PAGE TH*""* )addyTs Everviixp. Fairy Tale ayjAA RY GRAHAM BONNER THE HORSE'S STORY **I have 110 cause for caviplalot," ?aid Raven. the horse. Karen war a very black bone. He was very handsome and-hla owners loved him dearly. He wni the pet of the whole family. "I have every comfort, every con Hlderatlon," Raven continued. Blllle Krownle was sitting percbedop la the COVRIEH , - Wednesday, August 5, 1 One -Profit Studebakers ?at even lower prices , THESE Studebaker Motor Cars, on which uew prices are herewith announced, are the iden tical cars which have given Studebaker tremendous sales volume and thereby lowered production costs. * New prices include all equipment now on our various models, except that bumpers, extra tire, cover and motometer sure no longer furnished on Big Sixes. There is no sacrifice in materials nor in work manship. Studebaker has brought out no new yearly models built to sell at new prices. These are the same Studebakers on which we were able to announce new low prices on January 8th of this year. .The following table forms a striking tribute to Studebaker' s one-profit production. New Prices Effective August 1st All prices f . o." b. factory Standard Six Model* N.w Price Old Price Sarin* Country dub Coupe $1295 $1345 $ 50 Coach 1195 1295 100 ' - - Sedan 1495 1595 100 Special Six Models Big Six Models Price Old Price Sarin# , N?w PHca Old Mm sSS". ! ^1595 $}S? $ 50 Duplex-Phaeton. .$1795 $1875 $ 80 Duplex-Phaeton Coach . . . Brougham . . Victoria ... Sedan . . . 1445 1495 50 Coupe 2045 2450 405 1445 1595 150 ^Brougham. . . . 2195 2575 380 1750 1895 145 Sedan . . ... . 2245 2575 330 1895 2045 150 Berhne . . . 2325 2650 325 Only Ford and Studebaker make in their own plantt all bodies, engines, clutches, differentials, steering gears, springs, gear sets, axle*, gray iron castings and drop forgings used in their cars. Studebaker is the only one-profit manufacturer in the fine car field . THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA! v South Bend, Indiana THIS Ts A STUDEBAKER YEAR Answer to Last Week's Puzzle (>( 3( J ia a prescription for [MALARIA, CHILLS and FEVER DENGUE or BILIOUS FEVER It Kill Tko Germ* So Weak Couldn't Stand "My wlfa'a haalth broka flown and (or TM? aha ni Juat a phyaloal wrack," un Mr. Thamaa Olynn. of Qlb mm, U. "Wa-dld ararythlac wa know, yat aha ?iaaaafl U atond. and had to ba carrtod Ilka a baity. It laekad Ilka nothing would' aaT* CARDUI For Fm* TrwNu *1 bogan looking around. I kua that Oardal waa for wo rn aa. I daddad to try It far bar aa aU alaa had fallad. Sha couldn't oat aha eoolda't atoao, aad I waa daataiaiar "Attar taking a law doaaa of Oardal, wo vara aa glad to aoto that aha waatod aaao thins to aat, aad with aaah hit of nourlakaaBt, aad aacfe day*a doaaa of Oardal, aha graw atroagar aad cat as aat of bad. Sha la now alia to oaok, aad atrongar than la a lone lima." . ? Chidol baa boon M fal uao for aaa la tha trcataaaat aaa fampa Ulrtll 6,000,000 A DAY i In fact, Coca-Cola has an average sale of more than six million drinks for every day in the year. Visit our plant and see how perfectly it is bottled in your own home town. Roxboro Bottling Works Roxboro, N. C.