 cents and *1.00. If ysu never see another Movie, Don't miss '"THE TEN COMMAND MENTS." OAK ,GROVE AND WOOD8DALE SERVICES Let all thje churches bear irt mind the Quarterly Conference at War ren's Grove Saturday. Preaching at eleven by Dr. Bradshaw. Dinner on the ground, Conference in P. M. Regular Sunday School and preach ing services at Oak? Grove and Woodsdale Sunday. Mrs. Bradley is about ready to leave the hositital. J. W. BRADLEY. Pastor. O BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES There will be the usual services at the Baptist Church- next Sunday, Sunday School at 9:45, A. M. Preach ing by the pastor at 11 A. M. Special music. There will be no service at ? P. M., as the congregation will unite in the special services at the Presbyterian Chutch. ? R. & WHITE, Pastor. . LAWN PARTY AT ALLENSVILLE The Iadie3 of Allensville Church and of ' the Missionary Society are going to give a lawn party on the (Siuunds ? at the ? liiuivli ? mi ? mt Saturday afternoon, the 27th begin ning at four o'clock. They will seH ice cream, cake, sandwiches, candy, etc., the proceeds to be used for the benefit of the church. The public is cordially invited. / NEW LAUNDRY BUILDING* Mr. C. T. Hall has let the contract for a new laundry building which is to be erected on the Hotel Jones lot, to Mr. John F. Reams. This build ing will be rushed to completion and when completed will be occupied by the Roxboro Laundry Co. They ex pect to move in about Sept. 1st. WALLACE, THE MAGICIAN Wallace, magician Jiand entertainer, .will be at the gradefl school auditor ium Friday night, June 26th, at 8 o'clock. Benefit piano of primary department of Methodist Sunday School. Buy your tickets in advance from the children as they do not get a commission on door receipts. OFF FOR CALIFORNIA Mess. Landon Harvey and Sam. Merritt left last week fffr a tour . of he western country, taking in Caii fornia, " They' left in a stripped down Ford, with prospects of lots of fun ahead before they reach their destination. MR. BULLOCK MUCH IMPROVF,D Mr. W. C. Bullock, who has been critically ill with pneumonia, is very much improved, and his friend* hope to see him about his usual busitoiss' iffairs now soon. _ o | j DEATh OF AN ONLY SISTER l/ Mr. t. H. Hunter received a wire Sunday announcing the death of his only sister, Mrs. R. B. Hambrick, of Nashville, .Tenn, On account oi the dintance Mr. Hunter' was unable to attend the burial serviees_ on Mon day afternoon. i SERIES OF MBEfTNtiE' AT J AI QMi ; Rev. J. C. Cmtpe, a welt known Evangelist, is conducting a series* of-mwtinge at- Jatong thia and rtext week. Services are held dtrifry ?tt TiTO r M ?nil rlnrpnWif it rarrlmHr invited to all of the sj'rvicB>. I ... . ? SINK PRAISES . PRISON CAMPS 5JR. SINKS REPORTS TO GOVERNOR McLEAN Pardon Commissioner Finds Condi tion At Two Camps Marvelow ljr Oood Pardcn'^Comniisiioner H. H. Sink returned to the Capital yesterday highly pleased with hip inspection of the State Prison Farm in Halifax county and the rock quarry camp near Wilson. Mr. Sink transmitted a report of his findings to Governor .McLean and at the satne time the Governor stated that he would continue th* Morrison policy of commutations to indeterminate sentences and that he had instructed Mr. Sink to investi gate and report on all case* of worthy prisoners who have ns one to intercede for them. Mr. Sink yesterday issued the fol lowing statement on his trip: * "In accordance with our recent conversation and in order to become more fully conversant with prison conditions I have recently visited the Caledonia Farm, also the Simms Camp, near Wilson, both under the supervision of the State's Prison. As you well know, there are ap proximately five hundred prisoner* on the Caledonia Farm, principally white prisoners. My arrival was an nounced and my effort while there "was to detertnine as best I could the conditions surrounding the prisoner* and also the attitude of the official* to the prisoners and vice versa. The first feature that attracted my attention was to find that a large number of the prisoners took a very genuine interest in the State farm, that is: as to the crops, the live stock and general farm condi tions. Some of them seem to take. quite as much pride in the craps that they are engaged in cultivating as would a farmer in his own crops. Incidentally, the crops were in splen did condition, as were the mule* and /ther live stock On the farm." ? CONTRACT L0T FOR K N0W STORE RI ILDING The ? Roxboro Lumber Com puny have let the contract for the, erection of a new store building on Court Street, next door to Farmers Hard ware Co., to Mr. John F. Reams. This building will be an up-to-date building in every way and will be a Credit to the town. JUNIOR ORDER MEETINGS Longhurst Council No. 570. Next Meeting Will be held Friday night: July 3rd. All Members are reques ted to be present. Officers are to be Install**. . . '? t JOHN HESTER WAG STAFF ?John Hester Wagstaff," 9 -Year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wagstaff died Monday afternoon at his home, from a complicated hdart trouble. .Burial services were conducted Tues day afternoon at 3 o'clock at Con cord Church. WILL CLOSE TOR INVENTORY We will be closed on' Tuesday, June 30th, taking inventory. Kindly bear this date in mind and let us have your orders for groceries on the day before. BLANKS and MORRIS "De Gunners -Ministrel" with 22 characters at Palace Thoatre Thurs day only, June 25th. NOTICE TO 'CUSTOMERS Any officer or employee of any Bank that pays your Check without sufficient funds to your cretttt, know ingly, violates the Law. The NftK ional Banking Laws .as well . as the State Banking Laws provide a Mt , alty for this offense. After July 1st WE WILL NOT HONOR ANY CUS LomSfPWD " ? """ ? ^'<>MlTT"^_i_ILL?K WHO HASN'T * I F&NBS TO MEET THE CHEf^K- '? THIS IS BOTH FINAL AND POSI TIVE. WE DO NOT INTEND TO KNOWINGLY VltOtATK THE LA.W ^ ;" AGAIN. ? * . ? .TUB ..'PAKK- ? U [ THBFttWT NATIONAL BAN'S; GEO, F. COLE, Coancillar, O. J. BLUE, Rec Sec.