J W. Noell, Editor. Published Every Wednesday Evening "subscription terms 9 1M ? year, 75 cents for 6 months M cents for 3 months ? Cash in Ad-1 TW Editor is in no way responsible #bt views expressed by correspon Advertising Bstrs Display ads, 35 Cents per Inch. Beading Notices, 10 Cents per line. C Foreign Advert! ?ine Representative " mfc AMERICAN PRE55 A35JC1ATION Entered at the Post Office at Rox fcses, N. C., as second-class matter Wednesday July 1, 1925. SPITE WORK WILL NOT PAY Last Saturday one of our good friends from the country dropped in amd was telling us of the trouble they were having in his section over a certain road. Now, he said, "this is hurting Roxbsro, for I know of ?ne case where a gentleman took out of one of the banks- of Roxboro five thousand dollars and deposited elsewhere because the highway com mission would not build this road." We know nothing of the merits of this stretch sf road but we do know the members of the County High -way Commission, and we know they are all gentlemen, interested in the welfare of the County, and we be lieve if the gentlemen interested in this Toad were to appear before the Board and state their case, and show that it was a necersarjt^stretch the Board would give them due consider ation and if the funds will permit, see that the road is built; but we ?want to say we t"h i n k the gentlemen wanting the road are going at it in ?the wrong way, for spite work never did, and never will, pay. You have beard the old saying, "you can lead * horse to water but you can't make him drink," and it is an old fact you can net catch flies with vinegar. We hope the gentlemen inter ested will get their road, and we believe they will if they will go *t it in the right manner, but we must rememteiH the funds ^for build ing roads ar? limited in this County and the Board can not build a good road by every man's door? they! would be delighted if they could,! but no community will be allowed to I suffer for lack of roads if they can ' 'prevent it, and in most cp ses theyj can, and do, give at least passable roads to every section, especially j where these' good roads connect up with bus lines for the high schools. I We would suggest to our friend thatj he get a good delegation and com$ before the Highway Commission,! talk pleasantly with a smile and see i^ the road is not ordered built. CARING FOR THEIR . OWN HOUSEHOLD It is an acknowledged fact that the funds of the town of Roxboro are running low, and the Town Board baa been put to it to find ways and means to meet all obligations with out raising the tax rate, but it seems 4hey did find at least one thing on the "special tax" which they could boost without fear, and that "special" was the weekly newspaper. The board -is composed of the fol lowing gentlemen, representing the lines of business as indicated: E. JE. Bradsher, hardware, merchant; 4). B. Crowell, lawyer, E, G. Long, banker; O. B. McBroom, bottling works; J. M. O'Briant, hardware' anercbant. Now the special tax on T)ic Csnrier, the -o u!y- n:wepap?r prfW^ Vafcerf in the County was boosted three hundred and thirty-three and ?n? third per cent, while the lines represented by the gentlemen above name* were not raised a penny. We &o not mind contributing our little mite to help out in a good cause bat, hones'tly, don't you think it wisM have lanhsd a litlle inurr like the square thing if the . members of the Board had also been wining Ip snake their little contribution alsor Maybe, it was Just a c >ip "ideate . that tTp~7ini'i .iImk .id. I'iuiifd1 isiju lilnl-. enoagfe and The Courier too low, bat question mark. ? 1 Yes, gentlemen, we will pay thi j raise with pleasure for in reality it la a pleasure; had you shown usi tome special favor we might' ?omc ? time have felt a little reluctance in j making some necessary criticism J bat now oar hands are free and wej can push this old pencil to oar hearts content and make any sensible crlt- 1 tc'Lui wu luaj deaiiCi ? ? j. Chinese Mah-jong played oat, but' yon cant down the Chink. He im mediately started a young war, and will attract attention a while longer. The papers state that the Raleigh police officer will ^ be tried before Judge Sinclair. Our gaess is, that! he's sorry now Re did it. The relief fund for the Sanford J mine victims was slightly oversub scribed, but that was not any fault i of Roxboro or Person County. The mosquito is like a child. When' he stops making a noise, you know he's getting into something. (Albany "Herald.) A resident of Montana' counted 41 I distinct shocks. N-Sonnds like riding ever a detoor, comments the Greens boro News. If a few more shocks I had been included, it would have 1 sounded more like riding over some of the Virginia roads. ? | 'Died, recently, of old age from I natural causes, the Cross-word Puz-' | zle. Funeral services were conduc ted in most every newspaper pre "-s I ucom. Surviving are the Scopes j I Evolution trial, Arctic expedition*, j Grade crossing accidents, Taxes, and the Roxboro Courier Business Direc tory. Or [COWS AND CHICKENS ADD MONEY INCOME Four co\#s and a flock of Barred t Plymouth feoek poultry transformed tlis g;-ain farm of Joe Ridenhor, of R'ikwetl, in Rowan C plenty, North Carolina, from a poJrly-faying en j terprise into one wWch k?eps the level of work abo-.it the same daring | the year and in addition pays a hand some income to the operator. | The story is told by \V. G. Yeayer, | County Agent for the Agricultural I Extension Service of State College, who say?, "Mr. Ridenhour moved to his present farm about four years ago. He -began his-' farming opera tions by growing wheat, corn, and other grains. He kept one cow Two years of grain and cotton farming convinced Mr. Ridenhour that he needed something to supply him with B&re money. Casting about for a solution, he and his wife decided to add more cows' and start a flock of purebred poultry. They did. I visited them last week and found that the dependent grain farm, with its seasons of .overwork and under work, has beerf (transformed into an independent f?#i? with the level of work more nearly uniform through out the year, art! with an established weekly cash iiitfome. Mm. Ridenhour takes good care of the cream and they now have a good batter trade in Salisbury. Tie? sold 996 pounds from the four cows last year for a total -of about $500 in cash. The poultry brought in ab:ut half this amount and according to the increase in flocks and the- bet ter. production now being secured from the cows, they expert to raise their income to over $1000 this year." Mr. Yearger states that this is only a small one-man farm but that it is bringing to its owner success and financial independence. The cows and the poultry pointed the way, he says. WANT ADS It wtil pay y?e ta irsde with Wll bura and Sstterfleld. Try it. FOR SALE ? Red bonad hound pop*. 6 weeks old, ready for delivery^ Apply to J. A. Hamlin, Roxboro, N. C., Route X, SEE OR WRITE R. A. HARREI. Buggy Company, -So. Boston, Va., for low prices on ? Baggies or sur reys with steel o- rubber tirei. Kel' ley-Springfield Tires and Tabes Solid Truck Tires either smooth or catcrptllar tread. Top Work of cars and- baggies. . Repainting can and buggta. fcxtra parts for# baggies I including rubber tires, shafts . wheals, | cushions, tops and axles. New and PrtfM hand Furniture. . . II A- BUtV-tf CO- SO. BOSTOK, VA. . ' e-IWts Uct it at Roxboro Lumber Co. and bank the co$X of repairs. WANTED? T? bay 1000 bushel* of corn at $1.40 .per bushel. Cash, delivered -to our mill, shelled. 6-24-2t BARTON ROLLER MILLS. ! Our customers say that we sell) (rood ghoes, Wllburn and Satter-j "Get it at Heme" Why (to to Now York, Newark. I Hartford, or any other foreign town,! ?iRnn ynn <-?n hont it at ynnr .1 ,r.r | Get the beBt. A Jefferson policy Ui a "Declaration of Independence fori the Family."' ? S. P. Satterfield; Agt FOR RENT ? 5 room Cottage Lights, water and Garage. See C. H. Hunter. 7-l-2ts ? WANTED ? An old-time bureau or cheat of drawer*. If you have one to sell Address Alex Snipes Roxboro, N. C. 6-24-2tp KREE ? With each 50cent Tube Colonial Shaving: Cream, we give a dollar Gillette Razor FREE. HAMJBRICK, AUSTIN & THOMAS 7-1-2U Mr. A. C. Gentry has been appoin ted to collect for the Satterfield In surance Agency. _ Any settlement made with him will be approved by the Agency. ?" S. P. Satterfield. iet your Shoes from Wilburn and Satterfield. WANTED ? Country Ilnms and Side3, Chicken* and eggs. Will pay cash. Bring them to me. J. H. Loy. 7-l-5ts Complete Stock of Screen Wire, Doors and Windows at Roxboro Lum ber Co. We have obligations that mu?t be met. To do this we must collect. If you owe the Satterfield Ins. Agency accounts over 30~ days due, pay a* cnce. S. P. Ss.fterfield, Mgr. . ? " Accidents wil happen; before you leave on R. R. or ear, Call at S 1L 1 Satterflsid's office and get an ,-pci dent ticket. $ >000.00 for 25 cor. s p day. Satterfield Insurance Agency SOY BEANS ? One of the farm ers best friends, will make your land richer as well as increase the flow of your cows milk. Get your seed from Hugh Woods. " ^ LOST? L^ng buckskin pocketb;ck, containing $100 bill and some change, -lost in Roxboro on or r.b^nt June '6th. Finder please rtf'nm *o Courier office. r l-{p. Our line of Clothing f'ir Men il'd Young Men i* unsurpassed, V.'t.'V- j' r and Satterfield. FOR SALE Treated sweet potato plants, Porto Rican and Nancy Hall, 30 cents per 100, $2 50 per 1000. Remit cash with order and postage unless called for. I can furnish you in good time all pla_nts heeded if you will book your orders 6 to "8 Jays before plants are wanted. Apply to J. F. WHITFIELD, . ? Hurdle Mills, N. C? FOUND ? Black hand-bag contain ing wearing apparel, owner may re cover by applying to Chief of Police Oliver and paying for this ad. 7-12ts -t ~ ? ? HAVE? You tried MOTHERS, CHOICE PATENT FLOUR? If you have not you are missing the very best staff of life. Ask*your grocer for it, and take no substitute. WHY ? send your money away ?when you can bay the very best flour on the market made right here at home. Try the brands made by the Woodsdale Roller Mills ? Moth*r? Choice, and Thoroughbred. Send your paint orders (o Koxboro Lumber Co. Highest Quality at right price. YOU'LL FIND THE. SANITARY OAFE a delightful place to eat. Everything new, clean and sanitary. Prompt service of all the market affords, for >>5th ladies and gentle men. Next door to post office. Joe (men, Prop. SOY BEANS ? One of the farm er* best friends, will make your land \ richer as well as mcrease the flow 1 of ? your cows milk. Get your leed from Hugh Woods. Our Oxfords for yoonjt men carry the snap, they embody Quality too, WHbnra and Sajtertleld. Don't go wrong in life insurance. Get the bwt It coat no more. The itMtteon .'lands jupmiiit. Hue B ? Pr StterfleM before you fcsy. """ Satterfield Insurance Agency. -Old and Tried." ? w i - ^ ~ ' FOR, Stiff, r.fchaae and Colard hPtnnta- Leading Tgrietfes -Agents t>er. itxl ciT- -bm ]cjr* for ?? cents post-"1 1 pslff.' Causey Parks, Pi?gah? K. C. tf ?hen you want it Qukk^I'Mm* R?*boro Lumber Co. The basis for character and hon- J esty is the habit of meeting oblig*- i tions. Be prompt to pav your debts ' then yon will be popular' and liked ' by all. If your account is past due call and pay or settle some way. j | Satterfield In3. Agency svl ?"Old and Tried" A Knox or Stetson Hat at Wilburn and Satterfield. BARGAIN ? A 50 cent bottle Colo nial Shoving I nti-in 1 fin Colonial Shaving Cream, A 25 cent' box Mens Talcum Powder, all 3 far "5 cents. . HAMBRICK, AUSTIN & THOMAS 7-l-2ts The Jefferson holds the lead in North Carolina. The people are realizing in no uncertain tones, the superiority of the Jefferson. Get the best it cost no more than the other kind. See Satterfield, District Agent. Do it Today. I From Foundation to Finish for I Mansion or' Hot, You Can Get it at Raxboro Lumber Co. UMBRELLA REPAIRING? I am now prepared to cover them, prices for recovering from $2.00 to $5.00 i Also repair nil umbrellas, don't throw them away because there is a break. Brin; ihom to me and let me fix them for you. A. B. Barnett. . 5-20 13ts. Galvanize Roofing in all lengths at Roxboro Lumber Co. - ? "HAIL INSURANCE" Get it now. $8.00 per acre will pro feet your tobacco crop up to October 15th. See Satterfield Today, Do it now. : .? TOri.'rr GOODS? We carry in stock, the leading domestic and im ported toilet articles. Come to our store for everything for the toilet. HAMBRICK, AUSTIN & THOMAS I 7-l-2te | . - ' . ? ! "MAKE $75.00 to $100.00 WEEK-i ( LY-? An old established company steles a capable dealer for the en tire county of Person. We manu facture 100 useful everyday neces sities, extracts , spices, medicines, et?. Oh market 25 years. Used by millions. Easy to build permanent big paying business. Write today for full particulars. Heberling Medicine Company, Dept. 16M, feloomington, Illinois." C-17-4tp I WANTED ? Salesman far thfc 1 County for popular home necessity. I Good opportunity for a hustler, must ' have car and give good reference. ! Address, C-, care The Courier, lt.p "DONT EXPERIMENT" It may be you can afford to ex periment with trivial matters of little importance, but when it comes to Life and Fire Insurance, you had best go safe. See S. P. SATTERFIELD- . WE WILL ? Buy your corn or wheat, shelled er unshelled, and pay highest cash market price. Bring it any day. Woodsdale Roller Mills Place one Of our Neckties in from of you. Wilburn and Satterfield; Why ask a friend to sign a bond when you can bay it. free and independent. For any and all bonds See S. P. Satterfield ? "Old and Tried." " STATIONERY? A Pound Kara Linen for 45 cents. Regular price 60 cents EVERYTHING in STATIO NERY at bargain prices. HAMBRICK, AUSTIN & THOMAS 7-1-2U "Service Talks" 25 year* of Fire and Life Insur ance Service. Yours for the asking. See Satterfield Insurance Agency. Do it now. S. P. Satterfield. How about a nifty Straw Hat front Wilburn and Satterfield. "BEWARST Watch the inexperienced fellow trying to sell Life Insurance tempo rarily to bridge him over some hard luck. He knows nothing about it. Get the Jefferson known by all men and women too, to be the best. See SATTERFIELD "Old and Tried" FOR RENT ? 6 room dwelling houK, electric lights, etc., on the It?*b??o Durham highway, just out side of trwn. Apply to J. L* Garrett yoar next suit of rjoUteo from Wilburn and Satterfield and get satisfaction I FOR SALE ? Dry pine cord wood! for mth ? >. K-9.7.M ? " . " f K. I- STREET] ALL ? Ready, nothing to ADD ? ! THOUROUGHBRBD SELF- RIS ING FLOUR. Take -no substitute, gjw&rs pel It. Made by the Wo^ds dalv Roller Mills. . LARGE FIGURED GEORGETTES ? separate dress patterns ON BARGAIN COUNTER AT REDUCTION OF Fifteen Per Cent PLAIN BROAD CLOTHS and Basket Weave Everfast Suiting Reduced ym dra from 75c to 4frOC Polka Dot. Satinettes- and Checked Linen ' Suiting 40 inches wide y? Reduced front 85c O J/ C A Special Table of Novelty Shoes Many different Styles in Pumps, Oxford, i o r? n Reduced to ' ?S I cfc WATCH OUR BARGAIN COUNTER DAILY " We Will Welcome You The Peoples Bank "TheT^ank of The People" A woman is a better shopper than a man ; she is more careful and makes money go farther. If every man will give his WIFE a Bank Account, he will soon find out that she SAVES HIM MONEY. - You can open a separate account for your wife in our Bank or a JOINT ACCOUNT for both wife and yourself. * . Come in. ? NOTICE! We Have Just Received a Shipment of Better Come in and get your sui it is ail gone Crowell y\utO Co ? Roxboro, N. C.